HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-9-17, Page 4THE
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SANDERS & SWEET.>•,'rops,
THURSDAY, SEPT. 17th, 1891.
The policy of detraction pursued by
Certain class of ,politicians is alike dis,
editable to themselves and injurious
,o the country. It is a proverb 'whose
'truthfulness is equalled only by ;its
homeliness, "'Tis a filthy bird that
foals its own nest". What possible
.;rood can aeerue from a systematic
sottrse of cletraetioil whichexalts the
meigliboring republic at the expense; of
€ a sada? 'We never find Americans
;igi'1 a1ing ,down their country, inueh as
they may dicier on political question,
both parties vie with each other ill
making it appear to outsiders that the
United States are ahead of all creation.
As an illustration of how differently
i 1 ad
fan journals
the 1e To
has for the last few years in-
razriably decreed both the Government
fond the country, representing the for-
mer as a set of plunderers and the lat-
ter as a "wilderness". Not long ago,
that -unpatriotic journal exalted every
thing America.., specking in terms of
highest praise' of trexes and Kansas
:Dakota and Western States, to the dis-
naragemeut of our own North West
erritery. Recently, however, since re.
?oats have reached us of poor crops and
structive cyclones and heavy snort
�.nge°indebtedness borne by farmers in
the American States, -leading, as in
She ease of hundreds of families from
Dakota,to their crossing over into Can-
adian territory to better their fortunes,
—the Globe and other gait newspapers
'have tuned their attention to the *re-
erl:able growth" of Washington ter -
eatery as a contrast to the state of things
revealed by the last Dominion census.
Those unpatriotic detractors of their
torntry delight in jubilating over the
geowth and prosperity of some of the
-Western States, while they speak dis-
3eriragingly of Canada; forgetful of the
lelemomenal growth of, Vancover and
ether Canadian cities on the Pacific,
which have eclipsed almost everything
. 'Fele kind m toe neighboring repub-
_i'a The rapid growth, for example, of
aileover city at the terminus of the C.
It --sheaving; a population„ of about
x4,OOO in the course of three or four
years—exceeds anything in the history
the republic; while other cities such
ass Now Westminster, and victoria, B.
tt,• have advanced by leaps and boun 1s
rra • opulittion and in commercial pros-
.er•ity since the opening up of our great
.r,ost;a Western territory by means of
dee transcontinental railway. If the
Mabe: and other sheets of that stamp
ere true friends to their country, they
rccsild inform their readers of the fer-
Wity of our North Western prairies;the
ae1 brious climate of British Cdlumbi t,.
the mineral wealth of Sudbury and
Lao Superior districts, the immense
minion fisheries of the Pacific Coast,the
Ir anhaustible coal deposits on the
Soiaxas and Saskatchewan rivers, and
atie:almost illimitable fertile territory
fleet awaits the arrival of immigrants
tom the Mother Country and from
. a'trope. But no! they would rather
relate this magnificent country a "wild-
eu'asss," aid keep before the eyes of
Britielaers and Europeans the huge in.
elatedness of Canada as a bugbear to.
lighten intending emigrants, while in
tie•s-a•Ine breath they profess to bewail
«;ieh, crocodile tears the slow growth of
.x•population as compared with. the
tnited States, In a recent communi•
oration t:icai to the London Times some rent-
z1oh calling himself "a Canadian cor-
sapondent" has thought fit to try duel
plasm xl the° minds of British emigrants
ray za wilfulmisrepresentation ofCanad-
ian .i:ffalrs: insinuating that "hntntireds
,,1°ttousalnds of dollars of the -money in
its;.edr" by'..English people in this e01.111-
otal-o f have been squandered by the goy.
,+1.•:siment, and that Ottawa officials have
+FIs iraffem,ing at the public expense,
Reiff the :0:tame eorrespendent only re
ilereed., to Quebec instes,d of Ottawa,and
;ll+tau huge "steal" of Mercier & Co. in
3.l eratter of the Bai,y Chaleurs subsidy
•..;nerd would have been some justifica-
Im for his depreciatory ternaries. 13ut
taaat would not have served the plr-
`ee. It surely says little', for the petit.
keel mortility certain. newsna ers
,aenel pamphleteers in Canada that eve
.etlt9'T,1 emoung' us those whes stematic
� 3'
ree;i£beltheir country, and detract
our financial credit in the money
fits of England; by circulating
:reports as to the . indebtedness or
rr really prosperous Condition of this
ee'antxy as shown by the trade returns,
k":i1el eepposing the Opposition were to
teeeseeod by stick base means in reach -
:1. y (tete Treltsury henchee, every one
knows that they would be compelled to
eat their own words and pursue a very
different course of representation in or.
der to induce British moneylenders to
invest on Canadian security, or to in-
duce British and foreign emigrants to
come in and possess the fertile and ex-
tensiye territory that lies open before
In Loudon, Eng., the general topic
of conversation among business men
has been the extraordinary quick run
made by the Canadian Pacific mail be-
tween Yokohama and Liverpool. The
whole d.stanee between Japan and Lon
don was accomplished in less than 21
dace -thus breaking the record bar over
ten days, as the postal guide gives 31
days for delivery of the'ivails in Lon..
'don from China ante Japan. Whenit
is remembered that the time table al-
lows 43 days via the Sues Canal for
transmission of the mails to England,
the calnparisoli in favor of the Canadi-
an iso our
all route is calculated .to >.1
country in the estinlatiolt of business
men with whom time is money. For
aleft ry purposes, as well as for speedy
postal despatch, the route along the C.
P. R. will doubtless in fuiure be "con-
sidered preferable. President Van.
Horne has stated that what was done
last week as an experimerit,'will here-
after be done by the C. P R. Company
as the rule. The London Times, re-
markin.g on the quick rho just accom-
plished, says it is -a feat "pregnant with
important issues for the future of the
Empire." Apropos to this subject, and
also to the extensive harvest` yield' in
our North West territory, it is worthy.
of notice that during the last few days
Canadian- etock has gone up in the
money market, while. C. P. 1. stock
continues to advance although it had
risen above 90. This reminds us, by
the way, of the great sacrifice 'which
the Hob. Mr. Abbott has' made in ac-
cepting the Premiership,when he gave
orders to his agents in London to sell
out his interest in C. P. R. stock. Had
he not taken theoffice of Premier, end
retained his stock in the railway, Mr.
Abbott would today have been the
gainer by $100,000. And yet with all
these facts before the public, the Globe
and other newspapers of that ilk would
bespalter the government and malign
the countrv.
Sell faille's Sensation,
Great surprise was e:,_used here
Weinesday of last week when it be,
came known that M. L. Messett, a 72 -
year -old resident of this town, who has
been e widower for Duly e few weeks,
had'heen arrested for abduetiou. His
preliminary trial before Mr. John Beat
tie, magistrate, brought out the fact
that he had induced Catharine Kenne
dy, a girl aged 12 years, to elope with.
him and proceed to Exeter, where, tie
coi'dfwgto the girl's story, as told in
court, they were to have been mar
vied. 'i'ho couple, he-Weyer'
did not
reach their destination, for the girl's
mother gut wind of the aliatr and the.
couple were arrested at .Clinton, the
girl having been attired in a travel
ing outfit by the aged lover. ,
Mr W. 0. Smith, barrister, of this
town, defended Messett at the trial,
but as the evidence submitted was
clear end conclusive the magistrate
committed the prisoner for trial; and
h; was taken to Goderleh jail.
We have neither time nor space for the
Senate Committee's I eport on the Bay
Chaleurs scandal. But in substance it
finds the Quebec Premier, tied Pa.caud
and his associates, guilty all along the
line. The report charges that Arm-
strong was not entitled to a cent of the
$175,000 that Pecaud received out of
that sum. $100,000, part of which went
to pay Premier Mercier's private: debts
that the balance was given to Pacaaud
and his Confreres, who received tine
money illegally to the robbery of the
Bay Chaleurs Railway—and that ' Mr.
F. Langelier has failed to establish his
charges of embezzlement against the
Hon, Mr..It:obitaille. Such is the sub-
stance of the draft report submitted by
the Sena te's Committee Of investigation
and although it consists of a simple
narration of facts sworn to under oath,
nothing could be more condemeatory
as an exposure of the extensive "hood
ling" carried on by Mercier's gang for
political purposes.
May bo used externally or internally,
and for all the pains and aches' that
afflict humanity, it is the great pan a-
cea. No one need suffer pain with this
great remedy in the house. Soli by all
druggists; price 50 cents per bottle,
and it is \Orth its weight in gold.
Clark Chemical Co, Toronto, New
Mr. and Mrs. Toenian, of Dundee,
friends teed relatives in
this vl inity, Mr. Jonathan and Jacob
Merner 'oho have been prospecting in
the Northwest for the east two or three
weeks,returnedhome last Friday. They
say they are very much pleased with
that pert of the country.—Miss Maggie
Lippert who has been visitina her home
for the past month left for Chesley last,
Wednesday whereshe will remain for
some time. Maggio will be missed by
her many friends.—A Geese aad A
Hen [iffier] had a scrap i:u one of the
stores: last week. The Hen [Mr} start-
ed to pick at the Geese, but the Geese
not being able to bear the picking flap
ped his win;' and tool: the Henicier]
under the chin whereby the Hen �ifier}
made rapidly his exit the Geese follow-
ing and soon over took him. He did
the Hen [iffy] no serious harm but the
both had a jolly good chuckle and made
up fcionds,—Last Monday' while. Mr,
Harry Dumart andMr. Henry Magel
where returning from the fair ground
with a horse and rig belonging .to Mr.
IH. Wells, the bolt which held the shaft
to the•ax',e on one side came out caus-
ing the front wheels to turn half round
and throw the both occupants violently
to the ground. The horse inimediato-
1', started off and Mr, Harry Dum nit
clung to the lines for some time but
was at last compelled to let go, the
horse ran as far Pieni e's hotel 'where
caught. No serious damage was done
except Mr. Dumar;t receiving several
s'cratches'i v being dragged .along the
ground.--Mr..Louis Roedcling of
sonburg is visiting in town. Louis
looks hale and hearty.
South Huron... Exeter,... Sep. 28-29
Hensall ......:.. Hensall... " 15-16
" 16-17
Northern Ex.hi'o.Goclerich,. " 16-18
Northern Fair ... Ail'a Cr'ig , Sep 20-80
Mitchell.:, ......Mitchell 23-21
Blanshard .TCirkton ...Oct 8-9
South Perth.St. alarys.. " 29-80
North Perth ...... Stratford. Oct 1-2
NorthwesternWingharn..Sep 19-80
Huron CentralClinton. r:: Sep 28-30
East Huron. Brussels , ... Oct 1-2
Subscribe for the Anvooe TE for the
balance of the year for 25 cents.
Cr laroel's Fritr—Beatty Bros.' large
frame livery stable and contents were
burned on Wednesday of last week.
A number of cutters, two cabs and
phaetons and buggies and all their
harness were destroyed. The fire
spread across the street to the large
new brick building,just completed by
Beatty Bros., in which they had just
placed their horses. The flames got
through a window ftp stairs and ignit-
ed a large quantity of straw, and only
after the floor:e were greatly damaged
did the brigade drown out the fire. A
stable in the rear belonging to Joseph
Copp was burned; Mr. Copp ,getting
his valuable stallion out. The frame
livery stable was owned by D. Kenne-
dy; insured. Loss about 5800. Beat-
ty Bros, had no insurance;' Idss be-
tween $S00' and $900, 17r. '.Turnbull
lost two buggies, harness and robes,
Mr. Willzie lost a horse. All the other
horses were turned looee before the
fire gotthC01,
September 17th to 26th, 1891.
Live Stock, a1.5rie:ilmeall.
Industrial and Art Exhibition
All diseases successfully treated by
a new system of non-poisoliieg and
tasteless medicines. Send for free book
explaining system and testimonials of
the most remarkable cures on record.
SPRINCr uo n-oN-T1fa-Oiu IT, Ont.
i%roh 18,1881
13'istogenotie Medicine AssociatiMon:
Crontlemen, en,—Wishing to testify to tete sn-
perior metilodo of Hist oce{lgtt0 1leciieiuofor
the cure of lung disoaaos,T, silbmit the follow
1115 statue aut:9 w0 years ago .f found ✓,myself.
as a result of exposure to cold and wet
'vouther, taking frequent (olds. I took a
severe 110u5h eau got rut. ',town in vitality
,and hal several spells of hem orhuge of the
.bugs, 1 coughed a great (toalin the morn-
ing and some during the night. 1 consulted
two og throe physicians,sicianb
' one very
clover Tor-
onto .physician. trea ted me without
medicine, by hand rubbing, and did me eon-
siderable good, but in the course of time the
heinorage returnee.
Two of the physicians I consulted consid-
ered mine a serious case, and onoave 010 to
understand it was Boneless, and I have no
doubt that consumption would. soon Ibave
ceased nay cleat'h. I heaad.about the new
system of medicine and,consulted Dr. Rear
at the head office for candela, 10 Young st.
irark.et,wifo examined me and thonght !•lis-
togoneticrenieclies would euro me is abort
six weeks. I commenced. taking the medic-
ine about Jan. L In two weeks the cough
and breathing wore: bettor. '.l'1to amount of
sputa rapidly lessened. The was consider-
able broohitis and it soon dissappoarocl. lily
strength carne again with astonisiting'rnlxicl-
itv, and the rapid breathing dissappoared. I
have not had anthem orrhage since the first
lot of medicine was taken, 1 have gained
steadily in the body generally as well as the.
lungs, and feel almost as well as i eyer did.
T eau walk. fast now or do anything m a
hurry and not got rapid breathing or palpit-
ation. Sam now followingmy usual emplov-
mentand can stand any kind. of weather. It
is the best treatment for the lungs 'I have
ever kn.own a ndI can oonscientiouslvreoom-
menri'it to my friends and aceeeintaeees
wlto may need lung treatment as far superior
to any other system. Sinoereiy,.
Willbe at ExeterCeutral
Hotel," on Tuesday Oct.
6th, from 9.30 a, r,, to
5.30, p.io,, aiid at l eusall,
"Heiisall1-lotel," same day
(Tuesday) from 6 p. lug., to
9 next, morning.
Large increase of Exhibits and At-
tendance Ley Year.
1890 was good, but 1891 will be better.
S25,000 IN PRIZES!
Attractions, etc., which are being ar-
ranged'for, will surpass any yet
SpecfailExcursion.l?cttes on all Railways'
Entries close September -1251x. For Prize Eists
and information apply to.
Capt, A. 'T'. Porte. Pres. Thos. A. Brown e,Soc
Mr. George Srnallcombe wishes to
inform the citizens of Exeter and'sur-
rounding country that he has opened
--out a new—
Tailoritlg and Gents' Furnish-
ing Establishment in
Fsnsoli's Block.
llistogelletic Medicine Association.
Rooms 2 and 3 Albion'aloolc, Mob tu end S t•
London, Read Whets for Western Ontario.
Head Office for Canada,' 19 Yonge Street
Market, Toronto. May 14-1 ,y.
• Mention Exeter "Anvoca'rr."
It is a hard, uncontrovertible fact that more disease
is directly attributable to disorders of the Stomach
than to all the other organs combined; this is not hard
for oven The unprofessional to understand when we
take into consideration the mass of food that itismade
the receptacle of for a time, there to be churned, dig
Bested and: so assimilated. - ,
(an artificial gastric juice—formula on every label') will
aid the weak stomach and socnre Iodage_stion,llyspep
psiaetc. 3n fat it is a good aid to digest a hearty
dinner, and can do no' harm. as itis eoiyadding an extra
amount of gastric juice, fines not stimulate, and so there
is no reaction.' Endorsed by physicians. Sends els., iD
postage for valuable hook to HAZTN MORSE,
The Leading Oil Firm of Canada,
Are ill. �l asinp• thepublic with oils, KWh use an oil that
AI st le Y
will injure your machinery when you can
get the 3elebratecl
I have a positive remedy for the above disease; by its
use thousands of eases of the worst del and of long
standing have been. cured. Indeed se s tong is my faits,
in its efficacy, that I will send TWO BOTTLES r,nEPg,
with n VALUABLE TREATISE 111 .bas 11iaeaao to any
sufferer who will send me their EXPRESS and P.O. address.
Latest designs of goods always on hand, ' EMPORIUM.
find made' up in the latest V yb
American Styles at Right
Ladies Jackets and Mantle
making attended to.
The Exeter Fall Show.
Prize Medals,
At the South Duron Fall Shop to be
held at Exeter on
Monday & Tuesday,Sept,28 & 29 '91.
Sap ,
Tlie following'Plilzn MEDALS given'
by the Ontario Agricultural and Arts
Association, will be offered for competi-
tion in addition to the premiums men-
tioned in the regular published prize
List, viz: T'or the best herd of cattle
any breed, said herd to consist of 4 fe
finales and a brill,—a silver medal, For
the best pen of sheep of any breed,—
pen to consist of one ram, pair of aged
ewes,pair of Shearlitig ewes anti pair
of ewe lambs;• --a bronze medal. No
special entrance fee required to Com-
pete for the above,
M. Y. MCLr,5N4 ifoili.I<> rammel
,Secretary. President
Cylinder, Lardine, Wool, Eureka, Spindle, Boltout
ing9 Solar, Enron.
CC011 Bros.
BESSETT OS., Exeter,
4' ntart
C1oC11iill ouL
are the latest goods in ----
and overcoatings, just arrived.
All Will be made up in the Latest Style and a
GoodGoodfit EveryTime or no Sale.
Remember the Stance one Door North of E. H, Fish's
Barber Shop.
Give me a call.
aavie keel let'`eekt,eeena 111`0 5.13
It will pay you to call on us if you want anything
ware such. as
'ails, Hinges, Locks, Glass,
Paints and Oils.
in Hard
jlw Stoll( of Jiiijthi,9 Joilitsio4ns Goifiratog Liquig
NEW WYOLier'ns.
Babes, Pl.s,irs, trip, Beach' 87. Galvanized wins away
down for cash.
Wheatperbushel.. $0.90 to 0,05
Barley.. • 48 to 45
Oats, .... -30 to 30
Peas GO to 60
Butter 18 to13
Eggs ... ... 13 to 13
Potatoes per bus . 35 to 40
Hay per ton .. ..... , . 5.00 to 6.00
Wool 18 to 10
to children if you
wish.for their future
welfare. Morse's. O iij
oerole of' Celery Cons
pound, Exact formula on.
every label, is a safe rem-
edy for teething infants '
and nervous adults. En.
dorsed by physicians.
Send two cent stamp for
descriptive circular to
HGrozo Nor$O, Bufa o, i1: 1.
We care the most complete stock of
Musical instruments in the county.
'The above instruments always on
Terms to suit Purchasers.
1891. Summer Sailing. 1891.
Liverpool, Derry, Quebec and Montreal.
From From.
Liver- Steamship: Men -
Tool .real..
Sept. I SARDINIAN .Sept.]A
10 14MONooti.AN 0
°' 17 PARISIAN Oct. :1 4
e, 24 CII1CA59.tAN " 70 4,11
Oot, 1 PoOYNr182AN " 1.7 " 18
8 SARDINIAN " "4' " 25
" 15 1CON00LIAN. Nov. 4 Nov, 8
22 PARISIAN '." 7 " S
24' CIIICASSIAN 11 14 " 11
ifov. 5 Pcr,y01u12N `! 21 " 22
Sept. 20
Oct. 1
To Londonderry or Liverpool.
ny S. S. Parisian, $G0, $70, $80 single; $110,
$150, $150 return.
:By other Steamers f'0>'1, 5, .±±00 single; $OG,
501, $t15 return.
Intermediate ay3000,return $00.00. Steerage
$20,00, return 9.40,00.
John Spaekir uiii,
All men can't be i
Apollos of strength
and form, but all
may have robust
health and strong
nerves and clear.
minds. Our treat-
ment makes such
men: The methods
are our own exclusively, and where
anything is left to build upon, the
' is easily, quick-
ly, permanently
restored. Weakness, Nervousness,
Debility, and all ille train of evils
from early errors or later excesses,
the result of over -work, sickness,
worry, etc., forever cared. Full
strength development, and tone giv-
en to every organ ant. portion of the
body. Simple, natural methods. IIIc
mediate improvement seen.. Failure
impossible. 2,e00 references. Book,
explanations and proofs mailed
(sealed) free. Address,
A 0.
ERIE oonEDrO�.. , c