HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-9-10, Page 8READ illAKEIV
sUiaii ftn
Toys S, Polish .pictures
Beads Shoe " Spice Jars
Dolls Mateh Safes Sails Nid
1tug:s. Needles Pules
Balls H. Pius Clampers
Purses 'Thimbles Tacks
L. Pencils Bullous Agate S. Drivers
Broaches ca Pearl P. Coni
Chains Hkuidkerehief C. Openers
Cups Towels C. Tongs
Toy Books Neckties F. Shovels
Knives Fans
M.Ornans Splashers
Whisls • T. Mats
Soaps Bibs
N. ]gushes Ten Pails.
S. Ten Sleepers
Clothes " T. P. Stands
Black'g " Comb Cases
Stove •t( Dust Pans
Tooth: " Pie Plates
Combs Trays
Toy Brooms Goblets
S. Lifters
Toast Forks
Dippers '
Egg Beaters
C. Tuners
L. Squeezer
C. Screws
S. Ladles
Call and see J. H. Grieve's $2,50
pants made to order.
Don't forget to call on E. H. Fish
before going to the fairs, it will pay
Ladies ask to see our Pauline kid
gloves, we are selling them at 75e., reg-
ular price $1.
Mr. Samuel Sanders, of this place, dug
a potatoe out of his garden the other day
that weighed 1* pounds.
Sealettes, Persian Curls, Astriehans
Chevaits and all the new things in
mantle goods at R. Pickard & Son.
Purity Of Ingredients and accuracy
of` compounding, makes Miiburn's Aro-
matic Quinine Wine the criterion of
It will pay you to call on E. H. Fish
for a hair it and shave before going
to the fairs, as it would cost you more.
when there.
Hood's Sarsaparilla has a steadily
increasing popularity, which can only
be won by an article of real merit.
Give it a trial.
A Single Scratch. may cause a fest
ering sore Vietoria Carbolic Salve
rapidly heals cuts, wounds. bruises,
burns and all sores.
The ADvo0ATE will be sent to any
address for the balance of the year 1891
for 25 rents, paid in advance. Now is
the time to subscribe.
Richard Pickard & Son are show-
ing the largest stock of mantles in
town imported by themselves direct
from Europe, call and see them.
Richard Pickard & Son are showing
the: most elegant range of dress goods
in blacks and leolors, all the correct
things, it will do You good to see them
Gents. for ordered ,clothing go to
Richard Pickard & San's, the carry
the best range of tweeds,.worsteds and
overcoatings and import -them them•
The store front of Bissett Bros. has
'been newly painted during she past
week and the new coat makes a won-
derful iniprovemont on the appearance
of the building.
A scaffold has been. erected in the
front of the Central Hotel for the pur-
pose of allowing workmen to stand up-
on while repainting the building which
was damaged by the late tire.
Large quantities of grain are being
marketed here daily. "Tile price still
keeps up andthe farmers seem anxi-
ous to dispose of it. The sample is the
best that has been seenin this section
for some tinge.
For several days past workmen were
.en ;aged. tearing tap the sidewalk re
a:elttly damaged by the fire and replae-
'lug the same with new, This was need
ed very muck as it was somewhat dan-
gerous before.
A rumor has it that sevci al of our
young ladies have decided to eonquor
the art of bicycle riding and have. been
seen spending several of their leisure
hours in the rural districts of this vin-
]age,trying to accomplish their desire.
On Tuesday morning while Mr.
Frank Wood was in the act of driving
from Main to James st., his horse stum-
bled on a stone. crossing and fell. The
animal received several slight cuts ori
the head, but no further damage was
Mr. Richard Gould has a pear tree in
his lot in this villagethat was grafted
one year ago last spring, and there is
at present upon the new branch 40 of
the, prettiest pears you would wish to
see, They aro of a large size and
splendid flavor and are Spoken of as be-
ing the choicest of fruit.
It is stated that the 30th and 33rd
regiments are by 'far the lair est in
camp at 'St. Thomas. Everything be-
ing considered: the appearance of the
various Battalions is good, but it is
noticiabte that
a great
m e'
hapstte majority,are `new men, corn
parattvely unused to drill.
We were shown a flower on Wednes-
day called the !'snowball" in full bloom,
It came ,tl ef a bush growing in ' the
garden of ilia, Joseph Peart, and as.,thi$
is the secon(1 t.un(x it has bloomed this
• eon it is considered a eiafo'ity, Some
of the oldest sottlei;s saw the thray never
heard tell or the like before;
Parkhill rate of taxation this year is
26 mills on the yp,
Messrs. ILllAtl:Ingham ander.,Treble
havecompleted five hooks which are
used lu connection with a Boon, and
ladder company. Three, of thorn are
about 1 foot long while the other two
are tela, The plan of the new truck is
not quite 11)315hed but the work is be-
ing rapidly pushed forward.
$190,480.00 will begiven in prizes
of from $4.50 to 15,00000 during .this
month of September to lucky
ticket holders in the Montreal. Sweep-
stakes, &e. Send a dollar for a ticket
or a lc, or 3e. stamp for open oi.''sealed
:iirculars, with the full particulars
to D. EitGLisft & Co., Printers, 30
St. George.. Street, Montreal.
Mr. 'Wm. Orns, who has been running
a "temperance house" at the station, ab-
sconded one day Dist week. Mr. Wm.
Ballentyne, Liteese Inspector, of Sea
forth, having received several com-
pltiin;s from this village of the man in
question violation the liquor law, arriv-
ed here on Tuesday and visited the
place, finding several bottles of liquor,
which he took in his possession, and sob ,
peenaed the landlord to appear before
the Justice of the Peace on the following
Friday, but he uot wishing to come in
contact'with the magistrate made, good
his escape before that date. We are in-
formed that the family will soon leave.
Our merchants throughout the will•
age have been very busy during the
past week unpacicing• and checking off
large quantities of goods of all kinds.
The' greater portion ofthem have been
purchased in England and we are in-
clined to think that farmers dealing
with our merchants this fall will re-
ceive such bargains that were never
offered before to the public. The diff.
erent millinery departments are not
behind, thee, have their milliners, &who
have been away to London and Toron-
to attending the millinery openings,
busily engaged trimming hats in the
latest fall styles. It is understood that
their openings will take place during
the week of the fair when every lady
is invited to attend. Don't forget the
date of the fair and visit the numerous
bixsnesslaces throughout the
p a t evillage.
A good smart boy to learn Tailoring
apply to J. H. Grieve, Main Street, Ex-
eter, Ont.
Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of
boots and shoes that need repairing to
be left at the leading boot and shoe
store next door to the post office, G.
A. waterproof overcoat was lost on
Monday, August 24th, in the vicinity
of Snell's bridge, Stephen. The finder
will be suitably rewarded by leaving
same at this office.
A dark colorod cow—farrow—on or
about 10th inst. Any information as
to her whereabouts will be liberaily re•
warded by leaving the same at this of.
lice or with W. G. Bissett, Exeter.
A union meeting of the teachers of
East and West Huron Will be held in
the Clinton public school on Thursday
and Friday, September 10th and llth,
The programme embraces subjects. of
interest to the profession.
Huron ASSizes
Mr. Justice Falconbridge commenced
his fail circuit Sept 7. with the assizes
for Huron county. The docket of civil
cases numbers 12, and of criminal cases
there will probably be three; of the lat
ter, two of aggravated assault and' the
third a larceny.
Law Ior Farmers.
In the legal columns of a city daily
it is laid down as good law that a far,
mer is not bound to have his gates
closed on his farm or otherwise fenced
to keep cattle out of it. Cattle going
on his property or through an open gate
or otherwise are legally liable to beim-
pounded. He is bound to keep his cat-
tle from trespassing on other people's
property, but he is not bound to keep
other peopleoutof his by fence or any
other means.
The ist of September.
The shooting of hares, pheasants,
wild ducks, etc., became lege. on the
1st of September. It was the general
impression that this should have been
a splendid season for game breeding
but those who have been in tate woods
report coveys yer,y scarce, only a few
birds to be put up. Of duels, there
are a few on the river and black creek
but there are so many sportsmen after
them that they are wild and do not re-
main long in one place. Several black
squirrel have been seen but few have
been captured. Altogether the season
doesnotgive much promise to sports
Fond of Snort,
On Sunday evening as a couple of
• going ge
our citizens were to a gentle-
man's residence, on Gidley Street, they
heard what they thought to he the
cries of a coon in one of the shade trees
on the street. After informing the in
habitants of the house and procuring
assistance from several neighbors, and
having brought out all the lamps that
were'ebtainablc, they set them in suit
able positions to aid them in capturing
their prey: When all had become arm
ed with heavy clubs they " gathered
around the tree, but one of the party
thinking it would be wise to get a
couple of doge which belonged to -a
neighbor hbol
• not far distant set out to ob-
their services. Returning' in. a
few minutes with the noble animals alt
again aseemhlcd,when one of the party
climbed the tree to shake out the game,
which had been crying piteously all
the time. Imagine their surprise when
the tree began to be shaken and a
small . owl flew mit of the top which
aided much dissatisfaction to the group
congregated below.
5.%oe niili?eo eeeinge.
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment at the `fowl Hall, Exeter, 3rd
Sept. 1891. All present except Mr.
Darling. 1liuutes of previous meeting
were read and confirmed. -0. Christie—
wr.. G. Bissett that orders be granted for
the followinf, suets vie:—Thos Horn
$92, for four tanks per contract; II.
Spackman 515.65 for street lamps &e.
W. S. 818.811, lumber and Jas Creech,
$2 charity to bars. McIntosh. --Carried
By law No, 10, 1891 wasduty read and
passed—\V. G, Bissett ---D, A. Ross.
0, Christie—W. G. Bissett that this
council adjourn until call of the Reeve.
Carried. 31. Eacee r"r, Clerk.
On Wednesday, .at \\Talkertou, Mr,
Daniel Dyer, a former Exeter boy, was
married to Miss Shannon, of that place.
They tool; the train shortly after the
ceremony was performed for L-teisail
from which place they will visit Zurich
and return here on Thursday evening
They intend remaining here batt a
short time as the newspaper business
in which Mr, Dyer is engaged demands
his return at speed fly as possible. We
are sorry to loose him, and feel justified
in asserting that his many old friends
extend their heartfelt congratulations
to him and his newly iiedded bride,.
anlifd may success crown their united
endeavors in fighting the battles of
tf.ehool Truants.
Now that the school vacation is over
and the teachers have again resumed
their duties, we think thata few words
of instruction to parents would not be
amiss.—At the last session of the On-
tario'Government an act was passed
making attendance to schools compul-
sory on all children between the ages
of 8 and 14 years; parents 'wllo keep.
children at home, or persons who ;eine
ploy them, if they should be at school
are liable to a fine of 520,. The exempt-
ions made are that if children receive
instruction at home, are sick, or it is
ab-so1utely necessary: that they be em-
ployed. The act applies to all munici•
parities, and Council boards are under
the necessity of appointing a truant of-
ficer; who shall see that the actis en
Regarding the Fair.
Now is the time, before the fair day
arrives, for all to begirt to do some-
thing towards making the exhibition
a success, and that you are not only
alive but a showman. Show as large
a variety as you can and if you are
not successful in obtaining a prize in
every class you compete; in, you will
likely receive a number of then that
will pay you for your trouble. Don't
get discouraged because your neigh-
bor beat you last year, as the thought
of being beaten should only be a sec-
ondary consideration to all. Take an
interest in all proceedings and you
will be amply repaid for ,your labors.
Your enthusiasm will mean progress,
not only to yourself but to the society,
and success is the twin sister. of prog-
ress. Remember the date-'z:`tid bring
along anything you have arae home and
let us have one of the largest exhibits
eyer shown in Huron.
An Interestingated-
'Kansan case Terznin-
At the Assize Court held in Goderich
this week there was tried` the action of
"O'Neil vs. Murdock". Much interest
ivas taken in this by many in Hensall
and elsewhere. The action wasone_for
Thousands of dollars damages for false
imprisonment of phi'. The result was
that a verdict for $40 was returned by
the fury for the pllf. Mr. Justice Fah
conhridhe,who tried the ease, however
only allowed plaintiff Division Court
Costs, some $20 and granted defendant
High Court Costs of their defence,
hence plaintiff's action for the thousand
dollars resulted in a judgement again-
st herself of about $200 being the dif.
ference between the Division Court
Costs awarded plaintiff and the High
Court Costs awarded defendents, Messrs
Garrow and Proudfoot acted for plain.,
tib Mr. Aylesworth, Q. C., Toronto,
Philip Ilolt, Goderich and L. H. Diek
son, Exeter, acted. for defendant.
An entrance was effected to the Dry
Goods and Grocery Store of r J. Spack-
man ,& Co., through a cellar door at the
rear end of the building ort Wednesday
night of last week, by some unknown
person or persons The entrance was
made by boring a combination of .toles
in the door in a circular form so as to
.:noel: in the centre,makiig a hole suf-
ilGientl large: t
'tl tC1..put lel 1
y ,, , one's s hand
and remove the bolt. After making
their' way up the steps inside they en-
tered the office, where the safe stood,
and which they opened without difficul
ty as it was not loekcd, After rausack-
ing several papers " they " final;y 'left
without disturbing anything furthers --
A similar entrance was made the foll-
owing evening (Thursday) to the store
of J. N, Howard, but fared as in the
former case, Nothing whatever was
missing.—Still another entrance : was
effected through the back
Sptckman's Hardware Store on Tues-
day night. When he came to his busi•
ness on Wednesday morning he ,found
the door open, and ou looking outside
diseovored foot prints of dust on the:
platform outside. Nothing seemed to
have been disturbed in the building
and it is not known whether anything
is taken or not, No trance of the burg
Permonnl aYentiort,
Mr. Richard .Bissett incl son, of Lon.
don, were visiting in town over Sur.
day.—Mr, John Veal who has been
visitinghis daughter in tDetroit
several days has returned.—Miss Mary
Sanders who has been attending the
Detroit Exposition returned on Satter
clay es ening.—Mr and Mrs. A. J. Ben.
nett returned on Friday evening after
being on a Wedding toe'. in. several
eastern cities.—Miss Smith, who has
been away on her summer vacation, is
again to be found 'in thernillinery de-
paitrent of Mr, E, J, Spackman & Co,
n••w,.,...•....,s.,,......,,d..4 ,......v., 0,..c•.;..,.•
-Mr, Matthew Ellwood, who has been.
lewreing the barbering hnsiness with
E. li Fish, hal:, eeeniod a situation with
Albert Hasttng land began work on
31 onlay:— Rev, 1." D. Steele of reirkton,
gave us a cell on Monday, ie Bonnett-
ion with business pertaining to the
Harvest . s�estH1 no'ewhich hrt willbe hold in
St. Paul's eh n; ch on Sunday next,—
Rev. Mr. Sermon, of Hensall, gaye sov-
eral friends in the village a call of
short duration on Monday,—Mr.Robert
Elston, of Grand Rapids, Mich„ is visit
ing relatievs and friends in and around,
the Lill mge.—AIF• Chris llodg•son of
Port Perry, arrival in town on Mon-
day evening.—Miss Jessie' Vospor Left
on Tuesday for Hcspler where she will
remain for a short time. -One of ;Lse
ter's yearly visitors, in the person of
Pete the Indian passed through here
on Tuesday morning. -Mr. Chester
Prouty. clerk of the Township of Step -
heti,: left
Ste -
hen,,'left on \\reclneeday to have a shofb
vacation. During his absence lie in,
tends going as far as New Yorl City,
Montreal, and several piaees north of
Toronto. Ile is expected to be absent.
about one mouth.—Mr.L. 1I. Dickson
raturned frot. Gpderich 'ou Taesday
evening where he had been on busi-
ness for several clays.—Mies Fahey Da-
vis and Mrs. David Spicer left on Wed-
nesday morning for reroute, the for-
mer will remain for about two weeks
to visit friends and attend the Indust
rial Fair, while the latter will look atf•
tegthe interests of millinery.—Miss
Farr, of Parana, lifter her eummor hole
idays, has returned to take charge of
Mrs. David Spicer's millinery depart-
nient.—Mr. Geo, Anderson left on Tues
day for Fingall to remain withrelativcs
and friends for a'few days.—Mrs; Amos
wife of. Dr. T. A. Amos, is at present in
Toronto enjoying the pleasures of city
life.—Mr. ]frank Dareh who has been
engaged as hostler at the Mansion
Hous°, left on Weclnesdav for London.—
•Mr. J. A. Stewart is away ona business
tour in Toronto.. -Miss J. L. Colley,
of. St. Mary's, after spending her vaca-
tion in the 'Stone Town, and being
present at the millinery opening in
Toronto last week, returned here on
Tuesday evening to take ehar•ge of
thisbranch auc of the business in connect
ion with lar. A, J. Mc1'avislt & Co.'s
store. Mr. H. Hinsman returnee., on
Monday night after haying had an ex-
tended trip through Simcoe, Peterbor
ough, and Hope township, the latter
place being where he spent the greater
portion of childhood days. He has been
absent from hero about seven weeks,
and seems to be much taken .np with
the country.
May be used externally or internally,
and for all the pains and aches that
afflict humanity, it is the great pana-
cea., No one need suffer pain with this
great remedy in the house. Sold by all
druggists; price 50 cents per bottle,
and it is worth its weight• in gold.
Clark Chemical Co, Toronto, New
When I say I cure I do' not mean merely to stop them
for time and then have them return again, I mean a
radical mire. I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEP.
SY'or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. I warrant
myremedq..to eaxe the ,voxst cases. Beea,iea othere have
tailed is: no reason for.not now recehln a cure. send 01
once for a .treatise and'a Free Bottle of my infallible
remedy. Give EXPRESS -and POST -OFFICE.
,RooT, ., 1 6 ADELAIDE ST.
lila a certain and speedy cure for
Cold in the tread and Catarrh fa all ita
Instant Relief, Permanent
Cure, Failure impossible.
Many. oo.eulled (licensee are simply
symptoms of Catarrh, such ae -head-
- ache,partial deafness, losing sense of
smell, fain breath, hawking and spit.
ting, nausea, general feeling of de-
bility, etc: If you are troubled with
any of these or kindred symptoms,
your have Catarrh, and should lose no
time In procuring a bottle of NASAL
BALM. Be warned in time, neglected
cold in head results in Catarrh, fol•
lowed by . consumption and death..
NASAL BALM le said by all drugglsts
or will bo sent; post paid, on receipt of
price (bp eenta.and $1,00) by addressing
FULFORD & co,,
Brockville, Ont.
Jackets & Ulsters.
We have dist received
300 Ladies Jack-
and Children's
" asters
direct from Germany;
These gooks are perfect
fitting and special values.'
We have some
Ghl�r��'s rny Ulsters
very new in style.
You can do it as well as not—with our aid. There'
lots of satisfaction in it, not to speak of the profit,
Begin at the neck • nothing'proclaims a man like his
NECK. T.LE. We have Se:Arts--Four in HIanc1.
BO • V S ---An Endless s . Variety—in the
s,nd Best Designs.'
Well, we'll let the prices speak for themselves. talkingTheycan do
it without assistance AnAndt 1 0
c1 of prices!
We are offering the most remark-
' abl
abl e values in the ,
Extra fine ones for evening wear.
Dress Shirts and in lower grade- goods
And everything required in Gentleman's s Furnishings
and surrounding country,
Having purchased the Stock of William
Folland and engaged hisservices to conduct
and carry on
The Tlusfitlitu Business
I am now prepared to execute work on the
shortest notice and at
A11 contracts made by him will be strict-
adhered to, but all payments must be made
through the shop or to the proprietor.
All persons receiving' goods at the shop
will be held responsible for the same; except-
ing by written order signed by the proprietor.
J. '^'i H4 1iWAFt!D.
Exeter feller.hI
WHEAT 0.90 TO 0.95 per bush
Our Selling Prices.
Flour, strong bakers', 53.00 per 100
•' best family, 2.50 i' 0 ,
e low grade, 2,00 a ,t
Bran, 70 " "
Middlings, , 90 " "
Screenings;. 100 "
Chop, 1,10 to 1.25 "
Chop running stoneday.
eveY y y
The Exeter Milling Ca
Mr. George' Sma1lcombe wishes to
inform the citizens of Exeter and sire
rounding country that he has opened
--out a new
Tailoring' and Gents' Furnish-
ing Establishment in
Fanson's Block.
Latest designs of goods always on hand,
and made up in the latest
American Styte s at Right
Ladies Jackets and Mantle
making attended to,
C O. ,
And if you don't believe it call at
Ross d5 Taylor's
and you will be convinced that they
have the Largest and Best Stock of ail:
kinds of Building. Materials in this sec•
tion of countr3,and at the lowest prices;
Shingles esa
g Specialty,
having a large stock on hand we are
prepared to meet the keenest competit-
ion as to price or quality. We have se-
cured the right to Manufacture ancl�
Sell Merriams celebrated Baking Cab-."
'nets. Call and see them and be con-
vinced of their merit.
Main St., Exeter
September 17th to 26th, 1391•
R .�
live Stocic..Awliirulitit'al,
Industrial and A.rt Exhibition
Establis1ae 1 ig'i8.
Large Iticr('fttde of '1 Ii0litis and At-
tendance Ever Tear.
r was 1 bat y i, � �,.
�g�o c(s nuc b 1s, 1 will b, l3ett,a.
S23,000 IN PRIZES!
Attractions,etc, which are being a.r•
, r,
ranged for, will surpass any yet
n ;;
sio)t�tesoiacrll I3nilavcz,is
Entries cl oso Sentern 1)er nth. For Prize Moto
and information ripply to
Capt. A. w. Porto, Pres. Thos. A. l3rowae,Sbc