HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-9-10, Page 5VOL'1611•1.41...wwww1000.00.10••••111111smio OWN. Over Fifty Veins, Mao. 'Wnxsaow's$oova NGSaisUrihti:s boon Used, by millions ofnlothers for their child- ren while teething. .f disturbed at night and broken. ofyourrost by a sick child suf foringandCryingwibhpain ot-Gutting'L'eeth send at once anget a bottle of `Airs 1\ in- slow's Soothinr Syrup" for Children Teeth- ing. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately, Depend upon it, inothors,thore is no mistake a bout it. It mires Diarrllcea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens Elio Gums, reduces In- flammation o n-flalnniation, and gives tone fend erlorg,y to the wholes stem. "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth-. ing Syrnp" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is Ilio prescription of one of the oldest and best female p lysicians and nurses in the Unitech States. 'Price twenty- five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. 13o surelancl ask for M °"Rs. 2NSI.ow's sooenINC Srsus," • The Canadian running horses cam• paigning in the States bad an unusual run of luck yesterday. At Hawthorne park, Chicago; A. E. Gated stable ran first and second in the steeplechase; At Gloucester, the Wellington Stable's Appomattox finished first and M. Gor- rnan's 1'lrenonalr third in the third race; at Buffalo Mr. J. E. Seagram's Tacti- cian finished first in the sixth race, and the 'same gentleman's Orinoco ran second in the fifth race. Clontsinnptiell Cured,. • 6:n old physician., retired from practice having hath piacocl in his bands by an East, India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remeclyfor the speedy and pternia neat. otii'e of'ConsnmptEon' Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma, and all tbrotit and. Imng Affootions, eeso a positive and adical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nerve/1S Cont- plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his Buff - ming fellows. Actuated by this motive and. a desire to relieve hrunan suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, thus. recipe, in German, French or English; with full clireotions for preparing and using. Sent by.mail by aticlressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Norms, 820 Powers Block, Rochester•, N. Y. A Quebec despatch says Mrs. Ed- ward .Blake met with a serious neci dent at Point au Pic lately. While driving up a steep hill the traces broke, and the carriage dashed down the ascent at great speed, throwing the lady to the ground with great violence, Concussion of the brain is feared. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When shewes a Child, she cried for Castori When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Cbildren, she gavethem Castoria, The employes of five factories of the American Axe and Tool Company have gone on strike for the right to belong to unions. The' company say they will allow their factories to rot be- fore they will allow unionism in !them. The Federation of Labor is said to be backing the strikers. Piso'a Remedy for Catarrh b the Best, Easiest to Use and Cheapest. nr� .'s;. .ty,,... V n ir, s''' Sold by druggists or sent by mull,50c E. E.T. Hazeltine, Warren, -Pa..17,.S. A. a A despatch from Lakefield says: Mr. J. L. Gower; manager of the Bank of Toronto at Peterboro, who has been spending' his holidays at Stoney Lake, was taken suddenly ill on Sunday ev- ening with paralysis of the brain and died yesterday morning at eight o'clock. A NARROW ESCAPE. "I would probably have been in my graye to -flay had it not been fer Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. For two years I suffered from bowel complaint and became very weak and thin, but after using half a bottle of the Extract I was completely cured and have since had no return of the complaint.,, -Miss Hilton, 34 I-Tuntley. St., Toronto. George F. Woods got caught in the ropes of a baleen at Oswego Sesterday and was carried up 70 feet, when he fell head foremost and was instantly killed. When the blood:is out of condition disease is the iuevitable result. Dr. jl'i]liame' Fink Pills supply . the con- stituents necessary to enrich the blood and build hp the nerves. ' They cure suppressions, irregularities, debility, etc. Good for Men and woolen, young and old. Sold by all dealers or sent on receipt of price (50c. a box). Dr. Wil; Barns Med Co., Brockville, Ont. Mrs. Longheed had ]ler pocket pick- ed of $1,060 at the Detroit fair. She had taken the money with her fearing it would he stolen if she left it at home. It can do no harm to try 1''roeman's 'Tem Powders if your Child is ailing., feverish or fretful Rev. J. B. L. Soule, D. D., Ph.D., died ill Chicago on Tuesday. Ile was the last of four brothers, all of when) have been eminent as authors and educat- ors. THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. In every part of Canada the voice of the people rules, and the voice of the people endorse Burdock Blood Bitters as the best and surest blood purifier known. •Nothing drives out boils, blotches, humors, sores and 'impurity etequicl.ly as IL L' B, and perfect health with bri=ght clear skin always follows its use;. • A. matrimonial a.1]iince between the czarcwitch of Russia,and ,I'rineess Ma- rie of Greece, his cousin, will be form- ally announced in the near future. The match Will lzo arranged , during the czarina's approaching visit to Ath- ens, Smn,rt 1,Vccd and Belladonna, com- bined with the other. ingredients used in the i.est porous plasters, make Cart- er's S. W, 8., 13, I3stchache Plasters the hest in the market. Price 25 cents. David Belanger was muixlered in his dry goods store at Lowell, Plass,, on Tuesday night. Itis throat ivas eut by some one concealecl,i.li the place, Dr, T. A. Slocum's OXYGENIZED) EMULSION of PURE COD LIVER OIL. If you have Weak Lungs -Use it. For sale by all druggists, Richard Nash, of Philadelphia, en gineer on the fast Beading express, while on the lookout yesterday morn- ing; was struck by scale obstruction near Oreville station, and his head was seyered from the body, DON'T YOM FORGET IT. "I will Never forget that Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry saved my life. Five years ago I had a terrible attack of summer complaint and was given up by the doctors and my. par•- ents. A friend advised Fowler's Strawberry, and at the second ` dose I Was relieved and soon was well as ev er."-.-111 tggic bIcC,illiyr t , 1 chest burg, Ont. A number of railway workmen, who live i11 Canada and have been •:vorl:irig in Buffalo, were Marched back to the boundary line by tt Buffalo marshal last evening Hider the alien labor law. Oppressive headaches, partialloss of vison, hawking and spitting, are eera' tain symptoms of catarrh. Nasal Balm never fails to give immediate relief and effect a permanent cure. Lase to use, pleasant and agreeable', It V has cured thousands of others and Will cure you. SOU by all dealers or sent on receipt of price (50c. and $1 a bot- tle) by addressing G. T. Fulford Ss Co., Brockville, Ont. Charles. Ross, a butcher' 35 years old, employed in Shea Bros,' meat market, in New fork, u'05 on a ladder yester- day trying to hang up a side• of beef on a hoot: when he slipped and fell and was impaled on a lower hook. He bled to death. SEVERAL SEASONS. "For several seasons I have used Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild strawberry and find: that it makes a perfect etre even of the severest attacks of sum mer complaint and diarrhoea'. It is as precious as gold." -Mrs. F. C. Winger, Foothill, Ont. St. John, N. B., claims that the cen- sus as regards that city is far estray. Instead of a decrease, as shown, it is claimed that the population hits in. creased over'6,000 since 1884. Women with pale, colorless faces who feel weak and discouraged, will receive both mental and bodily vigor by using Carter's Iron Pil_h, whieh are made for the blood, nerves and com- plexion. The by-law to provide funds to put in a system of water works was carr• ied iu Dunnville Yesterday by a large majority; only ten votes being record- ed against the 'by-law. SOLOMON'S WISDOM. The wisdom of Solomon, were he alive to day, would lead him to choose Burdoek Blood Bitters as a remedy for all diseases of the stomach, . direr, bowels and blood. It cures dyspepsia, biliousness; headache, constipation, and all forms of bad blood from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. The mail. from China anti Japan which left Yokohama on Angust IU on the steamer Empress of Japan, was safely delivered. on the steamship' City of New York at 5 o'clock yesterday morning, and is now on its way to England. All Ages and Conditions of people may use National .Pills without injury and with great benefit. The feature of yesterday's proceed- ings in the House of Commons Was a debate on the census, SimRich'udCart- Wright making a blue ruin Speech and moving an amendment, and Hon. Mr Foster replying with his usual incisiv eness and. brilliancy. A COMMON ORIGIN. AR skin diseases of whatever name or nature aro caused by impure blood. Burdocl Blood Bitters is a natural foe. to impure .Blood, removing all foul' humors from a common piiuple to the worst scrofulous sore. The post office and two stores at Beachburg; Ont., were burglarized on Tuesday night. Nothing was secured at the post office, but the thieves got a couple of silver watches and $6.77 cash from Mr. P. Barr's store, and $5.64 from that of Mr. Stoles, Dyspepsia iu its worst. forms will yield to the use ofCaiter'0Little'Nerve Pills, aided by Carter's Little Liver Pills. They not only relieve present. distress but etrelhgthen the stomach and digestion apparatus. At Del Rio, Tex., a daring train rob- bery was committed yesterday morn leg: dynamite and Winchester rifles figuring prominently in the raid. All the moneyand valnables i11 the ex press safe was secured by the robber's. ns well as several sacks of mail and registered packages. The Exeter Fall Show. Prize T1'lrecla,io, At the South Huron Fall Show to be held at Exeter on Monday & Tuesday, Sept, 28 & 29, '91 The following Pi 2713 M13 ALS given by the Ont<i>!'io Agricultural and Arts Association, will be offered for competi- tion in addition to the premiume men- tioned in the regular published prize list, viz, For the best herd of cattle any breed, said, herd to consist of 4 fe hales and a buil,-asilver medal ' For the best pen of sheep of any breed, - pen to consist of one lain, ]hair of a'ed awes, pair of Shearlil'1h' ewes and. pair of ewe lambs, --a bronze Medal. No special entrance, fee required to com- pete for the above. Al. Y. MoLEAN, ..ronx hrinen N Secretar,; . President, rman rug„ Here is something from Mr. Frank A. Hale, proprietor of the De Witt House, Lewiston, and the 'routine Hotel, Brunswick, Me. Hotel men meet the world as it comes and goes, and are not slow in sizing people and things up for what they are worth. He says that he has lost a father and several brothers and sis- ters from Pulmonary Consumption, and is himself frequently troubled with colds, and he Hereditary often coughs enough to make him sick at Cowen mptionhis stomach. 'When- ever he has taken a cold of this kind 11e uses'Boschee's Gerinan Syrup, and it cures him every time. 'Here is a man vino knows the full clanger of lung trou- bles, and would therefore he most particular tis to the medicine he used. What is his opinion ? Listen 1 " I use nothing but ]3oschee's German Syrup, and have advised, I presume, more than a liund'red different per- sons to take it. They agree with me'thatmaitrket. is the best cough syrup in the pp THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT from which this paper is printed was supplied by the TORONTO TYPE FOUNDRY Dealers in type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON 50 & 82 Wellington St. west TORONTO, ONT. LOOK! HEAB! New ' HHor ho The Undersigned wishes to inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that he has opened out A RI I pi rirstmon :11H And is prepared to do work in latest style and workmanship. < 11 11 X 11 _ 11 X 11 _ 11 X GIVE HIM A CALL - x II 11 x II e- 1I x 11 _ It x WORK MR11111E01 Over F. J. Knight's Grocer Store. BERT KNIGHT. Londo»Huron & Bruce Railway rasseuher Time Table. GOING NORTII. . p.m. Gondon,dep't 8.05 4.25. LueanCros'g 8.47 5,20. Clandeboye 852 598. Centralia 9 05 5.45 EXETER 9.10 5.57. Min still, 9.28 6.39 Kippen 9 34 6.17, :Brucefield.. 9.42 0.26 Clinton 19.00 6.45. Londosboro 1.010 7.03 Bl,vth 10.28 7.19. Clandeboye : 9.18 5.56. 13elgrave '' 10,49 7,'27 Liman Cros'g 9,24 6.02. SNingham 11200 7.45, London 0.rr 10 15 64.5 Gen,* Sours. a.1n, p.m . Wingham 7.05 340. 13elgrave 7.24 4,00. Blyth 7.38 4.15: Lonciesboro„, 7:47 4 25. Clinton 8,07 4.45, Brucefield 8,20 5.04. Itippen 8.34 512 I•feusail 8.41 5.19 ESI TFR 8.52, 5,33 Centralia 9.09 5.45 CITY HOTEL LONDON, ONTARIO. 1 poi (Jaya J. & J 1'hMAItTIN, Pi'opriotors. THE 1EYTOHEALTH. Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying o:it gradusily without svealcening the sys- tem, all the impurities 21111 foul humors of the secretions; at the same time Cor- recting Acidity of tho Stomach, curing Bi ionsness, Dyspepsia. Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt riheum, Erysipelas, Sero- ttlla, I'lut;tering of the Ileart, Ner- vousness, and General Dobility ;all t t1D�l.oand many other �similar r n aL Cnm yield to the haps influence of k viiDocit BLOOD 1•',ITTERa. 1J®Cid 1 rr Sat6 &l/ tat,i)eaicrs. i', it ILJ3UIil1 & Cd, Pl'o kle si 9 I1 .�Ol , TQl't?IfltO. PEOPLE MAY BLOW BUT. HAVE. THEY THE GOODS TO BACK UP Having purchased the Estate of John Brawn, T have thoroughly refitted the fa ctorS, and arn manufacturing an inelegant lino of furniture �, Oak, Cherry,Maple and Ash. Note some of the Prices. Bed Room Sets in Antique Oak polished at i$1.8.00 and up; Sideboards in Antique O'ik polished $1000 and up " Maple, Cherry, and Ash at $8.75 and up; " " Maple, Cherry and Ash at $8.00 and up Beds; new stile, in Maple or Birch at .$1.90. And a handsome assortment of Hall Standsn Extension fables, Writing Desks, Centre Tables, all in Walnut, Oak, Cherry and Ash, and. at Very close vices. remember make no trashy elm furniture and as the Cheapest. 100,000 ioet of Lumber and 390 cords s ofi wood wanted in exchange 1'cra�Ltlila C' , a>L . r, furniture, A full Line of Undertaking goods always on hand. Remember thetane d �aet�r� and tearer®orns tvw north of Town Hall, Exeter. doors WALT. ANV DRWS• ocacimirommacompiMliradal RoVt. N. Rowe. FUIINITIIRE BEIILER AND Undertaker. GJ)rLEYe THE LEADING .^nolortalmer AND Furniture Dealer OF THE • I have an immense Stock of Furniture and Undertaking Goods now on hand, which I will sell at right prices. UNDERTAKIG A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. s. GI E CIA 1 A. 1 SNELL, 2 ai a. EXETER - ONTARIO IIes now in stock f tAr6tiraI. h vl' c+00.7ms., IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : West of England Suitings and Trous Brings, Scotch Tweed Suitingb's and Trouser - French and English Worsted Cloth A.11 nnade Up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. DR. FOWLERS NEXT: OF •WiLO• TRAWBERRY CURES HONER , holera.Morbus OLrI C'a-a-- R Aid PS IARRHOA YSENTERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT 15 SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. W. G, .Bissett's Livery. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention, TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. • W. G. BISSETT. IN ORDER TO MAKE SPACE --FOR- SUMMER GOOD&, We will clear out the balance of our Winter Stock 1 'l, COST --FOR- CO 1 Including a splendid assortment of OVERCOATS 3, SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS, LADIES AND GENTS FURS. LADIES FUR CAPS, MUFFS AND HATS: LADIES NETT, VEST AND WOOL SHAWLS. A NICE STOOK OF FUR TRIMMIN'S GENTS HEAVY WOOL LINED KID M1TS & GLOVES at 75e worth $1. We cant be undersold in Teas and Sugars for SPOT CASH.. JOHN MATHESON, Exeter North JMTRAL A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drugs A WAYS KEPT. P2toRtmEgicius,SDortges, ijri1' At right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Familyee i e� pS Carefully Prepared. 1lltii Coiitlitio!i Power the best in the market, C. LITTZ, PROP, FF.rlller !ll4o1eaI & B1ait racQrs, PJM & PIRIT blerchant5, eYo+,:. CHRISTIE3S cailiiidp LW) First Glass RIGS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Ter=.0 : measorsable Telephone Connection. WHOFFaMAN'S HARMLESS HEADACHE Pomo Ens 5 \;:- �. l aro an honest medioine for which only honest, straightforward e t a te- meats are made. See that you get the gonvino Hof - man's. Insist on haviar theca. They Oure .AIZ1 Headaohea. They are not a Cathartic. F. @: F!J!, BOBE7•, IS STILL 'IN THE OLD STAND, -where lie iss- p READY FOR ACA CALL. Morn, Noon or Night he will -GIVE AN- EASY SHAVE, Al®I II G-1110 1:1 HAIREUT, LADIES HAIR CUT TO ORDER, Also LADIES HAIR WORK DONE. P THE LICHT,RUNfiif I:AV "c• b 1'',E„ THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE '^ THAT Artie, V A 0 NEWINEtEWINGMACHINE EORANCE I SS.' 0H10, , - Z8' UNION S IJARE N.Y.:- •°ACL sw� sd_rourn nfo. AtLAN'1'at .rA.ynN Aolttct cx