HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-9-10, Page 1VOL. TV. The Molsons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1815.) Paid up Capital .... $2,000,000. Rest Fund.... .. 1,000,000, Head office Montreal. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GENE1RAL 1‘:EANAGEB.. Money advanced to good Farmer's on their own notes with one or more endorsers at 7 per cunt per anntim. Exeter Branch. Open every lawful day from IO R. m. to 3 p. m., Saiturclays 141a. in. to 1p. m A general banking business transacted Four per cent. per annum allowed for mon- ey on Deposit Reeeipts. Savings Bank at 3 per cont. N. DYER IIURDON Exeter, Jan 28, '88. SulnManager. THE eXttt-1: Abi/Orate, Ie published every. Thursday Morning, at the Office, IVLAIN-STREET, — EXETER, By the SANDERS' PUBLISBINGOOMPANI. TERMS OF SI1BSORXPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advanoe. $ if not so paid. .43.d.-sx-ceNtiztra.m• Mateo ©Ns .E.pplice.- tioxi. No paper diseontinued until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements without specifics direetions will be published till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal cliseount made for transciont advertisements inserted f'or long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, a ad at moderate rates. Cheques,money ord- ers, &afar ad.vertising, subseriptions,'ete. to be made payable to Sanders & Sweet • PROPRIETORS eitureitasirectory. TRIVITT MEm011iAL EIIIIRCH.--Bev. S. F Robinson, Rector. Sunday Services, 1 a. m and 7 p.m. Sabbath School, 2:30 p.m. METHODIST OHTJRCII—SaroeS-st , Rev. A.. D. Russell, Pastor. Sunday Serviees,10.30 a. rti.. and. 6.80 p.m.. Sabbath School, 2p. m. MAIN STRENT—Rev. W. McDonough, Pas- tor. Sunday Services,10.30 a. m. and 9.30 Sabbath. School 2.90 p.m. PRESBYTERIAN CIIIIRCH.—Rev. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and. 6.90 p. m. Sabbath. Sebool, 9.45 &Professional Cards. H.KINSMAN,L.D.S, Fauson's Block •• two doors north of Oarling Store, MAIN STREET, URETa), extracts teeth with° ut pain. .A.way at Rensall on 1st Friday; Ailsa Craig on 2nd ancl4th Tuesday; and. Zurieh on. last Thursday of each mouth. _ C H. INGRAM, DENTIST, Member' Royal College Dental Surgeons, successor to H. L. Billings. ()Mee over O'Neil's ]3nk, Exeter, Ont. A. safe anaesthetio given for the painless extraetion of teeth. Plates se- cured firralyinth.e mouth by Yemen's pat - tent Valve T B WHITELY, M. D., C. M., PHYSICIAN V and.Surgeon. Offiee and residence— Corner Victoria and. Elgin streets, Goderioh, Ontario. TNR. J. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE—MAIN ST. Residence --Corner Andrew and. North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. TIN.MCLA.I.IGHLINMEMBER , OF the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physieian, Surgeon and, Accouch- eur. Office, Lashwood, Ont. T111. CROSKERY, Member Royal College .1-1 Surgeons, England.; Licentiate Royal College of Physicians. 'Edinburgh; Member College of Physicians ancl Surgeens, Ontario. Office, Mitchell's old stand, Orediton., Ont. T‘R. T, A.. AMOS, M. D., C. , Member of 1-1 College of Physicians and Surgeons, • Ontario; licentiate of tho :Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh; licen- tiate of the .1.4‘aeolty of Physicians and Sur- geons, Glasgow; Eollow of Trinity Medieal Oolleg,e, Toronto. Offiee—Dr. Cowen's old stand. TAR. DAVID M.STABLER, (UNIVERSITY If of Torontq,) Physician, Surgeon, etc. Having spent the winter of 1886-'87 in New York,and -the will -ter of 1887-'98 in "Vienna, Austria. OFFIOIS, — CREDITON, ONT. DR. .1. H. McLELLANI EYE & EAR SUROEON. G-raduste New York Eye and Ear B ospital Eyes te.ted and. glasses supplied. Offiee eor. Maple and Talbot streets, LONDON, --- ONTABIO. -r.). H. COLLIN'S, BARRISTER, SOLICIT - .11,. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Publio, Office— Over Po6t Office, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. L IL DICKSON, BAB,RISTER, SOLICITOR . of Supreme Court, Notary Pnblie, Con- voyanoer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan Ofhce—Fanson's Block, Exeter. TJ LLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- itors, Conveyancers, &e. Money to loan /86 per cont. V. ELL LOT. X. ELLIOT Tff BROWN,. Winchelsea. Licensed A.unt- • ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne Sales promptly attended to andierm s reason 8,131e,Salos arranged at Post office, Wilt,cholsa AROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Lieens- .sed Auetioneer, for the counties of Hur- on.and Middlesex. Residence.. 1 mile sonth of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mailer other- wise promptly atten#ed to at reasonable prices. TIT HOLT, Mhiva, Ontario. Licensed ate t - V V . ioneer for the Counties of Middlesex and. Lanibton, and the townships of Stephen and Hay All sales promptly attended. to, SSENBERRY, Heneall Ontario Lie- al3(o)n.' s'en. Auctioneer for the Coun'tys of Pfliron and Perth. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. unit's). W. FARNCOMB, Provincial Land Surveyor end Civil Engineer. Office, Over Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont. T HARDY, Licensed, Auctioneer for the _Ls County of IItiron. Sales Conclueted on reasonable tern's, Farm. and Farm Stock a specialty.. Fall arrangements win be made at this office. For Sale. A desirable residence In Exeter NOrth, new frame house, one -fifths acro of land. The house was erected in 1388. Good terms to purch ser. Apply at this office. 145-t 77 EXETER, ONTARIO, TIMRSDAY SEPTEMBER 10, 1891. NO 222 TO LET A desireable eottage to let on Eliza- beth Street, south of James St. Church. The building has 7 diffeeent ape rtments and it is a good loe,ation to live in. Immediate possession given. For fur- ther payticulars apply on the promisca. TiloeiAS DEARING; Exeter. STRAYED CATTLE. There strayed into the premises of the undersigned Lot 18, con, S, town- ship of Usberne, on or about July ' 1, 1891, two yearling hcetfere, one :white the Other grey. Owner can ha!yorisame by prosingproperty and payilfg • ex.- •penaos. BOWMAR. Exeter P. 0, 42 anti SALARY and Commission to epilknl• Agents, Men and Women, Teaoh- ors and Clergymen to introduce a 114..w and POPII1HT Standard book. TeStilri011y of 19 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth, • The most rem arkable religious book of the age, written by 300 ern filen t seholars, Non- sectarian, Every Christian wants it. Ex - elusive territory Oven. Apply to . The Henry Bill Publishing Co„ Norwichl CONN. FARMS FOR SALE. North half of lot 4, north boundary of Stephen, in the county of Huron, about lit miles west of Exeter, which is possessed of one of the best markets in Western Ontario There are first class out buildings, good frame dwelling, good orchard on the _premi- ses, all well fenced and drained, and is in first.class state of eultivation. Also, west half of lot 6, north boundary of the aforesaid township, about 15 acres of good hardwood bush, the balance of which is good pasture lands, well fenced, with good supply of water. Possession of both places immediately. For further particulars apply on the premises, or to Ma. amts. SWEET, Exeter, Ont. Rethr PIOSIOntStrilat EMPORIUM. PERKINS & MARTIN, PROPS. We cary the most complete stock of Musical instruments in the county. PIANOS,. ORGANS. VIOLINS, Au° SEWING MACHINES, BICYLES, FARM IMPLEMENTS &c. The above instrumentalways on hand. Terms to suit Purchasers. GIVE US A UA.LL. EVERYTHING AWAY DOWN. PERKINS & MARTIN. THE BEST ADVERTISING. The most efficient advertising in be- half of Hood's Sarsaparilla is that which conies from he metheine itself. That is, these who are cured by it, speakto friends suffering similarly, who in turn derive benefit and urge others to try this successful medicine. Thus the circle of its popularity is rap- idly widening from this cause alone, and more apd more are becomingen- thusiastic in behalf of Hood's Sarsapar- illa as it actually demonstrates its ab- solute merit. All that is asked. for Hood's Sarsaparilla is that it be (riven 'ifm trial. If you need a good ''biood purifier, or bolding up medicine, try Hood's Sarsaparilla. Sick- List. Mr. John Sweet has received several severe attacks of that much dreaded disease indigestion during the past week. He is at present in a very pie• carious condition. Mrs. Armstrong still continues in a low condition ,and her recovery is looked upon as doubt- ful. Mr. Daniel Dyer who is visiting his parents in town, was ill on Sunday evening with an attack of Cholera, Morbus• His pain was somewhat se- vere at the time but he is DOW thought to be out of ell danger: Mrs. Gerome Vesper is slowly recovering' from h6er illness of erysipelas, The. disease has abated and she is ilow doing nicely. Dr. Lutz still lingers about the same and from all appeamtncee has not made much progress in the eery of recovery, Train Accommodation. The morning train north on the L. FI and B., instead of stopping at Wing ham, as Was its wont, will now run through to Kintardine mita the alst day Of Octeber. This is what has been wanted for seine time, es it gives the teavelling public north of Wingham good tine service. With this London train rtinning through passengers will expected. arrive at Khicardine two hours sooner then the former connection and then train will leave Kincardine in the af- ternoon, thus premating the passen- gers to remain at home abota foue hours longer, and then get to London, Or any station along the L. just as seen as formerly, and also gdy- ing good conneetions for Toronto at Clinton Sunday% SerylcUS. The Anniversary sere -anis delivered ip the Trivia Memorial Church on Sunday last by the Rev. Wm, Hinde, formerly of Petrone, were all of a very interesting' nature:, The congee.gations at each were large, especially in the evening. Inc 'Revgentlemen's oslis, courses were Of such a series as to command the utmost :attention from the hearers preeept; his vOiee bele& heard distinctly in all parts of 0173 chttreh. The entranee to the, tower was. nicely decorated wi th . ye (gets, les and grain of ahnost -every deseription, while the intender of the building, and chancel were tastefull arrapged with moss and flowesrs, and upon"the carpet in about the centre of the chancel was placed a cross made up of - flowers, to show respect to her who has passed away.The ladies deserve ceedit for the manner hi which they hadeyery thing so picely displeyed. The (Mr, tory, at ell servicee, whichis iri aid of the parish funds, amounted to 878.65. • Sodom. The Sunday School in this piece is going on -finely they have a very elle& library which is eagerly read by old and young'—the School is well conduct .ed and instructed one of the teach- inie will be absent fOr a few Sundays. Mr. John Cannel; is expected to supply his place. Hay, The eldest son of Mr. Wm. Notthcott Lot 7, Con. '2, met with a very painful accident on Friday last. He had be n engaged in uuloading peas and while in the act of swingin,g himself from one mow to the other, by means of fi brace in the purline plate which was not fas- tened sufficiently tight to support him when it slipped from its socket, letting him to the floor,:,a distance of 28 feet, with such force as to break his thigh , and cause other internal injuries. Brewster. The fanners in this vicinity are most ly through with their harvest ancl are now busily with their thrashing.—The fishermen are all puhing out their pond nets for the purpose of mending them and are not going to, put them in again until after the equinoctial re- gretare oven—It is with much re - ret that we hear of the death of Mr. Rcl, Oliver. of Grand Bend, who passed away on Saturday evening las- after a short illness. We e,e-tend our heart- felt sympathy to the bereaved wife and child. RodgerNille. Mr. William White, of„, the: London Read, neer Rodgerville, has purchased a 4 year old "Tontine" !horse ham a gentleman in Middleeex Co. He is a dark brown with twe white hind feet and stand 16,1 hatale high. The ani- mal prim 18(38 to be a. good One for speed, and no doubt the present owner will put him to a severe St. Mr. VVhite is a gr.mit horseman, and has now been Stfc0085f1.1.1 in getting -another horse that before long, Will be worth considerable money, haying many • of the best points which make up a gond trotter. The Toronto Industrial Pair n -as opened on September Sti.. The great Industrial Exhibition eves opened at Toronto, Tuesday Sept 8th, and is almost certain to eclipse, all its predecessors as the spate in every build ing on the grounds has been taken up, and the entries of live stock and agri cultural products as far in excess of previous years. A long list of 8.7.001 lent attractions have been provided for every day of the fair, ands the har- vest has this year been good and the rw ailway rates will be loss is every prospect of their being a larger attend- ance of visitors that at any previous Toronto fair. Us borne. On Tuesday while Mr. W. H. Pass- more, who lives on the Thames Road. was plating on the large belt, which rufrom 'he frothe engine to the threshing machine he received an ugly blow in the head. The, affair occurred,so sud denly that it was ahnost impossible to tell how it happened,but the belt seems to have struck hint on the side of the face and catching the ear partly sever- ed n. it from its situatio'ihe remain ing particle of flesh that was left unite int the two together was only hitlf an inch. Medial Aid was summoned, the torn member was nicely dressed, and the patient is (loin& as well es can be Biddulph. Good crops are reported in the town- ship, but owing to frendent rains har- vesting operations have been much delVeed: iCommuuton wil (D.V.) be ad. ministered in Si. Patrick's church on Snaky morning neat—service to le. gin at 10.30 a. m. On Sunday evening- last St. ,Paul's church waacrowded with e most at. teutive andience, The choir pegforite ed their part Well, The sermon' by the Incumbent, Rev, H. D. Steele; was up• 00 "Trnet iu Peovidence" from the text in St. Mark: VII., fiy. "Consider the lilies." Stanley Council. Aug.25th 1891. The council met. to day at 1 o'clock p. m.; members all present; Minutes of previous meeting read and sigued. The Treasurer was authorized to borrow money sufficient to pasr off the balance .pg the Railroad debentures rl'he Clerk W1149 authorized to levy a rate of 2 mills on the dollar for county purposes; a rate of 8/10 nails for local and railway purposes, a rate of 7/10 mills for general school fund; and rates necessary to raise sums required by the school section corponitioas. Chas. Avery's grayel acct. for 1890, $5.56, waS ordered to be paid. The co 001. then adjourned to meet again at the call of the lteeve. GEO. L. STEWART, Clerk. Around About T.Is, A MCGILLIVRAY FARMER KILLED.— William Carter, of IVIcGillivray town ship, one of the most respected resi- dents of the -neighborhood of Claudeboye, was on Tuesday evening so ter- ribly injured by his horses running away that he lived but a few hours, and died without having regained consciousness. He had hitched up e span of young horses svith which he had been ploughing during the day to 'iwagon, and was driving' to a neigh bor's, when the,y got beyondhis con- trol, and as they rau lute the ditch he lost his balance and fell between the wheele .1.diaaliewa,,,gon box. One leg was broken en, many places and . his skull f• t • d D • uie eceased was a piominent member of the A. 0.U. W,. and L 0. F. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn his untimely end. Kirkton. Mr H. D. Steele jr. has left this week for Toronto io tale in the Exhi- bition. Some of our boys haye left home for ten days to "shoulder armes" as volun- teers at St. Thomas. Harvesting; operations in Blanshard and Usborne townships have been much delaesed by frequeut showers of rain. The Annual Harvest Thanksgiving services are announced for St Paul's church on Sunday evening, 13th ins(' Special services and sermon for the occasion. On Monday there is to 13e a social entertainment in the Town Hall. Dinner to be served by the ladies of the church at 5.30 p. m. Several clergymen and others from a distance are invited to edve addresses. Hensall. New subecribees can get the."Adyo- (late" for the balance of the year for only 25c. . Mr. John Berigough, of Port Huron, has been spending a eh* vacation with friends in town. The crops throughout this section are good ancl the farmers are very busy threshing and hauling it to mar- ket, Mr. W. Cook, son of Henry Cook, Esq, of the Hensel! Mills, has gone to Hamilton Business Colle,ge to complete his education. He seems to be earnest in his desire and we all wish hine suc- cess. Mrs, John Blatchford who has been troubled foreome time with a cancer and has been under the care of Dr. Edward'of Komoka, has been pro. noupced completely cured. She is at present visiting fiiends in and near St. Thomas, OUR FAIR.—The Ilensall Fall Fair from the present appearanre promises to be one of the most successful and attractive shows of the season, Sports of various kinds have been arranged for, and liberal prizes are offered in every class. The Tug of War open to the world, and for which goocl prizes are given as an inducement to bring out good teamsthey are namely, 835 for 1st, and $15 for second. Three teams to draw 01 00 second prize tt- rded, There will also be a football match on the erounds between Brus- sels and SeafOrtli teams. In short, neither money nor pains are being spared to make it the grandest event of theseasorand all who do not at tend will certainly miss it Remember the dete and days next Week Oil Tins, day and Wednesday, the 15th and 16th of September. Crediton. Accipmm---While. Mr. Samuel. Bas ertield was lesnling flax on Thureday last, by some means his load upset, and threw him on the gravel read, when he fell on his leg and broke, one of the bones. His injuries will cause him to be laid Up for some time as thdS' aissof a. dangerous nature. --Mise Trevethick has returned again after visitine• friends in Exeter for some time. -20n Satuaday night while Dr. Staebler WaS driv tog through town he, had a collision with some !other • boys Who were Rein°, in an opposisite direct- ion no street, %In: occupants of the vehicles escaped with slight injuries, while the buggies were broken up eousiderably.—Business is quiet in town on account Of the faernerS takinee atheintage 01 8170 fine weather to tibia their harvesting—Mr. Ben Either in compeny with some others is spending a vacation ‚18 1118. lake fishing. Brucefield, • Mies N. Shaw, 'whit has been visiting he're, for some time, left for her home in Wingham Friday.—Moses Dixon, who has been.in Detroit aud Poet Huron for the past five months returned home last week. Uncle Sam seemsto have agreed with him. --We are 'glad to know that the old stage line between Seaforth. and Bayfield is to be resumed shortly which is a ,great advantage. Mr. Beatty, of Olinton,will have charge. —Miss Jennie Gibson, of Clinton, was in town last week. --Mr. Alex. McLeod intends leaving for Philadelphia or Ann Arbor in a few weeks—Miss Alice Ross left for her home in Petrolia Mon. day.—Miss B, Forsythe,of Egmondville, is the guest of Miss Jennie Mustard.— W. H. Cove, of Seaforth, conducted divine service in the Methodist Church Sunday. ---Mn Wm. Kaiser, who has been in Manitoba this summer is ex- pected home this week.—Miss Grace Allan, of Goderich, is visiting here at present. —Miss Maria Kennard, of Port Arthur ir home at present.—Mr. W. Dixon, the enterprising Proprietor of the -Dixon House is having his Hotel Hall and Stables repainted.—Miss Maud McIntosh and T. Rose commenced a terrn at Clinton Coll, Inst. this week. Zurich. Mrs. Dan Kaercher, of St.Paul,Minn. returned home last Thursday after spending several weeks visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity.—Master John Kibler left last Tuesday for Ham ilton, where he will attend the Hamil ton Business College. We wish John success andmay his future business life be benefited by this education.—Mr, Adam Fassold was visiting in the neighborhood of Exeter last Sunday.— Of late we have had quite a bit of rain and the weather continues to be very cool.—The time will soon be at hand when stoves and stove pipes will have to be prepared for cold weathet—Pre,- parations are being nmde for the Fall Fair which is to be hele here next Mon clay and -Tuesday sept. 14th and 15th No doubt there will be a large crowd in attendance at the Fair as there are a great many attractions. The Edi son Phonograph and the 'Tug oil War' are among the many attractions,—Mr. Chao. Greb is giving his newly built hall and stables a coat of paint and now Zurich can bost of having two of the best furnished hotels west of Lon- don. ---Last Monday while Mr. Sam Swazy was in the act of driving a spike he accidently hit his thumb with the hammer which causetl him great pain. Greenway. The Thanksgiving service and har- vest supper of Grace church held Wed- nesday, Sept. 2nd, was not very well attended. It was a decided -success every other way. The supper was good and very attra,ctive. The supper room was beautifully lit upsvith Chin- ese lanterns. The music by the band was charming. The choral. services in the church were very impressive. The singing by the choir showed they had been well trained. The sermon by Rev. Prof. Williams, M. A., of London, was interesting and instructive. Pro- ceeds $40.—Miss Mary Belling and a number of her friends of Detroit, are visiting at Mr. John Belling's.—W. J. Wilson is arranging to build a brick store—Mr. C. H. Wilson, sr., is offering' his property for sale. It is a good bus- iness stand and corner lot—with beau- tiful maple trees on eaeh street—Mre. W. J. Wilson and girls visited friends in Bayfield last week and returned home on Monday.—Mr. Henry Elber, Deputy Reeve of Stephen has been en. gaged to aet as chairman at the 17th annual harvest home. thanks offering dinner of the Boston Methodist church, Wednesday evening, Sept, 16. Dinner to be served from 6 to 8. Music by the choir of the ohureh, Messrs. Russel, Cemnington and Misses Griffett Clern- ess, and Parkhill Brass Band.—All parties indebted to W. J. Wilson are requested to call and settle on or before the 1st of October as the business will be carried on after that date under the style of W. J. Wilson & Co.—A number of sporting; men pass through here ev- ery few days since the season for duck shooting opened, --Misses. Eliza and. Cassie McPliersou left here last Thurs- day for the city of Boston, M8ss where thehave friends and inte,nci to re- main. Lucan. Mrs. F. A. Dobbs presented her bus, band with a fine child laet week. Lots of rain, Now the farmers are haying bard work to save the late harvest. The flax harvest is all °eel: and most uf it threshed, It is a good crop this year. The mill men had to get about 50 Indians to Dull; they are a fine lot of fellows, While a young man from east of the village was here and got a little too much firewater, while amusing himself he kicked out a large pane of glass in the telephone office. While two ladies from Granton were on their way to a funeral in Cliind.e- boye their horse became, frightened at a sheaf of flax on the centre, side-roact about a mile, east of here and rate, away and upset the occupants They were pretty badly silool U ste one of them eves uneouscious for some time. The farmers at Mr. Hasket'S went to their rescue, secured the horse and they went home well pleased that tio further harm was done, Mr. George Hasket has his new bane completed in the place of the old one that was burned down in the spring. J. Bawden, of this place did the brick work and. Mr. J. Neil, of Centralia, did the frame work. It is the first build- ing that Mr. Neil has put up in thie section and by the way it is finished °Tit is easy to see that Mr. Neil is master of his profession as a framer. Anyone intending to build ia the near future would do well to engage him. Usborne Council. The Council met on the 5th inst., pursuaut to adjournment. All present Minutes of peeVious meeting were read and approved. J. Shier—T. Cameron. that 1,25 mills in the dollar be levied cm the ratable prcperty of the munici- pality in order to raise the SIIII1 of 82341.15 for local purposes for the inir- rent year.—Carried—J Halls—W. Kydd. that 1.932 mills in the dollar be levied on the ratable property of the munici- pality to raise the sum of $3429.86 for County rate—Carried.—T. Cameron— J. Shier that 48 of a mill be levied or, the ratable property of the municipal- ity to raise as a special rate for school purposes the sum of $900.00 as provid- ed by Sec. 109 Chap 55 Statues Ontar- io 1891.—Carried.—W, Kydd—J. Halls that the several sums legally required by the Trustees of the various school sections of the municipality be enter- ed on the Collector's roll and collected with the other rates.—CarrieleJ. Shier —J Halls that the collector be instruct ed to prepare his bond in the sum of $12000 and lay the same before this council at its next meeting.--Carired J. Shier—W. Xycld that the clerk be instructed to complete the Collector's roll and deliver the same to the Collect or on or about the 15th Oct. next pro- viding, the Collector's bond is found, satisfactory.—Carried.—T. Cameron— J. Shier that Thos. Brimacombe receive the sum of 810 for the keep of A. Car - m ichael.—Ca rrie,d.—W. Kydd—J. Halls and resolve1 that orders be granted. as follows viz. --G . Hawkins, 8 underdraine, 84.50; T. Britnacombe, keep of A. Car- michael $10;111. Madge. rep bridge 75 ets.; G. Hogg, do, $3.62; J. Hewitt, spreading gravel and cutting thistles 86; W. Dinnin, covering bridge $4,66'S H. Condslacleaning water course 81.25 A. Dempsey, culvert and ditch, $3; T. Veal, grading culvert, ditch and rep. approaches to bridge $14; W. J. Cave grading on 4th and 5 con,, $9.85: M. Samwell, keep of J. Ilewitt wife $2Ge T. C. Hod,gins, rep. culverts $2; J. Og- den gravelling, 20; Tp. of Stephen cal vert, one half $3.80; R.Skinner cutting thistles, $8.—J. Halls—T. Cameron the. council adjourned to meet again Sat- urday Oct 3rd at 11 o'clock a. m, Gno. W. HoretAx, Clerk. A.Stroenedet.—In Stephen, on 31st ult., the wife of Wilson Anderson of a daughter. NOBTIICOTT.--In Hay, on 48h inst., the wife, of Rodger Northcott of a son, Subscribe for the ADVOCATE for the balance of the year for 25 cents. Are You Deaf. Or do you stiffer from InnSes in the head Then send 3 cent stamp and T, will send a vat liable treatise containing full particulars for home CUre whieb costs comparatively noth- ing. A splendid work on deafness and the ear. Address PROF. G. CHASE, Montreal, 215-13 YOU TAKE NO RISK In buying Hood's Sarsaparilla, for itis everywhere recognized as the stand ard building -up medieine and blood purifier. It has won its way to the front by its own intrinsic merit, and has the largest sale of any prepanition of its kind, Any honest datiggist will cbtifirtn this statement, If you decide to take Hood'Sereaparille, do not be induced to buy anything else instead Be stn•e to g•et Hood'O„