HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-9-3, Page 8READ -MAKER'S r :,. 0 ov Nem FAILS TO ONE SA -MUM -les FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS 5811 1Nm EPBTJMT, TITS Nairn COUNTER GOODS. Toys S. Polish Pictures Beads Shoe " Spice Jars Dolls Match Safes Salts Nid Mugs Needles Rules Balis H. Pins Lammers Purses Thimbles Tacks L. Pencils Bullocis Agate S. Drivers Bz•oaelies tl Pearl, P. Cord. W. Chains Handkerchief C. Openers Cups Towels IC. 'Tongs Toy Books Neckties F. Shovels Knives Fans S. Lifters M. Organs Splashers P. Mashers Whisks T. MatsToast Forks Soaps I3ibs Dippers N. Brushes Ten Pails Egg Beaters S. i• Teu Sleepers 0. Turners Clothes " T,. P. Stands Pans Black'g " Cornb Cases L. Squeezer Stone •t' Dust Pans C. Screws Tooth " Pie Plates S. Ladles Combs 'Trays Toy Brooms Goblets J. GRID , LOCAL JOTTINGS. Wonderful value in Boots and Shoes at the Big Bankrupt Store. Seaforth rate of taxation has been fixed at 20 mills oil the dollar. Buy your gray Flannels at the Big Bankrupt Store and save money.' "What nest." They are actually selling Black Dress Goods at a redue tion. of 25 per cent at the Big Bankrupt Store. Purity Of Ingredients and accuracy of compounding, makes Milbarn's Aro- matic Quinine Wine the criterion of excellence. After diphtheria, scarlet fever, pneu- monia, or any other sovere illness.. there is no better tonic than Hood's Sarsaparilla. A Single Scratch may cause a fest. ering sore Vietoria Carbolic Salve rapidly heals cuts, wounds. bruises, burns and all sores. The Atamearn will be sent to any address for the balance of the year 1891 for 30 cents, paidin.advance. Now is the time to subscribe. According to the census, which were taken this year, Exeter has a populat- ion of 1809, having only gained 84 since they were taken 10 years ago. "Now for a drop." At the Big Bank- rupt Store you can buy. choice Americ an wall paper for' nearly half regular price. The Balance of Stock must be cleared ou.. Mr. A. Q. Bobier is:having a brick structure built in which he intends storing a quantityyof coal oil, after- wards it will be sold to local dealers throughout the community. Several new changes of "ads" ap pear in this issue, amongst which are Carling Bros., J. H. Grieve, J. G. Small- cembs, E. J. Spackman, and J. N.How- erd. The last name mentioned we wish to call special attention to. A short time ago Mr. William Sweet's dog "Turk" had a narrow escape from being drowned near his home in tiShel- byy-ille, I11. The animal had been out with the -doctor in the country, and while he was attending to his patient, the dog had wandered around and fell in a well 35 feet deep. Fortunately there happened to be only about one foot of water at the' bottom, and the poor canine set upsuch a howl that it soon brought n rescuing party on the scene. He sas.then brought to the surface and upon examination was found to have sustained but slight in juries. The services in the Trivitt Memorial Church on Sunday next will be of a most interesting character- The ser mon will be preached by the Rev. Wm. Hinde, formerly of Petrolia. The lad 1 or' and are Busy with the tions dee a a d intend, to surpass their successful eff- orts I orfs n ast ars. Ari evergreenar d floral roodz sc re ani reredos of flow- ers will be leading features. Four ser- vices are as follows: Holy Communion at 8 a, nr-; Morning Prayer and Ser- mon at 11; Shortened Ever,sng at 3 p. m.; and Evening Prayer at 7. Offer- tory at all services in aid of parish funds. The -Choir. under Mr. Frederic Knight, Oigalli,st, are preparing spec- ial mttsical'services. On Sunday.' morning the Royal Ternplars.of" Temperance met in their Lodge Room and afterwards'pi'oceeded to the Main St. church where the Rev. W. McDonough delivered a special sermon to the members. After an- nouncing his text, he said, that hardly an order, exists but that in some part of the eeremon,y clue respect and rev- erence is'paid to the "Creator gaud Pre, eeever of the Universe." Row many. hones to day are sheltered within the fra tertiat.l folds of secret societses 1 The infiniteblessingsconferred upon ,be- reaved families from year to year are not published tothe world, and there - :fore their here-More"their objects are not understood as they should be. The one Lam now speaking to has many objects in view and notr uan tlh t ccracs cradle , (ha50A to rock and the, world stops growing, then, and not till then, will it come to an end. So that to conclude it earmot be written oe talked gap to mach, whether morally socially, beneficially or flna•nc ially and stating at the e"rftime that all inert could not do better than become a member of this noble fraternity. Mr. Jailies - He ward has purchased it itt:; Itl(ataA, the stock of Mr. Welham v011411(1. ile There wits t,ihs, a out of one of Mr, has tiiso engaged. Bilis to take charge John Spackinau's pond -net b one day of the tinshop ,and do work connected hot week bti sturgeons. 'Phis is the with the saltie. Will is :a hardworking largest hint made this. season. The industrious young :man and has many total weight of the fiat is not known, good business principles, besides being but according to fishermen's rules anv •a lir t• l rss 'o •ka a 1measuring' s u < y i nal and we fuel sat- fish: rn a s - • co acid ,ea uilu , k ft, aLnci oyer is i isfied that 'his new employer will find eyed to be up to the standard, any of hien a person whom he can trust: them measuring less than this it takes and place all confidence. D'uuli, his two to snake one, Out of the number years of public dealings he was held caught' 84 of them were up to the in High esteem by his many customers mask, many of them.,going over and much respected by all who have 'There has been a, great many good. made his acquaintance. May he still catches, but this is tate best, continue to act, in a just and upright % orthi.la' t"i'etlded, manner• and manfully fulfill the dut- The residence of Mr, David Spicer, les which have been entrusted to his train Street, on Wednesday evening• care. was the scene of one of those pleasant We regret very much to hear that and mernoi•able affairs wherein two Mr, James. Weekeshasbeen suffering lives Op made happy or otherwise, for sonic time from the burns received On'this occasion it was the marriage on the morning of the recent fire. It of his only daughter Maggie will be remembered that he was one Victoria, to Edwin ,Simpson of the foremost of (Mr fine corps of Braund, Rev. A. L. Russell perforrtn Firemen and held the hose ti' position ing tiro ceremony. Only immediate while his flesh was roasting. Since friends of the families .were 1lresedt. the fire he has been unahle to follow Miss C. McNally `. officiated as Brides his occupation and us addition to Much maid, while Mr, Luther Br; and tool:, suffering las had to suspend larork the part of groomsman, each filling since that date. This means at finan• their offices Satisfactorily, The 'fair Offal loss to a skilled workman, and it young bride was the receipeutof many cleans also that Mr. Weekes has been valuable souvenirs, some :coming from On duty as a fireman since August Chicago, Hanover, and • many other 16th. The council in considering this, places, as well . as a numper from as we understand they will, are sirup- friends in the village. We join with ly payiirg a debt that every property= relatives and the Many associates of holder and insurance company will at the young couple in wishing' them once recognize. mans: years of wedded Happiness: No doubt the following will be found A.dz'ertisin1. Stray Cattle. interesting to many of ourreaders,aed The laws of Ontario provide that a especially' those in and around Exeter, person taking up any stray stock shall as it alludes to a ligan who spent rnany give notice of such taking up by pub - days of his boyhood m this vicinity. 'He fishing a notice three times in a week is a son of Mr. Geo: Waldrond, of Step ly paper, if ono is published within the hen, and has been absent from here section where the estray is taken up; about 7 ,years. The lines given below and if the property is not called for are taken from the East Jordan "E;.ntel-- within three weeks after the first inser prize." "At its meeting on Monday tion of the notice the finder will go be• evening the trustees by unamious vote Tore a justice of the peace and take decided to tender to Prof. J. Edwin oath to the finding and advertising Waldrond the position of Principal of If the property is not claimed within our schools for the ensuing year, end one year and should not exceed $50 in now it transpires that the Professor has value, i,t then belongs to' the party tak i'nade other engagements which pi event ing the same up'; if over $50 it shall be. his acceptance of the office. The trus- advertised by the justice and sold, And tees think that the Professor's 4 *oars of i the excess of all expense's } shall be aid• teaching here have been saccessfui and p r, over to the county treasurer. Any highly satisfactory andare unwilling "0 person taking up an estray and ne• run the risk of a change while the Prof. glecting to cause the same to be ad - though profoundly grateful for the vertised and appralsed shall be liable honor conferred on him by their choice, to a fine of $20. The estray law ap; feels constrained to decline it. He has plies also to any other personal prop - decided to move to Petoskey and again erty which may be found in a like engage in business pursuits. The manner. good will and the blessing of this com- munity,old and young go with him and Council cued net S. b Y . a bespeak for him in his new hor}ie The coursed met b order of2the the kind regard. due everywhere to an Reeve at the Town Hail, Exeter, . tth upright, vigorous and a useful. citi- August, 1891, All present jaaaapt zen. J.11,. Ross. The minutes of the prey.• sous meeting were read' andconfirined. Wanted A owed by W. G. Bissett seconded by E. A good smart boy to learn Tailoring, Christie that orders be granted for the apply to J. H. Grieve, Main Street, Ex- following; sums, viz:—Bissett Bros.. eter, Ont. $21.16 for hardware, - F & Sons `V anted. Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of $9 surveying; J. E. Dignan •35c. for boots and shoes that.need repairing to hammer handle; A. Allen $35.76 for be left at the leading boot and shoe stone; Carling Bros. $2.11 Sundrie a/c. store next door to the post office. G. J. A. Dignan $14 65 blaeksmithin, ': $30.55 for printing; F. W. rarucomb Manson. • and Albert Bissett $20 street watering. Coat Found. Carried. The sidewalk near the, A black worsted, picked up onLakePresbyterian church to be attended {o• Road, opposite Messrs. Smith Bros. by request of Mr W. D. Weekes. Jas.. farm; which contained a red silk hand- William's offer for pine plank $11. P. kerchief. Owner can have same by m. was accepted on ,notion of E. Chris' paying for this notice. Call at• Com- tie seconded by T. B. Carling, The. clerk to order 7m feet of 12 ft., and 4 mercial House, Exeter, summer socia]. • m of 1Gft. at once. -T. B. Carling—E. The Summer Social given under the Christie—that the chief :engineer be auspices of the Ladies Aid of the Cavt;n aauthorized to procure necessary ' file PresbyterianChur•ch in the Skating Books and reef ladders, and submit ;a• Rink 'on Wednesday eveniia:•Hasty;'eek, draft of trues: to the council at t'n was not as largely attended as was an next meeting. --Carried. J. W. Creech tieipated. The lathes did their utmost to accept tender for 5 street tamps to to make it pleasant for those who were replace worn out ones on motion of .. T. present, while the Oiehestra enlivened B. Carling seconded by E. Christie. T. the proceedings with sweet strains of B. Caring -E. Clnistie--that the foil music. The affair was brought to,; a owing gates be levied for the curren- close at about half -.pest ten all seeming year, viz;=one mill in the $ for Count well satisfied. Proceeds amounted to tv; 6? mills for school and- '4 mills for: $35. general village, rate wind a Bylaw 1i Great Yield. drafted and submitted aceordinglv.— On Monday we were shown a single Carried, The coatncll adjourned for root of the Murnmv Pea and • on its one Seel.: M. Enaate-, Clerk. branches were found 58 well filled podsPerpona1 lltention, with: an average of 5 peas in each pod, lir. A. J. McTavish and Mr. E. 3, the vine would contain 290 peas. '.Chis Spackman were attending the iiiilli•' -was grown on the farm of Mr. David nest* opening in Toronto this week Richard,who lives about ?:'a mile south --H. L. Billings, Of ltidgetown, was of Exeter in the township of Usborne. here during; part' of last week and re - He also states that it was no trouble to turned home on Moeday.=Mr, T. J. find other vines that had 40 and 45 Waldrond, of Thorold, was visiting his pods on. This is the best yield that father, Mr, George Waldrond, of Step- we have heard ofin this part of the hen, and his many y friepds in and country, if not the largest that has been around Exeter last week. He has been known, absent from here' two years and: gip, ]Exeter Fath F yir. pears to be enjoying good health—Mr The South Huron Fall. Fair to be Fred Farn'comb• has returned from held here on Monday and Tuesday, London where ne was summoned' to Sept. 28th and 29th, promises to be a the bedside of his father who is danger- grand success. The grounds and ously i11 with a cancer..—Mr. and Mixs, buildings are receiving an overhaul McNally, o'f Hanover, lie the guests ing and it is understood that many of 14r. and Mrs, David Spicer. 1Viastcr new attractions will be added to ,mice Bert Spicer hes returned from Hanover it interesting for visitors; Several after bein absent about two months. Prize Medals will be offered by the —Misses Mary and Jessie Miller, Ontario Agricultural and. Arts Assoc - have of Mr. David Miller, who, for competition, in addition to have been yisiting in Hensall for some the venular published pine list, fu time, have returned.—Mr. John Taylor particulars of which will be fount] else. and Mr. Thomas Sweet left on Monday p`g where in this issue. for Lake Smith. Tuesday be'lth Y llc first day of the season for duck shoot - The Boys in teed. ing and the date announced for ; the On Tuesday afternoon No. 6 Com annual mtreting of the elub for the pany,'38rd Battalion, were marched transactior1 l of business.—Mr. John down Main St. with Capt. Walter An- Hawkshaw And his daughter Hcttie drew in command, previous; to taking May returned from Detroit on 'Tues their departure for St, Thomas. They day e.*ei:in , —Miss Eurith Myers who made very tine showing in their new has been visiting 'relative,s and friends red coats, and all seemed to be of a in London and St, 7'honias during uniform 'height, which added much to school vacation has returned a acrre the ar e arance of the men. Capt. t, An 1 ar r — fs, V v Sanderskieft last sitss has spent considerable time in Nue. for I>utlo-t where she will remain Organizing and drilling,them we for someetine to enjoythe pleasures ensureso of feel satisfied that he need not be city life,—Miss Horne and Miss More• ashamed of the gallant corps he basun lock are in London and Toronto this der his control. They have (listing' week attending, the millinery open ii ished th. , h rnsc rf. — c,s before, as marksmen rngS. iVti'. Daniel Dyer, Edi tot of the and no doubt when camp is br•o:tiiie Pi nesville News, is hese under the p they will bring home some laurel parental roof again. He appears as lf. which will be a credit to the village he is enjoying good health, awl is they represent, about the &tine genial fellow as when, he was residing with us, -,Mr. Spencer Iirnmiugton, an employe in the poison Bank, has been removed to Clinton During his stay amongst us he has been found to possess many manly principles and his departure from our midst is much regretted•--Miss inman, 5 formerly- un;;a,?!ed as milliner With Jas.. Pickard, u is visiting friends in the village last week.—Miss Susie Weeks who has been here spending her sum= mer vaciation returned to Norwich on Friday morning —Mi•. Robert Sanders has left on a tour through the North West and Dakota,—Mr, Henry Hooper has returned.froth England after an tbsence of about two months During his sojourn lu the old sod he visited many places of uuterest and his health is greatly improved. Miss Maud Chris- tie has returned 'ifter visiting friends 11131) 011—Miss Sophia Sweet has re- turned to London where she intends remaining for Some time.- Miss Francis Ching, and Miss Mary Ching and Geo. Precious,left ou Monday for St. Thomas ,-hiss Lilly Hardy, daughter of Mr. L, Hardy, of this place, left on Monday morning for Toronto. She intends en tering the Conservatory of music and remaining' for some length of time.— Miss Willa May Garner has. returned to London: -Miss Maggie Murray left here last week for Si. Catherinos where she will remain .and visit relatives and friends:—Mrs Ed. Dyer is visiting friends at Richmond hill, and intends remaining :for about one month.—Mr, Chas Knight, of St. Thomas, was 111 town over Sunday.—Mr. Daniel french and wife returned from Oshawa on Sattuday last, and repsrt hawing had a very pleasant time. "IT IS A WHOLE DRUG STORE," Is what a lady said of Clark's Light fining Liniment. The previous night slie had an attack of neuralgia in the f ice,a,nd sent to the drug store for re- lief. The night clerl, sent a bottle of Clark's Lightning Liniment, wnich dispelled the pain at once. In the night baby woke with colic. She gave him three drops of Liniment on a lump of sugar, and he went to sleep again. In the morning her husband complain- ed ofha 's' P cursatr4m in the shoulder. She rubbed it with liniment until he said the pain was gone. Is it any wonder 'the lady called Clark's Lightning Lin- iment "a whole drug store?" Sold b' all druggists; price fifty cents. Clark Chemical Co., Toronto, New York, C ! FITS! When I say Petrol do not mean merely' to stop then, fora time and then have them return again, I mean a radical cure. I have made the disease of. PITS, EPILEP• S'(ror-PALLING SICKNESS a lifelong study. I warrant my remedy to cure the worst cases.. Because others. have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at onco fora treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible remedy. Give EXPRESS and POST•OFFICE,- H. G. ROOT, M. C.,_186 ADELAIDE ST. WEST, TORONTO, ONT. Are You Dear. Or do you suffer from, noises in the .head Then send 8 cent stain? and I will send a val 'ea ble treatise containing full particulars for home cure which costs comparatively neat, in g. A splendid work on deafness and the Addressear. Adress PROF. 0. CHASE, Montreal. 1215-15 t ARE NOT a Pur. gative Medi- cine. They are a BLOOD ..BUILDER, Tomo and liECoi - srauoToli, as they supply in a condensed form, the substances actually needed to en- rich the Blood, curing all diseases coming from Poon and WAT- Err- BLoon, or from VITIATED HUMORS in the Bnoon, and also invigorate and Bmzn UP. the BLOOD and SYSTEM, when broken down by overwork, mental worry, disease. excesses and: lndiseie- tio.is. They have a SPECIFIC ACTION on the SEXUAL SYSTEM of both men and women, restoring LOST VIGOR and: correcting all runnel:TrAumTIas and SUPPRESSIONS. EVERY MA1 who fords hi8 mental fae, ea ultios Ansi or failinv, or his physical powers flagging, should take testi Pints. They will restore his lost energies, both physical and mental..: EVERY WOMAN fJ! should take them. frli 6l Cn9R 61Jli]iil They euro all sup- pressions and irregularities, which inevitably entail sickness when neglected. 'youNa .0 should take these PILLS. They will cure the of youthful bad habits, and strengthen the system. YOUNG WOMEN ahenlhese Pd tamtke s thewill m. T ,mike them regular. For sale by all druggists, or will be sent upon receipt of price (50c. perbox), by addressing Tlli^,'Dn. WILLIAMS' MED. co. ?3rocl ville. Ont: 300 CERMAN Jackets & Ulsters. We have just received 300 Ladies Jack- ets and Children's. Ulsters direct from Germany. These goods are perfect i fitting and special values. We have some Eines Fancy U1ti very new in style. E. J. SPACEMAN & CO. SAMWELL 'S BLOCK EXETER, R, - ONTARIO AAA Yon can do it as well as not --with our aid. There's lots of satisfaction in it, not to P speak of the profit P Begin at the nek• o' c nothing proclaims a man 'like his 1 . N1 CE TIE. We have scarfs—Four I11 Hand. BOWS ---An Endless Variety ---in the Newest and Best Designs. Well, we'll let the prices speak for themselves. They can do. it without assistance. And, talking, of prices! : 1 We are offei°i.ng the most remark- able \Talues in the SHIRT LINE Extra fine ones for evening wear. Dress Shirts and in lower g•ra 1 (Y c e ,00hs,. And. HATS AND CAPS everything required in Gentleman's Furnishings TR i VS. OA INA +rnrazir LI G TO THE PEOPLE QF EXETER -and. surrounding country. Having purchased the Stock of William Folland and engaged his services to conduct and carry on The Tilsmithing Business I am now prepared to execute work on the . shortest notice and at PRICES T'ol SUIT ALL. REPAIRING R SPECIALTY. All contracts made'by him will be strict - adhered to, but all pays lents must be made. through the shop or to the proprietor. All persons ieceiving goods at the shop will be held .1 responsible for the same, except- ing t- ing by'written order signed by the proprietor. J. RO1R HOWARD. -i FSE gmob.' y 0 rn 4P7Stn oov,m ry mom. n D dm avPm mm t= . Z, om m y <' gff. ti 0 O == Q 91°11-: igz gea v Zy,1bnC n 0mO -mRgm°a Q °Ca-la ag. m ls A :VA; aa V; c#s'' accgis,°pm^,4 C.,":= min ;e 0o s,e "i m0 b 4 i 0;%m`U-a:c O'b ii: —CO". f°vco2i( p-m<..-.,`P.y►••=i1 o mA b. R .. 1 mc c:tR o% ►5.,oo:I: m.. 16 ,O,` E. rrmatii i :.... m,On .;,W o t pl. O9° o !!!!!o! EA • a O ','°eit.0m6Ag , A 1 K ;- maaanT 0 v TO LET A desireable cottage to let on Eliza- beth Street, 50ritll of James St, Church. The buildingha5'f diii'c tent apartments a n I it is a =good location' to live in. Immediate possession given, lfor fur- ther particulars apply on the premises. T11olt1Ag DEAItl:tcl, Exeter. CONSUMPTIO Qt I have a 1ositil'o remedy for the above disease; by its use thousands of oases of the worst kind nod of long etnnding have been cured. Indeed so strong to my faith In 03 sillcaoy, that I toil send TWO foTTLES Finial, With a VALUABLE TREATISE on thaw 018oaso to any. sa[torer who will send ma thou EXPRESS and P.O. address,g T, A. SLocum M. C., 186 ADELAIDE' ST., Wta3T, TORONTO, ONT.