HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-9-3, Page 5For Over Fifty Years, Mips, WINSLOW'S SO'TtLING SYRUP has been used by millions of met hers for their child- ren while teething. if distlarbed '1t night and broken of;your rest ley a sick child suf- tering and crying with pail of Cutting Teeth send at 011e() and get a bottle of "Mrs "Wiia- slow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teeth- ing, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depen:: upon 1t, niothors,there is no mistake about it. It cures 1)iarrhina, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the (runs, reduces in- flammation, unit gives tone and energy to the whole system, "Mrs, wlilslow's Sooth- ing Syrup" for children teething is, pleasant to the taste and i, the prescription of one of 'the oldest and best female p'hyaleians and nurses in the United States. Price ttiti enty- five cents a bottle. Soli. by all druggists 'throughout the world. Be sure:ancl ask for bins. WiNsLow'S SOOTHING S1iitU1'," Yesterday afternoon at Owen Sound Messrs. Fred 1 ilborn, William :Foster and A. Hall went yachting, were caught in a squall and got a ducking The Government steamer Cruiser hap- pened to be -in the harbor and rescued the men, otherwise they would have been drowned. The steamer Parthia, from Vatican - ver, sailed yesterday afternoon for Yokohama and Hong -Kong, carrying 1,500 tons of general cargo and 00 sacks of mail, of which 20' ere from Great Britain, with one parcel post basket. She takes 22 European and ,.% Chinese passengers: " This is the Parthia.'s-last trip to Vancouver, COnsiunptiollt Clued, An old physician, retired from practice having hadplaeedin his hands by an East India missionary the formula of it simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and. perma nent cure of Consumption,' Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh,Asthma, anc1 all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and • adical cure for Nervous Debility and (111 Is.crvous Com- plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers inthousands of Oases, has felt it his duty to make it known to bis suff- ering. fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve 'human suffering, I will: send free of ohar;e, to all who desire ft, this recip7e, in Germ ,. French or English, with full directionsfor preparing and using. Sent by. mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W, A. NOYES, 820 Poeoers Mock, Roc/tester, 1V. Y. • Director -General Davis has nomina- ted Chief Engineer L, W. Robinson, U. S. navy, to be chief of the machinery department of the World's Fair at Chi- cago. He also announced his intent- ion to appoint John Thorpe, of New York, as chief of horticulture ir. the horticultural department. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. When shelves a Child, she cried for Castori When she became Miss, she clung to Castor's. When she had Children, she gave them Castorla, A young ratan named Fred Sutton, •of Port Dalhousie,, while act fishing near the waste weir of lock No: 1 of the new canal yesterday, was taken. with a fit and fell in the canal - and was drowned. Searchers are at work looking for the body. THE BEST COUGH MEDICINE HOLD BY DgIIt1G1 5 '1a43R7WHZei. A -Vicksburg, Miss., despatch says a local freight train on the Valley route :vas wrecked this morning pear Cleve- . lane: station by running: over a bull, The engine and 15 ears were derailed and two tramps and a brakeman kill ed. THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. In every part of Canada the voice of the people rules, and the voice of the people endorse Burdock Blood Bitters as the -best and surest blood purifier known. Nothing drives out boils, blotches, humors, sores and impurity so quickly as B. B. B', and perfect health with bright clear skid always follows its use. Liverpool is to have the first elevat ed railroad in England. It is to be run parallel with the road along the :clocks for 7i miles, with -a station at every half mile or less. Electricity willbe the motive power. Gen. Dyregortlr is highly pleased with the success of his experiments and has perfect faith that the power of Making has been secured. It can do rico barns to try lfireeman's 'Worm Powders if 3 our child is <ailin 'r feverish or fretful. ' Henry Miller shot his mother -in -lav, Errs. Lillie Nelson, his wife and him- self at Great Neel:, LL, Tuesday night. D'liller wiil probaably die. The. women will recover. Cauac, family troubles. A NARROW ESCAPE. "I would probably have been in my grave today hed it not been fer Dr. Fowler's lt'<tract of Wild Strawberry. For two years I suffered from bowel complaint and became very weal: awl thin, but after using half a bottle of the Extract 1 was completely curet: and have since had no return of the complaint , Mis8 Hilton, 84 Huntley St,, Toronto. 'L'ire man Gra lin in, Whe Iva '.80•111 10 l)euitentialy for life fol throwing kit-, viol into the face` of Mr..,(ee°ert, of Tor- onto, four years ago, 'attempted to escape on Sunday night but was de tected and recaptured aster having got through a window,' the bars of which he saved with an old table knife. Those unlaappy persons who ,uher from ueryousuess and dyspepsia should use Carter's Little Nerve Pills, -•vhich are made expressly for sleepless, nerv- ous dyspeptic sufferer's. Price 25 cents. The , steamer Servin broke three blades of her propeller clueing her voy from Liverpool to New Fork. :She steamed 1,200 miles with only one blade of the propeller. The weather was ver' lilac and the sea smooth, Or. T. A. Slocum's OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PURE COD LEVER OIL, If you have wasting' away of flush—Use it. For sale by till druggists. The American Wheel Company, having works throughout Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, and other states, have failed. The assets are $4,100,000; lia- bilities. $1,800,000. A receiver has been appointed. All Ages and Conditions of people may ttse Natiorral.Pills without injury and with great benefit, The kYiikin Manufacturing ' Comp- any, makers of sawmills and general milling machinery at Milwaukee, has assigned. The assignee's bond bas been fixed. at ,1400,000. A OOMVMMON ORIGIN. All skin diseases of whatever name or nature are caused by impure blood Burdock Blood, Hitters is ..a natural foe to impure Blood, removing' all foul humors from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. The strike on the Lake Erie and Western railroaid continues and 'bnsi- ness is a.t a standstill, The road will, itis said, lose $200,000 by the strike. The well known strengthening pro- perties of Iron, combined with other tonics and a most perfeet ner\'ine, ,are found. in Carter's Iron ; Pills, which strengthen the nerves and body, and improve the blood and coanpleXton. The anthracite coal agents in .New York have decided not to male any change in the present rates. SOLOMON'S WISDOM. The wisdom of Solomon, were lie alive co day, would lead him to choose Burdock Blood "fitters as aL remedy for all diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels and blood. It cures dyspepsia, biliousness, headache, constipation, and all forms of bad blood from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous. sore. Mr. Terrien of Detroit, who was ab- ducted last March, identifies William Considine as one of the men who was in the coupe with him. Nature provides a remedy for all diseases, and in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, women h,tye a reniedyy for a;1 those ills peculiar to their sex. Sup- pressions, bearing down pains, nervous headaches, etc,, speedily yield to their treatment and restore -the sufferer to perfect health, Try them, Sold by all dealers, or sent on receipt of price (50c. a box) by addressing Dr. Will- iams' Med. Co., Brockville, Ont. Capt. John Cotton, an old and well- known lake captain, flied at his resi- dence in Port Huron yesterday. SEVERAL SEASONS. "For several seasons I have used Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. and fine: that it makes a perfect cure even of the severest attacks of cum mer complaint and diarrhoea. It is pis precious as gold."—Mrs. P. C. Winger, Fonthill, Ont. Cortril Marcie arriyed in Montreal. last evening and his secretary stated that he was in food heal,h, - Them is no one article in the line -of medicines thaa,e gives so large a return for the money as a good porous strengthening plaster, such as Carter's Smart Wed and,Belladonna Backache Plasters. , DON'T YOM FORGET IT. "I Will never forget that Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry saved my life. Five years ago I had a terrible attack:of summer complaint and was given up by the doctors and pry` par- ents. A friend advised Fowler's Strawberry and at the second dose I was relieved and soon was well as ev- er." --Maggie McG ilivrav, Fall on - burg, Out. FALL FAIRS, South Huron, ...Exeter .... Sep. 28-29 Ilensall , . , ...... Hensall... " 15-10 Lucmi. ........rjucan,... " 16-17 Northern Exhi'n•Goderieh.. " 16-18 Northern 1'aic...Ail't Cr'ig.Sep 20-80 Mite bel l Mitchell 28-24 Bla,nshard Klrktun . , . Oct 8-9 South Perth ..: St. Marys ..' " 29-30 North Perth ... . Stratford , Oct 1-2 Nor:liwestern.. , . Win; barn , . Sop 19-30 Huron Central Clinton...: Sep 28-80 East Huron .... Brussels. , .. Oct 1-2 Biddulpll, lVrt'. F. I.T. Nell,who resides on the 4th con. of Bicidulph left on Monday morn- ing last with 4 stallions,almongst which is "Silver Times," some of ahem weigh- ing over 2,000 las each,, one "thlee•year old stare weighing 1,700 one imported mare tipping scales at 2,040. He also took a number of registeral Lumo ns and some Leicester sheep with hire, some ofwhich weigh over 400 lbs. The propi'ieter has spared no pains in select tag these animals and no doubt will be amply rewarded for his labors. IIe in tends visiting a large number of fall fairs tbrottghotit the United States corn men eh; fr a t Fostoria, Ohio, Toledo,Bucy- res and''a large number of others: Exeter Roller Mills.. MARKET RPI:'ORrJ S. WTHHEAT'0,9,5 TO 0,98 per bush Our Selling for oee. Flour, strong bakers', $8.00 per 100 :rest faintly, 2.60 a a 1, ,l low grade, 12,00 " 1L Bran, 0 " Middlings, 95 e Screenings, 100 " r, Chop, 1.15 to 1.25 " Oh op r P day. stone , uri `ain every r t TIMMS 'C ASH. The E.\ etc Xining Co U.U$ lower" Mr. Lorenzo 1?. Sleeper is very well known to the citizens of Apple- ton, Me., and neighborhood. He says: " EigLlt years ago I was taken sick, and suffered as no .one but a " dyspeptic can, T then began tak- " ing August Flower. At that time "I was a great sufferer. Every- thiug I ate distressed ale 00 that I "had to throw it up. Then in a "few moments that llorrid, distress "would come on and I would have " to eat and suffer. ° "again. Itooka little .of your wed- " iei nee, ed"ici.ne, and felt much "better, and a f t e r taking a little more Feeling. " August Plower my ` D )e tsia d3sa Yl p "geared, and sincesI that tinge I- have never had the first sign of it. "`I can eat anything without the " least fear of distress. I wish all " that are afflicted with that terrible " disease or the troubles caused by it would try August Flower, as I " am"'satisfied there is no medicine "equal to it." ®' For that Horrid Stomach THE BEAUTIFUL RAID C,LEAR;CUT. from which this paper is printed was supplied by tr.e TORONTO TYPE FOUNDRY Dealers in type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON. S0 & 82 Wellington St. west TORONTO, ONT. LOOK! EMI! A New TaH-or Shop1 The. Undersigned wishes to inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that S he has opened out "e . . ° tun c1 And is prepared to do work in latest style and workmanship. x 11÷ 1 -x II' _ Il x it e< GIVE H I M A CALL - x li = II x it =- II x II h x WIUII( IITE[Th Over F. J. Knight's Grocer Store. ERT KNIGHT. London Huron &_Bruce Railway 11'a.senge,r Time; Table, GOING NOu'ru. - GOING Sou'ryi. a:m 11 m, a.m. p.m. London,clep't8.05 4.20. Wingliam 7.05 040. Lavin Cros'g 8.47 •, 20. Belgrave 7,24 400. Clandoboye 8 ,i 5(0, Blyth' 7,30 415, Centralia 9.05 5,45 Londesboro' 747 425. EXETER 9.10 5.57. Clinton 8.07, 4.45. I-fens:ill 9,28 3.00 Ilrucefiold 8,90 5.04 Kippen 931 ((17 Nippon 8.3.1 5.12 Brucefield 9.42 6.20 wensall 8.11 .5.19 Clinton 10.00 0,45 EXETER. 9 5i 5,31 1ondosboro' 10 19 7,93 Centralia 909 5,45 Blyth . 10.28 7.12. Clan dehoye 1118 ;5 50. 71e1grave 10.43 7 27 T.ucairCros g 9.24 6 92. Wingbam 11.69 7,15, London :a.rr t0 15 84.0 • • CITY HOTEL LONDON, ONTARIO. 1 perd J. & J McMARTIN,Proprietors. i r ',1 t4 'Regulates the Stomach, Liver and'Bowels, unlocks theSncretions,Purifiestho 'BBlood and removes all im- purities' from a Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore. .ya k tit.' 41 •q6 d'u Ir' am •, li. 1 v' j -_ DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS. CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE. SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART EiUFIN, SOUR STOMACH DIZZINESS. DROPSY RHEUMAi'ISM, SKIN DISEASES PEOPLE; MAY 13L0`\' BUT HAVE THEY THE GOODS TO BACK IT UP mimisammeuemaissmassamassest Having purchased the Estate of John Brawn, I have thoroughly refitted the factory,and a manufacturing an elegant in ant line of furniture Oak, Cherry, Maple and Ash. Y P Note some of the Prices. Led Room Sets in Antique oak polished t .00 and n • Sideboards in .Antiue Oak~ polished at $10,00 and up q 0 po is cd a X18 p, q " Maple, Cherry and Ash at $8.75' and up, " " Maple, Cherry and Ash at $8.00 and ur, Beds, TIM stile, in Maple or Birch at,$1.90;' And a handsome assortment of Hall Stands, Extension Tables' Writing Deslls1 Centre Tables all in Walnut Oak, Cher: and Ash,and at .rices. ,yver close Y P Rernerriber I make no trashy elm furniture and 9 sell as cheap as the Cheapest. of wood wanted ha exchange for furniture, litul'e, 100,000 feet of' Lumber and. 300 cords Afull Line of Undertaking goods alwayson land. Remember the Stand—Factory and Warerooms two doors north of Town Hall, Exeter. WALT. ANDREWS. Robt. N. Roue, FURITURE IIEflLB Ari; D n,dertaker3 S. I IA Ai Y. THE LEADING .erten AND Furniture Dealer OF THE Th `.7 $y. ? I have an immense Stock of Furnitlu'e and Undertaking Goods now on hand, which I -will sell at right prices. llNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. S. UIILTY. SELL Ity EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock C+00=S., = S., IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : West of England Suitings and Trous cringe, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser- in;s, French and English Worsted Cloth All made up in the Latest Style, at 'best Rates. A. .1. F.I +1' LL.dn DR.. FOWLERS •E`XAT: OF •TR WBERRY CURES HOLER holera Morbus OLrI C -ane FSANI PS IARREFA YSENTERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR, CHILDREN OR ADULTS. W. G. Bissett's Livery First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. BISSETT. IN ORDER TO MAKE SPACE —FOR— SUMMER GOODS. We will clear out the balance of • our Winter Stock: AT COST --FOR— Cash ' a.'NIX Including a splendid assortment of OVERCOATS & SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS, LADIES AND GENTS PUBS. LADIES' FUR CAPS, MUFFS AND HATS. LADIES NETT, VEST AND WOOL. SHAWLS. A NICE STOCK OF FUR TRIMMIN'S GENTS HEAVY WOOL LINED KID M1`I'S & GLOVES at 75c worth $1: 'We cant be undersold in Teas and Sugars for SPOT CASK. JOHN MATHESON, Exeter North FTfi9 DRUTOflL Fariiier l3roi WliolesaIc fltaii Gropers, `NINE & SNRIT Merchants, Mann-st., EmateY`a CHRISTIES camEnciAL) L-vpir.) First Class RIOS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED T0. ,weem a .eaao a-l;is Telephone Connection. A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drugs A WAYS XXEP7l. Patolgfilerlicius,SDaigs,: Druggist's Slipplics Ai right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Family Receipts Carefully Prepared, V1flII's 01)1)11111R POWCI the best in the market. C. LU TZ PROP, HOPF1V;P 'J HARMLESS HEAP/ten POWDERS ours ALL READACHE. !'11.ey are not adver- tised' to cure event thi ny,butsilllpl(j head- aches. 4'ry th.can, it wilt cost but ::5 cents fur ahem and they, aro harmless. They are nota Cathartic This space belongs to E. IL Fish 'Tonsorial Artist, Main St., Exeter, Ont THE LIGHT -,RUNNING„. LAMES' FAVORITE,. THE CONEY SEWING IVACIIINV, ..__. THAT DIVES., per( r.y,, ,; mn. w► J.. 1 cion*oa - xg IlidlfliJ SealiE 11e:-.* DALLI T.sx.• .`. ATLANTA TA 1. 'i' Pa'1C La 0940 d +'v'ar3i„ „tT. sANfRAbte15Ct1,Cll