HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-8-20, Page 8!AU.. • cluu READ -MAKER'S -E27.42.1.tsw NEVER FAO TO GIVE SATISFACTION FOR SALE CY ALL DEAL,ERS. S111,811 waro.DEP11111111all. ma]] COUNTER GOODS. Toys S. Polish Pictures Beads Shoe " Spiee Jars Dolls illateh Safes Sails Nid Mugs Needles Rules Balls IL Pius Elammers Purses Thimbles Tacks L. Pencils Billions Agate S. Drivers Broaches " Pearl P. Cord 1V, Chains Handkerchief C. Openers Cups Towels C. Tongs Toy Books Neckties F. Shovels KDives Fans S. Lifters M. Organs Splashers P. Mashers Whisks T. fitts Toast Forks Soaps Bibs Dippers N. Brushes Ten Pails Egg' Beaters S. Ten Sleepers Q, Turners Clothes " T. P. Stands Black'g " Comb Cases Stoye •" Dust Pans Tooth " Pie Plates Combs Trays Toy Brooms !Goblets ,7„ aniact, Ezeter. LOCAL JOTTINGS. Sixteen and a half mills is the rate of taxation for 1891 for St,Marys. Freeman's Worm Powders destroy and remove worms without injury to adult er infant Regulate the Liver and Bowels by the judicibus use of National Pills, they are purely vegetable. The Exeter Woolen Mill are making some splendid 2 ply fine yarns buy them when in need of such. "Why, now I cannot get enough to eat," says one lady who formerly had no appetite, but took Hood's Sarsapar- illa. The local in last weeks issue with re ference to cows running, at large,should have read 15th August instead of 15th September. The gold medal belonging to the Exeter Gun Club will be shot for On Thursday evening (to night) by the members, The ADVOCATE will be sent to any address for the balance of the year 1891 for 30 cents, paid in advance. NOW is the time to subscribe. The holidays for country schools are at an end as the schoolmaster began his ditties on Monday morning last. For towns and villages their vacation will last two weeks longer. The contract for the erection of the county bridge on the boundary line between Morris and East Wawanosh has been awarded to Mr. L. Hardy, of this place, for the sum of $760. A large Mastiff dog belonging to Carlingliros. was shot the otherday on account of becoming cross and biting children: We understand this is not the first one that has been put an end to in the village lately. Dr. Lutz, whose drug store and part of the contents were destroyed by fire on the 16th inst., wishes to inform the public that he will again open out in a few days in Fansons Block, the apart- ment recently vacated by Miss Horne. .A load of Lucanites passed through our town on Tuesday eyening last on their return home from. Grand Bend where they have been enjoying the salubrious breezes of Lake 'Huron for some time past They report of hav- ing a very enjoyable -time. Mr, J. P. Ciarke wife and family, Mr • Solomon Manning and wife and Mr. Wm. Parsons and wife intend leaving for Grand Bend on Saturday to have a few days of enjoyment on the shores of Lake Huron. They have rented one of the suinmer residences in whith they will reside during their absence. About 20 eyeilists arrived here from London on Saturday evening about half past seven o'clock and remained at the Commercial Hotel over night The club was led by a safety bicycle on which was seated a lady and gent. le,man, the remaing number following in uniform order, They vere accom- panied by a Highland piper, who, throughout the evening paraded the streets playing aevera,1 Scottish airs. Their music was very good, but ttoe unto the singing. They left on Sun- day morning about 730 for Goderich, intending to return home Monday evening. The adjaeent woods in this neigh. borhood loudly echoed the report of the guns of several of our sportsmen on Saturday the 15th inst., it being the first day of the season for -%voodcock shooting, Some of them left the vill- age yery early in the inorning and af- teg spending several hours fighting mosquitoes arul searching for the small bird, liad to return with a very small bag of frame, Others were more fort- unate, t'two parties especially, who were ;,uccessful in capturing 10 of the prettieSt birds you would wish to see. This is the best we have heard Of, anti is considered good, as they are not very pientiful. 'On Wednesday evening last a, very pleasant ceremony took place at the residence of Mr, S. P. Hill of this town, the ina,rriage of his 8eC011d daughter' Kate, to Mr. T, A, Brown, Pt incipal of the Exeter Public School. The guests were the immediate relatives of the bride anti groom. The bridesmaids WC) e the littlellissos Alice Hill, sister, and Leila Cale, mice of the brid% Pans L Squeezer C. Screws Si• Ladles while the groom was supported by his brother, Mr. S. G, Brown, Principal. of CilearYlile Public Sehool. The Roy, E. B. Barnes offieiated„ The presents to thebride were both numerous and handsoine, The nappy couple left by the even lng train for Toronto, Arkono, and other points in Western Qutario, ciirrying with them the best Wishes of a host Of friends and acqUaintanees,"-- .West Darhant I.Yezcs, We have intieh pleasure in joining with their many friends in wishingthem every pros- perity through life, and may 'their fut- ure be a happy and smooth one, Division Court was held hero on Monday, the 17th day of August when the following cases were disposed of:— French vs Mannittl.),.--Garnishee - ad- journed till next Court -Collins for plif; Elliott for deft. itfcCalluin v Leathorne -Action to recover price of Worcester Sauce -Deft. that mistake was made in quantity and price. -Judgement for de- fendent-Elliott for plff;Dickson for deft. Irwin v Dempsey & Trustees of School Sec., No. 4-garnishers-Action on P.Note -Juclgemeut for plc?, and adjourned' as to garnishee. -Dickson for Olt Wood Bros. vs Dortyard and corporation of Ex:eter-garnishee-Settled out of Court as between Primary Oretliter. . and Primary Debtor -order made for pay- ment of $19 by garnishee to Dickson claimant -Elliot for plff; Dickson for other parties. Crtnneroat. Eilber vs Flynn -Action on Promissory note for $34. --Judgment for plff for $7, -Collins for plff; Dickson for defendent Brown v Sims -Action. on Promissory - note -after entering upon the evidence herein plff was obliged to adjourn. - case to be tried at next sitting. -Collins for -plff; Dickson for deft. Hill v Ryan and Township of Stephen -garnishee - garnishment of Assessors Salary -ow- ing to absence of witness, Ryan, case adjourned till next Court. -Collins for plff; Dickson for deft. wanted. Never too .late to'mend. 5000 pairs of boots and shoes that need repairing to be left at the leading boot and shoe store next door to the post office. G. Manson. Coat Found.. A black worsted, picked up on Lake Road, opposite Messrs. Smith Bros. farm which contained a red silk hand- kerchief. Owner can have same by Paying for this notice. Call at Com- mercial House, Exeter, Card of Thanks. . I beg crreatly to tender my thanks to those of our Villagers who so ably and willingly extended a helping hand to save my property from.' destruction during the fire on Sunday morning last. I am Yours Respectfully, En. CHRISTIE. Aecid.ent. On Monday while As Williams, Exeter North, was busily engaged, running a machine called the picker, in the Exeter Woollen Mills, his fing- ers caught between the cogs and were severely crushed. They have been carefully attended to, and it is thaught that he -will not lose either of the in- jured limbs. 3' H. Grieve. Not being able to dear out his stock in time to get away by Aug. 1, has again leased his old stand (one door north of E. H. Fish's Barber Shop) where he will be found showing a lar- ger and better assorted stock than has been shown in Exeter, consisting of all the latest novelties in fall and winter clothing. Watch for next week's change of "ad." J. II. Gnmviii, Toronto's Great Fair. • The wheel of time has again resolv ed anid the people of Canada are invit. ed once again to visit Toronto's great Industrial Fair, which will be held this year from the 7th to the 191h of Se,pt.. Many important alterations and im- provements have been made in the buildings since last yea,r. The attract- ions on this occassion will be 0/1 a far morn extensive and elaborate scale than ever before. Space th all the buildings has been applied for earlier than usual this season, and the live stock and agricultural department is away head of any previous year. All intending exhibitors should bear in mind that the time for receiving; en- tries will close in a few days, after which the books will not be again open- ed. In conclusion, we may say we cannot recommend a more profitable or interesting holiday trip than it visit to the Toronto Exhibition. During its continuance the cheapest rates of the year will prevail on all railways. shooting Match. A Shoot took place on the grounds of the Exeter Gun Club on Thursda,y last week, between Seaforth and Exet- en In the afternoon about three o'- clock they assembled on the grounds and alter appointing Mr. James 13issett Jr., as referee. 'theyt'began the match each team being- composed of 6 men, This contest was clese and atone time lool-ed as if it would result in favor of the visitors, but the marksmanship of several of the home team =Suited bet- ter than was expected, and below we give the score of those who took part:- SEAFOUTU. A Stark 1 0 1 0 1 / 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0-10 T. 3orclan 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0- 4 A 3 Bright 1 0 01 0 1 t 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0-10 .1 -Dodds 110001110110101-9 ,TAnderson 019 /01111110101-10 Eliinahley 101100111101110-10 Total 63 EXETER. E. Ilissott 610111110111110 -it LITantlforci 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 0-13 L,Sne11 010010110001111-8 .TWoods 101101010110100- 8 D.,Tohns 111100011110000-8 R Eacrett 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0- 11 After the members of both clubs had refreshed themselves with a sumptuous repast at the hotel they then wathered together for the purpose of ha.e'ving a, ssveepstake match, and the following Is the name bf each participe,nt at a his scere:-. E. Hinchley, 5; J! Dodds,. Anderson, T.,,J pit -1 an, 6. 1. Handford 4; P,'Iluvdou, 5 ood,, 9; 11, Eatrett, 4 A: Stark, 0, A. 1.31,!ight, L. Snell,. 9; 11 Bissett' 10 Out of the total number of competitors' Mr. E. Bissett was succeasfUl in wie-. ning first Money, he haying .broken .10 straight blue Rocks, with three. others close to him with scores Of 9 each. The tie was then shot off, when A. Stark, of Seaforth, won second; 3 Wood third,, and. A. J. Snell fourth prizes. Although the. home team -were !ignored by win- ning bah matches, not the first word of dissatisfaction waS uttered from the lips of the Seaforth club, each one proV- ing himself to be a sportsman by his gentlemanly conduct. Fersonal Mention., • Mr, Harry Buckingham has return- ed after iSiting rehitives and friends in London, St.Thomas, and Detroit. — Mr. and Mrs, William Gray, of,Lundon, were visiting Mr. and Mrsg-Wm. Hard tug last week.—Miss Ida Hill, of Lon. don, who has been the guest of . Miss Annie Weekes for the past two weeks, haS returned home—Mr. and Mrs. Win Welsh, of Hensall, were visiting' in tow n onpunday.—Mr. Spry, Wife and faintly, Of London, are, gueSts of Mr. a: Mrs. F. Collins,—Mr, William Gould, son of Richard Gould, of this place,who has been residing' in Oshawa for sever- al years, is here giving hia parenta,rel, atives and friends a .yisit.--.7Mra.. R. 3, BrOWn, of Cliesley, Who has been visit- ing here during the past month has re- tumed home.. -7 -Mr. William nil Jr., Of the Landon.Bead, returned home -from. London on Monday evening. -Mr. Alexander Rimmingtoni of Montreal, is. the guest of his brother, Spencer. --,-Mr, Williani Hawkshaw, of Seaforth, was in town on Thursday, last M. Ellwood was visiting in McGillivray last weeh-t-Master Ernest Sanders,who has been isiting: at Mr. ,-Saninel Sant ders' for the last tWeaVeekst returned to his home in London on -Saturday laSt.—Mist; Lovin Kregor„ of, .London, was yisithagg intown on Sunday and Monday and returned tome, on Tues. day.—Mr. Nicolas McA.voy, who has been visiting here, for the past two weeks. returned t his home •near Kin- cardine on MOnda,y.HMr. J. H. Pope has returned after spending his vadat ion With relatives and friends in Lon dor' —Miss Ida ,May Of Detroit. is here with her aunt, Mrs, George Sanders.—Mrs.; Richard 'Gould , and three children, of London, who have been visiting Mr. and. Mrs. William Wood for several days returned home on Tuesday evening.—Mr. Joseph Senior Wife and child left, for Hamilton on -Wednesday. Mr. Senior will attend the photographers- convention being held there this week —Miss Suste Sen ior has been visiting. .friends in and around Kirkton for .several days . this week. -.--Mr. Geo. M.Fitzgerald, V. Sof Hensall, Was in the Village 011 Tues day .evening.—Mrs. Robert. Essery, of Orangeville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Hawhshaw of this place.—Mr. E. JtMcROherts, the popular Insurance agent, of Loudon, ,Was in town this week adjusting the claiin of Hr. Lutz, in the Econktnical Fire Insurance Co.— Mr. Edward Harwood, who has been re siding in Toronto for ,. some time is spending a short Yaeation withfriends in town.—Mrs. Sharon, of St. Thomas, arrived in town on Tuesday evening anti intend,spending ti short vacation with, Mrs. Jona spackinan :at Grand Exeter's Blaze, • About 3 o'Oloek on Sundt morning fire ss -is discovered breaking through. the :roofof a building situated on Main Street and occupied by W E. Coche- nonnas a druas. stoke. The alarm of lire was sounded which brought forth the firemen from their several places of habitation, asaVell as WA' akening the citizens from their slamben Sonic lit- tle time elapsed before the enliine ar- rived, but ;willing ,hands, soon lent their: assistance ktnd put it in working oper- ation near Christie s livery stable. The flame's still tatirsuing the evil tenor Of its way soon spread to. the .adjoining buitdmgs, Which were 'composed, of frame structures, and were occupied by Di Lutz as a drug store h.nd WM. Folland as a tin shop. These buildings' were all nearly touching one another and. the fire, had a chance of making great headway in destroying the pro- perty. The Upper part of the corner building. Was occupletriby Dr.T.A.Ames, while.the,rea,r waS :LiSeelas a paint shop by Nir. DaVid Spieer, It is in this regi- on that it is supposed to have originat e,d,but from what scorce it is not known A large number of citizens having gathered thoy at once get to work, to carry out the c011telit8 of the different shops and to.relieve the men ' at the firee engine, who by this', time, had very warm place. It was at one, time thought to be impossible for the men to stay at their peat, but several large chairs were procured . and placed be- tween them and the flames, whichren dered vahlable assistance in keeping the heat from them. The North end engine was not long in responding to the call and after it arrived did its work on the buildings nli tpe North side of the Inc. Those Were occupied by Mr. John White & Song, publisher of the .Exeter Times, and Mr. David Spicer as a Millinery establishment and a dwelling honite. The contents of oach of the:storeS and printing Officeox- ceptiog the corner, &lig store, were soon tarried into the street, and after that tarried to other places of security. The firemen by :thia time were haying a hard task trying to Save Christie's livery Stable, it being. in A blaze at dift6rent intervals, It was feared at One tittie that the Central HOtel and Bissetts' tin shop,in fact a largeportion of the busiticsa part, of the Village Wonld be loltated at one lithe, hitt the noble raNritaiSe Of a uuMber Of the eiti %ens in responding to the eommand of the ebief of the fire .departnient; kept it confined within a limited space' 116 heat from the fire was. hot eueugh.to crack a number OF the patieS of glass contained in their fronts and gravo fears were..entertained at one time bit tt the flames would reada the inside of the edifices. A number of Mil *411 pailS:and the engine!No. 1 still kept working away and kept it from going any farther north. During .the scene of peril a number of men who wore ankious to do what they could to quell the conflagation received several slight wounds, but nothing serious happened. The.three buildings that were burnt were insured. The corner building was owned, by Dr. Cowen and insured in the Conunercial Union for 81,000, Cochendurs Drug Stock in the same company,,for $500 and 8500 in the Man chester Fire,Assurance CO. Dr, Lutz's building and. contents in the Economi- cal for $2,100, while the building owned by J. N. Hooper was insured .in the Waterloo Mutual for $00, and W. Follands stove and tinware stock in the Lancashire for $700. The other build- ing's which were damaged are all hew ily insured and their loss' Will only amount .to a trifle. Tho: three build• togs were totally destroyed and only the stocks of two were saved. All of Dr. Amos' instrunients,drugs,apd books except his account books, were con- sumed.. No inSuranee. Th6 firemen deserve the'highest praise for their un-. CenSing labors in abetting the fiery' elements, and for the splendidcondit- ion in Which the . engines: had been kept, finthe moment .the Men began to -handle the'brakes they began to do their Work and continued until the fih- ish. Some think the originof the Inc wa-s.from combustion but at pres• ent. it still remains a myStery. The charred ruins presenttan ugly appear- ance in the centre of the village, but itis believed that the space will soon be rebuilt "IT IS A WHOLE DRUG STORE," IS what a lady said of elark'a Light ring Liniinent, The preyions night she had an attack of neuralgia irn the fade, and sent to the drug store for re- lief night clerk sent a bottle of Clark's Lightning Liniment, wnida dispelledthe pain at .011c0. In the night baby.Woke with: colic, She gave him three drops of Liniment on a lamp Of sugar, and he went to 'sleep again. In the morning :her husband complain- ed of Rhenniatisna lathe Shoulder. She rubbed it with liniment until he Said the pain was gone. - Is it any wonder the lady called Clark's 'Lightning- Lin- iment "a Whole drug sterer. Sold by all druggists; price 'fifty cents. Clark Chemical Co., Toronto, New York.: 1 CURE FITS! When I say I cure I do not mean merely to s.op them for a time and then have them retnrn again, I mean a radical care. /hove made the disease of FITS, EPILEP- SY or PALLING SICKNESS a life.long elody 1 warrant • Pilerdeilca 14= enrrioiN:age'ehiluer alnXTicrenhdasit% once for a treatise and a Free Borneaof my infallible remedy. Give EXPRESS and POST.OPP10E. H. G. 13_00T, M. C.,..186 ADELAIDE ST. WEST, I ORONTO, ONT. Are You Deaf. Or to yon suffer from noises in the head Then send. 3 conts tamp and I will send a val liable treatise containing full particulars for home cure which (lasts comparatively noth- ing. A splendid work on deafaess and the car. Address PROF. G. CliA.SE, Montreal. 2111-188 It is a certain and speedy cure for Cold in the Read and Catarrh in all ilis stages. SOOTHING, CLEANSING, HEALING. Instant Relief Perrnanent Cure, Failure Impossible. Many soul:lied diseases aro simply symptoms of Catarrh, such as head. ache, partial deafness, losing sense of sinell,loul breath, hawking and spit- ting, nausea, general feeling of de- bility, etc. If you are troubled with any of these or Itindred symptoms, your have Catarrh, and should lose no time In procuring o bottle of NASAL BALM. Be warned in time neglected cold in head results in Coltrrn, lowea by consumption and death. NASAL Wax is told by all drnggists, or will be sent, post paid, on receipt a price OP cents and 51.00) by addressing FULFOlin & 00,' Brockville, Ont. Olk et. WHY WILL IT PAY YOTI E EA 1 E we pay csli and are in a better position to sell cheap. er than those who by on credip. A we are sycuatal so we can visit the market pers every month and select such goods as our trade wants. LIA we sell our go e, on a close marpqn and satisfy the pub- lic they are buying at as low pric as they can in lawful trade. we think one o the best ways to advertise is behind the counter by treating the customers so they will believe, respect and stay with us. 0 •••••••111411•• G- ito s. lers.w.Trasc....13%moramecur.valeavaaaaw........, LIFE IS TOO SHORT FOR AUGEITBUT HIGH ENDEAVOR. cazazzamommassmingsszEB I endeavour to produce the very best goods in my line, Not only the best in QUALITY AND FINISH, BUT IN VALUE. I am sending out some beautiful milk cans this spring far exceeding and previous effort. My stock of material for spring work, such as Eave- Iroughing, Roofing, &cis extensive and complete, and worli.--lk manthip is the very best. I Solicit your order for TOUCHNCo COOFIEVC CUARA 'TING SATISFACTION. I have without exception the nicest assortment of Milk PAILS and Straining PAILS to be found anywhere, varying in price from 20 cts to $1.00. Note the price of milk pans: SMALL SIZE 73 CENTS TO $2.00 PER DOZEN LAnn sizE $1.00 TO $3.00 MB DOZEN. Who would go without a dipper when you can 0 -et one for 5 cts. ...,areemorestnargaim. Ladies, Call and see Spackman & Co's. Dress Goods. All new Goods. Ladies. Call and see Spackuran & Co's. Sateens, Prints and Ango- la suitings. All good washers. Ladies. Call and see Spackman & Co's. Embroidery shirtings, Lawns and Delaines for the hot weather. Ladies. We sell the best 25c Black Hose in the Dominion worth 40cts Warranted stainless Call and see them. Ladies. Remember we carry one of the largest stocks of Millinery in town. Every hat new. No old trimmings to work up. Call and see the new style for Spring and Sumner. E. J. SPACKMAN 8c CO. SAMVVELL'S BLOCK, MEM. ONTARIO 0 EVER YOURS, FOLLAND, f•yameatermonhommer•Nacwrnmsfusm. OFSSEMEENNAVIRMENOMINERMI Twine. Common Sense, 9 ots. Composite, 9 ets. Crown, 11 tots. e 12 tots. ibbon 14 et Famous Blue W. H. MOPWUR'‘11.iiL.1110WARD, ..•Manager. Proprietote.