HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-8-20, Page 17 amoolovaamagposonamuswaranontealmammowlmmannyoramemoreano.vos mom servorwavv,waroteammancipsnwraconnsmarsommr.somuca-pranalsAboreoR VOL IV,. ••••=0111=1=01112.41.1111.01,11.1.1•:1114•11MAIIMMWRINVNISOIS ^ I EXETER ONTARIO,r,,f IiT3RSDAY A LTG -UST 20 1891 0 219 1 1' 873 7 The ittl.lalsons Bank. (Ohartgred by Parliaent, 1855.) s m Paid up Capital .... , . .... $2,000,000. Rest Fun .... .., ....., . 1,000,0002 Head offiee montreal. ' F. WO aFERSTAN THOMAS,,Esne " „, GENERAL AIANAGDR. llioneyfa' dvanceet to good Farmei's on their own neAes with one Or more endorsers, at 7 por oar per annum. , • s xeter Branch. , 'Opelli ever v15 day frora 310 a. in. to 8 p. ' me saturdays ao 4,111, to I. p. in A • • t d general banlung business transac e tour per OEM t. par annum allowed for mon- 14y on Deposit Receipts. Savings 13ank at 3 peer °mat. N. DYER HiJ,RDON Exeter, <Tan 28, '88. Sub:Manager, TO LET- • A. desireable cottage to let on Eliza- both Street, south of jaines St. Church. se w. ing las c i stal , i TI b 'Id" • 1 7 1' tin • ent rut nen ts and it is a good location to liVC lir, inunediate possession (riven. ,For fur• . . c s . ther particularS apply on ihe premises. TUOAIAS DEARING;' Exeter. • sear....,kvs.Exeter. On Thursday last the Seaforth and Zurich. john Maiming is hereby commissioned to have the, washout on 7ta con. W. C. R. at Delanesos creek repaired. Car- • - , , p ried.-J. D. Drummond -1. rest that...who this council grant $15 -tai the McGilli- • - A -• It I S • t 0 -• 1 Play glum ura °cm y. 11111.0( .- T. Johnson -J. D. Drummond that whereas complaint has been made to .• • • . • , this cotrucil that certain peleons havethe appropriated the concrete tile belong- ing Go this Ip. to Snake ,eulverts along • ' ' tes. • • .the road opposite their ga , the Utak • t t'f .. • •h ' ons that this come Is. 9 no L suc pers . ell is not liable for the construction of such culverts and to request tbean to wait upon the, council and have a set. tl •the. saidIcrete tit Car ernent for cm e, ried-E, Morgan ---G. T. Johnson, that 6 the hereinafter named individuals be paid the several amounts as set forth viz: -Durr Bros, ace. for grayel, $12.75; F. Fussel repairing scrapers $2. G. L. , 3 1 Shipley acc. for gravel, $28.S5; W. Alawson ace. for gravel,$33; E. Holland ditching on Wilson's hill 7th con. E. C. It $6 46. D. Parke oravelling on E. • . 'Williams town line ISIeG portion $30.50; L. <McDonald gravel , grant 121h con. . $15: B. Pile, planking. bridge [ladling Stones and acc. for, stories and spikes for, Parkhill road $5.40; 13, Pile oversee T ing. g•ravelling Div. No. 11, $7.50; C. Medeof gravel contract No. 11 $165.30; O. elecicof repairing culvert, -washout, d ' •• el' fi t P th'll • d $1.3 50. an gra ine• a a. al s i lots , . , S. Armstrong,' repairing Foster's bridge 7th coe E 0 14 $8• A Grieve buildina • • E. • • • , A.e tra;S'ese and approaches 24th con. $10; vr. ,-tler:i•4111, repairing. avlyert at Sand- hill maiiinsanid, $1; J. Mannino. gravel grant c a, . C. •8 • , J. t 7th ciTi VAT R., 16 50n. J Man, /an., repairing ut,:cbont 711). con. W. C. a R. $2• J. Doyle,oravt,-; g•rant 12tlx con. . ' . ' 'n • $10; J.. Hodgins repiitesena Slacks a° bridge, $20; W. H. 'I'ailor ae.ittending equalization County meeting aS,\. Lon- don, $5; C. Medcof, balance cuteing Wilson's hill, 7th eon, E. C. R. $50; -"ST, 1 Williams hills an 14t and repairingh 8th cons, E. C. R. $5; J. Robinson, gra- - vel grant Sth con E. C. R. $20; D. F. Stewart, damages for 'hill slide at Sable hill west of Aisle Craig, $1.2.50. -Car• ried-T. Prest- T. D. Drummond, that this council adjourn to meet in the . town hall 1st Monday in September at 10'o'clock a.m. Carried. 1)Vat Fraser. Clerk. Ailsa Craig last Weclnesi great eye,nt was looked f with interest by numbers d- .tn1 t . 1-a, • eapte c o see a seen , ing match. Dark clouds rol the .1. * thre• t,' ' la hea * b ..) a Glut a 1 3 and the outlook was rather 1 game. But when it was ab( 0-inse, it cini commence ,,,, , t.,,, I tne joy of numbers of people anxious to see it. e.bout leams wereelled seae her - La ns c„ L „ t 1 L ' 1 erets. mem won t le toss a ed the we,stera .9:0al. . '11 ' blew and Baker seat the bal. by kielsing to the left wil and Bowden --who carried 11 Lucan backs, and then los , who sent the ball down the 1 rush was made on Eden goa effect as the ball passed b line, being missed by awes made a fine nick and sent le distance down the field TI kept in the vicinity of the L for quite a while, as the Ed , . were playing. well a-nd 'else( opposing. forwards hard. A . Eden.• • road.P. on the goal, b. straw made a bad miss and score. The ball was kieked and another rue. was made c eu goal and the first corner i was secured. Edwards k hall bat Deinpse ea 101 t 't < y 1 e, 1 1 of his foot and passed it oi was havina the best of the a the combination of the Luca was good and had great effe,1 were well supported by th( Eden forwards again oot; the ss se a pass from the right wing n . left was the best play madet the ga,me. Eden's left w were svor.ising hard, made a rush on the Liman goal. Do the ball, took it well down, the ball passed between the ' t • .' vstash amidst great chemun afteAehis the whistle blew time. alie game was ,yery I this, but insaavor of Eden by lianddford ands.Gee, tes were I goo game at baeiss. an Bayle at hall back, lerm w, • ed without much delay and, was soon set In motion by E, was secured by one of Ed , backs who passed it to Baker ling close to Lucan half-bnc • to. riga Wing Met whcarush Lucite. g•oal. The ball was I ward the Lucan goal but WE At this stage Liman defence tillable to neck ear men, wt and using unfair means to .1 swift -footed forwards froinse Lucanites.worked and pre: but the Eden defence was 1 , , hand to repel the attacks an goals were. taken. Thus t ended after a hard struonsle el zy of Eden by a score of 1 to beating Luean, the clubs from the grounds to the cls . where the prizes syere to be riving, theie the te o winn formed in line. Presently store door openecl and a 1 clothed in white was seen h her tiny hand that which ' , strut:staled so manfillly fen. • '-'. • • " ' with honor -the silyer cup. neat reply from the cant rousing1 . a -- e seers were oryen, t the clubs went to thAotel ti en is justly proud of her 1 , • s well she may be, for it is a any town, niuck more so is 11 little Eden. It can now boa best amateur club in Huron sex. Don't forget the concei from te•MOrrOes (Friday', Ili, the silver cu will be eel ' P on eel Exeter Cricket Clubs met in contest on se xe er cue ,c, grounds 1.t., +. ti sE t ' •• .1- .1 E . ‘ter tool- first inning and made a score of 49 runs,after 1. 1 Se f ti stepped in W 11C 1 a oi i , • and piled uscoof SO s. Thus p a re run0 the game was declared in favor of ace- forth; but as an .i. . • . , eat was undo , , , elsaell , at the commencement of the aame to . • • '7 , play tall 6 o'clock, Exeter again se eut to bet end made a 'snore fe 73 r ins , <- . c 0 < 1, • Mr E. C. Coleman of Seeforth did the ' , ., ' : ; _ , best batting for the day, making' 21 runs; the next being P. W. Farncornh, . a of this place, making la. ,m,-.- MisS'I izaie Erickson of.Berlin who 4 -4 ' lees.heen. visiting at Mr.. H. Durnarts sr, fey he past week has returned home --I' r. itu Mrs. Lata have returnee 'II 'd I h ' 1 home-p,ner speeding several weeks 111G. the vicitIty of Chiselburst -I est Fri . , ' ' . day we had. a aeavy shower of rain. Pesture lands end veo•etables will be ' ' - ` e ' - greatly benefited by it. -The Fall Fair • • • onversation at _present a ,- • i • . ' , • '• ana by, al appealances we will as us ual 'have a ,goocl shbw. A great many special '1,eizes are listed.-Mr.H Duna , . ,. H. art sr, ay.,- given hie house next to D. , , • • to A SAIL.44111.12. ancl Cernallssioa . $90 e _ _ 1.7. Agents, Men and, 'women, Teach - ors. and Clergy -mon to introduce a new and popti far standard book. , Testimony of 19 Centuries ....• ., I-10 Jesus of Nazareth, The inOst, remarkable religious book of the age, written by 800 run inent soholars, Non- sectarian. Every Christian wants it, Ex- elusive territory given. Apply to The Henr Bill Publi y shing Co Norwich CONN. '1 1 , • Steinbach 6 stole a fresh' coat of paint MOOTS -Ville. WIlia„OrreatlY improved the appear- , twee of it. It Was also enlarged and G000 Worm -a -Mr. 'William Simpson repaired of late and it will make it fine , had a machine on his premises One day resideeee, last week that threshed 1225 bushels --School oPened last aloeday and tl'entt n Ian-veryao .- . „ i te c ce was , od of fall wheat in Ses hours. 'Ile wheat Mr. Latta Mr. Jarrob and Miss Haugh ' > , - . , . . was in excellent condition for the ma- occupy' tbe position as teachers of this chine andthe yield was large, this school' end we hope the sehool will mess- • with all other conveniences, made it der under their in fluenee and • •• ,.‘ , „ , manage- I iol11 work ror tne mem t-, mente-Ouite a number of our villagers ,s THE ' -R- (1-X ,et -Cr brrirraXga ' • ThsdaMorni Is published every ury ng, at the office, MAIN -STREET, L--- EXETER. ' By the SANDERS' PUBLISHING COMPA:NI. TERMS OF auBSCRIFTioN. One Dollar per ann,um if paid in Advance. 411.50 if' not so paid.. rrert.2.42..i.Ns. Mateo owl .81.16plies,- tior.i. --- is, o paper d• uirti . 11 arrearages N iscontinued. are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be publilied till forbid an a dharged accordingly. Iaberal ch.scount paa_de for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of ,T013 PRINTING turned out in the finest style, (sat moderate rates. Cheques,moneyord- :IA, &es for advertising, Subseriptions, to, to be made payable to p Sanders &Sweet . , PROPRIETORS ' FARMSFOR . _ ..i. SALF L ' , North half of lot 4 north boundary of St la • th t ' 't 11.' ep en, in e corm v o uron, a ou ,,, miles west of Exeter, which is possessed of . f the best marl-ets in We,o ern Ontario one o , ., • , , There are first class out buildings, good frame dwellir?g, good orchard on the preset- ses au well fenced and (1 Mined and 3.8 In 0 , , . , first class state of cultivation. Also, west.half of lot 6, north betindary of the aforesaid township, about to aeres . of di arawood bush, the brblance of which Vo- -1 t.. _ _ . 11 f cel '61 e.00d i good pi bture lands, we t.n t , in i „ Supply of water. Possession of both places immediately. For further particulars apply on the premises: or tro s . Ma J01 N ,.. WEET, Exeter, Ont, , -----4:t•-• attended the "Kinder Tache" annive.r Brewster. wiry held. at Dashwood last Sunday.- . ,, . --- Miss Kate Lippert has returned home, School opened on Monday and teach- after spending several days visiting in er and u sils have once more commen- • • • • sea,' . ' t P I • . • a Hensall-Miss A , eau., Lippert who has ced their duties.-Aliss M. Hallman, of been employed in a taiS'ar shop in Ches. Seaforth, who has been visiting her toy ha4,"returnecnbotneonka short vaca- . patents d -• a the 1 t t , eeks mine as eo w itte , 1 . t. ai es -'s K - • .G. er ion. ---s rs) .L, °ore, of ansas sty, a is- reture-- ed.Mrs. McDougal and falnilY souri and Mrs. Logue, of Atchison Kan- (:). Sarnia, r areatpresent visiting he' • • • t11 'et B. D'''' ,. .. a • sas, at the guestso ,i' rs. onry mein , mother arid friends in this vicinity.-- —aess— ,--- ,, , L NTOTER S LIST,. 1.891.1 MUNICIPALLY OF. V the Tom:11419s ot Stephen, ..County or .11mon.-7Notree ,1S h.erehy gb.yen that 1 have transmitted or delivered to the perbons men- tiOned in the 8rd amd.4th sections of the VOt• ers' List Act, the copies ventured by said sec- tioAl to be so transmited or delivered of the last,made pursuant to sitia,Aat ofall pers On 8 armee ring_ by the last revised. assessm en t roll of the said Munkipality to be entitled to vote i tl e said Municipality at elections for membilersiof the Legislative Assembly. and at the Municipal elections, a id that said list was first posted LLD at my ode°, Stephen, on the.ist dayof August, 1891,,and esreams there. feoraimnispeection. .Electors are called upon to in the said list, and, if any omissions or other errors are found. therein to take int- mediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. CHESTER PROUTY, Clerof the said Municipality. ESted this 1st day of' August, 11301. 'e Miss S. Pollocl- who has s ent the ' • ' , p .-, last. - kiibbert, four weeks at the Grand Bend has re t ' ed. 1 • The II' r I co • os nd m n • ionic.- a pay 1 i . po - Public school reopened on Monday at ent was calling on a very particular N 6 1 1 Li , , . friend . his ,-. 0, St: 100 ouse. or on Sunday evening last, 1)1r. Jas. Gillespie intends takina a church Direetorsa TniVITT MEmoniAn Cn1711.C11.--Bev. 5. F Robinson, Rector. Sunday Services, 11,a. m and 7 p.m. Sabbath School, 2,30 p. m. maanoeisa cuunen-sames-st , Rev. A. L. Bassett, Pastor. Sunday Services, 10.30 U.. II.1. and 6.80 p.m. Sabbath School,m. Kara STREET -Rev. W. McDonough, Pas-- tor. Sunday Services,10.30 a.m. and 6.80 p.m. Sabbath SCh001 230 p. m. - - s 'ne. a PR.8.8....YTErt...AN -ur-mt,-Rev. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services,ru. and 6.30 p. m. Sabbath School, 9.45 a. in. ., c trip t6 Manitoba shortly. Crediton., , Mrs. Baird an d,daughter, of Stratford While workmen were engaged pica. were the guests of Miss Chubb of Stet& in°, clay near one of the brickyards on last week. le' ' T 'Lunde last week Mr. Charles km Mr Jas. Crawford of Toronto is visit- , - Y , - received an ugly wound from Lim pick ing at his uncle's Mr. Geo. Leary •en of another o t f -is ' employes. -The yil- the i2th con. . leave people held a uniori picnrc at the Mrs Alex. alcKellay, of Cromartv, lake on. Thursday last week. --Mr. .AI• who has been vers. ill for some time is bert King -vao lives about 2e- miles conv•aleseent. - south of here lost a valuable mare on ' • . - Quite as -lumber of our yours°. folks Sunday. It appears that while he was . took in tne eacuision to voderich. in the act of takina her out of the • ,) • 1' . They re ort of h qua • il s. a bed , - p as a a yeay 1 ea d t stable a sharp stick ran into her ,s • time. • alloiVinbc' the entrails to protrude. The ' • aaimal had to be killed. Flax pulling' . Mr.4rthur Hotham,* of Staffa, hes . ''s -- "ir- --d: liet'tt 9•b,e-t , -s • te- -e es ., - T t- Is about over and some hale k, rte ei , c a <1, h. s ,n 'No. o drawing. school house on the 12th con. in place the former 18 or EMPORIUM. . ilsio8 , ' S ill e , , • Professional. Cards. „.... H. KINSMAN, L. D . S, Fans on' s 13lock c ------s--,. two doors north* of Carling Store, -• ''''' . - " • t a •ts teeth BLAIN STREIVI,SI.L21.1t, ex r c., vrithOut pitin• • Away at liensall on 1st Friday; Arisa Craig on 2nd and. 4th. Tuesday; and Zurich onasst Thursdaw of each. month. .`.1-..'.1!/ 'I= ori•--- -)na". 2*8 0 3 ,T,SSI-TAw;W: \ (.,-&-• Ve-4. 411 nn ,,,, 'IT ----, 11. asesessaa „ear- , -nesse - :, - are seasseasne PERKIN'S fif 1.\YAIN -,,z.----.--,-..; moi loyg_retal_—_----- voi-i - - iv& g „_ ff ' It -42.-- ii- Et tgaS. Z(s:V/ .1 .1 . /1A - ' ---..01,/ .. n •\1141614 k C? \`\ Pi ANoS will - Ilgi,,, . MARTIN, PROPs. - ,11-7- I '. -'''-',-- i, -, ' .,.. .1 ;, ' ' ,esa. i li ,Sii a se,. t'i.,':;'-..V-rdssreass-___,.,,,, 1,1%fes'f'-1,01415,41,112P •••,,, ''sat." „ s [i , ' . ape ,/ _ ' \ .,:, - ks e %, •.'" e a , . as, s a en ye , _. , , -as-a--- aes - ,. e, , - ;a _-•-• •s .1;;Vo' lat" , e, e 11 , PI ea It ..1, ill 1 ,• ..... _as__ 1 IV 1,4 'I i - see ••••''' ......-anns- Imola n 1 44 •,a - a - Vas .-es n. ..- ' s '. \ \ a, e 0 " ,. ,4 - -., C. R. INGRANL, DEN-1'1st, Member Royal v. college Dental Surgeons, successor. to la. L. Billings. Otlice over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetic given for the painless extraetion of. teeth. Plit,tes be- cured firmlyinthe mouth by Yemen b pat- tent Vaave -------m,---. of teacher, Mr. AfeNaugh Dashwood. ton. — Amongs the numbers svhich left OD Nancy Weber! . , ., ,, , who has been .Tuesdav of last week for alanitoba visiting freends m MIlverton, has re- were: -Messrs Luxton, Miller, Spere, turned again -Di T. P. McLaughlin Heron, ,Caermichael. They intend res . a . . left on Satnrday on an. excursion .to turning after the Manitoba harvest is Niagara. -Falls. During his absence over. . Dr. Patrick will loek after his business. A se,Vere wind storm passed over the -Children's clay anniyersaty was held • h . di A S d 7 ' o• hi , neig bin oo on un ay esernne OW in the Evangelical church. on, Sunday in f ' • • d gover epees uplooting. trees, an last. .The building was tastefully 'dec. 013,11 ye orated with flowers and everareens. blowing, the roof off a barn bel a" 1 D. le . o i 1, Geo a on, an mina the t IP G D It d d •• 0. " A.1 the afternoon service the attend storm through the niaht lightnina roe that the were un- • • ' • ' ' twee was so la b y , struch i.i, barn, belonging to John O'Con able to accomodate all. Addresses . • • • ner, consuming i s eon en s. t Were delivered by .Revs. Bean 'end a: T B WHITELY, 11.D.,.C. M., PHYSICIA-N CI and Surgeon. Office and residence-- Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Santana, Ontario. ir,B. x. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE--11IAIN ST. _L1 Residence -Corner Andrew and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. Da. T. P. NICLA.UGHLIN, MEMBER, OF the College of 'Physicians and Surgeons ' Ph 'e'en Surs.eon 'brid' Accoucli- Ontario. ybi a , ,, . eur. Office, Bashwood, tmt, . , We cary the mciat complete stock of „ _ , ,.. usica ins innst. 111 1 ' . t • ents in th county , PIANOS, . ORGANS. VIOLINS, ' ALSO a .t , SEWING AI 1CHINES BICYLES. FARM IAIPLEMENTS &c. The above instruments always on hand. . . Term'. to suit rurollVers p • 4 l'''' • 1 Uci .A. 'ALL GIVE w ,u . EVERYTHING AWAY , DOWN. . i. . PERKINS& MARTIN. le Ns -rNR. CROSKERY, Menibe. Royal Col t,, LI Surgeons, England; lacentio,te Royal College Of Physiela,us, • hdinburgh; Kombur College of Physicians ancl Surgenns,Ontarro. Offiee, Mitchell's old stand., Crediton, Ont. -1 _ --,-,-.7--- _____=-- --- ' — -='s Heist, and Messrs. Wilbert, Snell, Cook and others BidcluIph... - Tait. T. A. AMOS, M. Ii., C. M , Member of .1.1 College of Physicians and Surgeons % Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and. Surgeons Edin burgh; _ im.ani- tiate of the 1`actilty of Physicians and Sur- geons, Glasgow; 'Yello w Of Trinity _medical college, Teronto. Office -Dr. Cowen's old, stand. , -- ss-- a ,., e Li -s -- =7. kirkton. Threshers report the wheat has , as one oe the Ises t in eMs section of the -se --a--------- --e- ----__-. MEE PINIS 4 mom e•Nr — Mrs. R. H. Robinson, who has been some country for years. „. viitii10' friends at Toronto and Buffalo Mr. ri. W. Atkinson, formerly Assist-- for the last three months, has returned ant Editor of the Free Press was the home recruited in health, • guest of Mr. W. Porte,Lucan last week. The fields in Blanchard and Usborne Mr. F. W. Oathro, State Superinten a- tps. are laterally laden with grain, ent of Schools, North Dakota, spent a There. is aenerelly an abundant crop of portion of his Summer Holidays With eyer I ' '.e. '1 I- 0." ' •friends ' Weld 1 h. d NI G-11• • • yt iinb. 'I ian sseiving by tile far- in 1 u p an i c 1 Inas rners is in order. , last week. • • r . . The Rev. Dr. Fletcher, of Hamilton .Mi s. NI m. Taylor and daughter, for- 'merit has been spending his vocation with merly of USborne, late of Mboresyille, his brother in-law, Dr. Irvine. Dr. & was coramitteed for trial by Squire ' • - Priestly' for abstrectina. clothes from Mrs. Fletcher worshipped in . St. Penis. t a • .h on Sundly evenina A 'agree the clothes line of Mr. Batton, Usborne. church , e. e congregation WaS present, , A three months' old child of Diary The interior of St. Paul's chursh pre- Taylor, one of biddulph's women. sent smith a fresh end eomfortable s pear for trial on a charge of larceny, died in < < is . . . ;Ince since the new carpets and matt London jail on Friday night. Coroner lh ing ave been put down. Other im- Flock held an inquest dh ante jury provements have also been Inside in the foundithat death resulted from nature new drapery on the prayer desk,lectern al causes. The child .was the ail 1 ea -'-'s and pulpit, besides a new alter cloth. second one, although she is but 16 „, The lillies and marauerites painted on Years' or age . a and. unmarried. the drapery were the work of 'Bliss At the last meeting of the Biddulph Steele. township council, a rate of 5a mills on , The cut represents the inter- est taken by a large proportion of our ,s Favorite, i •t.. readers in Canada Eah bie ion. This the Directors deserve for • keep it at th their untiring effoits to e front of Live Stock and Agricultural Fairs. . Its growing popularity is due (neatly to the attention aiven he revis -, a t e. ins, the prize list, malsiug such alter- :, ations as are required; to the iinprove , . of Live Stock; encouraging the b 1 fG* dSlf etter e asses o rains an . eee s or . . .. ,. cultivatton, and bringing ou an os - t a f t °rine' new inveations of all kinds. A c laro' , . S - 1 Prizes'off- 1 ge number of poem are d f CI and B tt . th ere or mese u a as , email facture of these articles is considered 1 N u two Try important indus"ries of this Province. Special Prizes are also off. ered for the cow making the most but. ter on the grounds, the test to be und- er the supe.rvision of an expert from the Agricultural Colleae. The Ma es ts chinery in motion in the Alain Build - ing was of such an interesting and in- structiye character that special efforts are being made to eclipse formeryears. In the art Department there is a new departure and one which has already proved exceedingly successful; artists are allowed the privilege of disposing of their moductions by pile ate sale ' auction; b• and public y adopting, this course and efforts of Secretary Browne they have secured a inagnifieent col- , , . . lection of VV'orks of Art by British Mas tors, containing. paintings valued at £1000 sterling. A sight of these alone 11visit t tl West -wife would we repay a o se ern Fair, but whets they add such spec- la at rat 1011S a ie 1 c es ow, ' 1 • t• .t• - s the W•11 W t Show, Trapeze Performances, Fancy Rifle 8 • ,..Engine. Contest,. .hooting, nue Cross- cut Sawing Matches, elaborate Fire- works displays, Balton Races by lady dfM• , an gent. Bands 0 Music, M., where can we (so that we will receive so much . . , . . solid instruction and enjoyment at such little expense as to the Western Fair in Loistion, hext September 17th to 26t1;? , ST LER, (UNIVERSITY DitoWsataDiAa F4siciare surgeon, etc. Ha lug spent the winter of 1880-67 in. New voives, and the winter of 1887-'t,S in Viennui Austria. OFFICE, - CR,EDITON, ONT. BR. J. H.. McLELLA1V EYE & EAR SU RCIEOR s Graduate New York Eye and Ear Nospital Eyes tested and glasses supplied, Office eor. • Maple and Talbot, streets. LONTDON, -- ONTARIO. CLARK'S' LIGHTNING 1.111111113h 1'. Will relieve the painful tor . ture of rheumatism in the joints or In- -0 , WS les. It should be well rubbed in With the hand and the part covered . , with a piece of flannel. Tile pain will 1V- I) cease with the first application, and its continued use will effect l a marvelous cure. This remedy needs but it tries, . 10 COI-1)711XE the most skeptieal that it is a svonderful preparation. Sold by • all druggists; price fifty cents. Clark Chemical Co., Toronto, New York. assiatnitalsGE6'. R H. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT- , . on, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Dtlice- Over Post Office, Exeter, Ont,ario. stoney to Loan. — B ' ROWN--HILL -On Wednes, ' t t the '' ins a a e restaenee of parents, by Rev.B• . F J. B. . T. A. BrOWD, Principal o ter Public School, to .P Hill, second danghter of Esq., of West Durham. I DI S BARRISTER SOLICITOR ses.ito. f'S°2-f.-, relNe'Court, Notary'Publie, Con- reyancer,Gommissioner, &coney to loan 'Oriee--Eanson's 13lock,113xeter.. M El LLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- r...4 itors, Conveyancers. &c. Money to loan 8.t. 6 ,por cent. B. V. steraoa. ,T. Er.erom DE.,iTilliS. -Kr a EIL, In A • I" IeGil Ivrav on • - r - ' • inSt, Kate, beloved wife i Neil in her 37th ve - ,-, , e , en 'all, n,EAD -In London nownsinp ' 14111 inst., .Itenben Read, years. Ty BRO'NN, Winchelsett.. Licensed Auct- Ill. • neer for the Comities of Perth and . io , Middlesex, also for the township of TIeborne sales promptly attended to and termsreason whle.Salos arranged at Post office, Winchelsa , , , , o Paper Next eek , the $ ois the whole rateable property Hensall. for county and township pm•poses was m•dered to be leyied and the school tax Mr: T Billentyne who has s ent th -en • • t ' , ' last two 'MOD p e as provided by statute. The whole months ie Scotland has return ratable property of the township as ap• ed looking hale Indh• r - ' • . Ca ty. Ihebuild pears by the assessment roll is g I t ' ale -,1-7,- i situeted west of 111 'sqrs - ' • -ng' . ' ' a , e. , . Coad, 000, and the amount raised for countY Rennie arid Young, fornierly used as a and township purposes is $6,69s -• ChUrCh LS being remodelled, Workmen i , eye one , . - , < , . t • t . a- a,c1 • •• T)IP . 1 of Sunday eveninse lest ale a piesen tannest., winning to did considerable damage in North Mld reise, the roof so es to it I, two • ' make' dlesex tearina Mr. D. Collison's barn . , , e story instead of one. Many alterations off its moorin a, upsettina Mr. W. H. will take place on the interior which Ryan's b ' a t'•• • the • f . . . . • , , . ,. ,. barn an scattering e loo wilt render a sei vieable for nving in.-- thereof to the four winds; it carried The farmers are very busy in this eh, ei • fe •al t .1 ' 1 tl • 1 ' • • 1 • .' ' - 11. mileyo of Brown's tore, rill nei, ism loot nes ling and pi eptuing me_.. S B y tore the spire off the Catholic for their fall wheat -Mr Geo Fiteoer- n ' 1 t , a''' 1 w v 1 • , whet. -'Mi-, ' e-, eshapei, lauds" pi, saght y damaging ald, V. S., was in Exeter on Monday Connolly's stable; playfullY evening' on business. -Miss Millie Da- picked up pickedup alr. Watson's straw steak vis, of Exeter, who was visiting her s . • ' •. se,saering a over the farrn; etyma to relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hughes te 1,, 1 .. e . a n e te eti lone wiles eine c amine u . , < . has, . ion.m.,- a CI,' f 11 for severel &Lys returned 1 ' not in. Miss Ida, Evans of Zurieh is visaing Asa Now that vacation time has arrived lee our staff wishing to enjoy the same ' , , ''' ' ' ' ' ' privilege that most office knights avail themselves, we will not issue the An- VOOATE next week. Our correspond- en , p , . , , ts' will lease bear this in mind and govern themselves accordingly. ' ., . • OnLINS late of Manitoba, Lens- A '''' R ' • • 11 awed Auctioneer, for the counties of Bur- ,, 1 /diddlosex. Residence: 1 mile south i "I'm " ' 0 1 b • al o other- of Exeter, Ont. ease rc ers y m i r wise promptly attended to at reasonable prices, ' BlItT110s.i. , 1-1 URDON.--In Exeter, on the ' the wifs of N Dyer Hure. "' • . s a WT.TtlitTTI.-.TD Crecliton,on 14t .-of G. Wirer% of a si MoTz.-In Creditor), on 15th wi e o . co. i o a„11. o is ' 'f f G M t•- .• f Sims -in North B. AleGrIlivri. ' • . inSt the wife of Win. Si daughter. ' ,„, a eoenn,--In tarecbton, on 19th a,. 'd 1 • d r ' N1 i e of I, Foal o a au - ' I-IOLT, Kliiva , Ontario . Licensed. auct - vs' 0 1.01106r for the Counties of Mid/dlestx Ina Larribtoe itral the townships ofatephen Ind Hay All:sales promptly attended te. . Distinguished Fxoterite. Word has been received that Mr , ' ' Gregory loin, son of Mr.. James Torn of this p I ace, a ri (I who, previous to his departuref • th-. W t • • d for c es was engage ' S Principal in the Exeter Public SCI1001, has been successful in obtain- Mg a high grade certificate at the re- cent 801)001 teachers' examination at Vancouver, B. C. Ile not only paesed 1 •,3 r 11.• exa c i a y, won for um- m ed•t• bl but n'f • him- 'reports Self the highest honors obtaieable in the ebass, and he has been engag. ed as second teacher in the High School at a salary of $1020 a year. We . know that ninny of. our citizens will , • be pleased to near of hia SuOeeSs . and Will join With lis in congratulatina 1 , 1 , I „ i. 11 •111 em 1 / nr• -11•11,11,,,141 e. .... L'I BOSS.ENBERRY,Hensall Ontario. Lie- 11.11. 651 o(1 At for the County' of 'Juror' and Perth. Charges moderate ,sad atisfaetion guaranteed. L-insem, mr. FARNCOMB, Provincial Land L' Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, )ver Post Office, Main street, Exeter, ant. , r 'HARDY', atessesea Auationeer for the LA. 0'oun831of liuron. Sates Oonduetea on easonebbs terms. Farm and Farm Vasa ,a Vull arrangeMents can be made it thiS office. MurraypeeiiiIty, Detective Merrestei ' - ' ' day in this city Mrs. Carruth ow of Thomas Blake Carruth f on t ' • ' was ouncl 1 he 314 janu . . year, dead in his cable, 01-1 11 of the Rainy River'. Mrs. 0 58 eharged with the murder o friends in the village. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Walshavere yisiting in :Exeter on 1VICGillivr ay;' Council,' Sunday, -The lieSt•sotiecl of the . 'For 8 ale. new . school bell wee heard On Monday cell- Council Met pursuant to adjourn- ing the children together to again rce ment, all preemet. Minutes of last meeb.. slime their labors in the lona vacated ing read approved of Mid Sig'ned.-J C.V. leles 1.1.1c,.. 1 n ' r, t„ ‘,..,,...,„ ,.._. ,___, ti ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,..,..... ,t,_.,,, OP.-- Eden. ---- A desirabl e residen co in Exeter NOrthEnev, 'ram e hone°, one -fifths acre or land, T1100 louse svas seeetes. iai les& Good tetreS t . .. - .. , .2, ... ..rr...„ 4 I 1". 1 Fogrearae-rile football Ma, eh ',Iie- , ,... . , plit0 •444411 .. • • , men 1t1501) 1511(1 LIUC151I tame 011 11 43' Lit.- The award to of people, and exeit- ed aeross showers, ad for it ut time to uff to who were 3.05 the y the ref - ed clefend- 10 in motion a-Coatee 10 ball to to Snell eld and it , but to no ehind the ds. Jake II quite a e ball was man goal en halves king the run was 'It Hawk - failed to off again n the Ed For Lucan . eked the n the side t. Eden a -mc but o forwards a as they defence. ball and en.,to the haenghout . ing, Who desperate laden got shot, .and ales' like Shertly for 'half - yen up to one goal. laying a, Cave and re cha ng - the ball fiessn. It en's he dribb- es passed. ed toward icked to- nt behind. who was IS tripping hider the oring. The sed hard, lways on. I no more ha match in favor 0. After cG illivray marched ug store, given. Ar - ng clubs the drug ttle child olding in den had and won After a tin, three fter which tea. Ed- rize, and credit to for our sI of the or Middle - t a week - lit when bition. ay, 12111 he bride's ,rnes, Mr. the Exo- liss Kate S. F. Hill' the 14th f William on the aged 80 4th inst. on, of a h instethe 111. list, the sou. y on 1S th s elf a inste the gliter. yester, rs, wid, ers, who ry, this e banks erruthers f her hug-