HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-7-30, Page 8REQD•'F' M ER?S
ORE war !li1T111ET.
Toys S. Polish Pictures
Beads Shoe " Spice Jars
Dolls Match Safes Sails Nid
Mugs Needles Rules
Balls IL Pins EIamtners
Purses Thimbles Tacks
• L. Pencils Bulions ,gate S, Driver's
Broaches " Pearl P. Cord
W. Chains Handkerchief C. Openers
Cups Towels C. Tongs
Toy Books Neckties F. Shovels
Knives leans S. Litters
M. Organs 'Splashers P. Mashers
Whisks T. Mats Toast Forks
Soaps Bibs Dippers
N. Brushes Ten Pails Egg Beaters
S. e, Ten Sleepers C. Turners
Clothes " IT. P, Stands Pans
Black'g " 'Comb Cases L. Squeezer
Stove •" Dust Pans C. Screws
Tooth " Pie Plates S. Ladles
Combs Trays
Toy Brooms Goblets,
J. GRI4i G,
Look for the chane of dates. oe the
llestogenetic Medicine Association in
;mother column of this paper,
Mr, Charles Tom, boot and shoemak-
er has disposed of his stock of boots and
shoes to local buyers around the yil-
leige end he intends living retired from
business for some tide..
The returns of traffic earnings of the
C. P. R, Co. from July 14th to July 21st
1891, were: 1891, $354,000 ;1890, $359,-
000; increase $25.00. Ertruiugs of the
New Brunswick Railway included both
A meeting of the Lake Smith Gun
Club was to haye been hells here last
week, but,owing to several of the mem-
bers not putting in an appearance, it
on the l,st of September. ely. The general opinion, however,
A beautiful sample of this years
wheat was brought into the Exeter
Four Mill this week by Mr. M. Thomp-
son, of Usborne. The quality wets con-
sidered to be the best ' that has been
seen here for a number of years.
We are in receipt of two stalks from
Killarney, Man,, one of whear, measur-
ing 4 ft, 4 in., and the other of oats, 4
ft. 7 in, in length, both being heavy
with grain. From all accounts the
crops this season will be enormous.
A mysterious disease has broken out
among the cattle west of Lyons, Ia.'
The joints swell at the knees, death,
soon !follows, and after death dark,
blood and matter fiows as the swelling
bursts. It appears to be contagious.
Mr. Daniel Dayis has a number of
workmen busily engaged at . present
erecting an addition to his butcher
shop. The new structure will make a
great improvement, as the former one
was rather. small for the transaction of
We are glad to know tont Miss Matt--
gie Muir is convalescent.
The stock of clothing of Mr. James
Grieve will be sold at a sacrifice. Give
him a call.
Don't forget that August the Gth is
the date of the monster S. 0. E. Excur-
sion to Sarnia.
National Pills are sugar coated, mild
but thorough, and are the best Stomach
and Liver Pills in use.
Destroy the worms or they may de-
stroy the children. Freeman's Worm
Powders destroy and expels all kinds
of worms.
Word has just been received that all
tickets issued for the oxcurslons on
Thursday July Gth, will be good to re-
maiu oyes at Sarnia and return any
time during the next day.
A philosopher tells how a girl's taste
differs according to her age: --'At six-
teen she wants a dude with toothpick
shoes and microscopic moustache; at
twenty,a chief justice with piles of tin;
at twenty-five, she'll be satisfied with a
member ofcongress eat thirty a .court-
try doctor or a preacher will do; at thir-
ty-five any kind of a man will fill the
The reward for the return of the body
of the lute P Purcell, ex-M.P.'
has been
raised to $2,000 and his friends are of the
`a asest once to meet at Hake Smith opinioll,ahat this will result in its recov-
p p is
The declining powers of old age may
be wonderfully recuperated and sus
tained by the daily use of Hood's Sar-
Remember that Mr. James Grieve is
making a great clearing sale of men's
and boys' suits. Don't forget to give
him a call.
Mr. John Hawkshaw thrashed bis
fall wheat on Tuesday. The yield was
very fair, while the sample is exceed-
ingly good.
Wanted immediately at the Exeter
Wolien Mills 5:000 bundles of wool to
be carded into rolls and 5000 for to be
manufactured. '
Remember that Exeter Civic Holi-
day- is on August 6th, and that a mon
ster excursion to Sarnia will leave the
station at 7 a. m.
The ADVOCATE Will be sent to any
address for the bah,nce of the year 1891
for 40 cents, paiclin advance. NOW is
the time to advertise.
Mr. hank Knight has a number of
ripe tomatoes. This is considered very
early for such delicacies, and especially
to have been grown out of door.
Until August the 4th cheap excure-
ions will be run to Manitoba -via the
C. P, R., for $15. ' W. J. CARLING
A number of campers are expected
home this week to remain for a short
time after which they Will return
again for about.. two or three weeks.
• The St. Mary's Journal, which has
been. issued since May as a semi -week:
has again resumed the publication of
the Weekly journal in its former size,
that overs this large amount will not pro.
duce it; not because the body is lost, but
because the men who have made away
with it and who aro doubtless three in
number want at least 51,000 apiece as
their share of this profit. It is generally
believed that Deronceie knows exactly
where the body but will not produce
it lentil the price is paid.
Never too late to mend. 6000 pairs of
boots and shoes that need repairing to
be left at the leading boot - and shoe
store next door to the post office, G.
Loudon'UN. 'Exeter.
A. cricket match will take place here
on the cricket grounds on Friday next
between London and Exeter teams
Wickets will oe pitched at 9.30 a. m.
'1'lhis, no doubt, will be a very interest,
ArelL. liasoii$.
The twenty-fourth annul convent-
ion of the Grand Chapter of Royal .Arch
Masons of Canada opened in the Ma-
sonic Ilall,Torontal on Friday July 24th
at 10 o'clock, a, m. Of the 103
subordint to chapters on the roll 73
were represented by about 180 dole -
gates. Election of officers were as fol-
lows, Grand "Z" M. Ex. Comp, J. J.
Manson,. Hamilton; Grand "H" R, Ex.
Comp, J. E. Harding, Stratford; Gravid
"J" Ex. Comp, J. Ross Robertson, To-
ronto. The next meeting will be held
at London, Ont,, 1n 1892,.
,The recent cool weather,witli,the late
showvers,has aided the crops very much
and liiirvest commenced earlier than
usual, Wheat is an excellent crop, the
heads being well filled with large grain
The straw is in good condition, and if
the present favorable weather contin-
ues this section will see the best yield
of wheat ever produced, and it is ripen-
ing fast. Spring grains, though re-
garded by the late drought, have be-
come invigorated by the recent rains
and will yield well. Peas will be veh:'y
good; oats only fair. Flan is heavy,
though short. Hay cutting is complet-
ed. It is an average crop. Vegetables
are doing well. Small fruits have rip
ened and are in abundance. Plums;
peaches and pears will be above - the
average,'while apples are a light, crop..
Grapes good: On the whole' the far-
mers•in this section have nothing to
complain of.
Remember that Conductor ' Snider
will lecture in the James St. Methodist:
church on Tuesday evening, August
4th: His subject will be "Life on the
Rail, or people you meet." This prom
ises to be a treat to all, as he is con-
sidered an excellent speaker.
A new Kentucky law is said to fir
the legal distance between the nearest
church and a saloon at a mile. An
old judge shook his head when he read
the law and said:—"I'm afraid this
leaves mighty few spots in Ken-
tucky, where it will be lawful to build
a church.
Among certaitl classes of persons in
London the following terms are per-
fectly understood and commonly used;
.A. joey is equal to pence.
A tanner is equal to G pence.
A bob is equal to 1 shilling.
A bull is equal to'5 shillings,
Half a bull is equal to 2 shillings
and 6 pence.
A quid is equal to £ 1.
A pony is equal to £25.
A monkey` is equal to X5000:
A kite means an aeeomodation bill.
Copper or bronze coins are familiarly
known as browns, while money gener-
ally is designated tin. dust or ,blunt
The protests of Englishmen against
permitting the Russian -Jewish refu-
gees to settle in England` are yery
loud, and few of these refugees will
now be able to obtain 'residence there
on account of the restrictions that are
brought to bear upon them. Under
the pressure of public opinion, it is lik-
ely that Parliament will adopt new
measures for their exclusion as "desti-
tute' aliens." It is eertainly better for
the refugees themselves that they
should not go to England, where they
would have to live in crowded cities
with very slightprospect of improving
their condition in life. There are coun-
tries far less densely populated than
England in which the Jews who have
been driven from Russia can find a
home. Baron Hirsch's choice of count
ries for them is the Argentine Repub-
Another game of football was kick-
ed between the tailors of this place on
Friday afternoon last weer:,- and re-
sulted in a victory for those who reside.
on the west side of Main street. This
is the second game they have played,
and the second time the East have
been beaten, but still they are anxious
to meet their opponents again.
Mrs. William Parsons, Main St.,has a
peach tree so heavily laden with fruit,
that the branches have to be supported
by means of props from the ground.
The yield from this tree will be very
large, and they are of a very superior
quality. There are also a number of
other citizens who have trees of this
kind, but the crop will be much less.
On Sunday last the Rev. Robert Mc
Cosh, of Petrolia, occudied the pulpit in
the Trivitt Memorial°church at three
services, morning, afternoon and even-
ing. The attendance was very good
throughout the day and in the even •
ing the building was fairly well filled.
The discourse delivered by the Rev.
gentleman were full of interest and
The Exeter Salt Co.' have resumed
the manufacture of salt after a delay
of some weeks in repairing the even,
This Co. claims now to have one of -tee
best wells in Ontario.
Captain Walter Andrews is at pres-
ent busily engaged looking up recruits
for his company, which belongs to the
33rd battalion, to go with him to St.
Thomas in September.
A practice shoot at blue rocks was
held on Tuesday evening when the fol-
lowing were broken out of 15 by the
different competitors:—E. Bissett 12; J.
M. Pope, 3; J. Woods 6.
Mrs. Walter Carley is at present
very ill with a severe attach of scarlet
fever. Her case is not considered dan •
serous, and under the able treatment
of Dr. Rollins is improving.
Ili:. II. Spackman has just completed
covering the roof of the Central Hotel
Messrs. Robson and Sparling, of St.
Marys,shipped from this station this
weer: two carloads cattle to Montreal
for sport.—Messrs. Colquhoun, former
15* of this place, and Greenwood ship-
ped a carload of choice, general pur-
pose horses, sixteen in number, to
Douglas, Man., on Monday last.-=
I' he Exeter Milling Co. made their first
shipment of flour this season to an
Eastern province this week:
The man whose name is not put on
the Donunion voters' list this month
will be unable to get it on -afterwards
without going before the Court. Regis-
ter it nowan& save the trouble. Every
young man 21 years of age, -a British ous water from the well sunk for the
a year. who eared taso much as $300 inu purpose of supplying them,; but it has
a year. is entittled to a vote. If ou
are registered yourself, see that your at last been overcome by a well being
friends are also registered: If you are sunk in close proximity, which is an
sure that your name is on the list speak ' overflowing one, and from it the water
to some active Conservative at once as i that flows cannot be surpassed. This•
there is only a short time left. is the fourth well of this kind •in that
On Tuesday evening a dairymaid's ciensing the sierra.
social was held on the lawn of Mr. W
with galvanized iron, and it is now
considered one roe the best fireproof
buildings in the village.
Mr. Frank. Knight has on exhibition
at his grocery store a mammoth pota
to grown by Mr. Edward. Drew, of Los
Angles, California It is of .the white
elephant variety and weighs 2e,
Although our streets are not throng-
ed with farmers these days the town is
by no means quiet. Almost every ev'g.
there is a lecture, concertsocial or gar-
den party, or something of this kind to
keep a person continually going down,.
into his pocket. On Saturday morphi
a company consisting- of three persons,
a span of horses and a wagon, with can
vas enough to erect a tent and a num-
ber of large pictures, which it is under-
stood was the best part of the entertain.
Ment, arrived in town and gave 'anex-
hibition in the evening. They were
styled and knownby the name of the
"Wonderland Museum", and it .is now
fully believed that the word "Wonder•
land" was used in its proper place, and
only those who yisited the interior of
the canvass structure realized the
fullest extent of its meaning. •'Still as
time passes by another party consisting
of four men and two bears, arrives
within the limits of our little burg
Their performance consisted of bear
dancing and wrestling, but before be-
ginning the; usual collection was taken
up. 'The men were of Frenchorigin,
and their language b7ing brolcen,some
vers* laughable expressions came from
theirr lips one of which runs like this,
"fifty cents to see bear climb polegram"
always being very careful to get the
50c. before letting the bear climb the
Over Hewing Welt.
For some years past the puyils of S.
S. No. 5, Usborne, have had to endure
and drink disay;reeable and insalubri
Are Yeti Deaf.
MIEBALIBE we pay cash and
tosell cheap-
are in a better position p
han those who 'on credit.
er t by
we are situated
so we can visit the market personally
every month and select such goods as
our trade wants.
-wE we sell our goods
on a close margin and satisfy the pub-
lic they are buying at as low prices
as they can in lawful trade.
EIEEA ie we think one of
the best ways to advertise is behind
the counter by treating the customers
so they will believe, respect and stay
with us.
Or do you suffer from noises in the head
Trion send 8 cent stamp and I will send a vel
uable treatise containing full particulars for
home cure which costs comparatively no th-
ing. A splendid -work on deafness and the
ear. Address PROF. G. CHASE, Montreal.
216-18 t
Tell us that Rheumatism is a blood di-
sease; that it can be cured only by a
remedy which works through the blood,
And yet, if you have the darting pains
of rheumatism in muscles or joints, try
a little of Clark's Lightning Liniment.
It will go direct to the seat of pain and
relieve it at once. There is no wait-
ing weeke and months before the di-
sease can be attacked through the
blood: This seems to be contrary to
scientific claims, but it is true that
Clark's Lightning Liniment will cure
Rheumatism. Sold by druggists; price
fiftv'Lents. Clark Cihemical Co, 'Tor-
onto, New York.
H. Verity, Exeter North, and was fair- The postoffice,department has taken
ly well attended. The weather was all steps to prevent the delivery of certain
that could, be desired for such an occas- publications received from the United
cion, it being just warm enough to aid
the ladies in selling their ice cream
and numerous kinds of soft drinks,
The Orchestra added merriment to the
evening's gathering by rendering sev-
eral fine selections of music, Nothing
happened throughout the' `evening' to
marr the feelings of the throng assem
b'.ed and it was brought to a close
about 10,30 when all left for their sev
eral homes, ' The proceeds amounted
to about $40
There has been a large number of
applicants for the county clerkship and
it is altogether probable that a much
less salary will be given the new in
cumbent than was paid the late Mr.
Exeter, Clinton, rieusall, Londesboro,
Blyth, and nearly all the towns along,
the L. II. es 13 1;,. have proclaimed their
civicholiday, for August Gth. to be
able to talus in the monster S. 0. E.
Excursion to Sarnia.
Mr, George Smellcambe, who has
been carrying on tailoring businese in
Dundas, has returned here again and
opened i1i.1 a. naw shop in i anson's
Block, No doubt his old customers
will find it to their interest to give him
a call.
States. A number of such containing
disrepusable advertisements have been
received for delivery in the principal'
cities. On the attention of the depart-
ment being drawn to the fact by. Post-
master Brown, their circulation was
promptly 'prohibited.
The postponed lecture given by J.
B. Watson, of St. Marys, on Friday
evening was only fairly attended. A
Large number of the fair sex were
present, and we may say �,great attent-
ion was given the orator while deliver
in„ .his discourse. On the platform Mr
Watson had a very large oil painting
of Sir John Macdonald .to which he
drew the eyes of the hearers while
Making This remarks. Ills lecture from
the beginning to the finish was one of
much interest, having received several
loud bursts of applause when touching
upon the memorable character of the
late Premier• Although the patron-
age was not as Well as was expected,
it does not lower the speaker in the es
timation of the citizens of our village,
and we feel assured that should he re,
turn again he would be greeted with a
much larger gathetingr_
ARE NOT a Pur-
gative Medi-
cine. They are a
ELooD :"Sur ems,
STRUCTOR, as they
supply in a condensed
form the substances
actually needed to en-
rich the Blood,' curing
all diseases coming
from Poon and WAT-
RE BLoon, or from
the BROOD, and also
invigorate and BUILD
vP the BLOOD and
SrsTms, when broken
down by overwork,
mental worry, disease;
excesses and indiscre
t�iio.ls. They have a
both remand women,
restoring. LOST VIGOR
and _ correcting all
nemeVLARiTres and
Crop Prospect Abroad.
The London, England, Mites sum-
maries the crop prospects of the world
as follows: Iu Russia there is :t grave
deficit, The peasantry are starving,
and there is small hope of relief. In
India a serious drought prevails over a
considerable portion of the contry.
Madras, Ragiipatha and the Pau ljab
are the worst sufferers. There is
drought in Bengal, and the need of
more rain is urgent. Bombay alone
promises a brood harvest. The Ameri-
can harvest will be good in quality
and \a ill likely offset the failure of the
Indian and Russian supplies. It is of,
the utmost importance that the Eng-
lish crop shall not be short. The pros-
pect on the whole is good; In the chief.
wheat come tries Norfolk at
Suffolk -the crops is above the aver-
age and in other eotintries up to the
average. The harvest will be late and
prices will be high. There is, therefore
a good outlook for the English farmer
to break the long series of disastrous
I endeavour toroduce the very best goods in my line.
Not .only the best in
am. sending out some beautiful milk cans this spring .
far exceeding and previous effort.
My stock of material for spring 'work, such as Ea.ve-
�, 5
tioughin Roofing, &c. is extensive and complete, and work-
manship is the very best. I' Solicit your,order-for
I have without exception the nicestassortment of
Milk PAILS and Straining
mil g PAILS
to be found anywhere,varying price varying ill from 20 cts to $1.00.
Note the price of milk pans:
li er when can get o116
Who would go without a clipper you a
-for 5 cts:
EVERY MAN Who finds his mental fac-
ulties dull or failing, or
his physical powers, flagging, should take these
PILLS. They will restore his lost energies, both
physical and mental.
EVERY WOMAN Tv yld take ?ern'
pressions and irregularities. which inevitably
entail sickness when neglected. ,
YOUNG MEN should take theshhe re -
!7 091
They will caro the ro-
guits of youthful bad habits, and strengthen tho
make them regular.
For sale by. 01 druggists, or will be ss nn sent upon
receipt of price (50c. per box), by g
Brockville, Cnt,
should take them.
These PILLS will
Call and see Spackman &
Co's. Dress • Goods. All new
Call and see Spackman
Co's. Sateens, Prints and Ango-
la suitings. All good washers,
Call and see Spackman
Co's. 'Embroidery skirtings,
Lawns- and Delaines for the
hot weather,
We sell the best 25c Black
Hose in the Dominion worth
40cts. Warranted stainless.
Call and see them.
Remember we carry one of
the largest stocks of Millinery
in town, Every hat new. No
old trimmings to work up.
Call and see the new style for
Spring and Summer.
4S!::?.......;.,. •.., n•.-+ ., . ,�. fah �'.7i,. ,airy
ender Twine.
Common Sense, cts.
om _osite 9 cts.
11 eta.
Cap, 12 ets.
Famous Blue Ribbon 14 ts®
W.H. fwi��W �'6. CUR J. N. HOWARD,
Manager. :_.. rietor.