HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-7-16, Page 1VOL IV. 110 ' EXETER, ONTARIO, 'THURSDAY, J ULY 16, 1891, Intaviametweepowspaamixars NO 215. TheMolsons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1853.) Paid up Capital._ .... $2,000,000. Rest Fund-. .... 1,000,000, Head office Montreal, F. WOLFFIRST.A.N THOMAS, Esq., GENIIRAL MANAGER. Money advanced to good Farmer's on their own notes with one or More emlerSers at 7 Ver cent per annum. Exeter Branch. Open every lawful day from 19 a. m. to 3 p, ' m., Saturdays 104.m. to 1 p. rn • A general banking business transacted our Or cent, Per aununa alloWed for mon- ey on Deposit Receipts, Saving,kBank at 3 per cent. N, DYER IIHRDON,';';: Exeter, Jan 28, '88. SuleManager. E exeter AbroJcate Is published every Thursday Morning, at tho Office, 1VLA.IN -STREET , - EXETER. By the SANDERS' PUI3LISIIING COMPANY. TERMS OF SIJESCRIPTIObT. On Dollar per annum if paid in Advance. S1.30 if not so paid.. • .23.6.1.rortic9.=.a Rate= on • 7.7'0 paper discontinued until all arroarages are paid. Advertisements Without specific ctirections will be published till forbid and charged accordingly, Liberal discount made ' for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING- turnedout in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques,nioney ord- ers, Agefor advertising, subscriptions , etc. to be made payable to Sanders & Sweet PeoreiETORS Church Dil ectory. TRIV1TT MEMORIAL CHURCEL--Esv. S. F RObillS011, ROCtOr, Sunday Services, u a. m and 7 p. in. Sabbath S011001, 2,23 p. m. METHODIST CHURCII--James-st , Rev. A. L. Russell, Pastor. Sunday Serviees,10.30 a. m. and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2 p. m. MAIN STREET -Rev. J. Wilson, Pastor. Sun day Services, 10.30 a. m. and 6.30 p. in. Sabbv.th School 2.30p.m. PRESBYTERIAN CHIJRCH.-Rev. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services, 11. a. m. and. 6.30 p. m. Sa,bbath School, 9.45 a.m. PrOfeatimosial Cards. . ....,, B.KINSDIAN,L.D.S,Panson's Block two doors north of Carling Store, ‘."1111133111 aleaN STREET,EXETEE, extracts teeth without pain. Away at liensall on 1st, • Friday; Ailsa Craig on 2ndd and ath Tuesday; . and Zurich on last Thursday of each month. IL INGRAM, DEiflin, Member Royal . College Dental Surgeons successor to I. L. Billings. Office over O''Neil'a Bonk, Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetic given fur the painless extraction of teeth. Plates se- cured firmlyin.the month by Yemen's pat - tent Valve ' Lucan every Friday ... J33 WHITELY, M. D.1C.M., PHYSICIAN • and Surgeon. Ofhce and residence - Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderich, Ontario. DE. J. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE -MAIN ST. Residence -Corner Andrew and. North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. P11. CROSHERY, Member Royal College Surgeons, England; Licentiate Royal College of 'Physicians, Edinburgh; Mem ber College of Physieians and. Surgeons, Ontario. Office, Mitchell's old. stand, Greaten, Ont. BR. J. H. A/IaLELLAN EYE& EAR SORREOR. Graduate New 'York Eye and Ear Hospital Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Office cor. Maple and Talbot streets. LO3s.IDON, - ONTARIO. DIL T. A. AMOS, M. D.., C. M ,Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons' Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh; been- tia,te of the Faculty of Physicians and Sur- geons, Glasgow. Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Toronto. Office -Dr. Cowen's old stand". TR. DAVID M.S.TJEBLER, (UNIVERSITY 1.1 of Toronto,) Physician, Surgeon ete. Having, spent the winter of 1.8S6-'87 in 'New York, nd the winter of 1837-'08 in Vienna, 'Austria. OFFICE, - CREDItON, ONT. 13 li COLLINS, I3ARRISTER, SOLICIT. .110• Ott, Conveyancer, Notary Office-- Over Post Office, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR L. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner. &c. filoney to loan Office--Fanson's Block, Exeter. NtlbLIOT at ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- itors, Conveyancers, Ike. Money to loan at per cent. B. V.117.7.10T. j. ELLIOT -- IIt9TWc wMseaLiered .eeiorITunilesov9thAuanctd Midalesex, also for the toWnship of%bore Sales promptly attended to and terms reason abl e. Sales arranged at Post office, Winch elsa - AJ. ROLLINS, late of Manitoba,,ed Lieens- Auctioneer, for the counties of Enr- on and Middlesex. Residence: 1 mile south of Exeter, Ont. Stile Orders by mail or other- wiap promptly attended to at reasonable prites. ur HOLT, Xhiva, On tario. Licensel au° t - V1' • ioneer for the Counties of 1Viiticlloscx and Lambton , and the townships of Stephen and Hay All sales promptly attended to, BOSSENBERRY, Tiensall Ontario. Lic- J • ensed Auctioneer for the Countys of I-Itron and Perth. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. FRED. FA.E.Noamn, l'rovincial tand Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, Oyer Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont. LHARDY, Licensed, AnOtioneer for the • County of Huron. Sales Conamted on reasonable terms. Farm and Farm Stock a specialty. Full arrangements can be made at this office, For Sale. A desirable resider te in ExeterNorth, new frame house, ono-flftlis acre of land. The hotise was °rectal. in 1888. Gone terms to purehaser. Apply et this office, 1464 „. The Corner FOR Pure Paris Green and Hellebore. ruccl Store .' Our Stoek of Drugs is always complete and of the hest An Endless Variety offal -ribs, Brushes oke. The Best`and Leading Perfumes always in stock. OUR PRICES ARE RIGIIT. A CALL SOLICITED, E. COCHENOUR, THE CORNER DRUG- STORE, EXETER, ONTARIO. STRAYED CATTLE. There strayect into the Premises of the lin- dersigned,'Lot 5, con. 5. Stephen, on or about ist ;tune, 2 two -year -act steers. Color: one blacit with white belly and .star On face; the other spotted white and .black. Owner may have the same by proving property and pay- ing expenses. HENISY Essfaiv,. ' Centralia P. 0., NOTICE. Ter,iders will be received by the Trustees of the Main St. Methodist church up to Frida,y the 1.0th .Tuly at see p.n1P., for performing the duties of Saxon for one year from the date of acceptance. Duties can be ascertained by application to W. H. Verity at his office any time during the intervening days. The low- est nor any tender not necessarily accepted. • W. H. VElliTY, See. Treas FARMS FOR SALE. North half of lot 4, north boundary Of Stephen. in the county of Huron, about 111 miles west of Exeter, which is possessed of one of the best markets in Western Ontario There are first class out buildings, good frame dwelling, good orchard on the premi- ses, all well fenced and drained, and is in first class state of cultivation. Also, west halfof lot 0, north boundary of the aforesaid township, about 15 acres of good hardwood bush, the balance of which, is good pasture lands, well fenced, with good supply of water. Possession of both places ill1DIediately. For further particulars apply on the premises or to Ma'. dom.; SwErr Rceter, • Ont. • WHA.T IT DOES. Hood's Sarsaparilla 1. Purifies the blood. 2. Creates an appetite. , 3. Strengthens the nerves. 4. Makes the weak strong. 5. Overcomes that tired feeling. 6. Cures scrofula, salt rheum, etc. 711 Invigorates the kidneys and liver. 8. Relieves headache, indigestion, dyspepsia. wvormammammoranes Usborne. - . Mr. R A, Hagen, of Thessalon, Al - Aroma, is herevisiting relatives and. friend's. He is sonsin.law of Mr. Jas Ramsey, of Exeter, and is an old resid- ent of Usborne, and was engaged for some time, teaching in school section No. 6. He is looking well and saysahe new climate agrees well with Inin. Tri Si. Patriels'enChurch, Biddulph, a special sermon was preathed by. Rey.: Steele, Incumbent, on : Sunday evening July I2th ham the meenbees of the Loyal Orange -Lodge, whO wore their regalias. .• The banner of King William Prince of Orange, wae draped across the 'chancel. The audience. fill- ed the church to its utmost 'capacity. After Divine service, the, brethren as- sembled in their lodge room' when a, resolution was Passed unaimously, con- veying a vote of thanks to Rey. Mr. Steele "for Isis able and eloquent tbs. conrSe." Sunshine. Mr. George Powell, who has been so- journing he the Old Country for the past twelve months, arrived home on Monday night looking hale and hearty. Mr. John Delbridge, who resides south of Winchelsea, had a very ya1U- able young horse killed by lightening on Tuesday morning last. About sixty men of this neighbor- hood assembled on the farm of Mr. A. Turnbull for the purpose of raising a new addition to his barn. The size of the barn, when finished, will be 88x36 feet., Messrs. Powell Broswho have the contract of putting up the wood work deserve much praiee for the ma,n- ner in which the timbers fitted so nice- ly together, and everything passing off without the least accident of any kind Brucefield. Mr. A. McPherson of London, was in town this week. -Miss Alice Ross, of Petrolea, i,s spending holidays at Mrs. Itose', The Manse at presente-Miss Bell menomnd., of Clinton, is spending a few' weeks at horne.-Mr. I-Iarry Ander- son of Chatham is spending vacation here. --Mr. Jno. Ketchen reteived a tel- egram on the 9th inst., from Echo Bay Algoma, stating that his son James, who was engaged farming there, was dead. Me. Ketchen and Mr. Alex. Mee- tard left for the above place that even. ing.---A eumber of our villegers held a picnic at Bayfield en the I2th. A very pleasant time was spent, aesese. FOOTBALL BRIEFS. -The "Rovers" received e ord. Frain the Kippen club, last week to come 'Iowa and p.ay a match with them, on Thursday even- ing; which was done; but on reaching Kippen none of their nlayers were found, and no match was played. The boys think this was a yery shabby was to use a visiting team, which it no doubt was. -The Juniors Of Rippen played here Friday evening against the Victors and were defeated. Score:, 3-0. Granton. The regular meeting of the Minister id Associetion was held at the rest. di nce of Rev. J. Greene, Granton. Rev. A. Gran, Viee.President, presided. By on unanimous vote, Rev j. Green was appointed president in the place of Rev T. M. Campbell, who has moved away from the bounds of the association. In the absence of Rev. J. Campbell, the sub,ject for the day, namely, "The Con- sciousness of Pardon," was introduced by Rev. M. P. Campbell. The following points woo emphacised: The conscious- ness of an entire surrender to Christ's will; faith is more important than feeling; the evidence of pardon is spiritual fruit; Consecration and the conscious desire for greater nearness and greater likeness to Christ. The next regular meeting will be held at the residence of Reve.Ae-Grant, R St. Maryi, op Monday, August 3rd, 1891. Subject "The binding obligat- ion on k.1.11 who are interested in relig ion to give attendance on Christian worship," to be introduced by Rev. J. Greene. • Crediton, Mr. Wm. Kerr who has been in Chic- a,sto for some time is home again. -A. great many farmers have finished hay leg, and 9,re about to commence their wheat harvest. -Mr. Wesly Trevethick is home from Glencoe on a short visit.. -Mr. Harry Essery who got his jaw broken by a kick from a horse is out again. -On 'Thursday evening last week about 9 o'clock the residence of Mr. Wm. Lewis n arrowly escaped being totally destroyed. The first that was known of the affair was when Mrs Lew- is was about to ego up stairs for a lamp she opened. the door when a cloud of smoke burst upen her. She at once gave the alarm and the flames were soon extinguished. Considerable dam- age, was done to the furniture ia the bedroom in which the, tire started, and if it had not bi:en discovered at the time it was would soon have been be yond control. Cause of the fire un- knoWn.-Mr. James Clarke has sold his livery business and dwelling house to Messrs Wm. and John Brown of this piece. We WW1 the boys every sue - cess. Dashwood. CARD OV THANKS. We, the undersigned, take this means of expressing our utmost thanks to our many friends of Dashwood, who so kindly assisted us in the time of our affliction and death of our departed father and husband, and sincere ly hope the Lord will forever guide their foot- steps, and when the allot ed time has arrived to take them -unto HimSelf and give them a bright crown in Heaven prepared for them when their labors aro o'er, ItEnnocA MCCANN ANY) FAMILY. Miss J. Hall is visiting friends in London at present. Miss Nancy Webber is , visiting friends in Milverton. Miss B. Wurtz was the guest of Mrs. F. Wurtz on Sunday last, Miss Jessie, McCallum was home vis iting friends on Sunday last. Mr. J. Pope, of Hensel!. paid Heel - wood a yisit on Sunday last. Mr. Jacob Kellermann is the happy father of a bouncing baby girl. Quite it number from this place at- tended the celebration of children's day in Zurich on Sunday last. Quite a number from this vicinity attended the telebration of the Battle of the Boyne in London on Monday last. William and David Ruby, who have been visiting friends in this vieinity during tlie post two weeks returned to Dakota on Wednesday last. Mr, E Rothermal and family left on Monday for Parkhill, where Mn. It has been engaged to work in the foendry. We are sorry to lose Mr, Rothermal as he was an industrious eitizen. Farmers in thii Vicinity haVe about finished heyinge MY& E. Christie, of Exeter, was Visit ing here lest wee,k. Several of one citizens attended a pic-nic itt Bayfitild on Tuesday. Our citizens aro talking of keeping, the 6th of August as a civic holiday. A number of .trottieg horses may be seen daily exercising on the race track. Many fields of fall wheat are about ripe and it will net be tong before the rattle of the reaper will be heard. Mr, John 'Coleman was in Eeeter on Wednesday atteeding the funeral of his mother-indaw, Mrs. Robert Thump- sorohn,Monday gee town was very quiet, owing to the number that had gene to London to be present. at the- Change demoestratien. ' The.Re v. Mr. ,Heedersen and wife end Mr. L. Harold 1,iict wife have re.' turned home frem, their tour to the Pa - elk Coast. The whole party look ire *yeti M health.' lin' ton. The old hotel has been taken down, and men ar&busily employed in dig ging a cellar ant peeparing the found- ation for a new hotel on a large scale. -Two or three new dwelling houses have late,ly been erected in the village We oely ueed a branch railway to give us the importance which. this fortile district merits, What say the manag ers of the C. P.112 -The annual sermon before the L. 0. L. No. 591, Was preach- ed by Rev. Mr. Steele, Incumbent of St. Paul's church on Sunday last. • The sermon wilt, be published next week -On Wednesday of last week' the annual meeting of the Ladies' Aid of Si. Paul's' church was held at the Pars- onage, when the followingoffice-bear- ers were, elected for tee ensuing year, viz: Mrs. H. D. Steele, President; Miss Eliza Robinson, Vice President: Miss Mary Burns, Secretary; and Mrs R. H. Robinson, Treasurer. Szeps were taken for putting down a new e;trpet on the chancel and aisle of the church -On Monday the several District Lodges of Oieeigenten li1-1.31ane.liters1 aied G4orne spent the day at Mitchell. -- Centralia Miss Lizzie Renal, of Corbett, was the guest of Mrs. J. Abnaner over Sun- dae . Miss M. Beamer, of Crediton, is visit- ing Mrs. George issery. Mr. Jas. McFalls, of Heusall, paid our town a flying visit on Saturday last. OBITUARY. -It 16 with the deepest regret we have to chronicle the death of une of our most esteemed young men in the person of Stewart, second son of Mr. Stewart McFalls, of lot 5, con. 2, Biddulph. About two years agso this young men contracted a cold which settled on his lungs, and aftee several months turned out to be that much dreaded disease consumption. He lingered in a very uncertain co11. dition for a long time, gradually LITOW ing worse, until death relieved him of his sufferings on Friday morning last about 5 o'clock, at the early age of 23 years and 5 months. He was a favor ite with all who had the pleasure of his company, and will be much missed amongst his oldfriends. The funeral took place at one o'clock on. Satur- day, when about 105 vehicles, occupied by relatives and friends, followed the remains to their last resting place. The large cortege went to show the high esteem in which lie was held. The par- ents and family have our deepest sym- pathy in their sad 13ereavement. Usborne Council. Council met on the 4th inst pursuant to adjournment. All present, minutes of previous,meeting read and approv- ed. T.Cameron-W. Kydd-that Thos Brimacombe receive the sum of $10 for the keep of A. Carmichael an indigent. Carried. -J. Halls -W. Kydd-and re- solved that the fellowing orders be granted yize,.M. &unwell, keep of J. Hewitt and wife $13; J. Polon, rep ap- proaches to bridge and clearing water course $2; W. Chowen rep bridge, 75c.; T. Mitchell, gravel damages, 4.37; S. Hicks, grading, 1.25; T Mitchell gra- velling, 23.75; W. Kerslake, gradqng and gravelling at bridges $6; R. Skin- ner, gravelling 73 50; J. Andrew, grading approaches to 2 bridges' $5; J. Prout, culvert and grading250;250; J. Allison, painting Hotlgson'sbridge $6; W. Heiman, breaking stone, $2; W. Bray grading, 4.50; W. Moody,grading culvert and hauling grayel, 27 30;W. 13alkwil1, gravelling, $50; T. Brima- combe keep of A. Carmichael, $10; J. Hewitt, rep. bridges, breaking stone, spreading gravel, $10; W. Moody, gra- ding between lots 10 and 11, 5, T. R., $6; 1). Brown,cleaning out water Ours° 2.50; J. Westlake rep. 2 culverts haul- ing gravel and SUMO $0; J. Rive.js, Daw- son, gravelling' $12; A. Shier, widening, large tile tinder drain and culvert, 08.- 50; J. Swallow, rep, bridge, $7; A. Daw- the wife of Mr. Jas. Johneto toad $ G. Hogg, rep, culverts,bridge, "re" deeds, $6; Wm. Chin, work on S. n o gravelling tied ditch 13.30; W. Pod gers, ditch, $2; 11. Melds g av elli n g 12,50; A. Gunning., gra,velling $15; S, Smitlebreaking stone, 125; J. Hea man, do 3,45; G, Hogg balance on grading contract, $15. On motion of J. Shier -T. Cameron -the council adjourned to meet again Satur day Sept, 5th at 10 o'clock it. m. GEO. W. HOLMAN, Clerk Promotions of the Exeter Public School. The. following pupils were promoted at the closing examinations: ruosf JR,. V. 're SR. V. William Bagshaw, Fred Rollins, Willie Clarke, Lloyd 0 lariville, Frank Shale ton, Nettie Martin, Edmond.: Shapton, Willie Ross, Norman Creech, Willie Brooks, Prescott Ross, Hattie Fitton, Helve Holland, Blanche Clarke, Elsie McCallum, Lida Trevethick. FROM 2ND DIViSION TO 1ST DIVISION,' Alex. Martin, Maggie Sweet, Ella Ev- ans, Ernie Gregory, Fred Bissett, Em ma Penhale, *Percy Dignan, Violet Treble, Robt. Treble, Hattie White, Wellington Westcott, Bertie Spicer, Arthur Kemp. FROM 3RD DIVISION TO 2ND DIVISION Barton Hoope.r, Hettie Hahdford, Mary Westaway, Ada Treble, Thos Sa,nders, Warren Ross, Lena Howard, Maud Parkinson, Edith Gidley, Hugh Gould, • Alvin Davidson, Charlie Reiland, Nel- son Prior, Minnie Taylor, Ethel Sweet, Charlie Hynchnan, Annie Matheson. Facea 4Tet To Elep Div. Lillie Huston, Thos. Creech, Willie Bawden, Stella Gregory, Arthur How- ard, Mary Horn Willie Moneur, Ellen 13rown, Ha.rvey ,Dignan, Herbert Hand ford, Chas. Treble, Nelson Peterson, Allie Handford, Norman Bissett, Herb - ie Foul, Raymond Femora Laura Sut- ton, Herbie Phair, Fred. Sweet. FROM 5TH DIV. TO 4TH DIV. Olive Treble, Lydy Queue°, Jno.Leath- orn. Lottie Leathern, Jennie Reiland, Stella Ross, Herman Prior, Celia Fer- guson, Sophia Russell, John Russell,. Russell Southcott, Fred Davidson, Jen ny Handford, Bella Horn, Norma. Bob ier. FROM 6Ti1 DIV. TO TEE 5TH Edna 'McCallum, 'Prank Rose- Edna Davidson, Versie Hardy, May Arm- strong, Chas. Westaway, Melville How- ie, Roy Howard, Maud Carrie, Jno, Newcomb, Law Matheson, Percy Rey- nolds. T. A. BRO WN, Prin. Hay Council. Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment, in Town Hall, Zurich, on Satur- day July 4th, 1891, all present. Minu- tes of previous meeting read and con- firmed. Voolker-Kalbfleisch-That the taxes, on South of lot 9 on con. 5, tp. of Hay for 18S8 and 1889 be can. celled and that a copy of this iesolution be forwarded to the County Taeasurer, and also one to Leoneed Hunter the owner of said lot. Carried.-Ralbfleisch -Snell-That. the sum of $20 be :paid to Alexander Thompson for the right to change the course of the creek on the N. B. along the side of lot 25 and the clerk be instructed to draw up an agreement for the same. Carried-- Kalffieisch-Moir-That the deeds in reference to road allowances on eons. 16 and 17 of the tp. of Hay as forward from the Canada Company be signed by the Reeve in the presence of a wit, ness, the corporate seal attached and said deeds returned to the Canada Company. Carried.--Snell-Moir--That the Reeve and Treasurer be empower- ed to borrow on the credit of the tp, the sum of 2,00Q for the purpose of rneetin,g current expenses and that the eecessary by law be passed. Carried- Snell-Kalbfleisch-That the clerk no My all parties having fences on side roads such as to bar up the highway, that the same must be removed before the let of October Carried -Moir -- Snell -that the following. acc. be paid. - P. Contine rep. culvert and hauling plank' 3.50; Melson Masse work on centre road. Div. 8, $27; Alex. Denomy ditto, $9; Win. Bowman, do $18; Geo. Thiel do, $9; John Laporte do, 86; Joe. Papmen do, $14; Henry Thiel do. $7; J. Hieldebrand do, $15; S. Meidinger do, $6; C. Heyrock do. $9; John Corrivean do, $1 August Flaxford do, $3; P. Messean do, $5; Wm. Bade= do, 1.50; Angus McCormick gravelling S. B. $103; James Green, gravelling div 2, centre road, $345. Robt Carlisle div 1 316,80; Geo. Parker work as commis- sioner 833; Wm. Lammie, work as com- missioner div centre rd. 2003;,Sam Humeston repairing centre road 6.87; Wm. LfUTIMi.3, fixing drain in Hensall, 1.90r C. Troyer COM. work on N B. $17 ; Wm. Consit contract on N. B. 133.50; John Seheutler work in cliv, 3; centre road 340.46; Henry Wurn coin. in dl, 3. C. R. 17.63; Jacob Gingench 3 cul- verts 7.73; J. A. Williams flour for in- digent, 11.50; Henry Raridell 1 month care of Currey, $15; Martin Ggans opening ditch 5,33; Henry Gies com. N B. 76.25; Dan Schaefer com, S. B. 2a53; Sam Humestom culvett on London road, 1.50; Jas. Sparks, ditchieg in pit, 6,00' Alfred Wilson, corn, of Can Co. , B 16.25; Henry GiOS, work on Goshen June 73,18. Cktrried.-Pathmasters os ill take notice tiler all work should accord. ing to law be done before the 20th cf ,July i.nd all lists returned to the clerk by Aug. ist else they arc reeponsible for • all work on the list. Council adjourm. to meet on Aug. lst. SAM J. LATTA. Clerk.• McGillivray coUnCii.• Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment, present, W. L. Corbett, Reeve, G. T. Johnson and .1, D, Drummond Deputy Reeves T. Prost and E. Morgan Conueillors. Minutes of lest meeting, read, approved of and signed, G. T. Johnson -E, Morgaii--That the Reeve is hereby instructed to investigate the claim of L. Mount for damages to horse alleged to be caused. by defective bridge and reporte-Carried J. D. Drummond -E. Morgae-That T. Prest is hereby commissioned to have Fosters bridgel over mud creek repaired -Carried. J. D. Drum mond--G. T. Johnson -That E. Morgan is hereby commissioned to have bridge opposite lot No. 3 in the 24th eon. repaired and if deemed. ad. viseable rebuilt, also to enquire into the water g rie v a nce of ?Jr. Pollock and report. -Carried. J. D. Drummond. - T. Prest.-That this council do hereby - authorize John Lightfoot to put in a. twelve inch contrete culvert on side road between lots No. 5 and 6 in the 12th core, to be placed in the proper water course and that the clerk be in- structed to credit John Lightfoot witle 3 days statute labor for the work per- formed in next years road list -Carried Johnson -Drummond -Teat the here- inafter named individuals be paid the several amounts as set forth viz. -J. Kent, grading on Bloomfield side road. $11.65; 0. McFarlin, geavel grant 4th, con, $25; J. Steeper, gravel contracts di'y. no. 7 and 10 N. B7864.30; J. Stee- per, gravel ace. $3; F. Mclleever, acc. for gravel N. B. 8108; J. McDonald, gravel grant 14th con. $15; L.Rowland gravel contracts No. 6 and 9. N. B. $55- 65; J. Haskett grading of Bloornaeld's side road, $19.28; J. Lintott, filling' ap- preaches to Biee's brel,e;e 2nd. con, $11.- 25; W. Murdy, material for culvert Simpsons side road, el. T. Morgan, building bridge on Carter's side road, $10; G, Lewis, gravel account $20; B. Robineonegrading 'and gravelling 011 E. Willianestown line McG. 'Portion $12.75; 8. Ilarmen, grading on Mc- Lean's side road, $4.50; R. Leith,gra.vel gyant,41h con. $20; A. McKenzie,gravel ling on McLean's side road, 830; T. Hall, gravel grant, 22nd con. $21; D. Steeper, gravel grant 22nd con. $40,52 R. Potter, ditching on llorrisey's side road, $9.25; D. Poulter, repairing road scrapers, $1.75; T. A. Baynton gravel grant 14th con. $12. J. Armstrong cut- ting Armstrong's hill 7th con., ID. C. R. $15; A. McKenzie, shovelling gravel E. Williams town liue statute 84.50; A. McKeaizie commissioner gray elling McLeans side road $5; G. Charl- ton (Yarding on Charlton's side road 810; V'.Tweedle, land for road, 7th con E. C. I.e., $12; R. Canning, gravel con- tract, Div. No. 2, N. B., 831750; J. Pater sou, ace. for scraper and concrete board. $19; 3. Allison, gravel grant Allison's side road $12; J. Reid gravel grant 16th con., $15; D. Couglin, putting in concrete culvert, N. B., $3;17 Hutchin- son gravel grant,26th con. $12;D.Ken- nedy, plank for bridge 7th con. E. C. R. 85 ets; R. England, gravel ace. $26; G. Hodgins, gravel grant,20th con. $17.50 T. Cotter. gravel grant 4th con. $15; J. O'Neil, grading on London town line, iNIcG, portion $20.33; G Stevenson, gra- ding on London town line, MCG. por- tion, $10.40; L. Mount, gravel grant 2nd con. $10; W. Johnson. planking bridge 14th con *1.50; J. Rock, grad- ing on the 26th con , 826.50; S. Bra%ley grave: grant Northgraves side road, $12; 3. Derr gravel acc. $31.55; W. Mawsou, gravel acc., $50.47; W. Maw - son gravel ace. N. B., $13.17; W.Smith, tile ace., 86.49; T. Floclgins on Biddulph town line McG. portion, $2.50; J. Gib- son, gravel grant 14th eon. $10; G. Charlton, gravel ace. $5,90, A. Hotson„ one lamb killed and one lamb wound- ed by dogs $4.33; G Grieve, gravel grant 21.st con. $20.50; T. Sellars, diteb ince on lot in the Sth con. E. C. R. en- gineers award, $35.50: J. H. Antos, en- gineer costs changeable on lot 3 in the.„, 8th con., E. GB., $S ; T. Mark gra• gs}, grant, Sth con., W.0. R. $17 ;C. M eon. W. WpasegneRut$, 4clut7t5h;leagsTielsnorn;e0„clifit.44;_ ing on Sth con. E. C. P.. award, $16.50; W. Reid r'Attc.hi'via,6;"n's't'i; , con. E. C. R. engineers TomiN'h87.; A. G le n de rifling g ra V reel gilliaeldi $0‘01411; Ja1.11‘'alesGtarteugtoerl,Irbeeggi. eiring bridge and re's.. - ilinogilieTnrga7; a2n4tt,hR0o0bninisno el'Ss9sDit'le31`;Ott-Ucir' N$107. ;4,T, • ,si.tP.elbssous; itaviexlber,onoti;a0crts,eeDiiilsg.; gra.celling Div. No. 4, :3; J. Robinson,, ravel contract div. No. 5, $60,50; S.. Gibson overseeing grav n g Div. Noe 5, $7; A, Morrisey, ditching on leforrig sey's side road, $850. T. Prest-E. Morgan -That thee couecil adjourn to meet in the, town hall on the, 1st Mon- day in Angnst at tea o'clock, a, Carried.-- Wee Erteete,, Clerk, JOIINSTON.-In Usborne, on July /4th, Sell 1 3 •