The Exeter Advocate, 1891-7-9, Page 1VOL IV. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1891. The Molsons Bank. (Chartered. by Parliament, 1838.) Paid up Capital . 32,000,000. Rest Fund... , ..., 1,000,000, Head office Montreal, WOLFEri,STAN 'THOMAS, Esq., 04'11'1'1311AL MANAGER. roieyAdVitaleedto good Farmer's =their Own WADS with one or more endorsers at 7 per cent per annum. Exeter Branch. Open every lawful day from E0 a.. Ea- to 3 P. m., Saturdays 10 a, m. to A p. m general banking business tra,nsacted Eur per centper annum allowed for mon- tiy- on Deposit 1A3C0iPtS. Ballic at 3 ner cent, N. DYER HURDON Exeter, Jan. 28, '88. SulaManager. THE (g.z.eter Abuorotte Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Offiee, 1VIAIN-STREET, -- EXETER. By the SA.NDERS' PUBLISHING COMPANT, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per aanum. if paid in Advanee. 6.1.50 if not so paid. Zaelt,ros .13..rialica. tips.- • No paper discontinued antil all arrearales are paid. Advertieements without specific directions will be published till forbid and. charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. Everydeseription of JOB PRINTING turned in out the finest style, and at mederate rates. Cheques,money ord. ere, &c.for advertising, subscriptions, etc. to be made payable to Sanders & Sweet PROPUIETOBS The Church Directory. Tarvvrr H Robinson, Rector. Sunday Serviees, 11 a. m and 7 la m. Sabbath School, 2.80 p. latsvi.OnIST OnTliter1—.Tames-st , Rev. A.. L. R114301i, Pa5i0T. 9iivaaYSurviees, DM a. and see p.m, Sabbath School, 2 atatat STataiT--Rev. J. Wilson, Pastor. Sun day Services40,30 a.m.. and 630 p.m. Sabbath Si:13.0°12.30 p. m. PRESETTEUIAN CTIUUCH.—Rev. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Servioes, la a. m. and. 0.80 p. na. Sabbath School, 9,45 a.m. ProfesSiosal Cards. H. jiPSM. , L.D.S, 'Benson's Block two doors north of Coaling Store, 3[41.Ii STREET, EX.ETElt, extraCts teeth without pain. Away at Reload' on 1st Friday; Ansa Craig on 2nd and. ath Tuesday; and. Zurich on last Thursday of eacb month. CI II. INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal !kJ • College Dental Surgeons, successor to d H. L. Billings. 'Office over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ont, A safe anaeathetie given for, the painless extraotion of teeth. Plates se- cured firmlyin the mouth by Yernen's pat - tent Valve , Liman every Friday T B WHITELY, M. D.10.11., PHYSICIAN . and Surgeon. Office and resiaence--- Corner 'Victoria and. Elgin streets, Goderich, • Onaario 1-111. J. A. ROLLINS. OFFIOE-MAIN ST. A, Residence -Corner Andrew and North, Streets, Exeter, Onaario. 1ThR. CROSKERY, Member Royal College .1../ Surgeons, England; Licentiate Royal College of Physioisms, Edinburgh; Member College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Office, Mitchell's old. stand, Crediton, Ont. BR, X. IL McLELLAN, EYE St EAR SURGEON. Corner 1,11 FOR Pure Paris Green and Helleloore. ore 01.-tr Stock of Drugs is always complete and of the best. An Endless V ariety of Combs, Braskes &e. The Best and Leading Perfumes always in stock. OIIR PRICES ARE RIGHT. A CALL SOLICITED, W E. COCHENOUR, THE CORNER DRUG STORE, • EXETER, ONTARIO. NOTICE, Tenders will.be received. by the Trustees of the Main. St. Methodist church un to Friday the 10th July, at 7,30 RAI., for performing the duties of Sexon.fozaone year from the date of acceptance. Duties can be ascertained b,y applieatian to W. R. 'Verity at his office any time during the intervening days. The low- est nor any tender not neeessarily accepted. W. B. VERiTV, See. Treas STRAYED CATTLE. There strayed into the premises of the un- dersigned, Lot 5, eon, 5. Stephen, on or about. 15t June, 2 two-year-old steers. Color: one black with white belly and star on face; the other spotted whito and black. O-wner may have the same by proving property andpay- big expenses. . BENET' EMMY., 212-8± . Centralia P. 0., NOTICE. "Mr. Daniel Davis having purchased the Butchering; business of his father, (Mr. Richard Davis) wishes to inform the citizens of Exeter, and farmers of the.. surrounding country that he will continue in the same old stand and. in- tends keeping' a full supply of meat of all kinds. All business transacted be- fore Saturday, June the 20th, 1891, will be settled by the former propriet- or, and all accounts , must be settled with the same. After that date I will be responsible for all debts incurred. Thanking you for past favors, and hoping this will solicit your patronage, for the Menai,- I 'remain Yours &c., DANIEL 'DAVIS, Exeter. YOU TAKE NO RISK In buying Hood's Sarsaparilla, for it is everywhere recognized as the standard building up medicine and blood. purl.- fier. It has won its way to the front by its own intrinsic merit, and has the largest sale of any preparation of its kind. Any honest druggist will we- fiem this statement. If you decide to take Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be in- duced to buy anything else instead. 13c sure to get Hood's. Graduate NOW York Eye and Ear Hospital Eyes testeci and. glasses supplied. Office cox. Maple and. Talbot atreets. LONDON, — ONTARIO. Tali,. T. A. AMOS, M. D.., C. IL , Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons. Ontario; licon.tiate of the Rua: College of' Physicians and. Surgeons Edinburgh; licen- tiate of the Facility of PhYsicians and S'lfr- aeons, Glasgow; Fellow of 'Prinity Mediatil College, Toronto. Office -Dr. Coven's stand. R. DAVID M.SVEBLER, (UNIVERSIT11 Y of Toronto,) Physician, Surgeon etc. 3 Laving spen.t the winter of 1386-837 in 'NOW York,and the winter of 1887-'88 in Vienna, AuStria. OFFICE, — CUBDIToet, (WT. et. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT- . Q11, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Office- Over Post Office, Exeter, Ontario, Money to Loan, 1 II. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR J. of Suprema Court, Notary Publie, Con- veyancer, Commissioner. &c. Money to loan Office-Fanson's Block, Exeter. LLIOT & ELI,I0T, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- ,, itorS, C,011VeYancers, he. Money to loan ptir cont. 33, veneelos. J. BOLIOT J3BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Am:t- ill.. ion eer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne Sales promptly attended to.and terra s reason alde.Salee arranged at Post office, Winchelsa AJ, ROLLIN'S, late of lVfanitoba, Licens- sea Auetioneer, for the counties ,of Dan - on and Middlesex. Residence: 1 mile south of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other- wise promptly attended. to at reasonable prices. . UT HOLT,Ihiva, Ontario. Licensed allot - I' . ioneer for the Counties of Middlesex and 1tameton, and the townships of Stephen and Hay All sales promptly attended to, BOSSENBERRY,Ilensall Ontario. Lic. ,12.4 . wised Anetioneer for t1,c Countys of Huron and Perth. Charges moderato and atisfaction guaranteed. TIMED, W, FARNCOMB, ofm,acnod S trveyor and. Euginee . Over Post Office, Main 0 street, Exeter, . LHARDY, Licensed Auction cox• for the . County of Baton, Sales Condected on retisonable forme. Farm and Farm Stock A speCialty. Full arrangements ean be made at this office. For Sale. A aosirable residence in Exeter North , new frame hoiise, one -fifths acre of land.. The house waS erected in 1858, Good forms to purehaser, Apply at tliis o ffico. 145-t Sodom. Tbe Sodomites contemplate holding a social of some sort in the near future for the purpose of raising the 'where- withal tceprocure a library for their Sunday School. The Football match between Ellin- ville the, Swift Kickers, of Win- chelsea was a draw, although by the way the Swift Kickers hugged the Elimyille goal it showed them rather too heavsoa team for the Elimviile club. We hope to see them meet again soon. The rain fall of last Friday gladdened the hearts of the, farmers here as else where and their faces collectively- are yards shorter than formerly. -The beautiful (?) sparrow is proving a. great nuisance as it is devouring bthe fall wheat by the wholesale. It will soon be in order for the municipalities to be offering bonuses for their destruction as theY are getting to be an unbear- able pest -A new hotelkeeper has ar- rived to dispence the luxuries, Lager, Wine, &c. under the new Tariff. We f tney be will cast many longing n1 lingering looks up and down the road before winter. Kirkton. The Rev, Mr. Steele, will (D. V.) preach a special sermon in St. Paul's church, on Sunday July 12th, at 10.50 a. m., before L. 0, L. 591, of Wanshard Township. Members to attend its re- galia. Winchelsea. gone home on a vacation. -Mr. John Cottle has erected a large woodshed to his already large and magnificent mansion, adding greatly to its appear- ance. Mr. Cottle is an energetic and business man and has now the finest set of farm buildings on the Thames Road, Crediton. Again the hand of death has made its a,ppearance and taken from us Bet sy Aun, beloved wife of ,Wm. Banes, aged 62 years and 19 days. She had been a resident of this locality for a number of years and was helci in high esteem by her numerous friends, Her remains were,followed to the Exeter cemetery on Sunday las!: and was the largest that has been witnessed for several years. The family have the sympathy of the neighborhood. in their time of trou.ble. She will be missed in the family circle but we believe that her Heftvouly Father has provided a robe of white veld tuts seen to take her unto himself in those bright mans- ions above, eternal in the heavens. - Mr. John -Wilson, who Ilyes about two miles south of here, lost a fine brood mare aud colt on Tuesday last. -Mr. Robert Staeley and family of Listowel, have been visiting friends around here for seyeral days, -Mr. Siseral' Smith has in his employ Mr. William Atkin- son, of Exeter. CART) OF TnANEs. We, the undersignea, take this means of Harpley. (To late for last week) Mr. R. Pollock has built a new farm- er's choice fence along the front of his farm and burnt the rubbish on the side of the road whieh adds much. to the improveincints of his farm. -Mr. Will Tapson returned from Michigan last week, He intends to spend the sum- mer in this vicinitt- -Mr, W. Herone- ..mous, of Zurich, Was the guest of Mr. H. Love last week. -Mr. G. Webb has moved on the '-Slierrow farm, where he has made some improvements by moving the house and building a neve stone wall under it. He has built a strait fence ali along the front of the farm and fixed things in geueral. (To late for last week.) Mr. C. Turnbull has his barn up rea dy for the masons.-Hayinp; has start- ed. Farmers say crops aro light. Ram is neede,d very much,-Winchelsee Juyenlies gave an open coneerton Fri- day night last, where some Of them tripped the light fantastic up to a good hour to good music. Master George Powell dislocated his lenee on Saturday evenieg last while playing hall. He is wall:leg around again. • Elimville. SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY,--Tha S. S. of this place held their annual fes- tival on July lst. The Slinday previ- ous Rev, W. M. Taeech, of Woodhull, preaehed two eloquent and touching sermons morning and evening. In the afternoon a mass meeting of the child- ren was held at whith the children gave boveral recitations. The moat noted one being that by Aggie Hunter which was well rendered, and, consid- ering its length, was a considerable task on the memory of a small child Mr. Leech also delivered a splendid ad- dress to the childrett. On July ist the 'usual straWbetries and cream were served hi Mr. Thos. Andrew's plenic grounds. Recitations and music by the children, and addeessea by Rev'ds Russell, Smith and Schofield made up the intellectual part of the entertain,. 'mut. A Bage tall match, Football match and Children's recce completed the day's amusement. Brewster. Quite a number from Zurich and yie cinity spent Dominion day pienicing in Taylors grove. -On Welnesday July 1st, as W. G. Wilson was returning home from Grand Bend he had the mis- fortune to collide with another man's buggy completely demolishing one of the hind wheels. -The P. of L, of Fah View Association held a picnic at Graawl Bend on July lat.-Miss A. M. Pollock had two of her pupils attend- ing the entrance examination held at the public school in Exeter last week. -Mr. E. Whitmore is this week attend- ing the high s thool examinations at Clinton (wish you success Ed). -Miss A. M. Pollock is at present visiting friends in Exeter. OJi.uton. expressing, our utmost eTatituale to the many friends that SO kill* 8.-Sisted 115 the 'hours of our aftiietion and'illnese of our dear departed mother, and. who unceasingly rendered their services 4 hroughout her ati4- ction. The greatest reward we can offer is to commend the dear friends to Him who prompted them i their acts of.landness to- ward the ono who has been takin away, and. when their allotted time has com e may He receive them nn.to Himself, and give them a, brgrat crown in .E118 kingdom prepared to re- ceive all. Sianed W. Baaixe and FA.IAILY. NO 214. womostsommmuntracuacurpor.oraatemmas4 BrucefLeld. NOTES, -Mr. Jas. Bell, formerly of this place, returned home from Manitoba last week. Ile Is not feeling; vegy well Hope to soon see him in good health again. --Mr. T. M. Higgins of Toronto, was home on a visit last week -Mr, D. Dallas who Las been teaching at Har- row Esser Co., is home for holidays at present. -Mr, J. McIntosh, who has been attending the Forest City Busi- ness College, London, is home. -Twelve new members joined the old Presbyter- ian church this communion.-Mr.Jno McKenzie, London Road, returned home 'from his trip to Dakota, Satur- day. -Mr. Jed McKenzie, Mill Road, was in Forest last week. He had a set of harness stolen from his stable and the man beina arrested for some other charge also told where he had taken. the harness which Mr. McKenzie brought back with him. -The Stallion wrOpSlrlall", OWned by Mr. Doig clied here Sunday morning. He was in- sured -Mr. Henry Jamston of Goder- i.th is visiting. at Mr, Wm. Rattenbury's at present. Foorearg. BRIEFS. -We are very sorry to state that the matela •between Chatham Club and Bruce field Rovers has been cancelled and will not be played till fall as some oth- er matches Chatham had arranged fell through. -The "Rovers" played a faiendly garoe svith the "Tucker - smiths" on Saturday evening. Score: 3 to 0 favor "Rovers." Mr. A. Broad - foot Ref. --The return match between "Rovers" and "Tuckersmiths" was played here Monday evening. The Rovers were again victorious. Score: 1 to O. THREE SP.HaTONS.--L. 0. L. 710 will meet on Sunday morning, July- 12th, at 880, and peocced 111ti!body' to Hol- mesyille and take pert in the special sermon to be preached to the brethern of 189 bY Rev. Bio Ayers. At 2 te ni. the brethern of 710 will assemble in their lodge room in Clinton and march in a body to the Rattenbury street Methodist church, whereRev. Bro. Shilton will preach a special sermon at 3 o'clock ; neighboring lodges and the general public, are invited. In the ev- ening at 8 o'clock the Clinton Orange- me,n will attend a special sermon to the brethern ot 306, 13ayfie1d iine, by Rev. Bro. Ayers. The band members in'uniform will likely aecompany the local lodes. Communibation. New York, June 27, 1891 To the Editor of the ADVOCATE. The iridescent dream who presides over the,' editorial function of the Slimes has again slopped over he who enjoys the patronyneie (Pat is not here intend 'ed as aroolee) &Bunyan., with a some- what of Richard. III ambiguously pict, Fang liar, ACCIDENT. -As Mr. Richard 'McGill was driving home froin the village on Saturday morning last his horse be- came utimanageable and ran away, throwing Mr, McGill out on the road and bruieing him badly about the head and shoulder, also smashing the buggy into atoms. The horse escaped unhurt. --Quite, a number of our young. folks took in the Spats at the Grand Bend on thelst, and report having enjoyed themselves imeeensely.-The Farquhar True-Blues'and the Boundry Clippers had a friendly game of baseball out Tuesday evening of last 'Week, The game was a lively one and excitement ran high until the 3rd innings when the True -Blues had it all their way making thirty runs in 000 At the close the score 8t00a 40 to 16 in favor of the True -Blues. ---The school is now closed for the holidaya.nd our popular teacher, Mr. Peter Gowan hag uresque appearance, has again bitteii off more than he can comfortably mas ticate, As a humble dtsciple of St. Crispin he shone as apples of gold in a picture of silver, but when this missile:le pen anatomical plienomenan struck the editorial chair with a dull thud that were a scene to drive women into hyst- erics and strong men to tears. The square plug in a round hole as it were. This is no genealogical tree,no attempt at family history, but in the remarks I have to matte I must needs dwell on the smooth higla-roller, who occupies the mailing department of this "arche median lever' that moves -well, noth- ing; and whose name figures as the "sons" on the obscure corner of the "hew tothe line"motto. He is a veritable chip off the old block, minus the knot r,or in scientific parlance the fleshy exaggera- tion midway between the scapula). Gentle reader do you recognize ini this picture what Darwin sought after for years, this embryon Le "educator of the masses," He is not a poets dream of Adonis;muthlyibut with a figure likea fire-escape,with not enough meat on him to feed a dopehe hasbeeu known to gyrate around a pasture field like a one -leg ged man running a lawn mower, Be- fore most of us wore suspenders or had laid aside the Adamic iig leaf t his met eor was developing in the fecund womb of the eternities. Eventually he reach ed us with ,much the same accent as a. donkey vibrating a bass solo.The senior fossil recently conceived and brought forth the following, amid a shower of tobacco stained saliva -"Many of our readers will remember the notorious Geordie May-. He was in town on Mon- day and was piloted around by Mark Clarke, a former -friend." Now Ido not intend dictating what this very chs ist- ian gentleman shall put in hia paper for does he not occupy a chief seat in the synagogue and make long peayers, at least goes through the rnove,s, and did lie not too with A.brahannic calm saerifice his son, blast his character, ruin his reputation and express the hope that his family would rot all in the interests of motality and truth. Yea, verily; therefore I say I shall not dictate, for who can accuse this honor-, able gentletean, this very learned gen- lent n ,thiS WITO-NEVER - SNEAKED -A ROOSTER gentlemen of allowieg aught of inmate or hatred to soil his columns, But I would hnrobly ask that because that I am still not rieh he welsh]. discon- tinue my advertisement as I eannot pay. Mark Clarke and I, I know, are about the, sized game this Tarantula NI/mild make for, he IS not afraid of the recoil. Nevertheless 1 would. not ex change the reputetioe of either with all our faulta for that of the hypocritical Fenian who shouts thanksgiving, to God ore minute and sneaks a township printing contract the neXt. and the Bend,for the purpose of taking photographs of tourists during the ea - cation months. He is an enterprisixtg young man, and should be evenpatro- nizeCas his pictures are second to none in Canada. His outfit consists of the best that can be procured, having an abundance of rustic scenery suitable for occa.ssions of this kied. Give him a call and be couvinced.-I will now - give a description of the grouncls,build- loge, boats, nsts, etc, of Mr. John Spade - man, of Exeter, who has been laueily- engaged for several months in trying to make it as comfortable for pleasure seekers as possible. Beginning. with the grounds whieli are situated on the uorth side of the road that leads to the lake. These for a number of years have always been open to pie nic par ties, but the present proprietor think- ing that it would be a benefit to such, has cleared away all rubbish that was scattered over the land and has the same nicely fenced. All over the oround will be fond an abundance of sellacie trees composed of tamarack. ma- ple, spruce, etc , and small shrub or every description. The land in some places is very level, while in other parts it is very mountainous, Sierran several large ravines which add grand. eur and loveliness to all of the sur- roundings. Continuing, we will mkt dwell for a short time io describing the 4 little cottages which have been built - They are nicely situated in the forest and but a short distance from either the road or the lake. They al:e very neatly painted. on the outside with brown paint while the corners are. taete fully decorated with white. The in- side is divided into three room's, one of which is used as a dining room, parlor etc.,the other two are usad as bedrooms or sleeping apartments. These houses will accomodate nine persons nicely without being the ‚least crowded, The first one you. will come in contact vritk on entering from the road is named "Doethboy7Hall", and is occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Spackinan and relatives. The others are Bleak House, Ivy Cot tage, and Chesney Weld. These sum- mer residences are built upon a high ridge, facing the south, and a good view of the lake can be obtained from the summit of this picturesque garden A fifth house is built but a short dis- tance from the others, and contains a stove and all cooking utensils to be -used by the inhabitants of the four yillas. A well of beautiful fresh spring water is not far distant, which is one of the most gratifying comforts to tour- ists. We will now wend our way down to the lake where you will find row- boats having been christened "Alice "Eva" "Stella" "Manitoba". These are carefully looked after by Mr. Greer:, who is an experieeced hand at boating and will always be found willing to do his best to add pleasure to all pie-nie parties The other boat is a large sail- ing craft, capable of carrying 60 pas- sengers, and is known by the name of "Minnie Weekes". She is manned and, looked after by Master C. C. Manore, who is without any exception one of the best mon to attend to this import- ant position that has ever taken a boat in charge, always having an eye t0 duty when a number of lives are placed under his care. His gentleman ly manners and actions of kindness have won the esteem of all who hap- pen to make his acquaintance. All lovers of boating should aeyer be alarm . ed when they know that it is under his control and guidance. Throughout the entire day, lst of July, she was man- aged with great skill, and not a single accident occurred to mar the feelings of the many who placed themselves under his hand to add pleasure, to their day's sport. This boat is kept here for the enjoyment of all, and a small fare of 10 cts. is charged for a sail of abent one hour on the blue waters of Lake Huron. It can also be chartered by pie nic, parties on reasonable terms. Mr Spackmaa is also engaged in fishing, having, 2 pond -nets, 2 seins,and a large number of gill nets. He is a great' sport and takes a great interest in all kinds of games. When he talked of doing what be has done, the people thought that he was somewhat derange ed in mind, but lately they have been congratulating him 011 reeking it sunk a grand success. It is nosy understood that he intends erecting several more buildings next summer and add sever- al more attractioes to make it all the 0101e enjoyable. Although he has the 0 -rounds fenced the public are not for- bidden from taking their gatherings in and have the 'use of the stove, 'Water and tables which haye been provided for their accomodation. No horses are allowed in, because they injure the grass and shade trees, Mr Spackman has expended a large amount of motley itt these quainees, and has now one of the loveliest summer resorts in Canada and is to be highly congratulated for his ardeous labors in tompletbag such a novel enterprise. This in the future will be. looked forward to as the princi- pal resort for tourists insSead of seek iug some 'other location. Now dear, readers we will leave you for tue pres- ent to pursue these ft,,str lines,and whea you visit the above, mentioned plum call upon the gentleman described, ay ing in a romantie and pieturesqlet camping ground and you will be cerdit reeeived his in usnal gentlemanly mantle?. Zurich. MUNICIPAL NOTES. -I3 is reported that the by law in connection with the "Big Marsh" drain will be printed in pamphlet or sheet form and served upon all parties concerned instead of being published in a newspaper. -Over $1000 was expended on the centre road this summer. --Council met in town hall on Saturday last.-Pathina.sters will note that all statute labor should be performed before the 20th of July and all pathina,ster's lists returned to the clerk before August 1st This is etao. lately necessary as thev must be used in making out the collectors roll. If pathmasters would look after this little duty they would spare the Clerk a great deal extra work and inconveni- ence. Thanking you Mr. Editoe for Space lam ' Yours 'Flatly, Guoaen M. ed a large blending, betWeen the lake Mr. Chas Fritz who attended the sports in Goclerich on the ist of July succeeded in carrying away a number of prizes. -Mrs. D. Kearcher, of Wis cousin is visiting friends in this vicini- ty. -Our new merchants have moved into town. -The annual "Kindertag" in connection with the Evangelical church, will be held next Sunday.- Mr. Sam M. Minch, teacher of Dash wood, .P. S. will attend the Internation al Teacher's Association at Toronto,this summer. -Mr. Coleman of the Canada Company office. Toronto was in town this week. He was accompanied by Mr. J. Specimen, of Exeter. ---The pic- nic in tonneetion with the Lutherian &urea, was a grand success. -Misses Edith Dyer and Ida Gillespie are the guestof Miss E. Steinbach this week -- Mr. George Buehanan of the Goderich 11. S. is spending his holidays at home. -Miss Allie Johnston is visiting friends in Clinton. -Messrs D. Steinbach and V. Cocheins accompanied by some friends from Exeter were camping; at the Grand Bend a few days last week.- Messrs Arthur and Leslie Benedict left for the North West this week. We wish them success. -Master Ezra Schencter was in the village one day this week.- Mr. P Koehler and wife are visiting friends in Detroit.- Grand Bend. The celebration of Dominion Day was more (general than ever. 'ihe naornirig dawned with clouds in the sky, but ere the radiant orb had con- tinued its course they totally disappear ed, and it Was thell that the pleasure seekers began to threw), the streets of our quiet little burg. They came fret. all parts, Exeter, Parkhill and many other neighbouring towns being well represented, and it was not long before all the stable roue was occupied. Re- source was then made to several lots itdjoininp; the buildings, but this did not suffice to accomodate the many hundreds who kept continually pour- ing in. Our genial hotel keeper, Mr. Joseph Brenner, did all he could to try and provide, a comfortable place for all but as the tantaliser proved far to large they had to find shelter in the woods between the village and the lake. These woods On the eolith side of the road leadimer to the, lake were soon fill. ed with horses, vehicles, wed picnick- ere in numbers that has not been wit- nessed here for a long time, if not the largest that has ever been here. Amuse mente of all kinds such as, foot ball, dancing, boating ete., Were indulged it and alfseemed to enjoy it until the sun had disappeared behind the herizon.- Mn John Phippen, of Parkhill,has erect