The Exeter Advocate, 1891-7-1, Page 8lmuamur,,w.. , .4m".'.,... .,,v..,...,,,. ,,,,,ma .. ,,,, .,..,raga..,,... ,,..,mart ....._........ °„
Guns• 1 GI TS,
S. S,
- _A
Stationery ,
School Supplies
A new story is started in this week's
issue of the ADVOCATE.
The census figures of London, Eng
land,, taken this year are, 4,221,452.
Wool! Wool Wanted at the Exeter
Woollen Mills. Highest cash price
The stock of clothing of Mr. James
Grieve will be sold at a sacrifice. Give
him a call.
National Pills are sugar coated, mild
Vat thorough, and are the best Stomach
and Liver Pills in use.
Mr. John Moore had the misfortune
of losing a valuable colt a few days
ago. Cause, rheumatism.
The Exeter Woollen Mill is the best
place to dispose of your wool, either for
cash, exchange or manufactured.
The worst cases of scrofula, salt
rheum and other diseases of the blood,
are cured by H'ood's Sarsaparilla.
Mr. A. Millan, bicyclist, of London,
covered the distance from Exeter to
Luean(1S miles) hi 47 minutes, a few
days ago.
Destroy the worms or they may de-
stroy the children. Freeman's Worm
Powders destroy and expell all kinds
Of worms.
Remember that Mr. James Grieve is
making a great clearing sale of men's
and boys' suits. Don't forget to give
laim a call.
The Exeter public school closed on.
Tuesday for 2 months,and the teachers
grill now be able to have a good long
Wanted immediately at the Exeter
Wollen Mils 5.000 bundles of wool to
be carded into rolls and 5000 for to be
1,00k'for• NV,Coeiheitour's and Cat,
ling Bros 's change of "act."
The greatest man that ever lived
was dependent for character and hap.
piness fat more upon his little acts
than upon his great achievements,
A Sunday Ssliooi picnic in connect-
ion with Cavell Presbyterian church
will be held in the grove on the banks
of the river on Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs; Philip Lang is very seriously
ill at present, She has been confined
to the house for some time but has not
taken her bed until lately. She has
something of an inward trouble, and
it will be some time before she is able
to be. around again.
Frog fishing is quite the rage. They
are beim.; caught in very large quan-
tities, some of our sports coin; to the
extent of catching fully more than
they hare use for. We would say to
them to spare the "croakers" or they
will become exterminated.
An article appeared in our local col-
umns a few weeks ago which read that
Mr. Samuel Sten -lake was owner of the
horse that was led or driven away from
the front of one of our residents by
some unknown person, Mr. Stanlake
was not the owner of the horse,
A petition has been circulated
throughout the village the last few
days trying to get a number of signa-
igna-tures to forward to Mr. T. B. Watson
to come and give a lecture on the life
of Sir John Macdonald, Should the
noted lecturer come, no doubt it will
be highly appreeiated, as the talented
orator is well lnown to many.
Atthe James Street Methodist chuff'
eh on Friday eyening- last another one
of those pleasant affairs. which are so
abundant just grow --.Strawberry Pesti-
va.l,---was hold, and was largely attend-
ed by young and old, The grounds
were beautifuly illuminated with tor-
ches made from, bricks soaked in :coal
oil, which is a new 'invention, and
proved a success, The attendance was
very large and a goodly portion of
strawberries and creatrn was disposed of.
Much credit is due the ladies who were.
managing the affair, nothing being
left undone to make it an evening of
enjoyment to all. Music was furnished
by the; Orchestra and a lengthy pro-
gramme was carried out, on which
were the names of Rev. Mr. Allan; Cen-
:'.5I 5,00 for an AN.o.
We will give to the first person tel.
line us. before the 20th of September,
where iii the Now `rest;irnont the word
"AxE" is first found $100,00 in gold.
To the next $50,00, To the third °125,
':To the fo;uth $20,00. To the fifth 1>r15.
To the sixth, $1Q5. To the next 25, $5
each, To the next•25,. $2 each. To
the person sending; in the last correct
answer, we will give ;1100 in gotd, '1'o
the next to the last $50, and soon same
as from the first. With your answer
send '25 cents in silver, or 27 cents in
stamps for a box of •Dr, Cole's :flood
and Liver Pills, the best Blood, Liver
and Stomach Pills ever made. Sure
cure for sick headache. Don't Gripe.
Remember the presents absolutely free,
tralia, T. A. Brown, J. Senior, Misses being given away to advertise Dr.
Ida and Eunice F crett, while Miss Cole's Perfect Pills and Family Remed-
Maud Hicks played the accompany- (les. A. valuable Watch given each
mert. Pro feeds were the largest of weak to the dist correct answer receiv-
any that has been realized this season
being oyer $77,
The receipt of the Western Fair
Prize List reminis us that "The"
Great.Es.hibiticri will be held in Lon-
don, September 1.7ch to 26th, Large
Premiums are offered in the Live Stock
and Agricultural Classes but we notice
that particular interest is being taken
in Parry Products, judging from the
number of Special Prizes offered for
Cheese and Butter. - The Secretary in
forms us that the unanitfacturing in
the Main Buntline, which proved such
an attraction last fall, will be largely
• The first camping party of the sea-
son to leave Exeter for the summer,
left on Tuesday, composed of Mr. Hugh
Spackman wifeand family, Mrs. John
Spackman, and several others. They
intend remaining at the Bend for a few.
days when they will return home for a
short time,and then male another visit
a of about a month's duration.
Whene'er Hon. Thos. Greenway de-
corates this town with his rugged pres-
ence, popular admiration for Hon. Jo
seph Martin increases. The Hon. Them
as certainly looks and probably thinks
like a lbw priced farm hand, and the.
gifted Attorney -General must have
carried a big stock of brains when he
had to be intellect for a whole cabinet.
Evening Telegram.
Mr. A. Q. Bobier has been negotiat-
ing with Mr. Ambrose Cottle for sever
al days with regard to supplying pow-
ower and running the electric lights
throughout the village. It is believed.
that Exeter will be illuminated • with 7
lights, and the numberof:other jets is
not to exceed 50. This is what is con-
tained in the contract between the
above mentioned parties.
A very fair congregation assembled
at the Trivitt Memorial church oriSun-
day evening to hear Mr. Edwin Lee, of
Huron College deliver a sermon. Al-
though yet a student he gives promise
of being. a piaster of the missionhe has
been called upon to fulfil. His dis-
course was scholarly and logical, the
preacher showing clearly the fulfil-
ment, of the passage in the Life of
The ADVOCATE will be sent to any.
address for the balance of the year 1.891
for 50 bents, paidin advance. New is
the time to advertise.
Cheap sugar, blessing the country
as it does now, ere the preserving ket-
tle gets a full head of steam on, will
make the housewife smile. .
Owing to Wednesday being Domin°
ion Day we issue our paper a day ear'
lier this week, so as to be able to spend
a holiday with our friends.
Miss Muir, .laughter of Robt Muir,
who has been confined to her bed with
a severe illness for some time, is not
gaining strength very rapidly.
The retail grocers, of St. Thomas,
have formed a protective association.
, whose objects are to protect its mem•
bers from people who will not pay, and
to secure a uniform hour of closing.
The Masonic Fraternity, of Clinton,
intend holding a public service in tie
Town Hal], on Sabbath, July 5th, at
3.80 p. m., when. the Rev. James Liv
ingston, a1 member of the order, will
preach to thein.
The autumn Assize Court will be
'.held at Goderich, before Justice Fal
conbridge, commencing on the 7th of
September. The Autumn Chancery
Court will be held on the 5th of Octo-
ber, before Justice Meredith.
During the past week Mr. John Tre-
ble has 'lost a large number of chicken,
and was unable to ascertain who the
culprit was until the fowls were great-
ly lessened. The guilty one at last
made ha appearance which cost it its
life, and the poor weasel is no more.
ed. Send at once and be first. Address
A. Birchard, Home Specific Co,, Orillia,
Ont, Canada.
N.B.--Kindly give permission to
use name if a prize winner.
Exeter Connell A'roemeafautS
The Council met by order of the
Reeve at the Town Hall, Exeter, 27th
June, 1891, All present. The minutes
of the previous meeting read and roll-
firmed.. By -Law, No. 9, 1891„ was duly.
read and passed on motion of T. B. Car
ling seconded by D. A, Ross. T. B.
Carling --E,- Christie—that orders be
granted for the following sums, viz --
increased and improved this year. A Albert Bissett $40 for street watering;
first class Speed Proarainlrte has been W. J. Bissett $17.20 freight on sewer.
arrannd and the Directors are en- pipe and Thos. Hartnoll $25 part pay
gaged iii? selecting the best' Special I ment for drainon William Street:—
Attractions available. The Seating Carried. The Reeve was instructed t
Accomodation around the Horse .Ring;
which proved very much too small for
their large attendance, his :been ex-
tended several hundred feet, thereby
affording additional- seating capacity
for many "Tiaousalens." The Assoc-
iation are highly pleased with the.
manifest' interest shown by the people
of Ontario for the success of the West-
ern Fair, and are determined to merit
that appreciation by sparing . neither
time nor money in keeping it the best
Agricultural and Industral Exhibition
in Canada. If any of our readers have.
not yet received a prize list they can
procure one by addressing a card to.
Mr. Thos, A. Browne,. the Secretary,
who assures us that it will be a pleasure
to forward the same.
The Masonic Fraternity of this vill
age celebrated the festival of St. John,
the Baptist on Sunday afternoon by
attending divine service in. Caven
Presbyterian church: The Craft made
a very fair turnout over 50 being in
line of march. When the service be-
gan the church was nicely filled, the
brethren occupying the centre pews of
the building. After all had became
comfortably seated the Rev Mr. Martin,
although not a member of the order,
gave a beautiful sermon, taking the
following words, found in I,Kings, 1I.
2. "Go the way of all the. earth, be
thou strong therefore; as 1-Var riyself
man" After opening .his isc
TM, WiusolKAcus .Law.—By an order
in council Captain Babb's wreckage
district has been extended from the
northern boundary of .Ashfield south, to
Grand Bend, and full powers are given
him to collect all wreckage within that
district. Parties upon whose premises
wreckage is cant ashore in this district
must notify Capt. Babb within twenty
four hours, otherwise they render them-
selves liable co severe penalties.
The following is a score made by the
members of the Exeter Gun Clubwhile
at practice en. Monday evening, each
.man shooting at.15 blue rocks from
unknown traps. This, with the except-
ion of W. J. Carling, will comprise the
team who will take part in the several
matches at Clinton on Wednesday.
E. Bissett.... . , .•
F. Farncomb . . ,
A. J. Snell.......
D. Johns.
I. Handford.
W. J. Carling. .
J. Woods..
A few days °ago while Mr. Bert Gill-
espie was engaged with a number of
other Hien in hauling gravel from the
pit at the north end of Exeter, he hada
narrow escape from biting killed. From
the few facts that can be learned, it
appears that he was standing between
the wagon and gravel bank, when the
upper portion fell in on top of him,
burying him underneath. The other
men who were present at the time im
Mediately set to work and liberated
the entombed man from: his would be
grave. When they had removed the
debris they found he was still living,
a.nd began to do all they could to mal:o
him feel comfortable. Although hav-
ing been badly shaken up; he is slowly.
recovering and will soon be able to
follow his usual occupation.
A singing class was organized here
last week composed of about 60 voices.
Mr. Frank Ruse is at present instruct
in the pupils and when the warm.
weather has passed away, Exeter will
be favored with one of the best con-
certs that has been given here for softie
Alarmed by recent Wesleyan dis.
eussions on inspiration and. Sabbath
keeping, Mr. Spurgeon, with a number
of other ministers, signed x manifesto
declaring for thorough Calvinism and both Testaments as the word
of God, saying' that the two must stand
or fall together,
Mr, D. Br°a;und has just finished re,
modelling Mr. Robert Rowe's' hearse,
New plumes and lamps have been ad-
ded and many other fixtures to bright-
en it. This is now one of the best bur-
ial conveyances there is in Western
Ontario and the public will find it to
their interests to give him a tall.
issue orders for such amounts as the
road inspector required to pay the sev-
eral laborers as they might require be
fore the next meeting of the Council.
Tenders for drain in Carling's field
were examined as follows: W. J. Bissett
65e per rod; Thos. Daw 85c per rod and
Thos. Hartnoll 60c per rod. D. A, Ross
—T; B. Carling --that Thos. Hartnoll's
tender being the lowest be accepted --
Carried. .Mr, Bissett and Mr. Christie
were appointed to attend to terminus
of drain on Wm, street. Mr. Bissett to
order 1000 feet of 6 in, tile, The clerk
to make settlement of appeal re -McTav-
ish & Co. W. G. Bissett—B Christie—
that this cou ncilfadjourn until Thurs-
day the 2nd July at 8.80.- p. m.—Car-
ried. M. EACIIETT,
a m p i g h' d' orse
the Rev. said he believed that they
traced the origin of their society -to the
building of king Solomon's 'Temple,
also that religion and Masonry were
closely linked together, and that faith
in the revealed Word of God, the im-
mortality of the soul and the ressurreet-
ion of the body were principals thiit
were strongly impressed upon the
minds of its members. Continuing, he
said we can only conquer as we fight,,
in God's name `•for unaided human nes
turn gains no.perinanent moral victor-.
ies The tnan Who fights in God's name
has courage; he is impressed by the
victories achieved in'God's name in the
past and when summoned to the Grand
Lodge above has full confidence of an
adrnission.into-that spiritual kingdom.
The. service ,being -ended the brethren
reformed into line and marched back
to the;,lodge room, NV heti: the eecrctary
was instructed to present the Rev. gen
tleman with a hearty. vote of thanks
for tics ardeous labors iin deliver.ieg
suck an appropriate discourse, to the
members of Lebanon'Forest Lodge.
Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of
boots and shoes that need repairing to
be left at the leading` boot and shoe
store next door to. the post office, O.
The'A'orontoo Exhibition.
The Prize List for the next Toronto
Indtatrial Fair, which' is to be held
from the 7th to the 19th September,
has been issued. Copies can be pro-
cured by dropping a post card to Mr.
Hill, the secretary, at Toronto.
Strawberry Festival.
The strawberry festival given on
Wednesday evening' last week, under
the auspices of the Min St. Methodist
church on the lawn of Mr, Wes. Bissett
was fairly attended.. A snore delight.
fill spot could not have been selected
for a party of the kind, The ladies in
charge left nothing undone that would
add to the entertainment of the guests,
and all present seemed to heartily en
joy themselves. There were refresh-
ments 01 abundance, and the Orchestra
furnished their usual instrumental
music. Proceeds amounted to $75.
Liniment will releive the painful tor
re of Rheumatism in the joints o
uscles. It should be well rubbed i
the hand, and the part covered
with a piece of flannel. The pain will
with the first application, and
continued use will effect a marvelous
This remedy needs but a
convince the most skeptical that
a wonderful preparation. Sold.
1 druggists; price fifty cents. Clea
Co., Toronto, New York.
wish to call your attention to the fact that they have
Shoes for'Young,Shoes for Old,Shoes for Rich Shoes for Poor:
We pay CASH for every pair of Shoes that comes into our
Store. By this we are enabled to sell them at a much. less,
price than those who bay on credit.
Our Stock of Groceries is complete, and very choice.
can suit the most fastidious.
m n
is by
al k
We often hear it remarked that
Exeter is dull and the place is going
to the bad, but if these persons, who
are continually grumbling and are
never satisfied would only visit some
of our neighboring towns and villages
they would find chart we are not so far
behind. A gentleman remarked the
other day what a beautiful little town
you have. Your streets all look so
clean, and you have such an abund-
ance of beautiful shade trees, and the
village in general seems to be in a
very prosperous condition. We, who
are living here, do not appreciate and
realize that we are living in the midst
of nature's adornment. Let our towns.
people take the trouble to get on the
top of spine high building and if they
are able to ediniee nature at all, they
will be carried away by the pleasant
sight, and would cease uttering those,
sentences which are so often uttered.
S boot 'Crites
All schools closed on Tuesday, "June
30th, for vocation. Rural schools re-
open on Monday Aug. 17th; find tort{n
and village schools re -open Aug. 31st.-
The high school entrance esaininatioli
will be held on. Thursday. Friday and
Saturday, July 2d. 8d. and t(h at the
Goderich high school and the public
school, Dungannon Teachers examine
tion will be held iii the Court House,
Codd beginning July
dian teachers who attend the Internet -
ion Teachers Association at Toronto
can secure the special rates given by
showing certificatte from the inspector
of their district that they are engaged
in teaching.
We have on hand a choice lotsof canned goods which are
very suitable for these hot days.
In canned meats we have Beef, Beef Tongue, Pigs Feet
Turkey, Chicken. In canned Fish we have Salmon, Herring
Finman, Haddies, Sardines, with and without mustard,
In fruits we have Peaches, Tomatoes, Mal^mlade, and jellies°
Try our .Aa,isaa�s, the best 41be. for 25 eta.
We have everything in the wayof crockery.
Y � Y
Highest price paid for produce.
;� .. LING BROS.
ARE NOT a Pur-
gative: Medi-
cine. They are a
Tomo and ItiiooN-
supply in' a condensed
form the substances
actuallyneeded to an-
kh the: Blood, curing
all diseases coming
from Poon and WAT-
RY BLOOD, . or from
the BLoon, and also
invigorate and .Brl m
UP the BLoon and:
SrsTVM, when broken
down' by overwork,
mental worry disease,
excesses and indiscre-
tio,s. They, have a
SPnarro AOTrow on
both men' and women,
restoring. LOST VIGOR
and correcting all
8 N Who finds hie mental fee-
1i77 88,sii5111 ff i�il�i6� nitfes dull or failing, or
his physical powers flagging, should take these
Pmts. They will restore his lost energies, both
physical andmental:
r 19 F1� @ wpm should take them,
o t9 @ Q® They; cure all sup-
pressions and irregularities, which inevitably
entail sickness when neglected.
YOUNGYOUNGNE69 shouldtakothesePlLLs..
�6 They will cure rho re-
sults of youthful bad habits, and strengthen the
YOUNG 'WOMEN should take them.
Theso PILLS will
make there regular.
For sale by all druggists, orwill be sent upon
receipt of price (50c. per box), by addressing .
Brockville, Ont.
I endeavour to produce the very best goods in my line.
Not only the best in
I and sending out some beautiful milk cans this spring
far exceeding and previous effort.
My stock of material for spring work, such as Eave-
troughing, Roofing:, &c. is extensive and complete, and work-
manship is the very best. I Solicit your; order.for
Call and see Spackman
Co's, Dress Goods. All new
Call and see Spackman &
Co's. Sateens, Prints and Ango-
la suitings. All good washers.
Call and see Spackman &
Co's. Embroidery shirting's,
Lawns and Delaines for the
hot weather.,
We sell the best 25c Black
Hose m the Dominion worth
40cts. 'Warranted ` stainless.
Call and see 'them.
Remember we carry one of
the largest stocks of' Milliner.
in :town. Ever fiat new. No
l'trimmingsto work a p.
o d p
Call and see the new style for
Spring and Slimmer.
I have without exception the nicest assortment of
Milk PAILS and Straining PAILS
to be found anywhere, varying in price from 20 cts to $1.00.
Note the price of milk pans:
wan I SIZE $1.00 TO $3.00 PER DOZEN.
Who would go without a dipper when you can get ° one
for 5/cts.
toncitouna& Tiffin
Car Load Chesnut Coals: Carload Steel Nails;
Carload Ilion and Horse Shoes. Carload Blue Ribbon Com-
posite Binder Twine.
Lining and Tar Papers, Rim'and Mortice Locks, Hinges,' Bolts,
tin Boilers and tin Pails.
. d ,, u
Sugars, Cheese, Green and Dried Apples, Lard, Teas, &c., Oat-
meal 93.00 per 100 lbs; Flour $2.7: per 100 lbs.
100 Bushels Timothy, Clover, Alsike Seeds, Dutch Sets
Onions, Hungarian Grass, 100 Bushels Potatoes.
J �r Posts ��d
& Allhlealod a b Barb Wire o
Manager. Proprietor.