HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-7-1, Page 6THAT GAME OF CAPIDS,
The Fuss Ova the Tranhy Croft Party
Continues to Grow,
he Wince Toots Upon the situation ite
Sertone—Wilson a substantial Friends --
Lord Coleridge abscess to Cumming's
Strictures mills Charge-.
A London cable says The storm rising
round the Prince of Wales is fast obtaining
intensity, endangering his chances of suc-
cession to the throne, if not the existence of
the English monadellY. No class appears to
be etirred so deeply as the great middle
class, the reel strength of the country, aiacl
hitherto a soli& and etolid prop of mon.
archy. Representative gathersugs of reli-
gious bodies, Congregational, Methodist,
Baptist, Unitariau and. Presbyterian, have
already ecorded their condemnation.
'Boards of Guardians are going out of their
accustomed paths to discuss motious
branding the gambling propensities of
the Prince of Wales as a disgrace to the
country. Several Liberal societies have
adoptedprotests against his continuance in
the army. The agitation has every char-
acter of permanency. Ere long the glowing
fierceness of the popular heat must pene-
trate to the core of politics, causing party
action in Parliament. It is believed
Emperor William has written Queen 'Vic-
torm a long and serious criticism on the
Prince's life, dilating especially on the
gambling of officers as a grave offence to
military honor, and made worse by the sign-
ing of a paper permitting a colonel of the
'Guards to retain his commission in the
army. The Queen, it is said, forwarded the
letter to the Prince. The Church Times Consul supported his German associate.
advises the Prince of Wales to sign a renun- Hippolyte was much frightened over the
'Option of card -playing in the presence of turn of affairs. The consuls then retired,
Lord Salisbury and the Archbishop of Can- but the affair is not expected to end there.
terbury. This, it says, would have a tre- The letter also says that the real leaders
snendous moral effect over society and would of the insurrection have not been
not harm the Prince.
captured. Only the rank and file
Considers it Serious. have been made prisoners'and
The Prince of Wales and the Duke of ruthlessly shot-
Generals Sully, Grettier
Cambridge came to town this morning on, and Beder have escaped to the woods and
it is said, important business. The Prince
are expected soon to be heard from in some
northern city, as these former partisans of
of Wales leaves London to -day in order to
Hippolyte are tired of his cruelty and goy -
be present at the royal palace at Virgina
ernment, and his downfall is only a question
Water. It is generally understood. that the
of weeks. With regard to Hippolyte's
Prince's flying -visit is connected with the
baccarat scandal. The Prince of
madness there is nothing strange in the
who at first was disposed to treat the
story. Some years ago, when a refugee in
Jamaica, he went reasmg mad and was for
baccarat matter lightly, has now awakened
some time confined in the Kingston acylaun,
to the seriousness of his position. and was even placed in a strait -jacket.
Men Executed by the Score Every
Day in Port-au-Prince.
The Mexican Consulate Raided and five
,11Iea Sliel-Arrotest front the 'British and
Other Comiabi—lirppolite SuppoSed to
be Crazy. '
A New York despatch says ;A letter.
from Port -an -Prince, dated dune 8th, says
there was at that time a Seth of terror
there, which had then lasted or nearly a
fortnight. Men were bang exeettted every
day by the score in the squares and streets
of the city, and nobody knew when or how
the massacre would end, On May 30th
Hipoolyte's soldiere entered by force the
Mexican consulate and dragged out of the
Imam Gen. Souli, Mr. Bossier, Leger,
Cauvin, recently Minister of Jastme
tinder Ilippolyte, and Carvin's brother.
These men were shot =der the cathedral
Wale. The diplomatic corps demanded an
audience Of the President. Mr. Tweedy,
acting Consul for the British (4oyernment,
demanded by what right the President had
broken one of the most solenm oldigetiOne
of one Government to another, and wanted
to know what meurity the other consular
houses had, The President lost his temper
and &OA : "Is this the way to talk to me,
the President of this country ?" Saying
this, Hippolyte turned his back and
bounced out of the room. Finally La Clienld,
the Minister of Foreign Affairs, induced
the President to nitwit and an apeltsgy
was Made. The French Consul aebeated.
it. The German Consul said that
though personally he.would aceepb.
the apology he would certainly report
the affair to his Goverbinent. The English
A Prince's Apolou by Proxy.
The London correspondent of the Leeds
lklereury says he has reason to state that
the Hon. Edward Stanhope, Secretary of Fears That the Village of Castleman Will
State for War, will apologize on Monday, be Wiped Out.
next in the House of Commons on behalf of An Ottawa despatch says: The village
tlie Prince of Wales for the share he took of Castleman, about 30 miles from Ottawa,
concerningthe conduct of Sir William Gor- on the line of the Canada Atlantic, is likely
don Cumming at Tranby Croft. to be entirely consumed before daylight.
Coleridge's Dander Up. The passengers by the Canada Atlantic
It is reported that Lord Coleridge, the train from Montreal to -night, amongst
.Lord Chief Justice of England, who presided : whom were Mr. W. T. R. Preston, saw the
at the recent trial of the suit of Sir William ; livid reflection of the flames in the sky ten
Gordon Cununing against Mr. and IVIrs. or fifteen miles east of the village, and
Arthur Wilson and ot ers, will take official
:notice of the charge made against him by
Sir William, the substance of which is that
the verdict of the jury would have been en-
tirely different had it not been for the par-
tiality for the defendants which the Lord
• Chieraustice showed in ha's summing up and
charge to the jury.
Helped. Wales Ont,
The Scottish Leader says: At the time of
the financial troubleknosvn as the Argentine
or Baring Bros'. crisis, several financiers
who had loaned large sums of money to the
Prince of Wales were obliged to ask for the
return of the money they had advanced.
These sudden demands put the Prince in a
serious fix for a time until Arthur Wilson,
at whose house the baccarat games were
played, came to the assistance of the heir.
apparent and lent him $1,000,000, with
which the Prince paid back some of the
-money loaned him.
Cumming lioyallY Received.
An Edinburgh cable says: A formal
•address of welcome, neatly engrossed and
signed by the Provost of Forres, the local
magistrate and the members of the munici-
Iy, was presented to -day to Sir William
Gordon Cumming after the provost had
voiced the welcome which Forres extended
to the bride and bridegroom. The address
pulation is said to be somewhere in the
declared that the inhabitants of Forres had po"ty of 1,000.
heard with lively satisfaction of Sir William vie
Nearly all the able-bodied men and boys
Gordon Curtuning's rnarriag,e and welcomed
are employed in the factories and sawmills,
him and his bride to Forres and Altyre. In iwhich will be in ashes to -morrow. When
order to present this address the provost the train passed through at 9 o'clock some
and the entire Municipal Council proceeded I
loaded cars on the Canada Atlantic were
to the railway station and there met augn.
nt A large creek divides the village
the happy couple. The provost was • "
of Cast eman from the station, but when the
arrayed in his full robes of office, and
gathered about the depot with several thou-
sand people who enthusiastically cheered
the party bound for Altyre. The party
consisted, in addition to the bride and
'bridegroom, Lady Middleton, the sister of
Sir William Gordon Cumming, who with
Lord Middleton and other friends have not
in a single action in any way shown that
they believe in Sit' William's guilt. After
the provost had presented the address of
welcome Sir William replied that it was his
duty besides his privilege to reside there
among his brother-Scotehmen who have
shown suds kindness him. In the midst
of rousind.
g cheers the horses were unhitche
from Sir William's carriage, and the vehicle
conveying the bridal pair was drawn to
Altyre by the wildly -enthusiastic clansmen
of Forres.
as the train drew nearer it seemed as if the
village was a mass of fire. Upon reaching
Castleman it was found that immense piles
of lumber, measuring millions of feet,
and huge stacks of tan bark containing
thousands of cords and. nearly every
house and store in the village were the preyr
of an inunense conflagration. The roar of
the flames could be heard distinctly half a
mile away. The train shot quickly through
the station, but the sight was one never to
be forgotten. The large planing mills, the
sash and blind factory, the saw mills, lumber
piles, stores and residences were being
rapidly consumed. Men, -women and chil-
dren were rushing towards the woods in the
most frantic manner with what little of
their household effects they could rescue
from their dwellings. In the midst of the
lumber piles were to be seen great water
tanks, round which the flames were playing
with terrible effect. There was no possi-
bility of ascertainingwhether there had been
loss of life, but the destruction of property
must have been enormous.
The village is the second largest on the
Canada Atlantic line between Ottawa and
Coteau. Its sudden growth within the last
three or four years is entirely due to the
opening up of the country by the construc-
tion of the Canada Atlantic Railway. The
Probable Course that the Arbitration Prc-
ceedings will Follow,
A Washington despatch 4ays ; Well-in-
formed, opinion is that each side will be
permitted to designate two Behring Sea
commisaioners. The United States will
designate two commissioners, and these four
will be left to select eonie eminent arta dis-
interested internatiouel jurist to preside
over the commission, The findinga of the
Court of Arbitration thus composed will be
accepted by both countries as hind. It is
thought that Washiugton avill probably be
the meeting place of the Court of Arbitra-
tion, and that it will convene about the
middle of OQipber. As soon as the teams
of arbitration of the great question axe con-
cluded, the Secretary of the Navy and the
British Minister will proceed to dispose of
the question of O011Stitaing a joint com-
mission to study the conditions and eir-
eumetances of the seal fishery ht the North
Pacific, and to report what regulations and
restrictions are necessary for it economic
prosecution. Professor T. C. Mendenhall,
superintendent of the coast survey, 1)411
probably be the first commissioner on the
part of the United States and Prof. Geo.
Dawson of the Geological States,
of Canada,
the first commissioner on the part of Great
Britian, subject, however, to the contin-
gency that Sir George Baden-Powell may
be chosen to head the British commission,
in which event Dr. Dawson would be the
eecond of the British. commissionelis.
The British squadron in the Pacific
which will be drawn upon to send vessels to
Behring Sea to co-operate with the United
States in the protection of the, seals coin
prises eight vessels—the Warsplee, Melpo-
mene, Nymphe, Espia,gle, Champion,
Pheasant, Daphne and .9ne first-class
torpedo boat. Which of these ships will be
selected cannot be 'anticipated here. The
Warspite, the largest and most modern of
the fleet, will probably not be included, for
she is understood to be badly in. need of
repairs. Of the other veasela available
three are composite ships of 4,140 tons
carrying from six to ten fige-inch breeCh-
loading guns each, besides 'a number of
rapiddirMg guns. The Melpomene is a, 2,950 -
ton steel vessel carrying six six-ineh guns
and ten rapid -firing guns; the Champion,
2,340 tons, carrying four six-inch guns and
four rapid-fire, and the Pheasant,' 765 tons,
carrying six four -inch and four rapid-fire
guns. The United States cruising.equadron
will consist of the evenue• steamers Rush
and Corwin and the war vessels Mohican
and Alert. It may be possible to add two
others vessels if found necessary, but the
present expectation is that an aggregate
Anglo-American fleet of seven or eight ves-
sels will be found sufficient. Sand Point in
the Aleutian Islands will be the rendezvous
of the crnisers.
The Canadian sealers, being assured of
reasonable compensation, are not expected
to give muck trouble after being notified of
• the snotists vencli but the case is likely
to be different -with our own citizens at the
sealing grounds, to some of whom
the si taus vivendi means almost
financial ruin. The principal trou-
ble on the British side is looked for
from those vessels which, though sailing
under the British flag, xeally represent
American capital. These will not, be content
to rely upon the official British promise of
compensation which is meant to be rigidly
confined to actual British interest.
Sir Julian Pauncefote and Assistant Sec-
retary of State Moore, of the State Depart=
Tent, willat.t once prsiceeciato-egateis*. tmsferm.
the agreement for arbitration. ' The basis of
arbitration is already fixed and the Secre-
tary of the Trea.sury and Assistant Secretary
Moore are busy with the text of the articles.
The agreed questions for arbitration are the
1. What exclusive sealing right Behring
Sea did Russia claim and Great Britain recog-
nize prior to the cession of Alaske.to thei/nited
2. What right to the seal fishery, if any, does
the United States possess in Behring Sea out-
side the ordinary territoriallimits?
3. If the second question be determined nega-
tively as to any such rights being possessed -by
the United States, is any compensation justly
due from the United States to Her Majesty's
Government in respect of the molestation%
seizures and other proceedings by tho United
States against the vessels, property and persons
of the British subjeets in Behring Sea in 1886,
1837Ian d 1889, and if so what is the proper measure
or amount of such compensation?
There need be no mystery about the sup-
plemental orders which have been sent to
the revenue cutters and naval vessels which
have been ordered to Behring Sea. The
supplemental orders relate simply to matters
of detail, and contain instructions as to
the manner in which poachers shall be
Lightning Strikes a Weide Party.
A Si. Louis despatch says: During a
asevere storm this afternoon 25 picnickers
huddled together hi an outhouse m Forest
Park, near the police station, for protection
from the rain. They had scarcely got in-
side when there -was a sharp flash of light-
ning and a quick reverberating peal of
thunder. Then. shrieks and moans a,nd cries
for help issued from the building. A wild
scene of confusion followed, and policemen
hurried to the scene. Sadie McArthur,
aged 12, was killed, and nearly all the other
occupants of the outhouse were more or less
injured. Miss Lizzie Goldeta 111iss Kate
Bender and Miss Laura Beaticlare were
seriously hurt.
A Driialken Fool's Freak.
A Pottstown Pa despatch says: While
.7 .7
several small girls were wading, barefooted,
in the Schalykill near Parkersford, last
might, Frank Bixbee, aged 28, of Royers-
„ford, came along and said he was going to
teach them how to swim. Ile seized twe
girls one under each arm and waded out
int) the water beyond his 'depth, (inc of
-the girls escaped from' his clutehee, but
Bixbee and Jennie Kneel's, aged ten, sank,
and both Were arowned, Eixbee it is
thought, was ititoxieated• .
Affithle but vety bow4egged Shop assist-
Ant—Walk this way, truldaln. Old lady—.
'Why, bless me, matt, I couldn't Valk that
• Way ye was to give me the Whole shop.
train was passing through the heat and
smoke was so intense that the passengers Eastbourne, the most fashionable watering
had to turn away from the windows and place on the coast, was occupied.on Monday
seek places of safety. The alarm was given in hearing an atrocious charge against Capt.
10.30 o'clock until Hawkes, a prominent officer, possessed of
early, but it was not
ulch wealth, and it meniber of a noted
that the steam fire engines with the horses m
managed to leave Ottawa. Soine western family. IVIiss Clara Burgess, an inmate of
in the captain's household, alleged that he had
people are, it is understood, interested
the Castleman Lumber Cornpa.ny. assaulted her, and afterwards cruelly beat
her and turned her into the streets. The
evidence was so stronao against the d.efenslant
that his conviction followed, and he was
New Brunswick Girl Buns Away From
Dressed in lier Brother's Clothes, and
Mires Out on is taints Ireltile Hundreds
of Men Search the Woods for the Miss-
ing. Girl.
A Moncton despatch says : Clara Wort -
man, the missing Salisbury girl, has been
found, but not in the woods, Between two
hundred turd three hundred men have
been tramping woods around her home
for over a week, without getting the
slightest trace of her, and latterly
suspicions have been aroused that she
was not in the woods at aU, but had run
away from home. This proves correct,
though the girl had no reason for going
away. It has been learned that a boy
dressed in ill-fitting clothes stopped a few
days ago at the house of Byron Freeze, of
Penobsquis relatives of the Wortman
family. dr. Freese did not know at the
time that Clara, was missing, but since
hearing of the fact, suspicion was aroused
on account of some encimries made by the
boy in regard to the Wortman family. The
clue was followed up, and Clara was found
working as it laborer on the farm of Byron
McLeod, near Penobsquis. She was wear-
ing her brother's clothes, and the name she
gave was that of the hero of the story she
took with her when she started for school on
Monday last -week. It is supposed that the
girls' head was turned by reading trashy
stories. There is great indignation among
hundreds of men who have been scouring the
woods for her. Large search parties have
gone from Moncton, Petitcodiac and other
places to assist residents of the district
His Friends Striving to Save Rim front the
Consequences of Caine.
A London cable says: The tnagistracy of
THE FOOL AND ins intoi4ev.
IIow "Judge Sinith ” SWIntlied McKay out sentenced to three NVCCkS hard labor
orals $10500. prison and to limy a heavy fine. The cap -
An Amsterdam, N. Y. despatch says : tale. •
s influential friends and relatives are
George McKay, a well -to -ho citizen residino bringing strong pressure to bear upon the
near here, was swindled out of $1,500 laje 1 Home Secretary to secure it remission of
Thursday by a couple of fellows travelling that part of the sentence which inflicts the
with a circus. McKay met a man on the • disgrace of imprisonment upon the erring
street who represented himself as "Judge , °fficer• ,-
" roon OLD MAN."
Thc EvelYn-illurlhert Appeal ?Wakes VIII'
. for English Lawyers.
A London cable says: Counsel for Miss
Evelyn to -day resumed his arement by
reading entries from. the plaintiff's diary in
regard to the indecent letters she claims to
have received -front Mr. Hurlbut, but which
it was said were hi the handwriting of an-
other person Wilfred Murray. .According
a a
to the plaintiff's counsel there. was not a
shadow of evidence to show that Wilfred
Murray really wrote them.
The Attorney -General, Sir Richard Web-
ster, on behalf of Mr. Ilurlbert, said the
most deliberate perjury had been proved
against Misr Evelyn in regard, to the rela-
tions which existed between herself and both
Mr. Hmlbert and Jackson. The judge who
presided at the trial of the suit had dwelt
upon the p.oiut of her perjury, and the jury
were onammous that no proimse of marriage
had ever been made. Sir Richard also said
that if the "bogus" letters which had. been
produced had lama genuine some of these
letters were of so ghastly and horrible a
nature that they could hardly be associated
• with any man's promise to marry.
Right Hon. Edward Kay, one of the
Lords Justices of Her Majesty's Court of
Appeals, here asked to see one of the in-
decent letters referred to in order to com-
pare its handwriting with that of one which
was acknowledged to have been written by
Mr. Hurlbert. A letter from the indecent
lot was then handed up to the bench, and
Sir Richard Webster said "1 asked that
poor old inan —"
Lord Esher, Master of the Rolls, asked
sharply, " What old man?"
" Why," replied Sir Richard calmly,
"Mr. Hulbert is betaseen 65 and 70 years
of age. When he av-as -asked if he had ever
,written a letter ofsnch a character to any
woman he replied 'Never and no one who
knows Mr. Huebert weedd believe that he
could write such filth."
Sir Richard Webster said he proposed to
read the letters -which "the woman" had
sent. to Mrs. Hurlbert, but Miss Evelyn
indignantly protested that she had never
written to Mrs. Huribert.
During Sir Richard's argument Lord
Esher asked whether there was any evi-
dence that the defence had tried to find
Wilfred Murray, Nilo was alleoed to be the
real author of the indecent letters. .
Mr. Candy, on behalf of Miss Evelyn,
replyed that there was not the slightest evi-
dence that the defence had tried in any way
to locate Murray.
• The hearing was adjourned until to-
Smith," and the latter was but a short time i
in renewing the accjuaintance when they 1 THE SENAPUTTTO MUG.
met at the ureue. 'Smith" said that he The Leader of the Murderous Manipur"to
was interested in the sawdust Ample, and ' be Executed. r
would give McKay a large sum of money at
.. I
would a.dvertim it, but before he could . A Calcutta, cable says : The Senaputty,
he e.Kay would have to give etsemul brother of the of the Maharajah and
pay the money M
me kind of a bonus to show that he was commander-in-chief of the Manipuri forces,
responsible. The old gentleman went to one has been convicted of rebelling against the
Ompress of India and of abetting the
of the local banks, of which he is is stock- l
holder, drew mit $1,5001 and returned to the massaure of Chief Commissioner Quinton,
circus. Hero he met Smith analis third Poli tical Agent Grimwood, and other
British offieers in March last and has been
Considerable money gl'uvAser over to cmd
:onned to be hanged. This sentence is,
McKay, when suddenly the third party fell subject to eonfirmatin by the
in it pretended fit. There was a commotion, IVI°i"ce'crvoTof India.
and somebody grabbed the $1,500 from Me- Tho Value of " May" mid "WIOUld."
Kay'e hands. The old gentleman has an
the hope that A Terre' Haute Ind', desPetch says: Tile
officer following the circus in
of the wort
he will find the strangers. . 11F3(1
I "should"instead of
: " ina,y " gives is convie,ted murderer a chance
.up on the Big 11,011 I.. ' for freedom. Harry Trogdon sopa inand
guilty of t
A Litchfield, Ill., despatch says : A he murder of Hays Sanders and
passenger train on the Big Four road was truction to the jttry the judge Mad :
given a three -years' sentence. In his in-
• 4 4
run into yesterday' rnornme by a freight sYou
car and one eoach. Aholit tvventy passen-
the baggage in31101101(18, Ne'v°11110atilitrriliaOir arethi?eassotanattinleenotra ,uhne-
train at Right Angles,wreckitig
gem were in the coach, all of whom were reasonable," etc. The defence held that the
nsore or less hurt, Thom.,rn
as Clegg, of praeyn"'esliCoQuIlerttliaibetstiaelici
ed instead the
of 'shollivi7rr1
doctor Dixon and Braltestrian Miller Were
Con" and the instruetion was in error. The judge
Mattoon, Ills., was fatally injured.
' granted a new trial on that ground.
severely filleted.
Tlie most quietly entertainiog people
ori X, street, between Thirteenth and Four- out intending it a
are those who speak a variety of trath with-
tid are fentastically witty'
Solator Shetioa,n is going to nuld a house
tenth streets, Washington, to cost $60,00D. without knowing it.
A Suit in Whioh Gossip Names Wales
as 0o -Respondent.
A London cable says : The sluice gates
are open, and ecandal after scandal will rush
through. them. The chief personage in the
latest drama of high life is the l'rince of
Wales. It is eaid that in spite of all his
efforts, and hie influeoce in social life is
tremendous, he will eoon be responsible for
an action for divorce to be brought by Lord
Brooke. Curiously enough, the Gordon
Cumming case was the last straw that broke
Lord Brooke's patient beck. You already
know that it is an open secret that Lady
Brooke is believed to have been the first
person to tell the story of the card
scandal. You also know who is be-
lieved to have tolcl her. She repeated
it to Lady Norreys, The talk gradually
reached the ears of Lord Brooke,
who grew wild. He heti put up with a
good deal; but was determined to stand the
shame no longer, even though his wife have
it prince for her paramour. Sympathy does
not go with Lord Brooke among his set, by
none of whom is he particularly liked. He
is the oldest sou of Earl Warwick, and the
owner of the handsomest castle in England
and one of the great show places. He is au
uncouth fellow, quite the opposite of his
wife, who has plenty of style and dash. Her
history would make interesting reading for
persons who have forsaken the ways of the
world. Before she and the prince became
bosom friends Lady Brooke and Lord
Charles Beresford ran into couples. Lord
Beresford had it wife of his own. Lady
Beresforcl is dark and handsome, and is fond
of society. This scandal will do the Prince
of Wales far more harm than the Gordon
Cumming case. rd'",,saadsdas
The Coon Rapids Wreek Caned by Obstrute
Dons on the Track.
A Coon Rapids, Ia., despatch says : The
wreck on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul
road, near this point, last night, was caused
by some unknown person planing a tie upon
the trestle work just before reaching the'
'bridge over Coon River. A sudden shock
was experienced by the Passengers when the
tie was struck, after which the coaches ran
about two car lengths, left the track, and
the engine gal mail car went through the
bridge, a distance of 50 feet, into the river.
The baggage car, smoking car, chair car and
one Pullman fell from the side of the trestle,
is distance of 40 feet. The big baggage and
smoking cars turneti upside down in their
descent, the their car and the forward Pull-
man lit on their sides. The passengers who
were not hurt scrambled out as best they
could. As soon as the citizens of this place
learned of the accident they hastened to the
spot • with lanterns, and for two hours
worked in a pouring rain rescuing those who
Were unable to get out. Some of these un-
fortunates were pinned down by broken
timbers, which it was necessary to chop
away to release them. '
Twelve of Them Fire on Russian Soldiers
With Deadly Ellect.
A St. Petersburg cable says: At Batoum
last night a boat containing five Russian
soldiers met is strange boat manned by
twelve pirates. The officer in command of
the soldiers ordered the pirates to stop and
allow the soldiers' 'boat to run alongside of
them. The pirates answered by firing a
volley from their rifles at the soldiers, kill-
ing four of them. The piratee then escaped,
end the surviving soldier pulled ashore and
gave the alarm. A boat manned by four
soldiers then went in pursuit of the pirates
and overhauled them. Again the pirates
fired, killing two, and wounding the two re-
maining troopers. The wounded Russians
managed to pull ashore and report their ex-
perience. A third boat better manned was
sent after the pirateS,but the latter escaped.
A Russian gunboat has gone in pursuit of
the pirate craft.
The Duman Steamer City of Richmond Ras
a Thrilling Experience.
A Queenstown cable says: The Cunard
line steamer Servia, which left New York
June 6th, arrived hereto -day. The captain
reports that at midnight of Thursday he
sighted the Inman line steamer. City of
Richnion, from New York June 3rd, bound
for this port and Liverpool. The latter
vessel was flying signals of distress, and the
Servia bore down to her to offer assistance.
The captain of the City of Richmond re-
ported that his cargo was on fire, and the
Servia, stood by and steamed slowly by the
side of the City of Richmond until Brow -
head was sighted. Captain Redford reported
that on Tuesday at 'midnight a lady cabin
passenger upon 'getting out of her berth
noticed that the floor of the state -room was
as to the expediency of an early
very hot. She inunediately gave the alarm
maturnig of the deliberations. The
operatton of external causes and impulses
he said, had created is feeling of unrest in
Canada and Atistralia which might not
improperly be called an =willingness to
acquiesce in the present state of things.
Lord Salisbury remarked that a, large pro-
portion of the foreign negotiations and diffi-
culties arose entirely from the colonial con-
nections of the Empire. The Government
had to exercise great -vieilance in order to
If your dogs and cats disturb the neigh•
hers by howling in the night, it is yoar
feult, not theirs. You have no more right
to let them disturb neighbors by howling in
the night than you have to go out hi your
back yards and howl yourselves ; and if by
reason of your ecgleet they are poisoned or
otherwise killed, it is your fauld—Our
Dumb Animals.
"Look at the crowd around the corner
What'a the matter?" • llagge—Oh, nothing,
only is pelietlinan `killed by an accidental
discharge Of duty.
1• 101rir0 WM'S MallinglES•
AplytiN AUMM,AS 'Irf”rrOriZed 10'5 Series or •
Witelesele Morders.
A New 'York despateh says:The offietwa
of the steamship A
lvoovidels arrived here
yesterday fiviesliaytitto ports, briag terrible
stories of the wholeasle butehery going On
111 the islaud. There ho been a 151555110r0at "'Masan -Prince, teal when the news
reached geemel the peopleat once de1101111Cea
the Murderers, whereupon the garaieon was
called. out, and six of the leaders of the dis
contented whO:had. dared to giVo public ex.
praseion, te their disregard for Iiippolyte
were arrested, end alter rough haudliao
were throwa inte prison, 011 0.0 morning
of jane ah detathment HippOlyte s
troopemarclied over the hills addentered
the city, gong et oitee to the liaison.
The news of their arrival soon spread, and
an hour later there was a solid mass of
humanity about the jail. The rumor had
spread that the prisoners were going to he
shot for daring to express their -views.
'Two hours after the. artival ef the
soldiers the doors .Of the jail were
swung open, and out caine the. six
piisoners, handeaffed and walking between
soldiers armed to tlie teeth. LI this man-
ner, and preceded by is priest, the. funeral
procession marched to the plaM, in the
:centre of the' city. A bellow space was
forined by the troops, and the prisoners
were placed side by aide hieing the .soldiers.
Their faces were covered, and there, in the
midst of their friends, and relatives, the
Officer in. command gave the order, the
soldiers levelled their guns, and when the,:.
rineke cleared away six corpses lay on the
monad to be added. to the already long list
of murders for which Hippolyte is directly
or indirectly. responsible. '
According to Mate Bishop, the scenes at .
several Haytian cities Were terrible to wit-
ness. Never :before has such an era of
blood oxiSted in Hayti, nor have so many
people been put to death merelY for daring
to oppose the with of one• man. Fifteen
prisoners were put to death at Port -an -
Prince May 30th, and the next day eleven
more shared the same fate,
Salisbury 'Will Not Summon a Conference
on Imperial Federation Yet.
A London cable says: A depatation con-
sisting of -members of the Laperial Federa-
tionleague„ headed by LordBrassey, Waited
upon Lord Salisbury to -day to urge him:to
convoke a conference of the selfloyering
British colonies to consider the question Of
partaking in the privileges and responsibili-
ties of is United Empire. Lord Salisbury
said he was in entire sympathy -with the
object of the deputation haarin view. The
question was nothing more or lees then
the future of the British Empire. Lord. •
Salisbury agreed with the deputation ,
to the engineers, who communicated
with the captain, • and an examine -
tion was quickly made. This resulted
in the discovery that smoke was
issuing from the „forehold, and the smell
indicated that the cotton in the hohi was on
fire. Steam and water were promptly
injected into the hold, and it was supposed
for a time that the fire had been extin-
guished. .At 9 o'clock on Wednesday mom -
ing, however, three bales of cotton were
see that it did not incur .great dangers,
found to be on fire, and were taken from the which had not arisen from its own interests,
hold and thrown overboard. ' In the Mean -
but from the interests of the important
time the British steamer Counsellor, bound
communities with which it was linked.
from New Orleans for Liverpool, had ap-
After indicating the difficulties which the
peared on the scene, and on learning the Government would have to contend with hi •
condition of affairs stood by the City of
It is order to make a United. Empire similar to -
Richmond until the Beryl& came up. the United States, which Lord Salisbury
believed the fire was completely subdued
described as is Zollyerein or Kreigsverein, h'e
before the City 'of Richmond reached
concluded with the statement thathe could,
Queenstown. The • vessel prOhteded for
, not summon is conference of colonial states-
Liverpool, and appeared to be all right.
men until is definite, scheme of Imperial •
Throughout the period of alarm a'gale was
Federation had been prepared.
blowing and the ship rolled heavily. During
the dark hours of suspense the mass of the
passengers wereperfectly calm, most of them , SWEAR TREY SAW (mom% GuosT. .
— .
making preparations to leave the ship. I '
1 „
°plc 'Living Near the Carlson Cottage
Until daylight on Wednesday the extent of ' ''' Seamed by the Alleged Spectre.
the fire was not knovrn so dense was the
smoke enveloping the decks.
The Kendall Theatrical Company and the
Actor Deere landed at Queenstown. The
passengers were unanimous in praising the
conduct of the captain, officers and men of
the City of Riclunond. As is mark of their
appreciation of the services of the captain
and crew a memorial was presented to the
commander of the vessel, while a collection
of £70 was taken up for the benefit of the
The scene on deck after the discovery of
the fire was remarkable, many groups of
women praying fervently and. crying, butno
unusual excitement prevailed. A passenger
says: " It was a fearful night, the wind
sereething through the rigging and the seas
washing over the decks. There was little
hope of safety in case it should become
necessary to take to the boats. The suspense
was terrible, but all bore up splendidly,
owing to the encouraging words of the cap-
tain and officers. The intermediate and
steerage passengers were comfortably in-
stalled in the saloon, away from the smoke
and fumes coming from the burning cotton."
A Forced Lailli 01•411Crell--StrillgCla Repres-
sive Laws Passed.
A Washington despatch says: The official
mail from Chili brings exciting news. The
House of Deputies has passed a bill author-
izing the President to levy a forced loan of
$20,000,000 to carry on the war. The mea sure
has not yet passed the Senate. 'Under an
order from the Executive, carsiages are not
permitted to drive on the streets of Santiago
after midnight under it penalty of $50 for
the first offence and $200 for the second. A
decree luta also been issued prohibiting
groups of more than three persons standing
together in the streets, squares • or public
places of Santiago. Persons guilty of in-
fringing this decree will be liable to a fine of
$25 to $100. By another decree all the
theatres of Santiago are closed until further
notice. Under the authority of Congress
all the gold and silver in the treasury of
Chili, comprising what is known as the
metallic reserve, was sold at auction on May
15th. The coined silver was sold in lots of
$5,000 and upward, and the bar silver in
lots of 2,600 kilograms anct upward.
where Criminals Come From.
Philadelphia Public Ledger : Social con-
ditions and environments undoubtedlaohave
much to do with shaping; the lives or the
young for good or for evil. The child born
into a home of intemperance,ignoranee,
sloth, vie° or crime, and cnvironed daily
and hourly durieg the • formative period of
the mind, is much more likely than not to
'form his character in accordance with his
surroundings, atid to make hia life of a kind
with the lives of those with whom he is
constantly in intimate commuidcation.
Idleness at a time when youthfal blood
flowe warmly and eagerly, when the pat-
sions are developing, becomes a strong and
persistent incentive to crime.
The attempted reformation of an Metals
as hopeless a task as an attempt at rearrang-
ing the rainbow colors of a soap -bubble.
Joseph FAling,er, is famous Hungarian
tenor, died at Buda Pesth recently at the
age of 71 years.
A Chicago despatch says : People who
live near the Carlson cottage, where Dr. P.
If. Cronin was murdered, are excited and
mere or leas frightened by the alleged
ghost of the murdered Mall.'
A dozen residents declare, that they are
Willing to swear that they have, while pass-
ingthe Carlson cottage atnight, seen the -
spiritual form . Of the doctor, clad in white
garments and ,diefigtred by a horrible scar
on his forehead, groaning While wandering
through tha moths of the cottage.
The residents of the neighborhood, who
are mostly poor people and foreigners, are so
agitated Over the affair that they cannot be •
induced to walk within sight of the Cottage .
after dark. '
josePli Specht, 6 spiritualist and florist,.
of .No. 1,198 Lincoln avenue, near the scene •
Of the nuirder, has volunteered to sleep in
the room where Cronin. Was killed if Carlsson
will allow him.
The owner of the Carlson cottage has not
been able to find is tenant or a pureluSeer for
the place, and the only revenue derived ,
fromit has been by taming it into a sort of
Ait Albany Boy Alleged .to Mave Withstood
the Metric. Fluid.
An Albany despatch says : A startling ,
arid refinalcable electrical display occurred
in front of No. 140 South Pearl street .
Tuesday nights A boy named McDonald
caught held of the ironhoisting bar of the
awning and tried to raise himself up in
Order to look in the windont There is an
electric light in front, and the iron frame of
the awaing became.connected with it. In
an instant flashes of eleclaicity and sparks.
flew out of the boy's feet with detOnation..
like a package of powder areckers.He wa, ,
completely charged With the fluid and could
not let go his hold. A bystander caught .:
hold ot him and. pulled him away, but in.
doing so received .a shook: Idinself antl was S
knocked inttt the street. The boy was
dazed and ettomed,but was spolt restored,
and Walked to his home apparently. un-
jared, The voltage which .passed • through •
was about 2;500.
The Swell Caused by a Steamer Capsizes.
Their Frail Cnnoe.
A Quebec despatch says : A fatal acci-
dent occurred in the Rive,' St. Lawrence'
yesterday, in the vicinity of Porthenf, itt
which three children were drowned. It.
appears that five youngsters, the eldest of
them 12 years of age, wont for a row in the
river in a frail canoe. They were paddling,
around when a steamer atone along and.
passed by tlie canoe, which commenced to
toes violently from the swell caused by the
steamer. The children 'became excited and
slid not remain steady, so the canoe cap-
sized, precipitating the five children into,
the water. Two of them managed to seize
and hold on to the frail craft, but the other
three sank and were droweed. The acci-
dent hes caused great excitement itt the
.1's.vo of the childten were name&
Lathance. '.1‘1ie name of the third is um -
known hese.
Sweden yen can get a competent ser-
vant girl for $14 a year.