HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-7-1, Page 4...awmaormarumwomenrominnomma THE SANDERS & SWEET, Props. WEDNESDAY, JULY Ist, 1891. Z'IIE T UDGET. One of the ablest and most satisfact- ory budget speeches ever delivered on the floor of Parliament was that given last weep; by the Hon. Mr. Foster, Min-. ister of F inane. It is said to have met with as much general applause as the splendid effort of Sir Chas. Tupper in 1887, when that gentleman as Can- ada's Financier introduced the iron duties. Wnithpilt going into all the de- tails of Mr. Foster's masterly presentat- ion of the budget, we propose to sum- marize for the benefit of our readers the more salientpoints,—showing the financial condition of the country and the changes proposed to be made by the government in the existing tariff. The announcement made that "sugar' is put upon the free list" will be hailed with satisfaction by all classes of the community,` rich and poor. So that under the present progressive policy of the Liberal -Conservative party, -.every man in Canada is to have a free break- fast table; that is to say, Eby the pro posed modification of the tariff our tea' coffe, and sugar as well will be abso- lutely free from taxation! To do this, the revenue will suffer a diminution of no less than three million six hundred thousand dollars. The people of Can- ada will be relieved of that burden of taxation on necessary articles of living It is proposed to meet that amount in two ways: 1st, by strict economy in the public expenditure; and 2nd, by im- posing a shall additional tax on art- icles that pray be called luxuries, viz: ale and bear, spirituous liquors tobac- co and cigars, and largely upon cham- pagne wine which is consumed by the wealthier classes. Dur space will not admit of a: reference to the various points in the budget speech of the Fi- nance Minister. Suffice it to say that a gratyfying surplus is reported of $3,89 ;,803 in the past year—that the financial outlook was never more hope ful—that'our foreign securities stand higher in the money market than any of the other colonies -that the foreign trade of last year was one of ` the best on :ecor.d—that the prospect of a su perior class of immigrants coming to Canada is' good—and that the whole outlook for another year is most prom ising. The reference made to the pro- posed negotiations with the United States was such as to encourage the hope of our seeing freer trade relations established ere long between the two countries. After the experience of the reciprocity treaty in 1886, which was terminated at the instance of the American authorities, and from which -act on then•. part Canada was led to :throw herself on her own resources and to find new channels of trade both -with Great Britain and other Count- ries; the Washington authorities are not likely further to oppose any reas- onable overtures made by the Domin- ion in the way of reciprocal trade in products which they need and we are prepared to supply. The whole sub- ject, however, is to come up in Parlia- ment so soon as all the correspondence are laid on the table ;when an opportun- ity will be afforded to both sides of the House to discuss the matter fully and freely. Meantime, it will be satisfact • ory to the general public to know that we have able and competent men in the Cabinet, and on the floor of the Commons, who will conserve the best Interests of the country at large and prove themselves something more than. "flies on the wheel:" NATIOHAL DETTELOPEMEN'C. No surer mark of national develope. ment and progress is observable than the large investment of capital for in- dustriai and economic purposes. In tdlis respect, Canada occupies a position scarcely inferior to any other country, considering its youth as a nation. Largely through the aid of British cap - vast sums of money have been a1 - ready invested in factories as well as in national public works, such as the Canada Pacific Railway and the Wel- land Canal; and such has been the ;.Amount of confidence inspired in the %.future prosperity of this Dominion, ithat hundreds of Americans have transferred their plant and machinery to Canadian soil and are now reaping t1io benefits of an international trade. It is well known that American capit- alists a it-alists are largely interested in mining operations within our borcier,whilc oth- ,ers have invested in the salmon can- a:oillg factories of British Columbia -which have, lately attained to large dimensions. One great cause of this investment of British and foreign cap- ital has been the building of the C. P. R,, which has opened up the vast, and illimitable territory of the great North West: In this we see the far sighted policy of the late lamented Premier, who foresaw in the construction of that great national highway not only the welding together of the several provin- ces into one, but the developement of an untold amount of milling and Abri- eultural resources Which bid fair to make this Dominion the envy of otltei nations. Speaking the other day of the marvellous success of the C. P. a, (whose latest returns, by the way,show a much larger yield of profits than any other railway on the Continent of Amer ica) Prof. Bryce M. P. observed that: "It has falsifield the predictions of many prophets of evil it has obtained of course, very large land grant, but it is now a commercial success, paying a good divideud, increasing its traffic, and throwing out important branches to the South u various directions, and likely as time goes on to become more, and more a prune factor in the Com- mercial growth andros ierity of the p l country." And when it is remember- ed that there are vast sums of British: capital await.ng profitable investment when it is estimated that there are al- ready a thousand million pound ster- ling invested in Colonial and East. In- dian interprises,-and that there is a steady increase of capital .flowing to- wards Canada,—every one must see that so far from indulging in pessimis- tic views in regard to the future of this country, we are fully justified in stating that in The near future a great- er inflax of British and foreign capital tvill find its way into the Dominion as being one of the mostprofitable as well as safe channels of investment. A STRICTLY PARTY VOTE. The long threatened motion of want of confidence in the government has at last been brought forward by the lead- er of the Opposition, and after a brief but lively discussion coneignecl to the shades of oblivion. The government still lives, is united and happy; with a clear majority in a full House of seven- ty-five members. No weaker case could have been presented than that by the Opposition. It might be truly said that "the mountain" labored and brought forth a ridiculous mouse." There was xw line of policy mapped out by the Qppositiou; the general pol- icy of the government was not even attacked; indeed, the only show of fight was a feeble attack on the new Prem ler as one who had been closely identi- fied with the C. P. R., and therefore not qualified to give an unbiassed sup port to the interests of Canada. Strange to say, the only charge brought against the government itself was a bypocriti- cal pretence that they had departed from the policy of their departed" lead. 01, though in what way did not ap- pear. Why the Opposition should thus change their tactics all of a sudden, and profess chameleon -like to be so much concerned about the late Sir John Macdonald's policy as to charge the nen- Government with a departure from that policy, is somewhat myster- ious. But in truth, as the Hon. M'r' Costigan brought out in a short speech, the only real ground on which this motion of want of confidence proceed- ed was to create dissension in the ranks of the Conservatiye party, and make it appear as though local Jeal_ ousy and religious differences existed among them,`on account of which 'lat-, ter it was that Sir Jolin Thompson was not chosen as Premier. The reply given by the Minister of Justice to Mr: Laurier's feeble attack on the govern- ment was 'nest crushing, although couched in the most concilatory- and dignified language,, narrating as he did the steps which led to the choice of a Premier and the formation of the new Cabinet. All the members of Par- liament who spoke on the motion ex- pressed the utmost harmony in the Cabinet, and their united dete1minat ion to carry out their late leader's prin- eiples and policy: It is to be sincerely hoped that the work of the session will now be allowed to proceed without in tel r'uption, and the public business of country be expedited as speedily; as possible. Much time is unnecessarily taken up for mere party purposes with out doing any good to the country. THE GREAT BENEFIT. Which people in run clown state of health derive from Hood's Sarsaparilla, conclusively proves that this medicine "makes the weak strong." It does not act like a stimulant: imparting fifth. ions strength, but hood's Sarsaparilla builds up in a perfectly natural way all the weakened parts, purities the blood, and assists to healthy action those important organs, the kidneys a rid liter. hirkton,. The proceeds of the Presbyterian S. S. Anniversary and picnic amounted to about $95. Mr. G. L. Money has purchased the shop and residence owned by Mr. More, now occupied by our harness maker. Price $1,000. Mr, I. Diamond has secured the con- tract of tearing down the old hotel,and. excavating for the new one to be erec- ted this summer, Mount Carmel. 'Statute labor has been completed and the roads are once more in ai good state of repair. The crops throughout this vicinity are looking well, and the rattle of the mowing machine may be heard on a few farina • An accident occurred at the Roman Catholic church, Mount Cannel, a fere days ago, that carie near resulting m a calamity to the people in that vicin ity and of the community In general: About half past nine o'clock, a fire broke crit in the vestry of the church, bat fortunrltely It was discovered is the nick of time and by great efforts On the part of the' people thero, the fire was extinguished. Had the Miro not been seen when it was, in ten minutes More it would have been beyond control and the church,: one of the most beauti • ful in Western Ontario, would have been laid in ruins and ashes, as it was the damages will be between $100 and $200. Rev. Father Really and his congregation narrowly escaped a most serious loss, which had it occurred, the best efforts of a generation would scarcely overcome. THE WHOLE ALPHABET Of pain yields to Clark's Lightning Liniment. It is. equally effective in iufiamation of the kidneys, bladder, or bowels, congestion of the lungs, sore throat, difficult breathing, hysteria. croup, diptheria, headache, toothache, neuralgia, rheumatism, ague, chill - blains, frost bites, bruises, coughs, colds, sprains, pains in the chest, back or limbs. Ask for Clark's Lightning' Liniment and take no other. Price fifty cents, Clark Chemical Co., Tor- onto, Now York. Exeter Roller falls. liitAREER REPORTS. WHEAT 1.04::20 1.05 per bush Our Selling Prices. Flour, strong bakar's, $3.00 per 100 "t best family, 2.75 " " " low grade,. n..., -..l" w ....:Fa sc pyran, Middlings, Screenings, Chop, 90 it tt 1.00 " " 100 u tt 1.20 to 1.30 t• it Chop stone running euery day. TERMS CASH, The Exeter Milling Co LOOK! AWew TaflorShop a The TTndersignecl wishes to inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that he has opened out A rintqhm Tab And is prepared to clo work in latest style and workmanship. X 11 = it X II ÷ II x 11 -a JI x GIVE RIM A CALL - x 11 ÷ 11.X 0- 0 X 0— 0 X wog IIJESIITEEO. Over F. J. Knight's Grocer Store, BERT KNIGHT. EXETERSTILL TO THE FRONT And if you don't believe it call at Ross & Taylor's PLANING MILL AND LUMBER' YARD and you will be convinced that they have the Largest and Best Stock of all kinds of Building Materials i11 this sec- tion of country ,and at the lowest prices. Shingles a Specialty, having a large stock on hand we are prepared to meet the keenest competit- ion as to price or quality, We have se- cured the right to Manufacture and Sell Merriams celebrated Baking Cab- inets. Call and see them and be con• yinced of their merit. ROSS &. TAYLOR, Main St.,. Exeter THE COMING SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, JIISTOGE#ITIO TIO S Y T . ______ Chicago, Jan, 1st, 1338. This iS to oertifythat 1 have niade a thor- ough in:veatifation of the Histogenetic niecl ic1ne8, prepared by Dr, ;1, :Eugene Joxdan,ancl of his unique methods of research, and am therefore competient to form a correct,judg- ment. I pronounoe them marvellous pro- ducts of the highest skill showing an eiecinait anon with the'' natural sciences far in ad- vance of anysavant with whose_works the - world is acquainted. The amount of time and painstaking which the doctor has ex- pended upon a sint,,lebraneh of spectroscopy is enormous, and his discoveries .startling. Also having used these medicines in ni,y own practice,1 can say that their actual success in curing' disease. is as �reat'as is their discov- ery. The revolution of'the medical science of to -day is no dream—itis at hand 3. B S.Ifix°,1\LD,P.D. Prof. Chem and Toxicology Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago. The Histogenetic theory of reaoliin rr disease is:—Rebuilding the diseased cells and tissues of the body, with the same proximate prin- cipals and ferments, organic bodies, anti so on, which. are normally prepared in the body by the glands. The medicines are prepared byehemtoalprocesses, in ti perfectly pure condition and are quite tasteless. Diseases heretofore considered incurable are oared by these medicines. Iii acute diseases such as La Grippe, Pneumonia, Typhoid ,Diphtheria, etc., the patient improves at once. TESTIMONIALS. Mrs. McCullough, SOSn Adelaide street east Torunto very rapid cure of congestion. of liv- er and inflammation of kidneys. T. C. Siuclar. 58 Victoria street, Toronto, bronchial trouble, effects ofla grippe, cared in one week. C. H. Wo 122 JarvsS street, Toronto, kid- ney trouble, gravel and constipation. Henry Hoperoft, 744. Markham street, To- ronto, consumption cured in a few weeks. Mrs. J. k awcett:102. John street, Toronto, female troubles. Had been in Toronto Gen- eral hospital, also treated by several physi- cians. After using Histogenetic Medicines two weeks was a new woman. Tosepph Perkins Tecumseh St., Toronto, re- markable dire of paralysis. John Dalian gait, Matfawa, Ontario, nerv- ous debility, etc., SO years; two weeks' medi- cines did more for him than all the other remedies hohacl taken in the 30 years. Thomas Williams, 100 Robert street,Toron- to, consumption cured in few weeks. T. M. Hammond, _Sprin field -on -the -Credit Ont , hemorrhages from the lungs. and bad cough two years, consumption cured. in few weeks. Call or send for freenook explaining f•.fis- togenetic system. One of our staff will visit Exeter every Two Weeks at "Central Hotel." Dates for June. Monday45 - - it 1st, - 15th - ' - - 29th CONSULTATION FREE. Histogenetic Medicine Association. Rooms 2 and J Albion Block, Richmond St. London, Head Office for Western Ontario. Head Office for Canada, 10 Yonge Street Market, Toronto. May 14-1 ,y THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT era saasTyp 1� ®e�mais from which this paper is printed was supplied by the MR N `I) TypE FOUNDRY Dealers in type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON. SC it 82 Wellington St, west TORONTO, ONT. Extr !ci I EMPORIUM` McCOLL BROS, S',..)r Co The Leading Oil Vim of Canada, Are still: • Teasing the public with oils. Why use an oil that pleasing will injure your machinery when you can get the ,3elobrated I.M.Atta:Z..3:2PINT3 SPECIALTIES: Cylinder, Larding Wool, Eureka, Spindle, 3oltout- ing, Solar, Harness. 1\4axa.-ufactusers, McColl Bros. o. Toronto. FOR SALE BY— ISSETT L '``. I, Sa,, Exeter, Mario. .1114 I� omeameammiamarmseelalssmanoweniosammaslanrstilMOIR J. H. GRIEVE is going out of business and his eminent stock. of FINE GOODS must be sold at once REGARDLESS i COS T. Now is the time to buy CHEAP SUITS OR CLOTH t1 S C 0 TH D Y THE YARD NOTE PRICES ---Scotch tweed suits for $11, worth 1 fine worsted suits for $14, worth $20; fine all wool tweeds for 40 cts per yd. This is no shoddy goods sale, all the goods are new and the best pattern. Remember we guarantee a good fit or no sale. Call and inspect my stock JIMES H. GRIEVE• r•'tY 7, i=Ars. It will pay you to call on us if you want anything in Hard- ware such as mails, Hinges, Locks, Glass, Putty, Paints and Oils. New Stock of -Jons1o' 1rI Ug 1106 P!t3, NEW COLO L, ]Barbed, Plain, Strip, Black Nelalvanized wires away down for cash. TINWARE STOCK IS COMPLETE= EAVETROUGIIING A SPECIALTY. NEW RAYMOND MACHINES AND NEEDLES. CALL WHEN Ili TOWN. BISSETT S. EXETER MARKETS. Wheat per bushel.. 0.95 to0.98 Barley . 43 to 45 Oats ... .. . 45 to 50 Peas. ....... ... 60 to 70 Butter . 14 to 16 Eggs 10 to 11 Potatoes per bus .... 50 to 50 Hay per ton :... :. 5.00 to 6.00 Wool 18 to 19 ALLAN LINE. Anil) l4IItIRS OPIII¢� to children if you wish.for their future welfare. Morse's G7•ly- eerote of Celery Cons - pound, Exact formula on every label, is a safe -rem- edy for teething infants and nervous adults. En- dorsed by physicians. Send two cent stamp for descriptive circular to Hazen Horse, Beale, If. S. 'ry• ,i rLr,{q pjj, 1 { '410Vr•,,��,Wy�{{�1yy��;,j;c.�rpY .h:+..knei 411li.:L,', ,i, vuu rstEs0a M p,Ns Y1 r METHODS' NOME gelltvttti rIM1[111F1:Hll�-' 1100 OWlh TESTARMOl A(:AJN.ST DJSlsAST TS GOOD DZGRS770N." It is h hard, uncontrovertiblc fact that more disease. is directly attributable to disorders of the Stomach than t n all the other organs combined ; this is not hard for ever the unprofessional to understand when we take into consideration the mass of food that it is rnatle the receptacle of for a time, there to be churned, di- gestcd and so assimilated. MALTOPEPS YN (an artificial gastric juice—formula on every label) will a,<t the weak stomach and so cure Indigestion, Dyspsp- pgiat etc. In fact, it is a geed aid to digest a hearty dinner, and can do no harm as it is.nu'.yadding an extra amount of gastric juice. dogs not stimulate, and so there i5nn reaction. Endorsed by physicians. Send 2 sty. io postage for valuable boot io 11A may MORSO, IN 0LItN,tiiONAL il...UGE, ONTARIO. PERKINS & EIARTIN9 PUTS. We cary the most complete stock of i1eigal instruments in the count Y. PIANOS, ORGANS. VIOLINS, AL50 SEWING MACHINES, BICYLES. FARM IMPLEMENTS &e. T. above instruments always on haled, Terms to suit Purchasers. GIVE U.1 A I, vAL.L, EVERYTHING G''rr V°. l.7 DOWN. PERKINSI' & FIA fiTIN, 1891. Sumner Sailing. 1891. Liverpool; Derry, Qlebeo, and Montreal. From From" P1001 ,�tn Livor: Derry. Steamship: Mori- Qrtebee. pool arra '8 May 99 May MoNU(Y JAN 17' Juno 18 June 4 June 5 Jttno PAILISIAN 24 > ' 11 a' 12 " CI)OOASSIAN 1 July a July 15 " 19 " Pol,YNIsIAN 8 •' 0 ' 2(i " 2G "' SAItniNIAs 15 " 15 " 2 July 9 Jnly M0NGICTi;IAN 'l'l, " 21 '1 0 " 10 " PARISIAN 29. " 1:0 i' 18 u. 17 '1 CIRCASSIAN 5 Aug, 0 Aug. 23 " 24 • POL NT:Si 1.N 12 " 13 " ll " 31 C1 SAxv1NS'AN 19 " 20 " 0 Aug, 7 MOROor,IAr 25 " 27 " 13 " 14 't : PARISIAN 2 Sept 3 Sept, `2) " 21 " AI 27 " 28 " PotCIIacYNLSSAN•'SIAN 10G "'' 1710 " " RATES OF PASSAGE. To Londonderry or Liver col; -p 11y S. S. Parisian, 500, 570, 0,:50 single; 5110, 5130, 5150 return. By of, her Steam et,550,Vin,, 503 single; SO), 5105, 8115 return. Intermediate 53000, return $00,00. Stecru ge 523.00, return 840.00: Ja11>tin S a�a,c:dr.`•irsaa�l 1 , +,, _t, cc, , 1X .l.BONI VIGOR rIID 51174.MNGTIZT, For LOOT or FAILING MANHOOD, General and IT&a- VOOb D81BIL1"a3, Wcoknoee of Body and Mind, Effects of Errors or aacersocin 01d or Young. Bonnet, lvobio4AN- BOODfull Restored. Bow to enlarge end ttrengthenWnd15 MOM OROA'Nb8PARTS ofBOAY. Atsolutelynn• faiilnfHOME TIMATWENT--Bonoftoinaday. Idea testify, freio b0 Mater and Poroign Countries. Write thtm. Don azplanation and prods resitsct healed) froo. Address. ERIE MEDICAL 00., BUFFALO, N. Y. EOft A LIMITED TIMEVIEE `" l »:(,r^jr ,air I,n�•, ,�. fi/i+g,:a ,arari, .v