HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-6-25, Page 5I'or over Fifth' Yeerm, MRS. WInsLow's SOOTHING Srutrr has been used by millions of mothers for their child- ren while toot1ung, If disturbed at night and broken ot your rest by a sick child suf- fering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth seder at once and get a bottle of "Mrs Win- slow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teeth- ing. It will relieve the poor little sufferer imrnediately.,Dopeud upon it,mothers,there is no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhma, rulatee the Stomach and Bowels, euros Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces In- flt4mmation, ane gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth- ing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of oneof the oldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Price twenty- five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be sure'and ask for "'MRS.WINSLOW'S SOOTILING SYRUP," J. W. Harris, superintendent of the soldiers and sailors' Orphans' Home at Knightstown, Ind., committed suicide Thursday afternoon at the St. Charles Hotel, New Orleans, by cutting' his throat with a'pocl:et knife. .A11 11iIen, young, old, or middle-aged, who find themselves nervous, weEli and exhaust- ed, who are broker down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental depression, pernature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizzi- ness; specks: before the eyes. twitching ofthe muscles,' eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp or 'spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing', loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of 'temper, sunken eyes surrounded with LDADi7N 01110L30, oily looking skin, etc,, are all symptoms of nervous debil- ity that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ie nor- ance may be permanently cured. Send your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front-st. E., Toronto, Ont. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot flushes. rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc., can posi- tively be cured. No eure, no pay. Send for book. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front Street, East, Toronto, Ont. Aug. 7, '0,-1v. The fourth day of the Anglican Sy- nod's proceedings at Toronto was mainly occupied in a lengthy discuss ion on the proposal to adopt an itiner- ancy system. The question of Protest- ant°Separate Schools was also debat- ed. .Consunipt on mired. • An cid physician., retired from practice, having had placedn his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable rein odyfor the speedy and perma- nent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Oa- tarrli,Asthnia, and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervoas Debility and all Nervous Gom- plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to bis snif- ering.fellows. Actuated by this motive' and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, :this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing, with stamp, naming. this paper. W. A. Nobles, 520 Power's Block, Rochestca ./r.f'. E. P. Alexine, superintendent of . a school which occupied the basement in Grecco-Russian Church at San Fra ncis- co, and his assistant, "Prof." Ligoda, were arrested Thursday on a charge {if cruelty, to children. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Ohild, she cried for Oastori When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. At the International Typographieal Union Convention at Boston yesterday the constitution was, amended so as to make the president of the 1. T. U. a delegate ex, officio to the, American Federation of Labor. 1'iso's.Remedy tar Catarrh is the Best, Easiest to Use and Cheapest. sold by druggists or sent by Inail,00e. n r. H,ueltinc, Warren, Pa., U. S. A. The Canadian Manufactures Assoc- iation at yesterday's meeting passed a resolution of sympathy for. Lady i1Jac- donald, which will be engrossedton vellum and presented in an engraved silver casket. WHY STRUGGLE. Why struggle with exhausting di• waxes when you may , be promptly cured by the use of nature's remedy— Burdoelc Blood Bitters—the perfect cure for dyspepti,.t, biliousness, consti• Tett-ion, siert heady i he and all forms nf` bad blood from a coinmou pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. At the general assembly meeting Yesterday the question of establishing a summer collegiate coarse for the benefit of woeicere in the mission field was warmly debated, the assembly be, lug about evenly divided as to the feasibility of the scheme. By - a close vote the question was referred to the different presbyteries for an opinion, The report of the Sabbatth Schools of ,�encouraging f. l ase a `haul tv the C very nature Low's Sulphur Soap is an elegant snt toilet article, and cleanses and purifies the skin most effectually, St. Catharines, Thorold and Merri- ton SUMnett from a smalt deluge on Tuesday afternoon, The GvandTrunk, Welland and Niagara Central railways were blocked owing to washouts, the canal overflowed, and lumber' and cordwood floated away. LIKE PARALYSIS. "For years 1 suffered -with myback which sometimes became as if para- lyzed. I suffered awful agony for months and could not sleep, but now, thanks to your Burdock Blood Bitters, I and strong again, have no pain and can work well, eat well, and sleep well." --Mrs. Hammerton, 23 Charlotte St., Toronto. At a meeting of the university 860 - ate last niglit a report was received on uniyersity•extension work. It was de- cided to ascertain the cause of so many failures in the second Fear's course, All disorders caused by a bilious state of the system can be cured by using Carter's Little Liver Pills. No pain, griping or discomfort attending their use. 'Try then -1, At a meeting of the Toronto Confer- ence yesterday Peva Dr, Douglas, in. course of an eloquent speech, express. eel iris regret that the last years of the Queen should be saddened by the con duet of the Prince of Wales, Dr. Potts emphatically endorsed his remarks; DYSPEPSIA. This disease May be traced to a. va- riety of causes, such as constipation, liver troubles, unproper' food, etc. There is one cure—Burdock Blood Bit- tors—which may be thoroughly relied on to eifc,et a permanent cure. It has cured Obstinate cases Of 25 ,yeaisstand- ing. The Czar of Russia has presented. the StanfordUniversity at San Fran- cisco with a complete collection of Rus sign and Siberianminerals a s taken from the St. Petersburg museum. The: col- lection m valued at $55,000• and cpm- prises 800 specimens. Pale and listless girls and prematur ely aged W0111e11 would soon give place to bright, healthy, rosy females, if Dr, Williams', Pink Pills were used for the ills to which women are peculiarly lia- ble.: They enrich the blood, build up the neves, and restore the shattered system, regulate the periods, etc. Try them and be convinced, Sold by all dealers, or sent post paid on reeeipt of price -50c per box, or five boxes for $2 -by addressing The Dr. Williams Med. Co., Brockville, Ont: 11 New York despatch says such ser• ions charges have been made against the::New York Life Insurance Com- pany's management that an investi• gation by the state authorities is con- siderable inevitable. A CANADIAN FAVORITE. The, season of green. fruits and sum- mer drinks is the time -when the worst forms of cholera morbus, diarrhoea,` and 'bowel complaints prevail. As a safeguard Dr, Fowler's Extract of; Wild Strawberry should bekept in the house. For. 35 years it has been the most reliable remedy. A wreck occurred on the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul` railroad at Coon Rapids, Iowa, on Tuesday night, 'in which two persons were killed and 21 injured, including Mr. Peter Goers- tner, of Montreal. .A. bridge gave way. Harsh purgative remedies are fast giving way to the gentle action and mild effects of Carter's Little Liver Pills. If Sou try them, they will cert" ainly please you. lr. Parnell has invited E. Dwyer Gray to contest the seat in Parliament made yacaut by the death of O'Gorman Mahon. Both sides admit it will be a tough contest. Mr. John Foote and two daughters, of the village of Hiawatha, Ont, were drowned by the capsizing of a sail boat near Idyl Wilcl on Tuesday. Eight others were saved from a wat- ery grave. DISTRUSTFUL PEOPLE Make an exception in favor of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Its knownvirtuesas a cure for diarr licca, dysentery, cholera ,morbus and all bowel complaints cause all who use. it to regard it as the most reliable and effectual remedy obtainable. The eldest sols of Hugh Dunl>iy, of Chatham township, was accidentally killed yesterday while handlilig a re- volver, which, it was afterwards dis- covered, would not stay cocked. He was' 21 years of age. Occassional Doses of a good cathartic, like Burdcicl: Pills` are 'necessary to keep the blood pure and the body healthy. • One hundred and fifty families are rendered homeless through the fire which destroyedSeabright, N. J,, on Tuesday r4ight. No lives were lost. VIGILANT CAPE. Vigilance is necessary against unex- pected -attacks of nes-pected-atttcksof summer complaints. No remedy is so well-known or so suc- cessful in this class of disease as Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild ctrawbetry. Keep it in the house as a safe -guard. Lightning on Tuesday killed a boy. named Robert Taylor, iu Butler Coun- ty, and Clerence Ashbaugh, near Elm - town, Pa. Several derricks were burn- ed. If you had taken two of Carter's Little Liver Pills before retiring you would not have had that coated tongue or bad taste in the mouth this morning. Keep a vialwith you for occassional, DSO. A cyclol'ie visited I,earcr county, Oklahoma, on Monday, `causing great datnhgo ro erops and wr'el;ing several houses One family escaped by jtirnp• ing into e. well. H. W. Dunham and Co., a prominent Ward of trade firm in Chicago, has an- nounced its retirement from b.utiness. The firm is declared to be solvent. WEAK WOMEN - The more sensitive nature of the fe- Male sex renders women much more suseeptible than glen to those numer pus ills which spring from lack of har- mony in the system, The nervous system gives way, sick headache is frequent, the appetite is lost, and oth- er ailments peculiar to the sex cause great suffering. Hood's Sarsaparilla is peculiarly adapted for such cases, and has received the most gratifying praise for the relief it has afforded thousands of women whose very exist- ance before taking it was only misery. It strengthens the nerves, cures siert headache and indigestion; purities and vitalizes the blood, and gives regular and healthy action to every organ in the body. Hiilsgreen• Mr. Wm. McCallitter sold three colts one day recently sired byhis thorough- bred Clydesdale stallion Surprise, for the handsome sum os $525, This is considered a big figure for the way horses are selling at the present time. ForThroat and Lungs " I have been ill for Hemorrhago ° about five years, "have had the best Five Years. "medical advice, 'land I took the first "dose in some doubt. This result- " ed in a few hours easy sleep: There ' was nofurther hemorrhage till next " day, when I had a slight attack which stopped almost immediate- " ly. mmediate-"ly, By the third day all trace. of " blood had disappeared and I had `recovered much strength. The "fourth day I sat up in bed and ate "any dinner, the first solid food for "two months-. Since that time I "have gradually gotten better and "am now able to move about the "house, My death was daily es- " pected and my recovery has been ``a great surprise to my friends and " the doctor. There can be no doubt "about the effect of German Syrup, "as T had an attack just previous to "its use. The only relief was after "the first dose:" J.R. LoUGI IFI AD, Adelaide- Australia.. a HRISTIE3S. CgMERCIAL) First Class RIGS And HORSES. • ORDERS LEFT AT THE 'HAWK SHAW HOUSE 011 AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Terns _ ,r Reasoea.s.'kle Telephone Connection, London Huron & Bruce Railway Passenger Time Table. GOING NoRLTa. London,dep't8 05 425. LucanCros'g 8.47 5,20. Clandeboye 852 528. Centralia r 9.05 5.45. EXETERensau 0. 9.21628 0.0 5:597. R. Kippen 9.34 6.17. Brucefield 9.42 (i20 Gunton ': 10.00 6.45. Londesboro' 10.19 7.03. Blyth 1028 7.12. Belgrave ' 10:42 727. Wingh am 11:00 7.45. GOING SOUTFt. a.m. p.m. Win gham ` 7.00. 240, Belgrave 7.24 `4.00. Blyth 7.38 4.15. Londesboro' 7:47 4,25. Clinton 8.07 1.45. Brucefield 8.26 :5.04, Kippen 8:34 5.12, Hengall 8.41 5.19,, EXETER 8.52, 5.33 Centralia 9.00 5.45 Clandeboye 9.18 5.56. Liman Gras'g 0.2 4 6.02. London a,rr 1015 64.5 DESTROYS AND REMOVES WORMS OF ALL KINDS IN CHILDREN OR ADULTS SWEET AS SYRUP AND CANNOT'HARM THE MUST DCI_ICATE CHIL.0 CITE" HOTEL LONDON, ONTARIO. 1 per day. J. & J MoMARTIN, Proprietors. SHE itY TO HEALTH. Veto -its nail the cloggocl avenues of the ' Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying off gradually without weakening the sys- tent, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions. at the same time COr- reeting Aeaclit; of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia. Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the'Ski,, Dropsy, Direness of Vision; Jaun- dice, Salt Rllettfii, Er;yysipelas, Serb - Pula, Flattering or the Heart, Neal vousness, and General Bob ity ; ehsimilar Complaints l these anti manq ether m yield to the hot``p�py influence of BURDOal< BLOB BITTERS. Sate 1, / r8EI bogies. 'C, i�4IL00'II + CO,, Proprietors, Toronto, PKOPLE - OnMAY BUT HAVEGOODSTO BACK IT UP .... THEY THE mansimusgazismum a,,ihave thorou •hl refitted the factor and am H v n�, purchased the Estate of John Brawn, T t g y y, manufacturing an elegant line of furniture InOak, Cherry, y, Maple and Ash. Note some of t ae Prices. Bed Room Sets in Antique 0a1;Polished at $18.00 and up; Sideboards in Antique Oak polished at $16,00 and up "<' Maple, Cherry and Ash at $8.75 and up; " " Maple, Cherry and Ash at $8.00 and up. Beds, new stile, in Maple or Bi •cleat 51.90, And a'handsome assortment of Hall. Stands, Extension Tables, Writing Desks Cezltre Tables, all in Walnut, Oak, Cherry and Ash, and at very close prices. Remember 4 make no trashy elm f: i'nsture and,1 sell a cheap as the Cheapest. cords of wood wanted inexchange for furniture, 100,000 feet of Lumber and 300 A full Line of Undertaking,' goods always on hand. Remember the Stand—Factory and Warer'' orns two doors north of Tovvn Hall, Exeter. WALT. ANDREWS. COME and SEE. I have on hand the Largest and Best Stock —or— FURNITURE r--FURNITURE Ever shown in Exeter at Prices 1fI1 caq'I ljg Deal —IN— Walnut, Oak, Cherry, Maple and Ash. And I guarantee all FIRST CLASS in every respect. Ur DE R TA 1N C' A SPECIALTY, In this line my stock is also complete in CLOTH AND VARNISHED CASK- ETS and COFFINS of every size and of good quality. Don't forget that this is the best place in town to buy any of these goods. Stand one door north of MOLSONS BANK. Main --sit., Exeter. q R� J B l . N■ ROW THE LEADING Undertaker AND Furnitre Dealer OF THE • I have an immense Stock of Furniture . and Undertaking G-oods now on hand, which I will sell at right prices. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. S. GIDLEY CLOTHING A. J. SHELL, EXETER - ONTARIO Ilas now in stock Autumn and WilitIr IN THE FOLLOWING LINES West of England Suitings and Trous cringe., Scotch Tweed Suitings and ;Trouser - fags, French and English 'Worsted Cloth All made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. Ai VrITEL L r A SURE CURE FOR BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, r INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS, SICK HEADACHE, AND DISEASES OF THC STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. THEY ARE MILD,THOR000H AND PROMPT IN ACTION, AND FORM A VALUABLE AID TO. BURDOCK BLOOD SITTERS IN THE TREATMENT AND GORE OF CHRONIC AND OBSTINATE DISEASES. W. G. Bissett's Livery. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at BissettBios'Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G-. BISSETT. IN ORDER TO MAKE SPACE ---FOR--- SUMMER GOODS We will clear out the balance of our Winter ,Stock AT COST —FOR— Cash ONLY Including a splendid assortment of OVERCOATS & SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS. LADIES AND GENTS FURS. LADIES FUR CAPS, MUFFS AND HATS. LADIES NETT, VEST AND WOOL SHAWLS. A NICE STOCK OF FUR TRIMMIN'S GENTS HEAVY WOOL LINED KID MITS & GLOVES at 75c worth $1. We cant be undersold in Teas and Sugars for SPOT CASH. JOHN MATHESON. Exeter North s HOFFMAN'S ;5,.Cjllyh\, HARMLESS HEADACHE _ POWDERS aro an honeetmoclioiae far which onlyhonest, straightforward state- =ants are tunas. See that you met tho'Seneine HOT - man's. Insist ort having them. They Cure ALF, Eeadaches.. They arc not a Cathartic. EINTIIA11 �RVd ST�RC. A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drugs ALWAYS KEPT. —�1`— P8i8111 6joes, llru!st' .I1es At right and reasonable prices. Prpscriptions e ei aReceipts pts Carefully Prepared. ared. Prep IiI111'6 Coillh!iii P the best in the market. C. LUTZS PROP. WoIcsa1e &Retail Grocer,, WINE. &SPIRIT Merchants, Main-sx, Exeter. --THE-- CENTRAL SHAVN PAHLDR EXETER, -:- Ontario. �IC HASTINGSJ PROPRIETOR. Every Attention paid to Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting A. IIastings. This space belongs to E. H. Fish, Tonsorial Artist, Main St., Exeter, Ont. THE LIGHT RUNNING SEWINGMACHINE HAS NO EQUAL. THE LADIES' FAVO'RiTE. THE ONLY SEWING iNQ�II:w ' 16.--). THAT GIVes J N irtiOl t NJt li1 C llNMPt ON A P UNION �4 U AFt� N�. - aA xt 4pi.,, i'L' N AGA. A i1 "t 111 LOUIS MOF 4AN EIA N IE;C