HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-5-21, Page 3• r, rn its 3n se 6i3 ie id oe id ia•� er n, Pe rp, .8. er 88 le i0 l l� be re Ih. to lr, sn .c- op ee er of er ad lee er of he set ed ile Id, kna as n rid ed for ort ed ler the Late on. �w n• re. his at es ed a's he ter ol. nd 3d. ►re i s• tee' eke. he tar, Lth 'on 'on for for rad •on ,ur 31 res .th is nd to s0• 311 l ;lr ro- eco lie he sat as he ale led .ea 'ed he nd, pry ARB )3- te.. int Bi- as. ler- hie• ve- aro- eve :n. Cot fel BO - )re let, an. ho' he' Ily SOW cal ala lap n't ted roe I'or• Over Fifty Years, Mas. WiN%r.ow'.s SOOTHING SYnur has boon used by tnillious ofm others for their child- ren while teething, If disturbed at a,iglet and broken of your rest by a siek child suf- fering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send ah onto and get a bottle of "Mr. Win- slow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teeth- ing. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers.there isno mistake about it, It cures Di)irnccea, regulates: the, Stomach and Newels, cures Wind Collo, softqus the Gums, reduces In- ltlammation, and gives tone. and energy to the whole system, "Mrs. Winslow's. Sooth- ing Syrup for children teething, is pleasant to the taste and isthe prescription of ono of the oldest and bust female physicians and nurses in the United States, Brice . twenty- fiye gents bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world.. Be sure3and ask for 'Mits. WINskew's ,SooritIso- Syuur," A plan is on foot to connect Lake Superior witit the Atlontie Ocean, the terminal cities being Duluth and Nor- folk, Ya. One of the connecting links of railroad, the Columbus, Lima & Nil Waukee, has just been bought. In- stead of running it to South Haven or Holland, it will be extended to Muske- gon, and a steamer :viii ply between Muskegon ani, Duluth. Tlie coiepor•at ion managing the scheme is the Duluth South Shore & Atlantic Railroad. ill 1@Teni young, old, or middle-aged. who find themsolies nervous, weak and exhaust- ed, who are broken down from excess 01' overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental depression, permature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory; bad dreams, dimness of sight,palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizzi• ness, specks before the eyes. twitching of the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp or spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested 'by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of yoke, desire for solitude,excitability v , of temper, sunken .eyes surrounded with LEADnie einem], oily looking slain, etc., are"all symptoms of nervous debil- ity that load to insanity and deatli unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through. abuse committed in ignore ince may be permanently cured: Send your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M. V. LIMON; 50 Front -sI. E., Toronto, Ont. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats. strong rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain. about the breast bone, etc., eau posi- tively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for book. Address Al. V. LUBON; 50 Front Street, East, Toronto, Ont. Aug, 7,'90; 1v. It appears that Brazilian importers complain of abuses of thereciprocity agreement with the United States, by which merchandise shipped by other nations is cleared without dirty as if shipped from the United States, It -is stated the- United States steamship Finance, from New York, recentlylan- ded at Bahia a hundred barrels of cod- fish from Halifax, which were entered as prochlcts of the United States and were admitted as such free of duty: Consumption Cured. An old Physician:, retired from practice, leaving hadplaced in his hands by an. East lndia missionary the "formula oi' a simple vegetable remedy Ter the speedy and .pernaa- •nentcure ofConsnmption, Bronchltis. Ca- tarrh, Astluna, nd tell throat and Lung Affections; also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and :ell Nervous Com- plaints, after leaving tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases,, has felt it his clnty to malto it known to his suff- ering fellows. Actuated by -this motive and adesize to relieve human sulrering'I will send, free of charge, to ail-vho desire it„ this recipe, in Germ an, French or English, with full directions for preparing and. using. Sent by:m.ail by o ldrossingwithstamp, naming tins paper. W.r1 A. Noi8, 820 Ton'e'rs Block,. Rochester, 11'. I_ . It is semi -officially stated that the Czar, having learned through the Grand Duke Ser ius, that the 'Jews expelled from Moscow are brutally treated and are not given time to, set tie their affairs, has ordered that the authorities observe the ukase which directs that the expulsions be effected gradually in older to enable the Jews to wind up their affairs, When Baby was sick, ive gave her'Castoria. When shewas n Child, she cried for Castors When she became MMIiss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Four or iiye years ars ago farmer George Hutchins ofAucora, N. J. died, leaving $12,000 to disseminate the Henry Georgie works. r The heirs' contested the will and the case has been carried through rlezi'ly all the courts of the State. The only reason it is not carried further seems to be because the estate is exhausted. The legatee has rsceived $'2G6 and i.here is only $818 left. es is THE HEST 001.1 11 M EDICINE. HOLD 117 =MINA r V9 IMI:2fl 49 0 11 ie^C �'J il•° � Ati''1rA ;i. Cardinal (:ribbons left Baltimore yes- terday For Atlantic City, by advice of his idl sici105, who hope for his speedy :restoration to health, HAG. Y.TJ. 01.L. This stands for Hagyar•cl's . Yellow Oil, the.best a,nd pro,l,pe,st cute for all pain from the simplest sprain to the racking torture hf rheurnaltisrm A o• cl r•-f;lilul rerne v remedy for 1CVC .Y croup, sore throat, and pairs - iii the chest, The estate of the late P. T: Barnum, as shown by the inventory taken by the appraisers and filed in the Probate's Courts' yesterday, at Bridgeport, Conn., is estimated at $4,279,5$2, if you once try Carter's Little 'steer Pills for sick: headache, biliousness or constipation, you 1vi11 never be without them. They aro ,purely vegetable; small and easy to take, Don't forget this. Messrs. Tessin, Tarpin; Tripene, Fontsuc and 1 essler *ere yesterday committed for trial at Paris au the charge of treason in conspiring to sell the secrets of France, particularly the manufacture of the ' now explosive, melinite. TWO YEARS AGO. Two years ago I was troubled with an Weer on my ankle, Iravieg used B. B. B. for bad blood I procured a bottle and a box of Burdock . Healing Oint- ment, After, using 3 bottles and 8 box - as I was completely cured. Mrs. Wm. V. Boyd, Brantford, Oit. Late advices from Port au Prince says there is considerable excitement in that city. Martial law has been de- clared. Some 60 persons were shot on May 28; Ilippolyte has every thing in his own Bands and the killing goes on at the rate of two to' three 1er day. Occassional Doses of a good' cathartic liI, e Btirdocl Pills are necessary to keep the blood pure and the body healthy, A break occurred late yesterday. .af- ternoon in the Erie Canal at Sprakers, N. Y. The break is en the fourteen - mile level and navigation is stopped. Superintendent Owens of Season No. 8 eras men at work repairing the break, and it will probable's be completed by morning. THE NEW AIR SHIP. The new air ship travels 200 miles ar_h hone r good time, but none too quick if one wanted Hagyard's Yellow Oil: This peerless, . pain•sootlring remedy is a prompt and pleasant cure for sore throat, croup, colds, rheumatism, paths in the chest, and back neuralgia. For external and internal use. Priee 25c. The council of the Ontario College of Physicialnslaed Surgeons commenced their annual meeting yesterday after- noon and will be in session until Fri- day: Dr. Williams of Ingersoll was elected chairman. If sick headache is misery, what are Carter's Little Liver Pills if they will positively euro it? People who have used them speak frankly of their worth, They are small and easy to take. There has been great loss of life and destruction of property in the over- flowed valleys of the Red River in Tex- as and the Territory. Since Sunday, the river has been higher than known for .yeares Dwelling and business houses have been swept away, crops destroyed and stock drowned. HEALTH IN HERBS. • Health -giving herbs, barks, roots,. and berries are carefully combined in Burdock Blood Bitters, which regulate the secretions, purify the blood and re- novate and strengthen the entire sys- tem. Price $1 a bottle, six for $5. Less than 1 cent a dose The Quarterly Board of Sh erbouree Street Methodist Church, Toronto, has adopted a resolution stlofg]y objecting to the action'of the Tl'ansfer. Commit- tee in refnsingete sanction the ails of Ilev. A. C. Courtice to that church, on the ground that he had only been two ,years in his present charge (London)•, Low's Sulphur Soap is an elegant toilet article, and cleanses and purifies the skin rnost effectually. Ed. Spellman,the millionaire distiller, died at Peoria, Ill., yesterday from the, e'ff'ects of injuries received in a fall from a ladder a week ago. WINTER SPORTS. The gay winter season exposes many to the attacks of colds, coughs hoarse- ness, tightness of the chests, asrhma, bronchitis; etc., which requires a relia- ble remedy like Hagi*arcl's Pectoral Balsam for their relief and cure. Knaown es reliable for oser thirty- years. The best cough cure. Yesterday morning the sixyoung ministers of the Reformed Preehy.teri<a1i Church,' charged with her•esey, were expelled front the church' by the synod at Pittsburg, Pa. The vote was 95 to. 87; Williarn,3' Pink Pills bring joy acrd Health to all who u all the ill i s that 't[•'tlict t!xC female Sys tem they are a specific, blood, building up the 1 vertlllg pale and sallol into the rosy glow of hr;11111. Try thein. Sold liven dealers; or seat receipt of price -50c. per`box, or five boxes for $�2--by, adtiressiny Med. Co., Brokvil.le, Ont,l Application was mac Hall yesterday on behalf of 1110 Crown for a commission to Chicago to tape the evidence of James charges now pending against A W. Go se then,. Fee enliehing. the reeves, and c011- v colnplc�xions on Dr. Williams e at Osgoodc r Hardy in the THE KEY STONE. Pcm alai• r., in „ Ct .0 of the bowels is the keystone of health. The use of B.1113 1119111 5 1 1 c t and and cries constipation dyspepsia,. , etc. Miss F Williams, 445 Bloor Street, Toronto, writes: "Have used your Bur- dodo ]flood Bitters for constipation end Pain in the head with great succes,s. I unproved from the second dose," • The commencement ncement exercises of Toe- onto University were field yesterday. Tile graduates of '91. 1CCerved their diplomas, and the president, Sir Daniel 'Nilson, delivered the afntitai address, 111 S 1. c, ), �V found :,. 1 eXPelleta remedy for sick headache, Carter's Little Liv r, ,. 'r Pills. r L 9 i 1ro1ISa,11i1,' '� of letters from people who have used thein prove, this fact, 'Fey thein. Tho trustees of the Toronto General Burying Ground secured an interim injunction restraining the Belt Line Railway' Company from trespassing' upon Mount Pleasant Cemetery outside of the portion claimed by the defend ents under an order of possessions. The application will 00111e up again on Fri- day. " I have beo'r afflict - Biliousness, " ed with hiliousnes " 11 11 ti dor.: Ulla Constipation, .f0 lxs, esei _se:ere . Stomach " first Clue n cl they " anotl'lcr preen a• iPa]rs. "ti'o:i ;sit ,, ,ten to no purposeAtl-' l cur " reconinlend' Cl 'took it according to 0.110.21 .213 +,.c •` its effects 1`, ere 5 0lrtl..a.,. ._ iseil ' i ing me of 41 c , c' 3 s .:i' l,:. "stonlaeli pa's. ;rl'tieh I bad 1tcci " troubled with :i0 lfiii;;, 'il c, '(1; " cannot describe the aumi 1110:. "'11 l,l which . I hold your ill, i v: " Flower -=it has given 700 11 310' lease of life, which Liefore evise " burden, Such a ineselicites le a1 c:u• "efaction to humanity, .ilii, its E;co, "qualities and " wonderful mer- J ocse Barkor, "its should be Fr1i�tr "made known to , "everyone stiffer- 'ing with dyspep Humboldt, .. "siaorbiliousness Kansas. 1�3 G. G. GREEN, Sole ;ian'fr,Woodb:lr. ;it J, London Huron & Bruce Railway Passenger Tinto Table. GOING Nonni. London,dep't 8.05 4.25 LucanOros g 6.47 5:20 Clandeboyo 8x2.528 Centralia 9:or 5.45 EXETER 0.11; 557 Hensall 9.28: 6,09, Kippen 9.34 6.17. Bruoefield 9,42.6.26 Clinton 10.00 0.45. Londesboro' 10:19 7.03. Blyth 10,28 .7.12 Belgrave 10,42 7.27. Winghara 11.00 7.45: GOING SoUTB. a.m. p.m. Wingham 7.05 340. Bel rave 7 9 ..4 4.0 g 0. Blyth 7.38 4.15, Londesboro' 717 4:25. Clinton 8.07 4.40. Brucefield 8.16' 5.04, Kippen 8.34 5.12. Hensall 8.41 5.19 EXETER 8:56 5.33 Centralia 9.09 5.45 Clandeboye 9.18 5.56 Liman Oros's9.24 8,02• London a,rr1015 64:5 CITY HOTEL LONDON, •ONTARIO. per day. J. & J 11e3111171N, Proprietors. PROMOTES DIOESTWOtd1 CURES DYSPEPSIA. CURES DYSPEPSIA. CURES DYSPEPSIA. Mr. Neil McNeil, of Leith, Ont., writes: Druu1 Sins, For yeprs, and years lsufferediromdys opsin 111 its worst :forme, and. after trying all means in my power to no purpose I was persuaded by friends to try'B,B.B., which I did, and after using 5 bottles Iwas completely cured. ACTS ON THE BOWELS, Cures CONSTIPATION Cures CONSTIPATION Cures CONSTIPATION Rapid Recovery. - Dm", Sats, -I have tried your B.B.S. with great success for constipation and pain in ivy head. The second dose made me ever so much better. My bowels now move freely and the pain in niy head has left rue, and to everybody' with the same disease Irecommend 13, 13.13. Miss F. Wror.ruls, 415 Bloor'St., Toronto. REGULATES THE LIVER, Cures BILIOUSNESS. Cures BILIOUSNESS. Cures BILIOUSNESS »iract Proof. S10I,-I was troubled for five. years with Liver Complaint. I used a area` deal of medicine which did me no good, and I was getting worse+ all the time instil I tried Burdock Blood Bitters. After taking four bottles I aro now well. I eau al' , sereconlmeuditfor the cure of 'Dyspepsia. Luer A. T. DuscoN, Ilawkstone, Ont. REGULATES THE KIDNEYS. PURIFIES THE BLOOD, Cures HEADACHE Cures HEADACHE. Cures HEADACHE. .a. Prompt Cure. DEAR 9n;s,-I Wal very bad with headache and pain en ray' baelt; my hands o,ncl fent swelled so I could do no work. 111y sister-in-law advised mo to try R. 7). B. With one bottle I l'e1t so Much better, that I got ono more. I am now well, and can work as well as ever. ANNIE Buncl. Tilsonnssburg, Ceres BAD BLOOD. Cures BAD BLOOD. Cures .BAD BLOOD Dad may arise from wrong aetfon of tho Stomach, Liver, IiidnteY s ami Bowels. v 13, 35, 13,, by regulating Mui toning these organs, removes cause the e u s neanl d uikos ne. ,ribd blood, removing all Wlood diseases from a pimple to a scrofulous &el'e. PEOPLE MAY BLOB BUT HAVE THEY THE GOODS TO BACK IT UP mimmarammismaisamimiasisma Having purchased the Estate of' John Brawn, g am Il�ave thoroughly refitted the factory, __. manufacturing' an elegant line of furniture in Oak, Cherry, Maple and Ash. Note some of the Prices. Bed Room Sets in Antique Oak polished at $18.00 and up; Sideboards in Antique Oak polished at $16.00 and .tri Maple, Cherry and Ash at $8,75 and up; 't t' Maple, Cherry* and Ash at $8,00 and LIP Beds, new stile, in Maple or Birch at $1.90. And a handsome assortment of Hall Stands, Extension Tables,WWritin Desks, Cel txe Tables, all in Walnut, Oak, Cherry and Ash, and at veryclose se prices. Remember make trashy elm furniture and II self as cheap as the Cheapest,. 100,000 :Peet o. Lumber ,' , L in�aA�ez and 300 cords of wood wanted in exck�all,�c for iv'tu'aliivae, A full Line of Undertaking goods always on hand. Remember the Stand -Factory and north of Town Hall, Exeter. WALT. ANDREWS. COME and SEE. T have on hand the Largest andF- Best Stock FURNITURE Ever shown in Exeter at Prices 1oit't he • gat Walnut, pais, Cherry., Maria and Ash. And I guarantee all FIRST CLASS in every respect. v�p may D�E R C A K I Cid c A SPECIALTY, In this line my stock is also complete in CLOTH AND VARNISHED CASK- ETS and. COFFINS of every size and of good quality. Don't forget that this is the best place iu town to buy any of these goods. Staud,,:rne door north of MOLSONS BANK- Main-st., Exeter. ROBT. N. ROWE. ILEY.Y x THE LEADING nelertalmer `J,II AND Furniture OF THE I have an immense Stock of Furniture and Undertal.np; Goods now on hand, which 3 will sell at, right prices. IJNDERTAKIG A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock' Solicited. IDLEY. CLOT I ..r7' . G 1. SNELL 3 .LVi.i..aira. st. EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock AHIDA ' agil IN THE FOLLOWING LINES West of England Suitings and Trolls eriogo, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser - trigs. French aud English liss Wfstad Cloth A11 made up in the Latest St3-1e, atbestspites. Sa&tl,3f,aLL. CHRISTIE'S COMMERCIAL) L vERY!) First Class RIOS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE I� w SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Teirz:soi : eaaoziable Telephone Connection. W. G Bissett's Liver. • .First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.'Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. BISSETT. IN ORDER TO MAKE SPACE -FOR- SU;ui,v9GR GOODS 3 We will clear out the balance of our Winter Stock AT C• -FUR Cash 4,r 779' Y Including a splendid assortment of OVERCOATS & SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS, LADIES AND GENTS FURS. LADIES FUR CAPS, 11IUFFS AND IIATS. LADIES NETT, VEST AND WOOL. SI3AWLS. A. NICE STOCK OF FUR TRIMMIN'S GENTS HEAVY WOOL LINED KID MITS & GLOVES at 75c worth $1. We cant be undersold in Teas and Sugars for SPOT CASH. JOIN MATHESON, Exeter North HOFFMANN'f r19RMLESS HEADACHE e-: P014! ERS cure 11.3E:'ADACHE. it''hey are not adver- tised tc cure every thing,but simply head- aches. 91ry them, it tr7rlcost but t ., r ..0 deists fvr a Lox and they are harmless. They are not a Cathartic. NTflAL BU E. A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drugs ALWAYS E EPT. PteritJ!ifti1i8 OrLI1ist's Suppligs At right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Family Receipts Cai'ef filly Prepared. ?ti1flS 1O1Itflti c PowfEr the best in the market. Cr LUTZ, PROP. Farmer Bros., Wftolesale & Rtall Grocers, WIVE & PIRIT Merchants, Main -:o.. e*exEr. THE - CENTRAL SHAVN PALOR, EXETER, Ontario. AI HASTII1GS . PROPRIETOR. Every Attention paid to Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting A. I-Iaatix gS. WATCH THIS SPACE --FOR-- Ch ang e of "ADI' E. H. FISH. SEWING MACHINE THE LADIES' FAVORITE. THE ONLY SEWINO MACHINE n r •, x i .p. P 'i J .� y. i ,F d 4 i Fe i, l 0 ,, E� ES-.(� C. ... _ HIE ORI��iG�M�1S�; c itoACib a� 11P1 i1 it I N 7 oA �A1tE :. t�. tt'Ill sr Mo. A5 LANKA oa`NY �" CEX. •I '3:VktieE sCICFRYliL15G't,erl