HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-5-21, Page 1VOL. IV. The Me!sons ankc (Chartered by Parliament,1855.) Paid up Capital $2,000,000. Rest Fund , . , • 1,000,000, Bead oifieo Montreal, F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., Li e, MANAGER. Twenty Branch offices in the Dominion Agencies In the Domiuion,U, S, and Europa F-r=='S'R JR A.ni C3, Oren every lawful day from YO a. in, to 3 p. m.., Saturdays 10 a. at, to 1 p. m A general banking business transacted Four per cent, per annum allowed for money on Deposit Receipts. N. DYER IIURDON Exeter, Jan. 2S,'88. Sub•11'laeager. THE Is published every Thursday Morning, at tho Office, MAIN -STREET, — EXETER. By the SANDERS' PUIBLISHIN(}COMPANY. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar llor annum if paid. in Advance. S1.50 it' not,so paid. F dirertiaiXa3 Raton ora :F.-cplica- tioi. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid. and charged accordingly. Liberal disoountmade for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of .TOB PRINTING- turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Oheques,money ord- ers, Lite. for advertising, subscriptions, etc. to be made payable to Sanders & Sweet PitornIF'rORS Church Directory. TRIVvT'r MEMORIAL CRERCH.--Rev. S. F Robinson, Rector. Sunday Services, 11 a, m and 7 p. in. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m. METHODIST CiimanI--James-st, IteU. A.1. Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services, .0 S a acrd 0.30 p.m. Sabbath School, S p. m. MAIN STREET—Rev. T. Wilson, Pastor. Sun day. Services,1d30 a.m. ant 0.30 p.m. Sabbath School 2,30 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN Cil tjRCH.—Bev. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Service„ u a, in. and. 0.30 p, m, Sabbath Se hoof 0.45 a. m. 1'rotess>,onaL Cards. H. IINSMAN, L, D. S, Fauson's Block two doors north of Carling Store, MAIN STREET, EXETER, extracts teeth without pain. Away at 13ensall on 1st w.I ridgy; Ailsa Craig ,on 2nd and 4th Tuesday; wad Zurich on last Thursday of each mouth. 4 el H. INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Ronal eJ• College Dental Surgeons, successor to 11. L. Billings. , Office over U \eel's Bank, hxeter, Out, A. safe anaesthetic given fur the painless extraction of teeth. Plates se- cured firmlyin the mouth by Yemen's pat- ten t Valve Lucan every Friday T B WHITELY, M. D., C. M., PHYSICIAN tJ • and Surgeon. Mee and residence Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderich, Ontario. -ilii. J, A. ROLLINS. OFFICE-1LAIti ST, Residence—Corner Andrew and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. R. CiOSI.ERY, Member Royal College Surgeons, England; Licentiate Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh; Member Office, Mitollege ofo hell's oldhicians stand, Crand editon, Ont. T]R. Ji 1VIcLELLAN EYE & EAR SURGEON. Graduate New York Eve anci Ear Hospital Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Office nor. Maple and Talbot streets. LONDON, ONTARIO. -q Ali. T. A. AMOS, M. D., C. M , Member of IIJ Oollege of Physicians and Surgeons,, Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh; licen- tiate of the Faculty of Physicians and Sur- olieg Glasgow; rt. Offtee—DriiCowo i sato d L,uhege, stand. TAR. DAVID M. STABLER, (UNIVERSITY . of !Toronto,) Physician. Surgeon, etc. Having.sppeat the winter of 1880--'H'i in New Tork,,end'the winter of 1887'88 in Vienna, Austria. OFFICE, — CREP?ITON, ONT. --0y7H. COLLINS, 13ARRISTER, SOLICIT - .11 • OR, Conveyancer, Notary Pnblio. Office -,Over Post Office, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. T H. DICKSON, B I RTtISTEIi., SOLICITOR L of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &e. Money to loan Office—Faneon's Block, Exeter. LLIOT & ELLIO:I , , BARRISTERS, SO,LIC- itors Conveyancers, &e. Money to loan HAS per cent. B.V,ELL:io'r. J. ELLIOT B110WN, Winchelsea, Licenieel. Auot- . to neorfor.theCounties of Perth and Mddleses,also teethe township ot,Usborno Sales promptly attended to and terms reason able, Sales arranged at Post office, Winohelsa AJ. ROLLIN'S, late of Manitoba, Licons- eed Auctioneer, for the counties of Hur- on and Middlesex. Residence: 1. mile south of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other- wise promptly attended to at reasonable videos. HOLT, illiiva, Ontario. Licensed auet- n ioneor f'or t11e 0otintiCs of riticidleses wad Lan?.btiAn,, land th 0 townships of Eltepheif and Hay All sales promptly attended to, 1 BOSSJNBE RRY, H eesa il Ontario. L e - L'/• eased Auctioneer for theClean tun.tys of Huron and Perth.Chargesmoderate and s atisfactitin guaranteed. iTLl]i1. W. EARN' CO MB, Provincial Land 1 SnrVeyor and Civil Engineer.: Office, sewer Post (Mine,- Mahe street, Exeter, Ont. SIA.Rl)Y, Licet sod AIictioneer for the d .Oonrit y of Huron. Sales Condiioted on • reasonable ` terms. Farm, and. Parte Stook a ocialby. p . :Tull arrangements .tail m be ade 1± nt this office. INSeltOW:titG,VALLSe.'A —A. ose Live and permanent. Curo for illgroiv- n Sent dust paid for It1c. No pain, pp 41 . N, leap Rotate 4t1 rnj1,§ or silver. iCdcitess, ltUxrt., Sa r.r.i>~itl Ores ORtLr,tA, )N1'. Jit -164. EXETER, ONTARIO, TITURS.DAY, MAY 21 Our stock of ';gyp; rugs, and Patent ' edlcln.- s are Fresh and Pure. We keep constantly in stock a 9 l of the Leading atent ed• c. nes on the harkee t Dyes9Cornbs, rushes in nd less Varlet Nothing but the best Perfumes kept in stock. VERT MI G SOLD .A.T IG ):- T PRICES. A CALL SOLICITED, W. o E. C O H N THE CORNERERLT - STURE, EXETER, ONTARIO, NOTICE. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Baron will meet in the Co nit House in the town ofGodorich, en \Vermes. day, the third day of June, 189.1, at 8 o'clock p.m, Guderich, PETER Aninsov, Maly 10, 1831. County Clerk. BOAR FOR SERVICE The undersigned will keep on his premises, Lot 7, Con. 2, Stephen, a thorough livid boar, which will be served to a limited number of sows. Terms: --$1 payable at time of service with privilege of returning if necessary. The following is the pedigree which shows his high breeding:—' Loin Jack", No (1058) was farrowed Sept, 27, MO, bred by James Dor- rance, Seaforth, Ont., second owner Wm. Haggart,Centralia, Out., sire, "Earl of Dub- lin, [s56);dam"North Queen" (1532),bv"Roy- ilHarry"(003) Violet (imp.)(a70) by -Prince"; Vallens, by.Warwick 1st, bred by S. Smith. 'Wx HAGGART, Centralia. ALMOST LIKE MAGIC Is -the effect of Clark's Lightning Lini- ment when applied to a burn. It stops the paln instantly, and even in the worst cases the healing is iapid and thorough. There is no other preparat- ion equal to it, and in the States its use has become general in the hospitals, Clark's Lightning Liniment stands alone as a Pain Alleviator. Sold by all first-class druggists; price fifty cents. Clark Chemical Co., Toronto, New York. The Algoma election took place on Monday May 18th, and McDonell's (Con] majority as far as heard from; is 237,with the Manitoulin Islands to hear from. Having purchased the apparatus and fixtures for the production of Milkshakes, and secured the best possi- ble ingredients for its make, Miss Kat le Gould is now prepared to furnish the thirsty public with a drink far su- perior to guy that has heretofore been sold in town. Mr. David Johns has secured several workmen to erect a number of houses at Grand. Bend which will be used. by pleasure seekers this summer, and we understand they commenced their lab- ors this week. No doubt it will save 11 great amount of trouble to parties who intend visiting this summer resort; the equal of wilich'is not known in Can- ada. wanted. Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of boots and shoes that need repairing to ba left at the leading boot and shoe store next door to the post office. G. Manson. h`o the Emilie. Tice Exeter Salt Works Co. have a quantity of Daily and Latid Salt on hand and would ask intending pur- chasers to give us a call. No farmer should be without salt for his lard. For barley it has no equal. T. B. CAIILINC, See'y, A despatch from Traer, Iowa, an- nounces the capture of a resident of Winghamm, a hotclkeeper, named Cono ver, at Traer, for forgery. Conover was not much at home hereland when he did coarse house had lots of money, The hotel is and has been run by his wife for about 12 yaars and fixed in such a way that his creditors could not get at him. The concert given by the choir of the Presbyterian eliurcl, Thames Road on Tuesday evening, proyed a grand success financially and otherwise. The Rey. Mr. Fletcher occupied the chair and after a short opening address an nounced the different features of the evening. The singing by the choir, Which consisted of about 20 voices, was highly appreciated by all present, The Exeter Male Quartette sang several very appropriate pieces; and judging from the enthusiasrn which burst from the 1Ue fence after each rendition, Was heartily received. The mostimp ortant part of the entertainment was the par; iven by hss'znor who proved het self to`bea lady of high reputation as ate eloeutionist. The Sev'er'al seleettous which w,ts given by her were very loudly enchored, to which she heartily' and willingly responded,. Her appear, ance on the platform, at''once won the ettentionof those present, while the articulation of her voice is somewhat superb,beinghplainly aai dist'incily liearcl' in every. part of the ' b'uilding., There #s leo doubt that elm..hits great`ty im proved since her visit to ' Exeterl,!,a n ulrgm - per afvcirs ago,. and habbc£ortelong sliencay visit us.again. a number were present from Hensall and Kirkton, while Exeter was well repre sented. Proceeds amounted to about $55, EVERYBODY KNOWS That at this season the blood is filled with impurities, the accumulation of months of close confinement in • peony ventilated stores, workshops and tette meats. All these impurities and every trace of scrofula, salt rheum, or. other diseases may be expelled by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, the best blood pur- ifier ever produced. It is the only medicine of which "100 doses one dol. lar" is true. Biddulph, On Sunday, May 24th, being the au, niversary of Her -Majesty's Birthday Special Hymns, Prayers - and ' Sermon will be given in St. Patrick's Church (Episcopal). Rev. Mr. Steele,Incum bent. Divine Service at 10.30 a. in. Corbett. What might have been a fatal acci• dent occured at Mr. Jas. Hawker's saw- mill one clay recently. When all the hands were at work, one of the boilers blew up and was thrown by the eforce of the explosion 240 ft., from the mill Blick bats and boards flew'in all'.direc- tions. Sidney hawker; the engineer, received a slight shock; fortunatety uo one else was injured. Farquhar, Mr. Daniel Coward raised a ma.gnifi cent new barn on. Thursday of last week it will be when finished one of the handsomes building in thetown- ship The concert held eir the Thames Road Presbyterian church on Tuesday even- ing last, was a grand success it being composed of recitations by,..Miss Agnes Knox of Toronto and songs and solos by the Exeter quartette, the proceeds amounted to $50. Marne. Rev. Mr. Martin was visiting at No. 5 school one day last week,—Miss Fanny Bissett, of Exeter, has beet. calling on her many friends in this township be- fore leaving for London.—Harry Mills has been going- north frequently of late Guess he must be troubled with the toothache. The pathmasters are about to commence roadwork next week. We expect the cue dollar men will be on baud: --Mr. Richard, Harvey has rented the Armstrong farm for one year.— The entertainment at the Thames Road Presbyterian church on Tuesday even - was a grand success, Brewster. Mr. Wm. O'Brien accompanied by ?1iss Loo Collins and Miss `Mary Vine, were visiting friends in the vicinity of Parkhill on Saturday and Sunday last. —Mr. Wm. Ruby, of the Bronson line, had a couple of young ladies from this vicinity out for a drive on Sunday night last.—Mr. T. Tolbert Miss M. McNair, and Mr. G. Douglass and Miss J. Tolbert, of Drysdale, were the guests of Mr. Wm. Jennison on Sun - clay last.—Miss Maggie Whitmore, who has been in the vicinity of Brucefield for some time past has, returned home. —Mr. a,nd Mrs. Rout. Campbell spent Sunday visiting friends near Exeter. Crediton. ' r, Mrs. August and Hill'spent Sun- day in Zurich. Mr. Fred V''nrth is busilyen ,ao . „ed setting material for a near stable. The celebration Committee are mak- ing preparations for the 2 ,, great4th, Mr. Chris Eilber, and family, of Zur- ich, were the guests of eV. les on » Wingles Sunday. Mr. Williatn Hill hes s ]est another of his brood mares. This is the second one this Spring. nb A ri1 i el of our sports event to the the lake on Wednesday, Fish was scarce but plenty of fun, 1Iti ose lc ' p ,1llcniietr,of Grand Bend, was iiitown oil a and ,. pur chased handsome carriage trent .1tsalS. Wenzel and Smith. 189 1. NO 2O7 Whalen. Tltomas'Kensula is putting up a large bank`; barn this summer, William Cary, of Usborne, was visit- ing friends in Biddulph oil Sunday, Patrick Kehoo sold two steers one day last week for a handsome price. John O'Dwire built thirty rods of Russel fence in one day recently. John is a hustler. Mr, Joseph Case was around buying lambs last week. He is paying a good figure for them n now. The fall wheat is looking Very well around here, but spring crops and grass are making poor headway for want of rain. Kirkton• The creamery lags commenced oper- ation for the sumncer season. The new bell for St. Paul's Church has arrived from Troy U. S.,and proves to be a loud and sweet toned instru- ment. The Ladies Aid of St. Paul's church intend holding a garden party on Fri- day ereuin '.22nd inst., on the grounds of Mr. Wrn. Robinson, 4th Con. of Blau shard, ' On Sunday, 24t1) of May, being the ariuiversaiy:of the Queen's birthday,an appropriate sermon wi11 be given by the incunlbert, of St .Pant's church.and St Patrick's church, Biddulph. Brucefield. Mrs. Rothwell and fancily are visit- ing at R. W. Marks, --Mr. A. Dallas, of Winnipeg. and ?fr, N. Cooper, of De troit, are visiting at home at present. —Mrs.Tios. Scott and son, of Badaxe' Mich., brei .spending a few weeks at Mr. W. Scott's. ---Mr, Glee McCartney has finished his contract with the Hedge Fence Co, --Mrs. Thos. Rose is having her house repainted by Mr, Armstrong. —John Harvey, aged 40, formerly of this village, committed suicide at the Tremont House, St Paul, on Saturday May 18th by shooting himself through the head with a- shotgun. He left a note addressed to his father, Joseph Harvey, Brucefield Ont. Canada, in which he stated that his •Fife, whom he mareted,Atefoe)eJaw; N: W.•.T., :last July, had; rtuared him, The 'Woman de- nies the charges and says her husband was an inebriate. Zurich. , Mr. Sol, Hardy's kitchen is nearing completion. Mr. Greb is busily engaged in fram- ing his new barn. Mrs. Borrel., of .London, was last week the guest of Mr. Latta. Mr. H. Dumarb is making consider - improvements on the property lately vacated by Ali:. Moore. The young men of the village had the fire engine out for practice last cheek, the work was anything but satisfactory, It should be repaired and a company* properly organized with regular practice. Brrta;rs.—Mr. Moore has remoyed to Parkhill, Mr. Howard met with a ve- ry serious accident while helping to move the Luthereon parsonage.—It is, we believe, the intention to commence an English class in the Evangelical Sunday School of this place. Mummer, NorEs.—The total assess- ment of the township of Hay for 1891 is $1,902,470; number of days statute labor 3935; number of dogs 376; popu lation 3639; number of cattle 4600; sheep 2404; hogs 1658; horses 1375. No of acres 52920; woodland 7716; orchard 644 acres; fall wheat 5065; steam boi- lers 26; children between the ages of 5 and 16 1015; 7 and 13 618; 16 and 21 338. Greenway. Mr. W. H. English visited his brother Robert last week. Mrs. F. Ulens is visiting Mrs. R. L. in Oil Springs this week. Mr:, D. Brophey has purchased a new wagon from J. R McPhern. Mr. Joseph Foster had a bee on Mon- day hauling timber for his new barn. Miss Laura. Baker and a number of her pupils have been laid off work with the plumps. Our fishermen report that they are unable to supply the home market with fish on account of the scarcity. Rev. 3. E. Holmes received two hun- dred and twenty five dollars instead of that which was reported last week. Mr, Fisher, Post Office Inspector, of London, passed through here last Tues day, making his annual official visit. The Boston House 'will be closed every Wednesday evening at 5 o'clock after 1st June, Will he open other ev enings till 9 o'clock, Mr; Thomas Stinson, of Bayfield, paid our village 11 flying visit Friday. He has placed a large drove of cattle on the Patterson Pasture. Messrs. 'Win. Corbett and. V. Ratz, Reeves of McGillivray and Stephen passed, through hero last Monday, .ex- amining the roads, and have arranged ,s - t ,n Wednes- day, ednu o meet t Carmel 0 1 e at Menne day,Mayr 27, to let contract of gravel Dug, Fairaeld. The average ettenlance of aur schsol is about sixty, Debate at Epworth League Tuesdays evening: Resolved that „Reidiui; is more beneficial to man_ 'than Travels 11I " An intel'eeting time was spent. Decision given in favor of the Travel ler. Good work done ; by both sides. Our League is doing good work. Join us boys. Our school celebrated Arbor day some two weeks ago, and we eau now boast of the finest g•roundsln the count- ry. D. C, why don't you let the people know what you are doing? 'We know you are modest. We thick the people.. should visit the school and see it as i is as the genial teacher will • always welcome you, Drop in folks. Our school boys met last Saturday evening and organized a Foot -hal team for the purpose of competing in the competition open to counties of Huron and Perth. We have a good team and expect to get than, The boys dubbed ,themselves Wolverines; We hope boys you will make the north- ern people howl with chagrin at the loss of 1st prize. Our boys feel lent already, as seven clubs are enter ed. The system is to be followed, our boys, being- left to the last, really win a match without -striving for it, as they come in on the second tie, they play the winriere of tie on 25th at 2 p. m. Go boys, we will help you, C4th San says D. C., D. S. usual good for- tune gained .him his match. May his success be yours boys. Sc1•rOOL REPORT.—The following is the correct tstanding of pupils of S. S. No. 1, Stephen, based on general pro- fliciency and good conduct for month of April. Based on written examinat- ions. Sr. IV class. -1st Burton Hicks, 2nd Nelson Hicks, Srd Percy Baker. Jr. IV class. -1st Nora Heaman, 2nd Harvey Lane, 3rd Thomas Boyds. IT Class.—AlhertWalker, 2nd George Hicks, 3rd Charles Towle. III CIass.—lst Charlie Haggitt, 2nd Wm. Hepburn and Lillie Krause, 3rd Effie Pym. 2nd Part lst—lst Maud Baynam, 2nd Maniel Hodgins, 3rd. >Wm. Bloom- field. First Class. -1st Arthur Al14n, ' 2nd Mary Hepburn, 3rd Annie Boyle. Infants, — Russell Huxstable, 2nd. John Bloomfield, 3rd Jimmy Towle. A Five Years' Sentence, Judge Davis sentenced William S. K. Bryant to five years in the Peni- tentiary Friday for burning George Haskett's barn near Lucan on May 7. The deed was committed in broad day- light in the early afternoon, after the accused had a dispute with his employ er about his wages. Bryant ran to Lucas, and was arrested in a store by C. C. McLeod the same evening. He freely admitted the offence, and want- ed to give himself up. ,He told the constable after the arrest that Ilaskett was the second man who lead beaten him out of his wages, and that he would put up with the penalty of the law if Haskett could put up with his loss. Altred Dagg and Daniel McKin- non, two small boys, heard Bryant say in the lockup that one match did the whole business, burnt the barn up. One of the boys asked him if there was much grain burnt? He said he did not need much grain. There were ten roasted pigs and four roasted calves in the barn, and Haskett could live on them for some time. Joseph Hall, a Biddulph farmer; said that Bryant had been sent there four m•inths ago from the Figgins Home in Toronto, on his written application to Mi. Brace, He kept him two months and a week, but the boy had a bad temper and was so annoying that he could not get along with him at all. Bryant then addressed the Judge, and accused both Mr Hall and Mr. Hackett of swindling him out of his wages. He wanted to go back to Eng- land, and had a chance which lie might have taken if Mr. Haskett had paid him what was due. The Judge told the prisoner that he had been brought out here probably through the gener- osity of kindly disposed people' and had been given every chance to be- come a respectable citizen. But he would not, and such men as he were no more to be trusted at large than wild beasts. They were more danger- ous than wild animals, because they. had human intelligence to direct their evil impulses. He was guilty of one of the most.serious and dastardly offen des ire the calender and should be put under tcstraint for five years to see it wouldnot Make abetter citizen of t is understood Mr, Hackett lost a T lot of grain, a buggy anclother articles besides those mentioned. Fie was in. sired in a local cam an`= for 8400 on the 'buildings and ,$450 on the con- tents; Mr, McKillop I . prosecuted, and, Mr Moserip, of St, .Mary, was present on behalf of the Company: t t, t h This is not the fits fiendash ac e has been guilty -Of; Whilein the eel ploy of Mrs Hall he struck a yotul,; calf with ate tine in a fit of temper 'and t. killed ip' Hensall, We had a ,severe frost here ou Satur- dty fright, but we don't thing it dam aged the fruit crop to a very great etis tent. The citizerlstbrougliout the village are very busy at present planting po, tatoes and veg,tables of the different kinds. The Epworth League in connection: with the Methodist church of. this nil lige is welleltttended, and at a recent meeting choose a nentsbcr, of interest- ing silbjects to be taken no diurin;•tht.." year. • Mr: D; Bossonbee y has entered his fine driving colt, sired by "Joe (tales", for the London and other races: This: colt is likely to make a good record as be shows fine speed,and that with short training. The Rey. Mr. lrcMilian, who recently graduated as a licensed ccieister'of the Presbyterian Church, is supplying the pulpit of Carmel Presbyterian Church during the absence of the pastor, the :Rev J. 8, Henderson. Dr. McLaughlin, of London, who re ccntly passed his medical examination, t,•ith high honors and much credit due himself, arrived here on Tuesday morning last for the purpose of locat- ing here, and commence a practicer We are mach pleased with the genial and winning ways of the "doe" and without a doubt he will attain his de sires in securities for himself a lucrative practice in our midst. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mack, who were s among the oldest and most respected residents of the township of Hay, left last week for Carberry, Manitoba, where they intend making their fut- ure home. Thee- have resided contin- uously for over 40 years on their fine farm a few miles south-west of this vil- lage, and who enjoys the esteem and respect of all who knew them, yet we cannot wonder at than moving out to the Far West; as they have ten child- ren out there now, Daniel, their only son, remains here on the homestead We join with their reany friends in wishing them health, happiness and prosperity in their new home: Ci uacit Weetu -The business of ficial quarterly:. meeting of the.HensalI Circuit was held in the church here on . deriday last, and was a largely attend- ' ed, harmonious and profitable meeting. The returns from the various appoint- ments showed the circuit to be very prosperous financially, all either pay- ing. in full or giying: security therefor,. The pastor, Rev. J. S. Cook, gave a statement of moneys raised on the cir- cuit for the past 8 years, which showed a greater increase especially since Mr. Cook came to the circuit, 3 years ago. Messrs. W. Colwell and J. C. Stoneman were appointed delegates to the Die- tiict meeting and also to the Station- ing Committee, On Thursday evening last week a large number of friends and relatives of. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Waugh and fam- ily assembled at the station to bid good bye before taking theiedeparture for Burlingame, Kansas. Mr, E. J. Waugh also accompanied them. Mr: Wm. Wa ogh has been in business here for the past 14 years and his many as sociates are sorry of loosing such an cut dustrious, energetic and business man.. He carne here when Hensall was in its. young days, and was always Willing to lend a helping hand to anything pertaining to the welfare of the village. Mrs. Waugh will also be missed by her many lady friends both in and out of the English church. The targe con-. course of friends who were gathered' together on Thursclay evening plainly told that Hensall was loosing two of their most respected citizens. But we feel satisfied that ere they have gone from us they will not be long in mak- inb,a number of new acquaintances - who will be glad to welcom them for their midst. Our farmers will miss them, our church will miss them, while• friends and relatives will sustain a se- vere loss, but may the eye which never' sleeps watch over them anci guide them:. in all their walks and transactions of this life, and when they have finished here below may they find sweet repose in those bright ma,rrsiorisabove eternal in the heavens. lIDEA1TDiS). Dl. ltr. -In Lucan, on the 11th hist:,, Honer, beloved wife of Thomas Dight, in her G4tlr year, HA nt.—In St ratl , on the 18th: inst; John Varve aged o , agt, 40 years,, formerly of 13rucefeld. SMITIt,--1n St. Thomas, on the. 18th lust, Mrs, Sarah Snaith, aged S2. 5 years and 4 months. , s Tl .na3 ,— n u •].c,a, i . r a I T c In th on the l8ti}z*'" Inst: illiant hltts; Sr,, ragme' d 63' and 8- months. yearsn1 I h, , lion-AIITll, In ;tephcn,o i, the 17th. 11111. towife ..hifc S: Hag aleh, of a'son: S i t l; Ir rri rrete.lf onth e ilk'; inst. the wife; of JT.elr y V Samsvell OE'' a .daughter.