HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-5-14, Page 8ewm.rs.�vanaoeaa�anvm.,,nw.riaaF-n�-•F"•�l'I'.!RxwpAp.q{p.q,+v.,,rw!.xwa,xw„mummvmanvr�mvs,,[na.A mtrnMernMr.N.awf.laaa.ev4.µvtwulevtnn,l5w�w5wis,p esrvnnec, F•n-aFW?na'.aw.�,xwwnwfnny,l RaRtPttgg^•W.;.??,4YMI Fvum,.v+.vwewr,.. READ -MAKER'S BEE 1 FAILO TO on SATISFACTION FOR SMC 13Y ALL BEAt„ERS, •wK ▪ ymu�awxa.,u+s.wxxr+,�a.�R ,� � ,�.,..-,�,..,..,.,. VISI I T1 -1E RII▪ I`plllli WEDDING PARTING GIFTS. �S. �. Z r. k 9, :Gras. CT 7. AIBTT1W3 BIB1m ► SHEET MUSIC Choice FICTION. MUSIC THE BO.OKt.. S IIMIli S. S - ,PAPERS Libraries. Stationery Mod Supplies ] wR.A PPING Papers 'TWINES BAGS WALL Papers LOCAL JOTTINGS. m For Fence Wire call at H. Spack- znan's, Post Office Block. E. J. Spackman and W. E. Cochenour both have new . change of °'ad" this week. A carload of Montreal Steel Nails ,lust arrived at H. Spackman's, Post Office Block. Stubborn Cir ldren •readily take Dr. Low's Worm kurtip. It pleases the child and destroys; the worms. Insure in the Temperance and Gen- eral Insurance 'Co., of Toronto. En BESSETT, local argent. -May 29-90. A large stock of Stoves and Tinware at H. Spackman"-s;.Pest Office Block. "Many Men, Many Minds," but all men and all minds ..agree as to the merits of Burdock Pills, small and sug ar-coated. Messrs. Bissett Bros. have secured the contract of Placing the iron roofing on Mr. Treble's new store now in course of erection. Builders supplies cheep at H. Speck man's, Post Oiliae Block. Tilt entortaiumont given by Prof Moatteer, B. E, and his pupils, in the Opera House on Friday evening last, was well worthy of a better themes than the one which greeted it. To our way of thinking, all the graduates from Philadelphia deal too largely in bur- lesque. rn , but both. : exaggeration, t 1 L.e and ea <1 e1< ten eS d r, f q �, pieces given by Prof. Mounteer were as well rendered as the }gest it has been our lot to witness. The victim of light- ening rod vendors craft, was a speci men of American humor, and the Life. Boat, ane from the tragic side of Eng- lish sea coast life. The Professors pu• pils gave Promise of being fair and good readers in the future, and render- ed their chosen selections hi a pleasing. manner, The orchestra under Mr. Gidley added much to the :pleasure of the evening, "That tired feeling1 is entirely over- come by Hood's Sarsaparilla, which gives a feeling •of •buoyancy and strength to the whole -system. The property belonging to Mr. Thos. Cave, situated on Andrew Street, was sold by Public Auction the other day to Mr. George Manson, for the sum o $700.00. This is cosieldered a very low price as the location is adesirable one 300 pairs of Lace Curtains to be sold at haii':price at E. J. Spackmauu & Co's. The cheapest spot in town for lace curtains, carpets &c Call and see them. The Dale Pivoted Land 'Roller, the property of Mr. Jas. Dale, of Chatham, has been disposed of to Dr. T. T. Cole- man for the sntn of $10,000 cash. The paterns have been removed to Seaforth where the manufacture Will be contin- ued almost immediately ander ,the, su- pervision of,Mr. Jas. Irving,: Mr. Alex. McPherson, Te,xidermist, is at present busily engaged mounting a large moose head, for Mr. Stewart, of Ailsa Craig. It was shot 'by his ,son in British Columbia. On each .of its.horns it has eleven prongs, indicating that it must be a very old animal, and meas- ures nearly five feet from tip•to top. Mr. Geo. Emden, wife :and family left on Thursday morning; last week, for Parkhill, where Mr. B. Intends go - • into the marble business. No , doubt Parkhill will `veleoase them to tizeir midst, while many :citizens of: Exeter will sustain a seyere loss. We , wish you all success and prosperi°vy. Clothing f Our quiet yillage has been in a state of excitement for some time owing to some miserable miscreants who are prowling:around the streets at night destroying personal property' On Thursday morniug about 3 o'clock they set fire to an old house, situated on Huron St., west of the railroad track, owned by Mr. Mark Meakins, and occupied by Mr. N. Peterson as a stable, in which he had a cow, valued at $45.00, that perished in the flames. The fire was discovered by one of the neighbors, when he ran to the scene and tried to liberate the animal, but +tvas.unable to release her, the -re hav- ing made a great headway, in a few aninutee. No doubt Mr. P. will find:this a severe loss. Again on Friday alight parties broke into the fruit store of Miss Katie Gould, on Main St., and stole a qu anity of candy: from the win- dow. ;altogether likely pot being sat- isfied with their night's marauding; .they proceeded to ,the river where there are troughs running from the Boom of the mill for the • purpose of filling the watering. cart, and scattered them in all directions, Where the fun can be in committing such low Iris- hheiyous deeds, we fail to see, if they would employ the time they are wast- ing in this manner, at home, no doubt it would be of much more interest to them personally. If the culprits,contin- ue their fiendish acts and •the proper persons are found guilty, there is every reason to believe they will be prosecu- ted :and receive the severest sentence that can be passed upon them, Ken Boost Filched, On Tuesday night last the hen roost of Mr. Wm. Brown, miller, was visited and eight fine chicken carried off. Where was our night watch? Wanted. Never too late to mond. 5000 pairs of boots and shoes that need repairing to be.left.at the, leading boot and shoe store next door w the posit office. G. Manson. 200tons of hay wanted The undersigned wishes to procure 200 or more tons of first class. Timothy hay forapressing purposes for which- he will pay .highest market prices. Trios OKE, Exeter. Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Boots and Shoes, til&best and largest stock choose from is at E J Spack- man & Co's,Samwell's block Exeter. The Rev. T. M. Baldwin, of Alserner, preaehad an excellent sermon to a fair, eonbreg .tion in the Trivitt Memorial Church.= the evening of Thursday' (Ascensipn Day.) The choir sang ap T)ropria.te,izymns and the service wag heartily rendered by both .clergy and ] ace to lea Drinkers. congregation. The Rev.. S. E. Robina. son read the prayers and Mr. Baldwin the lessons,•tille latter gentlemen also giving the benediction. The new organ, built by Wadsworth, of Montreal, for the Main Street Method - Church, ethod- Church, w.ae opened on Monday evening by Professor Birks, of London, :befare a large audience'. The instru- Inent is a very line one and nearly fills the raised platform behind the pul- nit, The pipes of the great organ are •illumi;nated, and the whole instrument is enclosed in a handsome chestnut case. The tone is very rich and sufficiently y er building, which w fol to fill flit, bit . possesses,exeellent acousti=c properties Prof. Birks showed the power of the different stops as well as their effect in combination many speaking highly of ,the tone of the Oboe and Bassoon as. well as the lieblech flute staph. The Rey. Mr. a Lamely` nc.ly, of I.,ondoir, avc a ,paluoroue address and the re.alent inainisleia',:m tale shout, speeches. The a; rt fug tvFati vt3rti,"f ° y40,11'0*l ; A1);,, re, $500 for a Needle, One Ild»ziss,a thirty-two page month- ly magazine. devoted to house build- ing, home itg, Io1se deco ttoi fashions, general literature, etc., is the' best publication of its class in Amerioa• The publishers, in order tolincease the circulation of their magazine, offer large cash rewards to those of their subscribers, or intending subscribers, who correctly answer the following question: Where in the New Testa- ment are the words, "a needle," first found? Cash daily and weekly rewards giyen while the, competition lasts. The Publishers will give away thousands of dollars among those correctly answer- ing the question—the leading reward being $500 in gold. Send ten cents in stamps or silver for a sample copy of Cult Remiss and complete rules govern- ing the competition. Address OUR HOMES PUIia.ISuING Co., Brockville, Ca- nada, -4t, 5117. To the Public. The Exeter Salt Works Co have a Minutes of:ltl+oard of Trade. May Gth, 1891. President in the Chair.. MEMBERS PItnSENT. B. S. O'Neil -A. Q. Bobier-R. Pickard -H Spackman -J. Wood -N, D, Burden -J.. G. Emery -J. A. Stewart -J. Gillispie-J. Matheson -J. Farmer -E J. Spackman. ITEMS PAssnu. Prop. membership; Dr. Amos by J. A. Stewart, The following communicat- ion was read before the board and the same conveyed to. the Town Council by A. Q, Bobier, Fait a Reply. What number names of Ratepayers to a Pe- tition would they require to calla Pub- lic meeting anct discuss' the market question and when would it be conven- ient for such a meeting. REPLY.— Mr. EPL .Mr. Bobier reported the council would not on any consideration act on any. requisition no matter in what way it may be submitted. The President sta ted the committee appointed to draft programme. Re. -Flower and Art show had not quite completed their work as yet,, therefore would only re- port progress. The Reports of Treas- urer, Sectty, and Pres. were duly read before the board and the same adopted by motion of J. Gillespie seconded by H. Spackmau. After discussion the following communication was read be- fore the Board and forwarded to the Town Council. That the board accept the offer of thirty dollars made by the' council re market building on condit- ion that the. market be thoroughly advertised by them, and all possible means taken to make it a success. Mr. Bobier reported the council could not see their way clear to accept such a proposition- J. Farmer—H. Spackman —The President's report be handed to both local' papers for publication. Re- ceipts $6.00. E. J. Spackman—A. Q. Bobier—We adjourn for one week. J. SEvroi; Secty. Exeter, May Gth 1891 To the Members of the Board of Trade. Gentlemen:—The' office which I have been elected to fill for the last three months demands at'this seasol:i'�w-y�writ- ten review of our history during the past twelve months. .'I regret beim unable to present' this as complete: as may be desired, but will, however, quantity of Dairy and Land Salt on hand and would ask intending pur- chasers to give us a call. No farmer should be without salt for his land. For barley it has no equal. T. B. CARLING, See'y. Important Notice. 1 Nish to inform the citizens of Exe- ter that I have the -necessary applian- ces for removing soot from chimneys, which should be done while you are housecleaning. All orders promptly attended to, Give me a call. SAMUEL FA�;soN, Exeter Cricket Meetinx. The adjourned meeting of the Crick- et Club will he held this evening, (Thursday. May 24) at the Town Hall, at 8 o'clock to consider challenges re- ceived, etc. All Cricketers must at- tend t tend if they `wish any matches this sea- son. T. ELLIOT, Sec. $Soo Itcwaret. The corporation of the village of Exeter have issued posters announcing that they will give the above, reward to any person who will give informat- ion as will lead to the conviction of any person or persons setting fire to any building or other property, in` the Village of Exeter. Change of Date. The concert which was to have been given by the choir of the Presbyterian Church, Thames Road, on the 25th inst., will take place on Tuesday even- ing, May 19ih. Miss Knox, the Elocut- ionist, and the Exeter Mair Quartette are engaged to help. A good, time is expected, Loo,: out for particulars. Saving bought a large lot of Tea from one of the leading Houses in the. Dominion. at a low figure can sell you a No.1 Tea, :alga low tea price. Call and seeour sant les. E. J. Spackman & Co., Sani•cell's Bloc. Aceiitlevre. Oft Thursebt last white Nelson Hos• kln,an employe of Mr. S. Buckingham, WAS engaged ail tliileliing the shoes on an entire horse "belonging to W. Welsh, he met with an accident whits(' might have terminated seriously, it appears he diad one of the hind feet of the, beast up when it made an attempt to lay down, throwing the young matt to the floor, and catching one land under- neath bis foot, tearing• it in a frightful condition, while anotlier foot was resit• ing between his legs which if it had conic on top of h,im,instant death would quired their use. 1 am pleased, to state that our xil. lags commercially remain- m its 'ns- ual solid condition: '1 w o or three min- or failures have occurred, but it is <a source for general congratulation that the bulk of the grade. remains in the hands of those whose past record make their names synonomous with cautious n ti and safe n ess. e o t I � g,. In regard to our village affairs I might say that we have an assessed value of nearly half a million, or in more exact figures about $468,000. Onr bonded, debt is: a little over $18,- 000 with an annual interest charge of $108(1. The amount of our sinking fund to meet these bonds soon matur- ing is a matter for grave regret being but $1000. Our population has stood the strain of the last fewyears well, y >s w 1, ant now stands about 2000. I have been much surprised and pleased to learn that the actual amount of capital in circulation, or better the annual volume of trade in our village under most careful estimates is found to be not less than one and three quar- ter millions of dollars, This fact in connection with the well known con servative tendencies of our merchants should cause general satisfaction and restore confidence in the minds of those who have partially lost faith in Exeter and its possible future. It is a matter of regort'that 'unnee- cessary friction has arisen between thetBoard and the Village Council. I sincerely trust with the rest of. the Board that all cause for disagreement may be soon removed and that we may find in the Council not only firm friends but faithful allies in all schemes that. already show themselves to bo for the general welfare of the village. In conclusion permit me to express my gratefulness to those who have so kindly stood by me during my term of office and also to offer my earnest hopes that the future may have for us more sunshine than the past, and that all those who have felt it their duty to unite with us by a sense of patriotic regard for the welfare of the village may be impelled to during the coming year. May He who has commanded us to acknowledge Hier in all our doings, guide and bless us during the incom ing year and may He direct and pros- per all our plans that are laid to secure the better mental or material progress of our people. All of which is respect - submitted. Signed J. Gums, President. THE WISE SAVANTS Tell us that Rheumatism is a blood di- sease; that it can be cured only by a remedy which works through the blood And yet, if you have the darting pains of Rheumatism in .muscles or joints, try a little of Clark's Lightning Lini- ment. It will go direct to the seat of pain and relieve it at once. There is no waiting weeks and months until the disease can be -attacked through the blood. This seems to be contrary to scientific claims, but it is true that Clark's Lightning Liniment will cure Rheumatism. Sold by druggists; price fifty cents. Clark Chemical Co., Tor- onto, New York. state what can be said in the form of a report and also add a few words that I trust may prove an incentive to furth- er action more united and determined towards developing the general wel- fare and possibilities of our solid little town. During the past year we have held ten Meetings with an average attend- ance of about nine members out of a registered list of 36. This noticeably small average reflects not favorably on the loyal spirit of the absentees who might now have stood. higher in their own esteem had they given a more generous support to the few who have been the active spirits of the Board during the past year. There is much room for congratulat- ion in the abundant success which dur- ing the past season crowned the efforts of the Board in seeking to establish one Butter and Egg Market as a distinct- ive feature of the trade facilities of the village. I am pleased to say that its suceess so far has won even the praise of its opponents and through its agency quite a number of new as well as old faces have been drawn to. Exeter as their most advantageous market cen- ire, I am also pleased to beleive that present obstacles will soon be removed and that the Board will be enabled as during last season to use their energies in making it a still more marked suc- cess At' our meeting in July last a reso- lution was passed placing the matter' of Higher Educational facilities for the. village to the position of first place in the aims of the Board. Keen watch- fulness in the matter is necessary and the first opportunity should be seized' to secure all' that is desirable in this respect. The matter of waterworks has been also .under consideration and a com- mittee appointed to place the necessary preliminary information before the Board. The result of such enquiries so far show a probable cost of about ten thousand dollars. Whether present action in this direction would be wise. is a matter fairly open for debate - and should receive early attention from the Board. 'rho stock sales conducted during the past season proved desirable and effective in drawing buyers and sellers to our village and under a more favor- able fiwnieial position of the Board should be ]node a rcgnlarly establish- ed trade facility of the town under the most approved system of management. During the early part of this year the severe re loss in Board sitatained a sc e the removal of their late President, R. IT. Archer; Esq,, from, the village. By' such removal the Board lost a . most gives pr'ottl[se if .perhlave ensued, Dr. Browning dressed the painstaking officer and one whose sea- ^; veer, mus[c. Wa�ptin`tt on the'► hand and it is now doing vices were never lacking when the ~"nn. u[ooly% d1ltt're;qta of the 13oaecl or village re PILES IeERAan ppsosof ivteesmrniaTslN- purge. No suppository. Sent post paid or 24 cents in stamps. Address, 131-194 Houle %l)eci ie Co. Orillta Ont Itis a certain and speedy cure for Cold in the Head and Catarrh in all its stages. SOOTHING, CLEANSING. HEALING. Instant Relief, 'Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. Many so•onlled diseases are simply symptoms of. Catarrh, such as head- ache, partial deafness, losing sense of smell, foul breath, hawking and spit. tins, nausea, ;general feeling of de- bility, etc, Ifyou are troubled with anyof,these 'or kindred symptoms, your have Catarrh, and should lose no time. In' procuring a bottle of NLSAL BALM. Be warned in time, neglected cold in mead results in Catarrh .fol. lowed by - consumption and death. Kama BALM ie soldby 1111 druggists, or will be sent, poet paid on receipt of. price (SO cants and 51.00) by addressing FULFORD & CO„ Brockville, Ont. Ladies, Call and see . Spackman & Co's. Dress Goods. All new Goods. Ladies. Call and see Spackman & Co's. Sateens, Prints and Ango- la g la suitings. All good washers. 'Ladies, Call and see Spackman. & Co's. Embroidery shirtings, Lawns and Delaines for the hot weather, Ladies, We sell the best 25c Black Idose in the Dominion worth 40cts. 'Warrantee, stainless. Call and see thorn, Ladies. Remember we Cal.'3'y one of the largest stocks of Millinery in town. Every hat new. No old ti'in min s to work up. Cali and see the new Style`foi' Spring and Summer. E. J. SPACKMAN 66 CO. SAMWELL'a BLOCK, EXETER, ONTARIO 0 We have just received another choice range in Gents' furnishing: Hats, the newest Ties, the latest and most varied yet, Underwear, fine range and at rices that will surprise you. )� p p 5 Dress Goods and Trimmings in all the newest shades. Nobby Goods. Another meiof of Parasols, no old oea left over. Seo them. We make a specialty in Ladies' Gloves. We carry the best Kiel Glove in town. Boots and Shoes in abundance, Crockery, an endless range e Our Glassware. Six piece set for 25 cts, Grocery Department, complete. 25e tea ahead yet. ' E POHSE LESS AND FJO ORE than any other firm. Don't be drawn to any store by promises that would bank- rupt a millionaire to perform. You cannot get goods at less than cost, any more than you can have an inside without an outside or a top without a bottom. WE SOLICIT A CALL. 0 • lt1 e•. 's , 1 GF 0 LIFT .IS TOO SHIORT FOR ALGHT BTJT HIGH EN1)EAVOR0 I endeavour to produce the very best goods in my line. Not only the best in QUALITY AND FINISH, BUT IN VALUE. I am sending out some beautiful milk cans this spring far exceeding and previous effort. My stock of material for spring work, such as Eave troughing, Roofing, &c. is extensive and complete, and work- manship is the very best. I Solicit your order for TROUC H OR k FigiC CUARANTMC SA 0 8SFACTE2 F'tl4■ I have without exception the nicest assortment of Milk PAILS and Straining PAILS to be found anywhere, varying in price from 20 cts to 181.00. Note the price of milk pans: SMALL ME75 CENTS 'TS TO '$2.00 PER DOZEN. LARGE QZ N- E I000 TO $3.00 PER DOZEN. Who would go without a dipper when you can get one for 5 cts. EVER YOURS, WELL FOLLAND, RING HanIiar C-i'oCFlGS COVEN WARD AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Car Load Chesnut Coals Carload Steel Nails; Carload Iron and Horse Shoes. Carload Blue Ribbon' Com- posite Binder Twine. Lining and Tar Papers, Rimand 1VSortice Locks, Hinges, bolts,' tin Boilers and tin Pails. TINW RE AWAY r OWN. 4. r Sugars, Cheese, Green and Dried Apples, Lard, Teas, &c., Oat- meal $3.00 per 100 lbs Flour 12.75 per 100 lbs. WA.1..'i TED r l. c Dutch 100 Bushels Tzll�.atkly, Clover, A szl e Seeds;Sets, s, 1 o 1 Onions, Hungarian Grass, 100 Bushels Potatoes: ;r CedarPostso MO OUR 4,N. HO ARD, tiler Proprietor.