HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-5-14, Page 5Ver Over Fifty 'S arts, Mas. WINSLOW's SOOTHING SY1tur has been used by millions oftnothers for their child- ren while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a Iliok child suf- fering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at once and get a bottle et' "Mrs Win- slow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teeth- ing. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it,mothers,tbore i9no mistake about it, It cures Diai`rhola, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, curds Wind Collo, softens tato Gums, reduces In- flammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs, Winslow's Sooth- ing Syrup" for children foothill is pleasant to the taste and i3 the prescription of one of the oldest' and best female physicians and nurses in tie United States. Brice twenty- five Bents a bottle.. Sold by all itraggists throng�_l_out the world. Be sureland a,.t for "Mus. S esLow'S SOOTHING SYRUP," A Washington dispatch says: ',The represontatiye of the ]Dominican Re- public, Senor Galvan, has had several conferences with Secretary l3laine. The Black Rept-Wit; is anxious to pro- mote friendly relations with the United States. It is expected an arrangement With Venezala will soon be under way All 1'ELeii, young, old, or micldlo-agocl. who find themselves nervous, weak and exhaust- ed, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the followihig symptoms: Mental depression, perrnatlire old aye, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs,, dizzi- ness, specks before the eyes. twitching of,the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits'in the urine, loss of willpower, tenderness of the scalp, or spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipationdullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes surrounded With LEADEN CIRCLE, oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debil- ity that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital, force having lost its tension every function ;vanes in consequence. Those Who through abuse committed in ignor- ance may be permanently cured. Send your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front-st. E., Toronto, Ont. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot flushes. rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc., can posi- tively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for hook. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front Street, East, Toronto, Ont. Aug. '7, '90;--1v. Joseph Katz, a drummer in the em- ploy of the Scheya an Company, of New York, was accused of embezzeling goods of the firm. As an officer was about to arrest him on Wednesday Katz whipped out a revolver and shot him- self dead. He was 22 years old. His embezzlement was small. Gonsumptieu Cured. An old physician, retired from practice; having had placed in his•handsby an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permit - n enteuro of Cons=ption, Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma, and all throat and Lung end radical uro Affections, also.aTositive I for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Ceom plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of oases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suff- ering. fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suirering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for. preparin and using. Sent by mail by addressing 'with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. NOYL6, 820 Powers Block, 1lockeste1•, N. It is stated that by the Spanish American treaty coal, petroleum, ma- chinery and rats will be adinitted free into Cuba and Porto Ricoandthepres eta duty on flour wily be reduced one- half in exchange for the free admission into the Unite. States of sugar, coffee and cocoa: `I'lie Montreal Methodist Conference meets June 4 at Broekvillo; Niagara Conference June 4, at Brantford; Tor- onto Conference, June 10, at Shelbourne Street Church, Toronto. SEVERE COLD CURED. DEAR SIRS -My mother was attack- ed with a very severe cold and cough. She resolved to try Hagyard's :Pectoral Balsam, and, on so doing, found it did her more good than any other medicine she ever tried. MRs; KENNEDY, Hamilton, Ont The United States Senate Committee on Relations with Canada took more evidence at Buffalo ,yesterday, and also received a deputation from Toron to in relation' to the Hiuontario Ship Railway project. Overworked, broken down, prema- tnrely aged men or diose suffering from excesses or indescretions will find a eertain cure in Dr: Williams' Pink Pills. They supply the material nec- essary to enrich the blood, build up the nerves and restore the ,shattered system. Never fail. Sold by all deal; ers, or sent on receipt of price -50c, per box, or five boxes for $2 -by ad- dressing Tho Dr. Williams Med. Co., Brozkville Ont. The imperial crown lawyers have decided that Wiliiam Henry. Smith, First Lord of the Treasury, must sub mit to a re election to the House of Commons on account of his appoint- ment as 'Warden of tate Cinque Ports, A MINUTE A DAY. When Baby was sick, we gave her ()Astoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castori When she became hiss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Caatoria. In the Italian alian Chamber of Deputies. a Motion that the Italian forces now in East Africa be ordered to evacuate that territory was only supported by 21 extremists. The House indorsed the African policy of the Government, 190 to 88. Mind wandering Bored. Books learned in one reading Testimonials from all parts of the g oxo. Prospectus roar vn>tN, sent on ap liohtion to Prof.. A. Loidette. 237 Fifth Ave. NeW York. Charles Miller, a butcher, who was sleeping in aloft oyer 'Abram's store and l• w h tel house at Philadelphia, was burned to death Wednesday night, When the buildingwas destroyed by fire: Pune, emu Z tor Cats., is tbo' fiU best Easiest to arm mid cheapest. , r iv rgl 5014 by drtirgists or sent by mall, 50e. E. T. Raseltlim, Warren, Pa., 17. p. A. Tho leyce that should keep the Miss ist•ippi within bolulds has burst near Natchez, Miss., and litany 'plantations aro submerged., while the N. O. and N. W. ll, is four foot under water, Those unhappy persons ae ho suffer from nervousness and dyspepsia should use Carter's Litlle Nero Pills, which are made expressly for sleepless, nervous, dyspeptic sufferer§. Price 25 A minute a day devoted to • taking a dose of Burdock: •Blood Bitters will cure any case of constipation, dyspep sia, biliousness,or bad blood, and may weeks of sickness and dollars of loss. There is nothing' better than B. B. B. Capt. Verney was convicted in Lon- don yesterday of procuring 'a young, woman for immoral purposes, and was sentenced to one -year's itnprisonment without hard labor. The Red Color of the blood is • caused by the Iron it contains. Supply the iron When lading by using Milburn's Beef, Iron and Wine. Influenza is steadily spreading throughout England. Wherever the disease has appeared'it has been assist • ed in its ravages by a return of the cold winds. The mayor of Sheffield has opened a fund for the purpose of procuring medicine for poor patients. FROM THE PACIFIC COAST. We quote from a letter recently re- ceived' from Niss Eleanor Pope, Port Haney, B. C. "For sore throat, coughs, croup, bruises, etc.; Hagyard's Yellow Oil is the best thing I ever used." The Quebec Government has con- cluded a contract ;vita Rev. M. Fafrard cure of Bate St. Paul, to take care of insane patients in the Hospital St. Jos- eph at X50 per head. The well known strengthening prop. erties of Iron, combined with other ton- ics and a most perfect nervine,' are found in Carter's Iron Pills, which strengthen the nehves and :body, and improve the blood and complexion. .At the Ottawa Assizes yesterday Mr. Dalton McCarthy and Judge MacMa,-. hon bad a lively passage -at -arms over a remark made by the judge to a wit- ness. WORTHY OF CONFIDENCE. Those who have used it praise it! Mrs: Geo. Ward writes from Josephine, Ont., concerning . Hagyard's Yellow Oil: "As a sure cure for chapped hands, swellings, sore throat, etc., I recommend Hagyard's Yellow Oil to all." At the Cobourg Assizes yesterday Dr. Alfred Farncombe was fined $300 and costs for negligent treatment in not properly reducing a dislocated shoulder. As an aid to internal remedies for skin diseases, Dr. Low's Sniping Soap proves very valuable. John Flett was elected alderman for St. George's Ward yesterday in sue- 'eession to the late Ald. Gillespie by a large majority over ex-Ald. Maughan. The wife of John Chrity of Glouces- ter, near Manotick, Ont., was found dead in bed .yesterday morning. The cause is supposed to he heart' disease. A COMMON ORIGIN. All skin diseases of whatsoever name Or nature are caused by impure blood. L Burdock Blood Bitters • is a natural foe `ii 1s to impure b1ood,removing all foul humors from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. The United States Government is taking steps to.sccure a portion of the city cemetery at San Franciscofor fort- ification purposes. The Goyeriitnent wants 54 acres. There is no one article in the line of medicines that gives so lai„ •e.a return for the money as a good porous strena'thening plaster, such as Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna B•ackac1he Plasters. At 2 o'clock yesterday the medical health officer had received 573 .appli c ttions for I;he four vacancies to be created by his intended reorganization. DIRECTLY AND INDIRECTLY, Kidney Complaint, dropsy and simi lar troubles depend directly on wrong action of the 1 iclne y s. and indirectly on bad blood. Burdock Blood Bitters rem- ulates the action of the 1 iclneys and cleanses the blood from all impurities; in this way, curing kidney complaint, erman 99 Croup, rup We have selected two or three lines from letters freshly received from pa- rents who have given German Syrup to their children in the emergencies of Croup. You will credit these, because they come from good, sub- stantial. people, Happy in finding what so many families lack --a med- icine containing no ed-icine-containingno evil drug, which mother can administer with con- fidence to the little ones in their most critical hours, safe and sure that it will carrythem through. I D. L. WILLITS, of Mrs. J'AS.W. l(Iai<,. Alma, Neb. I give it Daughters' College, to my children when Iiarrodsburp, Ky. I troubled with Croup have depended upon and never saw any it in attacks of Croup preparation act like with my little daugh-. it. It is simply rax- ter, and find it an in- „ae:Ilotts. valuable remedy. Fully one-half of our customers are mothers who use Boschee's Ger- man Syrup among their children. A medicine to be successful with the little folks must be a treatment for the sudden and terrible foes of child- hood, whooping cough, croup, diph- theria and the dangerous infiamma' tions of delicate throats and lungs. dropsy etc. INC A. J. SNELL, EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock AtItan BUT HAVE THEY THE GOODS TO BACK IT UP. mmaffacmagErsanammagzscammani . r, Having purchased the Estate of John Brawn, I have thoroughly refitted the factory, �, and am manufacturing an elegant line of furniture in Oak, Cherry, Maple' Ash. IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : West of England Suitings and Trous cringe, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser` ings. French and English Worsted Cloth All made rip in the Latest Style, at best Rates. A. 31. SisTELL. IN ORDER TO MAKE SPACE -FOR- SllM6tER GOODS We will clear out the balance of our Winter Stock AT COST Cash. LY Including a splendid assortment of OVERCOATS & SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS. LADIES AND GENTS FURS. LADIES FUR CAPS, MUFFS AND HATS. LADIES NETT, VEST AND WOOL SHAWLS. A NICE STOOK. OF FUR TRIMMIN'S GENTS HEAVY WOOL LINED KID MITS & GLOVES at 75e worth $1. We cant be undersold. in Teas and Sugars for SPOT CASA. JOHN MATHESON. Exeter North $irktoTn. rl'ile Ladies Aid of the St. P'lul's Church, Kirk,t;on, intend holding a Garclea Party on the grounds of Mr. Tt,olnl ` iSo n, 4th concession of �Gillitrm T1lansharcl, on'Friday, i\I ty 22nd inst. Befre1ltmeuts served from E to 7,30 p. m. Mnsie and other attractions pro- vided. Admission, 15 coats: come one, come all, and enjoy .a pleasant time., . HARMLESS HEADACHE POWDERS ,rare an honest medicine fur which' only honest y + straightforward s tate- ntents are made. See that, you get the genuine Neff- man's. effthan s. Insist on having them. They (lure ALI, Steadaoltos. They are not a Cathartic. EITflAL 11Brila STOAy. A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drugs ALWAYS KEPT. 1tiit MeicIigs, Spogos; Dluggist's Sll1l03 At right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions. and Family Receipts r ; l+� Crnfzn9i Prepared. Wit's 1li1ttioii hag& the best in the market. C. LUTA, PROP. Note some .. Prices Bed Room Sets in Antique Oak polished at $18.00 and up; Sideboards in Antique Oaf,, polished ab $10.00' and up ri " Maple, Cherry and Ash at $5.75 and up; i0 " Maple, Cherry and Ash at $8.00 and up Beds, new stile, in Maple or Birch at $1,90, s Extension Tables Writing Desks, Celitre And a handsome assortment of Hall. Stands, r Tables, all in Walnut, Oak, Chary and Ash, and at very close prices. as c cap Remember � make no trashy elm �'up as the Cheapest, e300wood wanted in exchange for fll ntiliEre, 100,000 feet of' �>LC1nAlJ6'.]` and cords of � � � A full Line of TJudertal Ing goods always on hand. Re, • ember tile Stand -Factory and e arer,+, *ms two doors, north of Town Nall, Exeter. WALT. A D E Se COME and SEE. I have on hand the Largest and Best Stock -OF- FURNITURE Ever shown in Exeter at Pries tIit can't In 1lit _In_ Walnut, Oak, Cherry, Maple and tush. And I guarantee all FIRST CLASS in every respect. UD R AKUUC A SPECIALTY, In this line my stock is also complete in CLOTH. AND VARNISHED CASK- ETS and COFFINS of every size and of good quality. Don't forget that this is the best place in town to buy any of these goods. Staud one door north of KOLSONS BANK. Main -St., Exeter. ROBT. N. ROWE. ITENSALL MARKETS, Wheat Fall r eat 95 Spring " 95 Clover Seed. 4.00 Timothy " 1.35 GRAIN. to 96; + to 96; to 4.40; t0 1.40 FLOUR. Barley 41 to 48 Peas 64 to 65 Oats 93 to 41 • Strong Baker's 2:75; ` Straight Roller 2.25 Bran,. shorts & chop. I Butter and lard. Butter tubs 13c. a lb " Rolls 14e. a lb Lard foe a ib .Apples 1.00 to 1.25 per bag. Cabbage 50 to 60c. per dozen Onions 75 to 1.00 per bush. Pork 5.50 to 5.75 Hides 8.50 to 5.00 Tallow 6c. pper lb Sheep -skins 50 to 1.25 Salt 1.25 a barrel Wood. 2,30 to 3.00 Family 2a0; Low Grade 1.50 Bran . Soots per cwt. Shorts 90c do Chop 1.00 do London Huron & Bruce Railway ;Passenger Oxime Table. GOING NORTE. am • p.m. London.dep't8 05 .1.35. Liman. Cros,g847 5.20. Clandeboye 852 528. Centralia 9.05 5.45, EXETER 9.16 5.57. Tdensall 9.28 6.00. Rippen 9 94 6.17: Brucefield 9.42 6.26. Clinton 10.00 6.15. Lon(lesboro' 10.10 7.03. Myth 10.28 7.12. Ilelgrave 10 42 7.27 Wingham 11.002.45. GOING SOUTH. a:m, p.m. 7.05 840. Win gham BlythBelgrave 7.24 4.00. 7.88 4.15. Londesboro' 7.47 4.25. Clinton 8.07 4.45. BKippersrucefiold, 8.26 5.04, 8.34 5.12. Hensel). . 8.41 5.19, ECeXETERa8.51 5ntrlia 9.09 5.45.88.. Clandeboye 9.18 5.56' Luton Cros'g9 24 0:02' London a,rr 1015 646. GI:t w,n Y. THE LEADING :.� dors imer AND Furniture Dealer OF THE N a I have an immense Stock of Z+ urnituro and Undertaking Goods now on hand, which 1 will, sell at right prices. i1NDERTAKINC A SPECIALTY. t, An examination of our tool Solicited, CHRISTIE'S COMMERCIAL) L111) First Class RIGS' And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Terms : Raasoaastbly Telephone Connection. "A STITCH Ill TIME SAYES TIIEE," 50 WILL .A DOLLAR INVESTED IN MALTOP PSYN [an artificial gastric juice -formula onevery label] SAVE 99 DOLLARS to any person suffering from stomach troubles. es- pecially if taken at the first symptom. of Indigestion, which is usually weight at the stomach, SOMaillISS attended by slight pain, and may follow either a wholesome or a heavy meal. At first, this feeling soon passes away, and is only remembered as a I.:Ile rnjfleasant, which, when repeated, gradually be- comes more pronounced. To the average person is now suggested, the cathartic pill, bitters, or other liquid •purgatives, that will clear out the bowels. Such treatment Is worse than useless; it is positively hann- fel. The trouble is in the Stomach the i:uwels arc not responsible, and relief will only come through an intelligent treatment of the disorder within the stomach. b4ALTOPEPSYN is the remedy for all stomach. troubles. Endorsed by the best physicians of Enggland and Canada. Send a ccs. in 'postage for valuable pamphlet to IIA •LEN MORSE, INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE, ONTARIO. ®. Burdock Blood Bitters Is a purely vegetable compound, possessing perfect regulatingpowers over all the organs of the system, and controlling their secre- tions. It so purifies the blood that it CU,, ES All blood humors and diseases, from a com- mon pimple to the worst scrofulous sore, and this combinedwith its unrivalled regulating, cleansing and purifying influence on the secretions of the liver, kidneys, bowels and skin, render it unequalled as a curefor all diseases of the SKI From one to two bottles will cure boils, pimples, blotches,nettlele rash, scurf, tetter and all the simple forms of skin disease. From two to four bottles will cure saltrheum or eczema, shingles, erysipelas, ulcers, ab- scesses, running sores,and all skin eruptions. Itis noticeable that sufferers from akin EASES Are Are nearly always aggravated by -intolerable, itching, but this quickly subsides on the removal of the disease by133.B.B. Passing on to graver yet prevalent diseases, such as scrofulous swellings, humors and SC:OFULA We have undoubted proof that from three to six bottles used internally and by outward application (diluted if the skin is broken) to the affected parts, will effect a cure. The great mission of B. B. Ii. is to regulate the liver, kidneys, bowels and blood, to correct acidity and wrong action of the stomach, and to open the sluiceways of the system to Dairy off all clogged and impure secret- tions, allowing nature talus to aid recovery and remove without fail Faniicr 1'0., Wkoiesaie & 11e1'tai! Grocers, WINE & SPIRIT Merchants, Miinat, Exeter. -THE-' CENTRAL SHAVH PARLOEL EXETER, Ontario. AI HAT1N, PROPRIETOR. Every Attention paid to Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting! . Hastings.ay WATCH THIS SPACE -FOR- Change of "AD" Ea He FISH. THE LIGHT HIG in MACHINE HAS Edo EQUAL :Giver complaint, biliousness, dyspeps'a,siek headache, dropsy, rheumatism, and every species of disease arising from diso'dered liver, kidneys, stomach, bowels and blood. We guarantee every bottle of 13. B. 13. Should any person bo dissatisfied after nsing t t 'st l +e will refund th c mo to on 1 a> bottle, it e o e b � , Y application personally or by leiter. We will also bo glad to send testimonials and in- formation proving the effects el 13. 13 t. in the above named diseases, on application to T, MIL]itJItN & 00., Toronto', Ont, THE LADI ES' ti:AVORITE. TI£lE ONLY `8EWlNG M AQi1t9>IE 1' THAT GlVESIA-Y., NEIVIOMEOlig f1RCN1 • ° C,0lR E� t�ASa.' C3011A60 :; ,. )3 1 �f �Tf-a ICI h1LL. as l ieN nt11ltig.,NX-Aorilatl:as 'PLI11h1A.t8. TElfc St LI,IO, MOS-�„•,�j,�int�pa� SpNi'.RANL`YSLO•Clll:.