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The Exeter Advocate, 1891-5-14, Page 4
mewirserssetesseiereseeirevess Tz >!!!AR>•,�Rs�,�.or�w-n..:..,.wyoy'tu,wY,w,'!vuR�Yv,[.."!...�uu+i.,uatrv,av,w�v„wa!�M-�R,'!!f`.�....,amw�,wuW+Wu.,Am4uwF'LTMLenplW,uw�whw}. THE ..e° eicat.. SANDERS & $WEET, Props. THU13M8DAY, MAY 14th, 1891, CANADA'S :U,U'!'lLI CTORS, It has been said that "it is a filthy 'bid that fouls its own nest"; and cer- tainly it speaks but little for either: the good taste or the patriotism of those detractors of their country who tiro continually staying hard things to t s l: rag'. ent of Canada. Net Otte in she d..l. i G Irl this line has so far exceeded the bounds of common prudence and dec:eucy, as the knighted representative for South Oxford. Fur a length of time Sir Rich and has, both in and out of parliament, done his level best to besmirch our country and to say hard thinks about those who have done most to promote its prosperity He has found one kindred spirit in the person of Profess -2 ,or Goldwin Smith, an Oxford man who has tried England and the United States and Canada as a field for his literary ventures—but whose sympa- thies are more with the neighboring Republic than with any other country. With that passion for scribbling, or what Horace calls the cacoethes scri- bendi, for which Professor Goldwin Smith is proverbial, he has left no stone unturned, and no opportunity -unimproved, to vent his wrath upon the framers of Confederation, more especially upon Sir John Macdonald, for haying succeeded in building up a young nation to the north of the inter- national line. His pessimistic views have lately been crystallized in a little publication entitled "Canada and the Canadian Question," --which has been ably criticized by Dr. Grant, Principal of Queen's University. The Principal who is as much of a politician as he is a divine, has done good service in re- deeming Canada from the aspersions 'east upon it by this detractor of our country; and the Principal has shown by facts and figures that the state- ments of Goldwin Smith are unwa.- ranted, partial and exaggerated in the extreme, and not borne out by history. :More than ten years ao, the same man in a spirit of prophecy, predicted that "the life of the Dominion was not worth a ten year's purchase"—that its manifest destiny was Annexation— that its people, if allowed to speak on their sentiments, were in favor of An- nexation—and that the reason why popular opinion was not so expressed was, that Confederation was forced up- on them under the pressure of Imper- ial authority. All which is contrary to fact. Professor Goldwin Smith must surely be blind to reason when he talks of our people's sympathy for. American institutions in the face of 1.epeatod elections, particularly of the last Dominion election, in which—as the Minister of Finance lately showed in his splendid reply to Sir Richard Cartwright on the floor of the House of Commons—the one simple question put before the Electorate of the Maritime Provinces was that of British connect- ion or unrestricted reciprocity! Prin- cipal Grant shows that, in speaking of the four geographical districts now forming the Dominion, Professor Gold win Smith has "exaggerated every sentence" he has written about Can- ada's territory,—and that the supposed obstacles which nature presented have all been overcame by the construction of the International and Canada Pa- cific Railways, giving us free and un - .'interrupted communication, both in winter and summer, with all parts of .die Continent—and forming the best and shortest military road between Britain and the fartherest East. Dr, 'Grant, in his seething criticism of Goldwin Smith's ,, book, concludes by yi'ving figurer to proye that Confeder- ation was not a failure:—and although like every similar organization, it has cost money, ---yet the deposits of our ;people in building societies, and loan companies,inthe Savings Bank and' chartered Banks,have increased to a degree far exceedingthe lnost san- guine expectations of those who fr•am- 'ed Confederation, Then as, to expenses r t . our system of Cxo"tielnment has not ;cost one hundred the )art of the money y Or blood .which our neighbors. to the South of us have had to expend to. ,Maintain the tTiiion.' While, to use Princip, al Grant's words "it has been Said with truth that there are not in ,s'he world five millions of people better :fed alid`better clad or more peaceful, prosperous, intelligentI and God -fear, b pg than the 5,000,000 Who callCanadr • their ,lltrro- 7 ,,and_vho mould fight to t(rc aleasir for the r t 0 1 t; l� olfait. t t he natty, and Ogg honor ' ofth' at home," TFX 14. I'. • 'QR WY. ST IIURol Among the many curious episodea that hitve transpired during the pies out Session of Parliament was Mr. M. C, Cameron's. presentation of a 13111 to, amend the Election, Act. 13y this Bill, the stainless purist ofilWest Huron pro" pesesto make all violations of the pre sent Act misdemeanors, punishable by fine and imprisonment or both. In tones of assumed moral rectitude, our immaculate representative professed to nave a holy horror of all corrupt pract.• ices in the conduct of elections, from the candidates and returning officers down to the humble voter. His speech sounded very much like Satan reprov- ing sin. Does Mr, Cameron forget the atme of political corruption reached by his party in the campaign of 1373, when they moved heaven and earth to secure a victory, and by the most nn• scrupulous means and wilful misrepre- sentation succeeded in ov.'rturnin5 the government of Sir John Macdonald? Does Mr. Cameron forget his own ad- mission to the Court that tried the South Huron election that he had spent from $10,000 to $14,000 by agents in order to carry the election at that time? Has Mr. Cameron forgotten that he barely escaped with the skin of his teeth from being disqualified from ever again offering as a candi- date for parliamentary honors? Has he forgotten that the Superior Court which tried the case, on reviewing the evidence, declared in giving judgment that "there are strong grounds for thinking that the respondeat M. C. Cameron was guilty of personal brib- ery". Suppose the Bill now introduced by this paragon of purity had been the law of the land at that time, there is enough on the records to show that Mr, Cameron would have been serving his country in another capacity and in another sort of builder; than within the four walls of the Parliament build- ings. No doubt every honest legislator desires to see purity in the conduct of elections, and will join hands with ev ery effort to curtail and prevent every- thing like bribery, treating, terrorism, ledger -influence, and every other cor- rupt practice which would ,,,bias the electorate. But when a man such as the present rcprseetative of West Hur- on rises in his place iu the Commons, and assumes the role of a political pur- ist, it is rather too much for ears polite to listen to such arrant hypocrisy,when every one knows that if there is a member of parliament more deeply in- volved in the guilt of corrupt practices and foul language and fierce invective and false representations, that man is M. C. Cameron. Such exhibitions of hypocrisy are enough to make the an- gels weep. The movement on the part of certain members of the Opposi- tion to abolish the Dominion Franchise, and place the control of our elections in the hands of the different Provinces, is one that will scarcely pass muster,— not even with those who usually sup- port the Opposition. Biddulph Council Minutes. Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment the Reeve and all members pres- ent. The following accounts were or- dered to be paid. -W. Hudson table and chairs, council chamber, $10; J. Cooper drawing lumber and posts Div. 2 $3.50 W. Hodgins,do, $3; R. Cooper, rep fence gravel road, $1; R. Guest, do $1; J. Hodgins, do, $1; F. Kent do $1, W. At- kinson, box culvert, div. 2, $1: T. At- kinson, drawing plank, div. 2, 50 cts. E. Davis culvert div. 3, $2.25; T. Ryder ditch, div. 3, $2.25; W. Ilasket, rep. bridge, div. 3, 50 cts; T. Hodgins rep. culvert, div. 3, 50 cts; W. Blatchford rep. St. Marys S road, $1; G. Langford, rep. culvert,do, $3.50; Baycey & Bayley legal exp. re purchase of Town Hall $17.84; Salvation Army, per J. Fox,pur chase of Town Hall, $350; W. Wheli . han,rep. road and culyert,div. 4.50 cts; P. McGee, rep. approach to bridge,N. B. $1. The clerk was instructed to repre- sent the township in the .natter of. the Ryder—Dorsey ditch. The Court of Revision was appointed to be held on Monday June 1st next, A large depu- tation of the leading citizens of Lucan with their council paid the township councila complimentary visit being the first meeting in their new hail,and, gave them a hearty welcome to the villitage. At the same time compli melting them on their comodious hall and expressing the pres- ent a that the )res P eiit cordial relation between the respec tine municipalities may always- The council adjourned to meet in their. council chambers, Lut'tn, on Monday the est day of June neat at 9 o clock a. m. J. D STANLEY, Clerk: DONT ,FEEL WELL, Andetyou are not ;sick enough to �' r consult a doctor, or you refrain from so doing for fear you will alarm your- self and friends --we will tell you just what you need. It is Hood's Sarsapar ilia, which will lift you. out of that un- certain, uncomfortable, dangerous con':' dition, into a state of good health, con- fidence and onfidence'and cheerfulness, ' You've no idea how potent his peculiar inedlclno is in c1152$ like yours. THE COMING sox0014 OF MEDICINE, ���CUTORS' NUTIC�, �11l� U11L�1�,$i9Y it U 1 X 11: In the }natter of tile Estate of Thomas ebing,late of the Tow,r1ship of Hay, in the County of Huston, lreonian, Choago, Tali. ls1,1888. Thus is to certify that I have made a thor- deceased. ough iuvestitation of the Histogenetic mod - Wines, prepared by Dr, J. Eugene Jordan,ancl of his unique methods of research, and ane therefore eonipetiont to furansi,rreet Judg- ment: T pronounce them marvellogs, pro- ducts of the highest skill showing ton acquait anoe with the natural'; sciences far in ad- vance of any savant with whose works the world is acquainted., The amount of time and pt instakine, whieh the .doctor has ex- pended upon a single branch of spootrostlopy is enormous, and his discoveries startling, Also having used these medicines in my own practice, I can say that their actual secoess In curing disease id as great asistheirdiicOv- orv. The revolution otthe medical science of to -day is no dream -it is at hand. J. 1J S. 3Cis0, M. D, P. D. Prof, Chem. and Toxicology Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago. The 1•liatogenetiotheory'of reaching' disease 1st—Rebuilding the cliseasedcells and tissues of the body, with the same proximate prin- cipals and'ferrents, organic bodies, and so on, which are normally ,prepared in the body by the glands. The medicines aro "pi•oparect by chemical processes, in a perfectly pure condition and are quite tasteless, Diseases heretofore oou,iderect loourabis are cared by these medicines. In acute diseases such as La Grippe, Pneumonia, Typhoid,i)iphthoria, etc:., the patient improves at once. TESTIMONIALS. Mrs, McCullough, 901,4 Adelaide street east, Toronto very rapid more of congestion of liv- er and inflanitna tion of 1 ienieys, J. C. Sinoler. SS Victoria street, Toronto, bronchial trouble, effects of la grippe, cured in one week. C. 11 Wood, in Jarvss street, Toronto, kid- ney trouble, gravel and constipation. Henry }repent' t, 744 Markham street, To- ronto, consumption cured in a few weeks, Mrs. J .:l'awcett,10e. John street, Toronto, female troubles. Had been in Toronto Gen- eral Hospital, also treated by several physis Maus. After usiug Histogenetic Medicines two weeks was a new woman. Joseph PerkinstTeeueiseli St., Toronto, re- markable cure of paralysis. John Burial,gett, Mattawa, Ontario, nerv- ous debility, etc., 30 years; two weeks' medi- cines did more for him than ell the other remedies he had taken in the 30 years. Thomas Williams, 100 Robert street,Toron- to, coustun ption cured in few weeks. T. M. Hammond, Springfield -on -the -Credit Ont , hemorrhages from the lungs and bad cough two years, consumption cured in few weeks. Call or send for free book explaining His- togenetic system. One of our staff will visit Exeter every Two Weeks at "Central Hotel." Dates for June. Monday - - cs - - cc 1st, 15th 29th CONSULTATION FREE, Histogenetic Medicine Association. Rooms 2 and 3 Albion Block, Richmond. St. London, Head Office for Western Ontario. Head Office for Canada, 10 Yonge Street Market, Toronto. May 14-1 yr. L i thii aa.uw.ameor i+a.01002:11..-s A New Tailor 'hop5 The Undersigned wishes to inforan the people of Exeter and surrounding. country that he has opened out Tintztn haulm And is prepared to do work in latest style and workmanship. x II II x II _ II x II _ II x GIVE HIM A CALL - x 11 = II x II -- H x 11. - II W0 fVIIIIITEEO. Over F. J. Knight's Grocer Store. BERT KNIGHT. For Salem A. desirable residence in Exeter North, now frame house, one -fifths acre of land. The house was erected in 1982. Good terms to purchaser. Apply at this office. 145-t 1 . •:1- ;,.l'.i r '519 n Ir'ilu di!.f , M,{h , F..OE:ALilr.I►EKI.:T 1P6 EEB:N Por LOOT or FA1Li1TG 2ANF.003, General and T$.9- VOU9 DLDILr5T, woataeos of Body and Mind, Elfootr of Errordor,Exeooectlin Old or'Youag, Robust, rani /Ger- 800D fellyy 9 eotorecl.:' floe/ to enlargs and strengthen VELE MUDS/SLOPED 0R0 Air" 9l; :TO of DODY. Abaclutely tin- failla SOMETREA'i'MRNT—Denolitninaday witty from±0 States and roast Confect:, gn o Write them. Boots explatatien and proofs mailed (sealod) fico.' Address. ERIE [MEDICAL CO., MUFFALO, N. Y. FfiEEntnill 14ECI ti f46.111b0SI NOME grtusnieed Ildre1il:N11'cup 44‘, n,!'lr44r' ' SJ( fR' 0,i, ',AI ,� ....... ` M M,1; b5 �.� J, pa l'iOtioo is. hereby given pertinent to the Re- yieed Statutes of Outurio,Chapter lieseetiou 36, that creditors and other porsoas having any olaunser demands egaix stthe estate of Thomas Ching, lete of the Township ofHay,, in the County of Moron who dfed on or about the 4th day of April, 1891, are required to sena by 1 oet,prcpeid,or deliver to Saumuel. panders, of the 'Village of . xeter, one of tho Executors of the said Estate on. or —before-- The First Day of Juno,1891, their fall names, addresses and doserili- tions sold full par ieulars of their claims duly vertified, and Clue nature of the seeurit- ies (if tiny) hold by them, And notice is far- ther given that atter the said lastmentioned date the said ea.eoutor will proceed. to dis- tributo the assets of the saiddecoased among the porseits entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given as required and the said executors will not betits po siblefurthe assets or any part thereof so distribntocl, 10 any person at whose olaim'notice shall not have boon received at the time of the said distribution. LEWIS 1.1. DICKSON, Solicitor for SAMUEL i l,ND.I!lltg,1, , - hors and '.HOAIASCli.ING, J iti. ) Dated Exeter iSth April, 1801, E OtOr 711, gS1011 IRS EMPORIUM. PERKINS & MARTIN, PROPS. ' We cary the most complete stock of Musical instruments in the county. PIANOS, ORGANS, VIOLINS, ALSO SEWING MACHINES, BICYLES, LAND IMPLEMENTS &c. The above instruments always on hand. Terms to suit Purchasers. GIVE THEM A CALL. EVERYTHING AWAY DOWN. PERKINS & MARTIN. W. G. Bissett's Livery. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. BISSETT. EXETER MARKETS. Wheatper bushel.. $1.00 to 1.03 Barley 45 to 48 Oats 55 to 55 Peas 70 to 71 Butter Eggs .... Potatoes per bus Hay per ton ... . 14 to 16 .... 10 to 11 50 to 50 , , 5.00 to 6.00 THE GREAT CO PETITIONT THE CANADIANAGRICU,LTUR, IST'S ,$s,oao WORD HUJI'IT, Positively closes May 29th, 0391, (15 days thereafter being allowed for letters to reach us fr'otn, distant points.) The following nm n iti cot pr i,r.o Wil! Le Alyea free b, persons sending in the .(rent at ',ender of words itheie up hitt of the !atm s ooutalnoJ le the: two ii Onis,"The Aeri ultnl•let," 1atPruc 01,,100 inf;nlci 00 in tlniti 3r,1 $1,000Orsini I pin.• .5111„ ... u . TUU t an '1.'il bet; t(i clot retort lady e t Ile! 1Vara St11- Grua s t 4e1 t (.blunt �'n,.10 .10t961h FluI 1iI.O Case Sill, 11 msi 11th. .p,, -flavor vuc! 25 prizes of 510 each 50 prizes of $ f e:hr h, 101) prizes of • $2 each 200 urui e of '1 melt, making n total of 446 prices, the v,ih;c of which ui!' nggrega a 85,000, This i1rand Word -Molina Compel; tion is open to cvetyI,olly, everywhere, sttl Jr, , tri the tai lowing condition)); 9t ,•o • 1 , I ,t ons • 1 e t t<!s rr tst ,t nn 5 , t,7�i,.11inrr. this two words. 'The Agriculturist,” amt muni, to old:, such as May to found in 1Veh to r a Vint ln ol, t l 0(1,' , .,, cry, and in the body of the book, none et I lu r ep,i!oci 'ne to he used, The words lutist be written in ink on inn rib of the paper only, and numbered in r0ratu n IJono 1 s0 on to the end of the )[rt, fn, facllao Ii,I, 111el,�uiJ.rr,; the winner)). rs The list containing the burnout 1, 01, r 1; wool,'wdi hi( awettue8 first p0 o" 1, .doc on In the wlei Of inerit I,noh tial rt itis rrnnived at 1 fit 1hr, Canadian Agridnll 1riuf' will ho n[nehcre.d, and orrm 'n ie >l tic F ''n on largest I -f, the n1 rr i r r first cvctpfthF f l rtVai dtctrhneInuthe next scaled soon.There Fore the bnefitof Sending 1111ly Will readily be Seen 1 achllsr !Mist 0,, a"co,ni1.n'e 1 by 51 for b tat a h±auh ett iption t0 the ` C, nlu'd, 0 our i rdi'viat One.' prr:•on can send in ono cif' more list accompanying eaphl 1[a' with for W'h[elr the pn1?ei' (1011 be sent to toy 1'01'' for six months. The faintlyhest , paper in (leucite, ft hi by no means a new paper, behas been established up- wards of keno,;:pears, and each year grows In the (, tin,- tirin of the su!raerfbcr, rtContains ne trashy, highly tailored. Nation, but has inti!rostntu stories of a higher elects by the inostpopular nn thors of tate day, It is am nerhtly !CU erpnpot'for the Melte 5;cl Anil at in ynar11i the cheapest and boat l,,o e vin the moil et, 01 1' r:mnpre tit!nu ;,will pinsit.ively same en the LthaVit named ,date, liereenibor, yell aro paying' 1 toe n., Ineettet snahZr ttf nn 000000 to onetimofe the000 bsy0t hdrno ifalrOrn in. Galeria, stir. n,i he gond uhaocc of winning n vnluabte prize. AOEITS W.trorrri Pheohirntof the pnhlinlieeof the Chtnttdlau Aprleitltm•ba" in 5, 113 avity tl;,'80 large ninotmts hr malt is to erfend rho cirrntldti0noitlrn paper, and rt tt-+mi,nr of agent. are 1(111iet«1 In I very iora1[tyr to ,Vh0iii 100 pay Will lir nr ,'r,:rl, Seat three Mint nit MD ler Partiei ars les t0ehtllhl¢tr?Moe, etc. Addreser,8I'nii CAhA Aorckobt.±r,n CU) , r'otepbor0o8h„ glttado, uuYtvwi!M,sY.Yr, aqui.,�,,rwr,wYw�!Mew.�W,�•.1..Rr4vw�wY�,l�..�q!!,,,�?rPru',. ... ILL B 0., Tip Leading Oil, :'lis of Canada, Are t`ll. pleasing the public with oils,Why use an oil that 5� p n y will injure your machinery when you can get the 301ebl'atecl SPECIALTIES: - r . k Spindle,Boltout- Cylinder,�o,� dine, Wool, Eureka, ea, n 'y Solar, Farness. fact k,rh,.t,.ems Toronto. , --FOR SALE BY— BISSETT 08.1 Exeter e reaccn rtna my um.wnm.,caw,.rm.v,c.- mv6aYars:enema.w-,e mnvu.u.. vgm.searanommenntoom.zs..smix....atamxmAvm,mn .1 SP' IN . CAlIP:iI(x>'. FOR THE EARLY SPRING TRADE WE ARE SHOWING THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF $ 1.II $ ll II $ Ill :II II : 11 1 I AHANAN'TYfKED UiTINff3 $ 11 Q $ N $ IIII $ II II II $ Scotch Tweed Suitings, Fancy Worsted Suitings, Black Worsted Suitings, Fancy Panting, and Spring & Sum- mer Ovel'coating that has been shown in EXETER for some time. All made up in the Latest Style by First Class Hands. And at Prices that will suit Bad Times. WE GIIIIMITEE GOOD FIT 0R N0 OLE. -4—§—§—§—§—§ -§ GIVE ''sE A CLL. �► �^1 �fy � 7 'f MES H. GRIE ti E 0,1 7 Our Spring Stock of Shelf and Heavy Hardware consisting OF Locks, Hinges, One-half car Nails, Window -glass, Putty, Paints and, Oils, All kinds ©f wire, Barb, Buck Thorn, Oiled. and. Anueal- ed at lowest cash price. *� ISS TT ROS. P. S.. --Also a :first-class stock of tinware to select from. WOO RICCArdliESENCE. Exeter Roller Mills. MARKET REPORTS. WHEAT 1.04 TO 1.05 per bush Our Selling Prices. Flour, strong bakar's, $3.00 per 100 " best faintly, 2.75 ai tt " low grade, 2.00 " u Bran, 90 ii Middlings, 1.00 " it Screenings, 100 it ft Chop, L20 to 1.80 t- tt Chop stone rcunning every day. TERMS CASIL The Exeter, Milling Co CITY n HOTEL LONDON, ONTARIO. iper dm 1 i J. oi J &MARTINt Proprietors. TIIE r BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT T` Ym. e IIel OI 1.1 TYPE from printed which this paper is pain eci mat; supplied by the, -. I, .:. TORONTOTYPE'1#!� 7Deale;rs in typo, Presses, ri 1 Printers' Sul pli'e , a c pp s J, T. JOHNSTON SO & 82 Wellington St►west' r TORONTO! EIORSE'S GLYCEROLE OF CELERY COMPOUND: A SAPS remedy for teething infante and adults suffering from all nervous trouble.. Guaranteed to contain to opium or tiny drugs eroept those printed on forma.. on every bottle. Endorsed by physicians. raven, 60.Oxttrae Por sale by druggists, Send two cent stamp for descriptive circular to TitAu4 G, ylaOE, ' flaxen Morse, Buffalo. N. Ye In stamps [simply as a fOCo �0jy. guaranteeofgoodfaith] to us, and Ivo wilt send you by express, C.U.D., this ologant watch which you can examine, ant if you do not find it allandevenmare. tha.0 wo chum fora l 1 it 00' NE IT, but if perfectly sat isfactory, pay the I xpress AT TAKE OUR SPECIAL CUT PRICE th OF o'wat$5.36ch. andStakuchae ' chance, to secure a 5`10, reliable timepiece 4at such a ridiou- , l.onsly low price ie t , p seldom, if ever be- tr� i ltd'\ 1:.. r fore, offered. This �`�a Y�ll�' t is a genuine COLD e: l I, f L - ar . + FILLED nun m le f t. t, ' tet. , oS.:, tat e f BO UO P X10 tiCOLDon overmetalcom.Itposhas i:- olid bow, cap and crown, hunting case,Y beau„ifell en- graved and is dnst- proof, 7he.work9 .r. <. are ti, althamtl� le r. , et richly' jevt o led, with expansion balance, s regulated,.and we werrantitan accurate time- keeper. [t xu. sllitaUTe for either a lady of Gentleman. A guarantee is sent with each Address wateh intS3; roti Mi, ontP Ii• t?L tvA:r W'atchm0ker5, Peterborough, Ont: sa gt h eftft, and aslip of paper the 0.i�Gtl® 141 Nodflleesize ofyadrfinger,and 170 will send you postpaid this elegant ELDORADC'u1A510Ni1 SOLID OLD FILLED RING These rings aro .210W Worn by ladies and, gentlemen in the best society, and have the salvo appearance as A ringcostihg, 25.00, Wo guarantee aporfoct fit end satisfaction. Address C'ei. W. Wyatt S Co. ,`f't.YVt,lieis Peterborough, Onto