HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-5-14, Page 1,eti'll.i.4.1,41".f•;''' VOL. IV. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 4.444444.4.44444.414■14 • O.206 The MoFlacons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) Paid Up Capital .... $2,000,000. Rest Fund ... .... 1,000,000, Iloaa office Montreal, F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GENERAL MANAGER. Twenty Branca. offices in the Dominion Agencies in the Dominion, U. S. and Europe =assaaTe.,"=".ER, 7.31seaZa.laTC74-=. Open every lawful day from TO a. in, to 3 p. ma Satnrdays 10 a.m. to 1 p. m A generalbanking business transacted all Four per cont. per anniun owed for money on Deposit Receipts. N. DYER HURDON Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub Manager, THE exieterIs -4,boorate published every Thursday Morning, at the °facie, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. By the SANDERS' PUBLISHING COMPANY. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid. in Advance. $1.59 if not so paid. aa.a.arestifaixag Mate= csa No.paper discontinuea until all arrearages are paid.. Aalvertisements without speeilie directions will be published till forbia ancl charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of -TOB PRINTING- tuned. out in the finest style, M11 at moaerate rates. Chequesquoney ord- ers, Sze,. f or stay ertieing, subscriptions, etc. to be made pavable to Sanders & Sweet PROPRIETORS Churelt Tweet:Ora% TR1VITT MEMORIAL CITURCH.--Hev, S. r, Robinson, Rector. Sund.ay Services, 11 a. ni a,nd. 7 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p.m. METHODIST OHURCH-Sames-st , Rev. A. L. Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services,10.30 a. m. and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2 p. m. MAIN STREET -Rev. J. Wilson, Pastor. Sun day Services, 10.30 a.m. and 6.30 p. m. Sabbath School 2.30 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN CHIJRCH.-Rev. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Servicesail a. m. and 6.30 p. m. Sabbath School, 9,45 rrOfeSSional. Card S. +carat_ H. KINSMAN,L.D.S, Fauson's Block two doors north of Carling Store, 4. ..... MAIN STREET,EXETER, extracts teeth withOut pain. Away at Hensall on let Friday; Allen, Craig on and and. 4th Tuesday; and. Zurich on last Thursday of each mouth. G H. INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal College Dental Surgeons successor to H. L. Billings. Office over °Neil' s Bank, Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetics given for the painless extraetion of teeth. Plates se- cured firmly in the mouth by Yemen's pat - tent Valve Luc an every FridaY . T B WHITELY, M. Da C. M., PHYSICIAN . ancl Sargeon. Office and. residence - Corner "Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderich, Ontario. 'rail. J. A. ROLLINS. 0FFICE-3fAIN ST. ▪ Residenee-Corner Andrew and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. TNR. CROSKERY, Member Royal College • Surgeons, England; Licentiate Rolla/ College of Physicians, Edinburgh; Member College of Phyeicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Office, Mitchell's old. stand, Crediton, Ont. thii. MeLELLAN EYE al EAR SURBEGN. Graduate New York Eye and Ear Hospital Eyes taste& and. glasses supplied. Office cor. Maple and Talbot streets, LONDON, ONTARIO • • • T. A. AMOS, M. D., C. M , Member of ▪ College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College of .Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh; licen- tiate of the Faculty of Physicians and Sur- geons; Glasgow., Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Toronto. Office -Dr. Cowen's old stand.. TNR. DAVID M.STABLER, (UNIVERSITY .1.1 of Toronto') Physician, Surgeon etc. Having spent the winter of 1880-'61 in 'New York, and. the winter of 1887-'88 in 'Vienna, A.ustria. OFFICE, CREDITON, ONT. 'Fa H. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT- - . OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office- Over Post Office., Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. LFf. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR . of Supreme Court, Notary Public, C on- veyanoer, Gommissioner, Sze. Money to loan 011ice--Fanson's Block, Exeter. LLIOT St ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC - Ili Hors, Conveyancers, ate. Money to loan et 6 per cent., B. V. ELLIOT. J. ELLIOT TT BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed A.uct- • ioneer for the Countiea of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of Usborpe Sales proniptly tttened. to aud term s reason e. Sales 'arranaed at.Post office, Winchelsa A j. ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Liam, s- Caased Auctioneer, for the counties of Hur- on and Middlesex. Residence: 1 mile south of Exeter, Ont. Salo Orders by mail or other- wise promptly attended to at reasonable prices. TIT RoLT, lahiva, Ontario. Licensed auct- V V . ion tier for the Conaties of Middlesex and Lainbto,n, ancl the tOwnehips of Stephen and. Hay All sales promptly attended to 1.74 BOSAENBERRY, Itensall Ontario Lie - Jae Anctioneer for the Countys of Huron .and Perth, Chargee moderate and a atisfaction guaranteed. ,alaRED. W. FAR1O03f.11, Proyinciar Land 3. Sarveyor Ana Osvl Engineer. Off -Lem Over Post Office, Main street, Eatetek, Ont. ' 1-4. TIAY .RD, LiCensea AuctiOneer or the Coin ty of Huron, Salee Concluetea oh reasonable terms. Form and Ferro Stock a spedialtyI3'ull arranaeMents cat be Made at this office. tritaitOWSVG VettLS,' noAttivo and pdarnaiimit mire for Irtgroiva g ails,. NO pall), Serif, /MO paitl for 15,'. &Anita or silver., AddreffS,I-Ianki flalaatalt0 Oittaatai, ONT. • . • • 136-161 AT:; T T IB 4.4.4444.4ea.....aaaa NE T WEEK, CHANGE OF ADVERTISEMENT. W. E. ClCHEIOUR, vrioggist, THE GURATERBRUG STORE, EXETER, ONTARIO, ...a,r.W2lir,01,,R141WWKIMMTANCIM 411016RIMIWIDI.11. dif01.111144.11MIR21.....P61,1MVSMIRMIII/TIMMIA.1413111/101.1MPAIMMIIM BULL FOR SERVICE The undersigned will keep on lits premises, Lot 7, Con. 2, Stephen, a thoao naah bred. tont, which -will be served to a limited nmuher of cows. Terms: -$1 payable at time of serviee with privilege of returning if necessary. Wat Rana -Alma Centralia, NOTICE. The annual meeting- of the Share Holders of the Exeter Salt works Co., will be held on the. 29th inst., Friday at 2 o'clock p: in. sharp Town Hall. T. B. CARLING, SOey. WANTED. Good General Servant for private family in London. Wages $8.00 per month. Apply at this office. J. R. JAYNES, 170 Kent St. London. , ALMOST LIKE MAGIC * Is the effect of Clark's Lightning Lini- ment when applied to a burn. It stops the pain instantly, 'and even in the worst cases the healing is zapid and thorough. There is no other preparat- ion equal to it, and in the States its use has become general in the hospitals Clark's Lightning Liniment stands alone as a Pain Alleviator. • Sold by all first-class druggists; price fifty cents. Clark Chemical Co., Toronto, New York. Chiselhurst. SAIL -There has been another death in our neighborhood. On Tuesday of last week, Janie, daughter of Thomas Gilgan, passed away afterl 'short ill ness. The family had only recently moved into this village, and the father had left for the west shortiv before her death took place. The family have the sympathy of all hi their sad be- reavement, • LADIES. Call and see the big drive in Dress Goods this week at E. J. Spackman & Co's, 30 cts dress goods for 15 cts all wool; 40c dress goods for 25 cts all wool. These are spec- ial lines and cannot be re- placed at the price. s5 oee 111 goad fora wife. We will give to the first, person tel ling us before June 1st, 1391. where in the Bible. the word "wiEn" is first found, $100.00 in gold. To the neat $50,00. To the third, $25.00. To the fourth, $20.00. To the fifth, $15.00. 'o the sixth, $10.00. io the next 25, $5 each. To the next 25, $2 each. To the person sending in the last correct answer, eve will give, $100 in avid. To the next to the last. $50, atteul so ou eame as from the first. With yoar answer send 25cts. in silver, well wrap tied, or Post Office Money Order or Script, for a'box of Dr. Cole's Blood and Liver Pills, the best Blood, Liver, and Stomach Pills ever made. Sure cure for sick headache. Don't Gripe. REMEMBER. the presents are absolutely free, being given away to advert'se Dr. Cole's Perfect Pills and Family Remedies. At the close of the contest the names and addressee of all the lze winners ay:flapper in THIS paper. We refer you to the Traders Bank, of Orillia. Send at once and be first. Address Home Specific Co. Orillia, Ont. 13t-194 Licensed Auctioneers and reddiers. The following gentlemen havinee° de posited the '')..equisite fees withthe County Treas., and have been granted licenses to act as auctioneers ancl ped- dlers in the county of Huron for the year 1891: Auctioneers -David Dick- inson, George Kirkby, John Currie, G. Barton, Joseph Cowan, John Knox, F. S. Scott, W. G. Duff, Petea. Deans, jr., Thomas Brown, James Howson, Joseph Mallough, John Farrow, C... Hamilton, Jas. Jones, A. Bishop, F. Hiesperger, Joseph Brine, Thos. N. Carling, Henry Eilber, E. Bossenberry, John Gill, John Griffin, R. M. Charles, L. Hardy, A. J. Rollins, Anthony Reymann, Peddlers, Wray, Richard Baker, J. L. Courtiee, Wm. Wiley, J. W. Gibson, Feed Gossman, Geo. Beatty, jr, J. C. Clark, Thomas Dearing, Clement New- ton, John E. Cantelon, George Clanston Lobb, Thomas Watson, R. Stanbury, Thomas Sneyd. Any persons acting as auctioneers or peciddlers whose names are not in the above lists are unlicensed and are, conSeeuently, Subject to the penalty prescribed by the eaunty bylaw. Exeter co ancii reoneestings The Council met pursuant to ad journment at the Town Rail, Exeter, 6 May, 1891. All present except Mr. Ross. The minuteS of previous meet. up; read and approved. Orders were granted for the following surns, viz: - H. Speck man $3.49, glit'ss nails etc.; J. Creech $2.charity to Mrs. McIntosh; do $1.50 to Mrs. McIntyre; do $1 to Mrs, Wilcox; The Clerk $25 part salary and Albert Bissett $10 for street watering. Revision of the Assessment Roll, for 1891 to be held at the Town Hall, Ex- eter, on Tuesday the 26th May at 8 o'clock p. no. A culvert to be put in at Mr. Jas. Goulds. Assessment for street watering! 7 cts per foot fronta,ge. The Council adjourned until after Court of Revision 26th May. M. Eaerett, Clerk. The Ceuncil met by order of. the Reeve on 7th May, 1891. All present. The Reeye stated the object of, the meeting, namely: to take sone actions to prevent the firing of property,which is of frequent occurrence of late. It was agreed to offer a $100 reward to any person giving information that *ill lead to the convietion of the guilty parties. The Clerk to order cedar at once Adjouned nett! 26th May, M. EACRETT, Clerk. reraonai mention. Mr. John Grigg has been confined to the house for the past few days with a severe cold. --Mr. Jennie Hoose, the popular fruit tree agent of London, is in town again. -Messrs Edward San- ders. and Henry Baher left. for Howard City, Michigan, on Monday.. morning, where they have seethed situations in a large Cabinet factory,. -Mr. Alb- eet Cleek, of London; is 'here for a short time. -Mrs. John Spackman left for St. Thomas on Tuesday even- ing last, where she will :visit her moth - en -Mr. John E. Tom, I. P. S., of God- erich, was in town this week. --Mr. Geo Eacrett, who left here a few days ago to accept a situation in Tilsoriburg left there on Monday last for St. Marys. - Dr. Cutton; of Dashwood, left on , Mon- day for Montreal where he Will remain for a few days. -Mr. and Mrs. Richard Seldon, of Ingersoll, gave Exeter another call last week. -Mr. Ed. Gil- bert, who has been visiting here for some time, left on Monday • morning fir Swartz Creek, 'Mich, -Mr. George Simpson, who has been engaged With R. Pickard and Son, left on Monday for his home in Brueefield.--Mrs. David Plewes, who has been residing here for some time with Mrs. Thomas, left on Tuesday evening last for Norwood, where she will join her husband.- • Harpley. The fishermen of this vicinity been off work on account of the winds by whith the lake was rough. The Rev. Mr. Henderson, of Bayfield, will occupy the pulpit in Mr. Carriers place in the Presbyterian church next Sabbath at two o'clock., have high very Fortune favored the well diggers at Mr. Wm. Hickey.'s with getting plenty of water as it rose to within a foot of the'surface. The same men are work- ing at Mr. Samuel MeLinchey's.at pres- r. Geo.Sh.erritt had 2 lambe' killed by dogs on Thursday of last week, and Mr. Jas. Hodgins had 1 killed on Friday night, we expect to hear of somebody's dog having been killed on Saturday night and it would haye servedthe brute right for sheep is a profita stock at present. ' Farquhar. (To late for last week) Most of the farmers are done seeding, in this section. Fall wheat is looking remarkably well this spring. • Mr. A. E. Bodgert • lost a valuable marc a shortlime ago by being gored by a steer. POV Mr. Martin of Fxeter, oceuPied the Thames -Road -Presbyterian pulpit on Sunday evening last, Mie Geo. Pringle, of Motherwell, waS visiting his brother-in-law Mr. Simon Campbell on Stintlay lag. mr, Joseph Armstrong our popular hotel keeper is eying up businese in this place and going into retirement, Mr. A Dittman, our poetteaster, who was serloualy hart about the head and Shoulders by fatten' from an apple tree Some titne ago is able to be around •asaaa'asa....sa Brewster, Miss Loo Collins is eve -god as cook at the Commercial House. Mr. Wm. Struthers spent two or thee days in Clinton last week. Miss. A. Turnbull went south on Sat- urday, wonder where she was? Mr. J, Taylor, of Mitchell is at pres- ent visiting friends ia this vicinity. Wm. Jennison got sick while helping; S. Ross to drive stakes for his fishery on Saturday last. Mr. Allen the blind man was along, last week sellieg fancy articles and repairing organs, We noticed that the Brewster items got a slight addition last week after it left the correspondents heeds, Hay School Report. The f011awing is the April report of the pupils of S. S. No. 2, Hay. The names are in order of merit. H. Russell, Jas, Camp- bell, Feed MeTagg•art. Partt,---sWillie Murray. Foutera.-Cecil A. RosseDavid Smith Kate C ha Pni a n. Tiritta-,-Ealph Chapman, Beatrice 'Warren, Maud Russell and Millie O'- Brien, equal. SEN. SECOND -Jas. Shirry, Nellie Northcutt, Nellie Gould. Jule. sreecean.-J no. Todd Willie War. ren, 13eckie, Northcott. SECOND PART -1101'a MorIllOOlt Mil- ton Russell, Melvin Gould. Fiiisv PART,- Ed. O'Brien, Rachel Essay, Willie Busch, Winton. On Saturday morning, 9th inst., shortly after six o,clock, Constable Bub men of Listowel, with Chiefs Wheatly and Paisley, attempted to arrest a young Mau for burglary committed in Harristom Belo°.t'traced to Clinton, he was found in theCommercial Hotel in his room. - He was Ordered to come out, but refused, and fired with his pistol through the door. He locked the door and made a feint to escape by way of the window. Upon doing so all hatalglushed out to intercept him there, except Constable Bulmer, who 'remained in the hallway. The man rusheclenit, and was grasped firmly by .BuladreMili drawing leeeolyere. Tne burglar nianagedto shoot the consta- ble, taking dead aim for his heart. The bullet struck a rib and running round saved his life. The. wound is not dan- gerous. In the excitement, the burg lar escaped to a bush south of the town. Every effort is being made to catch the fugitive, who is evidently making' his way to Detroit, where he is supposI to have hailed from. Brucefield. Mrs. Geo. Baird has .had a fine new platform erected in front of her store Mr. Rohn Fisher who has been en- gaged with Mr. Jno. Kaiser, blacksmith has gone to Kipper!. We are glad to see that Mr. Robt Hotham who has been ill with la grippe for some time • is able to be around again. The Pledge Workers and Signers are doing good work. A petition to have a stage put on the old route be tween Bayfield and Seaforth, is being largely signed. The football team of S. S. No. 3., Tuckersmith have entered for the Pub- lic School competition to be held in Sea forth. They will no doubt make the best of them hustle. While Mr. Wm..Scott was out driv- ing in the country. he tied his horse up to the gate, while going, into the farm house, the horse in some way pulled the bridle off and started to run away but got fastened between the fence and a telegraph pole making a total wreck of the vehicle. Lucan. Dont forget the grand celebration at Lucan, on Monday May 25t1i 1891. Big time expected. On Thursday afternoon last the barn and contents belonging to Mr. G. Hask- ett, situated one mile from Lucan were burned to the ground. It seems lie had an English emigrant boy in his employ named W. K. S. Bryant, and his month having ended he demanded his wages, whieh Mr.Ilaskett did not pay. bHe went out and deliberately set fire to it, and thus started for Lucarnfollowed by an enraged crowd, but he got safely in to the hands of the village constable, confessed the deed, and was committed for trial by Squires Jas. Stanley and Bernard tetanley, of the place. Mr. Haskett says that he hired the boy for seven 'months, but that after a time he became dissatisfied and asked for his wages'. He was not Satisfied with the four dollars offered him, but inade no threats. On Thursday morning he left Bryant in the Stable, and on reaching a field a few rods away looked back and SRW smoke issuing from the build- ing and Bryant running away towards Ltican. The stable and barn were under one roof, and both were consum- ed. Bryant was taken to jai, on Fri- day and arra.inged before Judge Davis He pleaded not guilty, and will be tried to morrow (Friday. 1 ,C4reguway. Mr. Wm. Hickey had another well sunk and succeeded on getting first elites clear water which rises within 3 feet from the top. Mr: Adolph Disjardine's youngest child had the Misfortune' of falling into a tub of hot water on Saturday last and scalding, both arms up to the el- bows. - Twenty two joined the Knight here last Thursday evening. The officers of Parkhill Lodge organized and instruct ed the new members in the mysteries of the order. They had use of the ()range hall for the even ing and are to hold another meeting on Monday next, May 18t11 when they expect to complete their list of officers and decide when they shall hold their meeting! in the future. Zurich.. Mrs. Waren is still very poorly. Wheat is selling at about $1.05. Mr. Peter Wagner is getting a little better. Mr. Chas Greb has commenced work on his new barn. Mr. Sol Hardy is building a new ad- dition to his residence. Business is dull,at present owing to the busy time among the farmers, Croquet playing and house cleaning are the chief amusements at present. Messrs Hoffman and Smith successors to Mr. Roth have commenced business. There was services in all the church- es en Thursday last it being Assension day. A great number in this vicinity at- tended the funeral of Mrs. H. Phile on Thursday last. Master Willie Dumart has been en- gaged by Mr. E. J. Hardy to learn the harness making. The Deutschlanders Baseball club has been reorganized, They intend to play their first match at Crediton on the 25th. Mr. Galster engineer at the flax Mill has a small steam engine of his own make, 4 in. by in., it is cotnplete in every particular and shows great skill and workmanship on the part of the maker. Mr. Jacatelluby, on the 13th con, and 13t1, lot of the Township of Hay,has number of first-class horses which he wishes to dispose,of, consisting in all of 2 two year olds, 2 1 year old, and. 1 Mare 4 years old, with a young foal about 2 weeks old, all of which are of Clear Grit stock. Any person requir- ing any of the above would find it to their interest to give him a call. And he also has six Berkshire pigs 6 weeks old, which are first-class stock. Crediton. • - Mr. C. McLaughlin and Mr. R. Sweet of Stephen, paid Crediton a visit on Saturday. -.Mrs. Dr. Croskery is still in a lingering condition and hopes of her recover,' are doubtful. Her brothers have been summoned hither, also her two sisters. The Rev. Mr Shanks, Presbyterian minister, and brother of Mrs. Croslrery, gave an address in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening last. This gentleman is an editorial contributor to the Montreal Witness and New York Sun. Another brother has eharge of a large land office in Winnipeg and one the editor of the Chicago News ---The people are com- plaining of cold weather, but dispite the cold, fruit prospects are good, -Mrs A. Geiser, of Buffalo, N. T. is visiting her parents here. -Miss Sarah Colwell and sister, of Centralia, paid a short visit her on Monday last -.Miss Darling music teacher, of McGillivray, has a goodly number of scholars and the number is increasing. -Prof. Scott visit ed our town recently with a view of starting a singing class, but as yet has not done so. He comes again this week and probably will meet with success. - Miss S. Sweet, who has been visiting friends in London, has returned home. -Mr. August Hill has returned home after spending a week in Mich. -Our boys have commenced practicing ball for the 25th. We hope it may be crown ed with success. -Fishing is the order of the day and night and some fine Specimen of pike arebeing caught.- Mr. W. Hill, who resides a mile west of this place met with a heavy loss last week by loosing. One of his valuable brood mares. -The fax sowers will soon have this seaSOins supply done. -Mrs. F. Gunter; who has been visiting friends here returned to her hoine near St Catherites on Saturday last. -A con siderable amount of brick bats has been drawn and spread on the Crediton road during thepast week. 1441,..4444.4044.444.410444.44441.44.4.0,4.....4,44,4!4 X0C+41iVraY Connell met' purs'earit to' adieuaninent 111 eoay jle'a.vitw),W11,11VTILOn" tiefrad- Meratirs Uouneillore, Minutes' ()nest meet „ine read approved of and signed. mond-C* J 04u0017-tii at John MeDonala is hereby eorninissioned to have the lath eon ' north of maci ereek graded. -Carried L rummond-T. Prest-thatthie council de hereby commission G. T. Johnson to nave Scott''s sicle road mit in a proper state for tra (+al!. johnson-E, Morgan -that this eu un ell do hereby appoint J. D. . Drummond to have MeAlpines aide road re- alja o !Lads o*-119tairi triit°'1".121", Pjre. Sj313 LIT; c°011mdrniGss'ionT: ed to expena.$15 in repairing west mud creek hill, on the South town line providing East eouneil grant a similar amount: - Carried. Gan. Johnston -E. Morgan--tnat tide council grant to the Parkhill'aelenhone Compawa the privlege of erecting notes on the public highway of this township and that the said telephone be open for the use ' of the public generally, on equal terms at the regular farliffiates of the said off/11Pa, n:Y•s'' and. that the clerk be instrueted to draft a by-law to that effect -Carried, J. D. Drama ni orid-G. T. johnson-that this council' do hereby appoint E. Morgan to meet with T. 11511, elarrisom ue their premises ,on ' the 13th day of may to try anii settle the water course grievance, hour ofmeeting one o'clock p. . 1;1. um mond-- T. Prost -that this (10110(111 ,10 herebyinstruct G. T. johns° ti to 011q11[1 11)40 the water griev 111166 00 W. Ryamwate 1JOwur to att.-Carried. J. D. Drumm oncl-G. J. Johnson -that the iteeve bo instructed to let a uontaact of grad-. ing on, Biuoififield's side road:-Caaried. 34, Morgan -T. Prest-that the hereinafter nan7. ed indivicluale be paid the seveaal amounts 86 .01 forth vis: -J. Darra.elaprin tang account lwnll0reCa0a11 Smit repairing Seebee road, anillavray portion, $6; AReeder eleaa:ug diteh19ii con. nes Jiiigiueers ra3;11 L0v6 0 11 2 lam bs killed by dogs',Ste; 0. Recker grading ou Parkhill rOad, $(165J; P. j. Breen, putting in concrete culvert N. B., $3; W. Nich oles, re- pairing approaches to Parkhill bridge, eine liorgan-T. Prest-that this council ad- jouen to meet in. the town hall on Tuesday the ath of May at one o'eloek p. m. -Carried. they are hereby instructed to test the grave/ • Council 'met pursuant to adjournment zit Town 0t1i of May, 1891. All members present, J. D. Drum m One -T. Prest -that the Reeve and. G. T. Johnson be and. pit ou B,d. William's lot, 19th con. ancl ifsats factory to lease and. open saia pit as soon as possible.-Garried. G. T. Johnson -E. Morgan -that the clerk be and he is hereby instruct- ed to notify the parties hitereated in the ditch 011lots llo 3 aud 4111 the 8th con: 11.0. R. that the township En giaeer has examin- ed and renorts that said ditch requires to be cleaned to comply with award. made in Ne. vember 1883, and should parties fan to aepaiz sailt ditch within twelve days from the date ofnotice the engineer is hereby instructed. to orectsecl and. let the repairing of said. ditch in the terms of award forthwith. -Carried. D Drummond -T. Prost -that John Pater- son is hereby instructed to proceed and mao. u facture concrete tile at tho same rate as last year. -Carried, T. Prest-I. D. Drum- mona-tnat by-law No. 3,01 1891, appointing Patlimasters and elividing the township into road divisions as read a first and second time be now read. a third -time and passed. -Carried G. T. jonnson-E Morgan -that the Court of Revision be held in the Town hall on the first Monday in 3(1110 8± two o'clock p. Carried G. T. Johnston -E. Morgan -that the several gravel contracts' as set forth be accepted and commissioners appointed to ON orsee the laying on of gra vel 1 Sec • • Com 10 2.101 Com._ . 1 to 2 con R Canning 1.65 :Fes Doyle 3 42 tGi t,o lon. ccoon.W Morgan nni 1.45 T Cang 4 20 1.40 X310 Lewis 5 to to 1±0011 S Robinson 301125 It Hardy 6sl2m"i St msiho s Smith'. ' s a 2.15 Gibson 7 h,t 11 t 4 0 1 05 T11.0 Amos 8 16 to IS con 20 1 20 D Erskine 0: 2100.1Icriolas Mcitann 90 2.00 A Grieve 71 1s t 2 2.20 Tno Seott LI Moray -SH 7 H, Bowman 1028± Jno Neale 13II7th- Bay Cal Medcof 20 1.95 Ben Pile 13 12 to 7110 1011. BO,NN:Iii an 20 1.05 I jones Bl'k J McErvin 3D. Drummond -T. Prost -That this coun- cil grant the sum af $20 to be expended. on town line between the 2n,1 and milt conces- sions providing East William's •Council make a similar gran t, Jam es 14s11, commis- sioner, -Carried. tent Johnston -E. Morgan -That this Council grant the sum of $10 to be expended in gravel on to WII )the, west of McKay's hill, provided West Williams coun- cil make a similar atant, Wm. 11. Walsh, commissio ner--Carteecl. 3D. Drum. nioncl- G T.Iohnson-That the grants for gravel- ling in the several places as set forth be made and commissionere appointed to expend the same, viz:- Armstag hill. 7 eon '50 R ast.50 Snolija.ohrvdxtae neg. no binson S R Allison's S 1115 con $10 'Tames Allison Calendinning'eS 11 17 con $10 HenrY Baldwin. Hedge's S R 20 con $10 'Wm Tied g es Charlton" SconE C It $5100 AGGelowC1huanrnitinong 24±11con. North 22nd con $40 Dfivia Steeper 2ilutalth con $.1 Thomas Hall hd c000nn 1.4tn con John Reid. $15 o McDonald. 510 James Gibsom. 2Nnodr toloi giir. ayes side road. $10 Sam.. Bradley Carterad. in 's side ro 4th con 510 WCarter $1.0 James Neil. $15 Robert Leich T. Prost -I. D,Drurn m o ncl-Th at this 001111- cil adjourn to meet in Town ilnaL first Mon- day in J tine at ten o'clock a. m. --Carried. WM. FRASER, Tp. Clerk. FILE. -In Hay, on the 6th inst., Seller- lotte File, beloved wife of Henry File, aged 38 years: SWEET. -In Stephen on the 12th inst., Floranee Vera, daughter of Thos., and Mary Sweet, eased 1 yr. 8 mos. and 3 days. market Day. Saturday next will, without a doubt, be a big market day for our town, and a day which will be of much line portance to farmers througnout the country. All our energetic and push- ing merchants and produce dealene will surroand the market on that day to pay the highest cash anct trade pri- ces going. Our town has in the past been noted as having. one of the best local markets in Ontario and it is go- ing to keep up its reputation in this respect this season. When farmers drive a distance of 15 and 16 miles to town 1± 18 plain to be seen where they can secure the best prices. Farmers, give the market trial and you will be co n vin cod, it n um bet of buy era will be present, therefore competition run high. former place of residence. We loose in Mr, Levett 10 rnftn of sterling qualities and a thorough gentleman in evory re- spect. Ills son 'William will ocenpy his place on the market. Mr, 'W. H. Levott, who has resided here for about four years and ' has .been one of the principal grain buyers on our market leaves this week to- gether with his family for Parkhill, his Bantus. Colinvrt -In Greenway on the 8th inst, the wifo Of Spearman Corbett of it son.