HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-5-28, Page 10,.. ..Natilf Y'A'xsn.A.n, REAP -MAKER'S 4 1. S y R . SATISFACTION IiOYEft. FAILS TO GIVE eA7iS0AQ1'101{ FOR SALC BY ALL DEALERS, VISIT THE M A RT. pp B zxmv%4aTa�iA%,?k'+a+,xA+wm�,+xwawaw�n%V,mu%W.a+Ftrqut ayot.,w+o1r.M%�1ia91W..Wrvryc�„vs'+LSNt,FN%S�Ru,!c*P.�.smka;s.rWn�MM.M,1iw1,vWeANTaav[l4WR%uMAla•�<oa,vw,f ns,yv�oN.,txvavm.?utto'unAs�MniPtMwt+vam,+4!! 0 GzrrS. GIFTS. GIFTS.rS,DiitTIIDAT WEDDING PARTING ALBICTMS BIBLE SIIEET MUSIC THE MUSIC BOOKS maxemax.rssumaxava. Choice mimi } 1 S. S. FICTION. dr'aws PAPERS. Libraries. Stationery School Supplies wl;A1.r1 C, Papers TWINES BAGS W A LL Papers LOCAL JOTTINGS. Read Carling Bros change of "ad" in this issue. For Fence Wire call at H. Spack- man's, Post Office Brock. The majority of farmers throughout this section of country have finished seeding. A carload of Montreal Steel Nails Just arrived at H. Spackman's, Post Office Block. Builders supplies cheap at II. Spack man's, Post Office Block. Stubborn Children readily take Dr. Low's Worm Sprup. It pleases the child and destroys the worms. Insure in the Temperance and Gen- eral Insurance Co., of Toronto. ED BISSETT, local agent.—May 29-90. A large stock of Stoves and Tinware at H. Spackman's, Post Office Block. "Many Men, Many Minds," but all men and all minds agree as to the merits of Burdock Pills, small and sug ar-coated. • Hood's Sarsaparilla has the largest sale of any medicine before the public. Any honest druggist will confirm this statement. The census enumerators have just about completed their arrleous task, audit is supposed that the population will be greatly increased. Bissett Bros, who have been busily engaged re -tinning the roof of W. H. Verity & Son's Blacksmith shop, have completed .tee same, and from all ap- pearances have succeeded in making a first-class job. We notice in looking over a number of our exchanges that several places are preparing to raise the Sag on. the 25th of May,which was given away by the Empire. Exeter seems to be in the background in this respect. Mr. V. E. Bailey, of Buffalo, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Exeter, on Friday May .8th, for the purpose of pnrciiasiug horses that are sound and in good cundition, from 5 to 10 yearn old and weighing about 1200 pounds. On Sunday, May the 24th, the mem bers of Plymouth Lodge, No. -G8, Sons of England Benevolent Society will at tend divine service in the Triv,itt Mem- orial Church, when a sermon will be de- livered by the Rev. S. F. Robinson The Rev. Francis M. Baldwin, of Aylmer, will preach this evening in the Trivitt Memorial Church at 8 o'clock, it being the Festival of Ascen- sion day. Special psalms, hyrnns and lessons and offertory in aid of parish funds. Mr. Baldwin is a nephew of the Bishop of Huron. Friday last, Arbor Day, was observ- ed in rhe Exoter Public chooI by the teachers and children. They made good use of their time in planting a number of trees and flowers. etre be- Iieve that Exeter can boast of having the neatest grounds of any Public School in the county, the praise of which is given to the teachers for' their untiring efforts of adorning the same. On Monday while Mr. Joseph Baw den, Sr., was out driving, he let his horse stand on the side of the road while he went into a tlotise on business when the animal became freightened and ran away. Coming along the street which leads west of F. Knight's liquor store.and on arriving opposite the same it made a dash for the building, litter - ally demolishing the vehicle. The horse escaped with ve,ry slight injuries: On Monday evening Mr. T. Scott sang a Asannounced in the ToTownTownHall 'a to a number of about 90 healers. He has been here for some time trying to organize a singing class, and it is ful- ly bolie,ved he has at last succeeded. He is an excellent singer,ar,d those who take an interest in such canuot do Det- ter than patronize him. We also un - r derst<thid that he intends organizing. a class in Crediton: One day hist week ii•hile Clinton, 5 year old son of Mr. Thomas Sweet, south of Exeter,. -was walking across a large cul'. c i 1 situated on the railroad, he accidentally slipped and fell to the bottom, breaking his arm between the wrist and elbow, Itis elder brother, who n is with him at the time, mats;; ed to got him home, when medical aid Was summoned ,and the injured limb properly fared for. Sprite house ele+tiling has set in with vigor. 1u t 4otiic5 the stove pipes, Ind about a toof soot, which � rightU1 �house t strikes the man of the l Cli l 1 c the eyes, and makes hint wish he was laidaway in peace under the daisies; and daffodils, where the stove iutrud- eth not ane: the weary are at rust, On Sunday evening a number, Of. 2 '\tI'a0t'^ our tocvlisp 1t, townspeople witnessed an c denary sight. A large meteor was seen to sail slowly across the sky from east to west a snort distance from the earth It was a pale greet, color, and, despite. the fact that the sun was shining brightly, the brilliancy of the strange object was quite noticeable. Had it appeared at night no doubt the effect would have been considerably more surpris ing. Perhaps few persons are aware of the fact that next year is one of very significant celebrations. It is the twenty-fifth anniversary of Canadian confederation; the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment , of responsible government to the country, the one hundredth anniversary- of the convocat ion of the first parliament of Upper and Lower Canada; the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the founding of Montreal, and the four hundredth an- niversary of the discovery of America by Columbus. On Wednesday morning about 2 o'clock, a. m. fire broke out in a stable oelonging to J. W. Browning, situated on William st, The building has not been occupied for some time, and it is thought to be the work of an incendary who was anxious to see a blaze. The fire alarm awoke the citizens who hur- ried to the scene and proceeded to tear away the board fences which were. au - joining the building, and try and stop the fire from spreading any further. The loss will not be a very ,heavy one, as it was an old building having been built a number of years ago. An Elocutionary Entertainment will be given in Drew's Opera House on Friday evening May 81h, by A. C. Monnteer, B. E., of London, and mem bers of Exeter Class. Music will be furnished by the Exeter Symphoney Orchestra. An excellent program has been prepared, and from the names that appear on it we should say that a rare treat is in store for all as they are first class artists. Proceeds for the poor of the town. Doors open at 7.30; entertainment at 8 o'clock. Tickets 25 ets., Reserved seats 35cts. Plan of hall open at Dr. Lutz's Drug Store. "Look out for piano swindlers." They have been practicing in Middle sex. It seems the way they work it (forthere are two or three) they call to see if they can find storage room for one piano and a boarding place for one of them for a time so that they can advertise their instrument, and for every piano sold while the agent is with you, you receive $10, besides pay for boarding the agent. The proposal looks square enough, but don't you consent. They will ask you to sign an agreement to the above effect, which when the piano is delivered turns out to be a perfect order for the instrument. The piano is only worth. $100 and the Baine is a huge fraud. If these agents call on you. turn them away. The Mer'hanics' Institute held their annual meetind for the election of offl-, cars• on Monday evening last. There was a large attendance of members and much interest shown in the past year's work. A large number of Vol- umes have been added, and the better class of books such as History, Bio- graphy, etc., show a decided gain over works of Fiction. 300 more volumes were issued than in 'the preceding year. The following officers were electedt—President Rev. S. P. Robin son; Vice President Mr John a McCal- lum; Treas. Mr. D. Johns; Secty. Mr. T. A. Brown; Auditors Messrs. Brown and McCallum. The. Directors were elect- ed by ballot as follows: Rev. Mr. Mar- tin having a majority of votes cast and Mr. W. D. Weekes standing sec and. Rev. W. M. Martin, Drs. Lutz and Rollins and Messrs. Weekes,. Me Callum, Dyer, Muir and McLeod. On motion of Rev. W M. Martin seconded 0 byDr: Rollins r the eturnrthb secretary Mr, F. W. Collins was given a hearty vote of tnauks and also the sum of $20. Several' members bore testimony to his efficient and careful service of four years. After some discussion as to the composition of 'the Book Committee the meeting closed at 10 o'clock: One of the Most remarkable feats in the building line is now being accom- plished at the northeast corner of Ran- dolph and State streets, Chicago: Al- though it has been > less than two months since the work' was begun on the Masonic Temple, the foundations are already completed, and before pee ple realize it the columns will be extend- ed up into the air. The hole in the ground has been covered with a wood-: en roof, and but few are aware . that wort: is going on eontentiy, day and night, with three shafts of men, who work eight hours. Thua • three days' work is done in one. The general be- lief is that the roof was built in 'order to keep the ground from freezing, so work could be begun early in the spring. By that tirne the building will have caught up with sulci passed the big ]hotel which is going up so rapidly nt the northeast corner of Dearborn and Jackson streets, '.I'ime has been so carefu'ly calculated that the con- tractors for the various branches of the work have accurate knowledge of the time they are 'o begin work. The materials have been ordered and a large .portion of them is either in Chicago, on the road of ready to be shipped It is difilcnit to believe, but it will nevertheless be proved, that by Oct. 15 the building will bo under roof and under stca'it: Messrs. Perlius and Martin base a new i< this ei , 1 11. i(4.. Look for ticzP place 0 '/ fbus't''if' l GbS o want Ll t u toby sewing Cllr. `rt nl tteb 1ttlITrti •" instal 4 StC,.lr illstl meats of all kinds. The Scamore property situated on Penrod Street '11'est side of railroad trace: was put up by auction yesterday (Wednesday). A reserved bid was laced n o it of , 325 s' i' , v tl t not P 4 t was ?. reached by the bidders, therefore it was not sold. 'iv anted. Never too late to mend. '5000 pairs of boots and shoes that need repairing to be left at the leading boot and shoo store next door to the post office. G, Manson. tons °Tlheytwanted The undersigned wishes to procure 200 or more tons of first class Timothy hay for pressing purposes for which he will pay highest market prices. Tilos Oirx, Exeter. Select Knights A.ttentiozn, The regular meeting of Exeter Leg- ion, No. 115, Select Lnigh.ts of Canada, will be held in their hall on this (Thursday) evening, and every Knight is requested to be present asSome im- portant business is to be transacted New Organ. The new organ for the Main Street Methodist chinch has at last arrived, and the builders, Mr. Ed. Wadsworth and A."E. Kent, of Montreal, are busily engaged in putting it in position. It is a. very handsome instrument and it is thought will be ready for use on Sunday next. Tnroiinntion Wanted. A young man named James Burns is confined in London Gaol charged withbeing insane. He was found wandering around a few miles from the city. He says he is a son of James Burns, formerly of Usborne, and 'a cousin of Thomas Burns living a few miles from Exeter. Any person who may read this and havingsiich infor- mation would confer a favor by com municating with me. JAS: B. MCKILLOP, Acting Co. Atty., Loudon, Ont. Public School Board Minutes. Meeting held in the Town Hall at 8 p. m. Ali present. The following it- ems were duly passed: -Minutes of pre- vious meeting,. Per A. G. Dyer and W. Treble, the following accounts:— Bennett Furnishing Co., 6 desks, $I8; W. Folland, tinwork &c., $3.20; Ross & Taylor, desks $9; E. Follick, sundries, $3.58; Dr. Browning chemicals, $8.85. per :Dr. Lutz. and A. G. Dyer, report of roof committee, the chairman, W. Hos- kin and W. Treble to be a committee to supervise re -shingling of roof; re- port and discharge of Furnishing com- mittee; report of deputation appointed to wait on parents of pupils charged with misdemeanour. Per Dr. Lutz, adjournment. J. GRIGG, 8500 for a Needle. ' Oun HotuEs,a thirty-two page month- ly magazine, devoted to house build- ing, home furnishing, house decoration fashions, general literature, etc, is the best publication of its class in America. The publishers, in order to increase the circulation of their > magazine, ober large cash rewards to those of their subscribers; or intending; subscribers, who correctly answer the following question: Where in the New Testa- ment are the words, "a needle, first found? Cash daily and weekly rewards. given while the competition lasts. The publishers will give away thousands of dollars among those correctly answer- ing the question—the leading reward being $000 in ,gold. Send ten cents in stamps or silver fora sample copy of Oun Houns and complete rules govern- ing the competition. Address Ouli HOMES PunnisIUNG Co., Brockville, Oa - nada. -4t, 5ii7. .Personal Mention, Mr. Wesley Creech, who has been learning telegraph operating for some time, has accepted a situation with R. Pickard & Son as cashier and assist- ant bookkeeper, which no doubt he will make a success.— Mr. W. Sweet left ea Monday morning to seek for a location in the United States:' This is his second trial, having had to return before on account of illness. -Mr. Vtril ' liam Drew has slightly improved from this 1%ate attack of illness,—l.1Ir. ,William Levett left for Windsor Tuesday even illy on business. Miss. Sophia Sweet is visiting friends in Hetsall at present. —Mr. Archibald Bishop, M. P. 1'., was in town this week, and looks none the worse of his treatment at Toronto. Messrs. George Eacrett and Frank An- derson left,on Monday for Tilsonburg where they have both secured situa- tions —Mr John Darling, who has been working in Detroit for some time, is about to return and become a clerk for Mr. R. Pickard. 87 i5 000 in gold fora wife. We will give to the first person tel ling us before June est, 1891. where in the Bible the word "WIPE" is first found, $L00.00, in gold. To the next $50.00. To the third, $25,00. To the fourth, $20.00. To the fifth, $15.00. To the sixth, $10.00. r'o the next 25, $5 each. To the next 25, $2 each. To the person sending in the last correct answer, we will give $100' in gold. To the next to the last, $50, and so on same as from the first. With your answer send 25ets. in silver, well wrap ped, or Post Office Money Order or Script, for a box of Dr, Cole's Blood 1100 Liver Pills, the best Blood, Liver, and Stomach Pills ever tnade. Sure euro for sick headache. Dort Gripes, RissiESITIEn tlhe presents are absolutely free, being given away to advertise Dr. Coles I cafcet Pills and .family Remedies. At the close of the contest the names and addressee of all the prize winners will appear in •rrtts paper. WO refer yell to the Traders Bank of Orillia. Send at once and be first. Address, Home SpecifiC Co. Drina,, Ont. 181-194 Qin etonges Pools 10.0. The following' decisions have heels a madeby heduring t board 1S 0£ customs ltititt 1"f i� the month of April: ht, Aix 1. 131uu5111eh green, 20 per cent; cowl blatter,unswectenocl, 4 cents per pound cocoa butter sweet - cued, 5 Cents. per pound, crocus com- position for buffing or polishing metals 30. per cent; chrome green and chrome yellow; 20 per pump cast- ings, is parts of pumps, 35 per cent.; galvanized chain for chain pumps 35. per cent,; journals of proceedings of snreties and orders other than those' provided for by tarritf ite'ni 750, 15 per cent, rub er buckets for chant pumps, 35 per cent; socks and stockings of silk, 30 per cent. tripoli composition for bulling metals, 20 per cent ; under wear of wool or wool and cotton mixed 10 cents a pound and 20 per cent,; ti•n• derixoar of cotton or cotton and silk /nixed, 35 per cent,; underwar•o of pure sill:, 30 per cent ; venetian red,"3P per cent. clean Am, The Board of Health requests the residents of this municipality to cleanse their premises, pending the annual in- speetion by the Sanitary officer, This wort: is required to be completed before the 15tH of May to receive the approb• ation of that officer for after the date mentioned he will proceed to enforce the by laws governing the public health. This is a very important mat ter. Cleanliness is next to Godliness, The disease spread by the decaying vegetable matter lying around our yards is inealculable. Even though no direct illness, results, the air is , im- pure around it, thus injuring the con- stitution and enervating the system of all who are'conhpelled to breath it,while the portions which find their; way with surface water into wells, continue to do damage by rendering the water unfit for use during the whole seaeon. A little care in destroying garbage at this season of the year may save trou- blo with the inspector aed perhaps a big doctor's bill later on. rosamtmno .Mn1.filiMO MOICUIniLn,newt 1C1M9 NA..YVYUF...111 Mip,mlPaalvaWYMILtmW.%N7V CLARK'S LIGHTNING Liniment will relieve the painful tor ture of Rheumatism in the joints or muscles. It should be well rubbed in with. the hand, and the part covered. with a piece ,f flannel The pain will cease with the first application, and its continued use will effect a marvellous cure. This remedy needs but a trial to convince the most skeptical that it is a wonderful preparition. Sold by all druggists; price fifty cents. Clark Chemical Co., Toronto, New York. PILESA positive Cure. Thous- ands ans 'of testimonials. No purge, No suppository. 'Sent post: paid or 27 cental in stamps. Address, 131-19t Y r oine Specific Co. Orillia Ont ARE. NOT a Pur- gative Medi- cine: They are a BLOOD BUILDER, Tomo and Moon, srRtcTon, es they supply in a condensed form the substances. actually needed to en- ich the Blood, curing all diseases comiug rom POOR and WAT- RY BI;ooe, or from VITIATED HUMORS the 'BLOOD, and also invigorate and BUILD UP the BLOOD and SYSTEM', when broken down by overwork, mental worry, disease. excesses and indiscre- tions, They have'a' SPECIFIC ACTION on the Swxu n SYSTEM of both mon and women, restoring Lon, VIGOR and correcting all IRREGULARITIES and SUPPRESSIONS. EVERY IRAN l48' W1ie finds his mental fac. �0 Gii8�0� ultitos dull of faitin or his physical powers nagging, should take Lose Pmts. They will restore his lost energies, both physical and mental. EVERY®MAR should take them. 6 They cure all sup- pressions and irregularities, which inevitably entail sickness when neglected. YOUNG�jl 1� MEN should take these Puss. ®�tl99�1 C1A lid they will euro the re- sults of youthful bad habits, and strengthen the system. YOUNG WOMEN shouese take take uss. thewilym. Th make them regular. For sale by all druggists, or will be sent upon receipt of price (50c. per box), by addressing THE DIL. WILLIAMS' MED. CO. Brockville, Ont. —0I1about---e- FIRST 1 or a ) Olit= FIRST MARCH DON'T FORGET THAT E. J. SPACKMAN • WILL REMOVE TO S�mw�119s glook, Dzltir, ONE DOOR NORTH OF FARMER BROS. GROCERY Whers he will open a Gild complete Stock DRY GOODS, CLOTHING BOOTS wad SIIOIVI GROCERIES, CROCKERY 4&C, &C. E J. SPACKMAN. EX E T.ER. �!4\..T1n'mncx,OYs.aaYngrA.4aau.gmuurwyuxgiyy 1.1 OL 1111 . .r r ti p r We have just received another choice range in Gents furnishing: Bats, the newest. Ties, the latest and most varied yet. Underwear, fine range and at prices that will surprise you. Dress Goods and Trimmings in al l the newest shades. Nobby Goods. Another new lot of Parasols no old ones left over. See them. We make a specialty 3 r in Ladies' Gloves. We carry l Kid the best.. Kid Glove in town. Boots and Shoes in abundance. Crockery, an endless range, Our Glassware. Six piece set for 25 cts. Grocery Department, complete. 26e tea ahead yet. E PRUMSE LESSAND DO OE than any other firm. Don't be drawn to any store by promises that would bank- rupt a millionaire to perform. You cannot get goods at less than cost, any mole than you can have an inside without an outside or a top without a bottom. WE SOLICIT A CALL. 0 LI LIFE IS TOO SHORT EOR ATJG}IT BUT HIGH ENDEAVOR. I endeavour to produce the very best goods in my line. Not only the best in QUALITY AND FINISH'I BUT IN VALUE. I am sending out some beautiful milk cans this spring far exceeding and previous effort. My stock of material for spring work, such as E.ave- troughing, Roofing, &c. is extensive and complete, and work- manship is the very best. I Solicit your order for TROUCHNIIC 0f ROOFIFIC CUA 'ANTI C SATISFACTI I have without exception the nicest assortment of Milk PAILS and Straining PAILS to be found anywhere, varying in price from 20 cts to $1..00. Note the price of milk pans: LL ME 75 CENTS TOVJ��i���t 2.00 PER, DOZEN. . LAME SIZE $1.00 TO $3.00 P 1 DOZEN. Who would go without a dipper whencall ou get one for 5 cts: y b EVER YOURS, WILL F LLA D SPRING MoroRat u 5 IM CO r t } G WAS .. AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Car Load Chesnut Coals ; Carload Steel Nails; Carload Iron and Horse Sloes.. Carload Blue Ribbon co posite Binder Twine. Lining and Tar Papers, Rim:and Mortice Locks, Hinges, Bolts, tin Boilers and tin Pails. TINWARE ,.WA DOWN. yW wr, *M �r �R Sugars, Cheose, Green and. Dried Apples, Lard, Teas, &c., Oat- meal 3.00 per 100 lbs ; Flour 82,75 per 100 lbs. FEI, 100 Bushels Timothy, Clover, Alsi.ke Seeds, Dutch. Sets, Top Onions, Hungarian Grass, 100 Bushels Potatoes. { Cedar Posts & Annealed Barb Wire on Hand YNVI � 6�'a 681 ■ ��,pp�� � � � � ER .� ■ HO �'0°til a ��pp lam. g Manager. Proprietor.