HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-5-28, Page 4THE SANDERS tic S EET, ProPs- TlitJRSDAY, MAY 28th, 1891,. i'Z1lf, "TIMES" ON THE SITUAT. .I.O.11r. :la" is not tivithttll sig niecance that the leading' journal of the British Empire has devoted au editorial to the opening of our Dominion Parliament, and the relative. position of the government and opposition in respect to the main- tainance of Imperial oonnectiou, At such a critical juncture as the present, so far as this question of British con iioetion is concerned, it is refreshing to lina a loading; pa xn. like "'`'lie London Times" evincing such a deep interest. in colonial questions and taking such a. wide grasp of Cenedian nee irs. Suet an unbiassed expression of oppiuion as is given by the Timers, both as to the result of the late Dominion elections end of the policy of what is termed the "National Party",is worthy of all praise and deserves the gratitude of every loyal Canadian. With an unbiassed appreciation of the true position of both political parties in Canada, the London Tortes has recognized the devotion of the Conservative party to the best in• terests of the Empire; and it bases the future policy of the Dominion for the next five years on a continuance of our veteran Premiers vigor and Pee -- fulness as one main factor in .081.steafe commercial and politic:el desorption by the United States. sehould Sir John be spared for the,aext parliamentary term to continue as leader of the govern. ment, the flutes recognizes in that one fact axe element of security to the Do - Minim), because there is perhaps no other Canadian statesman so capable of uniting Protestants and Catholics, Radical and Conservatives, maritime and non -maritime lnembers,as the pres ent venerable leader. The London Times discusses also the possibility of extended commercial relations between the Dominion and the American repub lic,regards the delay occasioned by the apparent rebuff given to the Canadian. delegates at Washington as being hope •ful, because it will prove in the end to be "a ju'Ueious procrastination", ante then deals with the elelein',xy tariff one which is proving (peke as obno. ions to the American people as to Ce- nadians. The whole tenor of the edi- torial in question is one which speaks highly for the interest taken by the people of England in Canadian affairs; but chiefly, the utterances of the Lon- don Tinea are aI1 the more weighty and valuable at the present juncture because of the encouragement given to Canada to hold on to her present poi icy in maintaining the unity of the Empire and of giving a preferential tariff to Britain and the Colonies, while we are contemplating freer and fuller reciprocity between ourselves and the United States. THE CONSERVATIVE MAJOR- ITY. The vote ou Mondaynight may be considered as definitely fixing the min. imvrn majority of the Government,and effectively settles the pretensions of the Globe, Sir Richard Cartwright et at., that the. Government had not a maj- ority in the Province of Ontario: The vote -was a strictly party one, and every vote was either present or ac• ounted for, with the exception of Dr. Sayard, who, it is understood, will sup port the general policy of the Govern• anenteand it is highly probable that et least one other Quebec member who was elected as an Independent will not rank himselfpernanently amongst the. Opposition. Taking the vote of Monday night, adding the absentees to the different sides, and counting Dr, Sa -aid as a Goyetnment supporter,tlle House stands as follows by Provinces:- •@nta,rio,,,... ... .48' 44 4. C Quebec... .......... 20 85.........6 Nova Scotia . ..... 16 5 11 New Brunswick.... . 16 3 10 P. Edward Island.... 2 4 .. .... 2 Manitoba .... 4 13l. N. West ':I' eritor... c, les..,4 0 9: ..... British Columbia 6 0 6 122 92 38 . 8 This does not include Richelieu -Blah being held by Sir Hector Lang- evin who also represents Three Rivers' will not count on a division this sessiolT. There is no doubt'evh'itevei however, that eo spell as Sir Hector can resign his seat for Richelieu S a Ce178erVatlt e will be h. . - o c,t ted to succeed film, s:, that ', • •t,ir,t., 1lll f' the Government has a n►or- ityoffel intfull h u'' ,t , house, wvi.ii, ilrobab- Blues of an increasen tC 35 ere long, It will be noticed that the Government has a majority in >' majority every Llovince but two, Quebec and Prince Edward Island. In the former the Grit majority is ap- parently sig, at present, or five if Riche lien is counted, and in Prince Edward Island the majority is two, with strong; possibilities of its disappearing alto- gether in the by elections, however, the majority is sufficient to unsure a strong Government, able to carry out any useful legislation it inay under- take, and not burdened with too large a majority which may prove danger our to itself. The Government is strong vigorous, healthy and harmonious;with a settled policy, a grand old Leader and a large majority of the popular vote behind it, and the ootrntry may confidently look forward to five years polftieal quietude, in spite of ally Grit eroakings. A RETROSPECT. Four years ago the EXETER ADVO- CATE began existence as a Canadian newspaper, and on tee anniversary week we greet our readers with bright prospects for the future. The early years of every venture are full of struggles and disappointments, and ours is no exception to a rule so well known. But now being out of baby- hood, and having left the danger m.rlc of possible failure far behind, (Ireton hopefully of coming years,>'f useful- ness and prosperity. Old thankfully remember the :eelud encouragements and assieetuee of friends Whom it is a pt..rasure as well as a duty to knowand regard. Our circulation increases weekly, and other patronage keeps pace with it, and so we feel assured that our course as journalist and busi- ness men .meet with tee approval of the public so satisfactorily expressed. Circulation and job work are the ba- rometers of a newspaper and reflect instantly the barren mind, and ours are at fair weather mark and the sen sitiye mercury shows no trembling in the way of a 'drop. Our circulation tells us that our opinions are in touch with the popular mind and our press work speaks the same sentiments of our relationship with business men, Politically we give forth no uncertain sound, but at the same time remember that one oppent, have equal rights with ourselves, to think, and feel, and speak, under the wide liberty that is the birthright of all Britons. So while we Oppose =;tr wish to tea rt, free from all personality end insult, and while friendly maintaining, our views be- cause we believe what we write, still try to keep our columns free from a1[ exhibitions of temper and show those who differ from us that it is their opin- ions we oppose and not themselves. And so we are Conservative because we believe in the wisdom of Sir John Macdonald's rule, and we are loyal to Britain. and Britain's Queen because God was pleased to place our lot in this happy land, and While he gave us all the blessings of British subjects, Ile. gave us the responsibilities as well. And so we .say as we finish this retros- pect and thank our friends who have stood by us so truly, cursed be the hand and.withered the arra that would sever a single link of the chain that binds us to Old England, Ai CRUSHING DEFEAT. Last week the first party vote of the New Parliament took place on a mo- tion by Sir John Thompson, Minister of Justice, giving M. C. Cameron's Fran. ehise Bill the six months hoist. And it proved a most crushing defeat to the Opposition, leaving the government with a clear majority of 30; which, when the Algoma member pikes his place in the House, and certain bye elections corse off, will be increased to 85. All along the Opposition have been hinting the tnost boastful portents of the near collapse of the government;' and from the loud talk of the Globe,one would have thought that there was lit- tle to do but for the Opposition mem- bers to choose their seats on the Treas ury benches. But ales! for human probabilities, "the best laid schemes of mice and men gang aft aglee", and when the division took place in the Rouse of Commons, and the members on the right of the Speaker etil.cr joincd in a tremendous outburst of the "National Anthem", the face of Ananias was dark and. scowling enough to put out the electric li'lits, while the saintly Chary ton and the caustic member for South Oxford, i U til, 1 w t 1 the rest of the following g withdrew from the to nI t e scene, in not the f most amiableraced, and were lose to view as fledlik they . bats leis ltd the dark- ness, Contraryto the e .Gal twrlght ukase ` of non,intercoilrse With "the wicked 'Tories," Mr. Laurier, who has bean very ill, paired off with Sir John era cclonald, who retired lata at, night a his Moine at Earnscliffe and allowed his followers to Administer the crush- ing defeat, The majority compares very fevoreblywith sti,ietly Party yQtes at the openilig of the former parlia— ment; aud, as is always the case with. government majorities, the number in- creased then and.wiil do the samenoue when all the returns are in and the bye -elections are over. As matter now stand, tate governuibnt feel quite sure of a good working majority to carry on the business of the country. EoflSalla A very interesting game of baseball was played here ou Wednesday even- ing of last week, married vs single, which resulted in favor of tlhebenedicts :after pounding the cover off two balls and darkness preventing anything further. The admirable features of the, game were the sharp fielding of the first base man, for single men, and 1 nnning of Charles Myers for the married, The umpire being a married Iran, the single men wish it to be distinctly understood that one their number must act; at the reetarn match. --P. S.—The Dr's serveds were not required. BEFORE er'ART1NG On a journey. Pelee a bottle of Clark's Lit,l:cn9,>b'Liniment in your satchel. 4 raw drops in water witi prevent sieknr ss or pain from change of water. It is better than spirits or bitters as a stimulant. Miners and lumbermen should always be provided with it. All druggists sell it: price fifty cents. If the druggist has not got it, ask him to to get it for you. It will pay you to. wait. Clark Chemical Co., Toronto, New York. EXETERSTILL TO THE FRONT And if you don't believe it call at Ross & Taylor's ,, PLANING I1ILL AND LUMBER YARD and you will be convinced that they have the Largest and Best Stock of all kinds of Building Materials is this sec- tion of country,and et the lowest prices. Shingles a Specialty, having a large stock on hand we are prepared to meet the keenest competit ion as to price or quality. We have se- cured elle right to Manufacture and Sell Merriams celebrated Baling Cab- inets. Call and sr:e thein ani be con winced of their merit. ROSS & TAMOR, Main ,3t., Exeter EX61107. MUM! 10111110111 EMPO lUM, PERKINS & 1 ; PROPS. Cary the most eomplate stock of Musical instruments in the county. PIANOS., ORGANS VIOLINS, ALSO SEWING IACHINES', B1CYLES. FARM IMPLEMENTS &c. The above, instruments'always on hand. 4 Tens to suit Pua'eha: serr. GIVE US, A ()ALL. EVERYTHING AWAY DOWN. p 'UM Pii413'1'IPi FIGO, RPM OT&_;1�'rMO'112`ffi. For LOST or ntimu 3 MANHOOD, General and tin- VO06 DEBILITY, Weakness of Body and Mind, Moto of 9`irrOrn or Hotoesossitl.Old. or Young. lobed. Noble MAN- HOOD fully Sectored. Hewtoonlargo and etrongttonWEBB IINDZp5LOPHD_ O11GANAt Pan of 5ODY, Absolutely failing HOME TE]1ATuZNT-DGIIo5toinaday. Umt Btif fret DO States and Foroiga oountriod.' Write thorn. booty oxplapation and proofo mailed (coaled) free. Gddroce. ORIE MEDICAL CO.. nLIFFAL,O, N. Y. THE COMING SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, THE --- Chicago, Jan, 1st, 1888. This is to certify that 1 have made a tlaor- ough iuvestifation of the Histogenetic med- icines, prepared by Dr, J. i ugone,I urclan,ancl of his unique methods of research, and am therefore compotient to form it correct judg- ment. T pronounce them ru?arvelleus pro, ducts of the highest 0E111 showing an raoquait antic with the natural oeioncee' tar in ad- vance ± any savant with whose works the world. is acquainted. The amount of tine and painstaking which the doctor has ex- pended upon a stugle branch of epoctroseopy is, enormous, and his discoveries startling. Also having used these medicines in my own practice, l can say that their actua1 succuss in outing disease is as greatas is their cliseov-. ery. The revolution of the medicall sufonos of to -tray is no dream—it is at hand, J. B. $, 11isfi, M. D, P, D. Prof; Chem. and Toxicology Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago, Tho Histogeneticthoor,y ofreaeh ingdisease isr—Itebufltling the disoasecl,.211 and tissues of Ilia body, with the see"' proximate pprin ei,ptals and'fermonts, organic bodies, snot so on, which are north^°ly pienFee: clintltobody� by the glands. T" ii tltclnes 03-x) uopareU by chemical 1,r^,iesses, in to perfectly pure condition an' "0 quite tasteless. Diseases hratofor" "iislti°red incurable are oared. by those r .ttioines. Tn auto diseases atoll as ]ot: io atieaelt.i � roves rat clubiphtheria, TESTIMONIALS. Mrs, McCullough, GOA Adelaide street east, Toronto,very rapid cure 01congosGlen of liv- er and inflammation Of kidneys, J, C Sinclar,51 Victoria street, Toronto, bronchial trouble, effoets o.f 1a grippe, cured in one week. 0. H. Wood, t22Jarvss street, Toronto, kid- ney trouble, gravel and constipation. Henry Hoperoft, 7.11 Markham street, To- ronto, consumption cured in a.few weeks. Mrs. J. Fawoett,102, John street, Toronto, female troubles. Had been in Toronto Gen- eral Hospital, also treated by several physi- cians. After using Histogenetio Medicines two weeks was a new woman. • Joseph Perkins, Tecumseh St., Toronto, re- markable cure of naralysis. • John Burlangeto, I1lo,ttawa, Ontario, nerv- ous debility, etc., 83 years; two weeks' medi- cines did. more for him than all the other remedies he had taken in the 30 years, 'Phomas Williams, 100Itobertstreet,Toron- to, oonsumption cured in few weeks. T. M. Hammond., Springfield-on-the-Ureclit Ont, hemorrhages from tho lungs and bad dough two yearn, consumption cured in few weeks. Call or send for free book explaining 'His- togenetio system. One of our staff will visit Exeter every Two Weeks at "Central Hotel." Dates for June. Monday - - - 1st, Gs iG - 15th - 29th CONSULTATION FREE. Histogenetic Medicine Association. Itooms 2 and 3 Albion Block, Rich m end St. London, Head Office for Western Ontario. Head Office for Canada, 19 Yonge Street Market, Toronto. May 14—1 yr. 1, OKI RE ANnIallorShoi. The Undersigned wishes to inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that he has opened out A rirt . � � �� �� � �y lb I ' flY W or And is prepared to do work in latest style and workmanship. x II _ II x 0 = II x II 11 x GIME. HIM A CAL L- x ll ll x II _ II x II _ II x VIIII1 IIJII!JfFEEO Over F. J. Knight's Grocer Store. BERT KNIGHT. THE CREAT COMNPETITI ON ! THE CANADIAN AGRICULTUR- ISTS •45,000 WORD HUNT, Positively closes May 29th, 1391, (r5 days thereafter being allowed for letters to reach us froin'distant points.) The following Magnificent pritee will he given free to persons sending in the greatest Anther of words made up otw of the letters contained in. the two words, The Agri�utturioa' at Pnzo $1,000 in Goid Sri " 55001 in Gold $1,000 Grand Plano 411 " 500 Phtno 6th „ 5200 Organ. Otlt " Ticket to•En,tlend inlay:turn ith Lady's Gold ryi,toh St1,' „ Gent's Gold Watch 9th Gluna Tea Set 10th ' hunting Case Silver Watch 11th "..noysSilver Watch 25 prides of 510eaab 501,rizes of $5 each, 100 prizes of; .52 each. 200 irises of 81 each, malting a total of 330 prizes, the value of which will' aggregate 55,000. This Grand Word-hraking Cornpebi. Lion is open to everybody, everywhere, subject to the fol- lowing conditions,: The words must be constructedhem the two words. Tho A iaulturiet " and must bo only such as may be found in Webster e 'Tnabridged Diction- ary, and in the body of the book, none of the supplements to be used, The wordsmustbe written in Ink On no ride of the paper only, and numbered in totarton, 1, 2, 3 and soon to the end of the list, for facilitating In deciding the winters: The list 0o0tain1ng the largest number of words will he awarded first prize and do on ill' the order Of merit Mach list as itis rceeived at the office of the. Canadian Agficultdrist" will be numbered, and if two or more tie onahe `largest list the first recived will be awarded tho'firntprize, the next second and 00 on, There - RAT the benefit of sending in early will readily be seen. Erich list mast be accempa» led by 61 for b months sub- scription to the "'Canadian Agriculturist.' Ono pm:son CM) sgnci in One' 01+ more lists, accompanying • eater iist. With $1, for which the paperwill be sent to any addrees for elxroonths, The best family paper in Canada. It is h n m a Y o cane new paper, but hag beenestablished up- wards of seven years, and each year grows in the es time- I tion of the subscriber. It contains no trashy, highly I colored fiction, hut, has interesting stories of a higher elites by the most popular authors of the day, Ti, is M111 - neatly 'MMA paper for the home circle, and at ; 211 year is the cheapest and best paper in the market. Thin ermine- tition will positively close on the above named date. Remember, you are paying 51 for six months subscrip- tion to one of the bast home papers in Canada, and at the steno time run a good chance of winninghvaluable pu(o, Aorrrms WArrren,—The object of the publisher of the "Canadian A rlonitm•iat" in giving away these large amntnrta In 0 (001, la to extend the ch•eulation of the raper„ and a mmnber 024061r are required in every locabty, to+ whom ,rat pay be offered. Send three cont stamp for part,oulers es to 0101)1)111g rates, tie, Address Trip CANAnuli Aantovrtrunisr, Peterborou+uh. Criteria, , , cCOLL BBO. & Co., The Leading Oil Firm of Canada, Are still pleasing the public with oils, Why use an oil that will injure your machinery when you can get the 3elebi•ated SPECIALTIES: linder, La dine Wool, Eureka, Spindle, Boltout- . ing, Solar, Farness. an.—Lif'act-umexte , McColl . x0 . .o. Toronto. 9 —FOR SALE BY— BISSETT Y— BI to ET f>f BROS., Exeter, 0tnt v1io. IG"uLt',f Our Spring Stock of Shelf and Heavy Hardware consisting OF Locks, Hinges, One-half car Nails Window -glass, Putty, Paints and Oils, All kinds of wire, Barb, Buck Thorn, Oiled and Anneal- ed at lowest cash price. BISSETT B !`` OS. P. S. ---Also a fi rs•t-class stock of tinware to select from. Exeter Roller Mills. MARKET REPORTS. WHEAT 1.04 TO 1.05 per bush Our Soiling Prices. Flour, ,t tit Bran,, Middlings, Screenings, Chop, strong bakar's, $3.00 per 100 best family, 2.75 " " low grade, 2.00 " 90 tt 1.00 tt 100 tt 1.20 to 1.30 " rt tt ti 11 rr Chop stone running every day. TERMS CASH. The Exeter Milling Co CITY 0.19. ti 'aI DON, .,,,> ONTARIO. r' -=1 per- dam J. ul J MollAltT1N, Propriotors. THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT iree®atoTYP ii. : Mese from which this paper is printed was supplby �ieditPm, MEM the TORONTO EM Dealers in type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies. J.. T. JOHNSTON 80 & 82 Wellington St. west TORONTO, ONT. i LAN LIN J. i`ll i ter\ 1:.t s y uotwu 1891, Summer Sailing. 1891. Liverpool, Derry, Quebec and Montreal.\ FroFrnt Liver- Dor,.y.1 Steamship: Mon- Queobec pooml From I I From tical, 28 'May 29 May MONGOLIAN 17 June 4 June 5 June 1?AUISxAN 21 ll " 12 " CIRCASSIAN 1 July 18 " t9 " POLYNESIAN 8 " 25 11 20 " SAnlrxliAN 16 t' 2 July 3 Jnly MONGOLIAN 11N 22 „ :) 10 " PARISIAN 2D " 1G " 17 '1 OIne1s IAN 5 Aug. 23 24 • POLYNESIAN 12 " so " 31 11 SAMitilli AN 19 't G Aug. 7 " M0'ssoLIAN 20 Se" 18 " 14 " P4nIBIAN 2 pt. 20 't 21 "• CIRCASSIAN 9 " 27 " 28 " POLYNESIAN 1a• " 18 June 25 11 2 July 9 „. 16 " 23 " 80 " G Aug. 18 t 20 „ l7 „ 3 Sept. 10 17 " RATES OF PASSAGE. To Londonderry or Liverpool. By S S. Parisian, $60, $70, $90 single; $110, 5130, $150 return. By other Steamers $50, $55, $00 single; 595, $100, $116 return. Intermediate $80 00, return °$60.00. Steerage $20.00, return 84').00. John Spack nau, • EXETER, ONT. 0}a0IISE'S GLYCEROLS OF in CELERY COMPOUND; A SAFE remedyfor teething infants and adults suffering from all nervous troubles. Guaranteed to contain no opiate or any drugs oxoept y 01010priuwd oa foemnl. ph every bottle. Endoreod by pphyeloi¢no. rntas,G0.0aare. rror sale by drugglet., Send two cent stamp for descriptive circular to Hazen Morse, Buffalo, N.YY t �WUIn stamps [simply as a . guarantee of goodfai tit] to us, and we will send you by express, C.O.D. this elegant watch which you can examine, anii if you do not find itt all DC aNndev OTTAKEenmoreiT than we claim for i, Express but if perfectly sr isfactoryAgent 0 R, pay tijio SPECIAL CUT PRICE CFthe $5. wa35tch. and takeSucha chance to secure a reliable timepiece at such 'a ridicu- lously low price is seldom, if ever be- fore,no ilered. This fs a genuine COLD oisf a2 WA7`CH,made; of 2 it lel SOLID CIImosi- tionLD metaoverlco. Itphas b,.n clsolidown, owMintioaptangd case,beautifully en- graved and is dust proof. The works richly jewelled, with expansion aro Walthambalance is style, regulated and we warrant it an accurate time- keeper. It is suitable for either• a lady or gentleman. A guarantee is sent with each watch. Address GEO. W. WYATT de CO; Watchmakers, I'eterboreugh, Oht. Gf i SAVES A .STITCH IN TIME arAYEa PdINE si SO WILL A DOLLAR INVESTED IN M A T r O ]E PS Y N tan' artificial gastric juice—formula on every label] SAVEDOLLARS to any person; sufferingfromIrom'stomach troubles; es pecirilly if taken at thefirst symptom if Indigestion, which is usually weight.' at the stomach, sonlethnes irttencicd by slight .Brun, and may follow :either a wholesome or a heavy meal, At first, this feeling soon passes away, and, is only remembered as a little rd,•l,4leasa0t, WVilla, when repeated, gradually be- comes more pronounced To the average person is now suggested the cathartic pill, fritters, or other liquid purgatives, that will clear out the bowels. Such ,treatment is worse than useless ; it is positively harm fol. The trouble is in the Stomach, the T3owels are not responsible, and relief will only come through i nit..ihtelli tint treatment rf the disorder der within the. stomach. MAL'IOPh,PSVN is the remedy for all,, stomach troubles. Endorsed by the best physicians of England and Canada. Send r. cts, iti postage for`. valuable pamphlet to FIAZI?N MORSE, 1N mon:110 At. 13' 'E l) •.. 1. SC M l"�.and a slip of paper aper the wo lsendyoupoaprdsiihicsfovleeuariiitn erand ELDORADO DIAMOND SOLID GOLD FILLED RINQ. Theserings aro now worn by ladies and gentlemen in the best society, and have the same appearance as ring costing $25.00. We guarantee a porfoct Rt and satisfaction. Address Oat'. W. Wyatt &, Co. Jewellers Peterborough, Ont.