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The Exeter Advocate, 1891-5-28, Page 3
DOMINION PARLIAMENT. Mr. 7i/al1ace nt'oduce U to &fleeted The Act f oe the prevention and seppression of combinations in restraint of trade. He Sethi that the propesitienwttO fltrii9e Out the word " Unduly " in paragraphil B, and 0, and " unreasonably in, paragraph D. Provision was also made that the Auk Shoeld not be applicr,ble to etrictly legiti. incite }trades unions. M. Me Mullen asked 0 in view of the petitioos for the prohibition of the licanOr treffna the tiovernment intended to intria- duce lesielation to meet there. Tun Wotan ev seANDAL. Mr, Tarte, on the ordere of the dtiy being Vaned, rose to a question of privilege. Be then Gadd that be gave notiee Of his inten. Oen a few detya age to the Minister of P ablie Woks emd the membek Leona Qtie.' beo West (Mr. McGteevy) to bring before the Home thte rootioe, attd bolero doing eo be might be permitted to offer a few ventarke. Those ()bargee were to the effeet that since 1882 or 1883 tbe seorets a the Depeatment a Pablic Werke had been divulged for money coesideretitme to pub. lio contraotore by the toember for Quebec West (Mr. aloGreevy), who, a000rding to the evidence he hed in hie he, had been paid year by yew:, oontract atter centereet, large sumo ot money; that daring that period a time ?dr. MeGreevy heel used hie influence: as a member of this Pee:Jame:et and MB a member a the Quebee Hr- ' bo r Coracle:aloe egainet the public: interest on neenerous important cooesions. It was admitted on all bade in Quebec: thet there was something retten and, wrong in the Publio Worlts Department, lend in the liarbor Bad of Quebec:. Por yeers and yeara Parliament had voted large sumo a meriey—meny millions of dollars —ana very little 'metal pregresa had been going on. Nobody could get evidence agaiest the suspected partiee. Look at the well.ple.nned arrangement for covering the doings of the Coated's:1a Tammany. Hall. The member for Quebec wae an important member of Parliement, and at the same time a member ot the Harbor Ocentraisaion. Mr. Paley wee the Chief Engineer of Public: Werke, and at the setae time engineer of the Qaebea harbor worke. Mr. McGreevy W59 Known to be a very close friend of the Minister of Pablic Works. The neeistant engineer W59 a eon of the Minister of Public Works, though he had never been an engineer in his life. This was a strong aornbinetion cf men with common interest:. Members of bothpolit- foal !Artist were intereated. The head of the firra of mew:mane wee Mr. Larkin, who was a well.kuown Liberal. Then there was M. Be H. DiaGreevy, who was a etrong Conservative. The other members of the firm were three AmerIcen eitizacte, who had had large experience: in tbeUeited Statee. (Laughter.) M. Lenderkin—But they are loyal to the obi ilag. Mr. Time said that this combination had subsidized the (ogee of thole who dared to resist it, and its political eseoeiates were clherged with treeeon to the oldparty, the aid leeder and the old flag. The car- lteepondenoct woula show tbat for the lest eaglet or ben eeete these men had the con. trol, Oireotion and arganizetiou of the •Coneervative party in Quebec. Wee ib aurpriaing that ander thee* circumstance* .the old party shoal& have been losing ground? Wish many othersr he had been 'moused of having bettayed the old deg and the Couservative pony bemuse he had thonget proper to take the course he had taken here. He watt elected as an inde- pendent Libtral Copeervative. Mr. Laurier had never asked him to repudiate his party. /He bed never belted him to give hp any of • his prinuiples. He would not have done SO. Be bad amid, " You are performing a great daty ; I extend to you tny help." There was never any other agreement be. Wes: Mr. Laurier and himself. With the permission of be Hahn he would proceed to read the motion: 2,1r. Tarte moves that Ur. Tarte, a marabor in this House, having declared from his seat In this HOnS0 that he is credibly informed, and that he believes that he is able to establish byelitist ac- toryevidence, that in 1883 the sum of $375,003 laving been voted by the Parliament of Canada to earry out the works of the harbor of Quebec, the Quebec Herbor Commisioners celled for tenders for dredging in connection with the said works; Thot Messrs, Larkin, Connolly & Co. tendered, and were awarded the contract for the said .dredging ; That In order to secure the influence of Hon. 'Thomas McGreevy—then and now a member of the Parliament of Canada, and a member of the ,Quebec Harbor Commission bv appointment of the Government of Canada—the firmof Lor- ain, Connolly & Cd, with the knowledge of the said Thomas McGreevy, took as a iPartner Robert 11. McGreevy, his brother, giving him. mu Interest of thirty per cent. iu the flan: That the said Thomas McGreevy consented to Itis brother becoroing a member of the firm, and stated that he bad first.consulted the Hon. the Minister of Public Works, Sir Hector Langevin; and secured his eonsent ; That the said contract signed on tlae 25th of ' September, 1882, scipeitited tnat the works there- under were to be finished by the first of Nove03- ber,1884. but that the said Larkin, Conuolly & Co. continued to perform the work of dredging under the scale of prices therein mentioned up to the close of the season of 1836 ; That in order to help Larkin, Connolly & Co, to secure the said dredging contract, the said Hon. Thos. 151eGreevy agreed, to give and did give In an undne mariner laic help as harbor oonanns- sieuer to Larkin, Connolly & Go.; That up to the year. 1893, /domed, Messrs. Kinipple & Morris, of London, England, bad . ,acted as engineers to the Quebec Harbor Com- missioner, and that their .resident engineer for .earrying out of the works was Mr. Woodford Pilkington; )That in concert With Larkin, Connolly & Co.' the seid ThomasMcGreevY undertook to secure the removal of Matra .Kinippte, Morris, and Tilkington frau their poeitions, and the,t they were in feet so removed in 1883 and replaced by Mr. Henry E. Paley and Mr. John Edword Boyd, ; with the consent of the Hon. tho Mulder a 'PubliO Worka ; a ll nd look in connection with the hat in the same year, ISA tenders wore called o a cross wa haibor 'works at Quhee, accords.nce with plans and specificotions prepared in the Depart - anent of Public Works, under the direct:len of Henry P. Perbsy, Esq.; That several tendon were made, and amongst °there who tendered were Messrs, Larkin, Con- nolly & Co, ; That before tendering, and in order to EGOnre the influence of the Eton. Thoe. McGreevy, then and now a member of the Parlionsent of Canada. .and a member of the Quebec Herber Board by appointment of the Government,Larkin, Con- nolly & Co. took into partnership with them - Selves Hobert H. McGreevy, a brother of the :Said on. Thos. McGreevy, giving WM a 30 Per cent, lathiest id the Men, and this with the knoviledge and consent of the geld Hon„"Thomas tleGreevy,; That ainong tho pattieg tendering were a tractor named Geortnt Heaucage and one John ,Gallagher ; That it wag on the suggestion of the said Hon, Thomas McGreevythat Beaucage consented to make tender ; That with the knowledge of the said Thorns McGreevy the three tenders of Larkin, Connolly • & Co., of Beaueage, .and of Gallagher worepre- pared by the inetabors of the firm of Larkin, Connolly Ss Go., Beaucage being throughoet de Caved by the 13a1d Hon. Thea. McGreevy as to his position in the matter, as he alleged in an action recently entered by him against the said Thos. Bleare,evy in relationto the said contract :In the Supreme Coat of Neutral,' ; That the said tile:Aare were tranconitled to the • Deportment of Public, 'Writhe of Canada for ex- amination and °attendee ; That While all the toraders were being exam. tined and the quantitiet4 applied in the Deptiet- ' Malt of Public Werke of Canada, the eaid Hon, Then:Wei MeGreevy, thole and now a member Of the Parliament of Catutda., and a member of the ,Quebee elliebor ConanniegIon by aPPOintlaimat of the detainment, premised to (natal:1.4nd did obtain frdee the Dotetettnent of Publie Works Of Cenada Add from efliciald of thot denartheent in relittioe to the said 'tendere the egures itt son - tabled therewith and the arnoiliatd thereof; lin fokneation Which he offeredto eadiatutiodte beta.° the rottult wag officially Icilettia, 'end ;Which he did coinnatencate to the firm Of Ler- Connolly 4,c4 100., and to eertsin members of then; to Metiers. O. E. Murphy, Connellyand 11, the said firmindividusily. El..Mogreevy, for whm i olie was acting, in order That to the knowledge of the said Timmins to give them en ;indite OclYantago over their AreGfce'll the tenders or Messrs. Gellageor and competitors 13osucage, were levier than these pf Larkin, Con- That they 1155 the said tenders in their possett- golly &Po„ hut that itt consideretion of the Bion duritig several hulas, after which they wore Preihise 91 the sum of twenty-five thousand dol. retprned to floury 10. 1orbo,y, then in queboo, by Jars to bot hn paid, lie, the said Thomas Bfe•, the sefd Thomas AleCireOVY Groovy, ()Avow]; to Beellrn bbs aoceptanoo of the That the centraet wag awarded to one John tenders of 'Larkin, Connelly 4. Co,, and that be Gallagher, a nacre figurehead for the paid illur- suggeeted to that firm, and to Cartaln nikallbera phy, Connolly and It. ld, McGreevy, who did the thereof indivldually, 10 make arrangements in work for their owu profit mid advantage conueotiou with the satel Gallagher and Beau- That changes detrimental to the nubile inter - (Jago, and to an Maninn10.110 matters au to render est, but ole. nature to teoure greet proate to the the tenders of those two partiee higher than contractors, were made in Me plans and the those of tho said firm, or, at all events, to secure carrying 0111 03 the works, and in she cenditiong the contract for Larkin, Connolly & Co., and and,seeurities set out in tee ()entreat, through that said arraegement and inampulatiOn were the noilnenee and intervention of the said Thos. carried oat as suggestorl by him ; McGreevy; That inconsequence of the tend arrangement The,t from the year 1881 to 1890, both inelusive, and manipulations, wherein the 'said ,Thomas the said Thomas McGreevy for the considera- McGreevy directisr participated, the contract tor tion above indicated reeeivee a sum of about the oross-wall wed. leek ie commotion with the $200,000 ; quake° Hw arbor orlre was ,,awartled to Laritin, That eurieg the Period aforesaid 130 Wa5 the Connolly & Co. on a report to Council made by agent mad paid ropreteutative of Larkin, Con - the Hon. the atinieter of Public Works, under nollY & Co., on the Quebec Harbor Board of date 28th May, 1883; , commissioners in Parliament, and in connate That a few days thereafter the sum of ;/25,000 tiou with the Department of Public: Works; was, in fulfilment of the corrupt arrangement That the'said Thenaas McGreevy exaoted cane above stated, paid to the said Thomas NeGreeVy, reeeiyed out of the subsidies voted by Parlia• 111 promiseory notes,signed by the firm of Larkin talent for the construction of the Dais des Connolly & Co., which said notes were duly Chaleers Railway a aura of oveg forty thousand paid; dollars • That about the same date, namely, the Ith of Tent the eald Thomas McGreevy on, several Jane, 1853, a sew of $1,000 was Paid by,.the firm oceagions demanded in the liana° of tne Hon. of. Larkin, Connolly 13 Co. towards tho itengevin *mister of Public Works and revolved from Testimonial rund—s fund destined to be given Laratn, conuolly & Op, sums of mouey ;. wovks the said Thoe. McGrecv9 04 Is toThirattlienettli°1e. Looanurgseevionf ;the carryitlgertell3p,faril: ttuhTconaivitellil'heolaleacLuistrilvilligiF):211e)IrleclEtso,eisieltaictiz :flea eys expended in congeotion with contrary to the public interest to be salads in the amount o about fie conditions of the said, contract); 'MI" certain nsainnovereen"eu erne' 09 Brtykio, Tha,t 1.891 ThOlneo McGreevy, then anti now Ceonol!Y & Cb. Pala alla seed to be paid large a namnber of the Parliament of Canada, and a earns et motey to the Hon. -htirelater of Public member of the Quebec Harbor Commission by Works out Ofthe Proceeds of ta--vaid contracits aPPointment of the Government, agreed with and that entries of tile maid eume nee, mad, erl the firm of Larkin, Connolly & Co,, and cortaiu the books of that firm. e members thereof individually, to secure for That from 1882 to the present session tea aid them a contract for the completion of the gray- Tharies McGreevy has alweys lived in Ottiv.,„ ing dock of Levis, one of the conditions of the bathe same house as tee Hem Minteter of Publrie agreement being that he, Thomas McGreevy, Works, and that he seems to have dons so in should reactive any excess over the sum ot flity order to put in the mind of Larkin, Connolly & thousand dollars in the eoetract price ; Co. the impression that he bad over paid Hon. T. hat to the detriment of the public interest a Minister en absolute control, and that he wae °entreat was signed in or about the inoutla of acting as his representative in his corrupt ;lune, 1883 for the performance of the said transactions with thena. works, and that subsequently the said Thomas That in fact, onnasme °omelet:is be lased the Motireevy reeeived the price stipulatee in the name of tlae Hon, taimeter of Public Works in corrupt arra,ngerneus above mentioaed, namely, Ins dealinga with them, undertaking to obtain $2a,0ou his co-operation, or declaring that he had That in 1883 and 1:4 tenders were palled for secured ; • . by the Governmeet of Canada for the wimple- That before the Board of Quiebee Etarbor Com - tion of the graving dock at Esquimalt, British raissioners he often also used the name of tee Columbia; said, Minister; - That thefirna of Larkin, Connolly a Co. were That a select committee be appointed to among those who tendered, and float the con- enquire f ally into the eel&allegations, and tract was awarded to them in pursuance of a specially, but without limiting the scope of such report to toenail dated etth ootober, Bee, and inquiry, to- investigate all the oireumstancee sagued by the hen, Minister of Publie Works; connected with tile several benders, oontracts. , a That before:tendering the said Larkin, Con - and changes thereinand the payments nd nolly & Co. had witn Thomas McGreevy, then other matters mentioned in the statements herelnbefore made, with. power to send for and um a member a the Paeliament of Canada, persoes, papers, and records, and to examine eseTilmreildnhiciesei°rnv8iceegoinerslisvtieWthsenawlaQinerdueatlhit43mY witnesses upon oath or affirmation, end that the conamittee do report in full the evidence taken with. the Departineut of Pablie Works in order to secure the seed contract ; before thena, and all their proceediugs on the reterence, end the result of their enquiries; end That he agreed to help them, and that he did that rule 78 ot this House as to the selection of ha fact help them, in divers ways, and amongst . comnaitteee be auspended, and that ethers by obtaining from the Departnabbt lasaid corn - of mittees be composed of Messrs, ----. Public Works informatIon, flrree and ealou ,- Th;tt to the knowledge mad with the oongent of being a matter of privilege and there being tlae said Thomas McGreevy, and for the pur- . . Larktre Counoliy & Co. took into partnership the Oommittee of Privileges axed Elea:lone, tions which he communicate to them ; Sir Ebsotor Langevin maid this matter pose of geouring for tnemselves lila influence, a court apponited by the Blouse, which wee with themselves his brotb.er, Hobert lee itne 1 due matter. should be sent to that court. Greevy, giving him a twenty per °eat. interest me name wen connected with this matter their firm; the said Thomas MoGreeviv was the agent or one oircumetance.s ha thonght he should make Thee during the execution of the said ii contract of prvlege by Mr. Tarte, and uader these of the agents in the pay o Larkin, Conuolty & 5 statement to the House, which he would Coale dealing with the Department of Public . _ in Works ; do as follows; "1 never commenmo. n Thal he endeavored to obtaiot end did 1 any way to auy one tenders, or prime or obtain for them, at their request, important alterations in the works and more favorable con- tenders, or relasive positions of tenders, or ditions; names of tenderers, at any time before Tbet the said more favorable conditions and the contraot was allotted and signed, the said alterations enabled them to realise, to end the work in progress; the only the detriment of the public interests, very large )eceone beving the atone information Profits ; That during the execution of the works large 1being the mentbers t)f the Privy Council sums were eartaces in dea,litag witheid by earkie„ Coenolly & Co. to and each of the offieere of the department Thos. MoGreevy for his p the Minster of Public Works. with the offieers as Were intrusted with the opening of ten - as a member of the Parliament of Clanada ; tion. never found Or knew any such or of the department, and generally for his ion nonce niers 53 983 the period fixed for their recap - That in consideration of the sums of money so 1 other dd.:Jere of my department to be guilty received by him and of the promises to hini - made, the said Thos. McGreevy furnished to 1 of any indiscretion or breach of trust in Larkin, Connolly & Co. a great deal of informa- conneetion with any tender or contract. bion; etrove to prepare and did proeure to be Tenhers acoepteti have been and are ett made by the department and the hon. Minister of Public Works, in tbo plans 03 the graving dock 000ePted nooOrding to law. 1t the and in the execution ot the works, alterations perties pained in the motion 0- having which have cost large sums of money to the pub- contributed to a testimonial presented to lie treasury ; nierabers of the Parliament a Canada to assist contributed so is, I never asked thena to do of Canada, gaid the Objeot WAS eapreasedby its title. It wits intoadvd 00difY $1•"? common JAW aa sve/1 Oa ttlo st•tttito law of Canada. The hill was drafted en the lines nt Xnaperiai eeditieatiten of 1.879, asggfirt, onswPr to 51r. Lauder. kW. saw that the sale of registration atanWs in 1890 gave it revenue of OW4,520. Mr. Perry, on a u4osiett for a return re- garding the Gwernment steamer $tanley, whieh plies between Pince Edward ieland end the Mainland, oornplained of the ober. aoter of the dervioe there. rldat service Nit year, he Fetid, W48 eha/n41324111jr riegleeted by the Department at Pdarine and Fisheries. He aontended t;14'1 tbe Government was pledged to constrnot ei tunnel, berietith the Btraito. The motion after being acaeoded was oarried. The aortae adjeUrned at 4 45. Move Tahateato as Di LI tt waltr) 1.1•••••••• Who Process That Gives the 8eatnetreas Exactly What $he terante. Tho Beametrees, whether she want a NO. 30 or 40 or 120 ehread, knows from the number just whet kind of sewing it lean be used for. When 840 yarded yarn weigh 7,000 grains, a pound of cotton, the the thread:natters mark it No. 1. If 1,689 yards weigh a litaind it ie :narked No. 2. Por No. 50 yern ie would take 50 multi- plied by 489 to weigh a pound. This is the whole explanation of the yarn mein :torment ea ttabd by the spool. Manntae- Oren The early manufaotured thread hoe of three -cord,, the number being de. ttdc'w atom the number ot yards to the pound' 3ha. es it is to.day. No 60 yarn mud° NO* tkaugh in pain" t of th"ctua delibre of No. 60 thread wth°rueleaNerge.a21101 bNra0n. t aline& hthethth being made of When the sewing methane -.vett into the merket as a great thread consonen unreasoning in its work and inexorable ite demands for meclaanioal acatiraoy, six. cord cotton had to be made in platte of the old and rougher three-oord, it being =eh smAthherre.ad numbers were already eetelh lathed, they were not altered for the new article, says the Dry Goods Review, and No.60 six.cord and No. GO threemord ware lett ideutioel in both size and member. To (feed that the aix.cord has to be made of pan twit* as fine as that demanded in making the threemord variety. The No. 60 cord is made of six strando of No. 120 yarn. The three.aord spool cotton is of the some number as the yarn is made of. Six.cord :spool cotton is alwesys naltde from double its nuvabera. Thread is a simple thing but it is simple there are 2,000 kinds' ef it, and oath kind goes through hundreds of different procaine. That he Anneal/ took steps to indage certain .080 wine night or t en years ago have so hiM, the mid Thomas MaGreevy, in his efforts so, and lap to this moment I never knew in ooncerawitla Larkin,Coanolly & Co. to obtain , , e e a es. n • e• odein 1,0 n5170 Wine BO. vireotty or mon alterations and eticlitione,1 works, for which large stuns of money were offered to him by the i reetey. I never salted the oontraotora members of the firm • named in the motion for money, Cnat on his suggedion members of the Perlis, ,A.,,,.,„"„, or notes, nor did I ment of Canada were approached bytnerabers of '- n'e the firm of Larkin, Coneolly & Co.; • rsoetve any such money, cheques, or That certain mre emheof the said firm nava notes from them for my use, profit, or ad. declared then the said members of the Cabadian ventatge. Oontionieg, he veld that he bed Parliameut, on being so approached, had 118905. for a certain sum of money for exerting their tut reason e0 a seepeo I Mr. Perley of having iniluence iu favor ot Larkin, Connolly & Co. done wrocg in aenneotion with the mettere svith the Minister of Public Works, and that laid befete the House by Mr. Tarte. If he Larkin, Connolly & Co. had agreed to give them btu' done so it was out of his (Sir Heater's) money for that purpose ; 'Thu Tbomas McGreevy, acting In concert knowledge, and katving known him for with Larkin, Connolly et Co., did at their many yee,po 58 a faithful color of his request corruptly endeavor to procure the department he coned not :make up his h3h;d dismissal from office of certain public officers employed in connectionnvIth the Worts of the that he head violated his trust mid thereby graving dock at Eequimalt in cede); to have rendered himself punishable by the Gov. them -replaced by others who would suit Larkin, eromoot. In so far as Mr. IlloGreevy was Cohnolly & Co., the termer heving for a, thee incurred the ill -will of_Larkin, Connolly es Co. Cencerned the hon. gentlemen wail in his because they then coffipelled them to carry out place, and it was for him to gay what he the works in conforinity with the specifications had to say. If the matter was referred to and contract, and prepared their estimates (30.mmitteas on Privilege:: and. Elect - according to the terms or tbe said contract; tn.e . That durhig the winter of 1888 and '87 the said Sons he teoald be there ready to gtve thThames McGreevy proposed to and made with evidence, e firm of Larkin, Connolly 1300.. through cer- tain members of the Said firm, an arrangement Mr- lktaareevY said he W4103 not preeent whereby the said firm undertook to pay to him when this matter was referred to in the the sum ot 825,000 on condition that he would leet Parliatnent, bat ha left the statement obta‘n for the fun:tithe sum of so cerits per cubic with Mr. Curran which was read on hie yard for the dredging 03 8,003 cubio yth ards in e , , , .„ e. area of the wet basin tlae harbor of Quebec; Oenalt Tn5S SZ 9e =DB he 31111. aurierea That dredging of the same kind, and even He chareoterized the whole statement more difficult, had previously, and up to that tvlaitila had been made by Air. Tarte al3 a tbne, and to the knowledge ef the said Thomas McGreevy, been executed for the sum 0127 eeuts falsehood, and tuntrue from, beginning to Per (ethic yard, and even less, in the same end. It was 4 tonl conaperetay made to That the said Thomas McGreevy need his Waimea° as a member of this House with the would loot /0.0 theft instrument, in aiding Department of Publics Works, 5115 30 particular thena tic obtain what they wanted. Those with Henry F. Perley, Esq., to indium: kdm to persona even forged hie name to documents report to the Quebec Harbor Conamissiou in 0 t gain their ends, and be was ready to favor of the payment of the said sum of 35 cents . ... It . ,. _ ways ...s per cubic yard ; prove it. iti m uy naa,ntholizect w sai works;1 injure him by acsrtsdfloIiq,bsblMlhl3 That the correspondence on this subject be- name had been naade use of. He was glad tween Henry F. Perley and Larkin, Connolly & 1that at laet ado statement had been made Co., before the Quebec Harbor Commissionera t. fi were consulted, took place at the suggestion of on ne nor of Parliament, and he hopeLla thcx said TheMaS ikinGrreevy, and was eonduct,ed speedy ioveetigation would take place. He with big knowledge and parnelpatIon is such a was prepared to defend hieneelf, and could manner as to conceal from the eyes of Perlis- . anent and of the public the corrupt cbaracter of promise the Home thet the result of the received $27.00n; cation. The member for Montmorency That Larkin, Connolly & Co. paid in money to aae, the said Thomas McGreevy the sum of $ii0,00J Vett. t ,held elected .ltiaetelf in a PP, LA* in fulfilment of the arrangement above men- tion front welch he_ wawa have some arm- tioned, and that at hie own request a stim of erilty in extricating himself. Thomas moGreevy to the House of Commons at .M.r..Tarte denied that he been associated 85,000 was left, to secure the election of the said d • th ern* end. the general election of $1897, in the hands 01000 'Mtn tne men name • in 9 p tbe contract, in connection with which ho had inveetigetion would be hte complete vindi- memo for Boys. Ther is abeolutely nothing in the way o recreat 81.80 benefioialin every respect to a boy as OXing. I am positive—and I know where° I writeefor as boy and men 'have tried th m all, fencing, wrestling, rowing, mineral g, riding—thet no one of ',her:I:than the ma advantages of boxing, says a writer i Harper's Young People," As an tar red developer it is unequalled; not one of t a boy's muscles remaina inactive; back, s nob, lege, era's, are all called upon fo vigorous serviaa. But what cousider he beat feature in its reoom. mendati for boys is the very thorough drilling hich the disposition of the boy tenet un ergo. If a lad is quick to lose his temp r, bong will.eare- biro; will teach hi 'that no one who jets -his taroner get the b ter othim will beciemo an expert sparer ; eheedtly convince hula of the Mbarai te ma:niter of keeping cool end in entire onesaion of his wise io order to sustain h efforts sha avoid defeet. The boxer wit cannot control hie temper is practical at the meroy of a cool, Wild opponent One caenot spar succesetully and beoo e flustered. A boxer mnst ever be on the lerk, hie wits constently alive, looking f an opportunity of sneak ; he must be le to act instantly and with cool deliberati n, as distinguished from wild, undireote action. , Re need do no running to develo the muscles of his lege or his lunge; th fire MI continuously in action of the membere of the firm, who, finding that 1 enoe, eau2nasoin. sufficient, had to fidd thereto the sum of kir. moareavy—We win heve more of What on the 23rd Mrty,1887, in fulfilinent of the that by-and-bYe- , . arrangeraents above mentioned and tlarough tiae Mr. Terte—Illy zinoere wish as that the efforts,. the influence, and the intervention of words wed by my hole friend may prove publics tender having been called for, a contract ," I 1 ego*. Ileir. Speaker if the said Thonaag McGreevy, and without any ,.......e. Ea talks 0..0 migsioners and Lerida], Connolly & Co., for Lai hine are forgeries I will nodonly apt:elegize in the west basin of the Quebec harbor works tei thie House, hal I will have no other ex - the necessary dredging aud removal of material was made between the Qaebee Harbor 00131, the lettere I have referred to 59 eigned That in the execution of tlae worixd of this pii.ctation than toga from this House, and contract extensive frauds were perpetrated, to to a o it very quickly. (Applause.) of money 'were paid cfilithe control and direction of Henry P. Perley, read a lir ot to ocale under follot tAnng b. ilia were introduoed and the detriftent of the publie treasurV,and sums e and appointed by the Quebec Harbor Commis- To amend tho Dominion Franchise Act 510ahitt by an erder-in-Council dated lObla May, —Mr` (3haritax" T 1888, the d.evereeleet 01 eeteltaa dooesoa to pay ReSpecting the Niagara and Grand Island ft sum of 318,800 yearly during five years to Mr. Bridge Co.—Mr. Montague, Julien Obabot, on the condition of his cauging Iteepecting the St. Lawroiate & Ottawa the steatnee edmirel to ply between l n h Clasps, ft:wining a connection with tbile IunutBeire- Railway o,—Mr. TeylOr. and colonial Itailway ; To confer certain powers on the Cattadi!in That the tand 811111 of terolve thousend flee Pectin° Railway Co. in conneetion with its hundred dollars has since been paw id the mon- f" ether „I:mix:wee ner preectibed in the Ordeiein-Council atid the — - That tlie said aulien Chabot WAS Manly a Respecting the B. y anu813- contract made thereunder ; r. ay o 33 . da f ao t screen for the 'benefit of the mid Thomas Mn. iug rna to °helve he name to the E. m to be —r,maakriitaah. Groovy, wbo then was and 00114110 , dh °roil y lone time theretifter the proprietor et; the Act ---Bestactirig tbe River E4. ciair "tawny Wird] whole a ot least in great ort Tlakt_trevions to the lothof , & Bridge co,—pir, Montagne.Since anud" -84, the same subtecly ox t'ideueulteltaie To amend tlie Act to nacorporate the ter *be edid ateanier &haired, iP01.1_,0,100 a NAP:, .„ Men renresenting the ;mid Tbore M zdripiis-oenPrinting and Publishing Co.—. Mr, We have selected two'or oup, three lines from. letters freshly received from pa- nts who have given German $yrup Cr' re to their children in the ememeneies of Croup. You will, credit these, because they come from good, sub- stantial people, happy in finding what so many families lack—a med- icine coin aiMng no evil drug, which mother can administer with con:- alenee to the little ones in their most critical hours, safe and.” sure that it will carry them through.0 ED. L. WIT.LITS, of Mrs. Jas.W. Kntx, Aline, Isiah, I give it Daughters, College, to niy children when Harrodsburg-, Ky. 1 trou le w t roup ave epei e i arid never saw any it in attacks of Croup preparation act lake with my little daugh- it. It is simply mi- ter, and and it au in- raculous. 'valuable remedy, 13.1.1y one-half of our customers are mothers who use Boschee's Ger- man Syrup among their children. A. medicine to be successful with the little folks must be a treatment for the sudden and terrible foes of child- hoo4whooping cough, croup°, diph- theria and the dangerous inflamma- tions of delicate throats and lungs. © Worroo..,,B2,...odk Be at Paling to Dreee their eeastnet as To emcee evreas. The dreeemen, with a woman's re?.../aeneeekhis:/.114 re uschhe todo cords and bones below lee& 'tin ehe is etude to bare herself. Whet ehe meta. ;la yard of beads, a pendent necklet*, a re hte %OEM' UAPPliC 11101/87111WI 'Whiffs of -wisdom that come in At that In nnxieg eakeindownit'e eaPs 0 the same Size f or measuring the d ingroniento, Q:Leacurstle°ktElhoelleenveV70n booho ti.:0a,t(e13510.: 11:4: pi4rt a: est ill: ylvi ieoeteiireol ttral.:401,0:01;a:nibierelfg:owgnrs eie&paisraymt tewitt:vpi ne:gueoei tivo.pae the top of rueke and pies just before p ting rb.rn into the oven. 'The egg mak efiloo seen On bakers' pies and Ohke ie poorno no nvf 1:flynxioactl le age g: kt*Ixesdoagiti:ogrdie(:;hiebfruhteifrathilek mi° Nothing made with auger, eggs and milk Should reach the boiling point. _ The molasses to be used for gingerbread si0h egnr a improvedittlYmmeti.by being first boned', Oil.clothe should never have soap Med upon inem, as the lye will destroy, lam colors and the finish. — Lacliee Mitts ,Thurnal. "Who Should " Bone" First. A great deal of nonsense has been talked about the queation Of whose plaoe it is to bow fire* when a lady and gentleman meet upon the street or in any public: amenably. Ma very absurd to say that a man should alsvaye wait until a lady has reoog- Weed thie, as meet other mat- ters, cottemon ea and mutual convenienoe are the only guides. Many !edam are near- sighted; many othere find great diffioulty in rememberbeg fame. The important thing, of course, %that a, man should not presume. When two people meet who are really acquainted it is not the tnan who shoal. necessarily bow first, or the la6y—i1 is whichever of them is the first, to penewe and recognize the other., Deng way to Get Broken. . A great sheet of plate glees that fell and went to flinders in Brooklyn the other day had a queer hiatory. It was about twelve flowers or fringe, or a collar as neer bee feet eqaare and Was worth 61,200. It could ear -holm as it can be fitted. The linee been made in thie country, but it which !lege first dram; around the throat can always be concealed by a velvet col- larette, to which anything can be ap- pliqued—beads, medallione, miniettures, cuff -buttons, flowers, brooches and even rings. Then there are passenienterie bands in every width, jeweled with reedit:oval, Bap- tian and modern effects that are very pretty. The Medici at collars are not expenaive, or a scarf of diaphanone gauze may be artfully arranged and pierced with a jewel -handled dagger or quaint or/meant. —New York World. . Over -A ettvity. Pull exe Lae of the brain is favorable to health andlongevity, atchprobanged brain. work is no twee:sexily injurious when un. attended bt hearty, enemy or excitement. Where the erve force is limited, the effe et of over.aativity is dangerous, but in the young and ktrong it is not injurious. There are certaii otesupations which are very wearing, snob as bank tellers and. locomen tive engineera. Then the speculator often beconiee a lwreak through the tendon on hie nerve*; also the politician, says the New trYork Ledger. Take a book- keeper Ming one part of the brain day after day, dealing with nothing but figures year after year; he becomes tired, listless and, after a while, ineepable of work. Give him a vacation or trip to the mountaine, and he qttiokly recovers; in fact, the other brain cella are called into me. Ameriaan business men, as they grow older, do not redme the nary - OUB expenditure to oorreapond with he natural decline. Business and domestic troubles wear upon therterves. Cramming in sohoole is very bad in its results. The brain of tbe ohild suffering from overatudy robs the blood of elements provided for the growth of the body. As a result, the ohila is stunted, although the parents may have been fine animals. »yGlgovir; the said Thomas McGreevy rocciec1 eRn el vac. king the Lake Ternisiximingn0 in that connection a sum of sheet $12G,000 y Air Trow. while being a member of the 'revilement of Cl°111113rE.TY°gleiro°u6 ininPOred—thett. the the time ctraaii 1888 tender; were askoil for °by' etohiic. f Or PreflOniing PriVain hills be ode:idea to Quebec Harbor Conimigidertere or' th suited= of a work called the " diteith wari,I,,Ftotok .Str ,roh2OttliltrihnoerntipoCiond:riinedm' rng thoifinat reigning Wall"; ''6P r— a t mi g of a bill td coalty the aria:dos law That tee Themes McGreeve, Prceu.re .t . ra n public �b 1t13 t1.4tendete received inn anomie advertising on Wrappers. Do purchasers of geode at stores like to aarry their packages with the advertise- ment of the selling fitm printed upon them? That is a question now being dis- cussed by many people and in the news- papers. The New York Sun mentions the case of one lady who refused to carry pasteboard 110X in whiah her new bonnet had been packed until the advertise- ment was covered up with paper. Other instances have come under notice of a similar desire on the pale of pc:rolls:Jere. They think they ata InIsa LIU .0•1:..410.o tuolutrIffeesa... advertisements of the store* in which the make their purchases. There oan be n objection to a neat card on a wrapper, to remind people of the address of the etore,but when Gothio lettere four or five inohee long are need, there ie a decided aversion to taking the paokage in band. The larger stores have men up the practice to a ma- se:stable extent, and the columns: of the newspapers are relied on to give due pronai. nenoe to the wares for sale at the stores.— Rochester Herald. The Buffalo Vernacular. Buffalo Express: Lady—Will you mil me thals pretty puppy, little boy? Begged 1:from—For a couple of planks. Lady—What? R. Wn9fi two made. Lady—How is that ' II.—A couple of cold came '11 buy him. Lady—Dear me 1 What did you say? 11.13.—Yort kin have hien fer two bones, Lady—Well, I deolare 1 I will Asks him, Here is a quarter for you. It will buy a lot of bones. • R. II.—Aw, rats l Can't per tinder. ste,nd? De dorg don't go ter leeten two dollars. The First Umbrella. It is generally Sated that 11 18 to Jonas Henway, the well-known philanthropist, that we are indebted for the valuable exunpIe cf morea courage in firet carrying a raised umbrella in the streets of London, says the let. Louis Republic. It is difficult now to conceive the amount of persecution which this whole proceeding entailed upon thet honorable gentleman, whose objeot was, doubtless, lem the proteetion of hie own person, than that of showing hie countrymen bow they might protect them - elves from drenching showers. Long after they had aome into occasional nee, a gen- Oman amorapareled by a lady, under the shelter of the new rata protector, was hooted ries by grown men aa he pasted along. A gentleman who tehenced to be alone with a raised umbrella on the etreets of either London or Liverpool was in constant danger of assault from the bowling mob that was sure to follow at hie heals. brere::: 011 ktbrmtet 00u 41--.4 have been carried to Brooklyn canals. So it areitet tunnels it would have to Pan girc'ngh' ' :dhei too big to travel on the wit , *rouble in ite trip across the Brooklyn her5delegine, tallnedE °haat: 0t of Id canted to one tilde tt`,..PABB under the passenger platform. After tetheelge jest fa it reaohed its destination it wathernaahed. , Not the Divine Nine. DetroltPree Pres.s "Miss linippy,,, ssia, the Vaseer profeseor of Greek mytholegy., "can you tell me the names of Mae divine nine ?" "Yee, air; there is Buck Ewing and I " Stop I stop! Who is Buck Ewing rt Then all the young ladies in the elltita smiled at ths. poor prOfessor'S ignorance and answered an °horns • "Why, the catcher, of mum 1" Playing on the ltaine. Texas Siftings : " These firemen must be a frivolous set," said Mr. Spillkine, who was reading a paper. " Why eo 2" " I read in the paper that after a fire tvits unclerhoutrojettehtimhstAhvedadiereke.- toe-tent anew:. ey go am and go to bed like aeneible men, instead o romping about like children ? ' Within the past six weeks it is eta - mated that over one thoneand personalists lettled in the Bed Deer end Edmonton distriot With a stools pair of barite, a "Tam o'Shanter " cap or felt " knockabout," a girl can " rought it " all day and come home in good order, while flounce:3 and trine and gay lame and dainty white mus.' line look limp and. dejeoted.—Househeeperad Weekly. A despatch from Buenos Ayres says that °ley ie practically insolvent. The Govern- ment employees have not been paid for weeks, and there is now due to them nearly $1,000,000 in salaries and wages. The municipality is unable to collect tames bemuse the people have no money, and the little oath in the city treasury is needed for absolute neceesitiee. The customs receipts oleo thew a decrease of nearly one-half. /affect or Colors on Nerves. Some carious experiences are reported trona Italy as to the effect of colors on the nerves of the Sok and insane. In the hos- pital for the insane at alessandria special rooms are arranged with red or blue glass in the windows, and also red or bine paint on the walla. A violent patient is and- denly brought into a blue room and left to the effects of that color on his netves. One maniac was cured in an hour; another was at peace in his mind after I:ageinga i:ley in a room of violet. The red room s used for the commonest form of dementia— melancholy—usually scoonapanied by a refusal to take food. After three home in the red room, a patient affeoted in that way began *0 be cheerful and ask for food. A. Slight Misunderstanding. Texas Siftings: Irate individnal—What did you mean by telling Smith that I had been in jail? Calm Individual—I did not tell Smith you hed been in jail. I simply said you ought to be in jail. Irate Individual (Debating down)—I bag your perdon. I must have misunderstood him. • she Stilt-Walner Murdered. j The employing carpenters of ilZfilwankee have decided to give to more employment te union met, end 2,000 'carpenters are looked out. The Poseur Zeitung says that Damon, the Frenehman who started to walk on stilts from Paris to Moricow, was attacked soon after crossing the frontier bate liminda near oenigsberg, beaten to death arid thrown into 5 ditch. There is much rm. certainty as to Dornon'a fate. The above statemeret lacks confirmation, but ik is a feot that the stilter mysteriously disap. peered itt tkte vicinity of the Medan' border. The man was a rattly° of Lett Lands:, a marshy district in southwestern France, where shepherds end :Mere 530 obliged to utte stilts and they beano° ex. perte. —The Brantford census ecitnatiesioner Oval the population at 1/,52., while Ohs Theitattor of Beaten atingregtitutit efild that he mtiet,leieve beer t� drink, and by vote of 100 to 16 they advarmed hie Salttry 4180 a year in order tti peamit him to enjoy that luxury. D. G. 10 L 22.91 aQ f011.e2C1. ••=12 PROMPTLY CURS!) ©SAMS AiFe0 Neuralgia, Lumbag i. Sciatic 9 Sprains, ruises, urns, cuticle, Swellings, So rreness, Frost bites, Stiffness, 0 Aches. The Chas. A, Mei Co., Baltimore, Md. Canadian Depot: Toronto, Out. 9 1 ;$00)1,10,OVEPTIO. 111:;;' 1‘.4 ti 3025 TEgifeetaDIURVGSH/i'711131.51131D II SAIREA0 114 * t*ai TO TELE EDXTOR:—Please; inform your renders that 1 have a positive. rettled,i ,o,e named disease, 13y its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been perniunentre ; .oall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FilEt to any of your readers lvtie option it they will sena me their Expeese and Post Office Address. Re.epeetfulte, 're et, v1,11.„ 480 WOO; tersoistiteo Ste atottoeivet. otereeticle. 1 r • , 13 t; ,t, 92 ". , , . q 1,Jl:'0 ;.•• • , 'a ,‘,., `I i .. - AO 'I11' THOUSANDS OF IVEN AWAY YEAR! en Wadi i say CUret 1 re oflorrIv in sten them for a ti OrittO OtilOtrA Vn 3he:in38,1m481again. faltette ARAithatte(nti ;1E,, f hava made bloedlsiaseof plicSgot*V 105 319.Wfl lokuons a ate -lone etude. 1 "1.13/tit'irtt..t MY remedy to Cu Winut cases. teecenete 0fbete4 i88ve failed ne reaseo ter net 1lQ0l receiving a titre, Seob tteee eat11 treatise arid a POO* etetteeio of iny lwVrtiOlbmbs 11„lorited. Glee Ea et te'Olittentort tee:ate yee hot/fling for trial, and le teill 028100, ;rtat. AddrekitAteer ivwfotat omit" 1018 ADEK.9004 Tnx1131Vtit10611170