HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-6-18, Page 10READ -MAKER'S -sraw,/-elziwis RYER FAILS TO GIVE SATISFACTION OR SALE BY ALL pEALERS, 0 4 SIII'1'l1D.li? (RIFTS. SS'EDDIl\G PARTING . Ik 1,..,TS . GIFTS. ALBUMS BIBLES SHEET DrLTSIC- ................... 0116C ®''' THE RIB MUSIC BOOK' S. S. ..��- FICTION,PAP NE WS RS. ; Libraries. Stationery School Supplies wRAPPING Papers TWINES BAGS W A L L Papers LOCAL JOTTINGS. Ross and Taylor to the front this week with a new "ad” For Fence Wire call at H. Spaek- tnan's, Post Office Block. The butter and egg market was fair !y patronized on Saturday. For choice parasols at low prices go to the Big Bankrupt Store. Builders supplies cheap at H. Spack- man's, Post Office Block. According to the enumerators ' re- turns Exeter has a population of 1836. A large stock of Stoves and Tinware at H. Spackman's, Post Office Block. If thirty-two is the freezing point, :what is the squeezing point? Two in tae shade. A carload of Montreal Steel Nails gust arrived at H. Spackman's, Post . atfice Block. Another shipment of American wall i)aper just opened at the Big Bankrupt ..,tore. Rare value. Stubborn Children readily take Dr. '.sow's Worm taprup. It pleases the .aild and destroys the worms. Insure in the Temperance and Gen- eral Insurance en-eralInsurance Co., of Toronto. ED. 3tssnT; local agent.—May 29-90. Remember you saye from 20 to 25 par cent. by buying your carpets, curt - ..ins and blinds at the Big Bankrupt :sore. "Many Men, Many Minds," but all .nen and all minds agree as to the .neritseof Burdock Pills, small and sug .a -coated. For bracing up the nerves, purifying ..he blood and curing sick headache ..ud dyspepsia, there is nothing to eq- aal Hood's Sarsaparilla. People who advertise only once in ,about three mouths, forget that most .Saks cannot remember anything ton• ,a•.sr than about seven days. These days we hear some fisn stories that are tali enough to made priuter's Type blush, about the monsters that are .,aught in in the Aux Sauble. All dates of sailing of the Allen Line from now until August 27th will be round elsewhere in our columns, of which Mr. John Spackman is agent. A gang of burglars were successful uu Wednesday everting, last week, in t>iowing open the safe of E. Bourquin, „r Tavistock, and carried of a quautity of watches and jewelry therefrom. The Exeter Woollen. Mill have en- tirely refitted their machinery so that auey will be able to turn out better work than ever at the shortest notice. i o1l carding done the same day as brought in. 300 pairs of Lace Cur tains to be said at Jialf price at E. • Spackman bi Co's. The hea pot in town for a, • • carpets &c. e Bank roves ers. r Tho village cattle are once more lib orated front, thew houses of eontincment during the day,ftG the xiabt� s u 1 the village is very short on account of lying so little rain this spring. There was a heavy snowfall in Wales and Cumberland Co, England, Friday. ,Sharp frosts and storms of sleet and snow was experienced g r u ho 1 the kingdom, r d much i- th o 1 t1x1 in- jury jury has been done to the fruit erops, Mr. Bobier has begun work on the site of his new block north of Drew's Opera House on Main street. The dwelling house which formerly occu- pied the site now replaces the burned portion of Mr, Dearing's residence. Mr. Bubier is an enterprising citizen and deserves both success and the best wishes of the town. Clothing, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Boots and Shoes, the best and largest stock to choose from is at E J Spack- man & Co's,Samwell's block Exeter. Monday next will be observed as a holiday and the Sons of England Be- nevolent Society have deckled to visit London in a body, whore the brethern of that city intend holding a monster demonstration. The railway authorit' ies are going to issue tickets at a single fare good from Saturday until Tuesday A good time is expected. Plymouth Lodge S. 0. 'E. will attend Divine Service in the Tiavitt Memor- ial church on Sunday next at 3 p. m The service will be that for the Queens Accessions to be found at the back of the book of zommon prayer. Sermon by the Chaplin of Lodge Rev. S. F. Robinson. Special and appropriate hymns will be sung by the choir and the Sunday School will attend church in a body. Mr. Frederic Knight organist of the Trivitt Memorial church delighted the congregation on Sunday last at both services. The organ has just been over- hauled, regulated and tuned by the builder and its power and sweetness was very effectually shown. The dif- ferent flute and trumpet stops were well exhibited in that showy piece, the delight of organists, the "March aux Flambeaux" On Wednesday afternoon, last week, shortly after the funeral had left the residence of Mr Thomas Sweet, one of the horses which was attached to the hearse turned ugly and would not draw the vehicle any farther. Several gentlemen tried to coax the animal, but it was all in vain. Mr. William Rowe, father of the undertaker, seeing the predicament they were placed in, at once got out of nis buggy and gave up his horse, which was placed in the stead of the one which had turned contrary. lA very short space of time elapsed in exchanging' after which the funeral proceeded on its way without further interruption' The Directors of the Mechanics In- stitute met in the Town Hail on Mon, day evening. The Rey. S. 1'. Robinson President, occupied the chair. The Rev W. M. Martin and Messrs. McCallum Muir, Taylor, Brown, and Drs. Lutz and Rollins were present. After rout- ine business the book committee was selected and is to comprise the full board of Directors and Messrs R H. Collins and Henry Smith. Tho Treas- urers report as passed by the Auditors was read and adopted. There are. now 2300 volumes in the library. After arranging for the printing of new eat- aiogues and some minor matters, the meeting adjourned until the first Tues day in July. .A. young man who went west filled with enthusiasm and a desire to "„row up with the country" surprised his friends by returning home after an absence of several weeks. He said that while he was out land hunting in what he thought was the garden spot of America lie came across a boarded up claim shanty. On the boards nailed across the door he found this inscript- ion, which accounted for his return: unexpect- ed c u "Fore ore miles from a na3 bot. Sixteen nine from a postolis. Twenty- five miles from a rale road. A huhd reel and atey from timber. Two huh• dyed and fifty feet from water. There's no place like home. We've gone east to spend the winter with my wife's folks." The annual meeting of the Cricket Club was held on Thursday evening last, when after hearing the Secretary's report showing an expenditure of nearly $100 for last year, and after severe auditing of the accounts the owing officers were elected for 1891. Carling. Hon. President; Dr. President; N. D, Hurdon, Vice nt: F. Elliot, Sec.-Treas. W. J. J. A. Pope, L N, Carling:, J. unittee. The membership de the same as lase year, s under 12 years 50 cents, thusiasni displayed at the he good attendance of el sure the "Grand Old its own in ,our little nd we hope as this is present organized it arty support from the itizeus, and as the gfish and quite Con Ito. :o Wool i`„'x"owenrs, `,[';the your wool to the EXottr Wool- len Mills, whore 1 dispose ' of it tart, ouc.alc obw e' 1, 3., to the best ach� t t o either incash ail ,, , , exellaalge, or manufactured. 200 tons of hay wanted. The undersigned wishes to procure 200 or more tons of first class Timothy hay for pressing purposes for which he will pay highest market prices., f tilos Olcia, dieter,. Important Notice.. 1 wish to inform the citizens of Exc. ter that I have the necessary applian- ces for removing soot from chimneys, which should be done while you are housecleaning. ,All orders promptly attended to, Give me a call. SAMUEL FANsoi , Exeter tinkers. it a large lot of the leading minion at a 11 you a No. 1 rice. Call s. an & Co., ell's Block, LADIES. Call and see the big drive in Dress Goods this week at E. J. Spackman Co's, 30 cts caress goods for 15 cts all wool; 40c dress goods for 25 cts all wool. These are spec- ial lines and cannot be re- placed at the price. Officers installed. At the last meeting of Court Har- mony No. 67, C. 0. I+., Exeter, the fol, lowing officers were installed for the current term.—Fred Witwer, P. C. R.; Alex. Davie. W. C. R; II. Spackman, V. C. K; Jno: Dignan, F. St D. A. Ross, R. S.; Jno. Taylor Treasurer; J. Creech, Chaplain; George. Hill, S. W: Andrew Hicks, J. W; Chris Luker, S. B; C. Per- loins, J. B. veva anal Ili eftinn. Me. A. Bright, of S3,ifa.rth, Suadayea ll1 I01Li Mr. la1 Seedl b ara x• ca ie. ole 1. ,t 1 x oilatd'i tet t J J t ,i a Fred ELiwleshiw Speen Eficlay anti Sat- urclay iu L —lits Jaana33 Chiug', who has b3ea visiting here for soon) time, left ou Thurs:lay, last week, for her liolne itt the North West, Misses. Annie Chlog awl .Alice Mary Patter,sou c o m )tuteluta—Mrs. Gea:ln 3wno has been h3ri for site rim), retulileeel to her home in London on Thursday, last week—Miss Freak Ching' left Ea- eter for St. Thomas last week, where she wil' remain for soma time,-1fr. Robert Sandors, left ou Monday intern ing for the north on a fishing exp3di• tion—Mr. William Sanders sp)nt Sat- urday in Parkhill and Lucan.--11•.. George Knight, Station Master of Il. ' dertou, spent Sunday iu town, --Mr, Wm. Saud.trs lett on Tuesday for To- ronto to rapraseat Exeter 1.43gion Na. 115, Select Knights of Canada, at the meeting of the Grana Legion to b3 held there.—Miss Liz de 113Avoy, who has been visiting friends in tall arvlln:l Exeter for sono) tini3,returned on. horns to Kincardine on Sntilrticly last.—lir. Y, Di. Duff mtuagar of tau ]3uik of Commerce, of Parkhill, and Mr. John McKenzie of West Williams, ware here on Friday and \Vera silo we through the Trivitt Memorial Church, b3sid3s other places of interest.—Messrs Hugh and E. J. Spackman left for St. Thom i,s on Tnesday morning, and Me. John Spackman left on the evening train for the same place to attend aha funer- al of Mrs. Smith, Mrs. John $pt "knr•tn's Shipments. mother Sir 1fi D 1'V 3a' -s is at Gres ant Mr. Ted Watson, shipped 3 carload of P on a business tour through th3 town - export cattle from this station on Satur- ships of Westminster and OLradock.— Mr. William Pea 3 returned hem) from Port Alb.)rt on Almlayevaniurg, whore he has bawl visiting for sone) time. He looks none the wars) for his trip, only that his skin received a S37e1:3 tanning.—Mr. Herbert Johns,of Gaelgh is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Crank Gill. —Mrs. A1l-anning, and Mrs. F. J. 1'Itu- nine, of B)wmLrvill3, ar) at p:a,3a, visiting' Mr. and Mrs. Jak3 Stew tut.— day.—Mr. Thos. Oke shipped a carload of hay to Toronto on Saturday.—Messrs W. H. Verity & Sou shipped a carload of their celebrated plows to the North West on Friday.—On Tuesday last Messrs. Wood and. Ballantyne shipped from this station two carloads of ex- port cattle for Montreal. Also a car- load of pigs to Toronto on Friday last. Blue nock Tournament. The Exeter Gun Club will hold a tournament at:the Fair grounds on the 25th of May, commencing at 10 a. m; and 2 p. m. First event, a side shoot at 10 bine rocks for the targets; second a sweepstake at 10 bine rocks from un known traps; entrance fee 50 ets. "rind 25 cts for targets; third, a sweepstake at 15 blue rocks, rapid firing system, entrance fee 50c. and 30c. for • targets. The prizes will be divided as follows: - 1st 40 per cent; 2nd 30; 3rd 20,'and 4th 10 in each case. D. Johns, Pres; F. W. Collins, Secy. 6500 for a Needle. Oun Holns,a thirty-two page month- ly magazine, devoted to house build- ing, home furnishing, house decoration fashions, general literature, etc., is the best publication of its class in,Amertca. The publishers, in order-to"int;rensethe circulation of their magazine, ober large cash rewards to those of their subscribers, or intending subscribers, who correctly answer the following question: Where in the New , Testa- ment are the words, "a needle," first found? Cash daily and weekly rewards given while the competition lasts. The publishers wi1L give away thousands of dollars among those correctly answer- ing the question—the leading reward being $500 in gold. Send ten cents in stamps or silver for a sample copy of Oua Hoafns and complete rules govern- ing the competition. Address OUR Ho:+rns PuBr.Is1IINe Co., .Brockville, Ca- nada. -41, 5E;7. 67 000 in gold fora wife." We will give to the first person tel ling us before June 1st, 1891, where in the Bible the word "Nemo" is first found, $100.00 in gold. To the next $50.00. To the third, $25,00. To the fourth, $1;0.00. To the fifth, $15.00. To the sixth, $10.00. Co the next 25, $5 each. To the next 25, $2 each. To the person sending in the last correct answer, we will give $100 in gold. To the next to the last, $50, and so on same as from the first. With your answer send 25ets. in silver, well wrap ped, or Post Office Money Order or Script, for a box of Dr. Cole's Blood and Liver Pills, the best Blood, Liver, and Stomach Pills ever made. Sure mire for sick headache. Don't Gripe. e. Ri91LIlMBIsR the presents are absolutely free, being given away to ,advertise Dr. Cole's Perfect Pills and ;Family L;r(ue)s Remedies. At the close of the contest ( Call 011e the names and addressee of all the prize winners will appear in ruts paper. We refer you to the Traders Bank of Orillia. Send at once and be first. Address, Home Specific Co. Orillin, Ont. Ladies. WLa t.: SIVA N Tell us that R:numttistn is a blood di- sease; that it cam b3 cured Duly by a remedy which works throag'a th3 blood. And yet, if you Kaye the d ming plias of Raeu na.tism in masolcs or joints, try a little of Clark's Lightning L:nf ment. It wit' g) diract to 1113 sant of pain and raliev,3 it at once. Thera is no wt,itin wsek, and moth, until the dissa'scCall b3 attackei through the blood. This seam• to b3 contrary to scientific claim;, but it is true that Clark's Lig ming Lino),\: will cure Rheumatism. 331d by druggists; price fifty cants. Clark C:1:mic%l Co, Tor- onto,New York, P I'LE S A. p>.ittve L`ne3. Tb.ou4- a.Al.i of t.atim)aiaba: No purge. . NJS.t;,,eurorf. a:ntpl3 p.tidor 27 cents in. sat i31-t9t t[urnoSdeattic CI.O iLtLa Oat ARE NOT a Pur- gative Medi- cine. They are a BLOOD BUILDER, TONIC and RECON- STRUCTOR, as they supply in a condensed form the substances actually needed to en- rich the Blood, curing all diseases coming from Poon and WAT- ERT BLOOD, or from VITIATED HUMORS in the BLOOD, and also invigorate and Burin IIP the BLOOD and SYSTEM: when broken down by overwork, mental worry, disease, excesses and'indiscre- tioas. They have a SPI1eIFIo ACTION on the Sr xuAI. Srsrinr of both men and women, restoring LOST VIGOR and correcting all IRREGUILARITIES and SUPPRESSIONS. EVERYEVERYMAN Who finds his mental fat. MAN n ties dull or failing, or his physical powers flagging. should take ,these PIr.'ns. They will restore his lost energies, both physical and mental, EVER'�IIIAN Tlety cure all soz: pressions and irregularities, which inevitably entail sickness when neglected, YOUNGfIll EN should take these Pa Ls. 551 1 hey \volt cure the re- sults of youthful bad habits, and strengthen the system. YOUNG WORIEN should take thea,. These PusLs will nuke them regular. For sale by all druggists, or will be sent upon receipt of price (50c. per box), by addressing r. TEM DR. WZLi PA11_B' MED. 00. Brockville, Out lq il a 11 We have just r'e3eived another choice range in Gents furnishing ; .II tree the, n3 Want, Tice, the latest and most varied yet. See Spi3,imv'1 & Co's. Dress Goals. All 113w Goods. 131-194 The Exeter District. The annual meeting of the Exeter District was held in Centralia Methodist Church, Mac". 13th and 14111. Rey. A. L. Russell,chairman of the District presid- ed. There was a full attendance of clerical and lay delegates. Rev, J. E Homes was elected secretary, T. H. Down and C. A. Smith. assistants. All the ministers were answered for as be- ing blameless in life, conversation and doctrine. Mr. 0, A. Smith, a promising young man, was recommended for the ministry, T. A. Down, a probation,was continued on trial. Statistical returns reported advancement. Rev. W. J. Ford,L, L. B.,}vas elected to the motion ing committee; Rev, D. M. Kennedy and ,11 I3ish9p to the Sunday school committee; Mr. Albert Langford to the missionary committee; Rev. S. J. Allen and Andrete Hicks to the Epworth League committee, Oa the evening; of the 18th a social entertainment was given by the Young People's Society, of the church rl'ert was served in the basement,after\ihichaninteresting pro-. gram was presented by Rev. A. L. ittis- sell,wlxogave,anexcel lent address. Good music was rendered by the choir Hays. J. 3,`liolmcs and 5..T, Allen sang a duet. The attendance was'fair,and .art enjoyable eveninm was sp.nit. IL Call and see Spa,ckm:la & Co's. Satesns, Prints aal Aug). la suitings. A11 g)31 Washers, Ladies, Call and sea Sp1 ktn 1.1 .& Co's. Ea1'JCJid3ry shil'tifl Lawns aid D31ai0.33 fog the hot weather, Ladies, We sell the bast 253 Black Hose in tli Dominioa worth 40cts. \V.L•i'a,it.=;i stainless, Calla al 333 t1131D.. Ladies, Dain )mh3r W3 car,'y 013 of the 1[.tig'3it it)3'ti4 Oi `Ililtnury in town., hat ti3ty. No old trinllnillg4 to up. Call and 833 the, 112W style for Spring and Simla 3r. E. J. SPAC.I.MANc CO. S 1)11V;:LL'S t JOOI , 1txCTBLz, - 0:7 CArf) Ui1`13rwear, fine rang) and at prices that will surprise yon. D:337 G031, and .1 rimming). In all the newest shades. Nobby G3313. Another new' lot of Parasols, no old ores left over. See them. We 1111A5 a sp331alty 11.1 Ladies' Gloves. We cin y' the • bast Kid Glove in town. .Boots and 8033 la abctn tan ce. Crockery, an endless range Oar Glassware. Six piece set for 25 cts. G ,)eery D31atirtt113nt, complete. 25c tea ahead yet. E PitO7liSE LESS ANO DOMORE than any other firm. Doa't b3 drawa to any store by promises that would bank- rupt a millionaire to perform.. You cannot get goads at less than cast, any mora tin i you can have an inside without all outside or a top without a bottom: WE iSOLICIT A CALL. C ROS. LIF E IS TOO SHORT FOR A1IIGHTBUT HIGH ENDEAVOR. T endeavour to p:.o1a3e the very bast goods in my line. Not only the best in QUALITY AND FINISH, BUT IN VALUE. I am sanding oat soma beautiful milk cans this spring far exceeding and previous effort. My sto3k or material for spring work, such as . Ewe= "` troughing, Roofing, &3. is extensive and complete, and wor.- '- mauship is the very best. I Solicit your order for TROUCHIN%p�C{ O p,��pROOF INC_ ��11 TT�� CUARANTi:G'i3O SATISFAC11ONr I have wit'ioat ex3eptioa the nicest assortment of Milk PAILS and Straining PAILS to b3 found. anywhere, varying in price from 20 cts to t$1.00. Note the price of milk pans: SitLILL SIZE 75 GETS T0 $2.00 PER DOZEN'. LAME E SIZE $1.00 TO $3.00 Pm DOZEN. Wb would go without a dipper when you can get one for 5 cts. EVER YOURS, WILL FLL.NDs SPRING 81. AT ROOK BOTTOM PRICES. tor altratit ->.. Car Load Chesnut Coals • Carload Steel Nails; Carload Iron and H1rss Sh.b33: Carload Blue Ribbon Coni- polite Binder Twine. Lining ani. Tar Papers, Rim and Mortice Locks, Hinges, Bolts, tin Bailers and tin Pails. TINWARE A A - DOWN. Sng',b s, 013)13, Goan and Dried Apples, Lard, Tea,, &c., Os t- - mut $1,00 per 100 lbs., Flour ,$2,75 per 100 lbs. WANTE 100 Ball -131s Tim)Thly, Clover., Alsike Seeds, Dutch Sets, Top O-lio.ln Hungarian Grass, 100 Bushels Potatoes. Celar Posts S knealed Barb Wire of liaild►'- W ORI qq"��►►�p � HOWARD Ing a Hf M ORIOU J. No HOWARD, Manager. Proprietor-