HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-6-18, Page 4TEE seXeter Abliorate, SANDERS cS: SWEET, Props. THURSDAY, JUNE 18th, 1891. 217.A.TVL'DE FROM O-1! 1)41KO2'il, On of the best practical proofs tthc superior attractions offered to eI. West by our North est territory the recent exodus from South Dako It appears that many of our you :Canadian farmers a few years a aver° induced to. leave their own cou try, owing to false representatio glade by American agents represel ing a railway eonapan,y whose Iii passed through the state orterrite of Dakota, Thousands of our peopl who might have earned a fair live. hood at home, were beguiled on th principle that "distance lands (maim 'anent to the view," and resolved to t their luck iu the United States, -b found to their sad dissappointmentth South Dakota was a tract of barre country in -which there was no fuel, surface water, and no protectio against the prevailing hot winds whit 'killed out their wheat as well as oth crops. Since the opening lap of t• . Canadian North west territory, the disappointed farmers who have alums been left destitute in Dakota, learnin of the true character of our Wester).prairies, applied` to the Government Ottawa for relief and assistance i moving their families and effects to th more favored Canadian soil. The re suit has been that hundreds of familie have lately availed themselves of th very reasonable terms offered by th Government, and are now comfortabl settled in their new homes in th Province of Assinihoia. So reduce .has the population become in one par of Dakota, from the recent stamped that whole farms and buildings are de sorted without any prospect of ever se curing an owner, " And right glad were our countrymen to leave their possessions behind them, without th possibility of ever realizing anything from them, so es to cast in their to with the prosperous farmers in our own North West territory. One of thei number, giving his cxpericellce of their new home, says: "Tell all the people of the Dakotas to come here." The same person describes the Province of Assin- iboia as having "plenty of timber ;for building, fencing, and fuel for alt time to come; and the soil splendid for arols, . good -crater, plenty of lakes; in short, a noble country for people who wish to engage in mixed farming." There will in all likelihood be•a genoraistam- pecle from the States of our Canadians, who to their cost were induced by 'Yankee agents and land•sharks to leave their native country in the hope of bettering their condition. The mor al is this -be content with such things as ye have, and remember that "a bird 1n the hand is worth two in the bush?" of 111- is �a. ng go 11 ns lt- ne ry 111- e t- ry ut at 11 Ito II h he se t g 1 at n 0 s e e y e d t e e• • • • t r • THE ATION'S DESTI2 I'. Now that our great ehieftain is laid to rest, and the agony and excitement consequent upon his removal are some- what allayed, it behoves all loyal Ca. medians to weigh wall the responsibili- ties thrown upon us as a young nat- ion and to implore a wise Providence to guide our counsels aright. We have leen so long accustomed to rely with confidence on the superior wisdom and .statesmanship of the departed leader, that- it almost seems as if we were left without a controlling mind to shape and mould our future destiny as a net ion. Andyet we know that there are ab• le men who still survive, who may not prove unequal to the task of guiding the ship of state in this perilous Dour :However, our help is. not in nian. 'There is.a guiding providence in 411 things, and our hope for the future rests upon Him who controls the minds of men in so harmonizing • discordant ,elements that every individual interest Will be served consistently with the general good of the country. The pol- icy of our departed leader was to make x homogenerous nation, a,nd to con .strtiet out of the apparently discordant .elements of race and religion as well 1 .as of maritime and non -Maritime i.ntel'- •ests,a united' Dominion ww,hlcll would be the adiniratiore of posterity and prove, to be the home 'aider one flag of millions of happy people. Tliat a noble task was weal performed, and a noble monument of statesmanship left as ti legacy by our departed Premier, none will dare dis ute. And while as a - l.hat ion we are already taking active Steps p to commemorate in some suitable form the lifelong' work of the chieftain, no better monument can be erected to leis ;memory than the, present Dominion • eveith its great national highway span- ,, wing ilio North American continent, from ocean to wean; so that it may ; be said, "Si vis lnonumentuni, circum spree." What the outcome of present negotia ons legalcltng a 1 ienuor may be, it would be useless as well as 1111- possible to foresee. Time alone, the groat reyealer of secrets, will tell. Meantime, we entertain the strongest hope both in respect to the wisdom and the united loyalty of the present able leaders of the; Conservative party, that no personal jealousy or religious differ• euces or racial distinctions will be :•11 lowed to wreck the fortunes of our ship of state, and that the noble example left by the late administrator of Can- ada's government will prove a beacon of light to warn us against threatened breakers and to guide our coming lea - der and his cabinet to the haven o national prosperity and peace, meat of dogs. -Carried, J. D. Drilla mond-T, Brest -that this couneil ad pure( to meet 1n the town hall on icon day the 29th day of June at ten o'eloe a. 111. for ordinary business n,ud at two �x�r��s r��.� TO THE FRONTMcCOLT4 & Co BIOS. And if you don't believe 1t call at �. l: The Leading Ail Firm n•FP!n4,.,Aa, Ross & Taylor's o'clock p in. for Court of Revision, -- Carried. 3Yztiz F tAsnn, Clerk NOTHING SO GOOD Or so quick to give relief as Clark's Li;•lltnfng Linimciit. 1t will in a few minutes, when taken according to di• rections, cure cramps, cola, diarrhoea dyspepsia, heartburn, sick lleadaehe, sour stomach,, spasi'ns, wind in the bow els,and all internal pains, It is an ev- er ready .help at every Hour of the day or Hight, and a bottle should be in ev cry cupboard. For sale by all drug- gists; price fifty cents. Be sure you get Clark's Lightning Liniment. Clark Chemical Co., Toronto, New York. Fire broke out yesterday in the fuel PLANING MILL AND LUMBER YARD Are still pleasing. the public with oils, . Why use an oil that • and you )9111 be convinced that they will injure your machinery when you can have the Largest and Best Stock of all (Yet the elebl'ated kinds of Building' Alaterials in this sect- tion of colmtl'y,tind at the lowest videos. - illk..1131 Shingles a Specialty, wommemmormasistot,n. haVing a large stock on hand we are prepared to meet the keenest eonipetit• ion as to price or quality. 1Ve have se• eddied the right to Manufacture and Cylinder, Lardine, 'V,t'ool, Eureka, Spindle, • Boltoi t - Sell Merriams celebrated Baiting: Cali ing,Solar, a, 3enS'S.. mets. Call and see thein and bo con- vinced of their merit. Z/. e.1-,1' e„fc''�,. Ct-Lade 'S., 11088 qC TAYLOR; Main St., Exeter IVI0 . ll Brose OoToronto 0* SPECIALTIES: THE COMING SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, �o -ras- �Ip�TUil�lO SYSTEM. loom on the fifth floor of A. Campbell � --FOR SALE. BY - f qui Co.'s cotton mill at Alanayunk, Pft, ISI S T.i.." T EI(3my Exeter, ails. ,before the flames were +ot under Nter the building and its contents -were damaged $250,000. Crenshaw & Lezer, weavers, occupied part of the building and suffered $75,000, MoGillivr'ay Council, Commit met pursunt to adjournment in the town hall, i1: feGillivray,June 1st 1891. Present W, L. Corbett, Reeve G, T. Johnson and J. D, Drummond, Deily, Reeves, T. Prest and E Alorgan, Councillors. Minutes of last mooting read approyed of and signed. J. D Drummond --G. T. Johnson -that T Prestis hereby commissioned to have the south end of Mr Lewis side road repaired. -Carried, J. D. Drliinmond- T. Prest-that G. T. Johnson and the Tie Engineer are hereby instructed to examine the water course grievance of Henry Down with power to act.-Car•- ried. G. J. Johnston -E. Morgan -that J. D. Drummond and T. Prost are here• by commissioned to let the contract,the widening of roadway on Wilson's hill to 20 feet providing satisfactory ar- rangements can be made with the ad- joining property owners for encroach- ment upon . their lands. --Carried. G. T. Johnson -J. D. Drummond -that contractor H Bowman's explanation, viz: -that he had the privilege of haul. ing gravel for the Parkhill road from. any of the several pits mentioned at the time of letting and not from a spec- ified pit be accepted in good faith, and that he be paid in full, provided two cords extra be hauled, T. Prest-G. T Johuson-That the following grayel grants as set forth be shade and com- missioners appointed Places Amount Commissioner 4th concession 26th ,t 12th 12th ". 20th " 20th t, $20 Geo. McFarlane, $10 Will. Hutchinson, $10 James Doyle, $15 Laughlin McDonald $15 Geo. Hodgins, $20 Gilbert Grieve 7th " W'. C. R $10 JohnlIannigr Sth " $15 Thos. Mark, 4th "' ". $15; Timothy Cotter, 2nd ." " $10 Louis Mount, 14th tt " $10 Ainsley Baynton Carried. G. T. Johnson -E. Morgan -that the hereinafter named individuals be paid the amounts as set forth viz: -T. Hodg- son gravel account and attending gate. $14.95; R. Canning gravel contract No. 1, $2110; J. Doyle overseeing grayel contract No 1, $2; W. Morgan gravel contract No. 8, $32 30; J. Lewis over- seeing gravel contract No 3, $2.50, W. Morgan gravel contract No 2 $26.70; T. eluting, overseeing gravel contract No. 2, $13; J. Sutton repairing Hodson's bridge 9th con, $1.50f A. Grieve, eve: - seeing gravel contract div. No. S, $3; W. Hedges, gravel grant Hedges side road $11; S. Baldwin, , ,grading on Alli- son's side road, 4; H. Baldwin, gravel grant Glendinning's side road 810 J. Scott, overseeing gravelling Division No. 9, $6.50; T. Sellars, grading on Scotts side road, $9; I. Lewis, repairing bridge 14th con., $3; I. Laughin, gra ding on Scott's side road, $16; J. Cun- ningham overseeing repairing of Bites bridge 2nd con. ?$4; C. Cunningham gravelling on 2nd con., $3.40; A. Bice, gravel account, $3.15; J. Stenart,ditch- ing on E. Williams town line McG.lior- tion, 4.62; J Plaskett, putting in posts and hanging•'gate at Sllfplcys gravel pit $1.75;.J. Neil, gravel grant lid con ;x42; C. Me'dcof,grading on McAlbines side road , 845; B. RobinsonB4OIJiliSOn putting in one box and one concrete culvert E. Williams town line MeG. portion, $2.75 L. Mount, cleaning ditch 13ices hill 2nd con, $6; J. Morton, one lambkilled and two wounded by' dogs, $6:66; G, Down, repairing bridge '1V Williams town. line Mai. portion $3, C. Mecicof, bal ance for grading and plank for, bridge Parkhil road, $4.50; J. McDonald, grad- ing on 14th con. at N. lady lots $21; I. Jones, overseeing gravelling diva No. 12, $4; H. Bowman, gravel contract dry: No. 12, $36.95; H. Bowman, gravel contract dry No 13, $20.55; J. McEwen, overseeing gravelling div: No. 13,$1.50 J. McEwen, plank for blank bridge, $1.60; J. Graven, putting in concrete culvert N. Bdy, $6; 1I; Bowman, gravel contract diy. No. 10,449.80; J. Patch- ing ditching on McVicar's hill $1; G•, Sellars, ditching on 14th con. $3; A. McEacherl, ditching on 14th con. per Engineers award, $5; R 1T. Paterson, replacing bridge on Allison's side road $9,75; J, Paterson, acct. for scraper 811; J. McRann, hauling sand for concrete tile, $12,95; J. Mclean)), gravel contract div. No; 9, $15.50; J, MCI-lanu, gravel contract div, No. 8 $27 ; ' o b , , , , J. hobrnsoli, gravel contract div No, 7. 820:10; D. Erskine, overseeing gravelling div. No 7, $3; J. Robinson, gravel contract div No. 6, .;$29,25; J, Amos,overseeing g1'av- ellfng, div. No. 6, $3; J. Durr, grayel account and cleaning pit, $53.20, G. Robothom, overseeing gravel pit 19th con. $11.50, --Carried. G. T. Johnson- E. A organ--thrit, after the close of the Court of Revision on the 29th day of June next, this council will not enter• thrix any' e1niiiis for inrpeoper assess. NOTICE to CREDITORS. I�CRS. In the matter of the Estate of Ruth Carley, late of the Village of Exe- ter, in the county of Huron, Wid- ow, deeeased. Notice is hereby given:pnrsuant to. Chau - ter 110 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1889, that all persons having claims against the said. Ruth Qtirloy, deceased, Who diedon the 25th day of Nevember,1800„ are required to deliver or send by post, prepaid, to the undersigned, solicitors for Winter Carley and Edwin Carley,Administraters of' the Es- tate of the said deceased, on oF' before The First Day of July, 1891, • a statement inwriting writing g their names and addresses and full particulars of their claims duly verified by statutory de- claration and the nature of the security (if any) held by them: and that after the said last mentioned date the said administrators will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled there- to having regard only to claims of which notice shall have been received as above requiresl and the said administrators will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereofdlistributed to any person or persons of whose claim nbtioe shall net. have been received at the time of such distribution. ELLIOT & ELLIOT,. Solicitors for Achninistrators Dated 1st Juue,'91. Exeter, Exeter Roller Mills MARKET REPORTS. '..• WHEAT 1.04 To 1.05 per bush OW Selling Pri005.1 Flour, strong bakar's, $3.00 per 100 best family, 2.75 tF " 2,00 " " " low grade, Bran, Middlings,, Screenings, Chop, 90 " 1.00 Too, ; 1.20 to 1.30 t• ti tt Chop stone running every day. TEE1%IS CASH. The Exeter 161illin Co a Ww HHor o s. The Undersigned wishes to inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that he has opened out ri?It T And is prepared to do work in latest style and' workmanship. X 11 - II x it := 1 ,x II = II x GIVE HIM A CALL 11 - 0 x II -1- II 'x 1 - II x :d+GY114l• li1le0o over F. J. Knight's G- ocer. Store, BERT KNIGHT. e y "TiztE 13ESr ARMOR AGA/NS r .DIS1cASE. IS GOOD) DIGESTIbt .' .• h Is a hard, encontrovertible fact that store disease in directly attributable to disorders of the Stomach than to all the other organs combined ; this is not hard for oven the unprofessional to understand when we tai:e into consideration 1115 massOf food thatit is made the receptacle of for a time, there to be churned, di, gestcd and so assimilated, MALTOPEPSYN (an srtificlol gast,'ic juice-formula ton every label) evil. aid the weak stomach and .ogre Indigestion, D9Spee- P0a etc, in fact, itis a gond aid to digest a hearty dinner, and can do no harm, ,s it is only adding: an extra amount of gastric juice, does notstimulatc and 00 there is no reaction. Endorsed by physicians. Send x'et% is postage for iiti blc Bahl: to 1JAZEI`T I IO'ESE, Ia1`L•R2rAtiONAt: Dittoua, Va•ruuo, t` Chicago, Jan, ist,1888. This i, to certify that X have made a thor- ough mvostifation of the Eiistogenetto med- icines, prepared by Dr, 1. J ordan,auel of his unique methods of research, and ant therefore cotnpetient to form a correct judg- ment. t' pronounce them marvellous pro. ducts of the bighes t ilei.. alt owing It n aoquait anoowith the natural sciences far to ad- vance of any savant with whose works the world is acquainted. The amount of time and painstaking which the (looter has ex- tended upon a single branch of spectroscopy Is enormous, and his discoveries startling. .Also having used these medicines its my own practice, I oaxt say that their actual sncooss in curing disease is es great as is their discov- ery. The revolution of the medical science of to -day is no dream -it is at hand. J • 13. S. KING, 11i. 1), P. D. Prof. Chem, and Toxicology Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago. The Ristogenetic theory of rekiting disease is: -Rebuilding' the diseased cells and tissues of the body, with the same proximate prin- cipals and. ferments, organic bodies, and. so on, which are normally prepared in the `body by tate glands. The medicines are prepared by chemical processes, in a' perfectly pure condition and are quite tasteless. Diseases heretofore considered incurable are cured by these medicines.. In acute diseases such as La Grippe, Pneumonia, Typltoid,Diphtheria, etc., the patient improves at once. TESTIMONIALS. Mrs. Mo0ai lough, 0o;% Adelaide street east Toronto,very rapist cure of congestion of liv. er and inflammation of kidneys. J. C. Similar. 53 Victoria street, Toronto, bronchial trouble, effects of la grippe, cured in one week. C. H. Wood, t22J•arvss street, Toronto, kid- ney trouble, gravel and constipation.. Henry Hoperoft, ilk Markham. 'street, .To- ronto, consumption cured in a few weeks, Mrs. J. Fawcett. 102. John street, Toronto. female troubles. Had beou in Toronto Gen- eral Hospital, also treated by several physi- cians. After using Histogenetic Medicines two weeks wes a new woman. Joseph Perkins Tecumseh St., Toronto, re- markable cure of onra1vsis. John Burlaugett, Mal taws, Ontario, nerv- ous debility, eta.,, 80 years; two weeks' medi- einesdid more for him than all the other. remedies ballad taken in the 80 years. Thomas Williams, 100 Ro bet, stroet,T oron- to, consumption cured in few weeks. T. M. Hammond, Springfield -on -the -Credit Ont ,hemorrhages from the lungs and bad cough two years, consumption cured in fewy weeks. Gall or send for free book explaining His- togenetic system. One of our staff will visit Exeter every Two Weeks at "Central Hotel." Dates for June., Monday - - cs 1.st, - 15th - - 29th CONSULTATION FRE. Histogenetic Medicine Association, Roams 2 a - d to ] ^ , Allison Block, Riahm and St' London, .rend Office for Western Ontario' Peat 01fiCe. for Canada, 10 Yonge Street Blanket, Toronto. May 14-1 ,y. THE BEAUTIFUL, AND CLEAR CUT ®asaiTY ,mamm eni from: which this paper is printed was supplied by the 'e meamsn TORONTOTYPE FUNNY Dealers in type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies: J. T. JOHNSTON 80 & 82 Wellington St. west TORONTO, ONT. Exeter ARIS1031 EMPORIUM. ntaa 'Com J. H. GRIEVE is going out of business and his eminent stock of FINE GOODS must be sold at once REGARDLESSt COS T. Now is the time to buy CHEAP SUITS OR. CLOTH BY THE YARD. NOTE 'RICES --Scotch tweed suits for 1,V�rt�. � �; fine e wOrsted suits for $14, worth $20; fine all wool tweeds for 40 cts per yd. This as no shoddy sal goods goods�� ��i the g, are new and the best pattern. Remember we guarantee a good fit or no sale.ainspect �al�. and:��.�g.�ect mystock. JAMES H. GRIEVE arm s 4!iYlCao1 fwe11 late -@09R 94l , 1c i4.u', r . It will pay you to call on us if you want anything in Hard- ware such as Nails, Hinges, Locks, Glass, Putty, Paints and Oils. Jew Stoo Mk of Jato' 1rtg iFog NEW COLORS. Barbed, Plaii, Strip, Black. & G alr arozed wires away dowse for pasha TINWARE STOCK IS COMPLETE. EAVETROUGHING A SPECIALTY. NEW RAYMOND MACHINES AND NEEDLES, CALL :r':' HEN IN MN. IS SETT Ili_s* t EXETER MARKETS. room Gifting OMR Y, •• „ r; to children if yoq Virheatperbushel........ $7.00 to 1.05wish�fortheirfuture a.. welfare. BYorses Gly - Barley'...... ...... ....... 45 to 48 cerolo of Celery COM.. Oats 55 t0 56 porn rd, Exact formula on • ,'F every label, is a safe,rem- Peas . , .. . 70 to 71 edy for teething infants Butter . . and nervous adults. En - domed s 14 t0 16 r i �il `i dorsed by physicians- .. Eggs 10 to 11 r. f Send two cent stamp for Potatoes per bus 50 to 50 a k: r il;J Haien Zo s , Dalai°,�N Fp Hay per ton . . . 5.00 to 6.00 Wool.... . , . 13 to 20 ALLANLINE. P RMS & MARTIN, PROPS We Cary the most complete stock of Musical instruments in the county: PIANOS, ORGANS. VIOLINS, ALSO STI WING MACHINES, • BICti LF,S, FARM IMPLEMENTS q&c, The above instruments ahvitys on hand. Terms to suit Purolla>ioa s, GIVE e G U S A. GA.LIt, EVERYTHING AWAY Y DOWN. PF, ;FINS & MARTIN, 'a4"2"1 -19 -'. au 1891. Summer Sailing, 1891, Liverpool, Derry, Quebec aiid Montreal. 7+'corn Peen). Derry: Steamship: Mom (adobes hoot treat 28 May 20 May MoNtool ,1 AN 17 ;Into 18 Juno 4 June 5 J•urte 1'A111eIAN' 21 " 23 " 11 " 12 't C111uassiAN r July " July 18' " 19 " Por,vi ;siAN 8 "' 0 " 55 " '20 „ SARDINIA IG " IG " 2 July 3 July MONror,IAN 22 " 2S " 10 "' Eta' SIAN 20 " 30 " 10 " 17 '+ CirtcASSIAN 5 Aug. f Aug. $;1 " 24 POLYNISSIAN 12 " 18 " 30 " 31 1' - SARDINIAN 1.0 " 21) " 0. Atig. 7 " MONO OL.TAN 26 t127 " 13 '+ 14 " PAR rsiAN 2 Sept. 3 Sept, 20 21 t: Cir e ASIAN 0 ' 10 ''' G7 ". 28 ,, POT N DSIAN 10 " 17 " ?i • RATES OF PASSAGE. To Londondei'i•y or Liverpool. Iiy S. 5. Parisian, 1,GO, $70, 580 single; 5130, 5(50 return. � Ey other Steamers 550, 555, 500 single; 1(95, 5105, 110 return, I.itterin collate 530 00, return 500,00. Steerage $90:00, return 1140.00. Joh l 1 5�<icicina1I EXETER, ONT: For LOST orFAILIITO LIAI5IIOOD•General and 1158- VO11S DZBILIT3, Vioahnolo 0f Body ind Bind, Zffscts of L'r:orsor Da000ctain Old or Young, Banat, Rotolo ILO - ROOD fully Doctored. flow to 0nlargo and ttrongthon WDd VLTD3IVZ0C1'5D 011081115 PARTS of BODY. Absolutely nu failing110b8T1281115I1T-Dci:ofitmitaday, ma tenter from 60 States and Foreign Couatrlo, write them, 'Boot explanation 'arid proofs mallod (coaled) fro,. Addrets. BRIE MEDICAL CO., i3USFALO. N. Y. FREE flau66 mcp" err 1{Meniana,>jl NOME-alotittvtiv'd Tort ni)/ Ian 0Wt (� Tortoni)/ EOM A LIM1TgtlTllit mo., "YYo WI Th Vo tel .• :tel At Ar An Eat Cot An biz Yo Yo Wi 11 31 . '1 a • tip a►n� efe 8: ovf fist he. ye. bel , ra.t "2 in eel be ens tra en( on+ int al th( eh( np • fill tra Tb zee pr( ear r frt. an, 0121 ' a lift tin if pit Ie kn the am Sar thi me loo Wit • hal 8101 ie r an; pia Sec ne) he fat Gr 001 $2( for X311 to 001 00( He an res er bee im an; eit tre I 40• ins, pee int pe) o1n pn.1 Kil ail on 11e' iS oil bop of of iS wl1 th( eft 141 pa an