HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-6-18, Page 3itionweememoomerammentemenummasemet DOMINION PARLIAMENT J prinoiple of second homeeteade. Scores of Me. Lander milled if the Minister of , Juno° tints prepared to bring down the papers aa to the Washington negotiation& liar John Thompoon raid that pormineion was hourly expected from England. If h did not come to -day he would auk a day's grace. Mr. J3owell, answering Mr. Molliillart, Maid that raw sugar wall not ex•warehoused withsat the duty first being paid. Sir Hector Langovin, Answering Mr. Tarte, said there wee no record in the de- partment of the removal a Mr. Perley frOM the chief engineership of Q nano hem bor and the appointment of Mr. Boswell. Mr. Haggai% ha reply to Mr. Feather- ston, oak' diet no OrdeminCounoil had yet been passed to ET the rattle imam in men eteamere. The inspeotion was made by a Government veterinery inspector, who had power to prevent any veSeel from carrying mettle which had insufficient ewe for the healtia of the animals. Mr. lifaggart, enswering Mr. Sproule, said the Government had no offidai infor- motion that the United Statea hes estab- lished a quarantine for sheep and lambs going from Canada to Buffalo and other 'Pasts. Mr, Dewdney, replying to a question by Mr. Coatsworth, seed that the Government bed made s settleraent with the Temper - butte Colonization Society, by authority of en Order.in-Counoil of April Met. The society was to receive 100,000 acres, but had not yet selected all of them. They had maid the Government e100,000, and were 1-dd no longer indebted to the Governraeni. No rierions complaint had been made against the eettlement. Mr. Davin, in moving that it should be enacted that all eettlers who went into the Northwest between June let, 1883, and June 2nd, 1886, should on oompleting their improveznents be granted n second home. stead, explained tbe course he had taken in regard to this matter lest session, and re- called the promise made then by Mr. Dewdney that the question would be laid before the Government for further oon• sideration. Tim whole department of the Interior was made a donkey -engine to the &veriest of the Lieut..Govenor of the Northwest Territory. Ho (Mr. Davin) would not allow the policy of the Govern- ment in the Northwest to prevail. (Laugh. ter. The Ministers might laugh, but there was not power enough in them or in those behind them to prevent him from araelaing down their policy. Mr. Speaker—The hon. gentleman is tranegressing the rules of the House in using threnteuing language. Mr. Davin --I did not know that I was infringing the rules of order. I thought I was speaking with great mucerity. He concluded by asking for a change of the polioy of the Government in this matter, which he characterized as severe, unjaet and ignoble. PAr. Dewdney said that, t he very unfair attack that Mr. Davin had made on him would judify him in calling the attention of the Haase and the oountry to the con- duct of the hon. gentlemen during the first month of the present eessiee. He opposed the entension of the 13 coe sending principle as advocated by Mr. Davin. Mr. Davin paid that Mr. Dewdney now considered these homeeteads when given up to be escheats belonging bo the Crown, but it made all the differenaa in the world as to whose ex was gored. Sir John Thorapson said that the die - =salon of a private intonation had noth- ing to do with the question embodied in *he resolution, and was, therefore, out of order. The Speaker raid thee this matter was not pertinent to the disauseion. Mr. Davin said that he would bring the matter up again by moving for the papers relating to it. The same malice whioh had been exhibited on a former occasion—the same emall-minded malice, the same petty malice—had exuded from the Minister of the Interior. Mr. Davin—Can it be out of order to use the word "exude" ? The Speaker—The hon. gentleman must see that he has gone too far. Mr. Davin—To be frank, I do not see that I have. I have had a great deal of ex- perience in a Parliament quite as great as this. I do not think any hon. gentlemen should be called to order for using the verb "exude." The Speaker—The hon. gentleman should not make the accusation of a charge of malice. Mr. Davin—Then I will say he is &cheated by Christie/1 charity— (laughter)— that he has palpably shown himself to be a gentlemen, a truthful gentleman, so truth. ful as to cause everybody in the House to open their eyes with astonishment. If he wants any more eulogy he can take it. (Laughter.) The hon. gentleman concluded by urging both sides of the House to sup- port the motion. Mr. Laurier eaid the principle involved in the motion was not one of general ,poliay, but pimply that the provisions of She Aot of 1883 should be carried out, whioh gave settlers a second homestead. it was oleimed that it would only be fair and jute* that those settlers who went in between '83 and '86, when the law was altered, should be treated as they had ,been led to expect they would be treated. What reason could there be in the name of justice and common sense why this -should not be granted? Certainly there was no insanity of land. This affected .only a very few. It was better that no man should be able to complain that he had been unfairly treated. Under these ,oircumstences he hoped the House would support the motion, espeoially as there was no attack upon the general policy of the 'Government involved. Mr. Wanton contended that every pledge to settlers ahotild be faithfully carried out. Mr. Tiadole hoped this matter would be allowed to stand until the Northwest bill was considered. Sir John Thompson said it was impede 'ble for the Government to eat upon the motion, which for the first time advanced the chinas of item° ashlers. He suggested that it would be better not Ito press the motion. In the absence of full evidence these oases conld not be adjudicated upon. The second homestead polioy was andoubt- ,adly a bad one. The resolution wonld give second homesteads to those who had never complied with what the law required to •ontitle them to that right. Mr. Mille said that he saw no such objec- tions to the resolution as those presented by Sir John Thompson. Settlers went into the Northwest Territory between 1883 and 1884 with the assurance that on coin - plating certain itaprovemente and residing for a Certain period on a homestead they would be entitled to take rip a aecond hornentead. Parliament might, if it con- • sidered beat, repeal that law, but Parlia- ment had no right to repeal it if by so doing emoted righte would be interfered with. The obligetiona of Parliament should be married out. He was not in favor of a second bonaesteading polioy, brit be believed that faith should be kept with those WhO came into the country While the racond hOmestead law was in force. Mr. TrOw raid the eympathiee of Penna. men*, if with ybody, ahonld bo extended Ott the poor settler. He approved of the quenoo of the repeal of the second home - Wad law gone to Dakota. Sir Hector Langevin said that he had spoken to Mr. Laurier at the beginning of the sitting. Although the indications re- garding Sir John's condition were not then as ermine° as they were now, and it had been egrood thet an adjournment should take plain at 6 o'clock, they did not want Mr. Davin to lose his place on the order paper. He would move dee adjournment of the debate, and the Government would take mire that he would have an opportun- ity of renewing his motion when the proper day same. Mr. Davin—Do I understand from the hon. the Mader of the Government that the question will May at the head of the paper? Sir Hector Langevin—We will give the hon. gentlemen a chance to discuss the matter. Mr. Laurier Bra diet as:wording to the rule of the House if the adjournment of a debate were carried the motion would go to the bottom of the paper. He would object to that, bentise he was anxious that the House should divide on the question. At the opening of the sitting Sir Heotor Langevin had told the Elouee of the cam, &Aim of Sir John, and asked him to con- sent to an adjoarnmeni at 6 o'clock. He would agree to that, buts he was not ready to agree to an adjournment of the debate. Mr. Davin—I am pledged to divide the House on dna question. The speaker put Sir Hector Langevin's motion to adjourn the debate, and the House divided on the question with the following result: Yellin 87; nays 73. Mr. Laurier asked the Minister of Jae- tioe if he was in a position to,dety to lay on the table the papers in connection with the Washington negotiations, and Sir John Thompson replied that he expected to pre. sent a part of them daring the afternoon. The hon. Minister then referred to an agreement which had been come to with regard to the resumption of the debate on Mr. Jamieeon's prohibition resolution, which, according to the order paper, would come up thief evening. It had been ar- ranged, he said, that this debate be sus- pended. It was an important subjects, involving a change in the poliay of the Government. The issue of the Premier'a illness would result in new advisers of the Crown being called upon, and therefore the debate of this question had better be sus- pended. Mr. Tapper told Mr. Brown, of Manch, that no fishing licensee were Matted daring March and April for the Grand River, that an order prohibiting fishing with seines in that river was sent oat on the 23rd of March last, and it the prohibition were continued until after the close season the feee for licenses would be refunded. Mr. Kirkpatrick obtained an order of the House for a retarn of all papers in con- nection with *he complaints of the high water in the Rideau Cartel between Kingston and Jones' Falls. On a motion made by Mr. Bowers for mem relating to the subjeot of the herring fisheries ot the Bay of Fundy and its adjacent waters there arose a debate in which members from New Brunswick took part. Messrs. Bowers, Forbes and Gill - mor made good speeches, in which they called the attention of the Minister of Marine to the depletion of the herring fishing grounds, and oalled upon him to take measures to prevent the young being destroyed in those waters. They were supported by Messrs. Hazen and Skinner. Mr. Edgar moved for a "return of all oorreepondenoe between the Imperial Gov- ernment and the Government of Canada on *he subject of the copyright laws of Canada, and all other papers relating there- to not already brought down." lie aeked why the copyright Aot passed by the Cana. diem Parliament in 1889 had not been pro. oleimed. He did not aoknowledge that *he Parliament of Canada had not the right to deal with copyright. He urged that the Government make representations to the Imperial Government whioh would show them that the people and Parliament of Canada were in earnes* about this matter, and were not prepared to allow the indif. breams which had pigeon -holed in Downing street all repreeentations with regard to this question during 40 years past to oon• tisane. Sir John Thompson said he was aon- vinced ot the fairness of the promises cf the Act of 1889 and the neeeseity of its proolemation. He still entertained the views he had expressed as to the right of the Parliament to pass such a law. It was unfortunate that the interests of the English authors should be paramount. If other methods failed, he geld, then the Houses of the Canadian Pediment would be aeked to make an address to Her Majesty's Government to consent to the proalamation of the Act of 1889. Mr. Edger said it was amostunfortunate condition of affaire for a Canadian Podia. monis to contemplate, that *he interenie of English authors should be paramount in the Imperial Parliament, and that the rights of Canadians ehould be denied. Mr. Burnham obtained an order for oar. respondence relative to the vacancy caused in the effuse of brigade -major for military distriate Nos. 3 and 4, through the death of the late Lieut. -Col. Lewis. Mr. Burn - hem found fault that thia position had not been filled. Sir Adolphe Caron replied that the department were economising by leaving unoconpied these places, became he was of opinion that expensive etaffs were not necessary for the efficienoy of the force. A few minutes before 6 o'olook, on the words from the Speeker'"A message from His Excellenoy the Governor-General, eigned by hi a own hand," the House rose to its feet and the paper a with regard to the Weehington negatiaiions were laid on the table. Sir Hector Langevin, explaining what had been explained by the Minister of Juetioe earlier in the afternoon, the ar- rangement by whioh the debate on the prohibition resolution had been porrkponed, moved the adjournment of the House. Ur. Jamieson asked a peomiee from the Government that the resolution would keep its place on the order paper notwithstand. ing ito being put off. Mr. Laurier remarked to Mr. Jamieson that he did well to look after hie resolution, as from the remarks of ihe Minister of Justice it was revealed that at last the Government had a policy on this ques- tion. Mr. Itinlook galled the attention of the BOUM to the Aot whioh had been intro- drosed into the Imperial Parliament deal- ing with the Canadian cattle trade. He urged that as Canada was not at present represented in London, until the agent. general returned from Vienna, Parliement should send someone over to watch the course of this legislation whistle was of so ranah importance to Canada. He euggested that it might be arranged for the British Government to have an offieial in Canada who, by beiug located at a ehipping point might give certificatee whittle would enable Canadian rattle to be landed in Britain without examination over there. The House adjourned at 11.20. The proportion of Anglo-Saxon words he the English 131ble is 97 per cent. of ihe whole. DE HASTER OR SLAVE. That's Whet Adverthilnir Moires of a Business miter° ocnno a „lam 0111 Is en own Man'S life. He has the chance to hi,001124 a man of wealth, Of position, of weight in the comitaneity. If he miesee it he mantine practically a nobody. linen the call cornea it is web either with the chariot of swam or by the ambulance to take the poor un- fortunate to the home for the helpless. Just ao in trade. The man who stare Off in business nitwit either keep in the front rano of hie ogling or he mach drift away 'nth the myriad ranks of the aomnamaplaoe, if his business calla for dealinge with the public, and what business does not? He ORM remoh that clientele in but one way, and that is by the liberal nee of advertili- ing. HO rata; push hie bum/nous to *he top of the hill of proaperity or hie business will wadi hint hard and fast into the bottomless pit of adversity. Drive or lee driven. Be master or slave is the injunotion placed upon everyone, end the difference between the top and the bottom of ihe heap is almost entirely one of wise, persistent and discreet advertising. Hundreds of iustanoes of etiocele met through advertieing mighe be cited. But it is not a ours -all. It is not possible, except for the briefest period, to push any bogus project through the nee of printers' ink. The frend hates *he very sighi of a newspaper -man. He has no nee for tlae public prints. So, in aeeking a fortune by mimes of the advertising space in a news- paper, the firth requielte is to have some• thing worth calling the attention ot the public to. Then go ahead. Lost Plants. Eighty years ago a Scotch botanist found a species of honeysuckle—Ion/cent gava —on Paris mountain in South Caro- lina. He sent seede and mote of it to Great Britain, from which the plant has been propagated in oardene. It soon van. iohed from its ni7taral haunt on Paris mountain, and it has never been found growing wild in any other spot, notwith- standing the moat eemiling iovestigations by the botanists, and eta name was pieced in the list of lost plente. Recently a Pars. Smyth, of Green- ville, who had read a description of the plant and of the Scotch botanist's expedition, commenced hunting for it, and found a few or the plants in a rich apot about twenty feet equare on one of the slopes of Paris mountain, where she believes it was originally discovered. The identity of the species is confirmed by Garden and Forest, which says it has never been found but in *hit one place, and in that it reappears after having been extinct for about three-quarters of a century. There are two other plants which have vanished from the South Atlentio States — Gordonia Altamaha and IWciune parvi- /brunt. A Hymn for the Occasion. After the morning sermon I gave the "notion," and then announced the number of the hymn to be sung. The congregation had opened their hymnbooks. Seeing one of the daemons corning toward the pulpit, I waited with open book. He reminded me that I had forgotten to give a notice of the ladies' meeting. I then abated to the con- gregation that I had forgotten to give such notice, announced the number of the hymn again and proceeded to read it. The feel- ings of the oongregation—not to say my own—may be imagined when I read the first line of the hymn: "Lord, what a thoughtless wreteh was is—Homiletic Review. What Disloyalty! St. Cetharines Standard: There is an old woman named Miss Caroline Guelph, spending her last days in the Camberwell workhouse, who °Mims to be the daughter of George IV., King of England. I* is said that George married several times, but as his wives were not of royal blood the marriages were not recognized as legal. Had this regal reprobate lived in this age and in thie country he would have gone to Kingston penitentiary for bigamy instead of to e throne, but he didn't, and as a con. sequence he became King of England. Dolls' Dressmaker: Don't—fidget. Don't—ohew gum. Don't—bite your finger nails. Don't—tell secrets in the street oars. Don't—use a pin for a tooth -pick. Don't—pick up pine off the street. Don't—abuse e book of any kind. Don't—play with knife, fork or spoon., Don't—sit whhile your elders stand. Don't—wear rings on direy hands. Don't—forget that you may be old. Don't—forget to read the "Do's." No Cards. Boston Record: One of our very swelled' young men made a call on a young lady at her home in a eabarban town recently. The girl who opened the door was green— very. Oar exquisite proffered his oard. "1 wish to tee ?dies L—," he said. The girl caught him by the coat shave and dragged him in with a perk. " Go right in 1" ehe exclaimed. " We don't need no tickets. Go right in 1" All a Dead Less. New York Herald: Hioks—It's too bad we are not a family of Esquimaux. Mrs. Elioks—How veduld that benefit as any? Hicks—Johnny furnishes blabber enough for the whole family. Mr, Small then graphically sketched the depths of degradation to which he had fallen, hie con- version at a meeting of the Bev. Sam Jones in Atlanta City in 1885, his terrible struggle with the appetite, the victory given him through the strength of Jesus Christ and the devotion of his life to the cause of temperance. * * There was no end to absurd means people adopted to attain cures. People bought 200,000 of Henry George's book on "Progress and Poverty "—poor devils 1030 were ill able to afford it, all to find out how to get rich without work. ing. Four hundred thousand copiell of " Bel- lamy's Looking Backward" were bought by people, who, if they had been minding their own business, would have been looking forward. Taking medicine to cure intemperance was like washing hogs with Peeve soap—it was a great waste to eoap.—Branatford Expositor. Mr. Sam Small ought to study some scheme to help the imminence cense with- out lying about other moral reformers. No man ever bought or read Henry George's book on "Progress and Poverty" in order to find out how to get rich without work- ing. The book does not tomtit, and does) not profess to tomb, any ench lemon. On the other hand, it teaohee how to prevent people from getting rioh without working, and how to enable those who work to keep for iheir own nee and enjoyment what they earn. If Mr. Small read " Progreso end Poverty" before ho made hie Brantford epesoli, he lied wilfully about its contents. If he never read the book, he was little lest to blame. A men has no briaineen to Mend before a public) audience and *elk about what he does not understand, and what he has never taken the trouble to May. Mr. Small opght to kno* that there are other vicee Weider] drunkenness, and he had bet. ter get rid of the rest of there. 00111F18lilIP OF WALES. The Prince's Finn oninapee of HIS Wife. Singe everybody is Waking about the baocarat scandal involving the Prince of Wales, Cale mount of hew the Prince came to falle in love with his wife is in order. Albert Edward °henna to be whiling away part of along auranier *tier - noon with two or three oongenial Espirito, young men of rank and position near enough to ins own to makeeven dieouesions on dimmed° questions poeeible, and the matrimonial outlook for one of the party was brought up, Colonel -- drew from his pocket the photograph, as he supposed, of his fiwatete, to flow it proudly to his conmenions. But instead of Lady ---'s likenese there appeared a rather poorly taken carte de vieite of the most ahorming girl the Prince's eyes had ever rested upon—a girl wearing a simple little white gown and loose white jacket, with a bleak velyet ribbon °holing her throat, and her hair amoothed back from her brow, leaving the beautiful young Moe to be admired for ibeelf alone. The epee and lips monied to be smiling at the Princes Mee gazed at the pioture, demanding to know who in the world thee lovely "country girl" might be. "The daughter of the Prince of Denmark," was the answer, and, naturally enough, the mate de vieite changed owners. From that moment Albert Edward was in love with the lady who soon became his wife. When the ship bearing the Princees to London drew near Gravesend sixty young ladies, attired in the red and white colors of Denmerk, assembled at the wharves to strew flowers beneath the feet of the Prince's bride. The moment the yacht came in view bearing its pre - atone freight the air was rent with cheers, at which, to relates a holy in the party, Alexandre turned pale with ex- oitement and clung to her mother, hardly knowing whet to do or say in answer to the wild tumuli of the people. Those upon the shore saw a pretty eight —a timid, girlish figure, dressed entirely in white, who appeared on tha deok at her mother's side; then, returning to the cabin, was seen first at one window, then at another, the bewitching face framed in a little white bonnet, the work of her own hands. The Prince's] yacht epproaahed that of his bride, the gangway was thrown down, and immediately he was seen by all those thousands to rush &arose it, and waiting for no formal words of greeting, and to the delight of the onlookers, caught the Princess in hie arms and kissed her, "just," as an honest Yorkshire man said to me in deaoribing the scene, " as though she were any other hone" TIRED OP WAITING. John Taylor, a Toronto Nonagenarian, commits Suicide. John Taylor, of Emit Toronto7an old gentleman 90 years of age, a native of Scotland and well known throughout the Township of York. dierippeared from the residence of John Keith, where he had been staying, on Sunday week. Stria search was instituted for him, but without avail until Monday at 6 p. mw when Constable Tidsbury, of East Toronto Village, discov• ered the body lying in what is known as Hearne bush, about two miles from the village. The poor old men had evidently been dead for over a week. Beside the body WM found a bottle capable of holding three ounces of laudanum, in which per- haps a fifth of the quantity remained. It bore the label of Hugh Miller dr Co., King street, Toronto. In one of the pockets was found a letter written in a tremulous hand upon a eheet of note paper. The letter was weitten in ink, but so irregular in form sa to raise the belief that it had been penned in the dark. It read as follows: John Taylor is my name. I leave this world for over. If any person find me bury me as I am. I don't want a chest nor coffin. Bury me as I am. I t is laudanum that is the cure. john Keith has been very kind to me. Don't tell John Taylor nothing about me. He does not like to be 'bothered. Farewell. Laudanum had indeed been the mire. The dose taken must have producied death very quickly. The clerks at Miller's drag store do not remember selling the laudanum, saying that suoh a large dose is only sold for horse medicine. The ramparts were taken to Little York and Coroner Britton notified. After inquiry he came to the conclusion that the case was one of suicide and decided not to hold an inquest. The funeral will take place this eifternoon at 5 o'clock. John Taylor, the man alluded to in the note, is the grandson of the old man and there seems to be little ground for hie grandfather's last words. He wished the old gentleman to live with him but he refused, raying he would rather live with Mr. Keith, an old friend. The grandson and the other members of the family—well. known citizens of Toronto—sought to deter him from this but he wished to go and at last it was die:Adria to pay hie board wherever he might with to live. The trouble over this matter seems to have mused the melancholy resolve on the pert of Mr. Taylor to end all his troubles. His relatives have the sympathy of the cum munity. III-Hanners at the Table. If ill.mannered children at the table are a terror, whys a writer in Babyhood, what can be said of ill-mannered fathers and mothers? Nagging the babies at their meals is intolerable, and if a child requires incessant is watahing and discipline it certainly should not be permitted to come to the family table. Bat I incline to think that just here parents, not a few, need to take a Meson in observing toward their children a polite demeanor. It is irritating menially, and poaitively harmful physically, to have the meal seasoned with " Don'ts ' and the table made a drill -field in behavior. The child subjected to this gets too keen a milt- consoionsnese for either its comfort or its benefit, end will be almoat aertairs to become either abashed and sullen, or care- less and coarse, soaording to the tempera- ment. A little letting alone of children before their plates is as wholesome as a simple diet. A. Carpet Knight. New York Herald : "Lieutenant Softly has never seen powder and smoke." "Oh, yes he has. When he isn't in the ball -room he is in the smoking-room—so he knows all about'em." —Only one person in a thousand dice of old ago. —Some girls are to coneoientionaly op- posed to artifidal adornments that they won't even make up the beds.—Elmira Gazette. —Baron Hirst% is an Austrian by birth, but is bee* known in France. The founds. *ion of his fortune was laid an a railway contraotor with the Turkish Government. The* renal, tho grip baoillue, hes been ,captured out in Illinois, and his photo. greph hat been taken. Now let conies be gent to all of the polies departments in the country and the picture be hung up in every rogue's gallery for future identification. I had been troubled five months with Dyspepsia. The doctors told me it was chronic. I had a fullness after eating and a heavy load in the pit of my stotnach. I suffered fre- quently from a Water Brash of clear matter. Sometimes a deathly Sick- ness at the Stomach would overtake me. ro Then again I would have the terrible pains of Wind Colic. ) At such times I would try to belch and could not. I was workingthen for Thomas McHenry, Druggist, Cor. Irwin and Western Ave., Allegheny City, Pa., isa whose employ I had been for seven years. Finally I used August Flower, and after *using just one bottle for two weeks, was en- tirely relieved of all the trouble. I can now eat things I dared not touch before. I would like to refer you to Mr. McHenry, for whom I worked, who knows all about my condition, and from whom I bought the medi- cine. I live with my wife and family at en James St., Allegheny City, Pa. Signed, JoHN D. Cox. 0 G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer Woodbury, New Jersey, IMAIMININ111110113111111•110, /1111111111M=MI PHILIP IS IN DEMAND. Two Women Mahn to Call a Torontonian Husband. A Buffalo despatch says: Two wives are making life very unpleasant for Philip Itonehe, who lived at East Buffalo until three weeks ago. Roach came to this oity from Canada two yeare ago. He was good. looking, drosaed fashionably, and had no difficulty in getting a charming girl of East Buffalo to fall in love with him. A brief courtship was ended by marriage. They settled down and seemed to be leading a happy life. A month ago, however, Mre. Rauch was horrified to learn that her hos. band had another wife living, whom he married in Toronto several years ago. She set about quietly investigating, and found that Bauch wedded Sarah Bonner in Toronto ten years ago. He deserted her after living with her seven years, and came to this city, where he met the woman who is bis second wife. He secured no divorce from his first wife. When con. fronted with his second wife he pleaded innocence. Two days later he skipped from Buffalo and has not been seen einoe. The grand jury indicted him for bigamy at their last seseion, but as he could not be found the indictment was kepi secret. Mrs. Roach No. 2 has begun an motion in the Supreme Court, through her lawyer, Edward T. Durand, to set aside the mar- riage, on the ground that it is void owing to Rouch having another wife living. A referee was appointed to hear and decide the case. summer vacations for Shopgirls. A practical summer charity, indeed, is that instituted by the girls of a Stamford seminary, who have formed an association to provide annual outings of e fortnight eaoh, during the warm season, to shop - girls of New York city. This year, twenty girls at a time will be brought to Stamford every fortnight and will have, at the association's expense, two weeks of country air, country living and coantry pleasures. Hereafter, it is hoped to enlarge the mope of the enterprise, to that larger bands of girls can be put out at once and that the aggregate of beneficiaries may be vastly in- creased. To procure the fun& for their great purpose, the seminary girls have sacrificed some pocket money and time, but the consciousness of the good remits of their work will more than bring them recompense. The time they gave was spent in the carrying out of entertainment pro- jects by which hundreds of dollars were raised.—New York World. A. Cantemax who travelled in Europe bee written an mount of hie observations and impressions. Mr. Yuan—for that is the writer's name—was a good deal puzzled by what be evidently regards as our fremand. cony methods of courtship. Beeides invitations to dinner," he writes, "there are invitations to toe -parties, such as are occasionally given by wealthy merchants or distinguished officials. When the time comes an equal number of men and women assemble, and tea, sugar, milk, bread and the like are set out as aide to conversation. More particularly are there invitations io skip and posture, when the host deoidee what men it to be the partner of what woman, and what woroan of what man. Then, with both arms grasping eaoh other, they leave the table in pairs, and leap, skip, posture and prance for their mutual gratification. A man and a woman previously unknown to one another may take part in it. They 0S11 tbie skipping tanshen (dancing). The reason for this curious proceeding on the part of Europeans was well explained by a recent writer in a Chinese illustrated paper, the Hwa Pao. "Western etiquette requires," he says," the man in search of a wife to write to the girl's home and agree upon some iirae and place for a skipping match" (seilicet, a dance). " The day arrived, youth in red and maid in green,' they come by pairs to the brilliant and spat:none hell, where, to the emulous sound of flute and drum, the youth clasping the maiden's waist, and the maid resting upon her partner's shoulder, one pair will skip for. ward, another prawn bziokward, round and round the room until they are forced to stop for want of breath. After this they will become acquainted "—only after this, observe—" and then by occasional eaten- tione over a bottle of wine, or exobango of oonfidences at the tea treble, their inti- macy will deepen, the maiden's heart be- come filled with love, and they will mate." —There are 647 employes in the G. T. R. shops at Stratford. GOOD SEIM/ WELT. SOWN. what's What Judicious Adoertiving Proems to be. Riohee, sure and attendant, coM0 *0 those who adVertiee. Then may °Omit in the ghetto of it geed silmetion or a rush Of trade. But the main faot remain& just air stated, diet notoriety brings cash, and the anly legitimate notorieby is won through display along the regular channels of advertising. The WWI of affairs, after having stocked his Mane and put in fixtures might as well forge* *0 unlook the front door as to neglect atten- tion to advertieing hie etook and his place of business. It in seed plaaod in the soil. That soil muse be honest dealing in fair goods and then the harvest conies an bun - tired fold in the rioh fruite of profit. it poesible to put the wrong seed in a certain soil, and it is eniirely possible to lose money in advertising, but to make this a basis for not advertieing at all is as sensible as refusing to plan* seed ai ad beaauee a oertein peed did not bring a sat- isfactory crop he a certain soil, and yet expeot a swop pet the came. It Did Not Work.i "Madame," raid the tramp as he doffed. the remnant of a Koseuth that might have been with Grant at Vieksburg to the mis- tress of m house on the outskirte of 13ost0n8 "1 learn from the neighbors that you are a theosophist. I am delighted to know it, for I am one myself. can not be—yet, it is—we have met before. /Eons ago r stopped at this very house and asked for assistance and you gime me an excellent breakfeet. It all flethes upon me now." "Yes," said the lady, °roiling. "1 mem in remember it, too, but if I'm not mistaken you sewed half a cord of wood for me before yon got the breakfast." Then the tramp. turned bit bask on the theosophist and went sadly away in search of an old- fashioned philanthropist. Queen, Fire -cracker, Small Hoy. Winnipeg Free Press : Her Majesiy in responsible for the smell boy of the Twenty-fourth, and the smell boy of the Twenty-fourth is responsible for more mis- chief than he oan sbake a stick at. The news columns of the Free Press tell of the burning of a terreoe, the destraction of much property and the unhoneing of eight poor families. These calamities are to bo laid at the door of Her Majesty, for ehe it wee who etirred up the emelt boy, and it was the small boy who set off the fire. cracker. In other words, this is the Queen who fired the loyalty of the small boy wha fired the fire.oreaker that fired the terraoa. Bathing Dont's Don't stay in too long. Don't keep your head dry. Don't bathe on a full elsomaoh. Don't bathe more than once a day. Don't bathe in high winds or rain. Don't drink epiribt before or alter bathing. Don't remain in your bathing snit ta "dry off." Don't lose an opportunity of learning to swim.—New York Press. At the "Pinafore" Performance. Scene—Grand Opera Home, Hamilton. He (a visitor from abroad)—The per- formance is really °aphid. Did I under - ennui you te say that the company is made up entirely of ameaeure ?" She—Yes; all excepting Mr. Warrington, who is playing Captain Corcoran. Bent from Toronto.—Grip. Her Answer. New York Life: He—I ham never yet met the woman I thought I could nature,. She—No, they are very hard to please,aa a rule. About 450 B. C. the Ionians first intro- duced the present system of writing from lei* to right; previous to the above date from right to left prevailed. D. O. L 25. 91 tisill PROMPTLY CURED firt Cures Also: eu ral, la Lumbago, Sciatica, Sprains„ Bruisesp' Burns; worlds, Swellings; Soreness:, Frost- bitesy Stiffness, H Aches. Tite Clan A. VOSeIGI 10, Baltimore, Md. Canadian Depot Toronto, Out. I l'.11111 11111111 li,110111P.11110;11 11'11' 111 lOso, ""ir el Ill 1 IlltIre HIM I I), OEM= araiPMCID 14r 1111 piped I 011:11211111=D 11411iis ,od," oss,st '""s. • Ptso's Remedy for Catarrh is the Best, Easiest to Use and Cheapest. Sold by druggists or sent by mall,500. T. Warren, Pa., V', S. A. SELF-AOT1NS • MX/are af Mutations, NeeTiCir. „ ,„ „ StiApEROLLERS E CilAr17642.: Auroc;RAPE-ii ..ftr'TA 71TTIORN rk S 113 liftlirc Sla RVIA ‘IP i‘ 4 ttV117'1414' lst THE KOMORI—Please Inform your readers that 1 have a positive renc:‹ named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless eases have been permanent, , ns glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers wow if they will send me their Empress and Post Office Address. Respectfelv,e 46, ' 1148' wont Adelaide St. Tonoarroo ONTARIO. Renee Itoeteiy sto,, theta foe si ObleOtud Case Otero reiatsts agaltt. I MEAN 4etre 00 te. t) E..1 made the disease of tgrOlPrirt nitattis6, rliLlaPinisne°of6;hliebfkanilaCtivIt 'otr,:,0%P's'ttn4Wirrnm:Ad*ttltr6a.sitt S ti tic6 for AI t}.6at1le and * Free Eitittle Of tuy lipoVttieolala.s eDit& Ift*Oftibt, OEfitii, It Os{is ren nothing * ttitt), and 't.)oli• .0 t uu itddeMist,,-.494 '11!)""ilititeal)it 0011(5..14100 1010.,0"`:,' 45;1 kAPOit **Par THIIJSAMOS OF 0011111E,V MVEN AWAY YEARLY. VA When ) say eturei do etit