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The Exeter Advocate, 1891-6-18, Page 1
hon. purchaser,, ApplYat this eineo. VOL TV,. Ti.e P ®neons Bank. (Chmrterecl by ratliamoi , 1855.) Paid up Capit1.1 , , , . , , ... ' $2,000,000. Rest i and , , •. , 1,000,000, Head office Montreal. F, WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., Gi NE1tAL MANA;Gisn, ' Twenty Er,aneh offices in the Dominion A.gencies in the Den:anion., U. S. and Europe Open every.lawful clay from. Y0 a. m, to 3 p, m., Saturdays Ili a. m. to 1 p. rn A g0feral banking business transacted -Rour per cent.er annum allowed for money on Dei10 Sit JteeeipiS. N. DYER HURDON Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub. Tanager, TIM e l:• t WO'1 at. i Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, — EXETER. By theSA.NDERS' PUBLISHING COMPANY. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance. 55.t.59 if not so paid, -r dsrextinirsg =tateen Siplica- No paper discontinued until tell arrear ages are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be .published till forbid and charged accordinggly. Liberal disnonntmade for transcient advertisements inserted for longeriods. livery description (of OB PRINTING turned out in the fine style, and t tmoderatorates. Chogaies,moneyord- ers, &o. for advertising, subscriptions, etc. to be made payable to Sanders & Sweet P1aorRIE•I'ORS Cl►urch. Directory. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH. --Rev. S. F Robinson, Rector. Sunday Services, it a.m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m. ,METHODIST CIIUROn--James-St, Rev. A. L. Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services, 10.30 t1. m. and 6.80 p.m. Sabbath School, 2 p. m. MAINSTRi'1E'r—Rev. J. Wilson, Pastor. Sun day Sery ices,10.60 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School` 2.30p.m. Pastor. S nday Services, 11 a. re., andi Martin, p. • m. Sabbath School, 9:15 a, m. i Professional Cards. _ 1 H. KINSMAN, L.D. S, Fauson's Block .1 two doors north of Carling Store, MAIN STREET, EXETER extracts teeth without }rain. Away at Hensall on 1st I Friday; Aliso, Craig on 2nd and.4th Tuesday; and Enrich . on last Thursday of each month. 1 o yal 'a IDxT1sT,MoniberRS H. College Dental e • 1rgeons' successor to .` ,51 o C•X (}I. L. Billings. Office over U Neil'e•Banlc, Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetic given for e the painless extraction of teeth. Plates se- `, cured firmlyinthe mouth by Yemen's pat- 1 tent Valve Lucan every Friday 1 T B WHITELY, M. D., C. itt., PHYSICIAN I. eJ , and Surgeon, Office and residence— e Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Godorich, Ontario, 1 RResiicc.ence LCo ner Arand. OFFICE—MAIN orte y Streets, Exeter,. Ontario. C 7-1R, CROSKERY, Member Royal College d Surgeons, England.; Licentiate Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, Mem ber C College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Office, Mitchell's old stand, Crecliton, Ont. t; l iTl H• McLELL: N, fc q►- R SUllintl;IEOet8 1£ CtI fl Graduate New York Eye and Ear Hos vital S Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Office nor. Maple and Talbot streets. 1' LONDON, — ONTARIO, d R. T. A. AMOS, M. D., C. 71i, Member of iV College of Physicians and Surgeons, !1 Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh; licen- E tiute of the Faculty of Physicians and Sur- geons, Glasgow; Fellow of Trinity Medical ollege, Toronto. Office—Dr. Cowens old. E stand. T T R, DAVID M.STZCBLER, (UNIVERSITY w .Ill, of Toronto,) Physician, Surgeon, ete, rc Having spent the winter of 1886-'87 in New York, and the winter of i887-'88 in Vienna, pt Austria, OFFICE,- CREDITON, ONT. vel _ _ _. 'ER SOLICIT- es D• H. COLLINS, BARRISTER, .iLlt. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public, fo Office— Over Post Office, Exeter, Ontario. fit Money to Loan. .fo DICKSON,BARRISTER, SOLICITOR 4i • of Supremel,onrt,NotaryPublir„Con- 1• Hof S veyanaer, Commissioner; &e. Money to loan M Office—Fanson's Block, Exeter. $t St .L.1L torrs, oT Conveyancers, te t o Money loan A al, percent, do 10.f, ELLIOT. J. ELLIOT al. 1S' T BROWN, Winchelsea, Licensed Auct- LI• 'ioneerfortheOonnties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of,Usborne P) Sales promptly attended to and term s reason Ibl e. Sales arranged at Post office, e, Winchelsa be AJ. 1 OLLINS, late of Manitoba, Livens- I, , ,ed Auctioneer, for the comities of Phu- 7 ell and Middlesex. Residence: 1 mile south U( of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other- lv£se promptly attended to at reasonable ph prices. m( ab Ai7' HOLT, lrhiva, Ontario. Licensed anet- wt YY •' ioneer £or the Counties of Middlesex and,Lambton,and the townships o:fSte1n.hen Bf Ind Hay All sales prom.ptlylattended to, tel Di BOSS.CNBERRY,iiensa11011tar*0, Li E, • ensed Auctioneer for the Conntysof all inron and Iattii. Charges moderate and atisfa0tirn guaranteed.• wI tOi Yei 1 Lan 'lttr]1.NV. :G' 1TLTCO,n ff3,T.rovii , it d I''.x L Surveyor and .Cavil Engineer. °thee, )ver F est Office, Main street, Pxeter, Ont. esq. ;Or( ,; l "• T•tAit])Y;Licensed Aur,tionee .Por the S•t U. Conntyof'.fluron. Sales0ondlicteti on inc casonable terms. Farm rand Farm Stock at P1t pecialty. :Gull arrangements can be made a this office.' nal WI For Sale. her Ste i(.1 co in Exeter new i'18 A desirable resider t , ram a louse, one -fifths mere of land. The Mr, se wtlS erected in 1888. Good terms to 145-t f. '1 E 'NM I , ONTATRIO, TI1 'RSDAY, JUNE 18, 1891. • Our stock of . ai0 Fresh and Pule. r. 1 c;lceeh;cohlst tiztl 111 stor11 of t.1e a 1 Lea d i n 9 o n he. T , U I otl 1 ,i?y but tla.e Uest Pel'fltmes lee at in Stcicl . l EITIMITTEING SOLD AT 1.11C+HT IOES* A. CALL SOL:ICUITED W. E. COCHE 7 THE L ]ji: Eat !]RU STORE, EXE'['LR,, ONTARIO, NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that all parties in- debted to Mr, J',.M.. Grieve will kindly oblige flim by playing the Same 011 01 before the Is day ol'July,1891. BOAR FOR SERVICE Slee undersigned will keep on his premises,, Lot 7, Con. 2, Stephen, a thoroughbred boar, which will be served to a limited-munber of sows. Terns:—$1 payable at' time of service. with privilege of returning if necessary. T1ae following is the pedigree which shows his high breeding: -"Loin Jack" No ]1656) was farrowed Sept. 27, 1890, bred by James Dor- xtanee, Seaforth, Ont., second owner Wm. Haggart, Centralia. Ont, sire, "Earl of Dub- in, (850); clam "North Queen” (1592),bv "Roy - Harry" (663) Violet (imp.) (MO) by "Brit ce"; rations, by Warwick 1st, bred by T. Smith. W.Ir HAGGART, Centralia. THE l'UREST AND BEST. ' Articles known to medical science are used in preparing' Hood's Sarsaparilla. Every ingredient is carefully selected, I examined and only the hes; retained. The medicine is prepared under the supervision of thoroughly C pharmacists, and every step 1n the process of manufacture is care. fully watched with a view to securing n,Hood's Sarsaparilla the best possible esult. Wives and Daughters" for June. The June number for this excellent ublication for women proves a pleas nt surprise to its thousands of readers is :contents are unusally interesting, nd it now appears in neat sixteen age form: Thesubseri .i? pride ce is tion my 50c. per annum. It is included, ithout extra charge, only with that opillar "Double Weekly," the Western ldvertiser, which is issued twice a Tek at the liberal rate of $1 for each ight months. Sample of eaclx paper reg by addressing — ADVERTISER 'RINTINC Co., London, Ont. :focese oflluron. At the meeting; of the Executive ommittee of the Diocese held in Lon - on it was decided to detach St. James hurch Biddulph, from Lucan, and at ick it to St. Thomas Church, Granton, nd Trinity Church, Prospect Hill, timing a new parish. Lucan becomes If sustaining and the other two par - hes will be assisted by, the Mission Ind. St. James was assessed $300, t, Thomas $200, and Trinity $150, St. aul's Kirkton and St. Patrick's Bid ulph which now form open parish, ere assessed $200 and $175 respect- ely. xetes Council Proceeding s The Council met at the Town Hall xeter, 16th June, 1801. All present. he minutes of the previous meeting' ere read and confirmed. The Clerk ported the amt. required for Cotnity nrposes for the current year was 122.27. Moved by E. Christie second - by D. A. Ross that tenders be asked r putting' in a tile, drain in Carlin; 's ;ld.—Carried. Orders were granted r the following' sums, viz:—F.Knight c for waste paper basket; the Clerk '1 telegram and subscription for unicipal Miscellany; Geo. Hodgins i0 part payment for drain on Wm. reef; T. Daw 1.25 for labor. --Carried telegram replying to motion of con. rlence was read from Lady Macdon- d. The Council adjourned until eduesday the 24th inst at`8,30 p. in. M. EACRETT, Clerk. rlional Mention.. Mrs. Robert Hughes, of Hensall, has en visiting relatives and friends in eter during; the past ween:.—Mr. gorge May, a fortter resident of this cc, arrived in town on Monday ruing. He is looking well, and is out the s'Lme genial person as he s when a citizen. -The Rev. S. F. binson is'iti London this week at - ding the Anglician Synod of the Deese of Huron. -Misses M. Cave and Dyer were vishting friends in Luc - on Sunday.—Mx. Chas. Ross and fe, who have been residing in Ridge. vn for some time. past, returned to titer on Monday last, --Mr. Frain: lire, a former employe of Weel'1 ts,but of late has been working in •via, returned here. on Friday even, .--Mr I1. Evans, of Clinton, gave mouth No. 63, S. 0 E. 13. S a fz•a.ter- visit on Monday evening. --Mrs n. Sweet left on Wednesday to join husband in Shelbyville, Ill. --Win. wart of the Club House, London, is Ming friends ant relatives in town.- .. A. Manning of Clinton is visi- t lttgf1IC11us In towri.-- Wondered. fr©In home. John McHugh.; of Stratford, a young. Man, about twenty-three years of age, badly crippled by rheumatism, has wandered away from home,' and the police are notified to look for him His height is about five feet eight inches, and he left on Thursday last. V:45.00 for an Axe. We will give to the first person tel liirg usbefore,the 20th of September., where in the. New Testament thed 'word "Ai '! is first found $100,00 in gold:; To the next $50,00. To the third $25„ To the fourth $20,00. To the fifth $15. To .the sixth, $10;. To the next 25, $5 each. To the next 25, $2 each. To the person sending in the last correct answer, we will give: $100 in gold. To the next to the last $50, and so on same as from the first. With 'your answer send 25 cents in silver, or 27 cents in stamps for a. box of ' Dr, Cole's Blood and Liver Pills, the best Blood, Liver and Stomach Pills ever made. Sure cure for sick headache. Don't Gripe. Remember the presents absolutely free, being given away to advertise Dr. Cole's Perfect Pills and Family Remed- ies. A valuable Watch given each week to the first correct answer receiv- ed. Send at once and be first. Address A. Bischard, Ilome Specific Co,, Orillia, Opt, Canada. - N. B.—Kindly give permission to Use name if a prize` winner: J4/5 st Ate. the x11,"' Days The clog uays`are coming. 'Tete dog days last from the beginning of July to Aug. 11. The popular theory is that they are so called because then dogs go mad; but the notion is etymologi- cally false, besides being untrue in fact. Dogs, strange to, say, are rather less liable to rabies then than at other times. "Dog clays" is really a translat-„ ion of the Latin "dies caniculares"— the twenty days before and the twenty days after the beliacal rising (that is, appearance in the morning just before the sun) of the star Sirius, whom the Romans called "Canicula" or "little dog," The ancients attributed a most. malevolent influence to this •star—our "dog star" -Land • sacrificed a brown dog to it to appease its rage. If this were not done they thought that the. sea wOuld boil; the wine turn sour and dogs uegin to grow mad, the bile in- crease and all the animals go languid. It is unnecessary to say that in the course of some ages Sirius will rise at midwinter' instead of at midsummer. Perhaps some wiseacres, like those who are ready to believe in dog days and new mem,' changing the weather and similar impossibilities, will then give him credit for the frost and snow. Usborne. A garden party under the auspices of 111e Ladies' Aid of St. Paul's church, Kirkton, will be held on Friday even- ing, 19tH instant, from 6.30 P. M., on. the grounds of Robert Creery Esq. Sr. Music and other attractions. All are invited. A few days ago while Mr. Robert Taylor was busily engaged ploughing on his farm, on the 9th con. of Usborne he met with a painful accident. It ap pears that he was following the plough with the lines encircled around his body, when by a sudden jar the bolt which holds the double -tree and plough together dropped out. The team, which are very spirited, at once tool; the ad- vantage of gaining freedom, and drew Mi. Maylol• over the plough, cutting him in a number of places. His injur- ies are not considered dangerous, al. though be, is badly shaken up. During 1 hc,it•vy thunderstorm on Friday r last the residence ofNir.Samuel Peart; 8811 concession of Usborne; was struck by lightning. The electric ball first attached the tllirnneyr, and then passing out between the bricks follow- od the rafter until it came , to the side: of the, house; making its way through it fell on the kitchen roof, and from there buried itself in the earth. a zth, fihe inmates of the hoose ha t enc d to be h IP home at the time and but for , o their speedy action, the building would have been consumed, as it was soots envel- oped in flames. The heavy rain lvh'ch was failing at the time rendered valu- able 'assistance to 11Ti•, • Pc.aitin abetting' the file- The occupants escaped with- t.t g: :... t .the slightest, nt;)urtes but were. badly frightened from the sharp'report of the lightning•. The damages to Jam building can be easily' repaired. ?Pinchel$ea• . 70QT nALfi---The Winchelsea Swift, Ticker's and•':tbe Union Bunters had a game of football at the latter place on Saturday e...lenIna' last. Some good playing wacidone on bout sides. , • The first gpal sse ,ttsiide by the 'Winchelsea, boys, ii'llicit ,teas disputed by ' the resi• dent, the sp't'i' Legged dude, who said that it: was 1 it a "goal. Some dispute arose and Os "dude was rused off the field, , AftQ; : hat a good friendly game was played' )'1 he spicier legged dude, must not tht`i;,Ik he and his colleague can ruin the". -est Office and the Swift Kickers, he .n't do it. From one who was there. .,Brewster. Several of rie Saubleline people at- tended camzieetine' at I`i Sunday last b last on Mr. Dar lie and Mr. Johnston from dein' St. Mai:, s ;was the guests of Mr. W. S. Wilsot,, of the Sauble lune, last week. Mr. James t'iilmore is atB resent. vis- iting friends, in the vicini ty, 0f Forest, there must fall some attraction down there for aim.': Messrs Tayox geld" Gilmore tried t eel their luck fish peddling last week but they have cat !e• to the opinion that it is neither pleasant norprofitable,never mind boys, if vofl don't at first succeed try, try again,s" Kirkton• Haman's Creamery is in full blast, and they are packing, large quantities of excellent butter for the Scottish market -specially for Glasgow and Edinburgh. Indignation is widely expressed at a low charivarie on Wednesday night of last week—in which the boys succeed- ed in"making night hideous." It is quite time that such exhibitions ' were suppressed. Owing to some misunderstanding regarding the, building` of the, new ho tel, here between Mr. James, of Mitch- qk find. thq, ,,v. f• -'ii, of ,,,1;1a>.Ta- 101.,..th contract has' b'e:en' awarded to Messrs. Ross & Taylor, of Exeter, who will be- gin operations at once. The building when completed, will adcl greatly to the improvement of the place. Moorsville• Mr. Joseph Cobbledick losta valuable mare last week. The farmers around here are getting ready for harvesting. Mr. Wm. Frazer, blacksmith of this place, is making the anvil ring these 'days. Mr. 3. S. Gilfillan, general merchant of this place, is doing an extensive business. Call and see hint if you want bargains. Mr. Wm. Taylor, the present land- lord of Fiddlers Green, is doing a good business now. Call and see him boys, as he is a jel]y,;good fellow. . We hear of football and baseball clubs everywhere, bnt we never hear of a club of any kind in our town. What's the matter. with organizing a club of some kind, boys, Division Court. At the setting of our Division Court held at Exeter on Monday last the fol- lowing cases were disposed of. McGreggor vs, Staddon.—An action for rent and counterclaim for work done, judgment was rendered for p111; for rent and for defendant on the coun- terclaim. Moserip (St. Marys) for plff,,, Dickson for defendant. Anderson vs. Andrews.—Action for account, judgment for plaintiff by con- sent Dickson for plff. iIt the cases of Drew vs. Bobier; find Massey vs. Quarrie, in which applicat ions for new trial were made, the jud e refused' to make orders fora new trial. The Drew and Bobier case, we under- stolid, goes to the county court. CrEDITON COURT. Hill vs. Ryan and Ratz.—Garnishee an action bylff. upon account and to garnish defRyan's salary as assessor for Stephen. Judgment reserved. Col- lins for Or. and Elliot for Deft. and garnishee. Eilber'vs. Flynn -Action on promis- sory note -action riot tried owing to unformality of process. Collins for Off Dickson for deft. Dashwood. Rev, Mr. Beau and wife returned home on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs, 1:. ,'Rothermal are visi- ting friends in Berlin. The fanners in this vioinity are 5 busily engaged with their statute lab- or. or Quite ati number of young Q .peitplo from the p neighboring villages passed b through this place on Sunday last 011. their way to the Send. 11rs, R. Cook left Mont ay last oil a yisit to Parry Sound, ,ler. Lewis Staubuswas taken ill 'ort Monday last.:, but we Hope soon to ,hear of his recovery. Dr. Outten and F. Wurtz leave this weak on a trip to the Nortel West. We wish them i1 pleasant journey. We inidei'stand that Dr. McLaughlin, of Hensall, will be his successor, and will romovc to this village shortly. . The Dashwood and,Blackbush schools helda picnic at the 'Bend on Friday last, As the weather was fine quite all enjoyable time was spent. In the afternoon a game of football was pla•y- ea between the Dashwood and Shipka schools, which resulted in a tie, neither scoring a goal, Grand Bend. Farmers in this vicinity are busily engaged at statute labor. Mr. Stephen Webb who has been sick for the past two weeks is now recover- ing., Miss Lillie sharrow is at present very sick with inflammation on the lungs. see Mr. Jas Fallis who has been ailing for setne lime with consumption had an operation performed by Dr. Oyeers 00 Friday afternoon of last week and took 55 ozs of water off his lungs he is very weak but thinks he is recover- ing. Mr. Caspar Walper had a number of men on Thursday afternoon of last week helping him to split his barn and put a piece of 18 feet in the centre which makes a commodions building of:56 feet sq. he has• put a brick found- ation for stabling under it. The Union picnic, of Grace Church, Corbett and Grand Bend Sabbath Schools was held last Friday in the Grand Bernd Grove which was a suc- cess in every way. Games of all sorts, swing and boat riding was carried on until evening, when all , went home well pleased with their days amuse' ment. Zurich. (To late for last week) lir: J. has S , as return ed He lilies lllcliigaln. patty WelE " es. , Mr. David Lehwan,'formerly of Mr. H, Well's harness shop, left on Wednesday for Michigan. Quite a number of our villagers at- tended the opening of the Salvation Army camp meetings in Bayfield on Sunday last.. A pony belonging to Mr. Spencer, which had been tied to a post at the Post Office, ran away but no serious damage was done. At a meeting of the Denisehlanders base -ball team Mr. Chas, Fritz was elected captain and Sam J. Latta sec- retary for the season of 1891, The annual "Kinder Tag" in con- nection with the Evangelical church will be held on Sunday July 12th. The congregation of the XIV concession will celebrate their's on Sunday, June 28th. The Zurich Public School purpose holding their annual picnic at Taylor's Grove on the banks of Lake Huron on Wednesday June 24th. All who have an interest in the school are cordially in- vited to attend. We have this week to chronicle the death of one of our oldest and most re- spected citizens in the person of Geo. Hess, who died at his residence on Tuesday night last, 16th inst., at the age of 53 years. Deceased had been ailing but five days previous to. his death, which was caused by blood pois- oning, received from a piece of g 'ass penetrating his finger to the bone, on which. was sulphuric acid. The be- reaved friends have the sympathy of the entire village in their bereave- ment. Brucefield. Miss Aggie Beattie is spending a few days in Seaforth. - Mr. Wm. McQueen leaves'oh Friday for trip to the old country, A grand social June 23rd in D. Mc- Intosh's lawn. Brass Band in attend- ance. The Rovers play a friendly game of football with Hensall club on Satur day night. A picnio June 26th in A. Mustard's woods. Football match and other games will be held in connection. A large meeting of the Women's foreign mission socitey was held last Wednesday. The event being thrr prestentation of life membership cer— tificates to Airs. Geo. Baird, Jr., and . Mrs. J. I3.,,,clmpsoii, Mrs. Fan, of Clin- ton, addressed the meeting, r y time Btt Er s. An old logging to in bee will take place at Mr. A, Ross's, London Road, north, on Wednesday. The old timers say they will show the young gentlemen how to hustle. -Mr, Jno:' Fante left for Detroit Monday :where he purposes studying type writing and bort hand. We Wish hi ni success,-, Mt. Robt, G';ty'retuned' from Ontario NO 211, Cal. He looks hale and hearty. -;Mi - D McIntosh, Y. S. fins hadhis verand "ah neatly }painted, ; A large number of our citizens attended the 1sappen camp neetiugs Sunday. P1t11sENrATi4N. •-0n Friday evening - about 5Q of the congregation of, the late Rey. Jno. Ross waited upon his widow and familyat the 'Manse and presented her with a purse of over $100 as a mark of the love and esteen-e they held her as a true and earnest. christain worker. A feeling address; was read by Miss Ruth Wiggins and the purse presented by Miss Aggie Beattie. After a bountiful tea, which had been prepared by the ladies, who calve with well laden baskets they de- parted for their homes, having spent a pleasant and profitable evening, We may just say that the subscriptions were given most willingly. Centralia, ' Our little town is getting painted t nicely. b r+ up Mr. Thos. Neil was the guest of, Mr. Lewis, of Adage, Sunday last, Miss Mary Handford, of Exeter,. spent Sunday in our midst. Miss Flo Hicks, of Exeter, Wa.s the guest of Mr. T, Handford lat week. Mr. Jas. McFalls was the guest >, of Mr. W. F, Boyle, of London last Sunday.. Eden senior club went to Chiselh r- ' n at on Friday last to play that team :and suffered the first defeat by a score of 2 to 0. We can sympathize with Eden as we might call them a home team. Better success next time boys. Fool, BALL.—Our School Foot ball club went to Eden on Friday eyening to play the junior club of that place? and owing to the delay of some of our players not getting there in time, the game did not start until 8.30 o'clock. When play was called Bumpy, of. Eden passed the ball to Cave who was im- mediately checked by Centralia for• wards and the' ball taken down the field,' but a swift kick, by W. Dempsey sent the ball back when it was secured by Boyle who after some neat dribb- ling passed it to Handford and the ball Was rushed towards Eden goal. Here Centralia got a corner kick, but Hand- ford did not kick strong enough and the S here was sent town Sphere ids Centralda. goal by Cairo; who ' was checked by Anderson. Boyle taking the ball and, passed to Haggeth who made a rush for Eden goal. This kind of playing was kept up until half time, When play resumed after half time Centralia seemed frq ger than at first time and a rush was niggle for goal, but Hunter, the old Invincible of the Eden club,. kicked the ball behind their goal giv- ing Centralia another corner kick, which was taken by Haggeth who - kicked too strong, and the ball was again kicked out into the field. It was. again secured by Boyle who dibbled it. froin the centre of the field to the Eden, goal; but Eden was only paying a., defence game and the ball was again kieked out byHunter, but was secured by Handford; who dubbed and kicked on goal but of no use as Eden cluster- ed in the goal, Haggeth, Handford,. and Baker were making some fine shots on goal when time was called and the game stood 0 to 0. But Cen- tralia boys think they can do Eden up, when they meet again. They say Ed- en 'boys used them well, and that they are a fine lot of fellow. Remarks on the game. -The preacher was a little. rough; Boyle was a terror; Eden for- wards always taking the ball froth.. them; Handford alien Baker play left wing to perfection; Hunter is invinci- ble, so Eden says, but Centralia don't;. Haggeth captain's his team well, and deserves credit for it: W. Dempsey plays a slick half back; Anderson's feet: never miss the ball. MAR DAvIs—FISHER—At the residence of the bride's father, Exeter, on the 10th inst., by the Rev A. L. Rus- sel, Mr. Wm Davis, to Miss Jennie Fisher, eldest slaughter of Mr - Pratt Fisher of this place. 11111T11$. PE a.RT.—:I11 Usborne, on the 14th inst.,. the wife of Samuel Peart of a son. IIES vooD.--In Usborne, o1115th inst.,. the wife of Wesley Heywood, of a- daughter: WassirGL,—'Ln McGillivray on 14th inst., the wife Jos: Wasnige of a daughter. 1)3'AIl'.CIIS. T ooi,-In Usborne, olr 1581i inst., Emily infant daughter of .Geo. Rook aged< 2 months. Fisitnu.---In Exeter, ,t 12th Fisher, ony son of Pratt and 1 y Fisher, aged 25 years, 0 months and 4 days. V Wil- lie ospER 1n rxrter, on 6th inst., !- I lie' Roy, infant son of Gcorg•o and. FannyVospot, age d 31uo8,1 week and 2 days. thss . I1' Ztirielt on 1 rtiesday, retry ;. inst., Geo. floss, aged 53 years.