HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-6-4, Page 8wwrsMwwanm.,pcaxm. MAKER'S W' R� 6EYER FAILS TO GIVE SATISFACTION FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS,: VISIT THE M A RT. IIRTII1)AY GIFTS. WEDDING GIFTS, PARTING GIFTS. A.LE-UM a BIBLES STTFET MUSIC THUTT DZUSIC BOOIcS Choice gigH S. S. FICTION. NEWS PAPERS. hibrariss. Stationery School Supplies WTtAT'EXN G. Papers. TWINES BAGS WA LL Papers LOCAL JOTTINGS. The mechanics of the different bran- ches are very busy at present. Step in and see the special lines of parisols selling cheap at the Big Bank- rupt Store. The stock of clothing of Mr. James Grieve will be sold at a sacrifice. Give Pum a call:. The greatest snap in town. Those $119 Ladies Grain Boots at the Big Bankrupt Store. Mr. John Evans began thebriekwork en the store of Mr. John Treble Tues- day morning. Ladies pure silk gloves 25e. a pair. Ladies good vests, 2 for 25c., at the Big Bankrupt Store. 'Exeter L. 0. L., No. 924, meets to• morrow (Friday)] evening. Every member requested to be present. There Are Many- Indications of worms, but Dr. Low's Worm Syrup meets them in every case successfully. Enrich The Blood by tine use of 'Mil Turn's Beef, Iron and Wine, which sup- plies the necessary blood. building ma- terial Your attention is called to the change of advertisement of Mr. James Grieve who is having a clearing sale of clothing. Remember that Mr. James Grieve is making a great clearing sale of men's and boys' suits. Don't forget to give hint a call.. Ladies .don't forget that the Big Bankrupt Store has the largest and finest stock of skirting embroideries ever shown in Exeter. Wanted.—A good appetite. You can have it easy enough by taking Houd's Sarsaparilla. It tones the digestion and. cures sick headache. Exeter Legion, No. 115, Select Knights of Canada, will meet this (Thursday) evening at the usual hour. Ji eery Select Knight requested to be. present. The residence belonging to James A. Snell, opposite the Main. St. Meth°. dist church, has been raised and pre- parations are being made for the put- ting in of a brick cellar and foundat- ion, under it. Messrs. Matthew Ellwood and Geo Anderson spent Monday afternoon on the banks of the Aux Sauble in search of the "finny tribe". They met with very good success and returned in the evening heavily laden. While stir. Geo. Beacom was taking the census in 0 oderich to wn ship,he came across four persons who were over 90 years of age. This is a pretty olid age and there is not many townships with four such ancient citizens. The AnvocATE is pleased to note that a goodly number of our citizens are improving their home surroundings A. few dollars expended in this way is not only a source of gratification to those making the improvements but a public benefit. The Exeter Salt Works Co. still have a quanity of Dairy and Land. Salt on hand. which they are willing to dis pose of at reasonable figures. Farmers requiring the sante wilt find it to their interest to give them a call. T. B. CARr INN, Secy, The Local Option Law Appeal case was heard in Toronto on May 28th, The case was conducted as an appeal by the Attorney -General from the de- elision of Chief Justice Galt quashing by -Laws under the Act by diff,slent municipalities. Judgment was re- served. On Thursday last a very- interesting game of baseball was played in Tilson• burr, says the Tilsonbury Liberal and in which two of our formers Exeterites Wok part and received high words of praise:—" -Phe equals of Tait and An- derson cannot be found among the amateurs of Ontario." Mr, William Dearing, Jr,, of the 2nd concession of Stephen, who has been laid up for some time with blood pois. ioning has recovered snlficiently to again be able to pursue his daily lab, ars. His mother, Mrs. Wm, Dearing', has also had an attack of the same di- sease, and has been . confined to the house during the past week. Although still very ill she IS slowly recovering, and in all probability will soon be able to be around again. On Sunday prayers and references. were made in s ntochurchesof uI 4c the severe and momentarily expected fatal illness of our old. chieftain, Sir John A, Macdonald., We do not think thele is a i'nan in this v'cle Dominion but what is deeply grieved at.his sad affliction. Up to the hour of going 10. press he was still living and seemed to be very comfortable: The competition in the butter and egg market on Saturday last was very. k0en. A larger number of 'farmers were present than on former occasions, and the dealers, who are anxious to buy* their produce, paid high prices for the same. Farmers should remember that this occurs.on Saturday, of every week, and Exeter is the cheapest place west of Toronto to buy goods. Committees are at present hard at work making, arrangements for a Flor- al and Alt Shaw to be held here on the 29th and 30th of June and lst of July. The idea is something new to many here, and wo sincerely- hope that all of the citizens will assist thein in their ar aeons labors, and make it a success. Any person who has anything of • anti• quitv and does not wish to exhibit it themselves would confer a favor by cal- ling upon Messrs. John Grigg and Jos eph Senior, Who will make all arrange- ments and see that it is properly* look- ed after. A Grand International Firemen's Tournament is to be held in Seaforth on June 16th and 17th, 1891. $1,000.00 in cash prizes for hose reel races; hook and ladder races, coupling competit- ions, firemen's foot races, and other. sports such as bicycle races, drummers race, football matches by electric lights and farmers load competitions. $10:00 to the largest load of people, and $10.00 to the load of largest peol le. This will be the greatest sporting event ever held in the west. Do not forget that the great championship football match between the Detroits, of Detroit, and the Hurons, of Seaforth, takes place on the recreation grounds on the morning of the 17. Mr. Louis Wolper left on Monday morning for Berlin where he . intends going in partnership with his brother C. H. Waigel, proprietor of the Com- mericial Hotel. On account of a sprain: in the knee Louis has been forced to give up farming and resort to some- thing easier and has chosen this new sphere of life. He is a hardworking and industrious young man, and has many good business principles. His many friends in Exeter will miss ;him, while the citizens of Berlin will gladly welcome him to their midst. We hope. that your labors may be crowned with success, and join with a host of friends in wishing him prosperity, which ener- gy and enterprise deserves in his new home. Mr. William .Matheson, of Lucan, paid a fraternal visit to Exeter Royal. Arch Chapter on the evening of June. the 2nd. He being a charter member of the same- He was one of a number of young men who were initiated in Lebanon Forest Lodge No. 133, A. F. & A. M. about 24 years ago, The Lodge at that time held its meeting in the Bissett. Hotel, near the Sauble bridge, and there he enjoyed the company of some of the old members such as Bros. Isaac Carling, Acheson,Willis, Coiling wood,Case, McLeod, Eacrett,and others. Some of thosebrethern travelled South, others have aspired to the East, and filled exalted positions, and some have taken Horace Greely's advice and gone West, where they may still be found, but a larger nuniber have gone to that land from where no traveller ever returns. He was much pleased to see the progress the lodge had made since his first acquaintance with it, and stated that when our labors have. ended here below may we all meet in that lodge above, where our Heavenly master will welcome all. wanted. Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of boots and shoes that need repairing to be left at the leading boot and shoe store next door to the post office. G. Manson. 200 tons ofbay -want ed The undersigned wishes to procure 200 or more tons of first class Timothy hay for pressing purposes for which he will pay highest market prices. Tiros Oius, Exeter. 4 Good f ateli. The other day a large 'patch of stur- geon was taken out of kir. John Spark- man's double header pond -net, which; is set in Lake Huron west of Grand. Bend. The number captured was 85, and with an average weight of 40 pounds would make a total of 3.400 lbs This is considered a very good haul, as it is a little early in the season for these fish. PerMonat-Tiention.. Miss Sadie Hawkshaw left for De- troit on Thursday evening, where she intends remaining for " some .time. Mr. William Davidson, of the firm of Davidson Bros., Carpenters, left for Cal- gary algary on Tuesday morning last, where. he intends remaining if the country be suitable and meets his approval—Mr. Geo. Shute, who has been visiting friends and relatives here for the past three weeks,le,ft for his home in Tacoma, Washington Territory. --The Rev. 1I. D. Steele, of Kirkton, gave us a call on 'T'uesday morning, he was then on his way to Goderich to attend the funeral of Mrs A. T. Montgomery.—Messrs E. Christie, Wes. Hawk shaw and John Snell were in attendance at the London races on Tuesday.—Mr. and Mrs. Wil Liam liaivl.shaw, of London, were the guests of T. "W, Hawkshaw this week,— Mr. John Currelly left on Tuesday last for Toronto where he will be engaged for some time with J. W. Broderick.— Mr. William Sweet, V. S., left on Wed- nesday afternoon for Shelbyville, Ill., where he intends locating and follow- ing ollowing his profession.—Mrs; John Ayre, of Ilonsall, is visiting friends in Exeter. wyuwa YdMw?.MYmW.u4H.,,.ga ..�..,=.ra,m.vnw�e..�luuupm'c+a:writnx**uw+vnywuwamnvvrwunau�mw.o.,y�nncnn,u.,�,�pvy I DvAe t go to si c,op,. When 0l h b` . h a t e oz ti f t •<Lc ' t zb o o z 1c is coated, when the eyes and limbs of the clerk are dull and languid, when the r;zgiug fever tackles the' empty vitals of, the till, when the spicier rousts in the cash box and boquets of deeay are, on the chandelier, it is conelusive that the ad- vertising doctor has not been consulted, Get in line, let your light shine, secure a place in the ADvocAPE if you have not already done so, and let people know what your business is, The License. Pond, The Liquor License fund for the South Riding of IIur:onfor tiro current year amounted to $4,580. Of this amount $2,556,33 went to the Ontario Government and the balance was di- vided arnoung the several municipali- ties. The following' is a statement of the amounts received by each muniel- pality:-Seaforth, $708.67; Exeter, $527; Stephen, $280; Hay, $168; Stanley,$112; Tuckersmith, $84; Bayfield,70;'Osborne $56; South Goderieh, 828; making 32,032.69 that goes to the municipali- ties. Crop ProspeeF,s. Crop conditions are more favorable ,than two weeks ago. Although grain hat not sustained any injury, the need of rain is felt in most localities. The dry* weather is effecting the spripg grains particularly,hall wheat is said to be doing good in heavy soils, but it is suffering seine iiisanely and high ranges. Copious -s showers have done an immense amount of good. It is yet early, and xio material damage has been done. Ii'rosts of ltwo weeks ago are said to have injured the peach trees in the Niagara cdistrict and the outlook. is therefore less cheering: Ap ple and pl uil trees are said to be all right. 587$6,00 for an Axe. We will give to the first person tel us before the 20th of September, where in the New Testament' the word "AXE" is first found 3100,00 in gold. To the next 350,00, To the third 325. To the fourth $20,00. To the fifth $15 To the sixth, $10;. To the next 25, $5 each; To the next 25; $2_ each, To the person sending in the last correct answer, we will giye,3100 111 gold. To the next to the last $50, and so on same as from the first. With your answer send 25 cents in silver, or 27 cents in stamps for a box of Dr, Cole's Blood and Liver Pills, the .best Blood, Liver and Stomach Pills ever made. Sure cure for sick headache. Dont Gripe. Remember the presents absolutely free,. being given away to advertise Dr, Cole's Perfect Pills and Family Remed- ies. A valuable " Watch given each week to the first correct answer receiv- ed. Send at once and be first. Address A. Birchard, Home Specific Co, Orillia, Ont Canada. N. B.—Kindly give permission to use name if a prize winner. Exeter Council Pr oceedinrs Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment at the Town Hall, Exa1er,,, 1st„ J'uue,' 1891, all present. The minutes of previous meeting ,were read and confirmed. Moved by W: G. Bissett, sec'd by D. A. Ross that orders he granted for the following sums viz: E. Treble, $2.25, repairs on water cart; Win. Wood, $3.15 for tile; J. Creech, $2; charity to Mrs. Mciutosh, Albert Bissett. $25, street watering and Geo. Cudmore $1; labor on, Town Hall grounds, Car- ried -Tenders for draining were receiv- ed as follows, J. Stanlake $1.12°/0 per rod; Thos Hartnell $1;20 per rod;Harry Parsons 31..05 per rod; Geo Hodgins $1.11 per rod, and S. C. Hersey $39:40 for the whole work. Moved by W. G. Bissett, sec'd by E Christie that Harry Parsons tender $1.05 per rod be accept- ed.—Carried. Moved iu amendment by T. B. Carling, sec'd by D. A. Ross, that Geo. Hodgins tender be accepted. the motion was declared, --Carried, Mr Wm. Carling applied for a grant to help pay for a recreation ground, for the amusement of young people. Mov- ed by W. G. Bissett seed by E. Christie that $10 be granted.—Carried. Mr. Ford agreei to accept; 6c. per load for gravel` for this corporation for this sea- son, The President of the Board of Trade itiyited the council to meet the Board ao•morrow evenin_, re floral and art show, demonstrations on 1st July,. The Council adjourn for one week. M. EAcnnrr, clerk:, How To lTse The Mans. By direction of the Postmaster -Gen- eral the Chief I'ost-Ofnce Inspector, Mr, Sweetman, has lately been making special enquiry into certain cases in which letters and packages of more than ordinary size had been broken or torn in course of post. The chief in- spector's investigations lead to the con - elusion that, in the great majority of cases, the damage has been the conse- quencieof the inferior coverings (en. velopes, paper boxer, etc,) used for the articles in question. He thinks that if the public would, enclose their large lettersiu envelopes of sufficiently good quality and of a size adapted to that of the contents, and if in making up packages they would' use good wrap- ping paper and tie up the whole se surely very few breakages would oc- cur in course of post. It should be remembered that every letter and par- cel cannot be laid in the most careful manner in the bag or box in which it has to be sorted. Post -office clerks would never get through their work if they had to adopt this mode of treat meat for the vast quantities of platter passing through their hands. At the same tirne the chief inspector, by Mr, liaggart's directions, is renewing the instructiousto post office clerks to do all in their power to avoid d;Llnage to mail matter, and this doubtless will (lave a good effect. If the public would work with the post -office to the - extent of seeing that the articles thy post are in good shape and IN ell seen" ed, the number of complaints would be very materially raduced, **necks or Board ot'71'e;i0e, hxc.tr✓l • . t i I, 2,7111,May �tlh, 13J1. Minutes of Board meeting. President in the Chair, Members present: .Cr. Browning, N. D. Hurdon,, A. Q. Bobier, J, Gillespie, J. A. Stewart, H, Spark- ''azh, J. Mal boson, \V. 1±, Coclzenour, T. B. Carling, W. G. Bissett, 1:. J, Spack- man. Items passed: Minutes of former meeting, with the following correction. The'first message to Council which should road as follows: That Mr. A. Q. Bop}er be a Deputation to wait on the Council to enquire what number of names to a ratepayer's.petition would be considered sufficient to warrant the recoup of fiftydollars asked for by the Board, on eiccount of market building, or whether the voice of a public meet- ing would be preferred. Reply by the Council• -That a Petition or voice of a Public meeting would not be consider- ed Ee,noTiox or Ori IanRs.-Pres., J. Grigg—Prop. by J. Gillespie, sec. H. Suackman; unanimously. V. Pres., A. Q.13obier; By H. Spackman, sec., Dr. Browning; unanimous, Treas., B, S. O'Neil;by J. A. Stewart, see. J. Gilles- pie; unanimous. Secty., J. Senior; by A. Q. Bobier, sec, J. A. Stewart; uuani- rnO11S. AUDITORS.=H. Spackman,, by N. D. Hurcon, see, Dr, Browning; T, A. Stewart, by N, D.. H irdou, sec.1M14:1Bab- ier, Proposition of membors,Chas. Snell, by J. Senior, Dr. Amos Was balloted for and declared a member. RnponTs or _ COMMITTEES. —President reported having arrangements ere Flower Art show completed and wished to sub- mit the saine to the Board. The report was taken un and discussed clause by clause. That a Flower and Art show be held on the following dates: June 29th and 30th, and July -1St. Place of holding 'show; Slating Rink: That all Flowers for competition be in the Rink. by Tuesday noon, The different; com- mittees w:ei•e appointed to look 'after the ssveraldepartments. J. Gillespie -J.. Matheson—The following 'mem- bers be a committee and wait on Vil- lage Council for a grant of $50.00, to assist in Flower and Art show and Ex- hibition for lst.; A. Q. Bobier, - E. J. Spackman, We adjournTtiee- day, June 2nd. J. SENIOR, Seety. •' SUDDEN CHANGES. A -cold, or, exposure, may cause the Poisonous acids in the blood to clog its eireulation. This is Rheumatism Clark's Lightning Liniment will stop the pain at once. It should be taken both internally if the attack is severe, and it affords instant relief. If the pain appears again, it should be met with the same treatment, until a cure is effected, This wonderful `preparat- ion has worked some remarkable cures among Rhumatic sufferers. Where once tried it is always used after. Sold by. all ,druggists; price fifty cents. Clark Chetnioal Co., Toronto, Nerr York. ARE NOT a Pur gative Medi- cine. They are a` BLOOD BUILDER, TONIC and RECON- STRUCTOR, as they supply in a condensed form the substances actually needed to en ich the Blood, curing all diseases coming from Poon and WAT- ERY BLOOD, or from VITIATED RUMORS in the BLOOD, and also invigorate and BUILD UP the BLOOD and Swims, when broken down by overwork, mental worry, disease, excesses and indiscre- tio.is. They have a SPECIFIC ACTION - on the SzxUAL:SYSTEM Of both men and women, restoring LOST VIGOR and ..correcting all IRREGULARITIES and SUPPRESSIONS. EVERY MAN who finds his mental fac- ulties dull or failing, or his physical powers flagging, should take these Pmts. They will restore his lost` energies, both physical and mental, EVERYEVERYWOMAN should take them. WOMAN 0® Theycure all sup- pressions and irregularities, which inevitably entail sickness when neglected. YOUNG9i ill �H should tekothese Prnrs- PL G M Yi They will cure the re- sults of youthful bad habits, and strengthen the system, VOVIfiIG %A1®tbe�Ej1 should _take them. 11 191a iA !� �dti it These FXLLs will make them regular. For sale by all druggists, or will be sent upon receipt of price (SOc. per box), by addressing TILE DE. WILLIA.1M1S' MED. CO. Brockville, Ont, Ladies. Call and see Spackman & Co's. Dress Goods. All new Goods. Ladies. Call and see Spackman & Co's. Sateens, Prints and Ango- lasuitings. All good washers. Lathes, Call and see Spackman & Cy dry p os. Embroidery shirtings, Lawns and Dslaines for the hot weather. Ladies, We sell the best 25e Black Hose in the Dominion worth 40cts. Warranted stainless. Call and see them. Ladies, Remember we carry one of' the largest stocks of Millinery in town. Every hat new, No old trimmings to work up Calland see the new style for Spring and summer. E. J. SPA.CKNIAN & CO. SAMWELL'S BLOCK, EXEL R, - - ONTARIO ITHUt 't e H.T YO To look over our stock prices, our ancl'get rices and it maydo you good. :It has done others good by introducing them to the best and cheapest stock in, this town, In Tweed0 and worsteds we carry a fine range. ,' We may say this has been the Dost. yea>, we have had, since in business, in made to oi•der clothing. Why? Because we sell reliable goods and guarantee � 1 � 1. � 1 antee a FIRST—CLASS .FI2, NO SHODDY. We have just received a choice range of ready made Summer Coats and Vests. We made a specialty m Gents' neckware. See our men's fancy shirts, only 50 cts; Mens socks, 3 pair for 25 cts.; G piece Glass Set, imagine 25 cts, Our Groceries are the freshest and best. Fine Teas, Pure Coffees and Spices. Trya sample of We sell and recommend CMG/1G❑ YEAST a POWDER the Original 25et. Baking Powder. Westill kee , " ' 7 ! which P �A�L�'C � � has given such good satisfaction. We have just received a Da. ,r y 25ct. Japan Tea. Examine our. Stock and Prices beforeurchasin g elsewhere. � CA LING 7i1�9 LIFT IS TOO SiIpRT FOR ATJGHT BUT H1GH EN1)EAYORG laussassal I endeavour to reduce the verybest in � goodsmy line. Not only the best in QUALITY AND FINISH, BUT INVALUE. I amsending' out some beautiful milk cans thislis g i� r', far exceeding and previous effort. z My stock of material for spring work, such as Eave- troughing, Roofing, &e. is extensive and complete, and work- manship is the very best, I Solicit your order for, TRAUCH INC OR ROOF I 0 GUARANI -INC SATISFACTI N. I' have without exception the nicest assortment of Milk k PAI LS and Straining PAILS to be found anywhere, varying in price from 20 cts to $1.00. Note the price of milk pans: SMALL SIZE 75 CENTS TO $2.00 PM, DOZEN'. LA DE SIZE 81°00 TO 83.00 MB DOZEN'. Who Would without a dipper when you canget goPp Y one.. for 5:cts. EVER YOURS, WILL FOLLAIID., SPR,ING RONIZ 81. PIM COMING FORWARD AT ROCK BOTTOM PRIC;ES. zimmatraezmastamsemeseummissu Car Load Chesnut Coals • Carload Steel Nails Carload boli and Horse Shoes. Carload Blue Ribbon Com- posite Binder Twine. • Lining and Tar Papers. Rim and Mortice Locks, Hinges Bolts tin Boilers and tin Pails TINWARE AWAYDOWN C ■ sugars, Cheese, Green and. Dried Apples, Lard, Teas, &c., Oat- meal 3.00 100 perlbs. 100 lbs Flour$2,75 ger. ` 1 WANTED. 100 Bushels Timoth.., Clover, Alsike Seeds Dutch Sets, To-, Onions, Hungarian Grass, 100 Bushels Potatoes. Cedar Posts & Annealed Barb Wire on Had ntsscesesposismststsensessearau ;RCgr Hr MONCUR J. N. HOWARD Manager. Proprietor.