HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-6-4, Page 5T a b a c a }k►r Oiwr Fifty Years. :RS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been .t sed by millions ofmothers for their child - n while teething. If distut:bed at night I ad broken of your rest by u'siog Child suf- o ring and crying with pain of(hitting Teeth end at once and get a bottle of "Mrs Win- S ow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teeth - ng. It will reeve the poor little sufferer mntedi;hely. Depend upon it,mothers,there no mistake about it. Lt euros Diarrhoea, tyiulates'tho Stomach and dowels, cures k ng Colic, softens the Gums, reduces In- emmation, and gives tone and enorgy to t 10 whole system, "Mrs, WinaIow's Sooth- d ng Syrup" for Children teething is pleasant ) the taste and is the prescription of one of 10oldest and best female physicians and arses in the United States. Brice twenty- d ye Cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists trough�out trio world. Bo sureland aslk for p 1IR$. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP," I Miss Ancoln long oat roman kyle rs, swimming rid her olt.ng, aemselves d, who r overwork, ?hewing aermature f memory, ight, nick teadache, tching erotum, Less, f the ,ashfulness, If will pine, o sleep, onstipation, If voice, rf temper, vith Etc., ty that finless `orce unction' vho ince rour )eculiar. i0 Front-st. lent symptoms )urple )eats, lead, ,trong teart Lbout .ively ;end SO Front lug. Because soln, municant, ;3500 )f St. bets must An laving nduomisai regetable lent 'arr1,, Unctions, :or Nerve plaints, lurativs 'ell ithis wing ',desire rend :ear', 'ulldireetions iy,inail ;ills paper. i'toc7zcstcr, The Jews them and business days May Shilton, a school teacher of county, Vat,, was capsized, with three others, while out in a the other day, The brave young 1 was the only one of the party `r to swim, and sire rescued the oth- to shore with two leen • female companion. r .A11 Men, 1 old, or middle-aged. who find. s nervous, weak and exhaust- s ;are broken down from excess resulting in many of the symptoms, Mental depression, ' old age, loss of vitality, loss bad dreams, dimness of palpitation of the heart, emissions, of energy, pain in the kidneys, a pimples'on the,face or body, or peculiar sensation about the t wasting of the organs, dizzi- specks before the eyes. twitching muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, deposits in the urine, loss f power, tenderness of the scalp or weak and flabby muscles, desire failure to bo rested by sleep, dullness of hearing, loss i desire for solitude, excitability sunken eyes surrounded g LEADEN CIRCLE, oily 1001i1ne skin, are all symptoms of nervous debil- t lead to insanity •and death 1 cured. The spring or vital 1 having lost its tension every 1 vanes in consequence. Those 1 through abuse committed in ignor- ' lna • anent l cured. Send - be permanently y 1 address for book on all diseases to man. Address M. V. LUBON, a E., Toronto, Ont. Books f free sealed. Heart disease, the 7 of which are faint spells, t lips, numbness, palpitation, skip i hot flushes. rush of blood to the . t dull pain in the heart with beats 1 rapid and irregular, the second' beat quicker than the first, pain 1 the breast bone, etc., can post- ' 1 be cured. No cure, no pay. 1 for book. Address M. V.LUBON, Street, East, Toronto, Ont. 7, '90,-1v. ' Bishop' 13onacum, of Lin- ' Neb., denied Patrick Egan, the 0 �• com- the. latter refused to pay a subscription to the building fund Theresa's cathedral. Judge Tib - has just decided that Mr. Egan pay up. Consumption Cured. old physician, retired from practice, had placed in his hands by an East •- miar the'forurt of a simple y lla remedy for the speedy and pernla- cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca-• Asthma, and all throat and Lung also a positive and radical euro us Debility and. ell Nervous Com- after havingtested.. its wonderful powers in tousands' of easee, has duty to make it known to his. Buff - fellows Actuated by this motive and to relieve human st l8errng, 1 will free of charge, to all who desire it. this ill German, French or English, with for praparing• and using. Sent by addressing with stamp, naming W. A. '.OYES, 820 Powers Bloc7e, 14. Y. latest movement against the in Russia is an order forbidding to observe the Jewish Sabbath compellingthe closing of their places on Sundays and other observed by b yb y the Greek church. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Oastori When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, A train between Bangor, Me., and St: John, N. B., was attacked by band- its on $Iouday night. A number of shots were fired, but the robbers secur- ed nothing, and no one'was hurt.' F Std THE BEST COUGH HEMLINE. N, 241) Sr u,3UaaI°Ts 5vr5TWIEl1E: �R! TWO variety performers named' Leonard and Gilmore went into a room at Seattle the other night to 'settle a dispute over a woman: They fought with knives and Leonard was' killed: THE NEW AIR SHIP,; The new air ship travels ` 200 miles an hour` good time, but nore too quick if one '"anted IItevard's Yellow 011 This peerle', pain -soothing remedy' is a prompt and pleasant etre for sore throat, croup, co ds, rheumatism, pains in the chest, and back nl ttralgia, For external amok internal use. Price 25e Norman Duuoehe, who was arrested at,Cornwall in' conneetiou with the theft of the late Mr, Purcell's body, has been, acquitted. No trace of the body has been found, If you aro nervous or dySpcptie try Carter's Little Nerve Pills. Dyspepsia males you nervous, and nervousness nal (.5 G u dyspeptic; either one rend - t 3 ,rs you miserable, and these little pills erre both. Green 'Wells, colored, shot and killed John fly at Columbia, Tenn., on '1'ttes- das', land was captured and lynched a few hours later, A Berlin correspondent telegraphs hat terriple misery exists among the efugee'Russian Jews, who are traver- ing the city and becoming a' public SC THE KEY STONE. Regular action of the bowels is the tystone of. health. The use of B. B. B nsures it and and cures constipation yspepsia, etc. Miss F. Williams, 445 Moor Street, Toronto, writes: "Have used. your Bur ocl: Blood Bitters for constipation and in in the head with great success. improved from the second dose." The decree of divource obtained by Capt. O'Shea from his wife, Mrs. Kitty O'Shea, on account of alleged adultery vith Mr. Parnell, was yesterday made bsolute. Nature provides a remedy for all ills and Dr, Williams' PinkPills is nature's emeiy for the ills peculiar to the fe- male system. Suppressions, weakness,. tervousuess, and all diseases resulting rom: impoverished blood, speedily yield o their treatment. Sold by dealers. or eut un receipt' of price -50c, per hos, or •live boxes for $2—tiddressiu ' The Dr. Williams' Med. Co,, Brock , ille, Ont. The barque Viivilia, Capt. Beveridge of Yarmouth, N. S,, has been burned off Norfolk, Va. Her crew of ten lnen and the captain's wife were saved. Palpitation of the heart, nervousness renibling, nervous headache cold hands and feet, pain in the back, and other forms of weakness are relieved by Carter's Iron Pills, made, specially or the blood, nerves and complexion. At the Templars''congress in Edin- u rg. a proposal was made fora grand international congress at Chicago dur- ng the world's fair. WINTER SPORTS. The gay winter seasonexposes ses man v o the attacks of colds, coughs; hoarse cess, tightness of the chests, asthma, nonchitis, etc., which requires raja. )le remedy like Hagyard's Pectoral 3alsam for their relief and cure. nown as reliable for over thirty years. Che best cough cure. • The application of the Adirondack: Ind St.Lawrence Railway Company or a strip of land 1 miles long and 00 feet wide for a roadway through he state reservation in Franklin.toun- y, N. Y., has been denied by the state lttorney general, who is backed tip by he land commissioners. Occassional Doses of a good cathartic ike Burdock: Pills are necessary to eep the blood pure and the body. lealthy• Twenty -sit persons have been re- ported to the Newark, N. J., police as missing within the past four weeks. they were mostly boys and girls, aged roan 10 to 20 years. , HEALTH I' ' HERBS. IN Health giving herbs, barks; roots, End berries are carefully 'combined in 3=dock Blood Bitters, which regulate he secretions, purify the blood and re - ovate and strengthen the entire sys- em. Price $1 a bottle, six for $5. Less ban 1 cent a dose Isaac Dengler. postmaster at Ober- lin, Pa., who was shot by burglars who were trying to enter his store, last Fri- lay night, has died. The detectives have a clue. Low's Sulphur Soap is an elegant diet article, and cleanses and purifies he skin most effectually:. The Minneapolis. Journal says that Charles A. Pillsbury is endeavoring to corner July wheat in order to force millers not to pay an exorbitant price Doubt is cast upon the story. HAG. YET,. OIL. This stands for Ha gyard's Yellow Oil, the best and prompest cure for all pain from the simplest Sprain to the racking torture ltf rheumatism. A never -failing remedy remedy for croup, sore throat, and pain in the chest, • The Alta Calai'br•nia, the oldest daily newspaper printed in the state of Cala forniar, will suspend publication June 1. The paper nas been losing its pat - zona; e for the past 10 years. All cases of weak or lame beck, backache, rheumatism, will find relief by Wearing one of Carter's Smart Weal; and Belladonna Backache Plas- ters. Price 25 cents. Try them. Mayor Shakespeare, of New Orleans, has 'expressed' himself as being rejoiced at the recall of Italian Consul Corte, and says if Coate ever returns to New Orleans he will be driven from the city. ' A private letter from the city of Mexico says there is much reason to believe that the Mexican government is secretly ailing the Chiliad insur- gents. ugust Flower" I had heel troubled five months with Dyspepsia. The doctors told me it was chronic. I had a fullness after eating and a heavy load in the pit of my stomach. 1 suffered fre- quently from a Water Brash of clear matter. Sometimes a deathly Sick- ness at the Stomach would overtake me. Then again I would have'the terrible pains of Wind Colic. At such times 1 would try to belch and could not. I was working then for Thomas McHenry, Druggist, Cor. Irwin and Western Ave., Allegheny City, Pa., in whose employ I had been for seven years Finally I used August Flower, and alter using just one bottle for two weeks, was en- tirely relieved of all the trouble. I can now eat things I d'lrecl not touch before. i would lute to rarer you to Mr. McHenry, for whom 1 worked, who knows all about my condition, and from whom I bought the medi- cine. I live with my wife and family at 39 James St., Allegheny City,Pa, Signed, JOHN D. Cox: G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer, Woodbury, New -jersey, U. S. A. TWO YEARS AGO. Two years age I was troubled with an Weer on my ankle, hstving used: B B. 13. for bad blood I procured a bottle and a box of Burdock Healing, Oint- ment. After using 3 bottles and 3 bot es I was completely cured. Mrs. Wm, V. Boyd, Brantford, Ont. The lunge of the Canadian cattle sent over on -the steamship Lake Hur- on have been inspected by the chief analyst in London, unci not the slight est trace, of pleuro -pneumonia was found. Dr. H. L. Alderman, of Detroit, had an ei.scounter at itis home with a burg- lar early yesterday morning. After a clinch elute struggle the burglar shot the doctor in the at in, then made his escape, followed by three shots from the •doctor's revolver. The lfinneapolis.lnill combine, which one into off set .it the calls. to have z," election of officers vestei•d ly, 'weak blocked by an in,jui1C(rnn issued by , � 7 the petition of :meq Brill On v ,Judge n b C Stout, who owns 400 shares of stook in the Sidle Fie,tcher•Ilolmes Company, PEOPLE MAYBLOW BUT HAVE' THEY THEGOODS ODS TO BACK IT UP O the factor. and �-1hl refitted . y', Having purchased the Estate of John Brawn, T have thoroughly b 1' manufacturing an elegant line of furniture in Oak, Cherry, Maple and Ash. so _ Prices. Note some of n up Sideboards in Antique Bed Room Sets in Antique Oak polished at $18.00 and p, Oak polished at $16.00 and -en 'up cs a Maple, Cherry and Ash at $8,75' and up; " " Maple, Cherry and Ash at $3.00 and Beaks, new stile, in Maple or Birch at $1.90. And a handsome assortment of Hall Stands, Extension Tables, Writing Desks, Centre Tables all in Walnut Oak, Cherry and Ash, and at very close prices. tare and I sell as cheap Remember 0 make no trashy eim furniture as the Cheapest. 100,000 feet of Lumber and- 300 cords of wood wanted in e chaxnge for fur'nit re, A Undertakinggoods always on hand. full Line of U n Y Remember the Stand -Factory and Warero'4MS two doors north of Town, Hall, Exeter. WALT. ANDREWS. EXETER Wheat per bushel. Barley Dats .. Peas .. Butter14 Eggs Potatoes per bus Hay per ton ....... MARKETS. B . 1.00 to 1.08 . 45 to 48 ....... 55 to 55. 70 to. 71 to 16 10 to 11 .. 50 to 50 .. , . 5.00 to 6.00 U='t�1iti The undersigned Lot 7, Con. 2, Stephen, which will be served sows. Terms: -$t i i g of with pr v leve following is the high breeclingg —"Loin farrowed Sept. 97, ranee, Seaiforth, klag ,art, Centralia. lin (856) • dam "North alHarry('(663)) Violet Val liens, by Warwick .Wx London Huron Passenger GOING NORTH. London,dep't8.05 LucanCros'g.8.47 Clandoboye 8 52 Centralia 9.05 EXETER 9.1.0 Hensel]. 9.28 rippen 9 34 Bruoefield 9.42 Clinton 10.00 Londesboro1� 1019 ]3lyth 10.28 llelgrave 10.42 Wingliam. 11.00 S -11 CE will to payable returning pedigree 1890,bred Ont., On.t (imp.) 1st, FI & keep on his premises, a thoroughbred boar, a limited number of at time of service if necessary. The which shows his Jack", No. (1656)' vas by James Dor- second owner Wm. , sire,,"Tari of Dah- Queen" (1502),bv "Roy- (570) b,'"lsrince"; bred by J. Smith. LGcanr, Centralia. J Bruce Railwa y Time .Table. 1.25. 520.'Belggrave" 528. 5.45. 5.57. 6.09. 6.17. 0.26. 045, 7.03 7.12. 7.27. 7.45. GOINGSoUTf. Wingham 7.05 840. 7,24 4.00.i Blyth 7.38 415, x,ondesboro' 7.47 4.25. Clinton 8.07 4.45. Brumfield . 8.26 5.04 . Rippen 8.31 5.12 Itonsall 8.41 5.19' EXETER 8.5L 5.83' Centralia 9.09.5 , Clandehoye 9.18 5.56 Liman Cros'g9.24 6.0!.. London a,rr 1015 645. CURES DYSPEPSIA : CURES DYSPEPSIA. �- 10, ,"1 . ;a �p� PPO cloEsTio CURES DYSPEPSIA. q MOTES' '��; Mr, Neil McNeil, of Leith, Ont., writes: D..,Stas,—For years and years I suffered from dyspepsia in its worst forms, and after trying. all means in my power to uo purpose I was persuaded 1 by friends to try B.B.B., which I did, and after using 5 bottles I was:cocnpleteiy cured. 7ki:' a'd{°5 ACTS ON �i�j E73J' P ` ., `., Cures CONSTIPATION 0 fir ,: Cures CONSTIPAT/ON ,..- • i„1 ,• ° ' Cures CONSTIPATION THE fs�4p•' v s ... I Sapid recovery. DE ,x Sms,—I have tried your B.13,13. with groat success for constipation and pain in my head. The . second dose made me ever so much better. Ity bowels now move freely and the pain in my head has loft mu,, andtoever ybody with the i:iuule disease Irecommend. 13. B. B. Miss P. Wimfa firs, 445 )31oor 5',, Toronto. �a9a i-.Ot.A Xi o ' i Cures BILIOUSNESS. Cures BILIOUSNESS'. Cures BILIOUSNESS .wS a� 1 LIVERba.I ' Direct rroof. Su n,—I was troubled: for five years with ith Livor lomptaint. fmodicln I'usecl io great deal o e which dud me n0 good, and 1 was got`inrg worse all the tune until I tried 'Burdock Blood Bitters. After taking four ant now well. 7 can also recommend it for the cure of Dyspepsia. M4IIY A. E. DEACON, Hawkstono, Ont. Cures HEADACHE.HEADACHE.HEADACHE.*+ HEADACHE. Cures HEADACHE: Cures �* le', In „4en ,,y�� t, t +. «Cures .: l,f. Tie THE THE Lli1W .11, £ronllt Cure. DSAn Stns,—i was very bad with headache and pain in my back; my hands and feet swelled so I could do no work. Try sister -in. -law advised mo to try 11, B, 11. With one bottle I felt NO much better that 1 got ono mono. I man now well, and call work no well an ever. ANNIE BURGEss, Tilsonburg, Ont. ' 7 BLOOD 1t7, . ;. j• , � � .„ RI THE n Cures EGAD BLOOD. Cures 8,4D BLOOD.. Cures GAD GZOO,C, Bad Bood 1 m arise from may wren;; action o4 the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. 13. 13. D., by regulating and toning these organs, removes . _.i h the cause and makes now rich blood, removi all bleed diseases from a pimple' to a' scrofulous sore. OMB and SEE. I have on hand: the argest and F Best Stock U NITUR E rices 1ft_!ii i be beat IN— `ralnut, Oak, Cherry, aplo and. Ash. nd I guarantee all FIRST CLASS in every respect. RIDE:RTAKIRIC A SPECIALTY, In this line my stock is also complete n CLOTH AND VARNISHED: CASK - TS and COFFINS of every size and of good quality, ?on't forget that this is the best place iu town to buy any of these goods. Staucl one door north of OLSONS BANK. Main-st., Exeter. ROBT. N. ROWER 31 I THE LEADING ter AND Furniture Dealer OF THE T I have an immense Stock of 'urnitlre and Undertaking -oods now on hand, Which 1 Till sell at right prices. UNDERTAI{INC A SPECIALTY. An examination of' our Stock Solicited. S. GI LEY. CL THING 11 1. SELL, CHRISTIE'S C oMEaolAL) L_vERY!) First Class RIGS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. 'Serms : Rea=cm.a tact Telephone Connection. �I. G. Bissett's Livery. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. BISSETT. IN ORDER TO WAKE SPACE —FOR= llMMER GOODS We will clear out the balance of our Winter Stock AT COST ash NL Including, a splendid assortment of OVERCOATS & SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS, LADIES AND GENTS FURS. LADIES FUR CAPS, MUFFS AND HATS. LADIES NETT, VEST AND WOOL SHAWLS. A NICE STOCK OF FUR TRIMMIN'S GENTS HEAVY WOOL LINED KID MITS & GLOVES at 75c worth $1. We cant be undersold in Teas and Sugars for SPOT CASH. JOHN MATHESON. ' Exeter North Mayr. tit_ EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock 1, la Mator 0-00=s-4., IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : 'West of England Suitins and Trois eninge, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser ings. French amsF English sh Worsted.Cloth xp in the Latest ;11 xlmade1L 1 Style, at best Rates. ,,��jj q■��,,,,�■��q�+'tqq�■ i . SA. $iii`iELL• FF111AN'S HARMLESS HEADACHE POWDERS ALL HEADACHE. They are not advc:r- ti.sect to cure every- thinp,vutsimpra head- aches. g'ry them, it will cost but 25 cents they are •�r a box and t! e harmless. 4o-v"17idt+lc They are not a Cathartic.. ttENThAL TL FarMer Bios., fto1QSai8 � Rotail Grocers, VflNE & PIRiT :Merchants, A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drugs ALWAYS KEPT. —�t-- Pat�gtJilCd�Giq�s, 3po�geS, D�gst's SaQ�Ii�s —THE— CENTRAL SIIAVHW PARLDR8 EXETER, -:- Ontario. ;�. HATINOL PROPRIETOR Every Attention paid to Ladies' and Children'' Hair Cutting 11. :Hastings. At right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Family Receipts a y is p Carelttlly Prepared. WATCH THIS SPACE —FOR— Cp r� LAIR g e of "a" CaMi(iort Poilor the best in the market. C. LUTZ PROP. Eo H. FISH. THE LIGHTG SE rr. ,y iNm. C mIE IHE ONLY HEWING MACHINE THAT G IVESti ' .- -+t� IVCir 101E tSiCi�� CHIOAGO -28 UN101V sQllM tl.�`^1r. bALL11*,i.' s.ILL. l GA: lex, 1�tLat t. 4 Gbn nNar..n asr to s'Mtr: M SiGl.olit , A'