HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-6-4, Page 1�.,r„�mua.�n,r,u�c�a...am,w.�mr+v.®amracma�co..�c,rrawvn.. , mau�au•.—•--•• VOL. IV. EXTTER, ONTARIO, TIIURSDAV, JUNE 4, 1891. The visors Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1855,) Paid up Capital $2,000,000. Rest Fund, : .. • . 1,000,000, head office Montreal. F.WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GENERAL 1MIANAG]]P. Twenty Branch offices in the Dominion, Agencies in the Dominion, U. S. and Europe C-WZIM-2. feel zi xTc�x, . Open every lawful clay from 1) a• m, to 3 p, ma Saturdays 10 ti. m, to 1 p. in A generalbanking business transacted. Four per vent. per annum allowed for • honey on Deposit Receipts, N. DYER HURDON Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub•Mana„ er. THE E igxtter Abro.leate Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, — EXETER. 13y the SANDERS' PUBLISHING CODTPANY. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum ifpaicin Advance. *81.50 13ca- .ESdYsi rextiia,r Raton or. Alex' tie= No 7llapor diseentinnet until hill arreapprages are pal,]• willAdvertisements d till without specific directions wall beLiberal discount made fortran eienaccordiadve for periods. Everyisdescriptionlsrted for ot JOB' long periods. Every pg,iN SING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate, rates. Choques,money ord- ers, &o. for advertising, subscriptions, etc. to be made payable to Sanders & Sweet PROPRIETORS Clulyi7, pireeetory. TRIVITT MROIORI&L C111JRC I. --Rev. S. F Robinson; Rentor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m and 7 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p, m. M1 TilonisT Cuunert--J Sarvic t , 0 v tA.iL. Russell, Pastor. Sunday and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2 p. m. hIaali STREET—Rev. J. Wiison,'Pastor. Sun day Services, lass a:m. and 0.30 p.m. Sabbath School 2.3e p. m.. 1 Rh8EyTritlAN 9t CITes, D. o . W. M rti p Pastor. Sunday Sr m- Sabbath School, 0:10 a.rn. 1t'rOressso>eat Cards. H.KINSIITAN, L.D. S, Fanson's Block two doors north of Carling Store, ,�•• •• MAIN STR7,ET,E,ETEE,extracts teeth without pain. :Away at Mensal' on 1st Friday; Ailsa Craig on 2nd and 4th Tuesday; and Zurich on last Thursday of each month. t Gladifl J. R. GRIEVE is going out of business and his eminent stock of PINE GOODS must be sold at once REGARDLESS OF COS T. Now is the time to buy LEAP SUITS, OR CLOTH BY THE YARD. NOTE PRICES ---Scotch tweed suits for $11, worth $16; ° fine worsted suits for149 worth $20; fine all wool tweeds for 40 els per -•d. This is no shoddr goods tate, all the goods are new and the best pattern. �^1 II. INGRLA1. , DENTIST, lie ubor Royal C. _College Dental SurgeonU,N successor Bank, to H. L. Billings.. Office over the inllas extracte ion of teeth. slats ser thepain inthemouth by Yemen's pat - tent Valve Lucan every Friday T B WHITELY, M.D.iC. M.,PHYSICIAN • andSurgemi. Office rllri Corner Victoria and:ElgiUstreos,Goerch, Ontario, ▪ I%. J. A..encs—CNSrior Andrew a d North • Residence—Cor Streets, Exeter, Ontario raR. CROSKERY, Member Royal Colllee JJ Surgeons,Englnd; LicentiateMiitMR yal College of Physicians, ber College of Phyys sici ntnl.rA5,tio. Office, Mitchell's old Surgeons, Ontario. R y .IcLELLAN EYE & EAR SURGEON. Graduate New York Eye and. e Ear Hospitalce Eyes tested and. glasses supe Maple and Talbot streets. LONDON, ONTARSO. R. T. A..AMOS, M. ,D., C. and. , Member ▪ College of Physicians Ontario; licentiate of the leons oya Edinburgh; l conf Physicians of the Faculty of Physicians and. Sur- geons, geolis,, Glasgow; Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Toronto. Office—Dr. Cowen's old stand. .,DAVID DT.ST.1EBLER,.(TJNIVERSITY Aof 'Toronto,) Physician. Surgeon,' etc. Haring sent ent the winter of 1880-'87 in New n A aria. the winter of 1887-'88 Oiy, ONT. Vienna, Austria. OFFICE, - CRE1I , LIPS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT - .1.113. OR,H..ONotary Public. Office— ve Conveyancer, O.tiice- Uvea' .Post Office, Exeter, Ontario. Monev to Loan. T II. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR JJ. of Sit -promo Court, NotaryoneyPublic,to loan veytancer, Commissioner, &c. M Y Office- 'anson'sBlock,Exeter. LLIOT & ELLIOT, I3ARRIS'.CERS, SOLIC- itors, Conveyancers, &e. Money to loan 80'per cent. J. EL> oT B. V.. lillad0T. BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auct- H• ioneor for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne Sales promptly attended to and termsreason abt o. Salol arranged at Post office, Winalielsa Remember we guarantee a good fit or no sale. Call and inspect � �. stock. J NIYIES H. GRIEVE.. 11GtRbG' 9 Gs. Ourstockof Drugs and Patent Medicines of the 1n stock keep constantlyt • Fresh and Pure e are P all Leading Patent Medicines on the market. Dyes,Combs, 3rusnesinEndless Variety. Nothing but the best ?'erfiilnes kept in stock. EVERYTHING SOLD ATV I IGIIi'T ICES A. CALL SOLICITED, W. 'E.. COCHENOUR, THE CORNERIiRITG- 5TEIRE, EXETER, ONTARIO, J. ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Licens- A._,e+1 Auctioneer, for the counties of }Wr- en :and Middlesex. Residence: 1 mile south of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other- wise promptly attended to at reasonable prices. HOLT, Ontario. Licensed tine t- ion oor for the 0ounties of. Middlesex and Lti,mbtun; and the townships of Stephen and Hay 'All Sales promptly attended to, p�1 OSS.ENBERRY,ltensallOntario. Lie- 1'I ensod Auctioneei for the Conntys of Intron and Perth. Charges moderate and gabs fa c tie n. g aaranteed. rriiRED, W. FAitNCOMil, Provincial LandLi Surveyor and. Civil Engineer. Off.'ice, Over Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont. HAR.DY,I,icon:scat Anctieneer for the Tfl:(n.ron. Sales0ondeeterl on rreasonableontyCounty tonins, Farm and Fwrm Stuck a specialty. full arrangements can be, made at this office, For Sale. A clesiratesresirdGil 0e hi Exeter North, new frame hoose, ono-fift § acre of land. Tho house was created in 1888,. Good terms 'to purchaser, Apply at t+,,is office: 148-tt NOTICE. Notice is beret�y given that all parties in- debted to Mr..1, H. Grieve will kindly oblige him by paying the same on or before the 1st day ofJuly, 1801. EXETE STILL TO THE FRONT And if you don't believe it call. at Ross & Taylor's PLANING MILL AND LUMBER YARD and you will be convinced that they have the Largest and Best Stock of all kinds of Building Materials in this sec- tion of country,and at the lowest prices. Shingles a Specialty , g having a large stock on hand we are prepared to meet the keenest competit- ion as to price or quality. We have se. cured the right to Manufacture. and Sell Mcrriams ,celebrated Baking Cab- inets. • Call and see them and be con. vineed of their merit. ROSS & TAYLOR, Main St., Exeter THE SPRING MEDICINE. The popularity which Hood's Saisa- partlla has gained as a spring medi- cine ethcine is wonderful. It possesses just those elements of health giving, blood purifying and appetite restoring which everybody seems to need at this sea. -son. Do not continue in a dull, tired, unsatisfactory condition when you may be so much benefited by Hood's Sarsaparilla. It purifies the blood and snakes the weak strong: Pitalic settee' Beard Minutes. June 1: -Board met in the Town Hall, absent W. Treble. femme PASSED:—Minutes of previous meet- ing—report of roof committee, shingles purchased at $7..78 per sq. -Extension of time to Map Comrnittee--The follow- ing accounts on motion of A, G, layer,. and seconding of Dr. Lutz: -1, White and son printing' $3; Mrs: McAlpine, wood $25; J. P. Clark, brooms $1; Jas. Willis on account of shingle $50. Sec- retary to write the Minister of Educat- ion re disabilities udder which „waded public schools were resting in attempt- ing a higher education for aivanced pudiis,---•Tho Ciratirinan, 1I, Hueston and Dr, Lutz to be a committee to wait on A. Bishop, Est;.. re above—per .II. Hueston and A. G. Dyer that tenders be refereed to roof oommittee with power --per 1)r. Luta and''A.. G. Dyer, that the chairman, W. Hoskin and W. Treble be a committee to extend black- boards as required—per W. Hoskin and A. G. Dper, Dr. Luta, H. Hueston and A. G. Dyer to be a tree committee with power to make such changes as may commend themselves—per Dr. Tint% and H. Hueston, blinds to be purchased and pieced as 'required by the roof cottaartittee,-•-Ad journrncnt J. GRIGG Sec': s y Straw hats by the thousand at prices the lowest and styles the newest at the Big Bankrupt Store. Gunton A young man named Hitch, an of- ficer in the Salvation Army, met a hor- ible death here on Saturday May 30th by being burned to death while burn- ing worms en a tree with a lighted torch. The can exploded in his face, and the oil running on his face and clothing set fire to him.' ; The poor man was crazed with pain. The friends around hien could not get near him with blankets, he fighting them and keeping then -toff He ran around the field until exhausted, and death en- ded his sufferinga few hours after- wards. and his domestic relations were of the pieasentest hi lel,;and he was held in very repute by all wile knew him. Whatever the xtison for Iiis taking his life itt,his hanclY.;let ns hope that it was done in a moll Otary fit of irresponsi• bility. We ee',,•a1(I our aympathy'to the afiiicted family. Crediton, The Rev:Mr. Redman has gone to Windsor to attend the conference.— Mrs W. Barnes who has been ill for a long time: is still about the same,—Mr. William Lewis left on Tuesday morn- ing for Windsor on a visit —Miss Bel- the Travethick is visiting friend, in Exeter,—The time of gravelling is here and the farmers are at work.—A mad•dog passed thrrougli our village about 7 o'clock Tuesday moining;'Aft- er corning in contact with several dogs it made westward. The dogs that were bitten are taken care of. Nothing serious has happened from the affair. Lucan, lensali, The Ilensiill holler Mills are running in full blast. NO 2O9., by it. --Our pathruasters are tnaking considerable improvement in the side walks this season. '!'his was much needed as some of the walks were in an unfavorable condition.—Inspector Tom paid our Public School all oi`fiicial visit on Wednesday last.—A public meeting was held in Peine's hall on Monday evening for the purpose of cunsiderine. the question of holding a celebration on the 1st cf July, A committee was appointed to canvas the village to ascertain about hoat much pecuniary assistance could be obtained. 11ir. T. Ball etj'.ne is on his way to England with c nfunber of cattle. Mr. Thomas Murray has just Com- pacted his writ;.a ee tulination in the fourth year otitis University course. Mr. and D1r4 eI. Dlscarthur and fam- ily have refeawed to Ailsa Craig, where he inter tis spending the sunt mer months on .his farm near Ailsa Crag; • Mr. Chas. Cog,, vimhas bee reattend ]ng the Ha( tioi� emmercial College - has secured a tilt .ttion with a whole, sale firm before 1 is term of study had expired. Be is an earnest worker, and this Speaks teen of his proficiency- Br -roster. Ml S. Ros$. ,, ul;, a trip to Port Huron on the fishing ,lessenebr,-last week. Mrs. Sipple a•td hoe son of Milverton are at pros 1i: the guests' of ',Mrs. Schade. Mr. a, Mrs J. f,C,.. ie, of East Williams are at present v iting friends in this vicinity. ,• Mr. Wm. Fee t. Ptd his sister, of Zurich were the guetL 'ti the Misses Pollock on Sunday last Mr. S. Ross Os returned from Hills•' borough with Ilia sail boat, where shit. has been for the winter season. Mr. T. Bennett and ins brother Mr. J Bennett accompanied by their wives were the gueste of Mr. & Mrs. S. Whit- more last week. Rather apaa` %*,accident happened to Mr. T. Turnbull jr. one Thursday of last week by breaking one the bones of his hands while attending the cat- tle.' The Imran Fall Fair will be held on. Wednesdi,'1 and Thursday, Septemper 16th and 17th, when 51,000 will be giv- en in prizes. The fall wheat in this district looks remarkably well; the spring -sown crops show up well, but require rain very badly. Clover, timothy and other grass es are vett; backward,and there will be no second crop of clover taken this year Root crops are also backward. How ever, with a few days' rain these will be all right. Tne general feeling is that there will be a very good harvest this ,year. The fruit trees have all blossomed weil,,aud if no frost comes now there will be -a good yield. of ap- plot and plums. Colnnuuication, EDITOR ADvocaTu. , DEAR sitz = i'oiir Uslior•ne correspon- dent of leet ti$rain let his Stanley Council, Council met t0 day; at Verna, May 26th, at 10 o'clock as a Court of Revis- ion,.nnernbers all present and subscrib- ed the required declaration • of. office. The following' changes were made in the assessment roil. Lot 24, on 3, <ts.: t[1at tI. Hicks see to cnlveit tear G: sesst d to Ed Glen was changed. to, John Watirond's, Iiesoi el II. 1 ilber ,and 1. Gitivaul,tlot 2F eon. d telad S. H, ofE,1I: 'Wuertb see to repairing road on 6th. of lot 28 con 4 assessed to Findley Mc cot. N. of Crediton• Moved G• H. Eii Ewen was changed to Duncan McEwen ber�sec. R. hicks Ghat Treasurer Robt. Turner, bitch off dog on; Andrew notify at once ;ill parties indebted tcc Duncan bitch oaf; Chas`I$'ostei dog vii;_ .the municipality h�' rnm tg' e or oth. Chas'Logan do elf; 'Haigh McGregor etrwise that .full payments must bc; dao• ail'- Geo. Lawerson dog oli• Wm j, made by 1st November 1891, Moved Biggins dog elf; D. Wisemiller dog oaf. by H Silber sec. bey J: Silrerritt that thee_ The iissessment roll was then declared refunded Interest on laud Creel: Iia- finale carried and court closed. benteurs be divided between the part Y: ies who were asscssd-to pay said De The council resumed their seats at two o'clock for general business. Mie- benteurs in proportion to amounts so rtes of previous meeting• read and Paid. signed. 'Phe t'reasurer's and was IaicL 3 he following orders were Granted before the council and accepted. The G. Wine, rep, bridge, 51,50; Crediton following orders were dltawn on the I. fair, 510; C. Hoffman B. B. contract; Treasurer, John Tough. salary and $43.50; C. Bunker dtt.;li 22 510; J. Sara-. r L • herrac postage, 570.50;Seaforth Sua printing (leis, B: B. contract, 5, b 15, J. S account for. 1890, 524 Book case for brfcige rep, $4 ii0, J Binh B P contract hall yds Hhrriso's Manual for council $37.35; J. Tetieam rep bridge, 51 `L5: 0 57,Samiiel Reid for keepiaglllr.Thomp Mantle B B contract, pi9,40; C. Willett scn for 26 wee'.s 570; John MMLinchy doe tam ref,:$1 G. Manus rep. cul. C 5`10 dog _tax for 1889. The fol- F. 51.35; J. Mitchell, B B 54 80';W. Bar 1 error lowing sums were appropriated to the ker, ditch 4 con., 52:25; R. Baker die - lowing several roads, con. 2 S 3 550; con 4 & count files, 52; J. Marshall culvert Cen- r, $$5; con 6 & 7, 840; con S S 9, 64°' 521.75; 52; Finkbiner and others C II 10•& 11, 540; con 12 5.13, 565;. Sauble 521.75; M. O'Brian tile S. B, 5275; Mit line,ylon, 530; . 5100; centre line from Parr to Newcomb 56; M. C. D. Debenture in BabBabylon to Goshen, 515; full 231.70; C. Stone, rep cul $6; W. Goshen to Bronson, 560; :Bronson to itlitchell, 510; J Sharron keep W. E., 58.: IeGreto Council adjourned to meet ao•ain 1st - or SR, 515; Innis S R $10; Sharp S R 515; Mcllveen 8 R 510; Boyces S R 520; Johnstone S R $10; McNairs 8 R 535; Barirds S R 510: Reids S R 515; Pollock S R 510;McBeths S 11550; Curry S 11 515; Screenans $40 Bay tield road 5130; South Boundary,$2a50,providingHay tp cases of appeals. dames Clarke took high as Jarnes Caarroll took high ass. Rey. J. Allan took hir,h ass, reduced. 5900; T. BMartin took high ass. no,acticut;:G. Mawhinney tool ass. reduced 51006 A. Ewakl took high ass. reducers, $50; G.Penhale dog off. Moved and res)lycdthat the Court of Royision be now closed, lenerail business :wag taken up. "Moved by John Sherl'itt, sec. by E. Wuerth that the Assessmene be accepted. ]loved by II. Either andJ, Sherritt that R. Hicks and C. Chris - ie look for'gravel in Mr, Beaver's pit. Mr. Sherritt aiid Reeve to see: to r•e- riuiretlnofts of Gore road. Resolved. that 525 be.granted towards impro.- ing the toad on first block in 12 con. on conditions' that the statute labor be done on said portion and the people' draw and dump on said portion 24 . good loads of gravel and tha> tare path; master be commissioner. Resolye5` Sauble 5So0; Carntes S R 51.0• iV tongue run Off :,oitn nfs brains; if hae °. ves au equal o oiiitttAbrahaui Snit has any; a point that is by no means decided yet, can't the greeny see that itis himself that neglects his business by attending to the affairs of others when he goes to '• de trouble of writing about them. =li;clentlysome kind of ache—care colic --is troubling. him. Or is there something sticking in his little gizzard that th t poor fellow cannot di- gest! i-ieste He spealls of some one advertis• ing all he knoas;,no harm in that my boy always speak aboutwhat y oat now; if you would only do that your tongue would get many a holiday. But the: gossoon cannot do that, he must'' pub- lish to the world that he knows nothing It may truely be said of him that every time he opens his mouth he puts his foot in it. To be continued in our next,if neces- Bary. A RDADEIt. Whalen. Mr. Thomas Clarke was visiting friends here last Sunday. -Mr. Wm Car '. ney hadthe misfortune of falling on a wheelbarrow la' t Friday night and slightly injured his bael. He is able to be around again.—Crops are grow- ing fast ,after the . late showers.—Miss Cornish was the guest of Mr. Kehoe on Sunday.—Mr. Brock is building a new house on the townline which will be an improvement to the place.--ScxooL RE- rontT-The following is the standing of the three first pupils in the several classes of our pubitc school for the month of May; based on attendance and general proficieney.—SEN. FOURTH Addie E. Brooks, Thos. Morley, Geo E. Gunning.-Jmo. FOURTH.—Maggie Kel- ly, Martha McLaughlin, Thos V. Hodg- son. -SEN. TIMID. --Henry Ogden, Eliza Kelly, Lena Morkin. -Simone orates.— Willie, F. Morley, Daisy Brooks, Jos Telly.—SEN• SECOND PART. -Charlotte Morley, MarthaMoskin, M. Morley. Ja. SECOND PART. -Bess Morley Laving Brock. -Pang rri;5T.-Newton Millson Eva Tapp. , Zurich. Council it met as a Court of Revision of the Assessment in the Town Hall on Saturday last, There was but one ap- peal against the assessment, and this one was not sustained. This speaks well for tare assessor, Mr, Lippina rot, as it shows good judgment and discretion. We congratulate the Council for seeing HUllet, the services of such a competent ser- want—The English Class in connection witn the Evangelical Sitnacly School. lute been organized with Mr, Sam J, Latta des teach& The English speaking friends ought to take advantage of this privilege and encleavour to malei it a success—Mr, F. W. 1+arncomb-made his re ort'of `the C'B1g. harsh" drain to p . The cost of the Cotmoil on Saturday the drain will be in the neighborhood from an entano:lornent arising out of a of 514,000 which_ will be, levied by as- Svrclnr,-'-Thursday morning last Patrick Carbon aged about 31 unman Pieta, son of Thos: Colbert, of Mullet, a few miles from Clinton, committed sui tide by shooting himself through the head, Venous strlmises are assigned. as to the reason.` One that the rash Get wars superinduced'J)y melancholy airs. ins from il1ncss another that it was � love affair I-Ic lived with his parents scssment on all ;ands to be benefitted der was appointed nathmaster instead of Ii Detweiler Mr Kain was, appoint- ed road commissioner for South Bonn - dry and Jas Johns road commissioner for Bayfield road. The Council then adjour, el to meet again on. Monday June 22nd next. at 1 o'clock p m, GEO. L. STEWART, Clerk. Hi • nge t. Mr. Copp and Bliss Lave, of Seaforth. spent Sunday on the broad acres of Mr. D. McLaren, of Glenquaich. Miss Lily Park and Miss Mary Gorle were the guests of of Mr. McDougall on the boundary last Sunday. Mr. F. J. Coleman, merchant,of Crom- arty, intends leaving for Zurich shortly andcarry on his business there. One day recently a mare beloning to MI WnrSpeare, presented him with 2 fine colts. They both lived for a ween:,. and then the smaller one died but the other still lives and is doing -yell. Mr, Miller, shoemaker' who has been residing in Cromarty for some time Las gone to Manitoba to seek a situation there. The boys feel sorry to loose him as many a pleasant evening they have spent in his little shop on Shuttle street. A very pieasant event took place at Mr. James Millers, near Cromarty, last Wednesday evening, it being the mar- riage of his eldest daughter, Johanna, to Mr. James Walker, both of Hibbert. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr, Russell, of Elimville in the presence of a few friends and, relatives. The bride received quite a number of use. ful presents which shows the esteem in. which she is held in the community. They intend leaying for Duluth shortly Where they will make their home. We extend to them a long life and much happiness, On Tuesday evening last at the resi dence of the brides father Mr. Har burn's near Staffa, his eldest daughter Mary Ann and Mr, Harry Templeton, were united in the holy bonds of matri money in the presence of a large num- ber of guest. Mr. Sermons, of Hensaiil, tied the nuptial knot. When • all had done amp justice 'ustice to the inner man the tables were cleaned awaynand the merry dance began which was kept up not till the wee sma'-hours) but till af- ter the lamps were put, morning, They intend making there home on Mr. Jas., Campbell's farm near Cromarty for a few years. We wish theta eery comfort which this life can afford. sea Step hon Council.' Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment in Crediton, May 20111, 1891. All Members present. Council took the necessary oaths as members of Court of .Revision, Mr, Rata was appointed Chairman, . The following were the lllonday in July. Contracts Let. Crediton Road. Price cords contractor pit commissioner 2,10 8 T. Sanson Wa+.l-ex J.Heaman .80 20 J. Sanders Sanders W. Baker 2.50 30' 11. Esrey Rollins M. Winer 3 30 30 J, Lalvson Rollins F. Eilber 4.55 20 J. Lawson Mouser C. Silber 1t. Barry T. Finkbiner " A. McCormick. MnH.offutan Follis P. McKen io 59 26 4 'o 28" 25 3 200 1515 G. Lovie London Road. 315 25 S. Bashr:rville Walker W. Nairn 2.75 12 W. Ford Ford T. Sweet Exeter Road. 1.85 S W. Nora Ford T. Shorten 1.0) 20 W. Sanders Sanders T. Sha,p1�ton 1.85 20 J. J. G. Wine First Side Road. ` 1.75 25 W. Elliot Mitchell W. Nairn 1.75 5 c$ $r n 1.75. 10 H.rssory Rollins A. Clark 2,50 15 Flanagan a" G. Lawson rs 1ab81 �:Irfl .. MONTGOMERY.—I11 Godel:ieli, en • the 31st ult., Mrs. A. T. Montgomery, in her 75th year. x;1rl;-st;ils. SOCITIIcoTT.—In Exeter, on Jiinc '2tid, the wife of; Mr. Wm: Soutltcottof a son. ABBOTT.—In Biddttlph on the 2nd roes., • the wife of Mr. John Abbot, of a son. DzetreEY•—In l sborne, on the 28tit ult., the wife of John Dempse-, ,; a son. BusWELL.—In Usborne, on the 30th ult., the wife of Geo. Buswell, of a daughter. =In McGillivray, con, 12, LzCrltxrco'r, y, co on 27th ult., the wife of John, Lightfoot, of t daughter. PARSONS.—In Stephen on the 29th ult., the .wife o1 �l Parsons, of a son.. - n Exeter, on the 31st 'alt TAa voR. I , ti thewife of John W. Taylor'of a Ban. GREEN. --In Hay, on the 31st alt. the wife of Mr. Jas. Green. of a daugh- ter. FRAYNE.--InUsborne, on the 1st inst., the wife of illi, Jas. Frayne,' of daughter. 1SI.4iE'.St7ASxIUa. CHAMBERS—MOAN ()LESS, At Hyde Para:, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. H. R. Diehl, Miss' Jennie McAnd- less, to Mr. William C. Chambers, of Coburg,•. TrmtprnTel-Haitene. .--In Hli1ibei"t, on the 27th alt,. at the resident,* of the bride's father, by the Rev. Mr. Simms, of Rensall, Harry p Tem Teton; to Miss Mary Ann, e]: est daughter of Mr. Harburn, both es of IIibbei•t WAi.krn—Mlr;I,Er..--In Hibbert, sit the residence of the bride's father, on the 27th tilt, by the Rey. Mr. Russell, of Fiimville, Mr. jellies Walker. to Miss Johanna, eldest daughter: of Mr. James Miller, 'both of Hilbert. M-tcnolaAlen—HOi ' rv.--At the ITN- ctenceof the bride's father, lig- borne, on the 2nd inst , by the Rev Mt Fletcher, Mr. Robert 'Maedoe- ald, to Miss D. A, oldest daughter. of Henry Heiteya Este, both ot. Usborne.