HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-5-7, Page 6READIIAKERT:.: r 1/ lien Ft is To 419E SATISFARTIOPi. FOR SAr. E BY Aka., DE5ALERS VISIT . THE MAR T BBIRTHDAYF Gins, WEDDING GzI! s, PARTING GIFTS. ALBUMS BIBLES SHEETMUSIC MUSIC THE lillaRT BOOKS -- C1ioic@ t---- - S. S. FICTION.lr ws PAPERS. Libraries. Stationery School Supplies wuta.PPING Papers TWINES BAGS 'V A L L Papers LOCAL JOTTINGS. The stock of clothing of Mr. James Grieve will be sold at a sacrifice. Give him a call. A number of the S. 0. E fraternity visited London on Monday and took a place in the procession. Stubborn Children readily take Dr. Low's Worm Sprup. It pleases the child and destroys the worms. Insure in the Temperance and Gen- eral Insuranee Co., of Toronto. En. BLSS7TT, local agent.—May 29-90. Mr. Wm. Ban den's trotting. horse was successful in winning the second money at the Harrison races on Mon- day. "Many Men, Many Minds," but all men and all minds agree as to the merits of Burdock Pills; small and sug ar-coated. Your attention is ca.11e,1 to the change of advertisement of Mr. James Grieve who is having a clearing sale of clothing. Remember that Mr. James Grieve is making a great clearing sale of men's and boys' suits. Don't forget to give him a call. When you go to buy Hood's Sarsa- parilla be sure to get it. Don't be put off with an inferior substitute. Insist up,m Hood's Very appropriate sermons were de • livered by the clergymen of the dif- ferent denominations throughout the village on Sunday. The semi annual meeting of the W. County Orange Lodge of South Huron will be held in the Oraege Hall, Clin- ton at two o'clock p. m., on Saturday June 13th 1891. At the last regular meeting of Leb- anon Forest Lodge, No. 133, A. F. S: A. .1I., it was unanimously decided to at- tend divine service in the Presbyterian church on Sunday June 28th, A cor- dial invitation is extended to the fra- ternity. Under the new school law, members of municipal councils will be unable to act as members of Boards of Educat- ions, but will be qualified to serve as Pablic and Separate School Trustees, where there is one Board of .Education controling both High and Public Schools. Some one down in Georgia has caught a two -headed fish This breed should be propagated in our own wat- ers for the benefit of those fishermen who always double the number of their catch in telling of a day's sport They would only need to count noses, and it would save wear and tear on the con- science. It will be with feelings of deep re- gret that many of our readers will learn of the severe illness of Mrs. Geo. Brooks. She has been ailing for sev- eral years with an internal trouble which of late has gradually grown worse, She was taken to the hospital on. Friday morning where a very criti- cal examination, will be performed upon her. We are in receipt of two choice and late editions in fiction from that popu- lar firm. John: Lovell & Sons, Montreal, one being entitled "Good Bye" by John Strange 'Winter, the other "A Life for a Love" by L. T. Meade. They are very clearly printed and judging from the past writings of the Authors they would be very interesting. Sold at all bookdealers, The other evening while Mr. John Spackman was driving into his prem- ises an accident occurred, It appears he ,got out to open the ;ate and allow •ed the horse to proceed alone on the road leading to the stable, it ,beearne ntangled' with a clothes tine and be. roan kicking vieiouslte making' a coin plate wreck of the vehicle; Tho'horse received a,',number of agly trashes in trying 10 liTeae itself t A nsovetnertt' oOt introdlide 3s rat f nr o deer inteinto Na -e ;icotia..fofwsts• by itn- porting frenYm New Brunswick or Maine a 'small herd, , which it properly neo - t n. r" rrterl by an tctof theele~t is3iafOr,6, will •goo' lnerease ,with 1}:e favorable clitn- te of the province.'Cep', .Daley, of I rldgf.toWe, hats' applied to have .t 51 acia.lfart ptls+tetl at the present sees yip•of t.h i Lnt',dl l:Iouser ori the garrae a n ;rt' 1 s t at4: t ii.p''a"otect theta for tee e't 'eve thee' ., tiae they are k1 r,, A numberof workmen.. have bee. n engaged for taipier ce) puatang an a small sewer onStation St., which no doubt will be a greet benefit to Many residents of the said place. On Sunday night last the residence of 11r, \bran. Mitchell, Usborne, was. eaa tered by burglars and $30 stolen', it appears that Mr, and Mrs. Mitchellwere spending a few days in Loudon Town- ship, and their two dau„ liters,; who were keeping house, had gone to church and in their absence the Alun- dering was done, No chin to the burg tars has yet been ascertained. The reanaius of Mr. Robert Elston were brought here on Wednesday evening trate from Muskegon, Mich. Deceased was taken front here some time ago to the Insane- Asylum,Lon- don, and being: granted his freedom he went to reside with his daughter in the place above stated.His illness was not considered dangerous and the sad news no doubt web() a surprise to many readers of the Auvoc m. Mr, C. 11. Ingram, dentist, met with a very painful accident and one o4iich might hay e proved serious on Satur- day last. It appears he had been us- ing, a vulcaniser, and before lettiag the heated water cool sufficiently, coalmen• red to take of the top by unscrewing it and in so doing gave vent to the heat- ed water which tow in every direction, a portion of it striking lir Ingrain in the face whieh scalded him very seyer- ly. Medical aid. was at once summon- ed and he is now doing nicely. "Mr. Alex McQueen,of Keewatin,who has been employed in the L. W. M. Co's office during the ,past two years, through careful attention to business has been promoted to travelling agent for that company. Alex. certainly has ability fer that line of business, and we congratulate him upon securing t his important situation.'—Rat Portage AN ews. It will be remembered that Mr. McQueen was at one time stationed here as operator at the station. We join with the ,.News in the.,r con- gratulation. Ktthat g a ertho ot• her site oat", said a lady in a dry goods store the outer afternoon as the ele:rit. was putting up her purchase in a lariat ed wrapping paper, °1 don't want to be a walking advertisement for your store, 1 rend the local newspapers as all intelligent people ought to do, and 1. think in them is the place to advertise your business." Instead of asking your custoinei+s to earry your sign around. with each purchase of goods, go and tell thepeoplethrough; the newspapers what you have to sell and how to soli it. wanted. Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of boots and; Shoes that need repairing to be loft at the leading boot and shoe store next door to the post office. G. Manson, ' ;3Q0 tons or gray, wanted The undersigned wishes to procure 200 or more tons of first class Timothy hay for pressing purposes for which. he will pay highest market prices. Tidos Olen, Exeter.. siniprents. Messrs Robinson and Sparlin;', of St Marys, shipped from this station on Sat urday last 165 head of cattle ra*hich. were without a doubt the finest ship- ment of cattle that has left this locality for some time, They were shipped to Liverpool Air. Thos. Prier shipped 2 carloads on Monday last. Under the amendments made to the Assessments Act at the late session of the Legislature, the poll tax in cities, towns and yillages is reduced from 82 to $1, and young men in townships, who are not assessed, will hereafter have only one days statute labor in- stead of two. Owners' sons residing on the farm may be assessed as joint own era under the Franchise Assessment Act of 1859, instead of as farmers' sons and are thus exempt from statute la- bor, and the act of the late session re- lieves tenant farmers' sons, residing at home, front statute labor in the saute way. Monday was observed here as a holi- day. Many of the citizens yisited Lon- don, while others went to Crediton,Lu- can, St. Marys, and the Grand Bend, where horse racing and other amuse- ments were being held. Would it not have been better for: our village if we bad held something' of the kind and kept the people and their money at home instead of letting those smaller places have it. The streets of the town were deserted and we hope that when the next holiday takes place that some of our young Hien will take the matter in hand and prepare something to en tertain the people at hone, The following advertisement has been put in the Berlin papers and sig- ned by the mayor of that town:— Warning.—Boys, young mete or any person found standing on the street corner or along the sidewalk on Sun- day evening or any other evening, or enuring the day, and passing re- marks at passersby or insulting ladies or any citizens, wil be severely dealt with hereafter. No standing around our streets or street corners will be al- lowed, except under lawful privileges and under unavoidable circumstances; and to further the object, it might be as well for parents to induce- their children to attend church and minis- ters advise parents accordingly. Would it not be wise for Eteter to adopt something similar. school Vaeations. Certain changes have been made in the regulations of the school holi- days we believe which add a week to the total vacations. School will close on the last Monday in August, in towns and incorporated villages, and in the country they open one week earlier. A11 schools open on 3anuary 3rd after Christmas holidays, and the week following Good Friday will be a vacation, instead of school commencing after Easter Monday as formerly. Concerning hiss istrateS. Every justice of peace heretofore ap pointed, but who has not qualified,must make the necessary declaration of office and qualification before' the clerk of the peace, before the 1st day of August next, or his appointment will lapse. And justice of the peace, hereafter ap- pointedenust take the necessery declare ations within three months of his ap- pointment. Any justice of the peace, who becomes insolvent, ceases to be a qualified justice, and any one now act- ing as a justice of the peace without necessary qualification, on betag re ported to the Attorney -General will be struck off the rolls. All declarations taken or other acts done by unqualifi- ed justices, by virtue of their offices, are illegal. These provisions are the results of recent legislations and decis- icns by the Attorney-Geueral of Onta- rio. S5,00 for a Needle. OUR Hoatns,a thirty-two page month- ly magazine, devoted to house build- ing, home furnishing, house deceratirii fashions, general literature, etc., is the best publication of its class in America. The publishers, in order to increase the circulation of their magazine, offer large cash rewards to those of - their subscribers, or intending subscribers, who correctly answer the following question: Where in the New Testa- ment are the words, "a veedle," first found? Cash daily and weekly rewards giyen while the competition lasts. The publishers will give away thousands of dollars ,among those correctly answer- ing the question—the leading reward being $500 in gold. Send ten cents in stamps or silver for a sample copy of Oux Horns and complete rules govern- ing the competition. Address Ourt HOMES Puiir,1slusG CO., .Brockville, Ca- nada, -4t, 5t7. Marvellous Growth of Odtifellowshill Odd£ellowship has just passed its TT`2nd year. The order was started in. Maryland in the year 1819 with five members in the lodge. The growth of thefsociety has been phenomenal. In 1890 it was found that lodges existed in every State of the Union, anti Prov- ince of the Dominion of Canada, and almost every country in the world. The total membership of the order to- day reaches 634,000. Of this the Do- minion of Canada has the honor of contributing 23,130 members. During tho past year Canadian Oddfellows have paid out 881,367 for relief But 72 years old—and what a record. The figures of relief atone are sufficient to cause one to pause and wonder at their magnitude, In 1889 there was ex- pended by the order for relief, the vast wain of $9,725,363.92, and during the period of 1830 to Dec. 81, 1880, there was paid for relief $51,351,267:54, close on an average of $1,000,000 annually. 'Aaar$rortalnt Natleet t ,visna to inform the citizens of Eae ter tlutt 1 have the neeeseary appltau „ ri t ,- cus tor,.ai,nto,anl, soot €io,ia chilul,.tv„,, which should bet dotae 101i:1to you are housecleaning. All aiders prompt'. `attended, to Give me a call. SAsiursa 1'ANsoN, Exeter tI`o the Pulll;ie. The ,>xetor Salt Works Co, have a quantity of Dairy and Land Salt on band and would ask intending par chasers to give as a call. No fanner shoukt'be without salt 'for his land. For barley it has no equal. T. B, CARLING, Secy, persona,. mention. Mr. Robert Smale of London, spent Thursday and Friday, in town.—Miss Emma :9awdeu, of Torunto, forntorly of this place, is visiting friends' in to n for a couple of weeks, after which she Will leave for Europe.—Mr. Silas ,Stan - lake, Jr., who has been taking a course at the Forest City Business College, Loudon, returned home on Wednesday evening last.—Mrs, H. L. Billings, who has been residing in Brautford for some months has returned, -Mr:. Chas Ross and wife, of Itidgetown,spent Sun- day with relatives in town,— William Sweet, V. S., wlio has been in search of a location through the United States, returned home on Thursday morning. He has chosen a city in Illinois and in all probability will take his departure from our midst before long.—Miss Eliza Handford, of London, has been here visiting her parents, Mr, and. Mrs. Silas Handford.—Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Buck- ing ham spent the holiday in London. —Mr. B. S. O'Neil visited Sarnia during the past week. ---Mr. W. E. Gundy spent Sunday and Monday in Essex.—DIr, and Mrs. H. L. Billings and two child ren, are hero visiting relatives and friends.—Mr. Samuel Sweet, of the Exeter ADvOCATE visited Shaftsbury. Lodge, S. O. E. B. S., Clinton, on Thurs- day evening last week, on business pertaining to the order. -Mr. A E. Ben- nett who spent a few days with friends and relatives in Orangeville this week, returned home yesterday morning. -- Mr, Isaac Carling, Jr., who has been attending University Toronto returned borne and inroads remaining during the summer. -Mr. Robert Sanders has returned after spending a week in the north, and is looking hale and robust,— The members of Plymouth Lodge No 63, S. 0, E. B. S., attended service in the Trivitt Memorial Church at 3 p. m. on Sunday last, and heard a ser- mon front their Chaplain, Rev, S. F. Robinson. There was a fair con;re• gation and the singing of the choir was as usual yery good. The service itself was special, prayers, lessons, and hymns being appropriate to the occas• ion. The text was Genisis XLIX, IX, "Judah is a lions whelp, he stooped down, he crouched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up." The preacher showed the meaning and na- ture of blessings in the time of the Jewish patriarchs. It was like a will in our day coupled with a prophecy. The blessings of the sons of Jacob ac• orded with the lives they had lived and the characters they had formed. .Ju- ah's character as his blessing was that of the lion, the lion at his best, the lion conchant. It showed us power not always extended but more often held in check, that was like the English- character, England couches. He in- stanced the government of India by a handful of Brutish soldiers, and the mercy shown to the Boers of Africa, when the great, power of the first nat ion in truth was ready to strike, and tet because they yielded, it spared, The marks of an Englishman ware honor, industry, truth and morality,, untrue to these he was notfaithful to his national type. The, 'destroying of Canada was nn. English destiny, God had set their feet in a large room, he had moi er them a heritage in a broad ro eon anent, he protected them thus far,he would guide and shield them unto the end. After the sorvire the members marched to the lodge room • where a Vote of thanks to the chaptain was ear ries, en motion of Bro. Hugh Staacl tnaan sceondcd by Biro, T. I.Iar'tno1L Stephen vs McGillivray. The following case was tried at Os- goode Hall on Thursday last: -Moss, Q. C. C, and M. Wilson, Q,C., for the plain. tiffs, appealed from the judemert of Rose J., who tried the action at VTood- stock, dismissing it with costs. The ac- tion was brought to compel defendants to pay; or to pass a bylaw to raise, the sutra cl►arged against them by the re port of an engineer for the plaintiffs as their portion of the costs of ;'drainage works. Defendants denied the ,sttt'fi ciency of the `report or that itwas binding upon ;them.' The', wort in b p {y! 7 question was the opening by a eut across the sand bar Into Lake Huron of the.River Aux Sables at a bend to a point some 200 or 800 chains diitant, up the Stream to the Junction wit t the Waywati Creek within the township of Stephen. The river forms the brand. ary between Bosanquet on the •north, . . tr ' a r the McGillivray o n n and 11 eG and Stephen a st J I south, the latter township 1 ing 1) the West of Stephen. Rose, J., held th til the ti'ork was not one within the Jutiidiet- ion of a township but of a cottni provided far by the act at all, W Nes- bitt and A, W. Aytotu-rinlay, M the defendants; contra ''Rot finished VAsEY--In Exeter, on the 22nd inst. the Wife of John- Vasey of a daughter. SUDDEN CHANGES. A cold; or exposure, may cense the poisonous acids in the blood to clog its circulation. This is R.heunati nl Clark's Lightning Linineut will stop the pain at once. It should be taken both internally if the attack is severe, and it affords instant .relief. If the pain appears again, it should be eget, with the same treatment, until a cure is effected. This wonderful preparat ion has worked some remarkable cures' among Rhumatic sufferers. Where once tried it is always used after. Solei' by all druggists; price .fifty cents. Clark Chemical Co Toronto Nein cesseaseee•seq or ros.i l eFroalasus al. We Have just received another choice range in Gents furnishing; Hats, the newest. Ties the latest and most varied yet. w . Underwear, fine range and at .rices that will surprise you. . P l Dress Goods and Trimmings in all the newest shades. Nobby Goods. Another new lot of Parasols, no old ones left over. See them. We make a specialty in Ladies' Gloves. We carry; Kiri Glove in town. the best Boots and Shoes in abundance. Crockery, an endless range Our Glassware. Six piece set for 25 cts. Grocery Department, complete. 25c tea ahead yet. WE PRO ISE LESS AND DO JilORE than any other firm. Don't be drawn to any store by promises that would bank- rupt a millionaire to perform, You cannot get goods at less than cost, any more than you can have an inside without an outside or a top without a bottom. WE SOLICIT A CALL. eLING s LIF1; IS TOO SI301tT FOR A1IGHTBTJT HIUH EN1)EAVOR0 ilgialliniliMERMENEMBRINEN T endeavour to pzo lace the very best goods in my line. Not only the best in QUALITY AND FINISH, BUT IN VALUE. I am sending oat some bii tutiful Milk cans this spring far exceeding- and previous effort. My stock of material for spring work, such as Ewe - troughing, Reoang. &c. is extensive and complete, and work- mi-, nship is the very best. I Solicit your order for ARANTINO SATISFACTION York. I have without exception the nicest assortment of It is.a certain and speedy cure for Cold in: the ricad and Catarrhin saita stages. SOOTHING, CLEANSnie, HEALING. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. Many eo•ca11e4 diseases aro simply symptoms Catarrh, such as head echo, partial dearness, losing sense of smell, foul breath,hawking and spit. ting,. aauaoa, general feeling of de• billr,y etc. If you are troubled with any of these or kindred symptoms,; yourhave Catarrh, and should lose no. time In procuring a bottle of NASAL Ber., Be warner in time, neglected cold in head results in Catarrh fol.. lowed by consumption . and death. NAsi.r. Lxmr is sold by all druggists or will be sent, poet paid, on runlet of price (b0cents and 51.00) by addressing FULFORD & CO,, Brockville, Ont. ' Mirk PAILS and Straining PAILS to be found anywhere, varying in price from 20 cts to $1.00. Tote the price of milk. pans; 5 ALS SIZE 76 LW i TO $2.00 PER, DOZEN. L —E SIZE $1,00 TO $3.00 P IS EOZiN. Who would go without a dipper when you can get one for 5 cts. EVER YOURS, WILL FOLLAND, RING Ladies, Call and see Spackman acklnan & Co's. Dress Goods. All new - Goods Ladies. Call and see Spackman & Co's. Sateens, Prints and Ango- la suitings. All good Washers. suiting s. Call and see Spackman & Co's. Embroidery shirtings, Lawns and Delaines for the hot weather, Ladies, We sell the best 25e Black Hose in the DOninion worth 40cts. Warranted stainless. Call and sea them., Ladies, Remember we carry one of the largest stooks of 1liliinel'y ( new, t `l'1'tO V`11. Every llat.l!l. ', v, 0 1 old trinirnino's to work u, 7 f Call and see the new style for Spring and, llll'1 1, , SPACK A. C C lam. it , C) SA.MWEt.t i BLOO1(, >Jxi rit, = ON T into CO ING FORWARD AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Car Load Chesnut Coils Carload Steel Nails; Carload Iron and horse Shoes. Carload Blue Ribbon Cons-- posite Binder Twine. Lining anl Tar Paere. Rim and. 41olt1ce Locks, Hinges, Bolts. tin Boilers and tin. Pails: TINWARE AWAY DOWN c. - etel Lard Teas &c, Oat- SLrmara,,Cla os , Green and.Ilile,l ' , , , meal $3.00 per 100 lbs • Flour $2 75 per 100 lbs:' 100 Bushels"rolothy, Clover Alsike Seeds, Dutch Sets, Topp Onions, tzangar ian; Grass, 100 Enshels Potatoes. t }land. MONOUR HOWARD nagerw Proprietor.'