HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-4-30, Page 8HEVEIR FAILS TO CIM SATISFAOTIO;i •^w' FOR SALE SY ALL RaALER$, r1 V _ ST - Z � MA T. RIItTllDA.Y' TI' S. GIFTS. IIB LTIVTS WEDDING r C GL , IT FTS, BIBLES PARTING GIFTS. SHEET MUSIC THE Music BOOB, Choioo ' S. S. e, FICTION. 1 PAPER . S Libraries. Stationery School Supplies 1. wi &pi ci Papers TWINES BAGS WALL Papers LOCAL tT .... � a TI111G1Ja.. 0.11.1001.16 The best 10c. print in Canada at the Big Bankrupt Store. For Fence Wire call at H. Spack man's, Post Office Block. You can. buy wallpaper cheap at the Big Bankrupt Store. Builders supplies cheap at H. Spack- man's, Post Office Block. Buy your dress goods at the Big Bankrupt Store and save money. Al large stock of Stoves and Tinware .at H. Spackman's, Post Office Block. The watering cart made its appear- •ance on Monday, but not before it was needed. A carload of Montreal Steep Nail just arrived. at H. Spaekman's, Office Block. Boys' shirts for $1.00; Men's goo pure wool suits for $4.99 at the Bi Bankrupt Store. The Most Agreeable, restorative ton- ic o is and mild• stimulant is Milburn's:Be Iron and Wine. Mr. 3, F. Landes shipped anothercarload of horses to the American ma tet on Friday, last week. 20 pounds good yellow sugar for and 15 pounds granulated. sugar for. x1.00 at the Big Bankrupt Store.: Insure in the Temperance and Gen- eral e eralInsurance Co., of Toronto. E BIssnTT, local agent. -May 29-90. Unsightly Pimples, Blotches, Ta and all itching humors of the skin ar removed by using Dr. Low's. Sulpha Soap. Dyspepsia's victims are numbers by thousands. So are the people who have been restored to health by. Hood' Sarsaparilla. In this weeks issue of the ADVOCATE will be found a new story entitle "The Doctor", which will be found very interesting. Don't forget to have your premise thoroughly renovated before the '15t of May, for no doubt the Inspector will give you a call about that time. We have been informed that local beekeepers have sustained severe loss- es throughout this se:,tion during the past winter, caused mainly by want of food. Don't forget to call on our new tail- or Mr. Bert Knight, oyer_ Frank Knight's Liquor Store, if you want a nobly suit and a good fit. See "Ad." in another column. Horsemen should get their route bills, cards, pedigrees, etc., printed at THE ADVOCATE elks. All •aoik done in first-clasS'style. Good assortment of right. cots..' Prices rl„lat. Especially favorable weather pre. rails in the grain regions of the North- West. The weather reports from Mon- tana, Dakota, Northern Minnesota and upper liiehigan show the occurrence there during the past few days of the warmest weather on record : for this season of the year. On Thursday afternoon, last week, a shooting match was held on the fair grounds between lir. Isaac Handford and Mr; Ed, Bissett for the gold medal 'which was won by the former some to time ago.Mr. Handford won by break- ing 8, while his opponent scored 7, and still retains the laurel.. The Seaforth fireman intend holding a grand firemen's tournament in that town on 23rd and 24th of June next. Fight hundred and fifty dollars will be offered in prizes. Each fire depart- ment that takes a band of twelve men or more, and take part in the parade with the band will receive 825, ' Me. Richard Davis, Sr,, IS Slightly im proved in health, ltlrs. Richard Sv;rnlake is at present confined to u bed through illness. Prof. Mounteer,'o'f 1 oiiuon, will with risen hers of his Exeter Class give an elocutionary en tertailiin;rlt here short. lv. Proceeds for the poor of the town. Wait for programmes, Another 0i1ii u bat4 n of putitit)ns was filed on l‘foriclay it Osgood Hall. Tor onto, agfainst the return of candidates �a else ;• t a Ontario colistitutencips at the recent ;general elections. Several cross petitions were also filed. Laborers have just completed exc- avating the cellar for Mr, John Treble, and before long we may expect to hear the ring of trowel and the cry "molt" as the workmen proceeci onward. Ata meeting of the Creditors in the matter of G..A. Hyndman, insolvent, held on Monday last, it was decided to dispose of the grocery stock by auction at J? anson's block on Friday May 8th A number of the fraternity of T. O. 0. F. Exeter, visited the anniversary gathering at Hensall on Tuesday ev'g last. They report of having spent a profitable evening and one of enlight ment. Reports from Manitoba are to the effect that two-thirds of the seeding has been done, that early wheat is up two or three inches,that considerable spring plowing has been done and that the area of wheat exceeds that of former years 15 to 20 per cent. Census Enumerator Jas: B. Reid, of East Gairafraxa, had a novel experience the other day and probably no other enumerator in the Dominion can re- cord a similar event. He dropped in- to a certain house and asked the questions prescribed. in the house there lived two brothers and two sis- ters, and their combined ages are 306 years. The brothers' ages are 80 and and 78 respectively-, and the sisters' 76 and 72. A most remarkable case of faith cure took place at Gesto on Thursday. Fran- cis Sweet, Jr., had been ill- for sonie 0 time and during the past month he had been gradually growing worse. On Wednesday, the doctor gave lip all hope and on Thursday, Mr. Sweet, s gave up himself,; and was satisfied that Post he could not get better. He was very bad suffering intensely from'spasms d which would seize him at fiequent in- tervals., His .wife and family and. friends were at his bedside expecting n- every moment would be his last. His Beef brother, James, ef'Kingsville, who is a local preacher, said he beleived there was a cure and asked the' friends as- sembled sembled to kneel in prayer. He pray r' ed aloud and said "Lord, Thou hath said that. what we ask in faith, believ- ing, Thou would give. We take Thee. at Thy word and ask Thee to restore Frank Sweet to his health." This he n- repeated twice. At the conclusion of D the prayer, Francis Sweet, rose up, got out of bed, dressed himself and is to Tan, day a well man. He describes his sen - e cations as very peculiar. He says r something appeared to enter his mouth and passed through his body to the d end of his toes and. fingers, leaving him free from pain and perfectly heal-. heal- ed. A number of. the leading, people s of Gesto were present, at what they supposed was a death bed and witness- ed a wonderful. occurrence. Meet.ng of the shareholders of the d Exeter Burial Ground held April 25th 1891 in the Town Hall, Exeter. Fifty s six being present. G. Eacrett-Mr. W. h Grigg—'chat Dr. Rollins be chairman —Carried. H. Spackman—T. Shapton That. G. Holman be see'v.—Carried. The chairman read the abstract of the Auditors report for the three years ending April 24th which sho5ved a tot- al receipts for the three years of $478 - 53, and an expenditure of $426`22. leaving a balance to date of $52.31, with' a few bills for trees, are., unpaid James Pickard—Sam Sanders—'That the Auditors report as presented' be, adopted. -Carried J. N. Howard —Thos. Coates—That the minutes of last meeting be adopted."- Carried. H. Spackman—T.' Coates -That the number of Trustees be increased from thri:P. F to five. Moved in Amendment by R. Harrison—E. Howard -That the Trustees S� be increased from three to saven.—The ' Amendment was carried. The following were: appointed Trustees for the next three years: A. G. Dyer, Thos. Coates, John - Hunter, Samuel Gilley, W. D. Weekes, Jas: Snralle, combo; and Samuel Sanders, Messrs. Geo. Eacrett and D. Jaques were ap- pointed Auditors, G. Holman—A. G. Dyer—'That the vote of thanks of this meeting be tendered Mr, G. Bowden the retiring sec'y, for his past ser. vices—Carried. The Directors then met and appointed W. D. Weekes see'y and S. Gidley Treasurer. The new Directors meet on the 6th of May ,for the purpose of drafting' rules, &.e, to be enforced daring the coming three years.' IV. D. Weenie/1s, Sec'y of Board sof: t r uialnts eAttentfon, The regular meeting of Exeter Leg= ion No. 115, Select knights of Canada, will be held this evening' at the regu lar hour.Every I%'niglit requested. to be present as business of importance will be transacted, BQ(`TnIIioOMt '4'•if�it ki. On Saturday nht last the hen roost of Mr, John l7clnneswas visited and three, choice pullets lateen away. 'Che, Buil ty parties are known and unless the birds are returned will be exposed and. brought to justice . Cricket 'Dinh /Meeting. 1tiBeetSna;,. A meeting of ttt Exeter • �, e Pxt,trr Cricket Club will be held at the Town Hall on 7.'uesday evening; May 5th, at 7.:30 o`cloclr, for the purpose of clectirit; olT c.0rs, etc.., for the coining season, All cricketers please attend. E. READ-MAKER'SI�;l.I.Io•r; ()Q tom, «hags wairte(t '1'110 undersigned wishes to procure 200 or more tons of first Blass. Timothy hay for pressing purposes for which he hill pay highest market prices, Tilos ONE, Exeter. ,'A n. Error, An error crept into our list of prizes awarded at the Exeter spring show it being in the Carriage class in which ,. it reads 1.,t prize, awarded to Mr. Jas. Berry. It ehoud have read lst to Mr. John Harris " 1 earnaught Chief".. Presence of mind Saved 1 e Tlnepl. 00 Monday last while Mr. Isaac Carling and wife were taking their usual constitutional drive their caper- fence might ha�'e been a sad one had it not been for the presence of mind exhibited by Mrs, Carling, It appears the werereturning. when y ret i r i „home, and vh about the iron bridge, on Lake Road, they perceived a team dashing along the road in a furious manner, and had just sufficient time land 1 t tc, to turn and. themselves safely down the embank- ment. Had she not resorted to those means no doubt both would have mot. their. fate, Riu)a %vay. On Monday while Messrs Ross & Tay- lor were driying off of main st into their lufilbea ar 1, their horse suddenly made a dash for liberty and succeeded in obtaining it, throwing' both out of the wagon and making his escape througli the yard and out of the back enti mnce. When once on the road he made northward, coming out on Main st. about the market, he directed his course towards the bridge where he was captured. Fortunately neither" of the occupants were seriously hurt ale, though one of :them received a few scratches,; but not dangerous. A. Popular Change. The publishers of the London.Adver- tiser have just made an important change in the publication ,o •their fav' orite Weekly, the 13restea.n. 11(71;0 -User. Instead of appearing once a week as a twelve -page paper, it is now issued in eight -page form TWICE `A lvfui.—on Tuesdays and Fridays -which is a gain to' the reader of four pages, or twenty-four y columns eachr'weel;;, of later and more complete news than for merly. The subscription rate is onls- $1:50 per annum, or 750 for six months, including that charming monthly pub lication, .:Wives and Daughters, for the same term, which if ordered separately would cost 50c. per annum. Samples free by addressing - ADVERTISER PRINTING Co., Loudon, Ont. The Derivation of Foolscap. Everybody knows what "foolscap" paper is, but everybody does not know how it came to bear that name. In or- der to increase, his revenue Charles I. granted certain privileges, amounting to monopolies, and amongthese was the manufacture of paper;' the exclus- ive right of which was sold to certain parties, who grey rich and enriched the government at theexpence of those who were oblied' to use -'-paper. At that time all English paper 'bore the royal arms in water marks. , The Par- liament under Cromwell made sport of this law in every possible mariner,and, among other indignities to the' mem- ory of Charles, it was ordered. that the royal arms be removed from the paper and that the fool's cap and bells should be used as a substitute. When the Rump Parliament was prorogued. these were also removed; but 'paper of the Parliamentary ;journals,which is:usual:• ly about 17 by 14 inches, still bears the name of "foolscap." -- &15.000 i a 000 in gots for a wife. We will give to the first person tel ling us before June 1st, 1891, where ha the Bible the word "wri•E" is first found, $100.00 in 'gold. To the next $50:00. To the 'third, $25.00. To the. fourth, $20.00. To the, fifth, $15.00. To the, sixth, $10.00. ,'o the next 25, $5 each. To the next 25, $2 each. To the person sending in the last correct answer, we will ,ave $100 in gold. To the next to the last, $50, and so on same ase from the first. With your answer send 25ets.; in silver, well wrap- ped, or Post Office ' Money Order or Script, for a box of Dr. Cole's =.Blood and Liver Pills, the best Blood, Liver, and C Pills Stomach l Ills v • e e1 made. Sure cure for sick headache. Don't Gripe. ItiommtnER the presents are absolutely free,' being given away to advertise Dr. Cole's Perfect Pills and Family Remedies. At the close of the contest the names alit. addressee of all the prize winners will appear in THIS paper'.' S e refer you to the riders Hank of Orillia. Send at once and be first. Address, Home Specific Co. Olilli:ti Ont. 131-194 Truant School Children, On Sunday morning last the Rev. A. L ,ussell, taking his text from the" r28rd chapter of L)utcronomy,;aind part' of the 7th verse, -delivered a `very in • terest1ng sermon to Exeter Lodge, No. 67, I. 0.t'0 I�., it being their 73rd anni- versary. A number of brcthern from Fiensall and Seaforth were also pres- ent. Messrs Ross and Taylor exhibit a most useful article which they call a. Baking Cabinet, at their factory on Main Street, t c, r Y • S et It certainly is a most complete affair. Yon who have wives and wish to please them can hardly , find a better way of doing it than by purchasing one of these handsome and. useful articles, See. The Ontario Legislature has passed, a bill for enforcing attendance at the Public and Scperate schools. It provides that all children between 8 and 14 yrs. of nage must attend for the full school term, unless excused for any of the fol- lowing reasons: (1) Sickness, (2) no. school within two miles, () no accom- madation in such school, (4) or 'where the child is undergoing instruction else where Children who have passed the entrance examinations, or who are ex- cusod by a Justice of the Peace by reason of their being urgently required at home, are also exempt with com- pulsory attendance, Parents or guai•cl- fans who fail to comply with these pro• visions ar•e to be subject to a penalty of 88 to $20, and persons employing child ren of school age during school hours to one of twenty. The Police Commis• sioners, whi3re there are such, or the Municipal Council where there are no commissioners are to appoint truant officers. '!'hest; officers are to have the power of the police constables, and are to be required to visit factories,etc. and see that cltildree of school age are not employed there. The need of some ri ch measure is shown by the fact that in 18815 over 86;000 children, between ancl 13; failed to attend school for 100 days. TIIE BI,ST RESULT Every ingredient employed in pro - awing' flood's 5 rsaretrilla Is strictly pule, and IS the best of its kind it is possible to buy. All the roots and Herbs aro carefully selected, personally examined, and only the best retained. So that from the time of purchase un- til Hood's Sais iparilla is prepared, evervthu ris card:lily watched. with x. v a yiew to attaining the best result. Why don't you try It? Wt uftedl. Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of boots and shoes, that need repairing to be left at the leading boot and 'shoe store next door to the post office., G Mansell. Cana(L1f111 Ai11iiLiarn(.ioi1 Arrangements In addition to the free grant of 160 acres of fertile land offered by the Ca radian Government to any male adult of the .a e of 15 vo'� • andau over in Manitob ti years' and the North West Terri- tories, and to the land that may be 'ob- •tined at a moderate Klee in British Columbia, the Minister of Agriculture is now authorized to offer, until further notice, the following bonuses t0 settlers from the United Kingdom taking up suchland within six months of their 1111', l .in the country:—Fifteen dollars (£3 is, ser) to the heau of a family, seven dollars fifty corns (Al 10s.', 10t1.) for the Wife and. each adult member of the family over iw elyc years of age, and a. :further stein of years dollars fifty cents (.C1 10s, 10d.) to any adult member of the family over 18 years taking up land. Forms of application for tate bonuses, without Which no pay- ments will be made, may be obtained,. wnen'passige tickets are issued, from aneeauthorizcd Agent of the Canadian - Steamship Lines in Great Britain and Ireland Persons desiring furthur in- formation, and pamphlets issued by the Government (which are sent post free) descriptive of the trade, indust- ries, and agricultural resources of the different produces of Canada,' are re- questecdto communicate with .the High Commissioner for Canada, 17, Victoria Street. London, S. W., or with any of the following Canadian Government Agents:—Mr. John Dyke, 15, Water Street, Liverpool; Mr. Thomas Gra- hame, 40 St. Enoch Square, Glasgow; Mr. John W. Down, Batli Bridge, Bris• fol; Mi. T. Connolly, Northumberland House, Dublin; Mr. H. Merrick,' Victor- ia Chambers, Victoria Street, Belfast. CLARK'S LIGHTNING Liniment will relieve the painful tor- ture of Rheumatism in the joints or muscles. It shoult be well rubbed in with the hand, and the part 'covered with a piece of flannel. The pain will cease with the first application, and' its continued use will effect' a marvellous cure;. This remedy needs but a trial to convince the most skeptical that it is a wonderful preparation. Sold .by all druggists;price fifty cents. Clark Chemical Co., Toronto, New York. PILES aAnposofivtTsh. ouso- purge. No suppository. Sent post paid or 27 cents in stamps. Address, 135-194 Norrie Specific Co. Orillia Ont It is a'certain and speedy cure for Cold in the Head andCatarrh in all its stages. •- -. SOOTHING, . CLEANSING, HEALING. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. Many so•called diseased aro' simply oymptonts of Catarrh, such as, head. ache, partial deafness, losing sense of smell, foul breath, hawking and spit. ting, nausea, ;general feeling of do. bility, etc. 11. you are troubled with any of these or kindred symptoms, your have Catarrh, su l should lose no. time In meeting bottle of NASAL IiALAt. Be warned in time, neglected cold in headresults in Catarrh, fol. lowed by consumption and ' death. NASAL BALM rs SUM by all druggists or will be sent, post paid, on recgipt of price (10 cents and $1.00) by addressing FULFORD & 00,, Brockville, Ont. —on or about -=-- FIRST MARC its fi sSYS,3 DON'T FORGET THAT £, J. SPACKMAN WILL REMOVE'TO harimii'dlookDuty'9 49 ONE DOOR NORTH OF FARMER BROS. eia0DEWWg Whers he will open a fewi a 4d comploto Stook DRY GOODS, . CLOTHING BOOTS wad SHOES GROCERIES, CROCKERY &C. &C. E. J. SPACKMAN. EXETER.. From the very best 'v Bile you are about it. It won't costany you more to have all the advantage of � Se - `7 lection from the LEADING STOCK OF VARIET1 We are showing by far the best selected and mos •complete ' t 1111e of- new styles and late novel- ties for present season. SEE IT A N, D alMi E SATISFIED, OT For you are bound to find ' `1 Another very important thing for you to know is That wo giveT ALXT' a r , Q S well �,5 ��'a3����� 11. and show in all departments highest grade Foods of the h' ,. 5 de ofvalue and general 7C- �, �cellanee, and lastly, be it re.. membered that IN PRICE WE PLEASE YOU With the best figures it ispossible to make GOODS.HONEST Come and see the est and Cheapest n pest in Dry, Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, s Ge p , pts Furnishings, Notions, &c., Wall Paper (best we have ever shown). G-rocer- les. We have in connection with our business r dress and mantle maker. ess Dov a first-class C LING R JFE IS zoo SI-IORT FOR AUG -HT : ui' I3IGII ENDEAVOR, exam,am I endeavour to produce the very best goods in in line: Not only the best in QUALITY AND FINISH, BUT IIT VALUE. Lam sending' ng, out some beautiful nulls cans thissarin far exceeding, and previous effort. l g yyYo:k of material fol -'sprium work, such as Live - trOl5h1To,ofing, is' extensive and complete, and work- manship is the verybest:- I Solicit e ' P your order for TROUCHI OR ROOFENC CUA tANITHVO S.ATi FACTION. Ire it •� I have without exception the nieest assortment of Milk PAILS and Straining PAILS to be found anywhere, varying rice from y in p 20 cts to X1,00. Note the price of milk pans: SMALL SIZE75 CENTS TO $2.00 LARGEC� $ tt�� �pq?p SIZE $1.00 TO � t3 a ®� PER DOZEN. Who would go` i without a'dl (;1 whenyou c ' o' 5 pP can •� et one for cts. EVER YOURS, fPLL FOLLAINI 4 R AT ROCK I , r k s II�� j• M'nu] G FRWARI) TPOM PRICES. 51 ,1 4,.E in9 R'.'.-, i+FS4,.n•` ;•v>?r?dIIG 4.4":4WE.." ere Car Load Chesnut Coals; Carload Steel Nails Carload Iron and horse Shoes. Carltl o a ' Blue Ribbon Com- posite Binder Twine. Lining and Tar Palei s. Rim:and Mortice Locks, H Ingcs, Bolts, tin Boilers and tin Pails. TINWARE A AY ...v.darzsl:nCR-snfCnSsmin=bunercrmaneay onsisca 1 Sugars, Chease, G-reen. and Dried Apples, Lard Teas, &c., Oat- meal X53.00 per 100 lbs; Flour $2.75 per 100 lbs. NTE 100 Bushels Timothy, Clover, .Alsike' Seeds, Dutch Sets, Top Onions, Hungarian (*iass 100 Bushels Potatoes. Cedar Posts Barb Vilro . o1Iia d W r H r M O NU R J N. HOWARD, Manager. Proprietor.