HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-4-30, Page 6'6V G. his ag dr de at kn ti vi be eh BIl -to of ho in bot vol hill wi de en 390 ex /at oh jin to aP las in an ..fat Bo to• ger In itt a Th sto ag eir tro he 0021 ag att ab thi wer fro the chit phi - , TIE DEADLY STILETTO, The They For hag of supposed when Guards, near catty exiled was attention the inquiries the to does this oitement by every which of in Guards this lows: Guards, Chelsea to o'clock been a)ma order. thereupon the communicated suanoe reason them bring which non-commissioned some after Panies straggled outward ground The to Another Third offioials formed hers of she were an mutiny preliminary be the The time. planation order in step upon upon on they seriee for reason. drills perfecting manoeuvres the solely who the yachting, other non-commissioned to London tedious few not In to in the to thus and leers who annoyance little ing icicle sn- A couple Sunday and floor. dead They arms. rubber the beautiful this years four Miller, Miller admitted with that was was r•T° An Fulton at Elizabethport action ing the temporarily the The went appeared, filled gregation ring nor " A Willie MM. came told The an ordinary arid, preparations a alit hie have was — GiD, MUTINY IN TilE URS - OUT orr FOR FOURTEEN ROURS, S SE DYNAMITE, STRIKERU A HUGE RESERVOIR , ....•••••••••••••••••••••* A NARROW ESOAPE ^"••••••••.•••••••• • A Stemmer Crashes Into a Bohoener----The Terror of the Passengers. Two Rundred Staffordshire Miners Im. prisoned Underground, •••••••-•-••••••••• Desperate Mobs Dame Serious Treuhie la the Pennsylvania Ooke Region., which May Burst and Sweep Denver Out of Existence, ...—....._ ,t Grenadier Guards MR to TI1111 Oilt to Drill. L JOlitOUS Italian EllftOtS ft Bloody Midnight Tragedy at Hoboken. --......,_ AT LAST SAVED IN BUCKETS. A Ezmamt °alai° dated this aftern°°n stays : A Berk= /Weida* during. whioh tbe hliZsestaletnWophittuonedrneedsrmeEnonwgetreen,imnteriled .-- Safford., 13bi"3' Tw° large °age° or cars are lu'ed for . .„hoisting_.and... klwe.ring. °seen and materuti in a colhery in the Longton coal district. 'While one of them washeing hoisted and the other was being lowered, they oame into violent collision and were Pmashed to Pieces. The result was the shaft Was badly damaged and choked up with debris, thus cutting off communication with two hundred miners whom the aceident imprisoned in the mine below. For fourteen hours the rainers were shut up in the mine peal- (Ally buried &live. Thia was a peridof tend. ble suepense for their families and Mende, who crowded about the pit in a state of great agitntion and distress. Everitually a small hole was pierced through the mass of wreckage and earth clogging the shaft and it was found possibleto lower food by meane of a rope to the impriaoned miners. Farther work upon the passage enabled the men engaged in the work of resoue to haul the 200 miners one by one out of the mine by using buckets, to which ropes were fastened. D. tilleUrT-SHERIELPS DUIVEN O. , A °Pucka from 8°°"d61°) PIL) aa378 This wt another livel day in tbe oblee regions. Nearnerous nee meetings' were held, anti, Pre() w h i 0 h w ill ea tte g the sy h eitehe 81 le e v t. °luau e.morrow, oy ore ni en with significance. Tcaniglat the labor leeiders say they hop.° Governor Pattison win °ewe to, the iegrou as iut„ded, and make a rigid and searobing investigation of affairs. They 010102 that the strikers are accused innocently of many 00011r. roncee, and, that nothing barring aia investigation will bring ont these facts, Thise evening there is great aotivity allbasin along the line. Dynamite wee exploded in several parts of the coke region last night. The only serious damage Was at the Kyle works, where a large water tank was demolished. The etrikere attempted to get the newly imported Italians at Whitney's works to join their ranks or quit work. None of She Itellans would listen to them. More trouble is reported at Leisenring No. 2. out the deputy eheriffs, end took temporary posseesion of the worke. One deputy was to.day Thie morning the strikers beat and drove seriously injured. The Frick Coke Com- ,19,5, &Poled to Judge Ewing ' for another injunction against the etrike leaders. e Hardly had the soldiers left the region before the fears of the citizens were real- ized, and 'gongs of lookers again. turned 10080 their lawless passione of bate and revenge. Throughout the region all Friday night the earth fairly trembled with a sue. cession of shocke following the exploeion of dynomite bombs at Leisenring No. 3, of the Frick Bros. works.. The crowd of strikers gathered on the hill, and at one lime thirty bombs were exploded einaultaneonsly, tear- ing great holes in the earth, breaking windows in many houses, and frightenieg the people for miles around by the terrifio roar. No one was injured, however, and but little actual damage wae done. The strikers contented themselves with this portentous warning to the works below. AND DESTROY' D4ANY HOMES. : A Denver, Cold deeepetob of to -day's date says : Ferment living along Cherry Creek, 0 iftabe'roav en nD esnavteurr,dhaeyldan ei nx psi nigsna do tiao n Brat aeretti ii nn gg state of affsire. The Denver Water Storage ri hes just finished a reservoir, thQi.mrtPya-fiuvYe miles iebove the oity, to eoPPIY water to an immense tract of heretofore arid land of which it hes seenred_co_ntrol. Th'is dam s sixty•five feet high and drains 300 square miles Of country. The esPssitY of the reservoir ie many millions of gallons and the trend of the Cherry Creek is each that if the dam ave g way , the whole of the enormous body of water would hobfennpledreernceviapasnrito, 1 ranahmeiann,glaorvgaerpathrtaohf nthmeacaltay1 The farmers saY there is now eGetdeberutypteofIneret of water over this dam and the preeeure has already forced several streams through it. They say the dam is built upon quicksand instead of a bed of rook and them the material. used, iS So noor that its erection was ortrolnal• they company deny the °barges and state hey Te xhpe Tilde es dt i. I 14 54010pOroibnadboliynbg e tbhreouwghotrkbewf °erne. the courts at once. The reservoir is 6,000 feet above the city. WHERE Is THE selHooNER? . A New week . despatch sezs : The eteemer Conneoticut left Stenington a ingeirdenai gnhdt forai arNgaewn aYr i.eoe len .ttvtirtehl. gist16t" .0 AP atolls el. onkt,- fog bug over the emend all night. Every, thing Went well meta the steamer was half. way between Huntington and Ce pin Island. This was about half,past 5 010...,Ir yesterday morning. The fog was very thick. The steamer was proceeding at two - thirds speed, when all at once there was 'a - fearful crash, followed by a scraping and smaehing of woodwork, with the additional • noise made by the ories of the affrighted passengers. The Conneaticut keeled over to port, but finally righted herself A soon as port, she was stopped, and ana, effort was made by learn what ,had happenedh.erade°affinweehriele tht wildest enoitenaent prevailed among the 150 passengers. Many of them had been thrown from their berths, and others had been slightly injured by falling woodwork and broken glass. For a few minutes all WaS confusion, but the officere kept cool and soon succeeded in restoring order. They then turned their attention- to the: boat, and found that ehe had run into a• big echooner which lay at anohor in the roadway. The jibboorre of the schooner had struck the steamer on the starboard eide, just forward of the forward gengway, and had ripped out all the woodwork along the side as far aft ae the main gangway, carry- ing away two lifeboats, tearing. out all the diectoeksa,cf atnhde rdoeommnsijoehninth e mainand upper petaartterootomtiateheattarbthorsorodis; aplawieehri-ebeoix. An t the time it was thought the steamer was einendtaansgheorroef g, an the purser was toeiWnhhiditestoncle in a small boat, for help. After he had left, however, it was found the boat was beakingbut little Tanlidisitwwaas8dodneeeidaefatertotianaea wk er eafork wNaesev, ilYe aorreka' wetly. After colliding ith the b ' the 0.onnect• g w 8 E°"ner ,r ebwoauansdoe dt III Id t bit tdrifted the . away, and thleenfo a schooner was lost to view. Several of the passengers who °templed rooms on the starboard side were alightly injured by b ' mg thrown f ram their berths or by having their berths knocked out from, under them by the echooneWe jib -boom as it crashed through the light woodwork. The Connectiout was detained two hours, by the accident, and reached her dook• yesterday forenoon. She is badly damaged, and will be laid up some time • for repairs. Allege That They haet too Much of a Good Thing While the officers am ete lenjoying Themselves -Several of the men Placed under Arrest.occur A London °able of 0 -day's date ee_Ys.: SOMS years pest there has been a feel. of growing dieoontent in some portiOne the British army. This feeling it was oanie to a head about a year ago the second battalion of the Grenadier quartered at Wellington barracks, Buckingbara Palaoe, London, praoti- broke out into open mutiny and was to Bermuda. The general opinion that this would call the of the authorities to complaints of the soldiery and that veould be made lute the extent of trouble and that steps would be token remedy the evil complained of. This not seem to have been tbe case, for morning there is renewed and great ex. in military circles, caused a mutinous demonstration in alumet particular eimilar to that caused the Second Bittalion Grenadier Guards to be sent to Bermuda disgrace. And again it is the Grenadier who are in revolt. The details of latest military disturbance are as fol. The third battalion of the Grenadier who are at present quartered at barracks, in this city, were ordered parade in full marching order at 8 this morning. The men, who hove in a sullen frame of mend for time, refused to obey this The offioers of the battalion_ held a hurried consultation, and leading non-commissioned officers were with. The letter, in pur. ders attempted to to the officers' or ,and with the mutineers and to persuade to turn out and parade and not to the corps to more disgrace uponless they belonged. The arguments ot the officers eventually had effect upon the angry privates, and a long period of waiting. four aona- of the Third Battalion of Grenadiers slowly, and with every mark of discontent, out upon the parade of the Chelsea barracks. remaining companierehowever, refused leave their rooms in the barracks. coneultation took place among the Battalion's officers, and after the of the -War Office had been in- of the occurrence the oldest mem- of the more discontented portion the battalion the men having longest tierms of service, placed under arrest and investigotion into the (muse of the was commenced, in order that a report upon the aubject might placed before the Dake of Cambridge, Commander.in-Chief at ths Forces. discontent has been growing for a long The mutineers offer as an ex- for their conduct that the issued for their oompemies to parade fall marching order is on unprecedented for their commanding officer to take a day when the battalion is called to mount guard at the palace, etc., the same day. The men also declare have been long subjected_ to a of exceeeive and annoying drills, whioh there was no clause or They assert these alleged excessive were not ordered with the view of tbe battalion in military or in the manuel of arms, but men say these drills were ordered for the convenience of their officers, are enabled to leave London to go to country, travel on the continent, enjoy fishing excursions, hunting and relaxations, while the privates and officers of the battalions which these officers belong remain in and are subjected to excessive and drills under the supervision of the less lucky (or poorer) officers, who can. avail themBelves of luxurious outings. addition the Grenadiers say that owing the absence of their second battalion Bermuda, all the recruits of Grenadier Guards are Sent the first and second battalions, neceseitating continued extra drill consequent bard work for large num. of well trained, experienced soldiers, might be spared the extra trouble and if their officers exeroisea a more judgment and a little more feel. for the men under their command. --.....— k DEATH STRUGGLE IN THE DARK. •.•••,••••••••••• realousy or Robbery ?—Was the Mur- welter's wire a Party to the Crime a- The murderer slain ba the Victim's on -Two Will Recover. A Hoboken, N. J. despatch saye : Early 'his morning Angelo Gaboth, of NOW York, nurdeeed his mother-indaw, dangerously 'tabbed his fetleer.in-lewi and was alain by Jonoquito Chinchella, aged 18, a eon of the nurdered woman. A general reelee fol. owed, in which Gaboth's wife and her irother received stab wounds. The row 'conned at 195 Grand street. The house 5 a tenement. Geboth and leis wife, who g the daughter of Chinchella, were visiting he Ohinchellas. Gaboth is a worthless ellow. It ie believed he visited the Chin- bellae for the purpese of robbing his %thee -in-law and obtebeing a certain teem E money which he knew him to pones& A emeonen DEED. Last night Mrs. Gaboth slept with her iother. Gaboth himself'slept in the same ed with his father-in-law. In another /ore the sons of Chinchella, named Cono. nit° and Anselmo, had retired for the igbt. About 12.30 this morning, when Li were timidly sleeping, Gaboth, armed ith a stiletto arose from the bed, and . oiselessly glided into his mother-in.law's aom. Leaning over the Bleeping woman, e plunged the weapon into her abdomen, ad then with it semimiroular sweep of the 'tampon almost disembowelled her. The oman uttered a shriek, and died almost latently. Her ory partly aroused her ueband, but not hearing it repeated he iought nothing further of it, and soon ill asleep again. Gaboth's wife, who was eeping with her mother, made no sound at remained perfeotly still. The blood om her mother's horrible wound literally tvered her, but still she did not stir. here is no doubt that she was well ware of what her husband was doing, and looks as if she was a party to the plot to inrder her relatives. THE DI:TEL IN TEE DIRE. Gabotb, after killing his mother•in-law, iturned to the room in which his father. elaw slept. In a moment he thrust the iletto, still reeking with the blood of Mrs. hinohella, into the neck of her husband. :e evidently meant to end the old mein's le with one blow. His aim was bad end s missed she vital spot, but the knife 'tide a wigged wound in Chinohella's moat. The wounded man gave a shriek, hich mwakened his son Conoquito. He ?rang from his bed and rushed into his ,ther'e room. He was met by Gaboth the stiletto dripping with blood in his plifted hand. Conoquito was Moo armed ith a stiletto. Gaboth struck a vicious low at the son, whioh the latter dodged. fight to the death followed. Up and ewn the two men fought, each trying to trve the life out of the other. Gaboth's ife, hearing the struggle, ren om her room and threw herself itween the combatants. In this se received two slight stab wounds. Young Chinobella was further enraged i the sight of his sister covered with blood, id pressed his antegonist harder. Anselmo him:hells took a hand in the affray at this Sint and dragged his sister away, insist- g that the two men be left to fight it out. he fight then went on unmolested. Young leincbella proved the stronger and more lave. He made a feint at his antagonist, td a moment later drove the stiletto into s left eye and into the brain. As Gaboth ts falling young Chinohella drew out the ispon and quickly plunged it in Gaboth's 'A side, piercing the Insert. Gaboth fell the floor a corpse. Gaboth's wife realiz. that her husband had been killed, gave at to a succession of screams. The ighbors were aroused and broke into the artments of the Chinohella's. The Chin- elle boys then told the story of Gaboth's Me and of the sloping of Gaboth by one them. Oonoquito said: "1 killed this in." He then put on his hat and pro. !dad to the police station, where he gave nself up. Old Chinchelle was removed the hospital. It is not thought that he 11 survive. WHAT WAS THE MOTIVE 2 knother account states that the tragedy a the result of insane jealousy on .both's part. He was 30 years old and 1 wife 17 when they married two years ). Eight months afterwards Gaboth iw a knife alums his wife's abdoraen, king a horrible wound, because, as he dared, he did not think he was the her of the unborn child. It is not now awn what became of Gaboth at the le, but after ahe recovered his wife lived ;le him again, he having promised to lave himself. But he become a lazy, filen loafer, depending on his wife for mort. He believed his wife was untrue him, that she was the mistress a man she had met at her mother's ise, and that her mother shielded her her wrong doing. He went to the Ise last night with a stiletto and re- ver prepared to do mischief. After Ling his mother-in-law he stabbed his !e three times, and left her as he thought id. Covered with blood, the murderer iered Conoquito's room and fired at aoquito, whoreturned the fire. Although unclad in the chest, severed shots were lhanged. Gaboth then tried to leave i house, but eves intercepted by his her -in-law, who struck him with a tir. Gaboth thrust his stiletto several les into the old mane body, but did not Loh any vital part. Conoquito here • mitred again on the scene and fired the i shot in his revolver, striking Gaboth . ale Sorehead and killing him. Conoquito 1 Mrs. Gaboth will recover. Their her may die. et. A. DOUBLE VOTING oxine. — Judgment in the ease of mayor Porter, or Beneviiie, suspended. , A Belleville despatch says : The case of E. Guss Porter, Mayor of the city of Belle. ville, for voting twice, was token up ot the Aseizes yeeterday. The court room was crowded with interested speotators, who expeoted to hear the details of the case and the many revelations that would be made. They were disappointed, however. The Crown was represented by Mr. W. R. Rid - dell, Q. C. Mr. John Bell, Q. C., defended the prisoner. The defence argued that the prisoner had been tried and convicted by two justices of the peace, and contended the trial was legal and the crown had no right to bring the case up again at the Assizes. The learned judge. however, disagreed with the view. If a man was summerily tried and convicted by a magistrate or Justice of the Peace, he was liable to conviction again. He would rule with the Crown. The prisoner had not been previously convioted by any court of competent juriediation. The defendane was taken before two Jestices of the Peace, and was summarily dealt with, whioh he content -lel was most illegal. Furthermore no evidence was produced to show fleet there had been a previous conviction, and on that ground decision would be given in favor of the Crown. He instructed tbe jury to bring in the following verdict, which they did: "The jury find that the defendant's plea is not proved, and that defendant hers not been previontly con- victed as alleged." The judge then said: el will suspend sentence until I hear the the reserve ease, and until I hear the judgment of the jastices of the Common Pleas Division." STRUCK A TOUGH TOWN. ., — A Circus and Wild West Show Wrecked by a Mob at Knoxville. Tenn. A Knoxville, Tenn., despatch says : A circus and wild west thaw which came to this city last Monday has gone, and in future will leave this city eff its route. Thursday night the large audience whioh was present began to jeer some of the per. formers. Finally a clown mounted a block began singing it song. He had sung one verse when some one bit him square in the face with e brickbat. He fell sense. to the ground and was dragged away by his companions. By this time every. thing was in uproar, women screamed and a mad rnsh for the exits was made. The police were powerless. Soares were knocked down and trampled. on. Every- thing in sight was eeized and wrecked. The band instruments were smashed flat. The seats were torn down and broken. Some one out the ropes and the big tent came dome with a rush, burying 200 or more people in its folds. A rush Wile then made for the dressing.rooms, which were also torn down, leaving the actors and actresses half.dressed in the open air. The side shows were next attacked and wreaked. After wreeking everything in sight the crowd went away. Some twenty people were hurt. HE MEANT MURDER. _ A Panane 'vendor Arrested While Trying. to strangle iiiis wife. A Boston despatch says: A mere earned Placide Cannata attempted to murder his wife t°•daY' She says her husbaed went out this morning to sell bananthe, and she did not expect him back before. 13oon. He came back in half an hour, beeen to abuse her, and aocueed her of baying been untrue to him After more words he went down into an alleyway and brought up a big box, Then he told her that if she did not give up the $500 she had he would murder her and pat her in the box. This threat and the box frightend her. She begged that he would not kill her and that he would take $250 and go away and leave her. This he consented to do until he seemed the money. Then he once more declered she had been untrue, and said she had ruined his life and it yeas no more than right that he should take here. - He nulled a handkerchief from hie pocket, threw his wife to the floor, tied her mouth so that it Was impossible for her to utter a sound, and then coolly pulled a rope from lets pocket, at the end of which he macie a shp•noose, which he put around her neck. His wife had struggled bravely, only to be thrown down again. Cannata. took his arrest coolly. He would say but little, plettding inability to spotlit Engliah. He practically admitted that be wanted to kill hie wife, and declared that her unfaith. fulness had led him to take the step he did. The et250 which his wife says she gave him was not found on him. He was held in for tbe next term of tbe Superior • • • Court. No serions Injury was inflioted on the .woman. A CRAZY uweDwGwoolt. — On the Eve of His Wedding a Young Mau Runs Amuck in the Costume ofe Adam.ith A Durhem cable says: A most extraortt dinary ond exciting incident occurred at Durhera yeeterday afternoon. A young man who lived at West Stanley came to Durham yeeterday morning with a young woman, who came from lairoblesworth, for the purpose of being married at the Regis- try Office. Owing to some cause the wed. ding, it was found; tiould not take place yesterday, and it was put off till Wed - nesday. The young couple went from the Registry Officie into the Banks and sat on a seat. Th had t b 1. Theyno been there long when the girl noticed eomething. strange in the demeanor of he r compete. ion. He went away from where they were sitting, and having divested himself of all, his clothing was running about Prebend's. bridge completely naked. The police were sent for, and the young man,. who , was inclined to be violent, was re - moved to the police station in the ambulance cart. The young woman. followed to the station, and said she could not ecconnt for the behavior of her sweet. heart. The young man is stated to have been of a religions turn of mind for the last eight or nine years. He was detained at • • the police station. The man was released,: and next day on the road near Eimbles• worth he stripped off the whole of his - clothes and proceeded to the village, in a. nude cOndition, much to the alarm of the. - h e• • in a /tants, who ran -away in terror at the sight of the big, powerful youog fellow in that state. When he got to the house o hie intended wife's parents he knocked out of the window a pane of glass eleven icobese by fifteen, and crept through into the., h . t onse , hen from the inside he knocked, out the remainder of the panes and crept ma agetiu. By this time there was help ieb hand, snd the poor fellow was taken to a neighboring houe'e and atteuded to, a meai'. cal man being summoned at once. Hie, two passages through the broken glen had inflicted frightful laceration° all over his, body, and last night he was considered to,, be past reoovery. PRECOCIOUS SADIE. .A Fourteen -Year -Old Girl Elopes and Has Her Father Arrested. . - . • An Elmira, N. x., despatch soya : Sadie Hellman, the fourteen.year-old daughter of William Hillman, civil en ineer who lives • f W 11 bg ' one mile east o e a urg eloped on Wedn • h • h Edw'ard Corneresdey nig t with , lend they were married on Thursda morn. • • t • • H F 01 Yle ing in this oity by Rev. H. F. ar . On - Friday morning the bride's father secured Frith. " a warrant for Corner's arrest for aledno- tion. He was arreated and hall ' th gaveen e sum of 8300. In the meantime Hillmandown seour d b• e is daughter, and was about to t . take her home when he was met by jamb Corner, father of the groom, and a livel &let followed, during which the gill esoaped to Corner's house. Hillman there. upon got a warrant for Corner, sen., for assault and one for the girl for beng a truant and disorderly child. Corner also swore out a warrant for Hillman for assault. The girl was arraigned on Friday afternoon and was committed to the care of Constable Smith until to -morrow after- noon, at which time the trial will be had. The trial of Corner for assault was had at 3 o'clo le Friday f o a ternoon, when he was gin ty an ne . found •1 d fi d $3 ....._ LIBERTY on D MATH. — A Wife -Beater's Lea p to Death While on me Way to Prison. A Pittsburg, Pa., despatch says: On Thursday night Constmble McDonald, of West Newton, having in charge prisoner Sandy Wilson, of Greenaburg, boarded the fast train on the Penneylvania road bound for Greensburg. After taking his seat in the smoker the constable removed the handonffe from the prisoner, and they sat together smoking and talking. Jeanette station was passed, when the constable remarked : "Well, Sandy, yon will soon be " looked up." Wilson replied : I II " -'-- see yon in hell first," mud with a blow knocked the constable from the seat, rushed out on the platform, and sprang from the train. As he did eo Constable McDonald followed. Just as both men reached the ground a freight train came down the opposite track The fast line • train stopped and ran bads and after a . 0 . search Officer McDonald was found alive but unconscious from several wounds. . , . body d thirty Wilson a lifeless was fettle irty feet from the track, horribly mangled. The men had jumped immediately in front of tbfreight • d t kb th ° , tam nn were s rue y e "lot The oonetable and his lifeless pi • . prisoner were pieced on the train and token to Greensburg. McDonald will _ • Wilson was wonted on a charge of assault and battery preferred by his ., dyne* . PIERCED warEc A. RED ROT IRON, — Horrible Story of Juvenile Ferocity from Cape Breton. A Halifax despatch says : A revolting story of youthfnl ferocity comes from Little, Narrows, 0. B. A number of boys on their nifty home from school called in at the blacksmith's forge where the smithy's apprentice, whose name is Logan, was at work The boys began playing and Logan ' ' beaoming offended drew a red hot and sharp iron out of the fire end taking hold of a boy by the name of Matheson, drove the iron into his abdomen. The victim, who is 12 years old, is not expected to re- L ft •tt' tie' t cover. Logon, a er cam= mg is tto , skipped at once, and is eupposed to he hiding in the fastness of Logsnes glen, be- eween Little Nareows and Lake Aislie. ' TEE OLD COMBINATION. — Two Boys Playing With a Revolver, One is Probably Fatally Shot, A Sparta despatch says: Herrnan Doughte, eldest son of Charles Douglas, aged 17 years, was accidentally shot yes. terday afternoon by Charles Minor, eon of Jordon Minor. Herman was at Minor's pond fishing, end, hearing some one shoot. ing a a is once, e procee e in she t d?'t h g d a •recover. direction of the reports and came across . Charles Minor, who was practiaing with his revolver. Herman asked to look at the revolver, and while examining it the cylin- der e en ave i o d dropped out.H then g 't t Charley, who, while in the act of replacing it, discharged it, tbe ball striking Herman on the rib, one inch and a half above the heart. Dr. Sanderson was at once sum- moned, but until 9 mciock last evening was unable to find the ball. But slight ho' es P are entertained for hie recovery. A NEW YORK TRAGEDY. — of a Young Couple at the Grand Union Hotel. New York despatch says: A young registered at the Grand Union hotel morning aa P. Behrand and wife were assigned to room D8 on the third To -night at 8.30 they were found in the room from gas asphyxiation. were in bed wrapped in each other's They had inhaled the gas through tubes held in their mouths. On woman's breast wee a large and bouquet, evidently purobaeed for very occasion. The me.n wets about 25 old, and the woman 22. They left letters, two of which were to a Mrs. 01 110 East Ninth street. Mrs. was seen late to -night. She virturelly that she wee acquainted the couple and gave tbe impression the name given by tbe young man correct, but that the young woman not his wife. A. Ehocking Death -bed Confession. A Shewano, With, despatch says: Near Washington, in tbis county, a few days ago Bahr and his wife quarrelled, after which Behr banged himself. Before doing so he told the children that Mrs. Bahr had • poisoned an old man named Zell, the father of hie first wife, who died euddenly a year ago. The olaildren informed the authorities, rind they arrested the woman, who con- fessed. Mrs. Bahr is ill snd under the care MI a physician. Bahr WEV3 an ugly dispo- &Honed men. Not long rater &dal death Bahr pounded one of his children in- humanly, and after jerking its leg almost out of the socket threw it on a bed, where • • - it soon died. He wasnever presented for the child's murder. Shot in a Drunken Brawl. A New York des stub says: Frank - P Siemerson and Peter August, seamen on the brig Henrietta G were ebot by Mate • • '' - ' George T. Libby todete.y in the legs and painfuley, though not seriously wounded. The brig started to. dee, Inc Cuba. Several Swedieh sailors who had come aboard intoxicated querrelleci. The mate seized a bottle of whiskey from o»e of thero and threw it ovekboard. The men knocked the mete down. He retreated and got his pie. tol. The sailors e.tgein rittemked bim and • • he fired Four sailors end the mate were arrested by an officer who went out to the veered. The mete was paroled and the . n sailors were held. A LINDSAY ORA.NR. Thought smile of shunting 011 this MortaL, Com ', Doctor I h d • , ewe ecided to kill mys elf' whatthink b ' " • do you a out it ? exclaimed ae middle-aged man as .be entered Dr. Dee Grassi's officio on Cambridge eireet, Friday. lest. The doctor, who wee engaged mixing a drenght for a patient in an inner room., looked up at his vieitor while he replaced a - bottle upon tbe shelf, and replied that it' mightn't be m bad idea in a way, but the question was a somewhat important one,. and as a professional man he would prefer - not to give an opinion until he had heard, the feats. Realizing that the man wase deranged, he whispered to the patient to send Chief Bell to him at once, and theme down and calmly discueeed tbe pitmen t• • h .h • d* Ion with t e inten mg enereher rater truth who admitted that he had a ' I poison. in his posseseion with which lie purposed' ending hit eertbly oareet. A few minutes: - litter Chief Be llstepped in, deftly neannaled. . the visitor and marched him away. It , appears that his natne fEl Henry John Sur- man, and he is no stranger to the police, , having served' a month in jail. When, searched o mall quantity of potassium, cyanide woe found on bit person, which he , bad premiered from a to wn deuggist by . representing that be wished to" nee it ine silvermlating Work. P. M. O'Leary, him pending medieel inve t" e 'ga- 011 to his sanity.—Lindsay Poet. • The Manipuris Repulsed. , A Simla crlble says : Despatches from the British forces which are advancing npon Manipur state that a large 'force of Manipuris hovered for sonic days around Gen. Lockhart' camp. On Sunday the enemy approaohed nearer to the °any and throughout that night kept up a desalt y or fire upon the British force, without, bow- ever, inflicting much harm p . n on tbe letter The next morning the British force made a rapid and skilful attack upon the Mani- pnris. The engagement was short, sharp and decisive, and the enemy Wee oom- • pletely routed. The Manipuris had 150 killed and a number wounded. Only one Englishman was killed and four were wounded. All the villages in the vicinity of the rump were burned. John Quickly librtemporized Five Tow . Bags. Thie is a meaningless sentence, but it ' contams all tbe letters of our alphabet. Five of these letters spell "woman," and large numbers of women believe in the "eat . . virtues of Dr. Pieroe's Favorite Prescrip. tion --a strictly veg t bl d f • e a e componn , or her use only, and an anfeiling cure for the many ills that beeet her. It recuperates weaned strength, restores the functions to a normal condition, and fits her to bear and rear healthy offepring ; promotes digestion, purifies the blood, ana gives activity to the bowels and kidneys. In it word, it is woman's cure and safeguard. Guaranteed to give eatiefaotioe, or hie paw) ($1.00) re- funded. ..— A Child on a Mad Cow's •Eforn. A fah ' ' . amain despatch says : The bright red frocks of 3-year.old Bernie Metaskie of . , -. , . Huntory „midge attraoted the siseention of a . . ! . . VIOIGUS cow while the child was gathering arbutus yesterdey. The beast rushed . . towards the cheld, knocked it down and then gored it with its horn. Feiglatened by rnen, theoow raised its head with Bessie impaled on one horn en8 ran into the un- derbrush. There the infuriated beast was lassoed and the bleeding little victim re- leesed from the born. . Though mill alive, Bessie will die. a Traveller Rejoicing. Stiminereide, P. E. I., Oct. 10, 1888; "Having need St. Jacob's Oil for a badly sprained knee, I oan testify toits peculiarly curative propertiee, se lees than one bottle cow letel oared the s r in " e P Y . . p a . GE° GE GREGG, Traveler for j. C. Ayer & Co. A °Burton caw at slretnitr. Eext°n Tolled the Bell and No Choir Hang the Hymns. Elizabeth, N. J., despotch saes : The Street Methodist Episcopal Church is in rebellion against the of the Newark Conference in rernov. Rev. William E. Simpson, who was acting as pastor, sled sending Rev. 3. H. Johnson, of Stapleton, S. I. trustees, stewards, choir and sexton all on strike to.day when the new pastor and instead of the obaroh being only about forty members of the con. attended. No sexton appeered to •with the'heiii and there was neither orgrinist choir. ' ennsy van P I la's Tariff on Oaths. ' A Sunbury, Pa., deepatoh sap : Ex- Mayor Gen. G. W. Stroh Was attested on Mondey night charged with stvearing 27 times. He was fined 63 ciente per oath, or' with costs, $20 in all. Gen. Stroh had a law suit last week in regard to the rent of a piece of ground before the same squire, and while there got into a controversy the prosecutor, at which tithe the oath e were uttered. Memoranda of the cream were made at the time by Jacob Bartholomew, a pertional enemy of the ex- Mayor, who brought the suit, vehicle are. ted mmah amusement and excitement. Cheyenne Indians TroubleSome• k speoial from Pine Ridge Mates that �B Farmer Smoot orrived at the agency day fame Medicine Root bringing nitelli. 1.0e that a band of Cheyenne river lions are now camped on Wounded ,ee, near the Big Feet' battle ground. ms Ross, a missionary, and Mrs. Keith,' °heel testifier, both half.hreeds, were pped, but finolly allowed to peoceed. ey met Smoot, who was bound for the may, end warned him to go in by a , ouitons route if he wished to avoid able, which he did. The authorities c regard the oeourrence se the act of cte crazy young bucks, whose hearts are in bad. No Waist imPortanoe is !tolled to it, and the general opinion lig ,t there ail' be no renewed of the ttonble 1 spring. ' ' —..-.— Trouble in the Holy City. A Calcutta cable says: At thiS hour (2 r, m,) remanded there has been it change for the bettor in the tion aspect of affaire in &mares, though the change Wall 'ore ceded by filled tho. streets a serious riot. The mobe which during the morning became more violent. In spite of the efforts of the local officials, the police and the military, the natives, were in a state of semi -revolt, cut the tele- graph 6vires, looted the railway station and re e se way reasury 0 Phinde d the k 'I t 1 8 000 rupees. sag ' ---. The Meat authorities summoned a Fargo rtaiabeeara jolournetawars tao ittlareacrigettree,Igesl all of the rioters. &se areestshave Moulted they quelling the disturbance foe the preitent at of . i, ----- I Him) Spited Won Now, Mamma!" Montgomery,.A1 d e t le y a,, e pa a 8a 8 Mendheim, the 13.yeanold son of Mendheim an t' blb , es ima e widow, e. angry with his mother yeeterday ond her he was going to commit °Weide. hoY wont Mit Mt° the horn, Pheonred rowhide hamestring, returned leefore his mother's eyes, made hie for death. He fastened the ' ' ' ' to the' ceiling watt a, large nail, mit in the leather large enough to adinit head got np in a high ohoir and t Inet before the leap he said: "1 spited you now, mamma, ! ' Hie neck broken. Its nuither claw him as ._ . . Behind the Oconee. On the stage the tinsel, the glitter, the' powder and tbe paint, show forth the roost, b tstepbehind the d '11 ' U .St scenes, an Yon W1 ' behold the trzah The ohor El • I . . • . U gir e are not, "fancy paints them," but rather what paint themselves; just so with many,. the firming advertimMents of Bomailed oatarrh.oures." Get break of the acende, they are not (mires. The real one, and only one *het ia a cure is Dr. idiage'e 13 - 0 ' . pie e a remedy, Lie 0 curtain ena oem , - ' t IT t 412 - - -* -- ' --' Will fled the naked truth to be, that thin . ie the one that cures the went., of Catarrh in the Head, end no ntis... It is a so I% remedy in all eatery al Cln•Nh a. fl..1......1,eit •&.....1,..w.... ...._-...---- The Fatal Fire Damp. 'who A T p d t h &magus, .a., eepie c Eisele : A far- t 'Mete extdosion of gas and fire damp occurred ait No. 10 colliery, owned find opeartted by 1731uuc the Lehigh Valley Goal and, Nevigation violent in Cora ' ft t th' I . pany, a few miles east o is p ace, least, to.day. Imps Heggerty, of Lanefordi was hastently killed, and was burxied to a - - — - . orisp. William Boom, of Tamaqua, was fateilly injured. ' Johri Devie, Frederick O'Donnell, Chas. F. Lilly, all of Co Id 1 a a e ; popper Daniel Rem, of Lanalord, end J'ernes (31 1 a . of Gettrytown, 'we ' ' ' 1 - re serione y in. a Th 1 ' - Mre . e exp oston wee (mused by' a —Mere trained nurses marry than any . othee oleos of women workers, and if there is any place where a ttetined nurse has her bandit fall it is 140 the wife of the ordinary men of the present day. -New irork Recorder. The Press Assectiettion foment:Mee that l' direotel th ' • Lord Sit iehtitY —lag c e Brangh Minister at Lisbon to demand from the Portuguese Government an immediate ex. planation of the seiz,ure of 13titieli vermeils at Bate, and that if the response ie. not lagher, y o a i ur 1 . Satisfetator L rd 14 rob t vell insist ' - ominous., and g. , . tb "You'O better not day, Chollie," whispered Ethel enixional 1, I' heard Y• . ee - 11 to mommer he Was tired out and remedy h t b t " ' tingry o boot." . 0161380 , leather l golden -haired little cherub, up town i told that his new beby sister mane n Wanamaker's. He looked at it ittrriped., ughtfally and said :. "ammo, let'e rinelifer X rolling horee."—Pldfccrtet. . 10........10 take. The filk. el _bar River in hInntraiil im ra;th rans,4104...ci • squu Catarrh of the ThrOsti etc,