HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-4-30, Page 3Barham la HI Collin. Matt of mark has fallen. Strange to think That he who beted (and with reason too) The lofty and the uncontested title Of champion showman 0 the human race 'Should lie on exhibition now himself, In Death's grim cage a, prIsoner f the prey Of one thrice mere voraeloos and more cruel Than all the monsters that be e'er dienlayed : Whose appetite'e appeaseless; wile will neer Beat satisfied until the latest thing Alive in earth or air klaall disappear Bolero the sweep of his remorseiess scythe. Farewell, bright Barnum! many an hour Ayf -wholesome pleasure we've enjoyed from thee. eau historiaus can extol the man Wlio shows us in the field of wicked war Now men can imitate the brutes, and crush Zech other with as little thought or pity Ali they do --men in ehape, but brutein spirit— Who poete may be pardoned if they weave A wreath of admiaation and regard O kimnanizer of wild beasts to thee, Tids is Spring. When the green gets back in the trees, and bees Is a Pascua' aroun' again, In that kind of a lazy 'go -as -you -please" Old gait they bum men, in : 'When the groun's ell bald where the hay rick stood And the crick's riz, and the breeze Coaxes the bloom in the old dogwood, And the green gits back in the trees. I like, as I say, sich scenes as these, The time when the green gits back in the trees. 'Wben the whole tail -feathers owinter time Is all pulled out and gone I And the sup it thaws and begins to climb, And the eweat it starts out ou A feller's forrerd, a-gittin' down At the old spring on his knees— kind o' like jes' a loaferin' roan' When the green gits back in the trees— Joe' a-potterin' roun' as I—durn—pleas— When the green, you know, gets back M the trees —Tames Whitcomb Riley. Come on at Once. Come on at once, oh spring, and hitch The south wind to your golden waggon, Oh, ri011 the north wind to the ditch And crush this tireless, frosty dragon. We're waitinglor you day by day, We're listening for your waggon wheels, Lome on at once and sweep away The cold impatient nature feels, Come on at once with flowers and birds, And start the timid grasses growing; Come on and joy tbe sullen herds, And set the perfumed streamiets flowing. Come on at once and dress the trees With leaves of green and grasses sunny; Ilemember that the hungry bees Are almost mit of wax and honey. Lome up at once and find the rose; With white and red and yellow blend her. You know the place the lilac grows, Come tip and weigh her down with splendor. Come en at once and blow your breath Upon the naked bill and valley; Oli l stamp upon am month e of death And life and hope will round you rally. Tim Maas The Barefoot Time. The robins are searching among the weeds, And yonder the garrulous crows Are fishing for frogs amid the reeds Where tne etruggiing cat -tail grows. IThe south wind comes from the inland sea, Warming the yearning year, And the boy s and girls they are filled with glee, For the barefoot time is near. The sunny sides of the hills aro green, And the buds of the lilacs swell, The henhawk high in the eky is seen, And the water is soft in the well.i The catkins cling to the willow Elim On shadowy marsh and mere Of joy the children chant a hymn, For barefoot time is near. Tbe blackbird follows the ploughman's track, The foxes skulk in the bush, The bugs and the birdthey are coming back With a swift and noiselees rush. Where 58 00 ice in the old mill datn, lts waters are limpid and clear, Of triumph the children chant a psalm, For barefoot *5020 55 near. Bo Tommy takes off his boots and shoes, And soft v ith his naked toes Be touches the water, then carries thenewa, " It's warm." wherever he goes. "Who cares for a stone bruise on his heel The size of a Duchess plum? IiTobody knows bow good we feel, For barefoot time has come." A —THE HISAN. Temperance in 3E:Ugh Life. The N. Y. World's Washington repro. mutative, commenting upon the social Seneca in that city, gam): This will be known as the great appollinaris stetson, if nothing else. A few high official families bre believers in total abetinence, and will have nothing intozioating in the house; appollinaris accompanies their banquets and epergnes at their balls. Ie is the fashion of this winter, too, to even -forego punoh at large entertainments, and several of the handsomest affairs in the &est houses in town have been cheered by lemonade and mineral waters only. Even people who give seven wines with their dinners, give nothing spirituous or fermeinten when is comes to any large entertainmente. The dancing clasp, which is the nwellest gathering of yoneg people, he had more temperance teappers than other kinds of suppers, end chainpagee has been cooled for them only in very few bonaes. Lavish entertaining in frowned upon, mod tbe da3 o of terrapin by the tubint and champagne by the bun- dred baskete have gone by. People of even gooa incomes hope that it is not coming back. Oor John was fluffed. In the olden time a woman in the north of Scotland 'met to vieit her husband, who was COA &mixed to be henged upon the fol- lowaeg day. The doomed man began to give hie lest dinstruatione to leis wife pre. paratory to beirieg her farewell, when all at Ones she broke in upon the conversation and exclaimed; "littexiie bt e, Jahn, whaur will 1 plant the tatties this 3 ear ? " The tinfortnnete men, RAF, may be imagined, grew exceeii»gly indignant at the indif- ference of his wife and exclaimed angrily : " What need I care wham ye plant them 1 ') no likely to need ony o' them." st Beeth!" replied the woman, tinning to the warder with a wag of the head, " oor John's huffed because he's game to be hanged the morn," and marched out of the cell." Blood Will Tell, Of course it will—thett in if it is good, healthy blood, It; will glow in the oheek, and tell the story of parfait physical health. If it does not, if the complexion is devoid of color, the musdes week end flecold, some- thing is wrong, teed eomothilig ought to be done about it et once, for in such 0513011 de- lays are dangerous. For torpid liver, "loilionertess " and the thoueand and one ille to which these conditions of the system lead, %loom ie no remedy in the world equal to Dr, Piercine Golden Medford Discovery, Belle, pimplein eruptions, scrofriloue sores, saltmbenirei, and ell kindred diseases are mired by it. The truth alleuld net be spoken at ell times ; and even a lie Shelliti be given a lit- tle rest between odmpaigns. The Synod of Onterier will open on June 1st in Kingston. Henri Michel Antoine Chaim, the French noulptor, died ak St. Gerlmaill yeeterday. Be was born in 1833. It is chimed that a telex mine hate been discovered on Pilgrim Wend, seven miles from Riniere dti limp (en ba*), The B,eliance Colliery et Mt. Cannel, Pd., Wide% bee beat lake ftir a long Wee, reunified Werk Monday with 900 THE KING'S ANSWR, The Qneen's Answer VITas the Despatch of Britieli Gunboate To Chastise the King of tbe Gonabians Who Mutilated Her Envoy. A London cable received this afternoon says Advices from Bathurst, the °spite' of Gambia, the British West Airman colony, show Great Britain has another n little war" upon her hands. The native King of Gembie has for some time been in a disturbed eondition of mind and has committed; or allowed to be committed, a number of depredations and abuses from whicai the British coloniets have been sufferers. The Britieh Administrator or Governor of Gambia, Gilbert Thomas Carter, 0, M. G., put up with the liing'e conduct as long as possible and filially sent en envoy in the person of a prominent English officer up the Gambia River to the King's headquarters. This envoy was °heretict with the mission of in. forming the King that be must behave himself and see that his subjeots behaved themselves in future or else be might ex - peat a visit of a cliticiplinery nature from the rnarine forces of the Queen of England. The envoy carried out his orders and com- municated the views of the adminietretor to the King. The latter, however, was not alarmed by the adnainistrator'o views. He ordered the English envoy to be seized and bound, which was promptly done. Por- tions' of the envoy's cheeks and thighs were ant Out by the King's bodyguard, and later the envoy and the pieces of flesh out from his body were sent back to the administra- tor. With the envoy and the pieces of flesh the Ring e'en* Mr. Carter the follow- ing message: "This is the King's answer." The British authorities have taken prompt steps to eend the King a suitable reply. Three British gunboats have already ascended the Gembia river to avenge the outrage upon the envoy. PRESBYTERiAN SYNOD. The Ilamllton and London Body in Session at the Forest City, A London despatch says : At the Free. byterian Synod meeting yesterday the re- port of the Presbytery of Stratford respecting the settlement cf the claim of Rev. Thomas McPherson ehowed that the retiring minister had been paid $1,500, which he had recognized an payment in fall of his claims, Dr. Cochrane presented the report of the Brantford Young Ladies' College. The Built= fund, amounting to $231.45, intented for the edtioation of eecaped slave, end the need for wtaitin has become a thing of the past, Waa tuned over to the aged and infirm ministers' fund. An appli. elation for transmission from Rev. James Satherltind and John Kernighan was re. ceived anti granted. The Synod will overture the general assembly to tette the necessary steps to seoure e uniform posture throughout its jariediction during public prayer. At this afternoon's sederunt of the synod Rev. Dr. Robertson, et the Northwest Mission field, addressed the delegates. He gave a glowing picture of the future in store for that country, and urged the neces- sity of providirg for tne spirituel wents of the ever-ire:arming population. By way of encouragement the speaker pointed to the fact that, while in 1880 there were only two coneregetions between Lake Superior and the Pacific Ocean, under the wing of the Presbyterian Church, there were now 61, over 35 of which were self-supporting. The members of the synod pledged themselves to present the claims ot the mission to their respective congregations. The overture from the London Presbytery asking that the EastWilliame congregation be pieced under the jurisdiction of either the London or the Sarnia Presbytery, instead of being under joint jurisdiction, evoked a long and somewhat animated dis- cussion. Rev. Messrs. Jamee Ballantyne, A. Henderson, D. Currie and Mr. Andrew Rose championed London's deka to juris- diction, while 113V. George Cathbertson, of Wyoming, and Rev. Hector Currie, of Theeford, sided with Santis. In conclusion it was moved by Rev. W. J. Day that the prayer of the memoriel be granted, said the territory be placed under juriedictiou of the Sarnia Presbytery. In amendment, Rev. George Sutherland, of Fingal, moved that its° London Presbytery have jurisdiction over this territory. The amendment was carried by 67 yeas to 60 nay. TRAGEDY IN A 0/RUUS. -- The Audience Loudly Cheered While a Woman Was Being Slowly Killed. A St. Petersburg oeble says: News of a most reaterkeble and horrible tragedy which has just occurred in the town of Po1otsk iri Rime:bin Poland, has reached here. A day or two ago a travelling circus gave a representation in that town. The manageress of the circus, a woman ot remarkable beauty and popularity, who was herself an exuellent horsewomen, was just on the point of leaving the ring after performing some daring Teets with a epiriteci horse, when tbe eminial suddenly attackee her in 0 ittri0138 manner. For a few minutes the enclierace, in spite of tbe wornmes shrieks, did not appear to realize anything enamel cunning, bat applauded end cheered the aciione of the horse, thinning them a part of the performance. Net the animal kicked her with such force that she fell to the ground did tbe people realize that something was wrong. The brute then trampled upon her with such fray that none of the public or the grooms in ettendance had the centime to approach the spot. At, last, by some means the unfortunate women managed to extricate kterselk from beneath the animal's hoofs, half stunned, with her dress all tornand her Noe and body streaming with blood. She had enfecient, fortitude to salute the Audience and stagger from the ring without any etsistance. She, however, bad hardly remitted the dressimeroom'before she com- menced to utter piercing ebrieke, which were heard by the andienoe in the circus. After lingeringstverel home in greet agony she suciontribed to the terrible injuriee she had received. Britain's Drink Bill. In England, Dr. DAWSON Berne bas pub. lighed his annual drink budget. From this it tippeere that the people Of the United Kingdom expended for ititexicating liquors in 1890 the stun of 1137,495,470. Taking the estimated poptilatitym the figures indi- cate that the item seen* per head on intend - eating liquors was 13 13e, or per family of five persons 118 5e. Durine the past year the people of the United Kingdom drank more freely than in any year since 1878, when the drink bill wait £142,100 500, Working the tiguree out tri another way, Dr. Burne ahem/ *het 11 is given to Sticohus " for every half eirowe gmen te Christ." Mohammed ramie hie math in the world. As he couldn't write there wen nothing else for him to do. A DEMOLISHED TEMPLE Arouses the Religious Prejudices of the Moos, AND A REBELLION MAY RESULT. The Holy City of Benares in a State of siege —Shops Closed—Work Suspended and the Natives Angered—A. Wernone situa- tion. A Bemires Gable dated *0 day gays : The exoitement in this city originating from the demolition of a temple in order to pro- vide a site for the new wetter works, in- creases every hour. All the shops in Bewares are closed and all the nattves in the oity and district have snapped work and are gathering in large crowds in and about the principal thoroughfares of the Holy City. The result is that serious riots have already conned between the distarbed nativee and the local author. Mee, who are eupported by the British troops quartered in the vicinity. In response to several despatches sent to the Marquis of Lertedowne, Viceroy of India, who Is now at Siladirecting the movements of the troops marching on the Man- ipur dietriot, etrong reinforcements, composed of Englieh and native, troops, have been detailed in Benares, and further reinforcements are on the way. The British troops are guard. bog all the banks and public buildings, and eleo ocoepy in force many points of vantage throughout the city and district. 11 18 pre. eumed that the troops will be able to stm. press promptly any serious outbreak upon the part of the native. But the eventual effect of the spirit of resentment and indig- nation existing among the Hind000, already felt far and wide in India, cannot at pres- ent be correctly estimated. AROSE FROM BED AND WALIKED. An Essex Man's Lightning Cure by Faith tu God. A Windsor despitich says: About a year ago Francis Sweet, jr, a farmer at Geste, was thrown from a rig by a runaway team and sustained serious internal injuries. Latterly he was taken to his bed suffering terribly from his injuries. The attendant physician told him plainly that if his spine became affected there would be no hope for him. Last week the eriffering man was so bad that his friends and family gave up all hope. His will W58 made and his brother James, of Kingsville, sent for. On Wed- nesday he was converted. That night and all Thursday he Buffered terribly. On Thareday evening his friends and the poor man himself had given up all hopee. All thought he amid not live till morning. The disease had reaohed his spine. His family had gathered around his bed to bid a last farewell. His wife and hie brother were kneeling !eh the bedside preying. He was also praying. It was just 7 o'clock. Mr. Sweet says the thought struck him that surely if the Lord is able to save me He is also able to heal me. He at once put the eleventh -hour thought into practice. He prayed to God to heal him anti quick as a flash be felt he was well, and he dumbfounded those pres- ent by raising himself up in bed. Five minutes before he could not raise head or limb. More surprising still, next afterzoon he got up, dressed himself, washed and combed unassisted, and went about his regular labore around the farm, apparently as well as ever. THE LEAGUE FUNDS. Parnell Will Not Allow, Them to be Used for the Evicted Tenants. A Dublin cable received this afternoon says: The National Press. in an article headed, '4 Sentence of Death"—referring to Mr. Redmond's statement made yesterday at the meeting of the Tenants' Defence League, to the effect that e continuance of the plan of campaign was impossible, in view of the faot that with the exception of Paris fonds there was no money to carry on the warfare against the landlords—says: Mn. Parnell's last oinmey trick ended in the evicted tenants being left to their fate. Parnell yielded for a short time to the duty of patriotism to the mission to the United States, which was auspiciously commenced and would have placed the evicted people out of danger, but he wrecked it relentlessly and unscrupulously. Mr. Redmond's declaration means that Parnell has oloeed the Paris fund, and that while he cannot take it himself he will not let the evicted tenants have it. COUNTING IRIS Hi NOSES. The Megarthyites Figure Out a Majority of Forty-one In the General Elections. A. London cable dated to -day says: The reports of the MoCerthyite members of the House of Commons who have canvassed the whole of Ireland, have been collected. It is celculeted from these reports that a general election in Ireland would omit twenty-six Pernellite Members of Perlis. ment, including Parnell himself. Parnell's nominees would probalny capture three seats—Dublin, Mayo and Clare—while the Unionists are expected todefeat McCarthy, Sexton, Henry Campbell, Redmond and Sir Thomas Grattan Esmonde. This would leave the strength of the different parties as follows: McCarthyites, 72; Pernellites, 9; Unionists, 22. He Struck an Earl. A London cable says: In Ireland the farmers are up in arms against fox-hunting squires and peers. The young Earl of Huntingdon, a captain in the Prince of Wales Regiment, was dwelling to -day across Farmer Alurphy's meadow after fox and peek of hounds", when the farmer twee. pectedly appeared and seized the Earl's horse by the bridle. The Earl, who traces his ancestry to a steward of the Conqueror, Wog eghttat ett such a liberty on the part of a plebeian, and raising his whip Arndt a blow at the farmer. Murphy held the horse with one powerful arra, while with the other he strains and nearly lismounted the Earl. Presbyterian Assentiblies. The annual Presbyterian assemblies will begin in England in April. In May the Scotch and American assemblies' will meet. In Jane the Canadian Assembly and that of the Irish Church will Meet. The European continent end Anatralien meet- ings follow in later monthe. The New Zealand Assembly will take place about Nov. ist. The vast extent of the Preeby- terien family may be judged from the feet that over forty annual aesembliels or synods are held, representing a population of 20,- 265,000. People who would grind everything down to a deed level in this world should rerriember that i id the cogs On the wheelie that make clockwork run smoothly. THE KAMMER REPULSED. Oapt, Presgrave Gives the Rebels Another OhecklCilling 50 of them. THE,' CAUSE OF THE WHOtfiereee. A Calcutte cable says: A despatch from Rangoon states that Capt. Presgrave, who wee reported to have reinforced Lieut. Grant at Fort Theban hei0 met add defeated 300 Manipuris. Presgrave'e Mounted Infantry pursued the Manipuris and killed 50. There was no loos of life on the British side. The Thirteenth Bengal Infantry, from Barreckpore, the First and Second Ghoor- kas, the Eighth Bengal Mountain Battery, the Thirtmaixth Bengal Infantry (Bildt ,), from Clehautta, and other troops frutm Burrnah are on the way to the front. The troops from 13artnah are under the COM. mend of General Graham, and include halt o bettelion of the King's Royal Rifles, the Second battalion of the Fourth Ghoorkas, two gene from No. 2 Mountain Battery of the Royal Artillery, and a regiment of Madras Infantry. General Graham was Net reported as advancing via Tamu. General Collett was reported as advancing from Nigritime on the Brehmaputra with No, 8 Beep! Sidounted Battery, the Second Ghoorkas and other troops which have been deepen:died to Kehimet. The cream of the dispute is as follows : The Mabaranth of Manipur was deposed in September last as the result of a revolt headed by his second and third brothers, known respectively as the Jobrej, or heir of the Maharajah, and the Senaputty, or commander-inmhief. The latter, it will be remembered, was recently killed in the assault made by the Metnipuris upon Fort Theban defended by Lieut. Grant. The Meharejeh, with his fourth brother, known as the Lord of the Elephants, took refuge in India, and are now in Celoutta smelting developments. Since that time the power at Manipur was in the bends of the Jobraj and the Senapritty. Chief Commissioner James W. Quinton, following the traditional policy of the British authorities in India, prepared to recognize the de facto ruler, and protteeded to Manipur with an esoort of about four hundred men of the Forty-second Ghoor- kris with the intention of officielly install- ing the Jobraj as Maharajeb, and resolved to send the Senaputty, who was a troublesome chieftain, to India,. Com- missioner Qainton was aocompanied by the following °mil doers: Asnisiant Beare- teeY Coesine, Deputy Commissioner Gordon and Deputy Commissieter Woods, and Superintendent Melville, of the Tele. graph Department. The military °Misers included Colonel Skene, commanding the Fortymecond Ghoorkae Light Infantry; aud Ceptain G. H. Butcher and Lieutenants E. J. Lugar and J. B Chatterton, of ;be seam regiment; Captain T. S. Doileau, second in command of the Forty-fourth Ghoorkas Light Infantry; Lieutenant L. W. Brackenbury, of the same regiment, and several others, nearly all of whom are believed to helve been killed in the massacre which followed the Dentate at Manipur, on March 24th and 251h, the detaile of which have already been published. Lieutenant Grant, on the British side, is still bolding Fort Thabat with admirable success. The insurgents will find it diffi. cult to dislodge him, especially since he bee been reinforced by the small detachment of troops unuer the command of Captain Preeggeme, and in view of his brilliant achieyement in repulsing on April 6th a force of 4,000 Menipuris, well armed with rifles, during which engagement the Senn - putty was killed. Lien; Grant, with a force of eighty Ghoorkes from Tamme, was be - to have fallen a victim to the Mani- purie, but, instead, he carried Fort Thabst, gerriaoned by 900 Manipuris, by assault, driving the enemy out at the point of the bayonet. The telegraph wires being out by the in- surgents renders communication from the front rather slow. Cold Truth for the Newly Wed. Is the honeymoon always happy? Well, generally it is, but sometimes it is not. floppiness is always—we are told by wise people—greater in the anticipation than in the reality. Young people, and especially very 5 oung people, expect that the marriage oeremony will open for them the gates of paradise, but when they find that it has not they ere cast down and unhappy. Then there ie another trouble. Perhaps the groom is thinking solely of his own happi- ness, and perhaps the bride is thinking solely of hers, and when they are married they find out, to their amazement, that happiness lies solely in thinking the one of the other. Sometimes they think each perfection, and the honeymoon shows that they have been overmangnine, and then they are dieapointed. If the truth were known it would be found that many honey. moons have been disappointing experi- ences.— Cincinnati Coranzercial Gazette. Assignments in Ontario. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency re- ports the following assignments in Ontario: Clarksburg,Wm. Clayton, jeweller, assigned to Henry Lyne, Thornbury; Collingwood, Brown, Anderson te Co. (co, nom.), grocers, assigned to Wm. Recant, Collingwood ; Fenelou Fells, Thos. Austin, grocer rind batcher, assigned to Jas. Dickaon, Fenelon Fells; Galt, Henry Darkin, brass founder, assigned to A. C. Fraser, Galt; London, Phillip Levy, clothing and hate, assigned to Thos. A. Browne, London; Toronto, 3. M. Redmond, boots and shoes, essigned to E. R. C. Clarkson, Toronto; Wallaceburg, Fitzpatrick & Co. (Thos. Fitzpatrick only), general store, assigned to C. B. Armstrong, London. Scotch Ship. The sailing ship Pimnore, now lying in New York harbor, is en objecnieeeen in :merchant marine. She was built in Soot- lene, of steel thronghout, and on her last voyage covered 308 miles in one day -- sustaining a speed of thirteen miles an hour. Among the crew are eeveral op. prentioes, the parents of whom have deposited $150 with the captain, which is' to be paid back to the boya as salaries in yearly instalments. With a merchant re trine cc mpceed clouds vessels' as the Pinmore the old.time glory maw:dated with the American sailor might be soon revived.—Philadelphia .Record. Seven (males& of Pinkerton's detectives passed through Pittsburg, Pa., yesterday rooming on their way to the Cionnelleville coke regions, where serious riots dre ex. putted. Under authority conferred by Congress the Secretary of the Navy is makmg ar- rangements to reopen the , Boston and League Island navy yards for conetruotive and repair worls. —The little toquesi that are worn for . theatre, cerriage, Mopping ana maim are deceptive as to price. The coot is tot at ofl coMmenenrate with the Bien tif the hat. A. little bee with puffed etepe de Chine orown, feethered band border, ostrielt tips et the beck and a teouple of jet orimmente, stoats $16. noscamenommumunimmummomminisoniiiiiiimt \ Vb. ...%‘,„%\fi\XV • N , for infants and Children. .veagteriatie BO Well adapted to chIldrenthat C cures Cone, Con„„—sti.11attiet reanowiammtocraned,i,t as smupelioAacazr to annY,Purele.ri, ption. S . narmsae,h,giDviArrsibeecepA: xxgauderago, tea dit 11180. Oxford St, Brooklyze N. Y. Virithett 'injurious :medication. gm on, Tac Cmzer-4ull COhMurr, rr Murray Street, N. ; rA t.1.14k.14' ‘.:it.AN:41At PLAY114G "OLD STAGE/KS." How Happy Bridal Couples Persuade Themselves They Fool the Public. Did you ever meet with one of the "old stager" bridel couples on your journey- ings ? I came down from the North the other night with ono. They got on at Allendale. They were very badly gotambeit had evidently registered a solemn vow to pees as "old married folks." She was— well, I don't know what elle was, but be was Scotch. It was stamped on his every feature, on his clothes eind on his Edin. burgh sole leather valise, ea3 big az 0 email trunk, that 000npied the seat in front of him. 'The Scotch are nob over-dernou- strative, you know. They own:Tied the ex- treme ends of the seat—for a few miles. There were not many in the cer, but one old chap (Aught my eye in my , glances round and he smiled and cast a look at the interesting pair. The jolting of the oar bad brought them nearer together! His arm rested on the back of the seat. He looked awfully solemn and disinterested. She bed et ring on, a brand new one, end she was gazing at it—oh, how intently 1 I felt guilty in observing her; but how could I help it ? His hand got further around her aboulder and drew her away from the draughty window, and as it did no ehe looked up from her ring to his face. Ate me No, I ,shut my eyes. Then I looked at tbe old gentleman in front. He kolied awfully bored. But, then, severeyears intervened between his point of view and mine. Well, the lamps were lighted and we rattled along, but every now and then the pressure of that hand wee required to keep the bride away from the window draught; end every now and then that starved. ravishing look would steal into her upturned eyes, and when she turned• sway her face a lozenge would be pushed between her red lips, and the old gentle- man would frown, and the conductor as he passed would look happy snd tip me a wink. And all the time the happy fools were playing it off on innocent travellers as "old etagere." Did you ever play " old stager," my dear reader? Well,'if you were half as happy as the Allendale couple it wasn't a" go." Ob, no l A correspondent at Madrid says grave ansiety is felt there over the state of affeirs in Portugal. He expresses fume thet a revolution is about to break out, in which event, be says, the lives of foreign subjects will be endangered. 110 A Woli Known Lady "na*.g..; of Great Benefit erived F'rom Hoods SarsapaMia For Debility, Meuraigia arid 'Catarrh TORONTO, Dec. 28, 1890. "C. I. HOOD &, CO., Lowell, Mass.. "GENTLEMEN :-For many years I have been suffering from catarrh, neuralgia and general debility. I failed to obtain any permanent relief from medical ad- vice, and my friends feared I would never find anything to cure me. A short time ago I was induced to try Hood's Sarsaparilla.. At that time I was unable to walk even a short dis- tance without feeling a Death -Like Weakness overtake me. And I had intense pains from neuralgia, in my head, back and limbs, which were very exhausting. But I am glad to say that soon after I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla I saw that it was doing me good. I ha,ve now taken three bottles and am entirely Cured of NeuraIgla. I am gaining in strength rapidly, and can take a two-mile walk without feel- ing tired. I do not suffer nearly so much from catarrh, and find that as my strength increases the catarrh decreases. I am indeed a changed woman, and shall always feel grateful to Hood's Sar- saparilla for what it has done for me. It Ps Itfiy Wish that this my testimonial shall be pub- lished in order that others suffering as I was may learn how to be benefited. "Yours ever gratefully, "MR. M. E. MERRICK, "36 Wilton Avenue, "Toronto, Canada." This is Only One Of many thousands of people who gladly testify to the excellence of and benefit obtained from Hood's Sarsapa- rilla. If you suffer from any disease or affection caused by impure blood or low state of the system,' you should cer- tainly take Sarsa araila Sold by druggists. el ; six for 35, ;Prepared only by C. T. HOOD & 00„ Lowell, Mato. 100 bosoit One Dollar CART(as ITTLE IVER PILLS. aiek Headache and rel'eve all the troublee d t to a batons stale of the Dfhiess, Nausea. Drowskaess streo oeter.g Pion in tbe Side, 8ceWili5e their remarkable success has been shown in SICK Headache, yet Cennues Wrenn Siraa are equally valuable in Constipatto a d preventing this annoying - .1 el ey also correct all clisordsts of 118 • stimulate the liver and regulate the howeisle Even if they only curerl EAD Ache they would be al .0 meeeless to tit se who suffer from this wemIti e but fortunately their gaminess aces iiere, and those who fume try them these little pats valuable ha so many ways tpetityali Niterl aincitsibeet wilbettaltag to do without them. CINIE is the bane of so many lives that eerie is weere we make our great boast Our ems cure it while others do not. ClArzza's TATTLE Myna mem anew:me/nail and very eayy. *to take, One or two pule metro o dos. They are strictly vogetaMe and do 0530 me or purge, but by their gentle acalin eae all who nit them. 111 vials at 93 mai; d\Ye ror $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by nntil. CARTE?, lIEDMINZI OD., /TM To*. Entilil1 ball Duo. Sinai! Prick A pamphlet of information andel). stract of the laws, showing How to Obtain Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, COpyrfghLts, seat fres. i.Adsreo MUNN 4c, CO 361 Broadway, New 'York. — THE FIRST 01' MAY. The Labor 'Men of Europe Preparing for Strikes and Demonstrations. THE GOVERNMENTS ALSO ACTIVE. A London oable doted to.day says: In view of the approach ot May Day, Anarchists are busy throughout Europe, organizing for a general strike. In Paris, Vienne and Madrid they are distributing fiery circulars. Fifty•thousand of these circulars are Fetid to bave been distributed in the berrecke of Paris surreptitiously during the past week. Meetings of work- ingmen were held Sunday throughout Auetria and Efringery to arrenge, for demonstrations arid displayed the greetent cohesion. In Spain the workingmen are agitating in Barcelenia, Valermie, Gediz, Valladolid, Saragossa and other plecoe, but the trades unions deprooete a strike on the ground • that the men are unorganized and lack Imola, and thet by striking they will only pley in the betide cf the millet era, betides creating a hostile feeling in the Cortes after the Government hae projected im- portant remedial measures. Afl the Enropeen Governments hetet decided to prohibit outdoor demmostretions. The employers are combining to refuse a holi- day in Spain, end insist that every indoor meeting must be attended by a Govern- ment delegate. AN A WPM. E. Solomon Parker, of Ilhiontrerg, Accused of Criminal .a esauit. Chief Powell, of Tilsonbure, came rip to the county WI this aftemoint witio both hands fun. One of the prisoners was Solomon Parker, who was sent up to eiteit his trial on the awful ched ge of bavnag committed a crhuinel itisenit, on the person of his own daughter, Victoria Packer. The effelece ie elleeed to have been committed in May, 1886, and it ie alleged that be hes meintained an improper and unnatural relationship with her einem The daughter, who is the chief witness, wee also brought to jail, not being able to furnith security for her appearance When called on. Another of Chief Powell'et prisoners was Corydon Smith, who WKS recently tried at Simeoe for murder. He was brought tip to nerve a six Wombs' sentence for vegrancy.--irbodstock Sentinel. Review, While the schooner Fey Was lying in the Chicago Central elevator slip fitting out yesterday with a nomenion orew on board, a body of men numbering fully 50 made a sudden raid on the vessel. Two of the non-union men made emcee resistance, but they were quickly overcome, toad rolled them were thrown on the dock and driven ewey. The Steem Navigation Company, whose vessels ply between Borth aux and 14t,tt York, is going into liquidetion beemese of loss of money due to tlio reduction of traffic resulting from the extra duties am - posed upon French ert.iclett of export by the MolKinley Tarilt /tot, the Freneh Goverraneet's vitthel prohibitiort of Amnion products, and the increaml, duties placed upon Armerican grain.