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The Exeter Advocate, 1891-4-30, Page 1
11.11i1.111MISIIMM61111.0.11501,0•VacneErtalialsnliaMi VOL. IV. The iiiitilsons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament,1855.) Paid Up Capital - $,0O0000. Rest Fund-- ..... I 000 000 1 Head. office Montreal. F. wouERsTAN TnoislAs, Esq., GENERAL MANAGER. , Twenty Branch offices in the Dominion Agencies in the Dominion, U, 8. arid Europe Opeu every la wfal clay from 10 a. m. to 3 p. in., Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 p. m ,p. A general banking business transacted Foar per cent. per annum allowed for money on Deposit 'Receipts. N. DYER IIURDON Exeter, Jen 28, '88. Sub Manager THE OX..etet Abrorat.e3 , Is Published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, ivIA IN -STREET, - EXETER. . -4.' By the SANDERS' PUBLISHING COMPANY. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid. in Advance. $i.50 if not so paid. , . , © 21.6.-srert3.nizse- Mouton ticrrs. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements without specific tillforbid and directions will be pablished charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transcient advertisemen ts inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques,poney oka. ers, ilzo. for acivertising;subseriptions, etc, to be made payable to Sanders & Sweet PROPRIETORS Char ell. Directory. TRaviTT atesionear. ontincitesitev. S. F Robinson, Reetor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m awl 7 p. m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. in. METRODIST OuttRoft.-Sames-st , Rev. A. L. Russell, 'Pastor. Sunday Services,10.30 a. m. and 6.30 p. m. Sabbath School, 2 pm. MAIN. STREET -Rev. J. Wilson, Pastor. Sun day SerViCGS, 10.30 a. m. awl 6.90 p.m. Sabbath i School 2.30 p, M. W. Martin, PRESBYTERIAN CRTIRCH.-P8V. leastor. Suuclay Seryieee,11 a. m. 'and., 630 p. m. Sabbath School, 9.45 a. m. EPC.1.4.1(19MINTMOVIVIVIO,WM• FrofeSsional Carets. l'I. KINSMAN, L.D.S, Fauson's Block E two doors north. of Carling Store, ,...MAIX STR HET, EXETER, extracts teeth withont rain. Away at Henson on 1st I Friday; Ailsit Craig on 2nd and 4th Tuesday; 1 and Zurich on last Thursday of each month. 1 .... C__ H. INGRAM, liEsriST, Member Royal E • College Dental Surgeons, successor to i H. L. Billings. Office over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ont. A. safe anaesthetie given for the painless.extraction of teeth. Plates se- c by Yemen's pa cured. firmlyin the mouth tent Valve Lucan every Friclay T B WHITELY, M. 320., C. M., PHYSt't,CIAN ' 0 ,. and Singeon. Office and resid no. Corner Victoria ana. Elgin streets, Goderich, Ontario, 7 ,-- "TaR. J. A. ROLLINS. 'OFFICE --MAIN ST. AZ Residence -Corner Andrew and North. e Streets, Exeter, Ontario. i , TIM CROSKERY, Member Royal College Surgeoris, England; Licentiate "loyal i . . . oar College of Physicians, Edinburgh; Mem f College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Y Office, Mitchell's old. stand, Crediton, Ont. c r BR, .1. H, MaliELL1IN i' ! ri EYE St ERR SURfiEON. t Graduate New York Eye and Ear Hospital t Eyes testecl and. glasses supplied. Office cur. i; Maple and T.albot streets. 8, I. LONDON,' -- 01\ TARIO 1. 1 Vitt. T. A. AMOS, M. D., C.' M, Member of 1_1 College of Physicians and. Surgeons, c Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College of h Physicians and. Surgeons Edinburgh; licen- tiate of the Faeulty of Physicians and Sur- c geons, Glasgow,. Fellow- of Trinity Medical fi College, Toronto, Office -Dr. Cowen's old , 91 stand. , c, TIR. DAVID M. STABLER, (UNIVERSITY 8. .1.-P of Toronto,) 'Physician, Surgeon ete. , , c„ Having spent the 'winter of 1966-'37 in New 6 York, and the winter of 1887-'88 in Vienna, w Austria. OFFICE, - CREDITON, ONT. 11 - 11) II. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT- ilk,. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. e,' Office- Over Post Office, Exeter, Ontario. u Money to Loan. fo , L11. DICKSON, BARRISTER; SOLICIT.OR to . of Supreme Court, Notary Public:, Con- 1, veyancer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan Ix Office-Fanson's Block, Exeter. le _rp LPIOT.fit ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- 1.11 !LJitors, Conveyaneers, &c. Money to loan IR at(i per cent. , ga, .13, v. Entloe. J. ELLicer $(.] G TT 13ROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auet- h,. .F1'6ioneer for the Countries of Perth. and - atteenesea, ease for the township of Usborne SO Salea promptly a tteuclecl to and term s Tea 9011 gr Pf.1710. Sales arranged at Post office,'1,Vincheisa th A.-. ROLLIN'S, late of Maratoba, Moons- Ili' ' red Artetioneer, for the' eOunties of Hum M on aritilliddlesex. 1Rusidence: 1 mile 'solith ,.. of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other- wkse promptly attendel to at reasonable ed prices. , lac TJJ re IIOLT, 'I<I, iv a , Ontario. Licensed /MOE- Tsr p i On (36r for the Counties of Middlesex -EA' in el Larobton, and the townships efStephon fir old stay A11 sales promptly A ttOTa0d. ii O. ' IP Or YEQS,SEWBBRIVY,1-teneell Ontario. Me- ' 1.14 • ensea Aactioneer for the Coen tys of 1111 Inron ' and Perth. Charges moderate and • atisfaetion guaranteed. PI de CIRED. W.FANCOMB, Provincial Band _Hi OO, 11-2 Surveyor and Civil Engineer, MSp )ver Porit 'Ofilea, Maio street, Exeter, Ont, '. , • wt fol r HArtnve Lieensed Auctioneer for th wi I --i. County of Huron. Sales Conducted on ,1; ' easonable terms. Farm and Farm Stock a ME pecialty. FUR arrangements can be mad., T 1 ,t this office, i. , c, - d01 ._, Rh VattaltovaltNCe NAB 14 .,, , mc , , -A poiStieo awl perm anent mire for Tngrow. :jet ng Nails. No pain, _Seat nos+ paid for iiie by tamps or Silver, Address, HOME, SPECTiore* .., EXETER, ONTARIO, TIIITIZSDAY, APRIL 30, 1891. We have, and keep constantly, one of the cleanest and best assorted stocks of Dridi g'S 7 Patent pgjedidnes, Dyes, Dve stuffs, Combs, Brushes, etc., in town, Willa we sell at prices below any. Our stock of drugs is flesh and sve sell them at fair prices as we are not members of any Druggist's Association. We do not use the scheduled price of the Huron & Bruce Druggist's Association, and can therefore offer drug's at fair and reason- able prices. =117=1.1411•126. We solicit a call. EC)C---EPA UR, Proprietor, Corner Driag Store' LOST OR STOLEN • Lost or stolen. A note drawn in favor of Thomas Pollard tor the paty- merit four hundred dollars; (8400.00,) cla,tecl December 1888, and bearing. the names of J. W. Hogarth and Septimus Hogarth. All persons are hereby for- bidden to negotiate with said note as it has been cancelled. ' MP LI:0111S POT LARD Dated Aprill8th, 1891. EXETER MARKETS. 'heat per bushel.. $1.00 to 1.03 Barley 45 to 48 .55 to 55 70 to 7- ucks per palir..:... 50 to 65 eese...... 5 ±o--50' urkeys . ..... 7 to / 9 -utter . . . 10 to414 ggs . . . 20 t " 21 otatoes per bus .... 50 t 70 ay per ton .... _ 5.00 to 6.00 ork per 100 • 5.15 to 5.25 lover Seed 4.00 to 4,25 imothy Seed .. 1.00 to 1.35 MAN OR BEAST ain equal relief from pain by the use f Clark's Lightning Liniment. The welled joints from a sprain or founder re relieved and:cured at once by its se. Every owner of a horse should eep a bottle of this great remedy ict Lis stable. Every /consideration of conomy and humanity suggest this eady relief. Price fifty cents; sold by ruggists. Clark Chemical Co., Tor- nto, New York. asourneet Easter vestry. Theeadjourned Easter Vestry meet- gr'61 the Trivitt Alemorial 'Chttrch eld Mond a.y evening, April 27th. 1891. he atteudttuce was large there being ver fifty ladies and gentlemen pies nt. The Rector, Rev. S. F. Robinson, 1 the chair, who opened the meeting Rh. prayer. The minutes of last meet, - g were then read and agreed to,with he exception of one or two Slight hanges. The Rector then made his Tort on the parochial work done dur• g the past year. He said it was the lost successful year in the history of e parish, he had made 1300 visits; lure had been 10 marriages; 25 13apt- itns; 13 funerals; he had preached 119 rmons ; held 129 se.rvices and 19 pub - e ancl 5 private celebrations of the oly Eucharist and had prepared 35 ndidates for Confirmation of which, owever, only 29 were confirmed. The lurch is then presented their nancial report. Mr. John Spackfnan ated that they had not been able to Lose the books as there was still some 0 to collect, but Mr.. Hurdon would vie the financial statement as far as as possible. Mr. Efurdon teen read s report: -The gross receipts for the a.r had been $1:024.11 to which, how- er, had to be added $250.00, which e town council of Strathroy had paid r the old bell, donated by Mr. Trivia the Church, which would make it 74.11; the expenditure had been $1, 9.08, which in all probability would eye a balance on hand. for the ensu - g year; he also stated that the debt the church had been reduced. from 900.00 to $8,35000, of which $550,00, 36.00 had been paid by the Ladies' uild, $40.00 by the Busy Bees, which thought was very creditable to both eieties, Mr. Collins in a vigoeous eeeli tiagii advocated giving, ladies e right to vote at vestry meetings, as d been proposed by the Rev. G. C. .Konzie at the last meeting of the nod of Huron, Mr.Fred Elliot oppos it considerieg thatmore time should given to the discussion of such a dical change. MeS91.9. O'Neil and Ireton opposed the motion elso. -It ally ended in a vote being taken for e Collins' motion, 12 air tinst 17, sey- 1 not voting./ , Considerable tinie 3.8 then spent in the discussion of the position laid before the church war - la by His Lordship, the Bishop of Iron, which filially on motion of J. tickman Seconded by R It Collins s left in the hands of the rector. The owing sidesmen were then elected .11 the understandieg that they help church -wardens, vive--Proposed by in Spackman'seconed by N. D. Hur. 1, that Earnest Elliott, David Mill, R hardson and PRowcliffe be side - n. -Carried, The meeting then ad - riled and closed with a short collect the Rector. S. B. RrataiNaToN, Sec'y. [ferments] liltention. Mr. H. C. Brewer, of Clinton, was in town oil Moncley, looking after the in, terests of the Molson's Bank.. --Mrs Thos Powell who has been here for the past week vieiting friends returned home to Turnberry, Wednesday morning, - Mr. Wm..A. Davis, of New Miniater, B. C.. has returned home after spending some months in that eountry.-Mr. Fred Carr left on Thursday last for Duluth, where he takes a position with the Northern Pacific; Railway as bage gagman. --Mrs. W. Gray, daughter of W. E. Harding, is here visiting her parents for a while -Mr. Chris Balsden of St. `themes' was here on Tuesday, tryiug to secure a, situation as tailor, and in all probability will return back to his mai velown before long. -Mr. W. 11 Mark le,of London,is here visitingfor a few days after which he will leave for Torouto.-- South Minima Licenses. The license commissions of South Huron have granted hotel licenses to the followingparties, viz: Seaforth -John Cerro! Thonvis Stethene • 7 Roche, Wm. Pinkney, George Grant, Fred Frey, H. L. Kennedy, Shops, --Ed. Dawson. .1lue1cersinith,--Win. Dixon Wm. Kyle, Joseph Webber. Usborne, -Martha Kellancl,Farquhar and Wood ham left over for further consideration. Exeter, -Ab. %Yelper, Mrs. Page, W. T. Acheson,T. W. Hawkshaw,John Leath- orn. Shops, -Farmer Brothers, F. J. Knight.-Steyheita-Henry Willert Jo- Seph Brenner, Wm: Cunningham, :Wm. Holt, Patrick " Hall; "Robert ,MdFauls Walter Clark, August Hsi' W. J. Mof- fatt Dufferin House, Centralia, left over liay,-Jas. Coxworth, Ralph McIntyre, W. R Hodgins, Charles Greb H. L .Peinv Wm. Nicholson Stanley, -John Brisson, James Dick. George Each, Wilson Cook, Bayfield, -John E. Swartz, Ed Elliot, Richard Bally. Goclo.ich Township, -Mrs. W. Robinson, HoluteSville. London Conference Examinations, The Examining Board of this confer- ence of the Methodist Church met in. Main St. Church -on Wednesday and .Thursda,y of last week, when the fol- lowing young men came up before it for examination with the success be low indicated, viz. -T. N. GOodburne, W. G. Stevens and S. Schofield, wrote4' on the preliminary Celine the last Of whom only sucoeeded in taking a se'e ond class certificate. Jelin Baird, Di D. Haindly, J. C. Switzer, and JaS. A Snell each succeeded in taking a cer- tificate on the first years course, Air. Band was awarded a First Class and each of the others a second. A. C. Smith also took a First in the same year, and J. A. Ayearst a second in the second year's course. A public meet- ing was held in the same church on Thursday evening., prevaile.d over by Rev. J. It, Gundy, the president of ,the Conference and addresses by' Rev. J. Learoycl; of Windsor, and Rev. Wm. MeDonagh, of London. The addresses were able and eloquent, in which the .equiremeitts of a, Methodist Minister, s well as his workwe,re discuss - d. At the close the Secretary of the xamining Board reported the result f the Examinations, and the president re,sented the certificates with tipprop. iate remarks to those who had suc- ceded in winning them. 'Exeter Conceit rroccedirmo The council met by order of the Reeve at the Town Hall, Exeter, 24t1i April, all present, Minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. Or tiers were granted for the following sums viee--Jeo, Popplestone, $1 labor; Thos. Brock $3,14 do; J. N. Howard ,0.70; I. Armstrong $6.40 do; I. Hand, ford, $5.20 do; Geo. Hodgins, $426 do; Al. Bissett, $8.95 do; T. Horn, $1.88 do; Thos. Welsh, $8131 do; Jno Aloreshead, $2; Geo, Cadmore, $3.88 dci; J. Thomp- son, $1.80 do; Walter Westcotte$3.45, do; Wee. 3 Bissitt, $12.75 do; and Mrs. Me- Intyre, $1 60 charity. --Carried. A pet it -ion to water a portion of Main Street &on -ill -Imo Street to the town hall, was read, abd on motion of •147. G. Bis sett seed by E. Christie, the petition was received and it 13y -law ordered to be drafted and tenders for street water ing to be called for. Mrs. McIntyre to be allOwed $1,50 per. week until furth• er orders. The Reeve and Dep. Reeve Were appointed to specify tanks aad tenders to be asked for four tanks. On motion of E. Christie sce'd by D. A. Ross communieation from the Secy of the Board, of Trade was read and laid on the table. The clerk to notify Jas. Pick ard to open EdWard street at once, Per Arr. 6r,Art:Axen..66..w7.riLs..7... NO. 204 mission was granted Mr, Jno. Taylor to remove a tree opposite his gateway on condition of planting others in front of his premises, Moved by W. G. Bis sett sec'd by E. Christie that the tanks be put in by tentlers. Moved in aineral• ment by T.13. Carling see'd by D. .A• Ross that the road Inspector employ hands ind put in the ta,nks.-Carried The council adjourned until. Wednes day the 29th at 7,30 o'clock, l\ilEmAErr' clerk A Fiend in illumai; •neR. ' About a year and a half ass.° Mr. Wm. Dow, of the 6th concession of Hib- bert hired a young lad who was brought from England by one of the Emigration Homes of Canada. He worked, with him until laet fall, when he received employment from a neighs bor. Although apparently friendly towards his former employor, he had a deep rooted spite against him and was determined to have reyenge. Between two and three o'clock on Wednesday morning, he entered the house of Mr. DOW, artIled with a heavy el-ub. Find ing everything. quiet he lit R htmp, threw off his bat and coat and stealth ily walked into the sleeping man's bed- room, and dealt him two treacherous blows, one on the eye, and the other across the arms all ct body. Mrs. Dow, who wasslwith he,r husband, jumped upright tti bed, whcin she also received a rap of the club, but which the is afterwards admitted was accidental. Being foiled in his game of murder, he hastily left the house i'mil fired the barn, which was one of the best in the town- ship. R. was burned to the ground, together With a lot of grain, has and agricultiirel 'mph:mem s, entailing, a loss, of about $1700. News of the fellow's depredations was brought to Mitchell some few hours later when, Constable, Farrow almost immediately went out to Fullerton, and arrested the lad at the residenee of Mr. Jonas 0. Cole. At three o'clock he appeared before Magis- trate Flagg, and cooly and deliberately told the story as above narrated. He admitted that Mr. Dow had never done him any harm, but held that he was owing him a small balance of wages, which he refused to pay, this Mr. Dow, however, denied. He was committed to the county jail, to await sentence, The boy is said to be 17 years of age, but he looked two years younger. There is hiothing.v.ieious.aboutehis appearance, but he belongs to that class of street arabs who are picked up in the gutters of the old world andclumpedin Canada. Long have Mir people protested against this class of emigration to our shores' and we think the time has come for the Government to take action in the mat- ter. As a rule the children are the offspring- of the very worst classes of society, and the bad blood bred in them breaks out very often, and makes them a terror to the community in which they reside. Usborne. Most of the farmers in this vicinity will finish seeding this week eas 07 Mr. Wesley Harvey who has been ettending the Agricultural College at < Guelph since New Years is home on a short vacation. Last week's ADVOCATE wee read by nearly every person in the township. One subscriber having loaned his pa• per to thirteen families. Kirkton. '1,17 G Brownhotel keeper, at Wood- ham has called a meeting of his creth.. tors. -Seeding has made good progress in these parts. -Rev. Mr. Steele preach- ed to an overflowing congregation on Sunday eveninglast upon the found- ation of our faith." --Mrs. Geo. Mills has been laid aside from an attack of la grippe. -A large white owl has been prowling around for a day or two The boys went in search, but it turned out to be "a wild goose chase". -Hanna's creamery is putting in a new engine and boiler, preparatory to summer work. Communication. Mn. EDITOR. SIR. --You will confer a favor by al- lowing. me a short space in which to contradict a gross statement which Is being currently circulated throughout this iseighborhoodsin Which 1 havebeen charged with being the correspondent of Bethesda for your yalua.ble pa.per. I hereby deny that charge of ever writ- ing an article for your papet since its existence or, eller caused such to be done by others. Thanking you Mr. Ed- itor I am yours respectfully. RAI Pfl REEDY. Right you are Mr. Keddy.-Ed. Brewster. The fisherman are all making ready for the slimmer's vvork.-Mr. Robt. Turnbull it the happy father of a boun eing pair of twin boys, he is making ready for the census -Ma J. C. Gil - More ttnd sister, of Forest, and Mr, and Mrs, Cook, of Niagra, Were t.110 guests of Mr. and Airs. Robt. Taylor, during part of last week. -Mrs Tbo8. Vine is at present rather seriously ill. Mr. Schnell, of Dashwood, ie on his rounds taking the census.-Misa Cowie, of East Williams, ie at present the guest of Airs. Robt Turnbull. -Miss Teno Turnbull who has been spending the winter yisiting friends iu the vicinity of Strathroy has returned home, Crediton. Mr. Wes, Trevethiele left for Glencoe on 2 hursday last, wuere he has secur- ed a situation, -Mr. Ed. Kestle left for Teeswater on Tvesday haying secured employment there . -A large number of young folks from Zurich spent Sunday in town -Mrs. Bertha Gunter, of Font - hilt, is visiting friends and relatives in town.- Rev. Mr, Steabler left for his new home m Buffalo on Tuesday last, Our best wishes and success go with him . -A monstrous celebration is to take place on the 24t1i of May. The committee are taking the, greatest pains in trying to make the day a grand success Come one, come all for a. day's sport. -The tile and brick yards arebeingrepeired for the se,asons work, which will commence in a few day 8. Hillegreen. Quite a number from here attended reisiog at Mr. Ste,phen Troyer's, one day last week. Mr. Chas ,Troyerspost master; and Mr. Benjamin Philips, of 2nd concession were 'captains. After a hard race Mr. Troyer's side succeeded iu winning by a few minutes. A fish peddler, who had imbibed too freely at some of the hotels in one of the neighboring villages, passed through here on Friday evenino. last. VVlien opposite the Post Office Fie fell from the rig, but by the aid of sonse of our citizens was soon replaced on the rig and is on towards Blake at a speed beyond the liege! of driving. On the other side. of Blake he again fell frorn the rig and receivad an ugly gash on the head. His horse also was badly cut by coming in contact with a wire fence. rilire Record. Baussisee, April 27. -The dwelling belonging to Mr. Geo. Carr,farmer, one mile from 13russels, caught fire this afternoon. The house is a total loss, but part of the furniture was saved. Loss about $500; insured for $300,with $100 on furniture, The house caught Inc from sparks out of the chimney. BLDNHEIM, April 27. -This morning the frame dwelling owned by the John McGregor estate and oceupied, tue front part by Frank Deer, and the rear by Alfred darret, was completely de• stroyed by fire Frank Deer saved nearly all his household goods, but those of Alfred Garret were mostly consumed. No insurance on any of the contents. The house, valued at about $600, was insured for $400 in the London Mutual. Cause of fire, a defective chimney, Greenway, Mr. Frank Mitchell killed 49 snakes in one day ft few weeks ago,he has kill- ed about 60 this spring. -Messrs. Gei ger and Wing secured W. J. Wilson a fiowiny well on the English Faranthey only had to drill 8 inches in the rock. They had to bore down about 122 feet. The water is clear, bright, and SWeet, as the best spring water. They have moved to Mr. A. Hayters.-Mr Benja- mine Geormette advertises pasture to let at very reasonable terms for the season. -Mr. Jennings was through here last week working up a lodge of KnightS of Maccabas, he succeeded in getting a large number of names and inteues to organize a tent in this vill- ae.-W. J. Wilson and wife yisited agidon lastlionday and Tuesday. -- Miss Lizzie Holm and Annie Bloomfield spent last Sabbath with Mr. Thos. Ste-wardson, of Parkhill. Hay Council Meeting, The council met pursuant to ad- journment on Saturday, April 25th, 1891. All the members present. Schnell -Moir -That the sum of $5.61 be refunded to J. S,packman on aacount of a double assesment in 1889. --Carried. Kalbfleisch-Schnell-That lots 23 to 30 inclusive in the I concess- ion ; 2 to 7 in the North Boundary; 23 to 28 inclusive in the II, III, and IV be formed into a neW School Section to be known as No. 14, and that said lots shall cease to form a part of No. 10 - Carried, Voelker-Kalbfleisch--- That the followingtecounts be paid, viz: - II Randall, one month's care of Mr. Currey, Henry Prang, making drain, -Carried. Mr. Kalbfleisch was hi- structed to attend to the ditch opposite Mr. Vines in L E E., also between lots 25 mid 26 '11 the same concession'else between con. 16 and 17 in the Sotith Boundary, Mr. I-1039 was instructed to attend to ditch on Centre Road opposite Con. :XL All secretaries of Public School Boards should send their rittmes and addresses to the elerk in order that they may receive the statement of the school population, Road Com- missioners will be appointed at the next Meeting of the Council, Moir - Schnell -That the emincil adjourn to meet again on Saturday, 301h of May, 1801 as a court of Revielon at 10 a. in, SAM, J, LATTA, Clerk. V 011 ititoflike Buried. Beatenst, April 28. -The funeral sere vices over the remains of -Field Marshal Oonot Von Moltke. OM; place today in the. bell Tobin of the general staff build, which IIUIIdLILg the yeterttn died and where his body has been lying in . state. Emperor WiIliam,thc King et Saxony, the Grand Dukes of Baden Saxe Weimar and Hess, the principal: membere of the royal families of G Or. trig the greet field marshal's remains was then careled ivitli rnucli ceremooey to the heareei which was dra,wn by eix . Of the Eniperor'a herses..- After paeeing through streets Reed with troops and packed with, spectators the remains ar- ristediat the Lehite station at 1 olcluck in the afterpoon, eala weaes placed upon. it railroad car draped in black, whick Wds.there in Waiting, :Along the route s of the procession .to the 1 ailr04d station' .: the herse WaS preceded by Col Geeslers earreing Ceuta Vert Moltke's field mar : shali.e baton, and by an the officers Of the .general etaff, carrying the insignia and orclers' coeferred ot'i Collet Von Moltke during the course of his, dis- tinguished career. The casket was coveredwith large numbers of -fiord wreaths sent from all parts of Germany and from.maey parts of Europe.. Enia perer William, the 'members of the roy- al families of Germerly ated.'. the 'ger. man .seeneee le followed the hearse to the railroad station. ,.,Duringe the ceremony in the generail steal building' the Emperor was . moved to tears. Prince Bistnarck Sent an'im- mence wreath and the following tele - profound sorrow, I re- ceiyed:the telegram announcing the irreparable loss suefatined by the father- land. I feel the lost more aentely ow- Mg:tie the fat that it has been vouch- safed to me to enjoy for several decadea Vo Mciltise's'gloeions co7operation and the invariable amiability he displayed in our close, friendly relations."'- Dashwood, .Louis Stabusewas.the guest of Miss Fenwick On Sunday last. A number of our townspeople 'spent- Suielay on the aleeresof old Lake Hu- ron. Mr. Noreswory, of Parkhill, was in town on Sunday visiting his better half. 'Mr. Fin, harness maker'and femile- visited,friends in Parkhill, on Sunday lest, Miss Master, Of:Waterloo Co, is visit- ing relatives and friends in thia vides: ity at present. : The weather is.reinarkably fine, and the farmers are nearly through with their spring work. DaVidLayman, formerly of Deals - :wood, but now Of Hensel!, gave our .bUrgsa flying visit bp.,Su,nday. . . Mr. Jacob Killer:man has disposed of his celebrated mare "Grey Eagle", for .whieh he received it handsorne figure. Mother's make very .good substitutes for daughters, at least one of our vil- lage dudes appeared to think so on Sunday evening.. Mr, Geo. McCallum who has heen engaged at the, Commercial for the 'past winter leaves shortly for Parry Sound. May success attend him is the wish of his -many friends and chums iii Dashwood.. We understand that one of our lay - Men has taken the contract of supply - hag Wood and coat oil to the:new 'bust- ness :establishment that has recently opened pp in the -West end of the yid - ages We congratulate . him on the success which he has attained; an, hope he may haVe a long ail. The Rev. Mr,' Yee er who has : beet stationed here for the :past . two eare hasleft for Hesplera. He carries with, him the very high etteein and best wishes of bath German" and English speaking people, and we hope that his lines may, be cast in pleasant Pieces, and that his life work may be arowned itt the:futurd'as 11 has been here witk. abundant reward and snecess. The Rev. Me, Been will fill the yacancy Mr Yager, anateriata. GRANT. -In Exeter, on ate 22nd inst., the wife of John W. Grant, of a s°i' HEMDDI-In Stephen, con. 4, ori the 281th inst., the wife of Wes.Heddest of a cla,ughten Seaforth, en 271h inst., , Frank Ce,se, aged 59 years. PARICIXS-At Hyde Pal k, on April 2711i wife of the late Geo. Parlsins, ages?. 83 years and 9 days, 1: 1'{16 ---- 11ANNIE--QtrAPMA N-111 liensall,on the 231d insa, by the 'Rey. Mr. Cook, Mr. Erestus Rennie, of Hensel], te Alias Jessie Chapman, daughter of of Mr. Wm, Chapinati, of IItty. Bisee-Sea0A.T.--At the rosisence, Of the bride's father, 'Trfelsersniitli,oa the 22nd inst,„idi Rol3t. 13011, of ,HOnsall, to Sarell Anil, second, daughter, of Jas. Sproat,