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The Huron News-Record, 1885-09-16, Page 3
HH8- OHnUak Weilnegday, Sept. 16 LOCAL CT WS^ Im Mili Areudil the “HaW «W wviUbtglad to receipt item* ef newt from any reliable eoqrce, either eurbeil er written, Beporte meetinge, «»- toeiely and church dohwe, etc, ete, or any other mattere of general intereet uillaluaye hate • place tn our column*.—Ed '** *1 NOTICES, 4Pe. per line (nonpareil t hnouurement, 1» linee lo the inch) for each ineertion. Any special notice,"the object cf WMA *« to promote the pecuniary benefit of any individual, company or society, to be considered an advertisement, and charged accordingly, ' vw s>Any,quantity of 1st Class Fall 0?fc -^ihter apples wanted aVFIoody*a s V* , T 355 K Canteeon Is prepared to * large quantity of fall ; \ JQantelon Bros, are prepared to 'w<) * ;pay the highest price for plums and pears during the season. 353. WUMgIi lews Record, r (4NtAMAhi4TEl>.) .Plums I Plums 11 Plums 111— ■ John Cunningham'-, the groc#*-;, will, pay the highest price/for pliims dur ing the season. 354—tf »100 Agents Wanted at once to . sell Family Bibles. Good pay and steady employment.—Chris, Dick son, Clinton, 350 Z tTfre person who found. a Rubber .. ;k Circular, between the-Bayfield. Road ’‘• '"And Princess street, Olint'onfwill con;" fer. a favor by leaving the same at this office. ‘ ‘356 OHr Call 1 Call where.? Why, '■■t' Oak Hall. Fischer had. to he sent . for and he took th© suffering man ,.#nd suited him. ■ . ’ ’ ......_.... >......; ■ ^••1 • • * — . 1 ** 0 Notice.—The gentleman that was seen picking np the Gold Locket" and Chain by' Cooper & McKenzie’s planing mill (Thursday evg., Sept. 3) save himself a great deal of trou- - fblO by returning it at once to Robert'- ’sWs Gieat Cash Store. 356—It* , Read what “Orangeman of. 1830.” ’.^ I>a8 to say on another page. 7,; Mrs. Ja?. Keag, of Goderich, is j^tisiti ng her'dSUgRterTMiC' Thomas, ;ih.0iinton. - ■ Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Miller, formerly of Clinton; how of the Ari ' .* ington, House, Port Elgin, left on Friday last on a trip to New York 1 ahd other American cities. • ' ?:■• Dr. Stewart, of Montreal, form* ; erly Of Brucefield, has been- elected • gen.eral secretary of the Dominion Medical Association for the next . .-iyear, _ The glass-blowing fiend has been 4? MtoundLagaint ' We now. notice that.. -.Dweri Sound .proposes to.give a $20,- _____ iqnfarfor glass, worts; employ- •fag 3dOTiands. * ...y. ^i-‘ .' Ex-CoUNGiLnoK DoaNe isripprov*- .'* jftg in his -mode of , locomot ion,.'.the ..rheumatism ■ in .one of his' lower limbs having lately become, slightly ^discouraged in its attacks. Miss Carrie, daughter of Mr.'A. /•S. Fisher, late of Clinton, was re- , ’Tcently married at Denver, Cel., to ’. Air. J; C. Reynold's of the Mercan- Z Agency of that city.^ ■ r , Mr; F. W. Johnston, Reeve of ^■^yddririch, was in town Friday havs ■ h ,ipg .taken fa the Lu ;know~,.-and~^. TY^ingham Caledonian '.fames. The gentleman 'was highly'deJighled with ‘ th© doings at Wingham . .The publishers' !he Mitchell >fdriocafe seat 27 Piersons at their tables every day, Ind yet they wrirer not satisfied. A birth in the”family laat week adds.HtiP another. In the poetic language of Shakespeare or Whituian:;, ‘'May their tribe increase.”. . - » * A CORRESPONDED of fc|,ft “Moiltb- Fbwtic SciiooL Inspector Mas# lpoh is on an official tour north. Bishop Baldwin arrived in town on Saturday and returned to London on Monday. The wife of D. D. Wilson, Reeve of Seaforth, died last Saturday. Public sympathy is with the gentle man in his bereavement. Mr. John Robertson has secured the services of Miss .Noble, late'of Quebec, to take charge of bis dress and mantle department. Her rela tives reside in Goderich, She comes highly recommended. . PQRTi|At Imagery^—Once in a great while something comes stealing across the vision like a passing angel, having with it the odour of strange flowers, plucked by unseen hands, in unknown cquntries far beyond the earthly seas. We do not under stand it^ cannot fathom it, yet we know that dt must be, a thing of joy and beauty. An exchange editor, read thus far when his overwrought feelings found vent in the exclama tion “Good, by Jove, another sub subscriber paid up.” At “ the Provincial exhibition there was a race for lady riders for prizes offered by the Association. It wqB interesting contest fbt first place Between Mrs. Belcher of1 ijkondgn, i^qd Miss Jennie Swen, of Brucefield?’ They went around the course almost neck and neck, but Mins f^wpn came in a trifle shead, and wjpp the silver medal. This should be especially gratifying to the young lady whose training was without riding masters, while her rival had the benefit of city riding schools. - . Mrs. Emza" G? ‘Kemble,~oFW Trinity street, Toronto, writes to the Telegram'.—“Here is a recipe as'I have used it and ^ured my chi’dren of scarlet fever and smal’pnx. When learned physicians said the patient must die, it cured ; — Sul phate of zinc, l«gr,; fox glove (digit alis), L’.gffij. | .teaspoonful of sn'gar. Mix with two tablespoonfuls of water; When thoroughly -mixed add four ounces, of water. Take a teaspoon fill every hour. Either di-*1 sease will disappear in twelve hours. For a child, smaller doses according to age. ‘ For a;-preveutive take a teaspoonful before each meal. Child ren less quantity according to age.” She says it is harmless if taken by a well person. ‘ ■ I **We have received from the Pub' .Habers Part II. of the Souvenir, NuMBER”of tlie Illustrated War News. This part (we did not re ceive'part I.) contains the History of the Rebellion from the battle of Fish Creek to the conclusion of the trial of Riel and is illustiated by 4- Miss Maggik HiMPHiLL is visit ing in town. Misb He star Mgqrk is visiting relatives in Port Huron. Mibb Hattie Reid has returned from n visit to friends fa Port Hope. “Dave” Cantelon is shipping apples at the rate of 1200 barrels per week, Mibb K Coskns, after spending a couple of weeks in the country, has returned to town, Miss McMannis, of the Palace House, has returned to town after a few weeks holiday. ' Mb. James Ry? has returned home after an absence of several weeks in Michigan and other places. Mr. A,. A. Bennet^ is in Toronto attending the School of Embalming, under the management of Prof. A. Renoward, of Kansas city. Cantelon Bros, liaveahipped over 6QQ baskets of plums ibis season to Chatham, Dresden and Wallace* burg. Mrs. Mitchell and her niece, Miss McFarlane, of Toronto, are the guests of Mrs. A. H. Manning and Mrs. C. J. Tuthill. . ‘ Mbs. Wm. Coats has returned home after a six weeka visit to Chatham, Rothwell, Detroit and other places. Mrs. JrN. Croll who had been the'guest of her aon, Mr. John A. proll, has returned to her-home, at Niagara Falls, N. X. At the meeting of the London Presbytery last week a request for the translation of Rev. Mr. Hender son from’ Hyde. Park tri Brucefield ;»" John T. Dickson, of Tuckersmith, is suffering froin ill health and has been in Goderich for sorrie time with the hope that the change and rest may restore him to Ilia usual health. On Tuesday of tins week Mr. J. Hill, operator, of Brampton, led'to the alt^rj as a happy and smiling bride, Maggie E, youngest daughter -of’Rev. J. J. Rice, of B'*lleville. The monument erected in the old Presbyterian grounds'in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, who were killed'in a railway accident about 30 years ago, has been removed, 'along with the mortal remains, to. the cemetery.- The half-a-cent stamps just issued by Postmaster General Carling are very handy, and large numbers are being issued from the Stratford of fice, They carry unsealed circulars,, or sealed letters addressed to. parties living within the city limits.—Strat ford Times. ’ ■ . , They All Do It—^And why not tlm “poor pripter?” \The latest , ‘LvictimLJs^J.-^C^.HAvdU^awof^tlio- GrIl Reporter office, one of our pie- decessors in the publishing of The Record, He was married lest AV«d- nesday at. Goderich to Miss M. Ax' Nairn, daughter rif our- old friend Mr, John Nairny/of that place. We cannot do better than repeat from Thomson .:—- .*. ./ . “Oil, happy they I the “ happiest of their kind ! ' ” " . i Whom gentler stars unite, and in One fate Their hearts, their fortunes, and tlieir \ beings blend.”; • , • The Sounding Brass.—The For esters of port Artlyir got up aii excursion to Silver Islet last week; , .x.--got—cairght7in--a^a-le^TCl-1HnF^i^§^^ terrific experience. The big drum .of, the linissJiand -was-blo-w-n—n-«eM- board dicing the storm, aiui was not ,recrtyf»ied. a The Cf|ihton town baud though unable last week to show the Iiunknowites w.hat au-A*. 1 band call do returned home with all their instruments and. went to Wirighatii next day-and made Jtlie welkin ring there with sweet strains. The “boys”‘ar.a. improving., .Mistaken identity.—Rev, Ti(n- otbv OCojinell had county consta ble Babcock befpte Judges Elliot; and'"Da.vis atTlle^Cciiirt of*General’ Sessions for the county o.f Middle sex, .on Saturday, for that the said Babcock^did. get a warrant for his arrest for furious driving; ami for ‘saying' that O’Connell “ had two women of- easy virtue in the buggy with . him.. Babcock said h© was mistaken, apologized to Mr. O’Con- nel,’was bound fa $5,000 to behave hiniself toward Mr. O’Connell and allowed to go, • The plaintiff did not, wish jo press the case on hc2_ family. '■ • ' TTuron to the Front.—in the horse line Huron showed up wrill at tlie provincial in competition with ' -the whole-Dominion,' We have only been able to obtain'the names of a few of the successful exhibitors. The following are froin the immediate . vicinity qf Clinton John- Mason, Hullett; John - McMillan, Hullett; VVard, Varna; Tnrrieiy.Brucefield— all for heavy draught. J. Copp, for two year-old.colt; Robt. Beaconi, for two year old .filly ip the,roadster class; and John Beacom's “Tontine,” first in aged, roadster or carriage, and diploma for lior.se o'f any age in same clash! Get), A. Sliarman took first for harness and Tboft., Tipiing for horseshoes. ..There areHnany other ^prizfuwinnerB fronirHuron,-but these are enough to show that Huron is as usualVvell.to the front. Her ex hibitors make a markedly.' gobp showing when it is cotisiderell that competition was confined to no pent up-Province, but the, .Whole .wide Dominion was represented. CdpP*M‘ colt and Beacom’s filly were sired by . . . . ' Died at Fort .-William.—The friends of Mr. Ediuund( Kilty have just, received tlie* distressing news of tho death of that young^ than at Fort William. He died on Saturday fast* He had for1 some time been ailing--with catarrh, and broricliitrs, but from his letters he did tiot seeni to have had any idea that liis ail- .merits were of a serious nature, On Saturday, however, a telegram cante to Ciriton for his mother, who resides within a short distance of .the town, in Hullett, to come up. His brother, • -Smith, was about proceeding to go, Oh Monday wheli another telegram ' Was te'ceiveti Stating that the young man had passed over to'the silent majority. Orders weVe given to have the remains forwarded here and they are expected about the lat ter end of the week. Deceased was i son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kilty of Hullett. Beedes his parents he leaves four brothers: Frank of JBrandon Man., Albert who lives with his parents; (J. M. of Belfast; Smith of Seaforth, and two married sisters, one in Michigan, Mrs, Fan-' qniet1 of Hullett, and an unmarried fry. . , nr C oC . ...... ■»»■/* w t.-m pi twvt me UttNtL-jon__atMagazine-oL^mnitcy^^ defendant having a large • ■ !■ frnm Mmuh1»q u....: . iM t._c r ,, “ °from Messina, ^y8u: , “A bottle of a closed room all the stopper.out destroys 'j.-^IT fafectiori and insect life. I have ■> cleared places which were! infected : ..with verinin many times. ' It 1s far - mote -effective -than the vapor of burning sulp.ljur.” I.P.S.,-D, M. Xialloch has securedv i’ . ih. aUhuocii uajj secured \’.^e uew residence juKC completed by Mr. Wherry and Wi4ll shortly oc-» f - eapy it;. Mr. J, 0. Detlor has / leased the premises erected bv Mr. Bowers last summer, at present '■ ’ll’ 7' occupied 'by' deputy-Reev©^ Goats, : And will habilitate himself an a per-> manent citizen of the “-hub” by tak~* ■ ing possession of them at an-.early ,^'i* ilate. ' _ ' . “Go No Further.”—Mr. *A. £*MoDj*A{fan,zth8 well known author.' Ity on fruit, of Goderich, is engaged along with-other methbers of the - , Ontario Fruit Growers’ Association in collecting specimens for the great Colonial Exhibition. Many samples . tfave been bottled in a solution of I aalicylio acid, in which they retain ’ |.‘‘their nuturnl appearqncev^Hfi has , dn consideration A proposiflip Charles Tupper to accompany lhe» Canadian fruit exhibit to Eng land; Scarcely a better man could be secured.” . The preceding is from |he London Free Press, an'd ,‘tehem’s” fiut sentimentH. Another Name For It.—Mr. A.. /McAlpink Taylor, well known in Clinton aS the author of a collection of poems entitled “Boyhood Hours,” .kas been lecturing to the good folk ' of Brussels, and otiier.sections of the coifaty, on “The duty of the Hour.” L Mr,.Taylor’s efforts Are highly spok1- ,oi by the- young liberals and In “pitching.into the pow* >at be,” it seems that his fault* is limply the outcome of a ^poetical/ ima(.i latjori. Mr. Ms distorted political .jAt/itnAgbry.” Our him, “hilt Hotter of fact way”—that exaggerated and un* liliistemen&i are presented in such ^nfbfashing manner that their Ifhy may be seen of all fash. Our mtiM add*) “unfortunately a major* bt the.electors do noba'gree with Z* ttfa/'hriKeW, *6r/ fortunate «. .... . ............ J^glTrsrpa^^aoFse^ramn^75two=E3of~ which are’ doubie-page pictures. As a supplement to this part the Publishers have ^prepared a litho-' graph, printed in 15 tints, entitled, ‘‘The Volunteers’ Return,” which is really a fine piece of work and the. subject very appropriate. The en- 4l.rU y i i i g>\ rep resen t« the m • e t i ng ’ between tt party of volunteers arid their ^.parents,, wives and children. ■Its t)ie old old x^tory. What A^e's- • chylus said pver 2000 years "ago: , ‘‘For ..what is mores delightful to woindn than when shapes the gate ■ tO-jierTusband returnin'g glorious- is al?- trtfe' to-day as'then and tlie engraving clearlvpontrays th ei(leak' Parts i. and 2 of the Sou’vehir Nudiber can be had either separat"-'' ly or in on© volume, in paper covers’, from* /all newsdealers. These two parts form■ a complete letter press and illustrated History of the. Re bellion; ■Eveiyone interested in- the Histfry of.Cana.da should secure a copy. Effete.—That .an institution or 'i>,atipn is""'old does not necessarily imply, that it is eff, tf>. Even’ the oft 4i 111 e ca 11 ed~’ effects-Go v er n ni e n t of China in the recent Franco^Chinese ■ war gave the modern Europeans, tit for tat. Age is often the imprint of virility, and strength. w. Old Eng-_ land has survived for centuries and: is to-day the" most 'powerful.'. and ■Wealthy nation on the face of ,the_ earth. ■ The members of our Senate, who must be over 30 years of age, and whom we presume are most of them nearer three score years, show ed their manhood last session by«vig orously exercising their prerogative, yet by inversion of the proper order Of things have been galled , effete. And now comes'the Toronto Globe,- which lias often been dub’ed*’air effete concern, in the form of a forty two page daily, showing an enter.- prise and lustiness of life that has never been approached in Canada, •and not excelled on the continent, if in the world. Give the devil his ripe ; and though the Globe' does sometimes show manifest evidence of beingmoved by that arch rebel, One miist fain admire the manage ment which turned ou.t such.a monu tnent of newspaper virility as the etlitiori of the Globe of last Wed nes tfay, "The weight of the paper used on that day was nine and -tuhalf tons. ThererWere, 41.2 different- advertise-* merits, showing that therejis a vast amount of “go” in the business men of Toronto and Ontario, Sweet to Sw.eet.—That £oop$r and Sons.grocery is a very attractive place'has long, been known. But- the cuiutnination, the acme, the vgry apnx of attractiveness seems to hrive beeif reached one'dfty last week; A looker-nut for bargains who is a member of the Bee family waltz 'd ed into Coopers store and being in. the honey business himself he sampled some of . Cooper’s sweet juice as'it oozed frdm some faulty tins, and behold it was good. Trust- lrig not his own^ judgement, . Mr... Tji‘0 returned to the family residence and brought the chief housekeeper and a few others to test the honey dripping from .the tins in Cooper’s store. .And they all of one accoid prOnoueed it good,'very good, a very ftinWosittl nectar, food fitfor tfie gods. One or two of the testers were im mediately despatched to bring all the brothers aud sisters, and cousins am! uncles snd aunts of the Bee family. They came, they filed into the store in dozens, by the score, by the hun- hundred by the—Suffice it to say they took possession of the premises. The propiietors wer<? at a loss whether to about murder or’fire. Some one proposed to ring the fire belt The bees proceeded to busfc ness and loaded up with honey at less than first coat; Neighbor Rotz was called in, a smudge fire was made to produce smoke and with tll6 ttld Of the blank va -^iac£e jn?A din&ot frqn? th* puldiaW in Philadelphia, comprising six different kinds and ranging in prioo from $4 to $13. Thoy are undoubtedly the best value aver offered in Canada, and contain the Old and New Testament in parallel columns, Come and m them and examine the many hew features in these Bibles, which are not published in any other. WHEN VISITING THE HUB OF HURON CALL AT I The Great Dry-Goods Podace We keep the Largest and Best Selected Stock in the County-, and carry on ALL the Branches of the Dry-Goods Trade t Millinery, Mantle-Making, Dress-Making And TAILORING. • For summer weather we are showing a very full selection of White Lawns, White Pks, White Spot Muslins, Colored Muslins, Colored Lawns, Embroideries and Laces.—Lace Parasols, Silk Parasols, Cotton Parasols and Umbrellas.—Men’s and Boy’s Kubber Coats, Ladies’Rubber Circulars/ Highest trice for Butter and Eggs. Five pet Clint. Off fof Cash. The National ENCYCLOPCEDIA. I have also received a large'stock of a very useful work entitled “The National Eacyclopoalia of Bus’n?ss and Lieal Form-!, e e’’ Price in Cloth $8.75 and . in full Morocco $175.. It contains 872 pagos. Chris. Dickson, Clinton. ------,........................... The nows of the death of Mrs. D, D. Wilsou of Seaforth last Saturday was received with much regret, the . lady having been favorably known here while a resident in 1884, v Something will soon haye to bri* done with the planking on the south pier in the shape of replacing the brolien or rotten Ofies 'ahd^hailing * down the loose ones, Secord Co.,, are shipping a large amount of lumber, often, as on the past two days, loading 8 cars a day. A large quantity of the outstanding oat crop in this neighboirlibrid was ■gathered in on Saturday, the farmers' in many instances working after dark for the-purpose. We regret however to have to state, that, there is still a considerable quantity in the fields, The Lake Shore Sal£ Association . >3 Dj2W m working condi tioo^fhe. pf.. fice. being on West street two doors east of the Post Office. Those of our people who attended the Caledonian .games at Lucknow last week were much dissappointed, as the only part of the-programme -carried out was the concert in the evehing. Our duck shooters are makrngfinag- nificent preparations - for their. ex cursion to Lake Smith early next month. Judged by present appear ances if will be quite a show to see them paddling their rush ornamented boats on Lake Smith. . ““ We call the attention of our readers to the fact Chat the Werit Riding of Huron Fall Exhibition' will be held in Goderich, on. 'Tuesday the 29th and Wednesday the 30th of the ^present month, and not on the days published in so many of the County papers. ‘ “ *. The tug Trudeau, dredge Challenge and attending barges arrived in port from Kincardine on Saturday at noon,. The dredging commenced in the spring, but uufinshed, will Re. com pleted as speedily as possible. . A would be sportsman ;on the'flats one morning last week while waiting ■for^duclriv;^imstook^^ockni6fs^gcf®se!i . for the birds lie was looking for and banged away with both barrels.’ A fisherman on the breakwater shouted, “hold on,they are my geese,"butnotic- ing that none were hit, he added, ‘but no matter, because if that is“liow you fire you may shoot at them all day.” “On the Wing” should keep,on the wing and not deccnd to terra firiha, until he has back bone enough to keep from chumming, with the. kind of peoj I). lib does, when “«On the tramp.” On th i tramp style of writing is neith- - er witty nor moral even were it be lieved, so for the good of the commun ity wd ask “Ou the Wing” to stick to aerial navigation -and take his tobacco xvitb him, on his aerial flight. j? The Signal '\n\t8 last issue triesjjLd make ouVThatTTwas because of the absence of the Cl.a:rman i> Toronto last week that there was no sitting of 'the Schoo! Board. The reason there was no meeting was' because Messrs. Swanson and Morton who were in town were not present. As bolh these gentlemen had been duly notified ancL were seen t'ogetlie^App the square during the evening, they should bear an equal share of, the- blame,, particularly as they could easily have been present, while Mr J Detlof .could rrot. ' . —Some “clever^ person (plagiarist) signing as “Tal’ent,” parodied* an old song and sent.it for publication in laBt week’s -JVew'jyra.. The meaning of the poet ry.e is so obscure that .it is impossible to answer it, and our only reason for^writing on- u subject that is meant fora buqjesque on the bazaar, the singers or somebody or" something else, is to show'the ignor- .ance oKthe’poet. Th'b-co'ncert com menced at 8 p. m. on Thursday,.at which the tea. that “Talent” .wanted .to clear lrs voice with w.as all over. Again, if we are correctly informed, -theT.'Vew-'Wi'a goesxto press on^rhurs- day afternoon—how then could “Tal ent” know whether tlie singers would be . charged ten" cents the same as other.visitors ? :It may also be stated that of the long list of ladies and ■ gentlemen promising to sing on tlie occasion none were absent. “Talent” lias overstepped''the mark with his poetical imitation, and in doing so has earned ( the talenl ed title of a regular growler. The' (rod), fishing season, being nearly oyor we may state that though the season has not been up to. some previous.ones, particularly in perch, herring and* suckers, there have been some .excellent fish caught. Reading a few weeks since of a county news paper man travelling all. the way to • Muskoka to cat ill a two and a quarter pound bass induces us tri state that Mr.. Geo. Grant caught one twice that; wight,"-Slid at least a dozen anglers. awhom we cquld _name^caugbc .pne.or ‘“more’weighing over two, pounds, thus it will be seen that sport can be had in Goderich excelling' that of the much . vaulted summer fishing stations.- Pickerel ran into the river in large nuinbers and proVed excel lent, sport, inany exceedingly large ones having been hauled from ;Mait- Iand‘s„fldwing river. • ■ 0 . . .The first of a series of matches ar ranged by the Goderich' Gup Club canie off on Thursday afternoh. To make the match more interesting Messrs SeHger and grant' chose, sides Wiiicli competed for the eiperise of the irlass balls'nsed on the occasion. Mr. Ja‘. Addition performed the duties o umpire and Mr. Geo. Sheppard act ed as scorer»- The matoh is a hand! cap one, so that, good and. moderate shots stand an even chance of winning tho -prize, The following' were the scores. C, Sea ger” '.B;r. Watsm W, Ellood F. Naftfll A well-known medical man pre* scribed spirits ad libitum because the patient’s system had recently re ceived a Bhock by which Jtbe ner vous organism divides the 'respqn- • sib’ility among its several parts, the" cerebellum presiding oyer the co ordination of the movement, the cerebrum over volitional;, life, an<T the medulla oblongata over respir ation,’ and a hair of the dog'that bit him was the correct thing, and the qrinciple of similia siniilibus curan tur must be preserved. 1st. Paul’s Sunday School* The Sunday School house of St.' Haul's church* was opened on Sunday last by the Bisliop of Huron. There was a children’s service and a sermon, "by( the Bishop, ancT’at wtlie“close of the sermon, he' in an .appropriate prayer dedicated the'building to the .^honour and glory of, God, and for Sunday School and congregational purposes. The School House is generally- spoken of as very complete in its inn ternal arrangement. It can by means of. windows bring on pulleys, be shut into three room's, main room, Bible class, and, in the gallery, Infant class room. <i Externally, the School House is in harmony with the architecture of the church, a difference being made by having square, mullioned windows in the sides instead of gothic windows. • This style of building is‘beginning, to be in vogue, a church in New York planned by a leading■% architect has these characteristics. Gothic ends,rind-' old English sides. The Bishop preached in St. Paul’s church, morning and evening. It is needless to say the sermons Were in structi.ve,- eloquent and earnest. , There were large congregations, at .both services, and the singing of well known chants and hymns, was pro nounced by Bishop Baldwin, a musi cian biinself, very sweet and well The plans of the Sunday School * ’ building were gotten up by Mr. H. B, Proudfoot of this town, the contract for tlie building was let to Mr. John* Scott, who very conscientiously par ried out the details of the. plans. ~GODERIOH. Mr. R. Radcliffe left onrMofidaV. for tlie Queen City.' .. . , About 209 visitors for the Toronto Fair left this .station .on Monday.' * Col. the lion. A-.' M. Ross, left by the early train on Monday tor Toron- to/ ' ■-.* .” ” ■’ *-\ ' ' . . ■Collector F-drrow^took in the Tro*, ^vfncial Fair last week. . . ■■—' Mr. Bingham lias ret'nrned from his ''trip to tile old’country, - • . Mr-**C. C; Crabb returned from his eastern visit on Saturday. Miss.Newcomb visited the Forest City last Week.. . ’ . ' . * Mr Geo, Rice was in London last ’ week. : • \ * • .... A large quantity of Fall Wheat has.; been sown in this neighborhood. . Mr. J. S; McDougall yisited Detroit , Hast Thursday. ‘ ' ’*-. ' ' Conductor Higgins and two of "bis children spent Sunday in town. , Mr. Chas..Somerville spent Sunday Ah town. '* • - ■ The band played around the square last Saturday evening. ■ Mr. Lewis Elliott left.last.'week on * a trip east. - . . Mrs. and Master Hilton Holmes, returned from Detroit last-Thursday, j Mr. Jno. Nairn, jr> left on Monday - for—I; is-homey-Michigan-?— ----- -r-—— Hy men’s torch will be‘ablaze to morrow. Miss McDermott has returned from her visit'"to Detroit. Mr. Vesey Ell wood arrived in town . on a visit last week. ' , '. * Mr. W. L. 'Horton-returned from Sarnia on Saturday. . * , - . „ . The United Empire was in harbor lajst Saturday on her upward trip. The steam barge with salt srom Port Frank discharged her cargo at this port last week.' ' ,d • Mr.-Jas. Homerville, M.P. , of Luck now,.was in town last Thursday and Friday.' The stenmrir Saginaw'Valley was in port last Thursday on her last trip this season from -Detroit. , Mrs. Wilmer Smith who was so seriously ill a few w^eks since is rapidly gaining cbnvalesenco, ' M. y Mr.T Harry Boulton, ol Guelph, formerly of this town, was visiting „old friends here last week. > . Mrs. A. M. Todd after a few dayB "Visit in;tdwn and neighborhood left Ifor home on .Monday.. ' ■ Mr; "Wm. Vanstone^ .toqk in the London Fait’last we'ek, arid the,n left for Kincardine. ' *• - There will be work .on hand at the meeting, of Huron Encampment on Friday evenihg. . a Mr. R. Starke who was at London Exhibition last week'is attending the Toronto Exhibition. ....... The Misses McMicking have"''re turned to town after a six. weeks visit to the seaaider^- - " Mr. Joseph Beck is at Torotitct, hatj ing left on Monday to be present at the Military review, "The^scbooher. RLS. Gdrdon sailed on . Saturday for the Fishing Islands* with a cargo of salt arid empty fish barrels. — . The schooner Kolfage with coal for P. McEwan arrived last Thursday* and left again this week with a cargo of salt. The tug Jessie, with two barges in tow, called in port on Sunday morn ing on her way up the lake to try and raise the sunken schooner Sweep- ■ stakes. The Garibaldi reached harbor last- week with a cargo* of lumber for Secord & Co., after unloading the Garibaldi sailed on Friday evening for another cargo. The County Board of selectors met yesterday in the office of the County Attorney to regulate thu jurj G? Giant., FTretty J. Wynn 4 7 Nesbit .4 4. 9 fl L' rjlii j ■ J. HODGENS, DRY-GOODS PALACI § S : $5 £ *144 S- O X- o> c LU o I— z d -jg. .,V; t '------"AT-------r . •- Robertson’s • " ■ We have secured the services of MISS NOBLE, (late of Quebec), To take charge of this department. -We believe her equal is not in the county. We would ask the ladies of ^61iiTtoii^and^icinityd;0"give4Te]fartrria?l^Gha?rges’’inoderater* ROBERTSON’S. GREAT CASH STORE. APPRENTICES WANTED. Grand Show-Room Opening on 24th, 25th, and Everiing of 26th. CHINA T WARE! TO 'THE FRONT I C. J. TI THILL &< <>., Wholesale ANb Betail dfalers in | Teas, Coffees, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, 3S’XtC.i feTC.i ■ / Although Sugars have ad vanced lie pdf ik, we are still selling 20 lbs." good RavT Sugar for gl. A CAR LOAD of Refined Sugars on the way from Refinery, al ■ Former Prices. Aho h.heavy shlpnibnt tri hand of our LT Eh I l l O u s T Give us a call and be Convinced, as We are boilnd to sell at closest prices. #3“Samples of our Famous Teas sent io any address With pleasure; C. J. Tuthill & Oo., ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. .:i£FJ ■< — -O' - ■ la 3SSSJ . FOR - • *...';’ "" '■ . , -o—o—o-———- '■ _ „ " We nOw offer the'balance of our trimmed aud untrimmed £ : . Hats, Bonnets, Feathers, Flowers,, Ornaments, Ribbons, ' ■ ' ■ Lawns, etc., at 111 /A a ‘ V V- t. 1 Cfaffax carriage WORKS are needing a nob.by rig can and examine -* ‘ ' V- m,^fe'Sbrat^ Cante/M Gear °nS' andthe ^CComLhrUili Of tbe be3t material and eVA -. < .................................. kor your FALL SUITS, • ’■ " - •■’ ’ • • ■? ... . • ’ ’ » ■ ■ . . " ’ WHERE '. , tl I s ■ill « Does a nice trade in tliat.Jine. A goqd stoeli.J?' either the School Board or the^Con- tingent Committee,in which case Mr. Swanson, had' usurped the power of the whole Board forhis son’s benefit. Mr.'Swanson answered Mr. Ball in. his own peculiar style, in which lan guage was used that befitted a gang of loafers rather- than a School Board* meeting. As the case will be before the next meeting, of the Board’ wo advise those tax payers who have an interest in the welfare of the town to be present and learn in' what a pecu- Tial^V&avthe obairman'of the Contfri? gent Committee and his son manage the (painting, glazing, carpentering etc. of the public schools . 5 8 . 3 0 . ' ,19 16 -- The balls were rifled troth a rotary trap, but' its position was not very good whibh somewhat iutorferred with good shooting. <, b ' At the School Board meeting on Monday the members were all pre* sent. During a discussion on a ques tion before ths Board, Mr.Geo. Swan* son used” such 'ungentlemanly lan guage towards tlie chairman -that" there wasfa loud crywif “sliame.” On the, preseritation of Ari account frdm Mr«—Mr-Gr Swanson ion* 836.00 Mr. Ball moved that it ba referred back Scotch and Canadian Tweeds,* Worsteds, and . Trouserings, always on hand.Cook, Brof. De Peudry; Bong, Miss ’ Wy.rin, “Blue BcIIb of Scotland”; duet, Miss jRynes, Master Harry . Rynes, “'Where are the Plains of Zion *(”; song, Mr. Henderson, “Over the ’Roll- ' ing Sea”; duet, Messrs. Thomas and Luttrell,, “DoWn. \Vhero the- Violets Bloom”; song, Mrs. Toms, “Ye Banks and Braes of Bonnie Doon”; quartette,. “Ministrels’ Farewell,” Mrs.Rothwell, Mi's, Toms, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Belcher. n The selections by the band during the ■evening were .well.seleded. and'as= well’rendered. _ ‘; . — -----J7Za." * *******——'—~~~ Fall Sliows In 1885. Tlullett, Clinton, Sept. 24, 25 South Huron; .Exeter, Sept. 28, 29. Industrial,. Toronto, Sept. 7—19.* North^Pertb. Stratford’, Sept. 24, 25. Central, Guelph, Sept. 28—30, Central, Hariiilton, 21—25.*’ Southern, St. Thomas, Sept’. 22—25. Hay, Zurich, Sept. 22, 23. “Tuckcrsmith', Seaforth, Oct, 1, 2. West Huron, Goderich, Sept. 29, ,30. Morris, Bly th, Oct. 13,14. Northern, Walkerton, Oct.fi, Hillert, Staffs, Sept. 30. , Stanley, Bayfield, Oct. 8, 9. , Plcasant ari<l‘ Profitable. • The Bazaar under t)ie auspices/of the Ladies* Aid Society of St, George’s Chtirch was held iri the Palace Roller Rink last Wednesday arid Thursday. The opening day was a wet one which marred its prospects considerably On Thursday, however, sol shone forth 1 nay, zmricn, oept. with .'‘unusual brilliancy, making upz Mitchell, Sept. 22«.23. for his, total ’disappearance the day “''’•’"’'■“-'■"’•'ri. before. ' decorated f . _______ arranged. There was a large display of fancy and useful articles marked in plain figures at reasonable prices, and .refreshments of various kinds were obtainable, 'file meals supplied each <fay at 25 cenlB^ere exceeding ly toothsome,, beingproperiy cooked, C.hnvmingly epi'VfidTithrl eornprised rti all th© deiieaeieX of the season. On concei^was laj’geiy-patronizetf? The 'p'rogramme/given..below)i Was an ex* Cellent ofae, the several ladies and gentlemen named therein acquitting themsylves in a manner satisfactory to all. Notwithstanding the unpro- pitious weather that heralded the opening a sum of Over two hundred dollars was netted by the Ladies’ Aid Opening, JnstrumehtsI duet, Miss Cook, Prof. De Peudry; song, Mr. Henderson, “The Englishman/’ aS enooref “Th© ship ihi "" “ jit “ up' lay The . ltrnk Wag beautilolly _______d with evergreens, bunting, flags, etc., and the tables artistically arranged. There was a large display of fancy and useful articles marked in plain figures at reasonable prices, and .refreshments of various kinds were obtainable. The meals supplied each dgy at 25 can Lb ^ere exceeding ly toothsome,, bcingproperly cooked, charmingly servedy ahd Comxirised of all the dellcaciex of the season. Oh Thursday everiing the promenade concer,^,w.as largely -patronized? The p'rogramme/given..below)i Was an ex* cellent ope, the several Indies and gentlemen named therein acquitting themsylves in a manner satisfactory to all. Notwithstanding the unpro- pitious weather that heralded the opening a sum of over two hundred Society. MARKET REPOTS. (Corrected (.very Tuesday aftcrnoc n CLINTON. JPIouh** - ■-"« ......-' Kff to * < W Full WhCnt, « * • 0* <5 to 0 SO Spring Wheat, . » - o 75 to o so ; •-•■ - o 50 to o oo Cuts, ' • • » "“*^.....0.50' to 0 SO " J » 0 55 to 0 56 td, 150. . 0 50 to 0 60 .»* . 0 10 to 0 11 • 0 10 to Oil » -10 00 to 11 00 « 5 75 to 5- 75 • S 00 to 4 00 0 00 to 0 00 ■ • . 0 17 to 0 17 Flour," ■ - ^ywiiont, ■flarifiy »'■ . (Outs, Peas, -• u on Apples, (winter).par oo Potatoes, tiew - ' - * KA Butter Eggs, Hay, * Pork (.’or'dwbod, • .Bott • * Wool * k ss4 * IMPORTANT Ab In returriipg (banks many friemls and. patroniior faaat^natj'dnage^T^Wolild^-- ‘ ““ . 'like/to call their special attention to my very coiiipjete'StOck of ■ HAliHlsSr whips, CURRV combs, brushes, etc., etc> ■s.7 i- « . ' Special attfehlion is directed io tny stock off- ' .* :-:SINGLE::HARNESS:-: It will be found very complete,'And ror durability arid finish banriot tin eXbeitod bf any one. As I efnploy none but the best Workmen, and use the best material to .bd bought in the market, all who may favor me with their patronage may feel confident t ' of getting satisfaction; » ■ . ** a^PRIGES AWAY DOWN, . Trunks and Valises in great variety -and Prices Low. GEORGE A. SHARMAN 1*4 ■a —i.-,• ,-i ■cxia 0 A. 0 *