HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1885-09-09, Page 4.............................................................. NEWSPAPER LAWS We ftftll the spacial attention, of Bos nastera and subscribers to the following lynopais, the newspaper laws t*™* - J—A piwtpjaster is required to give ■oticfi BY lktcer (retiuuing a paper does iwt auswsr the law) wlienasubsci iburdoes ijot take his paper out of the office, and itatu the reason for its not being taken. Any neglect to do w makes tlie poatmaster rea^msible tauthe publishers fiftr payment^. , -If any peiwn orders lris,p.a}W dis-t coutiiiued, he must pay all ai rearages, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is made, and collect the whole amount, whether it be taken from the office or not. There can be no legal “iweoutiunance until the payment is made. .3—Any person who takes a paper fi om the post-ofUce, whether directed to his uaiue or another, or whether ho lias sub- svribed or not, is responsible for the pay* 4—If a subscriber orders his paper to be stoppart at a certain time, and the publish­ er continues to send, it the subscriber is bound to pay for it if lie takes it out of the poat-ofliee. Th is proceeds upon the ground that a man must pay for what he uses. P £ § Rj^y-In the Division Court in Goderich St the Noveiriber sitting ft newspaper pub­ lisher ened for pay of paper. Tlie defend­ ant objected paying, on the ground that ho hiid ordered a former proprietor of the paper to disoourintm it. The Juilgoi held that that was not a valid defence. The plaintiff, the present proprietor, lied no’ notice to discontinue and consequently could collect, although it was not denied that defendant had notified foimvr pro- Srietor to discontinue. In any event efendant was bound to pay, for (he time he* had received the paper 'and iinlil he had paid all armara due for subscription. CIIUROIl DIREilTORl. St. Paul s Church.—Services on Sunday at 11 •an. md 7 p.m. Bible Class, 10 k.m. Spnday, ‘ School. 2.80 p.m. Service on Wednesday, 8 p.m Rkv. 1>u Rcefe?r____ R ttenburv Street Methodist.—Services at 1'.SO a. m nd 7,00' p. m. Sabbath Sohoal at 2.30 p, tn. Rsv. Mr. Rupbrt, Pastor. Cana la, Presbyterian.- Services at 11 a.m- . and 8.30 o. m. Sabbath School, 2.3Q p. in. liny. Aiosxi STKWaitT, Pastor. Ontario Street Methodist.—Services at 10.30>. m. and 7.00 p. m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p.m. Itsv. w. w. Sparuno, Pastor, Baptist Church.—Service at 0.30 p.- in. ' Sab­ bath School, 2.30 u. m> Rjw J“. Okay. I’asto*. has H^rvivpvu >«• ximvuui, Nti- and is published at the t has This disclosure For laran hick, side or chest, use Bidoh's Porou-i Plante;, Price 85 ' cents. >old by J. IL Combe. 885-y > mine began to run way like a akit. , tish hoBB, and I leaned back and tried tn bold em’ in, and aa we was agwine along I ketched one of my feet in the tail of aomebody’a gownd, but I couldn't atop to aee about It, and I tore about twenty yards, of lace and black beads, and velvet ribbon loose, and sailed^long with it i trailingout behind me on the floor] like the tail of a comiek, and the ; I woman that it oom off from was a hanging to the other end of it, and acreaming for me to stop. Stop, indeed 1 That was just wbat I’d been trying to do, but you might as well have tried to stop a cyclone that had got well under way. “Do, Tor' mas'SJ^B sake, grap at something, Mr. Jones, as we go by 1” . sez I, all out Of breath and ready to faint away.o 'Grab at it yourselff’ sez he, as his legs flew wider apart, and his cane struck Squire Jen kins square in the stummack, and brought him down like a Btroke of lightning, And about a dozen other skaters that was a going round, and didn’t see the squire in time to stop, piled up on top of him/ but still Solomon and I went on. I grabbed at one of the chandy- leers that was sot up onto a bracket in the centre of the hall, and down it come and busted, and everybody yelled, “Fire I Fire I” .but I didn’t stop. Nor Salomon neither, ' -The fust thing I knowed I run rite onto one of the fiddlers that wore ^Recks,, ftn4r14^t^Jgj^ sation in the top of my head/ Rnd, lawful heart! them false bangs of mine bitched onto his specks, arid there they hung. And lie--had red hair, and..-/them.-bangs were black,. . . Just then Solomon’s coattails parted—it wasn’t in the nature of factory-made cloth to stand any such a strain—and Solomon plunged head fust right into the base drum, and busted it in two, and cOme^out on the other side. ■ , But I kept right on, and the door into the sellur had. been lejt opeft by’ the man that seed to‘the fires, and I skated rite into it. I remember of hearing ah awful cracking of bottles or sunthing like it, and all was still. ' . ^OX ^TORY-^JEAUERS. i * ; ! aunFhanna’s’expebi- >; ENCB AT A 3WLLE& KINK.* Gracious airth I I'm pretty nigh done for this mornin’ I I feel as f‘"though I'd Leon run through adou- lite-barreled' thrashing machine, and put together agin by somebody that hadn’t iarntthe bizness., • The top of my head is ria up a foot from my brains, and my back­ bone is so sore that I couldn t bear to have a muskeier step so much as one foot onto itl .And I'vejzot the plurality in the side where Capen Davis' skate struck me, and the ruL. fles is all tore off from that red cash­ mere gownd of mine and I wish I’d? stayed to home and gone.to bed with' a hot flatiron to my feet, and the cat qtweeri my shoulders, a« Iginerahy do. Consarn the skating rink, and consarn the man that invented rol ling spates! I wish be liad to live on baker’s bread and city water lor the rest of his life! I shouldn’t a gone if it hadn’t been for Ned, Ned is my neph’ew, and he’s lived with me ever since brother Eben died. Eben died five years . ago, rather slidden, of neumony', and iudid seem as though it-was to ba H© .wejit down like grass under a four boss mowing machine ; and the three doctors he had didn’t amount to nothing except to bring in bills. •He turned over onto his side, and sez ha, “Hanna' I’m a’gwine." And he went, ^brought Ned home with me, and he’s been here ever since. When my late lamented pardner, Moses Mullens, departed this life, aged 43, and of such is the kingdom of heaven, I found Ned a great com fort. He’s a dreadful mischievous boy, but he's tender-hearted, and. wouldn’t like to see anything suffer. ,.^When he drownds kittenfi he allers beats the water, so’s as not to chill their innards; he aez,and he- w^uldn’t- .. kill a wasp without cutting it in two^ for fear one end would see what the t’other end of it suffered. He’s been a teasing me to go to the rink ever since it started “Do go, Aunt Harina,” sez lie; “.it'll be something,-to remember all .yer lifetime. It’s like riding on Peg- astus, and soaring—" ‘I liain’t no Boarer I’ sez I, ‘and Tis for riding onto anything, that's more’ spirited than our Old buckboard I shan’t. It makes ny head swim to think of it,’ and I went on putting a-patch onto the setiing>down<q>art of Granther Hayes’ yellow pants. Granthe'r is a superaninated old man - ■ that moved here 10 years ago to die, and-madb his Will in my late laments ed Moses favor, but he’s forgot all about what lie’s come 'for, and bids fair to" li ve li ir the nex t ■ co n ten n ial , if lie yon’t fool round no dynamite- and gil blowed up without Warning I lie hadn’t got no teeth, no eyes, nor ears, that is good for anything; but- he knows all that goes on, andja. good deal that don’t go on. ’’ I thought over what Ned said, and A case came before the Brighton magistrates last week which dwplayi another of the strange anomalies of English criminal laws, A man was convicted of stealing a watch at the south end of the West Pier, and the inagiatrates weiiQ about to deal sum­ marily with«Wie offence when it turned out that, technically, this theft had been committed ‘on the high seas/ and that therefore the case „ must bo sent for trial at the Sessions- If the watch had been stolen at the shore end of the pier it would have been a simple theft, and the0 Bench could have dealt sum­ marily with the case, but being com­ mitted at the sea end it became a thelt upon ,‘the high seas.’ Poisoned. Scarcely a family exists but that some member is suffering with bad blooti and secretions 4rom const'ipu- tion giving rise to Rheumatism, Scrofula, Eruptions, Catarrh ana other complaints indica ing lurking bipod poison which a few pottles of Burdock Blood Bitters would eradi­ cate from the system,^. JEXA-T-rI^® Vegetable Sicilian HAIR BENEWER was the flr»t preparation perfectly adapted to cure diaeusca ot the sculp, and the Ural auo- cesaful restorer vi lauod or gray hair to ita natuial co.or, giowtb, aud youthful beauty, ft has had many Imitators, but none Mtyeso Inijy luet ull the reifulreiueuts needful tor the proper treatment ot the hair and scalp. tlALL’a 11AIK KfXEM-BR has steadily grown u favor, Jimd spread Ita fume and uacfulueaa <> every quarter oC.. tho .globe, Ita unparab ■ led success can be attributed tp but oue ruse; tlai tiilirej'uljl’iiitut of its jiivinisef. Tue proprietors have often been surprised i the receipt cf orders from remote coyn- us, where they had never made au eU'ort for 3 Uitruductmth Thu use for a short time of HAtt’a Haih ■ rwi'.h wmidcrfu.iy Improves the per- ■ rippeanmce. Jt cleanses the scalp from . purities, cures all humors, fever, and a, mid thus prevtuts baldness. It i-s tbo wcalicned glands, and eiii.blea • push forward »t new and vigorous . h hu effects of this article are r.ot like those of alcoholic prepare- ...t reniniii a long time, Which makes -v a matter of economy. UCKINGHAM'S DYE FOR TUB WHISKERS 'll change the beard to a natural brown, line];, uHdesiml. It produccsn permanent >r that, will n<>t wnsli away. Conststingof •irgle proparatfdn, it is applied without ■uble., « i'll si ho •«.n lti-izh; nn^ioisr- Clinton, Wednesday, Sept. ©th. THE SKIN; . • A POEM BX SIR ALFRED POWER. fetes for Good IIousel*ives- UtOSJ il cherries -five tninutesjjhe nt of sugar to ‘a quart fiwVix nnth to a il blackberries six minutes, six ounces of sugar to th CATARRH CUBED, health And sweet breath, secured, by bhlloh’s CAUrth Remedy, P^lce 50 rents Nasal In* jector free. Sold by J. Combo. 835 y goetry. >11 ripe currants six minutes nt of sugar to a quart eight SB. til peaches, whole, fifteen using six ounces of sugar aspberrics six minutos; tfight p« of sugar to the quart, oil plutOH ten minutes; eight., es of sugar to the quart is need The Goderieli News —ASD-3, Huron- Ftecord A most remarkahle discovery recently developed in Lincoln, braska, i . request of the gentleinan who mude tlie discovery. __ _ consists in proving beyond tlie pos- * fl°uLt, by scientific means, lhe existence ol the human soul, laying bare the greatest secret of nature and proving the doctrine of eternal faith. • The gentleman, who for the sake of con venience, is called ■Holland, is described as ft man of small stature, a mild eye and a AllP.ugLitlulcouutflnanceh..and_a,<ie- vout Christian, who possesses a peculiar belief that the soul of a man 'ib a counterpart-of the body itse|f. In this theory of the dual man he sought the key of life and death. He reasoned that within this body of bone and sinew was yet another body existing in vapory foytri, which deatii alone should free, and •* that by a simple microscopic device the dull sight of human eyes might penetrate the minutest particles oi the air and see the soul take-form and flight to the boundaries of another, world. 45,WILL YOUSUFFER-with’fiyS'pepsia .and Llver-Complaiiit?. Shiloh’s Vital- Izcr is-guaranteed to cure you/ Sold by J. II. knnbe. • 835-y.e-j-w. • .PREPART-D BY • 1. P. HALL S CO., Naslraa, IB. Sold by all Dealers in Medioiucs. TOE ALL THE T0KM3 Off Scrofiiloua, Mercurial, and - Blood Disorders, tho. best remedy, because the moat searching artd thorough blooit-purilier. To Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. 8old by all Druggists; $1, six bottles, • National Pills will enre constipat­ ed bowels and regulate tlie liver. The sky, unlike man, is most cheer .-■ ful when the bluest. • WONDER-BOOKS in no trifling cense, but the best literature of the world presented in excellent and attractive form, atpriceasolow as to excite universal f‘wonder.”. Z.TIJJL4IJF of STANDARD HISTORY, Containing in one volume, imperial octavo, good type, with numerous flue Illustra­ tions, the whole riohly bound ift fin® cloth, ornamented, the following celebrated works, unabridged: GREEN’S Larger HISTORY of the ENGLISH PEOPLE. C IKLYLK’S HISTORY of the FRENCH REVOLUTION. CREASY’S Fifteen DECISIVE BATTLES or the WORLD, SCHILLER’S HISTORY of the THIRTY YEARS* WAR. Harper & Brothers’ lowest price for these four great works Is $14.50; my price is $^,5O; postage 40 cents extra. « A wonder-book in more senses than one. The idea of put­ ting a work like this at onty $3.50 per copy, seems preposter­ ous ; and yet there is wisdom in it, for everybody will want it, and it Will thus tie the means of advertising and. introducing the numerous other valuable books which the publisher is put­ ting forward.**—CZjrishan at Work, New York City. “ It is truly a marvel of skill and a triumph of modern me­ chanical art that such a noble volume can be furnished at so small a cost. Whether we admire its large proportions, beau­ tiful binding, fair page, excellent paper, numerous arid strik­ ing illustrations, numbering nearly 100—all are first-class.”— Christian Cynosure, Chicago. III. BIRR AR Y of ST A ND A RD FOETS, containing in one fmparial octavo handsomely bound volume, of about 1,100. pages, Bour­ geois and Bi evier type, leaded, the following works, unabridged j Scott's Complete Poetical anti Dramatic Works. Complete Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Complete Poetical Works of ThomwMbore. ~ Equally good, editions of these are not, elsewhere^obtain- gble for less than $1.50; my price $2.0j0; postage 34 cents. iLimhi11 F HISTORY, ♦ F Poatry, OlagsIfM. . WBBARY o/ CLASSIC FROSE. In <mm» ImparialW tavo volume of about M0 paces, handsome fcrp*. #»• ornamented, the following famous essays and. world! I Mseaulay’a JEanays on Milton. John Stuart MUI On Liberty. P, O. Ham«rtcn’» Tfre ]tntelleota*l LUhal Merbcrt Spencer on Education. Great Thought* from Greek Authors. Great Thoughts from JLatfn Anthers. Complete Essays by lord Baoon. Conspiete letters: Irving’s Kfp Vap^ Winkle and Other SltojehMb Washington's Farewell and Other Addresses. ■ Macaulay's Life or Frederick the Great. - ■ . The above cannot be obtained from any other ppbB»hfa(| house for lees than $10; my price is .$1.75; postage 80 pen*** “Thisis indeed a wonder-book, in the amount and valuable quality o£ its contents. The wonder is how such a boolQ which is a library in itself, can be sold at such a price. odist Recorder, Pittsburgh, Pa, “ Your * Historical Wonder-Book* IS a wonder—a wonder how an imperial octavo volume of over l.OOQ pages, with many illustrations, clear type, fine paper, handsomely bound, con* taining four standard historical works of great value, can be sold for $2.50.”—Benson J. Lossing, LL.D., the Historian. The National Health Society is doing good “service if ils leaflets are all uh good as pne which w« (Pccit Vail Gazette.) bought tlie other day. j, .their stall in Old London at the ^ve-ritori‘«'B, and which wight with-, .dyantage be . pasfed’fiip- iiu every louse’ in the three kingdoms". . The utlior, Sir Alfred Power,..in flow an • ctogenarian, and lives - in retire nen-t at Dublin. We give-the poem n its entirety— , ipre’s a,skin without and a skin.within,, covering skin and a lining skin ;, u t-.i-lte—sk-i-u—av-t-t-lnn... is.. .tl i e ..ski n.....w.it .11 on t,.... oubled inwards and carried conipletely. . throughout. ■ ' ■> !|ic palate, the nostrils, the windpipe and hroat, I'Lol them lined with this inner coat, h tlirougli every part is made to ex-„ tend,' . tings, liver ilnd, bowels from end to end. he outside skin is a marvellous plan • or exuding the dreg? of the flesh of man, Tide the inner extiaHs froin the food and the air ■ \ bat is needed the waste'of the flesh to repair. —....... :;\--*--------- o much brandy, whiskey, or gi”X. apt to disorder the skin within; X, ’ liile if«dirt-y and dry, the skin without, fuses, to let the sweat come out. ‘ . y od people all, have a care of your skin, th that without and that within; the first give plenty oHvater and soap, the last, little else but water, we hope., it always be very particular, where u get your waler, your food, aiitl volir air, ; r if these bo tainted or rendered impure, ’ wrl E have-i fe—efleet-ou-the-bloMtUie-su rq*— e food which will/ever for, you be the best . that you like most and can soonest di­ gest.- ’• - . unripe fruit and decaying flesh are of, and fish that is not very fresh..- ur water, transparent and pure as you- think it, . d better be filtered and, boiled ere you drink it, _ -.' less you know surely that nothing.un­ sound^ * . : have 4 got" to it overuor-««der; the. ground*. ’’ - ; ■ ■■ - of all things the most I would have you beware , . breathing the poison of once-breathed air: . . . ’ . - en in bed, whether out or at home yoti may be, ■ ■ . - ays open the window and let it'go free. h clothing and exercise keep yoiirgelf-i Warm, -f ' ' . jfl)Ange.yjon&clo.th.c.s„quiijtl.yJLcfl.tighL. in a storm, ■ ■ . OttlXl-Cttliglrt by ’CliilJiYig tlia3'6utsid'e‘ skin at oace to the delicate lining within. ou who thus kindly take' care ,6fryour skin attend tQ its wants without arid with­ in, I never of cholera feel any fears, your skin may last you a hundred years. t ■ ■ t Dutch Blood m the Fainjly. Mike’s new baby was the cause of the following conversation right over •ir.; . • looking child, l»n.t it looks more like a German child than an.Irish one.” “I declare to gracious, sor, I belave it does. IIow the divil that comes I dun know. Do you know, owld'wp•' ‘nianl”' • .2 “Aloike,” yelled the weak hiotlier from her bed, “an’ what’s that?* the •gihtlemiii is fiUtti’ your wake moiud • w id ' . - ' . . ', “Pardon; me, Mrs. Gerv'ey • I meant no allusion. The"’ German'-, lookiifg eo.unte:iance can lye probably accounted for from other ■ cauAes. Probably Mike lias been eatinu ’scjUT Crout during the past year,” said the man. ■. ■< •■-- ; ‘'Bi'jahertf, sor,'an* file Lord for'' what it was like. Women as old as 'I go. AVomemthat is.;grandmathers, Thoughj to be shure, I liftin’t so very old, but then I’,m a widder, and wid , ders ought to lie keerful of their ’conduct? ’I left off crape' two years ago, butTve allers wore purple. It seems kinder respectable to a man's memory for his widder not to go to being too gay till the grass is green onto;his la.rst resting-place. • - TH OS. STAN BURY. MuUORMICK SEI .^BINDERS, ■ REAPERS, MOWERS; SEED DRILLS, HORSE RAKES PLOWS, CUTTING -BOXES, SHELLERS, i ■ I FLOUR AND FEED ahvays on hand, The Improved Timpkih fuggy a specialty. Tn Durability, Lightness and Appearance equalled by no other. All the latest improved vehicles ltent const-mtlv on t'and. BLACKSMITH Jn connection.. Best material and . ■ - , . branches. A BARGAIN ’•ms in Children or Adalta-^j>- ©500 REWARD! •WE will par the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Heudaelif, In* Li[igcstiot>,..LlQtijtiputjftapxl2.Qstu.«i>«sLwe wyntQL care with West’s Vegetable Liver Pills, when the -directioiiS-nre strictly .coniplied.,.wjth^JElic,VIiaJKU purely Vdgotahle,‘an<l never fail to give satisfac­ tion. Sugar Coated, huge boxes, containing 30 Pills. 25 cents. For sale bv all Druggists. Be­ ware of counterfeits and imitations. The genu­ ine manuWurid >nly by JOHN C. WEST&CO., “The Pill Makers.’? 81 and S3 King-st., E , Toron­ to,-Ont. Free trial packages s* nt b mail pre-£ .... . Stamp.' J, H. Combe, agent.ciinton , 314-ly. godekich S3” He -pfls Cheaper than any.oneon top-of the Earth ZT POWDERS. nt to t ijb.4 Cofttaiu’thelr own a, p io, 'sure, and" effectattl iCmiPON This Ubuimil will be received In lieuof"i?cvntil^i»h?towar3nS« Jmtc Priced either of above works. If eent within ten days from date of 1*0 V fcN i Oa this paper (mention nsineof paper). This offer is to aecure your • PHOM PT response and Indicate the paying advertising mediums. 100-JPAGIS CATALOG Uli sent free. The beejk Ut- erature of the world at the lowest prices ever known. Booice sent for EXAMINATION BEFORE PAYMENT on reasonable evidence of good faith. Address JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher. P. O. Box 1MT, «93 Prarl Stroot, NewTeelb Nervous #Jebirifated lieu. Yott are allowed' <1 free trial of thirty days of the nse of Dr Dye’s Oelebraied Voltaic Belt with Electric Suspensory Appliances, for the speedy relief and permanent cure of Nervous Debility/ loss- of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles, Al-o, f *r mauy oCKerTirreases""'’ Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaranteed, No risk is incurred.. Illustrated pamphlet, with full information, terms, etc., mailed ,fi'C's bv addressing Voltaic Belt Co.,. 'Marshall, Mich. 3L8v-c343 President McCosh; of-the Prince- ”ton college, has been making a statis­ tical «tpdy of the relations of foot­ boll and baseball to scholarship. He finds that of the twenty^seven men who are prominent members of teams and nines not/one stands in the first -of the six academic grades, only two in the Becond,. flnd- that twenty two ‘ fall in the. lower half of their classes. If Youii Child is Stubborn or hard to adipinister medium to, Dr. -Low’s Pleasant Worm Syrtip will be ap­ preciated. 35l-5b. An- English scientist .says the earth’s surface is slowly changing, and what is a valley to day in’iy be a ■mountain k million years hence, A man who contemplates erecting a resilience, in the valley should re­ member this, an’i’Tlfe prepared to find his house on the top of a high rnoun* ■tain in the year 1 ’,001,885.—Norris­ town Herald., KQ CENTS Rfi wVa pound.mV ----o—O— fl The Best ever offered in this vicinity for the mpney. Also, ''eneral GROCERIES, equally cheap.------MANU*. APTUBER OF------ CARRIAGES, WAGONS, &C., Corner of Huron and Orange Streets, CLINTON.SLEEPLESS NIGHTS,: made miser- able’by that terrib e cough'. Shilo|i’« Cure is the remedy for yourv Sold by J, H. Combe. ^23Jhy .." .‘What iB the origin of the sign $ for . the American dollar?’’- wan tlie-. question, propounded at a London dinner not long ago. The American consul did not know; neither did anyone else. An extensive research resulted in thiij theory: Che’ Amer ican dollar is taken from the Spanisli dollar, and the sign is to be found, of course, in the- associations of the Spanish dollar. On the reverse side of a Sfianish dollar is a. represent­ ation of the pillars of Hercules, and' inscription plus tillra. This device in the course of time has degenera ted into the Sign which stands at present for American as well asSpan- ish dollars. The scroll roijnd the pillars represents the two- serpantfl ?8ent by June to destroy Hercules, in liis cradle. . . “ Ayer’s Ague Cure acts directly on the liver and biliary apparatus, and Tlrives out the. malarial poison- which iuduces ljyer complaints and bilious disorders. . Warranted to cure, /or money refunded. The wild, horses oi Wyoming and- ..Western Nebraska.aye. compact, little animals, weighing‘80/ to I, I JO pounds; The majority of them stand fourteen hands high, tii color they are us ■ uallv brown, sorrel or bay. /.A gray is seldom seen, unless it is a horse that has strayed away from civilization. Their, tails grow long, frequently drag, ging on tbe.grouqd,.but their manes are 1 ike-those of„other horses, and riot flowing to the'kneesas rre-represent­ ed in some books. “The eye, probably from being.constantly On the watch, is larger than-,the’ eyes of the domes­ tic horse, and even when tamed the eyer’eujains’a distinctive mark of the. : horse’s origin. • • .. . ., • A man: would have no pleasure in discovering, all the beauties o the universe, even in heaven itself, un less.he had a partner to whom he 'might communicate his joy. Fluid Lightning docs not. take a day or an hour to remove Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache, Ltiin- bago or heumat'ism, But will du it instantly, and without carrying your head iua poultice f .r ,i day or using greasy liniments. Try a, 25c. bottle from yotir Druggist. . 351-55.- “TO MERCHANTS :. How to Sell Goods ------TALK .TO — F1RST-CL*SS workmanship in all ALL WO .K WARHANTED. - - BRIC'S REASONABLE. $^-Repuiring and Repainting Promptly Attended to, - A lazy fellow falling a distance of fifty feet and "escaping with only ft few scratches, a bystander remarked that, he was ‘too s ow to fall fa t enough tp huijt himself,’ - ' There is no excuse. There is no e.xcuse for the many pale, sallow, weafy looking females throughout our land,, when Burdock Blood Bitters ’ will regulate their troubles and renew their health, strength and vigor at so small a cost. ' . 3 4. 2l.t The virtue Of Carbolic Acid tor lieallni?. cleans­ ing.und wirifyitig is well knowhi; but from the ningy modes of applying it, the public is uncertain how best to use-it. To meet th it want, McGregor & Parke’s Carliolie Cerate is prepared, and may he used with conlbTiiflco D’o-nifc be misled. Take on.l,\ McGreg >r, <b Parke’s Carbolic. Cerate. Sold at the brug.Store." .854-66 * " ATTENTION FARMERS! WALL PAPER. 1’fie tube Tornffouse-Cieumng'iB itierir.J ATI'"'w'a'n"'nr7s* Hall, Parlor, Dinin /-Room, or Bed- . ’ ' E oom ’ apers, will- find lhe , Best and Latest Patterns WA L ■ PAPER up’emeu's! Implements ■iFftrZ S, ORHIJfS IS.’ PSilUS,? ILLEfiS, SC. H3“ I’iie Bazaar Fashion Books f<>r ifi83 are-out and'can be had for nothing Call and sea the papers aiid gel a. Book • In seventy-five cities and towns of Wisconsin’, 8irtCfV”-t4rc~Hqnor’-Heen;8ft- fee was; raised from ■'-7.5;. to. $200 a year, the number of saloons has fallen off 432. But the atnount received for licenses, has increased more than •-^2u4;t)0t)7T-*--"----- -—:—-----’—~ •Prof. Low’s Sulphur/ Soap is a cheap and handy form., of obtaining sthe healing virtues ut a suq hur bath. i ’ ” 354-5t. ■ \ ■ ________ ETU;, ETC., ' And all Implements used on a farm, ■fth .Godd tisTLiluid: ' as the Cheapest, at, J; B. WEIR'S . Implement .warbrooms, 'OajiVi'IMI. - - ' . .ONTARI.Q yive me, I'm guilty, l.did atecront once or-t wice at. Iiinch iri a saloon, k6r;*“'AfTxy^tlTfi" Lord have mercy .on' rrie'-soul for bringin’ Dutch blood into me family. Och 1 Och t. It’s dead that I should be 1” . ’ “Moike 1” again yelled his wife, “an’ is it fur- a lunatic yer-fittin’ yerself ? ’ There never was a^more perfect Iiisli, miug on a child than there is on "this one,” . . “Of course, Mike’, it’s Irish all oyer,” remarked the. man.' "I 'was only joking?’ ’ . ' - ‘‘Am’is it only jokin' ye was’?' Tlie Lord be ptaised for iyer an’ iver at?* away beyant that 1 But it’s a great risk I run in ailin’that crout, it was. I’ll niyer do it agin, so I won’t'.” . I ' . ieT ■ .. . ■ John Porter, of -Ripley, Ohio, writes:--I have given the Pain Killer to Horses for Colic, and found i.t the them ease quicker than any other re medy I ever used, I give for a dose half of; a 25 cent bottle, put-iri a pint bottle of warm water, and ’drench' them with it. I have always cure.d, the worst cashes without delay.. ■Mjne pound, of lean beef, chopped fiije^one quart of cold water. Put tlie brief into a saucepan,, pour the water oVqr it, cover and set at one side Of tlib\range where it will -not. ^rflach the .sith-iiiering--point in less than’an hour. thus very slowly for five or six .h‘our^>Jifting the cover ; several times tb.breaRSthe mOat apart should it clot together\jn cooking. Set 'asidri in a cool place/t^ntil it is perfectly oold^remdye every “particle of fat from the surfacepstrain tni’Otigh stout, coarse muslin,.pressingharcKte extract the ..nourishment, Throw, away the exhausted rags of. boiled* flesh. About a pint of liquid should ' “b^lrift^HTtef ThS^di'ltng'ani^^ »are«auci0 m plished r Set th is-over the • fire in a ctean saucepan when scald­ ing hot not boi’ing—stir in the White and shell of an eng, add bring quickly to a sharp bojl, stirring, often to pre­ vent the coagulated egg from sticking to the sides or bottom of the vessel. Cook thus for three, minutes and strain through a colander lined with ft thick cloth, but dp not squeeze-or rub the clotted egg. Salt lightly, to taste. You, Will 'Have a large criffee cup of' amber-colored bouillon, in which is the strength of a pound of meat. It may be eatpn either cold, or warm, This is a good recipe, and cannot but give satisfaction if followed exactly. * —---- -— A few days ago, on seeing a. well- known butcher pass, an Albert st. tradesman remarked to a mutual ao , quaintance : ‘ >[.r.----- looks just the ..same as he has. done for the last ten or fifteen years ’ To- which the ac­ quaintance responded, ‘If there' js° any difference it ^iy that he looks ■ more; 1 i k e h i ruse 1 f n ow than he <i Id- then.’' 'Mrs. Robert Hooper, of Kijibw, ,«onnty A llrtwe, in a letter, Sa? £ : “1 liai’e been troubledf wir,h lixspep-ia and L*hor Complaint- for ;t num, ber of years, and ain gl'ul t > sayrto the public us “Welt—sra~-h‘i-end,8--trh-.it brmiglit inis around, and. 1 am now (ill rurht, ,t.haiiK4 t-j ',iu li-og-n-’.-i h’peedv Cltirc.” Hundreds >)f like testimonblls. u’ro frequently received, ai' l 'are dailj provi'n;- that, tlii-i ib .tl'l.il.y'A wonderful reineily,'curing Smgirhh. biver, Bilious Lleadiwlie 'a nl b'ostivness,, where all else iails. Sold at the Drug Stot'e. .’ ■ , 351-'5t' STT-ILOli’5 VITALIZfCR is what you- need for Constipation, Loss.of Apiit'titM, TJizziffess, (inef ali sytnptoTns rif DysjmiK sia. . Price 10 Arid^.TS-'c&uts per bottle. old.by J. 11, Combe.''." -335-y ri At .the last meeting of_tlie.French -acmdeiriy .of 'medicine .Dr Brown \ Aquarii related ■ ax very remarkable' instance of the power-of - sympathy •winch came within Ins recent -.obser vatiori.' A little girl was-, looking out of,a window in -a house’ in"the Batig noIles a few days. ago. The lower sash Was raised, and the child-had .placed tier arms on the sill. Sudden■ ly the support on which the' sasTF rested gave way and the window fell with considerable''force on the little .girl’s arms, inflicting a severe bruise. Iler mother, who was in the room at the time,’ happened to look toward the window, at the moment of the accident, and witnessed it—She faint ed with fright and remained insehsi ble for a minute or two. When she •recovered she was conscious of a se’ v6re pain’in both arms; and on ex amining the seat of it she was amazed to find on each arm. a bruise corres ponding in position to that left by accident on the child’s,’though more extensive.' -Comihg- from a less ac credited source such a story would only provoke ri smile of incredui’ity'; but Dr. Brown Sequard’s position in the world of science ,d°e8 no*; permit' of this summary- mode of disposing of statement for which he vouches. .........,7. ..J-L^A-lrui tfiilsea^on. ^Mrhe_EruitfuLseason^.of^tha.*y.ear.aJsl prolific with many^lorms of Bowel C'oinplaints, such as DiarrhuJa Dysetp try, Colic, Cholera Morbis, Cliolerip' Infantum, xc., aa a safe guard aria positive , cul‘5 lor those distressing and Often siid-len and flarigeroiis attacks nothing can surpass that old. njedicinO^Br: F 1 * . I dressed myself in a blarik-gownd" first,'but it looked so much as if K waB going to a funeral that I took jit. "off and put on my red cashmere.It- hnjn’t been wore for quite a spell,and I. wasbafeared the moths would git into Thri skirt of it was ruther long for the. fitsliion, I put on some false bangs, andx Jny new gold bowed specks, And some jet ..bracelets -that mv niece, Sarah Ikin'kerj give me at *T*hristnnp^*an#^efrAmd-dTSotrstvtl7—~~ • The rink was cram tried full of folks", "and most of’em was a teyering round on them cunhingjittle rOllitTgskatea, ati.d to‘look at- ’em, it seemed^do be just as easy to do it: as sliding dovyn hill, lirid-J found out it was, and con^t- siderabl'y more 6p, afore 1 'got 'through. There was lots of oldish folks there, *gnd ■everybody wanted me to try it. rheyj.all said, it was too-lovely for any.tiriri’g.. ' ' , ' . '"'S'oidihrin Jones was there, and he’s one of the pillars of the .Crow Hill church, and can pray . the. most h’er- vous person off to sleep any time. He’s better than.a dose of morphine when he,gets'to giving the Lord ad- ! ivice^Mfe coiue- up to me,- and sed how de do, .and then-41 e wanted me to skate along with him*- He sed thai hi hFs opinion there weren’t?rio* . thing onrigliteous abouttkatihg. He sdd that if anybody should die sud­ denly ip the rink of heart disease, it wouldn’t seem' to be half such an aw/ ful warning to the ongodly as if they died of tightlacing in a ball-room. And he sed that, though he had never tried the skating pastime lnih- selfj'he would put on skates and-sup. pdrtme. Solomon .iB a widower, and a man of means. He’s got five children,and keeps two horses, and five cows, and ’-pigs—and-hens,-and he's..buried^twO’ wives, and has got his tombstone sot alongside of their'n, with his name onto it, and when he was born, so when he dies there won’t be hothing .■ more to sktflp on the stone, but jest the date when he died. . ' ' , He’s been bothered a good deal Milh.rheumatic, and lie has to go with a Cane, winch makes him appear not quite so spry As he used to, One of the waiters put on our Bkates, and nigh ' about killed me. where I’ve goC that tnrnal Boro bulb yan on my little toe. Solomon took the cane In his loft • hand, And gave me^bia * right arm, and told me tojbe byavC and ttust to him. “Strike out Imhlly,” sei the flooc manager, “atjd keep,, lime to' the music. ’ “ • * So wo struck out. Solomon’s feet flow apari HU I thought auro ho would split and make two Solomons; lfls cane,slip* il whortleberries five mi ount of sugar to a quart far d be four ounces. il Siberians, of crab apples. «, twet»ry*fiv5 minutes; eight s of sugar to a quart, il pours from twenty-te thirty Oh—twenty for halves, and for whole pears*—usin^ six' er of sugar to a quart can of ‘ tile at 'Che adieu uf ’LoKi> A'-• TH<>MAS, fioe\one quart of cold water. Put the brief into a saucepan,, pour the water Ov^r it, cover and set at one r5acli the ,sith-inering.-point in less than’anhour. OqOk thus very slowly for five or. six h’our^Jifting the cover . several times to.brOaRxthe mOat apart should it clot togetherein cooking. Set'aside'in a cool place/uptil it is perfectly oold^remdye every “particle of fat from the surfacepstrain tnbotigh ' ■ ■ ' . .'larclxto extract the ..nourishment, Throw. . SHILOH'SECURE will imtriedTatelv relieve < j’oup, * hooping Couuh, anil Bronchitis/ Sold byd/ 'lL'Cniniie. - ' ''... : • '■ /. ■ .. 336- ly “ A lady living on a Manitoba prairie describes tlie profound loneliness of yieg reash wastes o grass'as follows.:- ‘Uuring these long evenings I take up a book and think J. will read, and I do read for five minutes or so, then I go out to try if I can see something, bit I only behold die everlasting prairie and sky then I come in again,* not h'ayt^^seetr any thingy -arid I try; to r.ead once m ire, ;butrt-read T cah‘f and I must go out.again to s.e.e aoriie' thing, for something I must see." And I go out again, and, as before, only. betiolcL t.he same prairie and sky, as far a8 the eye can reach,’ anti then I cora’U in and have a good cry.’ --------------- - To tlic• rescues > ‘When all other .medicines failUm’ Bowel .Complaint, Colic, Cwi-mps^ .Dysentry,. etc, .-‘then- Dr. J^owler's Extract-of Wild Strawbevi^comes to the rescue.’’ Thus writes W. IL Crocker, druggist, Wfrterdow’n, and add? that “its salepdire large and..in creasing.’’ •/ A dangerous Condition. / Obe of the most dangerous /Con­ ditions is a neglected JKjdney complaint, When you suffer iyom ,a weak,weary,aching back, weakness aiid other urinary troubles, apply.to the back a Biirdopl^Forous Plaster, and t^ke ■Burdock'blood Bitters, the best system regulator known for the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels, ’ 35<l",2tf ■ At Greenwich,-England, for cruelly killing a kitten a ruffian was senteh cod to .three months at hard labour. At York, on the seine dayr another mnn was'sent up, for* three months for manslaughter .who had pi’Oviousiy a seven year’s term for stealing a shirt, The pleasure of bathinij isgreatly increased by mixing in the tub half or even a quarter of a bottle of Mur- RAt & Lanman s Florida Water. , In­ stantly the whole atmosphni'e of the bafh-room is as fragrant as a bloom- ittM Fowler’s 354 2t. “The greatest-single power iri Lon­ don yf>t is Charles H. Spurgeon,” , says Theodore 'Cuyler. “He is an o.tnnibimzjn himself and full M ^ver. His pulpit rings .with-the same old Iftit/hful 0ospol y his fovtilo brain is organizing new orphanages' "aHd“cify missions and other'effeciive agencies for bodies and souls. It is not too much to say- that Mr. Spur­ geon has accomplished ns much for the riioj-al welfare of London as the whole Salvation Army combined • and the good he has done requires no subtraction for indiscretions or intel, idties Of doctrine or methods.” ‘OhuJifo/sa- -. - - - -- --- „ ‘ “fhltve^^^u' speiiM11 (Ciat^il“tlifffgs . -ga rt£r8 ? Theyiare-jus Uioo-cu le zTYes, I.bel eve you.. You bet your z£we'|et life they are.’ ‘Why, Jim, you seem to take a very sudden interest in them. Where did you see them ? ‘Just now* - That pretty’ lady over across the street. Gosh, they are pretty.* ■ , ‘Well,’ said the wife, with-a sort of frigid air, ‘I don't hardly believe yoit. As you know so much, winit is the latest thing in garters ?’ ;.? “'■' ‘Legs T’^ • ’ «■ ' u ( Anil she didn't speak to him till he bought her a fall bonnet? Worms. Cause Much Siokni>s among childroii that Freeman's Worm Powders will surely cur.'. y$l 5t. ' There are a great many men who want spiritual instruction and the loan of a dollar. Clothes don’t make a Christian You can run A pig from Maine to Galilornift .and bring hitn back in a drawing room car, And when he gets here he will be A pig. What does a change of clothes matter? There is a great deal of turn coAt Christianity ndW.„. The’most damna­ ble tiling out of hell is a profession of ChtistiAnity without Christianity, By 4 Uk ng Ayer’s SawapAnlli many a poor sufferer who su'miit* to a surgeoti’s knife, because of malig­ nant sores and seroiulous swellings might bo saved, sound and whole This Will piirgo out the corruption, 7,said.a fond young wife. SIITLOfl’s COUGH mid Ponsiimption Oure is sold by J.i I. Umnbe, llnton, on a guarantee. ft cures consumption 335-y - ' VICTORIA BIX QK ■ / ; ;—;p.o—, ■ _ • Having purchased a l rge stock of 31,000 FORFEIT ! ’ Having- cue utino'stcorifl-leDce in its superiority overall others, and after thoitsands of tests of tiie. most, complica-ceil and iiin.ere.-t cases we couid find, we feel jiistilied in oifeiing. to forfeit one TnuusiHid i/ollars for any ease.of Uouglis, cd.ds, Svte tnro.i6,Jxiilnenku, lioursc.ie»s, bronciiitis, con­ sumption, in its eilriy- stages, Whvopliig dough, . , aiid aji-diseases of tuethroat and lungs, except. I Asthma, for Woiell we-only eiuim relief, that we, I '/.diDr linuuHvIrh 1'inmdi Uuciib Urtinri r.ti'b’iaij. .! according to directions- fiainple buttles 25 and CC .1.r:.; .1.:.;.r. Genuirfe wrap­ pers only in-bhie. Sold b_, all.druggists, or sent ^Jiicexutess oiLreceiiit of price, JOHN U- WES 1’ & CO., solo propfietol s, NL iiiid 83 King street' E;, 'JfotontO Ont. Ji 11. Uoiiibi*, agent, Uiincou.'314 —*7.pbrenologist—.‘Your bump of ini agination .is abnormally . large, sii’* You should write poetry.’ ’- Citizen y, ‘T do Wt ite. noetrv. Only vesterdav I I asurmu, tor woasa waumj-dium reom, .uiuv wu. . v 1 . ’ J.: J... 1..ain'tuure'Witli West’s.UOugb Syrup, when takentook ft poem- to an editor, f|nd I’1, .! according- to directions. 8unip)< ' ’ btimp’von are feeling is wlijre he hit , 50 cents; largo bottlesoiie tio\ur. -ma: Don't bear on-it so hard.>^M: 1 ^•twin-biwr. soidb, aii.di Y. Sun. i/su-e y ■.?"A''aure.ciire‘fqi’snmifrer. complain ts? •—Procure from yxlfir druggist one 37’.cent bottle of Dr. Fowler’s Ex­ tract of 5V kr Strawberry ami- use according t<y directions. . It is infall­ ible for/lliarrhoea, Cholera Morbus,. Can k?r of the stomach and Bowels, andUholera Infantum, X ■ * . 354*2t ' TCT •N'. At Gi eatly Reduced Prices f am prepared tp sell LOWER THAN TH ?. LOWEST Both Light and Ildavy, Double and Single, at GREATLY REDUCED -PRICES Trunks &_ Valises away down; Baby.Carriages in great variety. ., 5,000 The ’National convention of the Masonic hoards Of relief resumed ita session in Baltimore, last week at th6 Masonic temple, Hie learned committee on org* am'zation reported in favor of orgfih- ifcirig permanently for the ptnqio.-ie of facilitating the exposure of persons travelling around arid imposing on lodges, and for collection ol statistics Mo. ’ A constitution was adopted* providing for the election of .Oilicers and the organization will be known as the general relief association of the United States and Canada. Beware the mediqine represent­ ed as just the same, or fully as good, as D1L SMITH'S GREAT GERM A Si WORM REMEDY by dealers wfm self the article tha^t pays best, regardless of merit. .Dr* Smit.h’e Great German, Worm Remedy is being endorsed hy all as a pleasant, safe, reliable, and- prompt remedy for the removal of stomach and seiit ur pin worms from child or adult It is easy to take, never fails, absoluteIy hnrtnless, >nu i r^: I r reqiirnii p'lunuyuM tuimu- min. 5 I piiid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp.” HL Udmber E5‘ © i-i#.® § “o IS Ch »• g° -a. •dP\ *® =«»tt' s. 'CURES r. J CHOL-ERAINFANTUM ;■ ‘ ' DIGR'RHCEfl, 1". West of- England,- Scotch'and Foreign Suitings <&Trouserings, English & French Worsteds.-- . SMITH, THE' CLOTH'ER, HEALTH IS " Dr. F. 0. West’s Nerve an*d Brain. TreatmE'T,a guaiantecdspecific Ibr Hys­ teria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, lleadaehc, Neivous Prostration caused by the usd ■ of alcohwL*xm.u4»acco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Soften- lug of the-Brain resulting in insanity and leading'to misery;. decay and death, Pi'e- niaturc Old Age, Barren ness, Loss of power In either sex, Involuntary Losses and Spcl’* niiitorrlKca caused by over-exertion of the brain, solf-abtiso or over-indulgenre. Eaeli box-contains one month’s treatment. $1.00 a box, or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid oh receipt of price. We Guarantee Six Boxes To cute any owe* With each order re- cetvcd.by us for six boxes,.. ticcompanied with $5.00, we will send the purchaser oui1 written guarantoB to refund the money if the treatment docs not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by JoiiN" 0. West &Co., 8I and 83 King-st.E., Toronto, Ont, J II, Combe, agent, Clinton. , 314-Ty GBOCEBS. New Season’s’Teas from 15 to 75c. pet Pound Chase &;Sanborn's COFFEE a specialty, all grades had Prices. Christie, Brown & Co’s Biscuits HAMS, BREAKEAST BACON, ETC.' .. . Large and Complete StOok of China, New Crockery, Glassware,' Goods promptly delivered, Unit utid examine our store, Which is the —LARGEST AND NEATEST G’ROCER’Y IN TOWN- T. COOPER & SON CANTELON BROS General Grocers and Produce Merchants, fiftCEY’S OLD STAND, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON.. Choice, Fresh Family Groceries CONSTANTLY IN STOCK. '• - • TEAS-EXTRA VALUE Farm Produce taken at highest Price.