The Exeter Advocate, 1891-4-23, Page 84.,(.144N; viviniVr;17,110-niliglraifleAVN
bwLT24i6,A14. .will
S. S.
School Supplies
BAGS Papers
For Fence Wire call at H. Spaek
roan's, Post Office Block.
Miss Maggie Muir is at present laid
up with an abscess on her side.
A. large stock of Stoves and Tinware
at H. Spackman's, Post Office Block.
A carload of Montreal Steel Nails
3;ust arrived at H. Spackman's, Post
Office Block.
We are pleased to announce that
Mrs. Hugh Spackman is steadily im-
proving in health.
Insure in the Temperance and Gen-
eralInsuranceCo., of Toronto. ED
BISSETT, local agent.—May 29-90.
The annual meeting of the Metho-
dist Church, Exeter district, will be
held in Centralia on Mav 13 and 14.
Unsightly Pimples, Blotches, Tan,
and all itching humors of the skin are
removed by using Dr. Low's Sulphur
The villagers are at present very
busily engaged in preparing their gar
dens to receive the different vege-
Constipation Claims many victims.
Ward off this dread disease by the use
of Small Sugarcoated Burdock Pills
when needed.
Mr. Peter Bawden, Bricklayer, has
purchased an art for making composit-
ion stone, and intends manufacturing
the same in the future.
On Wednesday morning while Rich-
ard Davis' Jr, was busily engaged
ploughing, one of his horses dropped
dead. Cause unknown,
If you decide, from what you have
heard or read, that you will take
Hood's Sarsaparilla, do not be induced
to buy any substitute instead.
Don't forget to call on our new tail-
or Mr. Bert Knight, oyer Frank
Knight's Liquor Store, if you want a
nobs suit and a good lit. See "Ad."
in another column.
Mr. George Bawden, marble cutter
of this place, has purchased the large
stock of marble. &c., of the lace de-
ceased W. Couper, of Clinton, Be in
tends moving part of it to Parkhill,
and the remainder to Exeter.
Mr. Bert Knight, who has opened out
a: new tailor shop in town, carne for-
ward this week with a new "ad" Look
for the "ad.", and then look for his
business quarters, which will be of in-
terest to you before purchasing else-
Mr. Hugh Spackman had the mis-
fortune of Ioosing one of his Italian
pups on Sunday, the animal having
died with an attack of a disease called
the mange. This one was considered
to have been the best of he litter and
it by no means a small loss.
The wood sawing contest, which took
place Wednesday eyenint , last week,
between Mr. Isaac Wallace, of Sarnia,
and Mr. John T. Westcott, of Exeter,
was easily won by the former. Time
57 minutes and 3 seconds. Wallace
-still retains the championship of the
Mr. Abel Walper, of Exeter North,
has sold his two hotels, the Queen's, - at
Exeter, and the Commercial, at Clin-
ton, to Mr. John Bossier for the old
Bossier homestead in Nissouri,'the fig-
ures being $12,000. Nissouri and
London will find in Mr. Wolper a man
of enterprise and pluck.
Mr, E. Heywood visited Toronto re-
cently and selecled a choice lot of yio-
lins, mouth organs, guitars, accordeons
band instruments and autoharps ' and
is now prepared to furnish anything: in
the music line Also sheet music and
repairs for any instruments at Perkins
and Martins store where will be found
for sale a large stoek of organs, pianos,
sewing machines, bicycles and Disk
harrows together with all kinds of
farm implements,
A great deal of agitation has been
going on i regard to women wearing
birds on their hats. It now turns otic
that the majority of birds used for mil-
linery purposes are made up. The
fe„t t
hers of an ordinary' fowl are uvea
with much care. The various tints
necessary to produce the real bird are
blended harmoniously, and each feath
er is stuck en Seperately by skilled
workmen, This industry is &titled on
in Paris and T3ei•lin.
Builders supplies cheap at H. Spark
man's, Post Ofliec Block.
Mr, Themis Do;uing wishes to hi -
form the Vublie thtrt lie will still con-
ti1111e. to boon the road. with Illswag-
on, and his'many ` .customers will be
supplied as. usual.
The President and officers of the
Stephen and 'Osborne .Agricultural
Society wish to return thanks to the
parties who contiibuted towards mak
ing the Spring Fair such a success.
A number of the Exeter cyclists
were out for practice on'Monday eyen-
Mg, and while one of them was com-
ing down `Main St. he ran against a,
stone which caused him to have an ug -
b* fall.
On Tuesday we were shown a fine
specimen of rhubarb by Mr. F. J.
Glanville, which was fit for table use.
It was grown out doors, and without a
doubt is the best we have seen this
The choir of the Presbyterian Church
Thames Road, are going to . give an
entertainment on the evening' of 25th
May. Miss Knox, the Elocutionist,
and the Exeter Male Quartette are en.
gaged to help. Look out for partial•
Exeter Lodge, No. 67, I..0. 0. F. will,
celebrate their 73rd anniversary by
attending divine service in the James
Street Church on Sunday morning at
10.30. Sermon will be deliyered by
the Rev-. A. L. Russell, who is a mem-
ber of that noble order.
The Butter and Egg Market reopens
Saturday, May 2nd, when the beat
prices as'usual will be offered by first-
class buyers for all kinds of produce.
This market was a great success last
year, and all farmers will find it to
their interest to patronize it again the
coming summer.
On Monday evening a large number
of the Masonic fraternity assembled in
their hall to witness the conferring of
the third degree. The Worshipful
Master and officers deserve great cred-
it for the manner in which they per-
formed the work, and if all members
would only attend regularly, no doubt
they would find it to their interests to
do so. Several brethern were present
from Hensall and elsewhere.
The following is clipped from the
Evangelical Cl aurchman.–
St. Thomas. --"Rev. S. F. Robinson,
of Trivitt Memorial Church, Exeter
preached two eloquent sermons in - St.
John's Church on Sunday April 5th. He
is comparatively a young man, and
judging from his discourses yesterday
bids fair to become one of the foremost
preachers in the Church in this Domin
ion. He has a powerful and musical
voice and is a splendid reader. Rev.
Dr. Beaumont of St. John's ,Church
officiated in Mr. Robinson's church at
both services on the same day. St
John's Church is making rapid strides
onward; and will, no:doubt, under the
able care of Dr. Beaumont,' become one
of the leading parishes in the diocese.
The church has ,just been renovated;
the inside being handsomely decorated,
The work, which was done by Mr. Abe
Rose, gives entire satisfaction.
We clip the following from the Even-
ing Sentinel -Review, Woodstock:—REc
"Mr. and Mrs W. E. Walrond, 95 Fin-
kle street, returned home from their
trip to New York and vicinity, where
they have been taking in the sights of
that great metropolis, last evening.
They were tendered a reception by the
employees of the Karn organ and piano
factory, (in which pace Mr. Walrond is
superintendent.) Mr. A. O McKee took
charge of tiie evening's proceedings,
and in a felicitous manner, after ex-
pressing his kind regards for Mr. and
Mrs. Walrond, called upon others to do
likewise, to which many responded.
The proceedings were interspersed by
songs by Mr. Rankin' and GeorgePeck-
ham:' Mr. Walrond, on behalf of Mrs.
Walrond and himself, replied feelingly;
thanking them for. the kind sentiments
expressed towards them." Mi. Wal
rond is second eldest son of Mr. George
Walrond, of Stephen, and at one ' time.
was a resident of this place, but has
been absent from this locality for about
26 years.'
On Saturday morning about 2 a. m.,
fire broke out an the store and residence
pf Mr. Thomas Dearing, Elizabeth St.,
and by the time the fire engines ar-
rived the fire had burst through the
roof, but by thelspeedy action of the
firemen they soon had a stream of wa-
ter playing on the flames. By some
means a section of hose on Defiance No.
2, bursted shortly' after it was put in
operation, and if it had not been that
the other engine was in good working•
order no doubt the fire would have made
fast headway. No. 2. Co. seeing what
had occurred immediately took off the
hose and taking the engine to a stream
which was near by,soon had it in work
irig order the second time, which very
soon extinguished the fire. Mr. Dear-
ing was absent from home and his wife
being the only occupant, she had a
narrow escape of being burnt to death,
escaping with only soine of the bed
clothes wrapped aroundhei•.' The con-
tents ofh h
ofthe cure were nearly all sav-
ed, but of the goods which were in the
store very little was taken ()la the fire
haying had tooninon ucn of a start before
it was discovered. The firemen deserve
great credit 'for the manner in which
they saved the' which Was oi?]y
ten feet distant from the burning build
• e.,.
and for their untiring efforts of
completely putting out the Inc. Lo55
acbotit $500; partially insured. Cause
of the fiic unknown: , During
the scene of conflagration Mr. James
Taylor who was -engaged iti tt,aalngoff
some of the siding with One Of the ices
belonging Lathe fire 'department, it
slippctd out of°hi• s hand and gtruek him
on the foot mflioting• an ugly wound,
that will cause him to be laid tip for a
couple of iveclts. '
TheMostAgreeable, restorative ton.
le and mild stimulant is Milburn's Reef
Iron and 1\Vale,
The Bishop of Iluron, accompanied
by Mrs: Baldwin, visited Exeter on
Tuesday last, and spent some time
viewing tnd studying the beautiful
Trivitt Memorial Church.. Mr, Earn•
combo played the chimes with his us-
ual spirit tend skill, and rade music in
the air for the benefit of a number of
visitors who happened to, be in town.
that t morningm
. The Bishop afterward
met the officers of the church• at the
residence of Mr. Trivia, and clitcussed
with them scene parish business.
The "Early British Church” is the
title of'a 15 page pamphlet by the Rey.
H. D. Steele, of Kirktoil. It'deals with
English ecclesiastical history in a most
readable way, and all who have an
interest in such matters cannot fail
but peruse it with profit and pleasure.
A concise catechism of history' is ap-
pended by which the church of the
Now Testament is traced to the time
of the Council of Arles to that of St,
Augustine and the Reformation, and
thus historically identified with the
Anglican church of To day. _ Mr.
Steele, formerly a barrister of Nova
Scotia, spent a number of years as a
Presbyterian minister, but was ordain•
ed a clergyman of the Church of Eng-
land some ten years ago, and writes
with the feeling of one, 'whose whole
heart is in his church and work.
Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of
boots and shoes that need repairing to
be left at the leading boot and shoe
.store next door to, the post office. G.
Yourex gets ten years.
Chester W. Yourex, the forger, who
pleaded guilty to four indictments, was
this morning sentenced to ten years in
penitentiary on each count, the senten-
ces to run concurrently.
Notice is hereby given that a Public
Meeting of the Shareholders of the Un-
ion Burial Grounds will be held in the
Town Hall, Exeter, on Saturday, April
25th inst., for the transaction of import-
antbusiness. All parties interested are
invited to attend. GEO. BAWDEN, Sec.
Singing Classl.
Prof. Scott will open a class for sing
ing "Tonic Sol Ta" notation, in the
Town Hall, Exeter, on Wednesday
evening April 29 inst., at 8 p. m.
Terms $2.00. The Professor teaches
singing privately, Staff or Tonic Sol
Ta. For terms apply to him personal
On Friday evening, last week, some
person effected an entrance into the
residence of. Mr. G. A. K. McLeod, and
stole $S and a watch, which he had in
his room. • It appears that : they made
their way in by the cellar !window, and
having procured the, property, made
good their exit in the same manner.
No clue as to who the perpetrators of
the deed are. can be realized.
Division Court.
Division Court was held here on
Monday, Judge Doyle presiding. The
following is a list of the cases tried: --
Bissett Bros. vs. Smallacombe—Action
on account. Judgement for plfff. L.
H. Dickson for puff. J. Elliott for deft.
McDonell vs. Dor'ward.—Action on ac-
count. Judgment for piff. L.H. Dick-
son for p1ff; J. Elliot for deft. McGreg•
or vs. Staddor et al ---Action for rent.
M. C. Moscrip (St. Marys) for plifi L. H.
Dickson for deft. Adjourned. Drew vs
Bobier.-Action for rent for Opera
House. This case created much inter-
est and much speculation was indulg-
ed in as to the result, Jpdgment re
served until 12th May. L. H. Diekson
for plff; R. H. Collins for deft. French
vs. Manning-Garnisnee matter. Jud
gement reserved. R. H. Collins for
Primary Creditor; J. Elliot for Primary
Exeter Post office
The report of the Postmaster Gene-
ral has been received at this office for
the year ended 30th June 1890, and
the following information may be read
with interest:—The Postal revenue last
year amounted to $2,106.99; 1,358.
Money orders were issfled representing
the large e sum of $15,41.00; Total com-
missions receiyed from public $116.53;
Total amount of money orders paid $7,-
378.95; Postmaster's salary $700; for-
ward allowance $84; allowance towai cis
rent, fuel and light $120. Chas Snell
receives 5187.80 per annum for con-
veyance of mail to Exeter depot and
return. The contract between Exeter
and Iiirkton, is $93.75 a year; Exeter
and St Marys, $543; Exeter and Sar-
epta $39. The same report contains
the names of persons money without
registration and were lost, among the
number being;, Gavin Ross, posted at
Exeter, 50 cts., addressed to Miss Mur-
ur-riy, Welton G rove.
The Beauties of the Credit System.
The following letter from a tailor,
'which appeared in a recent issue of the
New York Sun, giving his experience
in the collection of an account, is not
without a moral:, -"Four years ago I
was a merchant tailor, owned three
houses and a good business. A Mur-
rayill dude,got in
IImydebt $260;
could not get him to pay me., I adver-
tised the bill for sale. He then sued
me for $.10,000 damages, ' I then put
the bill up in my shop with a note on
it—bad debt for sale—he sued me again
for $5,000. The judge at Court said it
was libel, aiidoutrageons libel. My
lawyer and his lawyer now own two`of
the liaises I once owned . After I set-
tled the cases I met the dude with a
suitof my clothes on, I then licked
him. 'Sued me for this, and for this I
now have aMortgage
the otherr
house. The only thing I ever got from
ibis one of the 900 was his measure. I
have it yet. It is not fdr sale. My exp
perience is this: I would sooner have a
bad debt than a &oecl lawyer. I now
sell for cash. "ONCE A Goosis".
eL Brent loelliai;; iIAatte!t,
The, greatest spolliltg match. on re.
cord is that offered by Our lloirios Pub-
lisilirigCo, lu muni they will t,tt acct
the following nnti:gnihcent CASII; Plain'
-One price of $1300; one prize of $200;.
two prizes p£ $100a four prizes of $50;
sight prizes,of $25; twerlcy prizes of
$10; forty prizes of $5 one hundred
prizes of $2; and two hundred of $1.
These prizes will be awarded to the
persons sending in the largest number
of correctly spelled words found in the
advertising pages of the February
number of Our homes, in which no let
tesrs occur but those found in the seri
fence: "Oar Ihome is Unrivalled vs to
Home Magazine." Special cash.prizes
will bo given away each day and each
week during this cornnetition; which
closes April 25th 1891. Send 10 cents
in stomps or silver, for a sample copy, of
the February number, with rules and
regulations governing the donnpetition
Address Our. HolLEs Pm Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
Personal Mention.
Mr. Simon Stahls, a former employee
of this office, but now publisher of the
Unionville ''Echo," gave us call last
week.—Mrs. Thomas Powell, formerly
a resident of this place, now of Turn -
berry, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Davis.—Mr. Fred Carr, of Sar-
nia, is visiting here at present.—
Messrs Ambrose Cottle. Henry Lam -
brook, and I'Villiam Balkwill, returned
home from Goderich on Saturday even-
ing, where they ;had been attending
the assizes, looking none the worse for
their 'week's labor. --Miss Mary 1..
Treble; daughter of Mr. John Treble of
this place, who has been working in
Wingham for some time, returned here
on Saturday, and intends making this.
her home for a while.—Mr. and Mrs.
S. H. Manning, of Clinton, were the
guests of Dr. Amos over Sunday.—
Mr. Albert Snell left on Monday for
St. Thomas, where he has secured a
situation as tailor.—Mr. `Villiani Ann-
ing left on Monday morning for Tor-
onto.—Rev. Mr: Martin and Mr. Strang
left on Monday for London, where they
will attend the Presbyterian Synod.—
Should be wrapped with a linen cloth
wet with Clark's Lightning Liniment.
The pain will leave instantly, and the
swelling rapidly subside. Nothing
known to medical science will afford
such speedy relief and cure, and there
is no other remedy that wives the suf-
ferer such quick satisfaction. Where
once used—always used. Order from
your druggists. There is only one
Clark's Lightning Liniment: price fifty
cents. Clark Chemical 'Co., Toronto,
Ne York.
purge. No suppository. Sent post paid or 27
cents in stamps. Address, -
13t-194 Plume Specifie Co. Oriilia Ont
ABE NOT a Pur-
gative iedi-
■■ cine. They are a
�. Zj p�`• TONIC andBBECON-
n,e' (�
STRIIOTOR, as they
'supply in a condensed
form the substances
NKactually needed to en -
all diseases coming,
ich the Blood, curing
from POOR and WAT-
T BLOOD, or from
VITIATED Huntoxs in
the BLOOD,, and also
nvigorato and 13IIILD
the BLooD and
SYSTE.\r, when broken
down by overwork,
mental worry, disease.
'excesses and indiscre-
tio.Is.' They have a
the Suxua.t.Sxsrou of
both men and women,
restoring Los, VIGOR
and correcting all
EVERYEVERYWho finds Iiia mental fao
!I MAN ties dull or failing, or
his physical powers flagging, should take ileac
PILLS. 'They will restore his lost energies, both
physical and mental.
should take them.
They cure all sup-
pressions and irregularities, which inevitably
entail sickness when neglected.
YOUNGMEN should take those PrLL9.
61 MEN Tbey will curd the re-
sults of youthful bad habits, and strengthen the
YOUNG WOMEN should take them.
These PILLS will
make them regular.
For sale by all druggists, or will be sent upon
receipt of price (50c. per box), by addressing
Brockville, Ont.
—on or about --
S� EsItor
Wheys he will open a
NOW and-o� 1
C tStock
&C. &C5
E. E
1 ,
,l.avis,�flMpw. 1 101Wi1'vaRawM30.91. MIRMuu' 10141`.oi®41nw . ,
From the very best while you are about it,
It won't cost you any more to have all the advantage of se-
lection from the
We are showing by far the best
selected and most complete Bile of new styles and late novel-
ties for present season,
For you are bound to find
Another very important thing for you to know is
That we give QUALITY as well as QUANT/TZ
and show in all departments goods of the highest
grade of value and general Ezcellance, and lastly, be it re-
membered that
With the best figures it is possible to make on HONEST
GOODS. Come and see the Best and Cheapest in Dry Goods,
Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Gents' Furnishings,
Notions, &c., Wall Paper (best we have ever shown). Grocer-
ies. We have in connection with our business now a first-class
dress and mantle maker.
llarilviaii, .C;rooi'i : Tijv'a'rc
COQa,:�- FO�, A
:r:V,,, .yiF-,.{�1.4 tF1 � '.53 �.y1".� i,M,fq..i ii. m��•.Y�l„h4fCe<%•
Car Load Chesnut. Coals ; - Carload Steel Nails; -
Carload Iron and Horse Shoes. Carload Blue Ribbon Coln
posite Binder Twine.
Lining and Tar Papers, Rim:and Mortice Locks, Hinge% Bolts,
tin Boilers and tin Pails:
Sugars, Cheese, Green and Dried Apples, Lard, Teas, &c.,.Oat-
meal $3 00per 100 lbs • Flour i 2, 75per 100 lb ..
� `h . s ,i. R.,.,.w
1 0 Bushels Timothy, Clover, Alsike Seeds, Dutch Sets, Tip
Onions, Hungarian Grass, 100 Bushels Potatoes.
CedarAnnealed d
& A. ��a �d Barb� � Hai
Manager. Proprietor.