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The Huron News-Record, 1885-09-02, Page 4
she SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY— positive cure lorGutarrh, Diptfieria, ■ ~ ” ..............: a. 336 ly ft I _ ........... . mid Canker Mouth, Sold by J. II Combe. p that vM » ft ;eu;*4an'j’fiifi'uiiSviWHd C, tr y days o* wlfsmtlow to < 1UIJ o-;e of IheottieQi -,vd himself, < nr ng liw ;ti? d'.qet-Ba by the use of •gkrj^MMti NEWSPAPER LAWS Wfl call .th* spacial attention of Post Mwdwi'* *A'i snbseribcrti to the following lyttopsls -of the newspaper laws- J—A pnstmaster in mpiiroil to give D'jtiee by letter (returning a paper does DM answer the Jaw) whey a subscriber does not take his paper out of the ollice, and state tlie reason for its not being takem. Any neglect to do so makes the po.dinastei responsible to the publishers for payment. 18—If any peiM'ir orders liis paper dis- 90U timu'd, lie must pay all ai real ages, or the publisher may continue to semi it untfl payment is made, and collect th* whole amount, whether it be taken from the olFico or not. There con bo no legal flisequtinuanca until the payment is made. ' ’ ' pciMiom ........... to his or wlictlier be has sub* ___JJ—Anv poraoii who^akes. a pap tljo ppBt-otlicQ, wliether lUrociM nunc or aijotlw., L. ’ tcrilwl or not, is responsible for tlie pay. 4-—If a snbsvribw orders bis paper to be stopped at g certaiii tii^v, and tlie publish er continues to semi, it tlie suUieriher is hnimd to pay for it if ho takes it out of the , pjst-olliee. This procoeds upon t hegroiuid that a man must pay for what he uses. ■ n $ s ? s Refill the Division Court in Goderich, at the November,sitting a newspaper pub lisher sued for pav of puppr. The defend- silt objected paying on the ground that he liad,p’rilerod a former proprietor of the ^—'iwpjiuto disconiuuw- it.—^'l’ljtv-Audgc-hold- _ Jhal tlmt was not a valid deienee. The plaintiff, the pi esent proprietor, liadlio notice • to diacoutiime and consequently could collect, although it was not denied that di'fendant ba'T pptilied former pro prietor to discontinue. In any event drtfendant was bound to pay for the time he had received tho paper and until he had paid all arn'ars due for subscription. CHUKC11 OIREOTQmJ ~ St. Paul a Cliuryh.—Services on Sunday ut 11 a.m. uni 7 p. m. Bible Class, 10 -a.m. Sunday Sshool, S,30 pan. Service oh Wednesday, 8 p.m Key. WiM.au Craio, B. D,, Rector Canada Jletliodiat.—Services at 10.30 a. in. and 7.0o p. ni. Sabl>.atll SiilKpl at 3.30 p. tn. Ri-.v..l. Gi'.bv,Pastor, Canada Presbytemn.— rS3rvR‘qtf atTt h..in.‘“afrT . --S.30. <b :n. Sabbath .School, 2.8b p, ui. Rkv. AbK.fi .Stewart, Pastor. -- - - Bible Christian.—Services at 10.80 a. in. and 5.30 p. in Sabbath School, 2.80 p.m. Rbv. J.. ’ Kbnnbr, Pastor. " Baptist Church.— Service at 6.80 p. m. Sab bath Schcsl. 2.30 u. ni. Rkv J. CftAy, Pusto*-. THE HURON The Goderich < —AMD— ' Huron Records t (.AMALGAM AT KD. Chilton, Wednesday, Sept. “nd. ^OR ^UR ^TORY-^EADIERS THE OLD BROWN / ‘I don't know as I’ve got .Anything to give,’ said Farmer Foxglove, look ingdubiously around the kitchen. Widow Waterman gave- a little sniff of mingled depreciation.an j hu manity. ‘Times is very Irani—with-me, Mr.. Foxglove,’ said she. ‘1 train't had no work since ‘August, and there ain t nothin’ to eat in the house.’ ‘You don’t tell me I’said the fnrm er, who was the softest hearted pl men. •‘Here, give tile you basket. Philena -may say . I’m an old fool; „—but. 1 donlt-ha-re..’-.-----■',—j—f With a trepidation not unlike the sensation of a school boy,p wlio rob8 an‘orchard for the first time, lie went into the buttery’-and helped himself to half a cold fowl, a loaf.of- rye bread, a goodly wedge..of yellow butter out of a ^covered, jar,. and three quarters of a juicy pie’. And "then--he -opened Mrs. Foxglove’s especial tea caddy ami .filched a .handful of the fragrant dried.-leaves, -^wh’ieh-'he wrapped up*'in brown,paper - a n d ~ p.utr-besnte—’t ire _ot;h et—■viuntlsT And,’ chaticing "to notice’ how', thin and TtiaiTftquate the poor . wothaq’S shawl wag, he recklessly took down an old bombazine cloak, originally a bright brown, but now faded in- as many streaks as a zebra’s hide, which biH hung from time immem orial in the back entry. •There ain’t no fnore use fri • that old dud,’ he thought. ‘And it'll keep the cold out, and if. Philena makes a fuss I 11 .just Rive her a new blanket shawl.’ • — Mrs.. •Waiterma’fi wentujft rejoicing— Presently .Mrs. Foxglove ami.Sera- . . pliina came home from the weekly ‘ meeting of the Society for tlie Helpers of the Heathen, .in jubilant spirits. ; ‘George Paterson was there,’ sa'ili . .Mrs. Foxglove. ‘He said* he came * after his aunt, but it was my belief .that he wanted to walk home with' .Seraphina.'’ ' ■ ' . • ; - ’ Seraphina hung her bead-, and said nothing. - ‘La me I’ said Mrs. Foxglove I rom the kitchen. ‘What has come to things? Here s the cold chicken and the apple pie gone. And the cover off the butler j.ir,'too.’ ‘Y—yes,’ sftij to farmer, coughing ‘I—I got sort-oniungry^o I thought I’d jest take a smack.’ - ‘‘Where’s the bombazine cloak, pa?’ .Bftid Serapbina, after a somewhat frugal supper, as she took the milk’ ing pail. ‘It’s raining ii little, and the cows haven't come home, fvotn’ pasture yet/--*1 ’ /If E had a pair of eyes I’d use them,’ said Mrs. Foxglfive, coining to the rescue and viewing the row of empty pegs with an eagle glance* ‘Well, I declare, Nehemiah,’ turning to her husband, ‘that comeB ofleav . ing you to keep house. You must have gone off and left the door open, nnd Borne trump has^got in and rob bed us.’ “f „ ‘I did just step out tfi thejuoedpile for some more logs,’ said the farmer, thankful-for -the avenue of escape that was open to him, ‘Blit I wasn’t gone long.’ , .The farmer wriggled uneasily ip his cushioned rocking chair, /I wish old Airs. Waterma’h bad been in Jericho before Elbecame here,’lie said to himself. Meanwhile pretty Serftphifin, sing ing to herself, folded an old striped shawl around her taper shoulders and went out to tly* jifteturer after the truant ^ompriny of cow’s. Old Tulip’s bell was jingling^ among the silver fttemmed birchens on the bleak hill; they were already ■ fin the hbtneward path, but Sera- u. pliina JoUered utinecssarily bn the air, aud th# only visible person wm» ft woman further down tlie brookt wlia wan dipping out aome water. - Suddenly there was another step-— strong, swift anti full of purpose, Seraphina’s eyes Uigbtenedj, a vivid color rose into her cheeks. ‘There be comes, now,' murmured. ‘There comes George!' To her surprise end dismay, how ever, the cavalier did not oome up the hill, but stayed hia steps beside the other woman, below. ‘He is throwing his arms around Ijep neck,’ thought the indignant, Seraphina. ‘He is—-yes, he actual* ly kissing fier i Are men absolutely without truth and faithfulness in' this age of the world ? But I don’t care I Why should I care? I’m sure ft don’t matter to me I’ - Seraphina hurried the cows home, ami finished the milking in less time tliau it had ever taken her before. She was just carrying in a foaming pail when a tall figure approached. ' ‘Seraphina!’ ’Pray ilon t trouble yourself to .speak to.„iiie^air J_^aliLSemphina^ with a'toss of the head. ‘Or, if you do, please call me Miss Foxglove/ And Seraph.na vanished ..through the kitchen door. ‘Whftt'a the matter, Phiny T said her mother, noticing the girl’s quick movements ' and hightened color. ‘Nothing, ma,' said Seraphina. It- was getting towanls 9 o’clock when there came a knock at the door. Mrs. Foxglove opened it. There stood tlie Widow Waterman.' .... „‘J... hope Ilinjij'ojLJnipjditigJ Mrs, \V»derman,‘biit tbereT the brown bombazine cloak; Mr. Foxglove, and, humbly thankitigyou all the same, I'd rather not wear it.’ ‘Eli!' said Mr. foxglove, in amaze tnent. . ■ ‘It was very kind of you to give it tomie,’ went on Mrs. Waterman, to the utter diacomfiture of tlie poor farmer; ‘but there’s some tilings as human flesh and blood can’t bear, ami to * have Deacon Pulhiby’s son asking if he could see me hqinejvhftn I came out of the store, and Mr. Ferdinttnd Pliiif saying was I to be at • the’ tbuide ’ at Melinda Edwards on Tuesday night, and might lie call dfor nie at- 8-o’clock—.well,-it’s rather Upselling. But the worst of all was wnen I went to get. a little water in tiietiroo.k, a young fellow seized hold of me and was going to kiss.me. “I believe it’s the brown cloak as done it all,’ she said, with a moaning glance at ‘Seraphina. ‘So if you .would please take it back, I'll try *and get along with my shawl a spell very good, sir, an<p-thal.i apple pie couldn’t be bea.t.’ There was a- moment’s direful si~- lence, and then Widow Waterman sidled out of the' room and betook .herself once more to the mysterious silence of‘the .night. ‘Well, I declare,’ said Mrs. Fox-' glovig. ■ . ■ - .‘Mil, dqn’t scold pa,’said Serapbina, halfway between‘.laughing and cry- ihg, ■ " . • ■ .. The farmer , feebly rubbed his fiandsl. . I, ■ . __ ‘I think- I’ll go to bed,’ said. ! John Wesley unfl Ms Wife. (Pall Mali G«z»tt«) Mr. E iward Vu?«iIIh Stocks, re* I ferringtotliH letterof John Wtwl«y*to his wife, wflich was published a «ho,,t time ago, objueta that though it beam ‘many internal evuleuevB of autheuticity,’ yet the ‘remarks thereon cat an unfair, not.-to aay 1‘alne, colouring on Um character of tlid lady—a direct maternal an* ces qi' of my own—wlmae memory is held in revereuti d respect by her dpHemidauts,^ Here ia a portion of Mr. Stock’* explauatibu;— • There calf I e no doubt that the union of Mr. Wesley with Mrs. yuzeille wan ill assorted and uli* Imppy, That Mrw. Vaze-lle was the widow of a gentlemank.who.-e devo tion to, and love for, her wete very warm, isi -made evident by the ton ot an original letter from him toiler in my post-etsion, and now before me, in which Im addresser her thus^— ‘Mv dearest", and says . . . d<* sire thee to fivike thyself easy” (dur ‘ing his . temp trury and unexp- cte<l a isence,) “and live well ami keep thyself well," and, after giving be seiim general directions, conclude^ witu these words, “I am, witjii sin cerest and hearty (sic) ilfkctmu, thy . human I, Anthony Y>z •ille,” being in sr.ro’ g cniitr fst with the'hur i epistle puidishe-1 by you. .Her first marriage‘h id been ful1 T<> the resciie. ‘When oil other me<lieine» fail* for Bowel Complaint, <5i!m, Cramps, Dysentrv, etc, “tb»?n Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry oemms to the rescue.’’ Thus writes W. H, Crocker, druggist, Water*lawn, and adds that “its sales ar® large and in creasing.” Jonea-MIave you heard from your wife since die has been io the coun try?’ , „1 . Smith -<I got a (hie) letter thia morning. She caution* tn« to be caretul about drinking (hie) ice water.’, Jones—‘You are careful, aren’t you?'------------ - . Smiih—‘VeryJ(hic)( very careful.' ,L siVllL_0[!. |iapp|rrf!3S|_fr0|1) HT'njIe cn'use Max was obliged one day last week to take a meal at a hotel whare the distribution af viands is attended to by ebon sous of Africa, tie was an noyed by the unreasonable lault- finding of an English tourist seated at the same table. At last with a fimil growl al the waiter, the English- man finished his,meat ami left the diningroom. Max asked the waiter what was the matter with jthe Eng lislitnan ‘Niiffin' at-Jill, sail,’•■replied $am. ‘Some folks is bawu dis’gret-'ble an can’t help. -1 doife gbt even with that man, though / ‘How ?’I asked. r‘Oh, I jest spit in bis tea,' replied Sami ■ ■ \ . l±x’J.v ItlBRAKT 9f Cf/ASSTC Inone imp«ri*loo*f huro TOluw ftp ftbwt 800 hondsoma type, *-*-"— 1 orn*menM, the foitowdag; Powumw ftftd works i Macaulay’* Kwaars Mlltoa. ... r fleliA Stuart Mill On liberty. P. O. Hamertou1* IntelUotual JLUfe I. Merbert Spencer pn EdUOftUb’lk Z Great Thought* ^rom Gre«Ic 4n#l|iok*> Great TlipUfthU from Latin Author*. ) Complete JS*miy*- by Ia>pd pacoa. - * Complete “Letter* of Junin*.’' Irving'* JRjp Van Winkle and Other Slcetohafc' Waahlngton’* 1'areweil and Othor Addyo**efc . Mftoaulay’a LUPo of Frederick TPhtW' Grant* ' . The above cannot be obtained fyora. jmy other pttbUthlnc house for less than |10; my price, is poetage 80 cent*. “ This is indeed a wonder-book, in, the amount and vftljiabl* quality of its contents. The wonder is how such a book, which is a library in itself, can be sold at such a price.’’—JfriA- odist, Recorder, Pittsburgh, Pa. “ Your ‘Historical Wonder-Book’ IS a wonder—a wondef how an imperial octavo volume of over 1,000 pages, with many illustrations, clear type, fine* paper, handsomely bound, Con taining four standard historical wqrks of great value, can be sold for $2.50,"—Benson J. Lossing, LL.D,, the Historian. nriii dan nil* ca'MponwinT!«rebBlv«l tn cwb, toward th* I Prlc«of vltber ot above work*, If Mint within. «n day« from dat*<>r I 25 CENTS, thin paper (mention name ot paper). Thia offer fa to wear* yoturm PftOUPT reaponte and lndl<;ate the imyinS *<|verfl».lnir »ne<11!iin» 1 100-RAGE CATALOGUE sent free. The best Ht- ■ erature of the world at the lowest prices ever known. Books sent for EXAMINATION BEFORE JPAYJfiEtfT on reasonable evidence of good faith. Address JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher. P. O. Box 1287, 203 Pearl Street, 2<ewTM*b WONDER-BOOKS in no trifling sense, but th® beet literature of the world, presented in. excellent and attractive form, at prices so low as to excite universal “wonder.” LJUJiMlZF of STANDARD HISTORY, Containing in q?» volume, imperial octavo, good fcype, with numerous fine 11 lustra tions, the whole richly bound In fine cloth, ornamented, the following celebrated works, unabridged; GREEN'S Larger HISTORY of the ENGLISH PEOFLR. CARLYLE'S HISTORY or the FRENCH REVOLUTION. CREASY'S Fifteen DECISIVE BATTLES or the WORLD. SCHILLER'S HISTORY of the THIRTY YEARS' WAR. Harper & Brothers* lowest price for these four great works la $14.50; my price is $£.<50 ,*• postage 40 cents extra,. “ A wonder-book in more senses than one, The idea of put ting a work like this at only $2.50 per copy, seems preposter ous; and yetthere is wisdom in it, for everybody will want it, and it will thus tie the means of advertising and introducing the numerous other valuable books-which the publisher is put ting forward.”—Christian at Work, New York City. “ It is truly a marvel of skill and a triumph of modern me chanical art that such a noble volume can be furnished at so gmall a cost. Whether we admire its large- proportions, beau tiful binding, fair page, excellent paper* numerous and strjk-, ing illustrations, numbering nearly 100—all are first-class."— Christian Cynosure. Chicago, Ill. EIBItAIt F of STANDA RD FOKTS, containing in one imperial octavo handsomely bound volume, of about 1,100 pages, Bour- ___geoia and Breviertype.leaded.tbefollovdng ^V<>riMrunabridg«i,p-~~. Scott’s Complete Poetical and Dramatic Work*. ■ Complete roetlcal Works of Robert Burns. Complete Poetical Works of Thomas Moore. Equally good editions, of these are not elsewhere obtain able for less than $4.50; my price $2,00} postage 81 cents. \o n everybody Jnww». *» the •io>ocs#fi;l a iii^.-rof the ‘ Larges! Kulsl Eftterpjlses f AWer’jn, si ■ 'inrYw.'nJH .>t-n, .a t:t s i . -i.H.JJih-n t.W VsS 1 1 11.1 «' * ’ >, ct jia ol»:'..; Ayer's Sarsaparilla Since then Mr. I.rr and lw» reconnr.eni’ed Avna’s SAfts^FAWr.iA l» ”’n,|y Bft"!’-r.x Cases, and be lias never yet heard of VOTae'trdCT'aradDTatenrn,'''' ■ y S''»io years ago ono of MijJf.rt.’NiVs farm lidiorers- bruised hia leg. Lhviug io the bad etato pf his blood, an r.gly acioIulouH swellhig prlftinp api>eai'ed on the Injured Hor rible ilehiug of tlie s'.in, with burpli'g and darting pairs through tlie lump-, made life almost intolerable. The leg b< enn>o enor mously enlarged, im I xuiinl'. g tileers formed, I discharging groat quantities of extremely offensive matter. No treatment was of any avail u-.itil tlie man, by Mr. Lf.i.axi’’s direc tion, was supplied wltli Awn’s Ssksaj'a- killa, which allayed tlie pain and Irritation, licalc ltlm sores, removed tho swelling, aud completely restored t?m limb to use. Iilr. Iceland has peysonally used Ayer’s for Ithoumatir-rn. with entire sneeor-s ; and aft r car.ful.obscrvuiioi), tk-c’r.r. s th 1, h'.S be’.kf, there is no m» i'.cir.o in the r c f.nl to it for the cii.-o of Lhycv IXfoi ' Gouty the cffccto ot bifili li.l: -r, . KhtJutn, Sores. UrupGons, anti pit varlQua forma of blood diceapcs. AVe have Mr. LELAND’S perin’.sslcn tain. all who may desire further pvidcuco in r- /' ■ to tho extraordinary curst’,ve powers AVEit’d SAt:sAPAr.iLLA to sue him j>'i - ally either at his mammoth Ceiau 1 . Lo’ig Dranciqor at thopopuIarfiLch.ml Ii-. . TEroadway, 2,lh aud2bth Streets,New Xcr!? ■Jlr, Lf.i.aNjj’3 extensive lsisov.kdge^qf tho j ‘ gboii doi'ie by’tlds uhequaliedFimi^ht^i: ? \blood poisons enables him to give iu^ui.Md, rnpeh valuable information. ■= \ PREPAKED BT Dr. Ayer 4 Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by 411 Druggists; §1, six bottles for SB. 7.... National Pills will cure, constip.ab eJ bowels aud regulate tho liver. The Salvation Armv^is threatened with prbsreutinn in Boston lor pro* Ianitv because it. giveB ‘three cheers for Jesus.’ » .. c A BARGAIN 6. •' o — OSr* '®-- o ® ' A POUND The Best ever offered in this vicinity for the money, Also, '‘icneral GROCERIES, equally cheap. . i FLOUR ANI? FEED always on hand. Nervous, 9.©MiHutc(l Men,. Y m are allowid u. free trial of Uiuty <ays of the ir«jju>f Dr Dye’s Celebiwed Vcltaic B*li/will; Electric Suspensory Appliances, for me spei-dy relief and permanent cure -f Nervous Debility los-i of Vitality and Manhood, and nil kindred H’o-ibir-s . Al o, f r niauv other diseases Cnrnplem re torsii»n to health,- vigor ..tuuL.manhood..guaranteed. No risk is incurred. Illustrated p-unphlet, with full inf H-ni dion. teri-’s) etc., mailed fie bv addressing Voltaic Belt Go., darsball, ..iliQtu * 3l8v-c343 Poisoned. \ Scarcely a family exists but tb,at some iheinber is- suffering with, haff blood,' and ’secretionsf rom cdlfsiijia"'- tion giving rise to Rheumatism, Scrofula, Eruptions, Catirrh anil •nther^ofnplaints indicia ing lurking blood poison which a few'iinitlys ol Burdock Blood BitTi-rs would eradi cate from the system. 354-2b.. "5 Worms Cause Much .SifixNais among children that Freeman's-Worm Powders Wil! surely qure-, j54-5t, Mr. Hubhanl had a petition to fire; sent to the. house ol commons re cently rom the Youiig Men s Chris tian association, praying tor .better protection lor girls ami young women, lle'might have done this ni several ways. He could have put the petition into tlie .bag silently, o.r he could havastated it in words, jgjyeh above, But lie need not have risen: solemnly anil said, without any punctuation ; “Mr, Speake’a, I beg to present a peti tion for tlie be-tter~pt‘>tectiOn^p1' girls and young Women from the membets of the Young Mens Christian associa tion,” . ' • ■ ■ ■ .. , . "■ > that it was a union of two loving sympathetic heart-,, whereas th -th is abundant evidence fo show l.ljat her subsequent wedding wfts the outemim of motivos wiii i >, under the ciruuni stances and pemiliac conditions'Tn- vvinvh hey both Ijved, eoul-l hardly- have resulted otherwise than it did. '• Mr. W-'-dey had searce-ly, recovei d >r up i ho patios of (lis tpii.i.nt-d o.- -. Absorbed by the work h h i i n hivul, lie failed to offer to his se pud love tho"->'e~<1enTb strutions of nffeciiou to which slie had been ae . custotned, ami which -alone niald in itriinony dostrahle. She, on th<- other band, a highly educated anil sensitive lady, endowed wiHiTa, coif sideruble fortune, accuatouied, as she had beeii, to the iuosv devoted- attentions of an affectionate husbaml, feeling the neglect of his successor ^whether that neglect was .unavoid> able or not), ami witnessing the hon our. and warm expressions of friewd ship lavished upon him by his admirers of both sexes, often riding ™wmt-hradiinM f>«t’hDa=ewpriTrge=Epu.re’h«si*<R ■witft her money while, she was left ,alone', could hardly.' fail to feel ne glected, by him' who had vowed io ] ove^an d^coDTferrty^toH iodo ur; ami- keep her- in sickness ami in health,” one-docs not wonder that marrtage under 'such circumstances tjhould Jrurh out unhappily. What. T wish to point out to,your readers is tlnit the fault Was not. solely on t,be side of the lady, as has been, jund still is, I fe.ar, the fashion to affimi in this case—at any rare, the letter which you have published does .not- evidence much of that * “softness ” wliiidYKTr.. Wesley says is The Oniii/ 7lnflti0iicw l>y ^W,hMl ‘ “|Pye: can be won." I am not, aware that .man’s greatness- 'ten*!8. to develop' marital aff-iction. Perhaps John Wesley* waft too grea“t. a man to-viil tivate such insignificant qualifica tioiis.. -There can be no doubt, tint the marriage turned out- uiiforfun atel v pin fact, it. was an-instance of “marrying in haste third*repenting at leisure.” ■ he. 7' • ' ' ' ~ ~. •And he went. Serivphina running out for ft pitcher ot water’ tba last thing- before shutting the bouse for the night, nearly stumbled against poor George Pattersoti. ‘Goodness me, What are you doing here ?’said Seraphina, ' ‘I c,an’t go home, aijd sleep; Sera- phiqa. while you .are angry with me, said the poor youiig fellow,'who, was desperately iir love. ‘What have I MojitL.lo_d.es.eju'_e—you Rgql Jness-21 — '‘Nothing.’ she answered, ‘Except — except that you .can’t blame me for being jealous when I See you hug ging and kissing .the’ Widow Water- . than.’■ “It’ was the cloak, .Seraphina—the ■ brown cloak— that misled ine,’ plead ed‘ George. H thought, -ol course, llii.it.. it was you.’ ‘Oh, it’s all very .well to talk,’ said Seraphima. .Mrs; Foxglove thought .Seraphina had never before been so long. ni ^bringing, j.n -. To George Patterson, however, the moments seemed winged, but never-, theless he- went home' rejoicing— Seraphina had forgiven him. ■ No Ear For XIiisic: GRANT KNEW. BUT TWO TUN’i-S.■ <? ' Speaking of. the dead hero’s in- .ditierenue; to music, Gem • Horace- Porter, in his timely ami "•v.ery in'- tervbting paper, ‘Jiemiiiiscences of -Grant,’ in Hrtrper'ft MTgllziife for. September, say^j^-TCie apprecia- . tion of niUsic' was to h‘inf*- a lost sense; the musicians score was a ■ S' aled v-booki . ‘ He -used to my he knew only two tunes; one W.as‘Yan-s kee Doodle,’ ami the other wasn't.- In the days- when he was received” on all ocCTsionff tb ‘ the music of brass bands he would say with mock pr.ide that-he really'believed . he had added a third tube to his repertoire— '.Hail to>t|ie Chief?’ • "‘When - the. headquarters were pitched at City Point, at the turn* in front of general brigade Io pitched at City Poiu Hie armies sat <lown Ltiiibihomi and Petersburg, a ‘itHcer who commanded the stationed at that" plJce wanted t< aonieihing that would afford the coniniundiug General especial de light, so he sent che brigade band over to the head quarters camp to play while the mess were dining. About tlie third evening the General remarked r ‘I’ve noticed that that band always begins its ‘noise’j about Hi dinner and want to talk,’ A si officer at mice Went to suppress it, •and see whether if could be made to obey an order to ‘cease firing.’ The broad-belied band-master was puffing with all the vigor pluck- (iivdiein’e advertisement. !‘f>yes were glued tq’his music,, and it was not so easy a task t» attract his atx tenuon. Like ft kpwn whale, lm bad come up to bioW;-and was not going to be put down till lie lind linislied; but finally he was made to understand thnt, like tho hand organ limn, Im .was desired to moye on. _Wil I) ft look of disinheritance on Ins 11 Ht time’l mu sitting down io lilt Periodical Drunkards. . A Cow was browning near the edge of the lake near'Auborndirle, ;Eia , - when she was gobbled bp a large nllig- ator, and was about to lie ma<le intog Florida.beef, .She lost both horns, and now goes bareheaded in a. neighbor ing peit patch- ' . A sure tiling. . A sure c.ure for auminer^complaints. — Procure from your druggist one 37.j cent bottle of Dr. Fowler’s Ex' tract ol \Yiid .Strawberry' and Use according to directions.- Lb is infall ihle. for Diarrhoea,, holera Morbus," Can ker of th.e stomach and Bowels, and Cholera Infantum. 354- »t •. Tho virtue of Carbolic Acid for he.iliiiff. cleans ing and p'Hfjing is well known; but froni the mini,', modes of applyiugit; the p ibliGis utwcrr.uin how best to use it. To meet til It waflt, -McGregor ft Parke's Carbolic Cerate is prcpir.'d. and may be used with einlidcnce Do nit bj niislel Take onl.i MeUreg ir .v Parke’s Uarbo'ie Cerate. Sold at the Drugstore. .« ■ 354-5t. A country blacksni’th out west put up a. notice: ‘No bosses sllodd1'! •Sunday, except sickness and death. ■ AYER, nM Bourlmn, Tnd., says*:; “Both myself ami wife owe our lives to 81JI OH'S (,’Onsumpitqn Cure.” sold by J; H; Combe, _ _ ‘ „136Jy„ ‘ That in three years at tlie longest there-will not be a single retail liquoy shop in the State ofGeOrgia. In less thiin,.a-generation tbt5 people will look buck into the past and talk about bar rooms-, ami the children will-ask, “AVhiit is a bar-room ?” Tho public are caijtionen against imitations of tho PaimKillm-, a.nd to lie snspicious of persons who .vocom- , m'lmd any- otljor. article as “Just as* little m.ora profit upon,' but which have no qualities in comimny with Hie Pain Killer.- . *5 -THOS. 8TAI1W. ■ TO MERCHANTS: ' How to Self Goods TALK TO — T1TP PA!\TPR. GODE'BICH FARMERS! The gloomy fears, the desponding views, the vteariuess of soul tliivi . many complain of, would often disap -p, ar were the blood.made purer ata.. yessiqls of the brain.' Ayer's Saw saptxrilla-purifies and vitalizes th • blood; and-thus conduces to’healtli oi body aud" sftn ibv d f; nn tid" ' * . ’ L , . Mr. Sinitlr wanted to leave the city by the last train, And, not knowing, when it left,‘sent his'servant to see',' saying: ‘John, go down to the de- . pot aiid see when the last, train’goes, and hurry back add tell' meJ- John went off ami did not return or more titan two hours, when he pushed back into The room all out of breath. ‘ A here have you beerifiill this time ? ,demanded the . master. ‘Train just, left, sir—this very ipinute,' was John's broken, reply. - A. certain publishing hou-m in .Cliicage bus a peculiar .class of eniv ployes,“ in that, with tlie.'exception . of a young fady cashier and the of- fica__boy,. Ibey ’lire all “periodical • drinkers ” , The “periodical” is ti e drinker who abstftiiis entirely for time apd tli'-n goes to a frigfitJbi ex treme ii> a debauch lasting a week or two. These men aie u-Uiilly able uinil^ kil led^ » eai-^oLer^am < Uth <+-oi feii-■ eniployful by this publisher are-' bril, liaii6 writersi'aniDeftpabre qf- (uirinhii ' good salaries in steady positions if it were not for their occasional lapse into, 'dissipation. They are paid - barely ope t hird • tlie salarimi. llieir talenls entitle them tn., hut he him • tn take-al| risks-of their failure tQ sjiow Up when wanted. Goo‘of these half'paid, stuigglLng writers is ir ■ genileiiiairof classical' educatiori aim! great natural 'ability', who has liAld higl)4ijHirio.iis..uL„Lulqcatuiuo,L-»r.ar.k^ ..find who recently wtote a poem aa .lirilliiint as anything in the lan ««ag«- ' - “I always have two or three bril l itiit inon about nie," said the pub lisher, “but! fiever.kti.otf onecomiim down iii the Sporiii’iig if I sirall find them here. • I sympathize with i hem. and Dever refuse to employ a period , ical if. lie can be of anv use ■ id tm* I suppose it was in this, way fhftf m\ place got'to be a sort of headquarters for them, “It ,13 painful to notice- the hum bpr of brilliant men who are'stricken Willi this disr-ase. They come and go like driftwood in'tlie currents. Ev'erv* One in a while*‘we’ll get a in n who seems to be proof against drink’s femplfttims, We tliink.lm never was a drinker,”and in nn danger of ever becoming one. Suddenly soim* inoinnig jio' is missing, ami isn’t seen again for ten dayft;, <>r two weeks, when he comes in, vyrecked iii healtli and a wreck in appeariiiiqe, and begs to be taken.back. ‘'■‘As a .disease,'inherited or tic qulrod, I think periodicity isentilh*' to cnreful consideration by^scieiitifi meh., as it is.certaii.ily becoming, my i'dmnmn, \V« have fewer steady dripkers than wo hurl years ago, bui many more men. avIj,^ occasionally fall from leKpectftliillty Co'tfr&^MU-K nt one swoop,' And stav there n week or two at a time, <ri«rf<»c'lv lftlplo'8.” I Deware of the medicine reprasept- ed as just the same, nr fully ns good, ns Dll SMI I'H’S GREAT GERMAN WORM REMEDY by dealers who sell the article that pays best, regardless of merit, Dr. Smith’s Great German Worm Remedy is being, endorsed by all As a pleasant, safe, reliable and prompt , remedy for the remove I of jUaiUftfih-Aiiilja&it or pin worms from ~"i -A fliiMttcrous condition. . ‘ One of the most d^nizerous' con- ‘Td'flidns is .a mg’ee.ted Kidney' cpinphipt. Wlmtr you suffer ir<>i,n' a weak,weary,aching.back,-Weakiiess ajjd‘.liber urinary troubles,. apply to the back.a Bjir.lock Porous'Plaster, ami take Burdock blood Bitters, tire best, system regulator known lor the Liver, Kidneys, Stoma.-h ami Bowels. ■. ■ «=?/ 354-21 .. . She—‘Doymi rria.k-e any reduefion to clergymen ?’ Gallant. Old G>n|ee- tioner—‘Always, are you /» c|ergv„, TtwT’s'Tv ileU I ryfirtisIRng): ~ ui i,; "fib1;"' l'm®not marrieil.. G. Or U. (becoming interested"- ‘Daughter than ? She Th ushing deeper —‘No, but I—r am engaged to;a tlieological siudent.’ TU'A^f IIA'IKI ipUblfl I' c ill bt s'o' quihj'iy 'cure I 'y. >liiioh-. Cm-", ‘We gmirtiiitee ii. S iMhv J.'ll, o nbo 335 ■ Hugh Larkin, tIm .Uominissioner - of Siu tidies ql Oliio, him l><Mm inves tigating the cost of . ma in taiii ing. the families of inectliarfies .in' that State; and finds that it is less than the cost ■ of- tnpiiTtairrmg 'pTis’OTieFs iTi th'e cd'uh"' ' ty jai 8, being 32.45 cents per capita a day for the former, and about 55 cen ts a day for the lajler. - , ■ —————*—...■■■ ..' .- WHY. WILL YOU* cough when Shiloh’s Cure, will give, immediate relief. Price lOcts., 5J eta.,- and $1 Sold by J. 11. Cofiibe. , 336-1 y. The little woman was at the sea. Side aml:\vQuJd have enjoyed' herself blit for the heiirtren'ding. let ters „she received each inoriiing from her biis-. band. <My darling, trols.the burden^ pf his cry*,‘I« am miserable without you, find the house is so wretched -an dd one I.v.’ And she Believed these , letters, an ! filter a inore. than usual ’ l.y misenvble blie, packed' Up and, came back to town witbodi a word. .Full ol pleasure at, the joyful surprise Bbe was^going to give her sorrowing spouse, site drove, up’ to .the house find entered the door. She, fotnid the diseonsofate one s ated at;the head bl a big table surrounded by the. mixedest party that had ever set head tol a big table surrounded ' by the mixedesT party that had ever sei . loot in that establishment, and sing ing out at the trip of his voice. She sought her bed aweary and tearfully. ai|yM® ’.von forget. _....................... the morning when I aft mis aide. To morrow, when all this'll died out, I shall be‘so mis'able that, that, that ing out at the top of his ,voice, And tjjen her hnsfiand stijod bosule A A iRm >Te'. ‘ M/l ea r, he remarked, ijs he swayed to and fro, • I lilways write to yoti in To morrow, when all this’d died out, you’ll be sorfy you came back’. ■A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottle of Shiloh’s Catarrh e<lv, Price 50 Cents. Sold by Combe. 336 Jy Jock, the Rot'lis^y^ffiilkmiui, morning forgot to water his indk.„ j.n. the ball o,l the first Customer the sad omission flashed upon Jock’s wound ed leeiitigs, A large tub of line- clear water stood on the .floor .by his side, no-eye was upon*him, and’thrice did Jock dilute his milk 'with a large measure tilled Irrtm tlie tub, before the maid brought tip Im" jugs. Jock served Ijep, and went on. While he was bellowing down the next row Ins first customer’s footman beckoned to him from the door, Jock returned, and ivas immediately Ushered into the library. There sat the master of the house who had Just lasted the milk, ‘Jock/ said the' gentleman - Weal, sir ’ replied Jock. ‘Jock.’ con tinned the gentleman I should Feel particularly obliged II ''you would hencetoi-th bring me the milk and water separately, and allow me the favorofmixing them myself,’ ' 'AVeel, fiir, I atippn«m4it.’s o’ mm use to tell a lee aboot it’, ior Lanppnseye se’ed me [ dim’t—J / ..ffi0,’- mtori'iipted the [ Hem J. II brie' -----MANU/AOTDHER OF CARRIAGES, WAGONS, &C., ° Corner of-Huron and Orange Streets, CLINTON. ’ .. The Improved Timpkin Buggy a specialty. 3 In Durability, Lightness and Appearance equalled by 110 other. _ _*L All the latest improved vehicles keat ecnstanflv on band. FI RST1* CLASS blacksmith in collection. Best material aud workmanship in all . branches. ALt WOJK WARRANTED. - - PRICES REAS0HA8LE, gES^Rapairing and Repainting'Promptly Attended to'. ■ .. i. wapaper i WALL PAPER. • ..Tbe-jimeTor House-Olegjiing is near. All-canting Sister'Anne : .‘Now. Ethel, be sure and pray ,Go l to make yon a good girl.’ . Ethel, (praying): ‘Dear'Dod, pleath t.,wv and make me a dood little Uirlj.anil if at first you don’t succeed, wijy tw.yTtwy-ffgriftn— . Prof* Lowt’s Sulphur Soap is a iheap and..'handy form of obtaining ob.e healing virtues of a sulphur bath.' « ... * 35-1 u.t*. -- -------------------------------- A"-1, new ‘Presbytei ian- church in Car ro 1 f, Ji o tva/h its-j list' i»oe n '< let I iffa ted ••I’ret^fi^inrn^ht^wTil-cfi -1 imf n five 1 ;ars -rati-gemenf.. foi- tliK accoinoilntion of briliies. 'J he .corners oT: Ihe amlitoi - nm ar.e-ciirtaineil ■ off, and ffebih'd' .each are cradles and. rQcking-.chaiy. Fluid Liglitidng d >cs not take a d.t.v or un liour to remove Ncnritltfiii, Headache, Tooimielie, Lnm- bimo ar. Illieum ttTsm, but will do it instantly, and . v. itlxout carryin'-yonr headin a pouitiee f .fa day >r using greasy liniuieiits. Try n 25c- b .{tie from yo’ur Druggist. 351-5t. .Christopher Talbot is tho only .-.ipinber of, the House of Commons who sat injt p.ri »r to the Reform bill of 83-2.' Fifty-five years ago he was jieLudyitML-a-LUfe-rt^e-o Lifirlx» i^G-lnfimi^.- gansiiire, and tlie conm-btion thus' lormed.lias been continued uninter imptedly tip to the present day. . The only menfirer who.cun .be said to riv al Mt-.T:ifiiot is, Mr, Glati'stbne, who WHSoborn' in ■ an<l has been a niein.lierfof H-fjFO' IIouse of Commoifs Since I.q32, witli an. interval -of. two years from 1845 to 1847. . - , ■ • . r ■ . ■. , ■'• ’ ' ——'' ' “f“-----7 ' The . perfume of .freshly-culled flowers is agreeable to every one, ind so it is with the: dcliglitfi.il fra grance of Murray & Layman's Flor ...LiLV3YlTiiRJ.._JSLQnffL. j^joclvMt,7_nbiu^ ■ iisliko.it. From the tropics, to'the frigid zone, it is the universal favorite 'for' tiiOTiahdlfcTchief, at the toilet,.“ aiid in the hath. , ■ Scene: Graveyard.; Ait o.'<l Scotch diggerlea.niiig.on his spa le. * .uinis- ter approaching: -‘Wetl, John; are you thinking of the last <lay, when the. dead sl ull rise Iron) tlimr graves/’ John : “ ‘Ay,’ sir, I wad° like id be, here ..to see, the fun.” Min- i,-t.er: ,‘j’oii'n.-! John..!,. .fi l-iy:t tun c in’ there be, bn that nwlul day, When the John,- Inlerrujitiri'g, Jist; that, sir,-L wad' like to see thb-scrmnhle-- for banes, as I.hu’e gi'en them a j;iivl( jnixin’.' : Ay'eris Ague Cufo^ whon used ac- •i.r ling to directions, is warranted to radicate lipin the system all forms Of inalarial disease, such-a.s FeVcr':tn<,i Agile, Chill Fever, .Intermittoi'it,;Rd^ jiittcn't and Bilious .Fi. Vais, anil’tils-'' unlers of tho liyer. ' Try it. < The . experiment, ns a safe one, and will cost yoti nothing if a cure is not ef fected. ' ;■ ’ • A female teacher was bn very in timate terms with the male teacher. „bi..tbej same school, lie was in the strolling into her ropni dur^i^’ ing the recess, and chatting with the ‘ object of his affections, lfis name ; ■ . tvas Smith chef emleavared to make the class comprehend the God God was every where children iliE r here. er, girls, A Mnnchester schoolmaster received ‘ the following notice, Says I’he Picker ing News, ftom the father of one of his pupils:—-“This is to give you notice that it you thump George's head against the desk a gane i shplle cuni and do the same to' yon ; give something iLe ought to be teacheif, ‘not drawing maps and a’gitive ami things that, beldn’g*" to a first rate .schoiar.”, ■2 .■MoCU R MId lx SE LE-BINDERS, . ’ RPi A BE RS, .-M O WERS, SEED DRILLS, GORSE-RAKES :: '.v.' . -plows, CUTTING BOXES, SllELLERS, J •’ ‘IMPLEMENT WARERGOMS, CLaNi’OX. ■ ■ - . ■ - OiNTAltBG liB! -jij.9 a t ■ thy ..>il!ey_ j)L7 . CvriuieK. IJloclj, ijhipi >T f’i eontrncts mncle- L I tN I iiU-J-fm-TfiisPAPEU. U w.iwli is kei'tjxii. LUMLD' A; TlIDJlAS;-_Mc-_ ftigo ill. One day the lady tea- omnipresence of She explained to them that . ‘ 'New my dear suppose you all go out. of >bm, except myself, and I stay Am i alone?’ asked the teach No; exclaimed one qf the little •Mr Smith will be with you.’ : SLEEPLESS N GUI’S, m.ido miser able bv tlhit terrii) e cough. Shiloh's Ctuv,±w t kte-rcmeily for you' Sold *,by J. if. Cduffie.-. . 235y —‘What can 1 do for you, Mrs Brown? said a dry goods dealer to a country- woman. ’ ‘ o by, I .’lowed -i d come in ami get a gift , I learn that you ve. been a treatin some.’. ‘You'veb< v/rmigly informed,’ replied the mer chant. ‘Me buy our goods, and can not nfi’drd to give iliem-away,’ ,‘ veil you tre,ate<L .fits. .Smith and 1 don't see why you can’t treat me. I’m ft better customer than slm is? ‘ I h<*re is a mistake BOmewImreJ Wluit did she say tlltot we gave her?’ ‘Why, slm said you treated her with con tuum.y, and I ’lowed as how you ,woul<l gimmie n lettle of it I6o? She got it.— ■ 11 There is lie excuse. There is ho o,jmus« lor the mftny pale, sallow, weary looking females, throngocmt our land, when Burdock ■llL'mL -Ritters will roKiilnto their Hall, Parlor, Dinin *-Room, or Bed- — Room? Papers^ —— 7 7 '. i ‘ will find the • / Best and NLatest Patterns -in— ifi i _ * . 'll' ;/Ai 1Q1 II il: _O’E G O B B T I1 TMPZ-S, OHHICES'N;‘ PAMFLS, HLLEFS, «C. ' 733",The Biizna.,1-FhsIhou Bookffor J883 are out'anjcitn .be had for nothing , ‘ Call ana st-M the papers and get a Book , — ; .■ -/'f■ goderichT7 Et" He ^ells O.lreaper than any-opeon top of the Kitrtb ’ -... ' . - AT— gw . Mrs. Robert Hooper, of KinlosS, cptinty <>, .'I’ruce, in ivletter, siv. s: "I have been tnmblcdf. with Dyspop.-tii. mid biver Coiuplaj.nts for a mi n ’•her uCyanrs, tuttl ant glad t ) say to the iwbliy.ii- well .as .iriemls tint McGregor’s Spuedy. Cure brought hie tuaj'.iiiil’, and'‘f. ain novV all right, .thanks-to .UeilrHif ir’s’.Speedv (Jure." ll.uiidreds of ilite testiiDpnUls .are frequently received, an I arc diiij uroviog that this is truly'iv wondorftH remedy, ftiring.Siuggi'll Cher, ili.lous ll.-adaeho Drug Store. , 334-5t, ;A‘- ■■•wnyl4lv/wise:.-",-“xrnl»iton-.-t^i't‘--ft,n agi'iculturaT^how tliviilpfi a bushel of pea'clms,’ ontefitit! Qne-ha.lt in.lfiff'oWn, mime... A ml tly-Qtlmi- in the name ol a gentleman ol some prominence in the place. . His own,half was unnoti -ed, but the other half bushel too t the prize, proving that i.here is vO>t e< thing in a name.' ’' ^.2,000 Having thauf-mast coiill leiice i,n its'superiority ovbi'uJi ytiicro, mid iiftet tliousmido of testa of the m.fet co.nipiieate-d'‘mid -se\erg-t-.cases ..we could liud,. we icel justified iii ulfeihijKto forfeit :Oue Tiioitsaiid DolliU's foratny' case of Coughs,,coals, ■sore tmi'uatpj.iill icnza,hom'sencss, bronchitis,cuti- sumpttpn, la'Usually stages, wno.ipbig cough, Mid. ah dh-u.u-es of tue tiU’out nid..u.il.ia;s,..except.; Asthma, for yvnich we uhi.v tiiijini relief, that we • can'tetue with ^Vustjs Cough .syrup, when, taken accofi(ftig to jdiroctlons. .sample .bottles-25 mid flOTcents; uirge bottles o.ne dollar: Genuine wrap pers. only in Blue, "Sold by all'drnggists, or sent by express on receipt of price. JOHN C. WEST &CO., sHo proprietors; st and S3 King street E., ' Toronto Oiib.' J"f)T"Ci3iiiL>'a» agent, Cinitoii'“3Ig~ -J* 0OTS AND SHOE! At Greatly Reduced Prices fam prepared' to sell LOWER THAN THd LOWEST. a ■ ' n' .• kamik A j .■ - '■ HEALTH IS WEALTH *9 Mi KiiiiiijpRT.nRpj Al Amah’s :.± >owderS; a! t <> 1 -ko. . Contain thoir owB ' .titim, iiiid eWectaal in Cuildieii or Adult® ©500 REGARD! WE will pay the above reward for any Caso Of Liver doinplawMMspepsiu, Sick HoiutacTu*, III- digestion, ('oni-tii>ati6n or Uostivcnoss wc cannot o ir? with West’s Vegetable (fiver Pills, wncli tho tlirfcetlon*'orc strictly vmnplfvtl -with.-'They arc purely Vugetublo, and novor’fnll to give satisfac tion. Sugar Coated. Large boxes,-contahirrig 3b Pills, 25 cents. For sale bv all Druggists.-' Bo* waro of counterfeits ai.id imitations, The genu ine maiiufrrit-ii.rtd >hly by JOHN WEST&CO., "The Fill 'jlfnkors.” $1 and 83 King-st.,-E^Torpn- to, ()ht. Frce'trial packages sent h> mall pre paid on receipt of a 3'cent stamp. J, 11, Combe;, agent.Clinton • . 3f4-ly Both.Light and'Heavy, Double and Single, at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Trunks & Valises away down:. Baby Carriages m-gfeat.variety. r- r»r»r. r> ’ •» i r ... . . < . ’* "iR: . MU n B mJ « £ h-o-S CJ&'g Du. E. 0. West’s-NElive and Brain :,TreaTME"'T, a guai'imteedspecific for Hys- teiia, Dizziness, Gonvnlsioiis, Fits, Nervous Neurnlgiii, fhnulaeho, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol, or tobacco, Wfikcfiiltiess', Mviital-DeprvssitnT; 'Soften ing of tho Brain resulting in insanity and leading to inisery, decay sud death, l’re* mature Old'Agc,-Barrenhess, Loss ol’ppwur in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Spot*- niatorrhcjea caused by over-exertion of the. brain, self-abuse or over-indulgence. Each -box Contains one montli'Jtmuinentt $1.00 a box, or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid,on’ ixQ'eipt of price. We Guarantee Six Boxes To cure any case. With each- order re ceived by us for six boxes, accompanied with $5.00, wo will send the purchaser our. written' guarantee to refund tho'money if tiro treatment does not elfec.t a cure. Guarantees issm'd only by .Toiin C. West &fn.s 81 and 83 King-sit, J’C., Toronto, Ont. J n.'Combc, agent,/Clinton, 31i-ly TAILORING. West of England, Scotch and Foreign f Suitings, <&. Trouserings, English & French Worsteds.' SMITH, THR-CLGTHIER, Goderich, has a spleivlidly assorted stock -of m.w Spring and Summer Goods. Ordered and Ready-innd.- Sults at the lowest.pri<-t-s ever heard of— none buttlie best of trimmings used, and pcrfect.iits guaranteed., AJuJMhie of CENTS’ 'FU.R Ni S HIN CS idways in s’oek. «Gail jiiit( se6, It .will "pay you ' AB . ARAM SMITH, The Square. « G-OTDEJRTC!2Ea:, O3STT. itwwrara'wH T. COOPER & SON, I'.aJKI;:-; New Season’s Teas from 15 to 75c. per Pound. .Chase & Sanborn’s COFFEE a specialty, all grades and'Prices. Christis, Brown & Go’s Biscuits* HAMS, BREAKEAST BACON, ETC. 3? large and4 Complete Stock, of China, New Crockery, Glassware, &oJ Goods promptly delivered, Onli and examine our store, which is the . W -—-LARGEST AND NEATEST GROCERY IN TOWN——-1 T. COOPER & SON.' CANTELON BROS., General Grocers and Produce Merchants, RACEY’S OLD STAND, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. , Choice, Fresh Family Groceries * CONSTANTLY IN STOCK, TEAS—EXTRA VALUE _ Fam Produaa tafcen at Highest PriM fl I fl