HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1885-09-02, Page 3t. I F ’Wi-MM/Iwft t Huron Record, ‘ UMALGAMATHJh.) Seyt. tart- .'- I I* \ r ifo Arounil the “llub/1 lawn XfWN.—At all Him vt wi« t>« glad. Ip receive of any reliable ttouitot. tilhtr ferial ar wriltta. Report, meetings, en- .terlaiamsnfs. society anf chureNdoings, etc. 4t» , or any other mattefe otf general interest <»>ll aluayt Aav« aplacaiaoureoluntav.—Ey t^JKlAIi.liOTlCilS.AQg. per iin< fnonparnj . ItnM to. the inch} for each 1 ■- elnyi special notice, the object of . t i* A* proinxfte the pecuniary benefit of ; any uidipigwR. eo.mpflny. or wclety, to be . "in afioertisemont, and charged ——-----prepared- to purchase * large Quantity qf fall •pple«. “ — Wanted.—^10Q bushels Pears^ind Pluiu».:“"-E. Floody, Grdcer and Sta- tumeiT-Clinton." ■-■ 10G^ A^TED AT, ONCK tO tmll F#.mi(y Bibles. Good pay and Tatead-jfrcenipioywenK—Chris. Dick-, •om, CliMtou. 350 ■—,-r *■■— Cantklon Bhos. are prepared to pay thediigh'ent price for plums and pears dayiniftheReamn. ,353. PlVHS I. Plums -I V Pi.Ums I I!— ----, .- -John;Cuii|iinghain -, tlm grocer* will pay the liighe.3t price for plums, dur- * 354—tf *Tm Grand Union (Shaving Parlor” 'is open regularly. , Hair cutting^ shaving,’ shampooing, etc., promptly attended to—Harry Fisher jk the reliable tonsorial artist. 354 dU- ’Chief Pay. was’ in Montreal last - week.'~’" *’ ’ /-Mias,'lately teaching in Ex«tt-r,- has ‘accepted au appointment » iu the Clinton Model School. • Tfffi MissES Hutcheson, sisters of Mra^Bfi^i-’Browif’of^. OtiVario St., ami ’Mth. Brown Sr., of New York’ "StaW. hie viaUMig. their relatives in Clinton. {Rev. Mr- Parke, .of B.Iy.th, passed . ilirough- Clinton to -Bav field qr Sat­ urday «nd:-returued bolfie on Mon- <i»y8 . W® t^i’eye he preached in Bayfield/pn Slimlay, - , > Caledonian. — The ‘ Wingliahi. Caledbiiian'^Society's first annual gathering will be held in Wingham. • , Sept. 10th,- $1000 m-money/umduls prized/Lucknow w'ill have- its meet on the 9th,'and°"Brussels, on ■ -the-Btlr. “-,5- • . Mr. Benjamin. Gibbings, of -Hul- lett, has gmie to assist^ bis father, • Air. "‘Win Gibbings, of Virden, N. W. T-, in the • harvesting of a large acreage of wheat- The wheat crop is excellent ip that section of coun--. try, awl.-Mr, GHibings exppets' a - ' /yield'of about 700-bushels. - . .'?*—„—. 'hand very much iniprove.l , .iii ap ’ pear^tiSe, amL the old reliable w'ays keeps abreast if tiot absolutely aheud of/£lm time's"' __ ___ThereNx'imt'much “in ng’’ about the c44ol'l'liU!i"’, ' but lie dims iiold . on miglityjast. ", She Understood Him.—“M'y dear,jL’pettisiiJy,' “you should; com-, plete your •'tbiiHt at Imine. ,1 ’d ju-t as snob see a woman, putting on her , atobfe^igtt’iii 4-h.e street a^^p on lier ■gloves.’/. .‘‘Mo-t men would,” she ...... itaj. I.‘ promptlyan <1 ,t bo^al>aslibd' h us- band'didh’t'suy another word,’ ON /.THE . Oc NTO.—The Rev. .ijas Elro.ley writes the St-afoith Sun i« glowing eulogy of the good lime be’and Irimids ‘ had ■ during a ‘..week.^ijfbqard^ tlie .Ocbntb,'. “The com mahderi Capt.'McGregor,” he says, ia * perfect geiitieman and -reputed to be.pjie pfjtlm mfiftAkilfu/Captai’ns: on the Jakes. dot at fault-*-ftliMF1-dtjmepy Capt. McGregof was- ifftfilisV'Korn oil the lakes’ and «kini,nt-ea,,.QYX''' thfei.r surface in va.- rious^tpaci,t i.es al most e.ver si nee that' "&‘lmpOTW trolTabTe' 'pvent;///'■.';//■ “EMUliATiN^,-Cwnton,—The Lon­ don Fntee Pr.ess-^l' Aug. 28, says 4-—t “Mesrfrh. Loughrey. & Tiiek'aberry^. ahippejla cas$ df liarneifs on Monday, last to BritiRh Columbia,- 200 miles nor£h of -Victoria City.” Londo'n is an enterprising city and emulates but does- Hot. equal Clinton in . the hariidsil Axfimt business. A. year ago Twitchell, our Clinton harness maker, harness to ..British Ool- unibia. to a point on the mai-ij.l>iml over 300' miles north of Victoria, ami SVarm.m han done quite a.trade jn theftqm’e 11 no with the Northwest; D.'A. O. Bl—The Dominion Ah liancd/^Ontarip "Branch/ a■ prohibit —tton qi^a^mzatiqt'rpwqfLmeet in Toron­ to or Sept. 14 and- 15, ho"we are in­ formed by circular. is expected that the - pri^edipga- will be emin< ently. practical,” and that an effort' will be made to devise iiieans to.de- joossibie, all the 78 ML P's iAwno voted- for. tile wine and’beer amendment. The circular concludes , “Let 'bveiry friend of the Cause at--- rangd-trf be present. .Make sacri­ fice ifin^essairy.I*' A SCHOOLCAf?R.— At the last sit* tingsrofithe.Division Court at Nor­ wich mease was-tried before liis Hon­ or Deputy Beard, which ifof consid- era bl 6 interest’ to teachers and trus< tees. ^The trustees At S.S. No. 13 N. ' Norwich, employed Mr. A. S. Brown for ft Vyiar from August 18, 1884 at a ' salary of ’$5(i0 with a right of either party fo’deterintne.-tlie agreement by M notice. The trustees gave notice; for tjie tyachVrn^ iiis ei&tMjfl.mqnt on tlm, 1st of June jftftt* LMr,, Brown accepted the notice e/ip the school bu t demanded ji'proportion of the holidays /lime, actually taught. The mfefused ’td comply with M r.’ o/iVs^inari’d5/' thereupon 'Mr. Btowh brought suit to recofrei-$51,- 87 tbe amount withlield’, ftnd ft furth­ er sum of $50 fm*'the time after hm dismtHea'l JtthhWifif’ fclaiiii. Was paid. Judgment ■waw teftyrved ahd a WH(« ten judgmeht given, allowing Mr. BrowiiWdini’lH full for the proper lion of llm hoHdfty* end th** furilmr sum of teaching days^’Otii Jdfte hto claim is WUlecUd'^1' AT tees ftfid tOfthhm will do well to make a note aWfedeciaion, ft« iW18R>.l»iWWW ! W.gH 1.1 ISWWWiLi K. Fwapv I# fthlpiping plftms ftnd ftppliQOi, 127 BA8K«ra of plums Wo ship­ ped by express yesterday. T. UootBR Sw ar« handling pc^rs a nd pl u ms extensively. 'A.. A. Bennett will furnish St. Patti’s church S, 8. house with 200 chairs. Cantelon Bros, made a shipment Hieothfef day of over 100 baskets ’ of plums Miss Dunsmore and Mi«» Tilt, divK.sm-kerw, have returned from their ^holidays." • - The uniformed encampment of London Oddfellows have been in­ vited here for the second day of the Clinton Fall Exhibition. Judge Doyle prexided at D’ ‘ sion Court here last Friday We congtatulate his Honor on the evi dent improvement of his. health, the result, no doubt, of bis recent Eurojtt n trip. Our Good Town was almost ftti-rmed |a>$ Friday hy an acceswion of gentlemen of the long robe from the county town ; Messrs. Malcolm- son, Ctmpion, Seager and F W. Johnston. It was Division Court day.----------—---------- ’ ■’ ---------- Improving , the OccAsgioN.— Last Sunday evening the Ifev. Mr. Sparling, of the Ontario Street Methodist church, preached a most instructive and impressive sermon, having special reference to the life and death of the late Alfred 8mith. “Progressing Favorably.—We" . were fayorod with abnrd from Mtos .Hanly of Harriston stating that her hrotherinlaw, Mr. John^MiHer of, that place, is progressing favorably, and the doctors think he will come round all right again and he able to attend to'business, probably/ before the snow falls. We are sure this will .be cheering news to the ' in-my friends of , Mr. Miller in this vicinity. • . - AN exchange editor who has been reading- other literature than his own paper, says The word “ad vertise” appears twice in the Bible "•—Numbers 24.4 ; ftnd Ruth 4. 4. It is a very good word even without Biblical sanction. A good medium .tn a lverti.se in is tlie Huron-News IL.Gird, with one exception the m su largely circulated paper print­ ed and published in. tlie county of" Huron. • . . . Fast Work.—In Goderich town- ship . tw-o,4men bound two hundred dozen sheaves of yi-aiii/in one hour ami fifty fivo seconds, and on the same day bound two’ stooks, of a. dozen sheaves each,, in twenty four’ sfteoiids’ The same two men'can bind 16 acres of the heaviest,grain in 10 hours. • Who can'even up with" this ? Tne Lon-|on Free Prdsy should now trot out the fast DbruTi’iMer men. mentioned in thtl^. of /ttie' 15:li August. . Fedeual’ Jurisdiction,— The ap- ^p.eal case on. the constif ntiObality of- ■ the Dominion Liquor License. Act ■»f 1883, which the Suprenie Coiii’t of Canada declared to lie beyond the competency of the Federal Par lib ment, will be heard by .the Judical Committee-of the Imperial Pjlvy Council on November the 1st. Mr. Burbridge, Deputy Minister of .Tus t ee, will represent—tlie Doiniuioh ~Gov-eRi.Mii ent, _and—^wiil - -leaVe/for* England about the middle of October;. ■ " - 10 cis per - Line.;—The Mitchell- Ad-'OCate makes a perdneiit - state­ ment ebneeriimg the injustice qf ask, inw .-newspapers -to give readme ul'tiees Of iiiiairs^yldcli are gotten up for .’purely -business purposes, for iiothing. The. space of. a m wspaper ' is, its chief' revenue, producing ele nn’in ; besi-ics,Meyery line, evert .vord pi.iiiM'd entai-s an outlay fcr- ,| bor. Tlie item we refi r. io is.: “TiiA secretary iif t he Brussels Caie- dotiia gam-s is'auxiojis to get- tip- $9ciet.y’s ad t ertisiug, done cheap',, in fact, fon-riiDth^irg-i7 Tlre^L/uoca^ftdbesv. not exist on air'arid Our chaiges fo'i; advertising are !()/cents per. line,.’ Allotli.er .item . that we- find "in,th sahiri journal touches thft, same It) cent a line topic :- One ql^-the-deruv ot the town was. asked to make an annoimcement touching a secuiai matter from his pulpiit’last 8uii'ia\. His answer was :/“I cannot do it , because if 1 d-id I- wqulTi be counten aheiug something I kiiow nothing about. There are two newspapers in town, and you should make you: announcement through the-CQluin.iis- Thor- Jawson and bride have re­ turned and will row Beule down Id donMMtiQ blue. The local cricketers had a field day on MondayThe young ’nn» boat tho married men and bald heads. TxiE guestion of the legality of Louis Riel’s conviction will come be fore tliCrfELigh Court of Manitoba this weglc. Mr. John Jackson returned from his trip to Britain on Monday. The gentleman looks ah though the oceau ozone and a sniff of the saline breezes had not interfered with his digestion. A CURIOSITT.—Mr. Dickinson ex­ hibited a regular Siamese egg at . Cooper and Son’s grocery the other rdwy. “There are two perfectly form ed but soft shell eggs held together by a ligament a the S:um 8' twins. : K. K. K.— Ks nt el on the Klinton apple King has so far shipped over lQOp barrels of apples this season. He will ship from Goderich this morning, including crab apples and pears, to Winnipeg, per lbw United JSmpire, two car loads.r Mv 4V jywrunif u«irriBvert __Huron Teachers.—-All the can- ham, was m towh on Monday. High and Public School Books Complete Stock now o4 hand of the Chris. Dickson, Clinton. - The schooners Tod man and Victor have been in harbor all the season, Mrs, -Jamieson, of Stratford, is visiting in town. Mr. A. P. Bearman, of Chesley, was in town last week, Mr, J. A. Morton, barrister, Wingn ©: Jx didates who passed and were re­ commended by the local school boards of examiners at county ex* amination-have been confirmed hy the Departmental Board of Examin­ ers in Torpnto. • A lade in town who has a dutiful •sop living in a more ea-terly clime was the recipient some time ago of what purported to" be a trailjug^or climbing plant of rare beauty, from ' her.affectionate boy. She planted it in a favored .locality mid- it waxed vigorous anil grew many cubits in height in a couple of mouths. Visit ors 'wt-re charmed with the rare e.x otic, bur, as might have been expect­ ed, a slight mixture'of envy w s perceptible in that they had not sons who were aesthetic and considerate, enough to send them beautiful au­ ra's plants. The plant'budded and was admired, blossomed aud showe,n • e.mtiful large belL shaped orang flowers, And now—now tli'e Pom- ■pion, in mordent parlance called the pumpkin, is about taking the place of the beautiful flowers. What Wb Would Like to See. Compulsory voting. And a pirblicite or citirjg.of. jail tlie people on a given dUy-1¥6,’ybte on the prohibition of_the manufacture- or importation of ardent spirits for use as a beverage. > A nd, if carried, compensation for "“actual property loss (only) .-.u.-taiued by those engaged itiTlie manufacture, and" sale of liquors. • And a rsfOnstruction of the Sen «4itelwi th ^a,po n U <>ii,-say-oi m4i alM-lie- liumber, uiade elective. The pro C< ss to commence bv filling the -places of—deceased -~tp?Anl>ers —wi th elective ones, .until the I'equfe’te number shall have been returned. And a reconstruction of our Pro­ vincial Parliament with maierially li-hsen^d numbers and curtailed powers. ,- ... ’ And largely increased powers given to.Oounty Councils, of one; or botKoFTTiem.’* • /: x' Master and Servant.—A ca.se,’of apparent hardship was that of Mr. Arlliur. Cautnjdn, losing a suit in which he. was plaintifl’, in Division Court here last Friday.- Accor,dih<» to Mr. Cantelpn’s statement he hireit 'wi' h Air. Jarnos'.Barr of liuilett. in •April, last,, for 6 or 7 months at $18 per month. On his own adnussion he aliseutejl himself without Jea.ve on several occasions particularly on Monday the 13th July. When |in came back on the 14th Mr Barr told him that.h^ had hired another mail. Plain-f'i-fi then left but, according to ■plaintiff's version, hot until Barr had told him 'be was ‘'not wort II h-^»IL. room,” This Biur denied, .however, and also denied having told him tb leave.„ .JPlff/sued Burr fan-over two mmitliH work at the rate of $18 pet- month. Dft. objected, giviim m de­ fence that he did not .lure plff. by I lie mohth but for thegrOss sum of $108 for Htx’motiths j that lie did -not <"lis- cbarge’the piR. ; that lie was willing to pay him the $100 wh^Tfoe six. months service agreed Upon had hpjm put in/ -Ah titer,e was only plff's evidence against dft's. Judge Doyle dismissed tlie case, holding iiiat. plff. had failed .to" make out a case and the law demanded that the weight of evidence should boon the side of the 'plff. Malcomsoh'for plff. contended that l^isJMient was entitled to a ver­ dict for the two .month’s he. had work ed, ' He instanced tlie case where a merchant sold a chest of tea. ’Pur chaser refused to pay more than 50 cents a pound. Seder claimed and d 'matided 75 emits ms the price. The Tetrlieitig d* live.red His Honor wotil-, not say^that the Roller was not ent.it* led to anything. He would be en­ titled to eith r the 50 or 75 cents per pound, delivery of go>,da i-ot b> ' ing denied, Mr. .Malcotnson con­ tended, so in this case. 'Cantelon had put tn a portion of Jiis time,, this waa. not denied, and His Honor was in duty bound’ to give verdict for the value of that time, Of course it. remained for the Court to say what that amount should he. His' rintmr, wliilh regretting dm effect of. his decision, said he had im discre tion in the tnatteh Tim law was very clear. “ Mr. Malcomson’s .tea6 vase was not analagdUs to this one,” Jn that, the goods had Imott. deliver­ ed ; in this the gooils or rather labor hat! not been delivered accofdifig to GODERIOH. . Mr. Ecl./Doyle and'family have re­ Lu r ped to Saginaw. 1 Mn Jno. Iltildah lias been in town the past few d,ays. • Mrs. Owen Jones arid children have" left town" for St. Catlmrines. / . ITolv sacrament at St« George's next Sunday morning.. Col...tlie Hon. A.^M. Ross and fami­ ly have returned to town from .Mus- koka. . • ■' ; * . ’ Mr; S. Malcolmson, Master, in chaneery/ah.H family have returned . .from Muskoka,.,. / . -. - - _; A very Jai’ge number of our stim-, , mer visitors left town during the* past few days. A meeting of the St. George’s Ladies Aid society was .held on Mon­ day eveiiingr. ‘ ' Mr. W. L. Horton was in town on Friday and left again, for Sarnia., yesterday. . /. .__ —Miss Berry left-yesterday for Ham. ilton when she will attend the Ladies college.- . Miss Nellie Donagh returned to the states per the Saginaw Valley last Sunday. . ■ ;„„.Mrs. (Dr.) Holies, Miss McDermott TmTrMwt^rKItcnriloltries are ' visit/ ing at-Detriot. ? —- — • - ■—- Miss Lizzie Dickson after a short visit to Seaforth returned -home last/ Friday evening. • Mrs. Archy Dickson lias b^en'en­ joying, the country air on the old farm ill Tuckersmith'. . . r TMr. J<)hn Proudfoot and bride have returned fioin their honeymoon tour. . . The store! signal being raised last -Wednesdny; caused the detention of several vessels im port.-- ...; \ . .' ■ The’Sovereign .w.as in port’ last Wednesday forenoon and left shortly alter midnight. . ‘ ' Mr. Thosrperry, our express meB Senger, was off duty last Week through ■indisposition. ■----—---- Mrs. Saults is Bo fat recovered fro'm her serious accident that;,she .can. move around. ^/ * Dr. and Mrs. Nicholson and family left on Friday morning in the Sagi naw-Valley» lor Saginaw.. ’ . Quite a number "of our young people attended'the bicycle tournament at Seaforth last Wednesday. *We ate ideakell/to hear that Mrs. R. ProudfboV^Kiv-^’aSi Seriously itidis -posed iaiRfw aroundjigniu* Judge Doylciheld division Gotirts at- Wingham, Goiriej Brussels and Sea forth and Clinton last week. Miss MayoSomerville who had been Visiting in town the past Tew weeks left for Iler home, London, last Satur­ day. ; ' The amount of harbor fe.es collected at the port of Goderich, T. N. Dahcey harbor master, lor the year etidihg BIbI December, 1884, was $123.50, Duck s'looting has commenced successfully in this neighborhood, pptne of the members of the Gode­ rich gun club haying already furnish­ ed their families with dishes of th# toothsome quackers; In the ‘report of the Deputy’Min­ ister of \iarine we find the naines of , the following Who have-been granted certificates of competency and service as masters of inland and coasting vessels, abd whose address is , Goderich i Mdstei'ti, die,niters f<>re and of If Finlay McPherson, T; N. Dancey, A. M* McGregor, John Mc- Carthur, Andrew t Bogio, Francis • Traunch', J.G. Parsohs. .iMs/ers,/ore and tijlf 'hos. Petrie, Jas Baxter, Jas. Bogie, W.S. .UcKay, Uy., .'arl- ton, W. McLean, W, ’icKcnilo, J.^-V/ Green, Normsiii McDonaki, Johfl Mo c Donald, Wm. Robinson, Murdoch' ' McDonald,JamesJohnstoh Mojleas, niDtm Mtind'Wdlti'Sf Atf Chambers. John MpKay, Wm. Craig, John Vc- ■Sween, .Ifrtirs, forr tittd aft, Jos, .. T-I-- ‘ ---- Mr. Richard Vanstone has return^ ed from his holiday trip, Harvest in “the neighborhood of this town is nearly completed. A large excursion is expected ip town to-morrow. . Maitland lodge No. 33, A. F, and A« M. meets on Tuesday "even ing.' The .regular monthly meeting of school board next Monday, Friday is the night for the monthly gathering of our city Fathers. Miss Mary Wilson, of Goderich tp , .died last/.Sunday after a long and -painful illness. ’ A" large number of men engaged in the different lumber yards were dis­ charged last Saturday. ./ The steamers ^‘Saginaw Valley ’ and “Oconto’’ made their usual’ calls at this port on Sunday evening. Regular meeting of Huron Encamp-' ment No. 28, L O. O. F., " evening. , , An excursion from Sarnia and Porta Huron yesterday on the United Em­ pire: ' • A bazaar under the auspices , of St. George’s Ladies Aid Society will ■ shortly be held. • Mrs. Wilmer Smith who has been dangerously ill the past ten days is. gradually improving. J’he Steamer Ontario of the Beatty ’line/was’’ in port for Ttwo Sours” last Saturday. ~ ' Mr. •X’cEt'an of tlie Sea'orth- Ex­ positor was in town over Sunday, re-, cuperaling., ■ . + It is reputed that our fisherman-at the Islands are making ,ex:traordi- nary big hauls; ’ ' - Mr. Allah Murray’s two" boats -left shortly after midnight on Friday for the fishing Islands. , . • the schooner, M. G. Gordon, sailed Jaetweekwi t-lf—a-cargo-of—bulk-salt-r- - (or Jas. Clark, Wiarlon. Mr. J. A. Duncan is away at Toron-, jo on a.h. in.tennediat.e^pasaffge. We hope the gentleman will sail through, without a stop. . Mr, Steve Perry, of St. Thomas was. in town'IHst week visiting relatives. • Mr. Perry who was not very well, was in town to recuperate.' During, last week the Big Mill sliip- ,ped a large quantity of flour for tHe eastern .markets, as. many as seven carloads being shipped in ’one day. ^~Mts’ Biu-wise aiM Miss^Minnm H a m i 11 c,p a f t e r s pen d i ng t h r ee weeks under.the parental roof returned to ^tUMuTh^-AtimJaivt^aWjaU^ —- ' Tim Schooner', J. G. Kolfage, with a full cargo of salt .in barrels, for Wallaceburg and Dresden, sailed last ihursday. ? “ f. The Schooner,^Enterprise, with 6)() bushels of wheat lor the Mabaffy mill, left on Thursday for Port Al bert. Several excellent candidate* have within the -past few weeks, been Ac cepted .and' added to the member ship roll, of Huron . Lodge, No-.. 621.’ O.O, F. ■ ’ - ■ ■' •' . Tim Schooher Garibaldi^ft fdr~the. ' Dtifferih ‘pier on- Friday moming-foiLa- -load of salt. Having, completed her loading shortly before midnight the same day, she sailed for the Georgian bay. - " On Thursday last the -fishing off this port was completed for the seas- bn, Mr llobt Clark having taking up the last of his nets .ort that day,.con- , .. taihihg over 60J pounds of fish. J~Tlie Steam ;r. City/of Montreal, fin- islmd -unloading, her cargo of wheat at thpBjg.Mill la5st Wednesday, and sailed early^on l’liu£sday morning September will-be a prosperous month for our marrageqble girls the hfq-bor having for b 13 crew.JtfeBBrB Strachan, Graham, Donagh, Crabb,/ McCallum anef Reid. After,a fruit-' less sail the boat returned to port at 4 n, m., when th* search was Buspend- ed. On Saturday the telegfaph and telephone were freely used, and all no fresh tidings as to the truant’* whereabouts was received tili-Satur day evening, when .Messrs Hurley and McCarty stated that they bad seep him on the R, R, track about two miles from town at 3:45 on Friday afternoon. JMr. Dickson on receiv­ ing this intelligence made arrange­ ments for an early start the. following morning in the indicated* direction. Early on Sunday Mr. Dickson and Mt. Ball, accompanied by" the JWessfs, Neelon, took • the^track dii d lorry, Messrs. D C, Strachan an’d R, Frazer > took the north side, and Messrs. T, Graham, and N. Campbell the sputh side of the ,R.R. in buggies. $r, Dickson had not proceeded tar on his journey -before fie. found out he was ‘on the right road, and while wailing *at .Holmesville, as per arrangement, Mr. D C. Strachan appeared in the distance waving aloft hid bonnet and , soon joined the lorry party• When . Mr. Strachan had informed Mr. D, Ihat his son had reached the residence a short distance from Holmesville, on Friday evening and' rem'aiiied there till taken away by himself' and R. Frazer, the party made merry,- for was no.t the lostnjneTound.^.-The re- 1 turn to town was made in 'gooil time-,-. and before the church bells Raj ceas­ ed. their warnings for morning prayer,, tnere were bright eyeB and smiling laces in one house in town’wbei'e for the previous three days many• fear- "Btricken 'ones had befin~;see'B':: Tire* route taken by the little/traveller shows that all the fetories.ns- to his whereabouts and his-;being'8een on Friday afternoon around t’he' st.ation and around.the harbor wveyppfan im­ aginative kind.' Mr. Dicks/m’.s'family bad the lively sympathy of bpjj people in-what at one tune- seeme,^ a serious misadventure, and the hearty, .co op­ eration ol several in what-wq* predi­ cated by thp wise ones As ! being a -useless search, Che raft stony.-being to on Friday gthat his son had reached the residence sol a»tarmer natned Elford, who residcft MARKET REPORTS. ’ (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon • . CLINTON. $4 50 to' 0 80 ' 0 80 to ■ 0 50 .. to ' to to • 0 CJ to’ 1 50 to 0 00 to 0 11 to 0 11 to. n 00 ___ to ‘ 5 76 3 Off. to 4 00 • ' 0 00 to .0 00 -, 0 17 . to- 0 17 Flour,- ■ • - ........ • Fall Wheat, Spring Wheat,. ’* • Barley • • Oats, • • Peas, ' / ■, .Apples,(winter) por.bbl, Potutoos, new ' Butter • , ‘ Eifgn,A Huy, ' Pork - — y— Cortlwood, • t_ Bee! ... «. •Wool -». ' • - • • 0 30 0 CO 1 00 0 50 0 10 0. 19 . 10.00 . 67.75'- to Impounded Cattle. There is in Pound'No.-4, ’Lot 41), concession 9, G« lorich township, four yeUrlingS—two Steers .in<i two Heifers— two red arid white, and two nearly all red If not ciahneil and all il.unnges paiil-by September- 12tl»,’tihey will be sold. . GEO. A. COOPER. Goderich tp.,'Aug. 21,1835. 353 3t ’ " HfLLO, BOW I Whoro are you going? ■ To BleaipH H Store —WHK11E I'CAN—’ J; ' - BUY MY BOOKS CHEAP. COOPER, keeps a splciicliil'Stock of . ‘ High School IiooM! " WM. COOPER, ----- . Cheap Book' .Store*,1 BEAVER BLOCK, ’ cJM^TON. ' -------------------.----------V: ------ j u dgecTby th.e\ num her of. ms r iiageB ^already arranged to take place during the month. , 'Mr. R. II. Cizzens, who arrived in town on Thursday night on a visit, repelved adjearty welcome from his hosts of friends. The gentleman Beems little attend’in appearance, ; On Friday there was as usual a large attendance at - the Roller .Skat­ ing rinje, The Clinton Doherty organ band'was in attendance and played a choice selection of music. . , The ’ high and common . schools were Opehed .lor the fall term on- Monday. In the common school the 1st, znti" Wd”^rti’ books, New aeries, coining into use seemed to a ter things considerably. ^Mr. R. il.-Cozzens who wSs in town last week 'said that the electors, in East Durham and Cardwell had al-■ most -persuaded, him tn be ft.Toyy/ We. are now open for our reform­ friend’s puns, to the effect that our old -friend has cozen nitis; — «• In the list, published lastaveek of those from Goderich' awarded 3rd and end’class non -professional certi­ ficates, the name .of Katldeen E^ Ba 11 n 3rd, was omitted, as was,.also that of Mr, W, J. Johnston who. passed- in Latin.' ' ’ < ,. . The schooner Sweeptakes that un­ loaded coal ;n this harbor the week before last, and sailed for Lake Sup prior oh Friday tile 21st uj£, ,ran on shore early the following Monday morning in Mississagva. Straits. All. the-CfeW among whom' was Mr, Jas, Vivian of this town), we.re saved. The night wap clear a.nd the weather fair, and only for the Captain hugging the land too close, or gross carelessness, no accident could have happened. The boat it is said tyas uninsured . and by latest reports was breaking up, the wreck having' occurred in the neighborhood of some nasty rocks. Quite a sensation waB caused on Friday evening by the report that Master R. C. Dickson, son of our P.M., had disappeared. Shortly after the news was made khowh Mr. Dickson - received information that seemed re- liable, that his boy had been seen at 'tor 0, p.m. going in thc ihrectkm of' the Park, also that ho had been in front of the Big Mill between half past six and sev n, and from another source came the information that a boy on ei raft had been seen to leave the river for the lake at about 7 p.m. The boy not having shown up by 9)30 A number pthdata mannedJhy Messrs Leer Strachan, Babb, Tlrnmas, Lut­ trell, Donagh, Crabb, iMoCalium, Bull, Granam, S. J. Reid and the mate or the Ariel searched the lake for three or/four miles west, north West, and north. The last boat returning nt I WHEN VISITING THS HU0 OF HURON GALL AT Great Dry-Goods Pulace-. We keep the Largest and Best Selected Stock inthe County, and carry on ALL the Branches of the Dry-Goods Trade; Mantle-Making, I Jknd TAILORING-. For summer weather we are showing a very full selection’of White Lawns, White Pks, White Spot Colored Muslins, Colored Lawns, Embroideries and Laces.—Lace Parasols, Silk Parasols, • - Cotton Parasols and Umbrellas.—Men’s and Boy’s Rubber Coats, Ladies’ Rubber Circulars;’ ' ' ' Highest i?rice for BuUer and Egg3. Five cent! off for Cashi J. CALLANDER, MAMAGER. ESTATE LATE J •' -fJ le T * CO <c ■ (wj «WMM '^8 M r 1L\X II wstvs ------x -^,1 *-U •Al "M ■■■■I £ O S Rz & I PRICES!!! - TO CLEAR SUMMER GOODS. - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DFALERS IN Teas, Coffees, groceries, Crockery, Blassware,1 3Slrc., azure.,. Altlioiigh Sugars have advanc’d 1|« pet-lb., we.are still selling 20 lbs. good vulgar for -. A CAR LOAD of Refined Sugars on the way from Refirfety, . Former Prices-' -Also irheavY shipment to hand of our F a in o u s T IE .A. S ! , Give us a call and be convinced, as we are bound to sell at closest ptioes. ? ^Samples of our Famous Taas sent to any address with pleasure, f • 0. J. Tuthill & Co., ALBERT STREET. CLINTON." NOTICE TO CREDITORS. _Kf OTICE is hereby gjven, in pnrsnaneA of Sec. XN iH7. cliaR-...1()7,. df .the h’cvTiSa'r^tatiitcs of Ontario, that all Creditors an Ot'hti' persona having claims against the cstotc'- of " Wim.iam . Giuiiam, late of the township of Stanley, in the Cdunt.v. ofj Huron, yeoman, dceeascjl/Jwlio.djed - on' or’about thc-ldth day of April, A. D. 1886, are hereby required to Send by pest'(paid). or ’ otherwise deliver to the undersigned,. Adminis­ trator with-the will annexed of tl]e estate and effects of thd 'sgid det-eased, at CiiYitoii P. Q., ■ Ontario, or Messrs. Davison * Johnston', “-his Solicitors, Godcrieh, on or before tlw.TENTH.DAY OF SEFfEMBEll, A. 1>. 1885, their Christian names and surnames, addresses and c'.esci-ipti'iiis, the full particulars of. tiiclr claims,-a statement of their accounts, nftd' tbe nature ofythe-seeuri- ties.(if any) held by them. And the sauT Admin­ istrator will, after the said tenth day of Septem­ ber, 1885, distribute the assets of the said dceeascdvntyroiigst the parties entitled thereto, having regard, only to claims of whieh notice shall Have been given as above required. ^And the said Administrator will not lie iiilblo for t1ie siiid assets, or alij' part thereof, to any parson of whose claim notice’shall-not hiue been received- by him. or .his Solicitors at the timo of such distribution. Dated this ton th day.of July, A.D. 1SS5. ' . > ’ HORATIO HALE, • 317—id '_____—""’Administrator, Clinton P.O. FOR ■A nd he Will make the prices to reach every pocket See the,NOBBY P ANTINOP-; SPRING.OVERCOATINGS and SUITINGS An ALL"WOOL T W E E D SU 1T"FO R S>S2. ~ Perfect xatisf:ictien^iveiK->— ——c. O- — ’ Tbo Hub Clothing House, .CLINTONVONT, i Tbot vou cannot afford to buy- a dlLTIsTTOZLT oiltt.. ---------------------0:-------a—------------------ Call Early and Get Bargains 111 GREAT ..CASH STORE7 Great Rush 5 Wo now offer the balance of our trimmed aud unirimmed HdtSi~ Bonnets, Fedthers, Froders, Ornaments, Ribbons, . • . Lawns,, etc., at . I \URIIA.M jtULl. FOR SERVICE.—A tlioro- 1/ bred Short,-Horn Rul.l 4k k<>pf'for servleo at the Stapleton Big Barn. Tk(ims—.at time of r'soryice, with the prlvlTego oT returning If neces­ sary. C. CARTER, Foreman. QeO POTTS., House, Sign. Lf CAJiniA(4E <fc GHXUlUL PAI.VpJ/l. v Paper llan'iidlft and Kalnomining Second to none. School Slackbonrdx a ttprcitiU'i. Satin- faction Guaranteed and prices with the time*. Ketidenci—Maru Street, CLINTON. ■StU.-hm; GRAND PLEASURE EXCURSIONS -FROM- . > ./ GODERIOH Every Sunday Evg. at 8 o’clock, On tlie Commodious Steamer OCONTO, .. a W. McGREGOit, FAHH. ., ? To Detroit and rOtffrn,. touching al Hand Bflvb, port Hope, Port Austin, Tuwas, -KipostMlle, Loxlngton, Sanllao, nnd all Rlver St. .Cla|r .port#, for tho routid trip, (H55_ Or ONE WEEK onboard, includintf'm'diilu and horths, ^10* » • ,’ Ma<lo nt Sand lloaoh with tho Port Htti-kfi & North wTstorn Hallway for Saginaw and IhformedlatO (Rations. Also with the Cleveland Navigation (Jo.’r bonta for Oscodft, Harrisville, Alpena, Rogers City, Mackinac', Cheboygan and St. Ighade, find1 all sLiiko Superior ports. And nt Detroit wth all railroads and Cleveland Steam Navigation Co.’s boats for Cleveland. " xafylood Dancing MnsT on TO CLEAR THEM. OUT. n ^el-ebt'ated CantP.lmi i Rentember; country, but aeli bo FINE TAILORING'! IVi. FISCHER, SMITII’S~BLOCK', ~ CLINTON, ONT. The correct place forperfcct-fltting.garihontA. at closest quotations. ■'■ Fit, Workmanship, Style Assured PhtBtons, and the I^Bsks^ . -Hg Granted: ;ot PeddleTfgs through the tflland sA stock . in returning thanks to mv many friends and patrons.for fust patronage,.'! woyitf . ’ .like to cull their- special attention to my very, complete stock of '. * HARNESS, WHIPS,. CURRY COMRS, BRUSHES, ETC., ,J-' - Speeial attention is directed to my-sto'tk of' SINGLE:HARNESS:-i It will be found very complete, <tnd for durability nnd finish Crtnnot fee excelled bV any one. As I employ none bo* the best workmen, and use tliejMyjt. rpnteri>il°i-o bo bought in the market; ail who mny favor me with their patronage may'febl confident' ’ o’f getting sat'isfuction; . . ' ” B^PBICES AWAY ; DOWN. Trunks find Valises in great, variety-and Prices Low. £5 “ o K-g e.V.3 t> 1>teas i -o _ . '# g » ~ J, t> -.T.’O 2 F. < *2 g3 O 3 8ft (7ust received from Makers. No Dusting’ Necessary*