HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1885-09-02, Page 1HMM* jta <r' g.KU«l ** =. n gUBlISMEU ^fertry Wednesday kornii g te filbert Street Clinton, Ont. % MiMwa advance ,* if not so paid. • BUSINESS DIRECTORY “ 6 mes, 18 “ 3 mos 12 «< 1 year, 18 6 mos, 12 .«« 3 moa, ‘ 8* $e»Wnj >uctmumn#. HURON STREEfj'CLINTON. Clinton, May 17th, 1882. 20 H. W. BALL, A UCT1ONEER for Huron County—Salea-at; Cl, tended to in any pars, of the County., ’ Ad- drew ordora to Goubrich P. O; ■ V-1'7..' Th*propriatoruof ThX Goderich News, luiff&f purchased the busings and plant of TitK Huiiujr Record, will in future . L nnhlwh. tiifijurndgmated papers in Clinton, under thft title of "Tu* Huron News- aitCOBD." e ----- - Clinton ’« the most, prosperous town m Western Ontario, is the seat of considerable manufacturing, and the cejitte of the finest agricultural section In Ontario, The combined circulation of TheNfavs- Record exceeds that of any jraper pub* risheVtm Um County of Huron. It w, an wlvertismg medium. Our .rates for advertising are 5 J column 1.year. $90' 1 r ‘ S - «*mos, 50 I i " i year, * 59 l 8 --j-...<* - 3 mos, 18 j column 1 year, $30 i " “ ii 1 i- Advertisenients, without instructions as to apstce -and time, will be leTt to thejudg- meift of the "compositor'in the display, ill; uorted yntil forbidden, ’ measured by a seale of Solid nonpareil (12 lines to the iu’rhr), ’and charged 10 cents a line for first, insertion and 3 cents a line for each sub- «jquBnt insertion. Orders to discontinue adKerti^iRchJtsjnust’be Jn writing. • ^‘Notices set as READING matter, (measured by a scale of solid Nonpariel, 12 lines to.the inch) charged at the rate of IQ; Uepts.a .line for each insertion. „ JOB WORK., 'We have -one of the best appointed Job Offices west of Toronto. a Our facilities in this department .enable us to do all kinds, ofiWork—ffoiii'aeallin’g'cardtoatitainiiiotli- ppster, iu the best styie known to the craft, and at the lowest possible rates. ♦ O^ers by mail promptly attended to. Address, • ’ ' . the News-Record, — Clinton. Ont . Decomber, 1882. —__— .................................. ...ui.imu. ........h !. . • ...■ *..,-■........................ TEBMS: $1.25 per Annum, in Advance. ..... . J’............11 ---...............’ , ........ . ....................................... - i s " ’’"INDEPENDENT’IN ALL, THING37REUTRAL IN NOTHING,’1VHITELY & TODD,Publishers Vol. vil-no. 39.CLINTC)N, HURON COUNTY, ONT., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEM .........1 .!.l:111........................................rm t." ' aui.'X.^-ss= BER 2, 1885. 1 » ' " ’■ WHOLE NO. 354 & MONEY TO LOAN At tow rateH of interest and upon terms to suit borrowers. MANNING & SCOTT, a ' Beaxer Block, Clinton Oliuto.i, May 17th, 1882. 20 ONEY to lend In large or small Hinns, on ilJL good mortgaged or pew n ecnrjty, at the lowest current rates. II. H Al E Huron-St. Clinton, Cl.nton. Feb. 25,1881., , 1-lv. HURON AND BRUCE Loan and l..vestmeht Cnmi THE WEEK’S DOINGS. This Company is -Loaning Money an Farm Security at Lowest Rates of .Interest: Savings JBank Branch. ■ 3,4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allow­ ed on Deposits, according to amount and time left. Office—Corner of Market Square and -Naiik.Strfifit^JGodli?ricli. HORACE HORTON, _• " ■ Manager. Goderiah, Aug, .5th, ’81. 351-3ni- -r”------ -’V ry—--------= — " ;EJ)WIN KEEFER, ‘ idejittxsox, Lata of Toronto, Honor Graduate Royal College , of Don tai Surgeon’s,*' ■ ’ : ■■■ - Coats’s Block, - Clinton. All Work Registered. 'Charges Moderate. rvK. REEVE. Oiliee—“Palace" Brick Block, Lz lUtteiibury Street, .Residence opposite the Temperance Hull, Huron Street. Coroner for the County of Huron. Office hours from 8 a.n’. to'6 ..ai«■ ” •.. ; Clinton,' Jan*. 14,1881. 1-y *■ Incorporated by Act of Parlianient, 1855, CAPITAL, - - * $2/000,000 REST, - - - $500,000 Head Office. MONTREAL THOMAS WORKMAN, President. J. H. R. MOLSON, Vice-President. F. WQLVERSTAN THOMAS, Genera) Manager-. Notes ’discotinted. Collections made, D:aft? . issued, Sterling and American ex­ change bought and sold at low­ est current-rates. . • INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS' CANADIAN. Musiard’s flour mill at Wyoming wa* burned iSumiav. Loss $30,000; iiiHuri-d for $ll,Q00. Mra. Graham, living at Montroso, P.E.I., Ims reached the age of 110 yearn, and in yet iw posnessiou of Jier mental faculties, She is probably, the oldest woman in Canada, „ , ‘The maj irities for War<l, connPr vathe, elected for Eant Durham to. day, were : Millbrook and Cavan,” 262 ; frlanvprs, 274 ; Port Hope, 30; total, fi66 Preston, reform, bad a majmity of 18.7 in. Hope, leaving a majority for Ward of 379. It is anjiounui d, says tint Montreal Times that Officers who have return, ed. from the Northwest have not .only, m quir.ed. the land scrip of the’r men for a nominal consideration, but that they have taken a<h.an’age oi the neie-sitl’es of some of them to p'Jtain their orders for balance of pay, at a .discount of forty per cent. This should be looked into. Cleveland Leader :—“A. person by the name of A. Blue.is secretary of the Qfitaiio Bureau of Industries, hind sends u* a'*eport concerning the crops of thaF'Provinee^whiuh is not blue at all. JM'- Blue is in flip -wrong field of labor, . Hb nimiit to be making reports on"'th,e wheat markets for.tlie bulls of the Chicago lELAJRlVEIEmS. . . ' MAney advanced to'fiirinprs on theirown notei with, one or nv>re endorsers. No mortgage rei, if. C. BREWER, K -Manager, CttSToa. ,'quired as security. February.1884. MA.NNIN3 & SCOTT, ■ ' . "7 ■ ■ — ’ ~~ .......~ Batriitera, Solicitors, Conveyauccrs, &c .Coni- mlmionara (ujf Ontario and Maliitoblt. . . . /^LINTON Lodge, Nd. 84, ■ A. F. & A- M.~ meets every Eri.lyy, on or after the full •Hnoon.—Visiting brethren coriually-lnyited,—!— L YO’.’NG, w. M-. -.. J, CALLANDER, Site , ©raiijK. SEAGER * MORTON, Barristers, <tc., .fc ,. Qod-. ericli and Wingiiam. U. Seager; Jr., Goderich. J. Al Morton Wingham. ’ l'-ly. DayiSON & JOHNSTON, Law, Cliaueery.anii Cuaveyanehi^' Office—-West Hext dojr to Post Office, Gudurtch. Ont. . o7* I) C. HAYS, Solicitor, <fcc. Office, corner of V" Square and West Street, over Butler's Book Store; Ooderieh,‘:Out. 07. ■ «ar Money tujend'at lowest rates of interest.. L. 0. L.4Jo. 71Q ■ . CLINTON,.. . Mpets sKcoND Monday . of every 1 mm.tli. ' Hall upstairs, opposite the Toivn Hall. Visiting brethreji gg^'dlways made welcome, r ■ p. oantelonJ w: M. .A, M. TODD, Seeyt . C, XWEEJJY..D..M..... L^pr |aUoi^O<- E CAMPION, Barrister, AttStriey'i Solicitor'li'i- . Cfirncery, <Jouvc\.itrcer, -ic. -Officii-aver ■ Jordan’s Drug' store, tile rooms formerly occu­ pied 5y"Judge upyle. An ; ,nn ».nnt of m ji^ey to loan n’t lowest rates of interest. ■ . 1-ly. P3DJLH3 WAQ-J0H FOB SALE. '■1.11'1' FOR DHV GOOPS OR GROCERY bnyi- jj' ncss. In g >od srdcr; only been in use two seasons. Applv to . R, COATS ffi SON... Ciin ton, M arch 23tlirAflas.' . , :091 , ------r-CiLlSr'aiA^HET’OiV,——- A UCT1ONEER, taud, loan and insurance agent .. k. Blytli. Sales attended in town ijml country, ‘ /in reasonable-terins. A.list of farmland village lota (or dale. .Honey to loan' on real outate, at low rates .of interest. Insurance effected on, all., classes of property. Notes and debts collected. Goods appraised, aiidvJoliLonjjpjiiniissidn. ... Bank- . rupt Htodku bought and sold. Blvth/Dec. 10,18A0 A SPLENDID CHANCE —For sale 7 V or. easy’terms the'east half a>t Lot'15, on the 3rd Concession, and the south lialt of Lot 15;' Mjn-the 4th Concession, township of HuHett, con- taftiing 100 acres, 80 cl .ared, and under fence, and 47 ncres.in grass, the balance well.timbered. The soil is good and .well watered.' There is',an excel­ lent frame dwelling house, also frame barn 30’x'O '-wtrnrotlver- -necessary -stables- ahd- sheds^-~Als<>-- two good bearing orchards, containing the best grafted fruit, ft is Bi'miles from Clinton, and 7' from Seaforth, with .good gravel roads leading to each. It not sold, by the loth-September it 'will, be rented. • Apple on the premises or address Clinton P. O’. WM. .UcMILLA-Nr ,’351—tf J. E. BLACKALL, Veterinary Surgeon ■ Graduate of tlie Ontario Veterinary" Oolleafo; To* ronto, havihx Opened an office in Clinton, is prepared to treat all diseases of domestic animals oh the most-modern'prin­ ciples. All Operations bdrefully ' performed, and calls prompt- ' ly attended to by u»y or ■ h^Ti'trFe^'mbilerutor---------s.^ "Office,—.1st door Weat*of Kmi- ■. nedy’B H^tel, Clinton, Oiit. V-17; -—■ Photogr.ijjhe^ CLINTON. Iiifo Size Portraits a Snecialty. H. COOPER, Jr., Manufacturer of and dealer in all kinds Of I - ■ Marble & Granite for Cemetery Work at figures that defy Competition anew with the above information, Judge Elliott' haffiruppmirted: Satur­ day, 12th September, for the hearing of the case. The town council of Welland has granted $200 to the Mecjian'ics1 In­ stitute in that town, and the yearly subscriptions to the library have been rihiueed to 25 cents. Neville Oille, the pine year old son of Aiderman Oille, <>t St Thomas, bud his eye shot out while playing with a cross bow and arrow,. This is a distressing accident ss it leaves young Oille totally blind, he having lost his other eve a few years ago by the accidental ilischarge of a pistol.' “BbiriFof T" — Wm. Monteith, of Lacbine road, Montreal, w"ith his younger br'otheis, were viijjAyed in diiving a lot of garden thieves out-of their ort-l ard,- when one- of the gang turned "on Williatn and sfiMslTeiUni his skull, with the. butt end of a shot gun, killing him./ The culprits, escaped, leaviuH the. gun, and a, .basket to lend to-their capture, which the ifeteciivrs have nq doubL will take place. At the last meeting, of the Od .Springs,* Lauibtoii county, council the Re«ve Intiided in'lus resignation,, Hta(iBg.~as .Ins reason that* every, time he hail spoken about his had. adjourned. Tlieyhajl to do due tiling or the other-• set tle’ his bill’ot: accept his resignation. The Council compromised the matter by yotiti-i Mr. Grant $100,.one half the .bill. The Dominion Government have appropriated $25,000 As the first in sfttieineiit. of tt-e cost, of erect ink a Military School in London. The Lot al cost'’ of: i lie institution;- when eniiiplereil,' will be about $65,000. We undeistand it will lie-fitted out Jji firstjflass military' shape, and lie a. credit to the JAiitiii'ibti.l T.lie site, chosen for it is on- the "Carlinu Heights,* Where the camp has been . held for the past few years. A cyclone passed over the”hortli end of the Muskoka district on Fri- duy evening last 'which literally swept everything out of-its path,, 'tearing up- trees, unroofing bouses,’- barns, etc. Its'Cd urso, was from west to east. Several' narrow escapes have been heard of and two deaths, the clnl (ren of Mr. Crowder, who The barns of Frank ami "Tliomiur’ Ferguson, on t’fe opposite bank of (Tie. river, were struck au<| totally destroyed, along widi fifteen tons of , hay ; also the stables, with a valuable team ofjm^ses. L°ss estimated at $1,300. * The ma's Ferguson had just turned the cows out iri the pasture from the barn, and narrowly escaped with his life. ' We desire to Warn faimers against a new swindle. Two strangers meet ata farmer’s house to stay all night, and’during the evening tlu-y get.up a trade ’between themselves, which requires a witness, and the farmer is asked to sign tlie paper”, simply to witness the trade. If hg does so he spon finds that his name-i.i signed to a note which he has to pay. Th- law does not appear to touch these cases, an<l farmers should hang the first nifii eatfght at if. Mr. Thomas Whitehead, a prom­ inent merchant of Brandon.,„was in Hamilton, OirtP, the other, day. ’ IL* describes "the crops in all southern Manitoba as "being excellent, better, in fact, than at any time in the last Sihreeor four v-ftkrs He thinks they are heavier than anv crops he has seen in 'Ontario. Business, he says, is brisk. It is considered Jjettvr this year than last, and prospects fm” good fall an.d winter trade, are~ first class. ‘The farmers’ union,’ be says, ‘aTe saving Tess, aril “ have lost a’ large -amouii.t of influei'.ce. They niade niisrepre^ehtiltions which have been found out, and whatever- con­ fidence was once felt in them, is ’ being lost.’ , ' ■ The miraTlriaeasofTat Ste. A’biie~ de Beaupre, Quejiec, has been dix.tliu bpum for a few days past, over a report that- a young man, named Roy, of Gr« enfiehi,'MassaehusetiH, ,l\ad been' cured of hip disease.,at the. saintly shrine of id'e. Anne. He is jinscribell as having fe.lt a cold thrih through his body, as he. kissed the sacred relics at the shrine,.and was immediately able to wa|k. H- threw‘ away his crutches to take, ^thejr^-- p|.'tcw-:with”-1 he.-T»wt>;-that......aj:e> collected near the shrine and’ilwlar ed iiis abjdily to walk. Now it is announced that .Mr; F. X. Dumais, Of Montreal, hasiheen cured from a bodily infirmity of years, -.. A ■ .Herald repjesmitatiye was shown by Mr. Rodney, a few days ago, his arms and breast which .are- aS perfectly white as any white man's’ skin we have ever-seen, whftrjea-, ri­ fe w tiion tliT'iigo7^r-w^'of^lieTra1ni~ 'ehony Jiue; as other parts of his body; Th- change lias been gradu-- ally .going bn for some tliiie/T; P'r; sons iii town wh<» have known Mr. Rodney for some j ears say they, have n.oticial, spots on Iii- neck and 1‘hrbat"that were scarcely visible some months ago. grow to. their present-size.* Iii fact'the-back part' . of his nftek is now hs fair a< the • whitest of Angh Saxon complexions. — Port Arthur Tler aid. Mr. Paget, student at the Ontario Agricultural College, was the victim of a most distressing accident, He safety at the extreme outer edge of the bridge. Blw retufned to the center of the track aud had her baud ii.-on her little sister iu the effort to sayeoher when both were struck by the train and must have beet> killed inxtnntlyt as the bodies were crushed and mangled beyond reco nition. The WeJIand" Te'egrapK says: Our gas well met witlnrbaek slap lust week, Tlie contractor aiiruck ealt water so strong that the gas cannot since be uti ized, and work hns been temporarily suspended. The water is abad-combination of minerals anti anout 70 per cent, of salt, Before sUHpendiag work, just lx low the, vein of water, another vein of gas Mfas entered, and it lm<T" force enough to throw the brace 20 feet in the derrick. Casing will be ’Completed aa soon as poasiblh and the drill, again at work for gaa. We don't want any salt at present prices. A suicide look place last Wednes day morning at the little village of Edgar, about1* eighteen miles from Barrie. The victim is a young mair, nineteen years of age, name I Win. Feiin. O.ii Monday the young man drove to Barrie with a load of grain. On Ilia uirival home he talked in a very strange manner, Tuesday morning he went over to a tieiglibor’s house, and for some dine appeared to enjoy himself in playing with the .children. xTbeii-Jie went out intodhe wot dshed, it Vivas supposed on - his. . way liome. On going into the wood­ shed they, were startled to find young Fenn’s dead%-idy suspended, by a rope from ?he rafters.- /Dr. Fowelb declined co hold an inquest, as he considered that it was clearly a case of mental, aberration. - “Mr. Conger is in, a fit,” exclaim­ ed .some one .a moment, alter- the we|l known Toronto coal merchant .had taken his*seat after Speaking on ■ the -Esplanade question at a meeting of. I he lioard of works. rMr. Conger’s b«ad had ‘•fallen on the shoulder of ■ Mr. White, superintenflent of the C. P. R., and his face Was deathly pale. Kjnd' hands grasped, him, laid him gently on the floor, loosened his collaiy and sprinkled water-on 'his faqe. A slight-twitching of the _. features fallmye.dj and lte jviis deml... Dr. Ca*n11ifl‘-expressed the" opinion, that appoplexy' was the:_caiise''bT d-iith The- had intelligence was immediately communicated to Mf. Conger’s family. The" de<-eased.-.was a loan about 47 years of age,, ami was 4w.ide)y known anil- respected- .throughout;the city. ■ “Louia. Riel,” said Judge Richards son in deftp tones, “after long dura:- lioti, attended by. able counsel, you nTOi<le8~TTiT™Sl<«'lHt otr^hike—itv—thri’ ^wmreitgag»d" 'a|ring"/Wtth -some- com- -* ... . . 1 . • • . • >. C i t . *•% 1 * . .ttiintt . 1. JI 1 »♦ 1 **..:. "**■.. 1:__„■ * - . :_ I.. J _ ! 1 1 — .. . TpAIlM FOR SALE —THE UNDER- JL'‘ SIGNED offers R»r sate, together or separ­ ately, on te?ms to stilt purchaser, lot 21 and part of lot 25, eo'n. 15, Goderich township. 3.miles from Clintan, consisting of 140iu-res, 125".c'ea<-cd, bal­ ance hardwood timber, chiefly-maple. B-ith lots are well watered. Comfottab.ie •fraffie house; b-trn 48x(lff with stables underneath, also other ouclmirdings. Good and large orchard,'200 choice apple and a variotV'bl other fruit trees. Apply Oh the premises to. • ' . • - . ' ■ .or address,. S. G,- PLUMMER, 350—tf . Clinton P. O. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE? rpiTE undersigned offers for sale hie House and1 Lot on Queen street, Clinton. The house ie newly built; Six rooms, three upstairs and three down; hard and eoft water; good cellar. Situate in rising and healthy locaiity/ Terms easj'. on tlie premises or address Clihtpn F O. 3etjr — . JOSHUA iQMNF.R STOCK BROKERS, .TORONTO. MEMBEB3 xOKONTO STOCK EXCHANGE^ i:_ ‘ ‘ ' whiclv quotf^ ...___ ly than, by any ___ Buy and Sell on commission, tor Caeli, < margin all securities dealt in on tlio . Have irf.depen.dent jdirect. wire, by by any other source, if”-ecj/'p1 or on foronto, Montreal, an<l New York Stock Exchanges. Aiso-cxecute orders iirCrnin and Provisions on York Stock Exch.ihgcs - tlie Chicago-Bpard= of Trade.—„ Dilily cubic quotations of Hudson’s Bay and other stocks. 26 TO RO NT b HTREjUT.. TO THE PUBLIC. Aleo manufacturer of the Celebrated Artificial Stone for Building pur­ poses and. Cemetery Work, which must , be seen to be Appreciated,—All work warranted to give satisfaction, ■. —— -M-—■— —- h: beacom’s BOOT Uh 8H0B STORE OPPOSITE RAOEY’S, ALBERT STREIT, CLINTON, ONT. Ordered Work A SPECIALTY. RBPAI RING Ptdhiptly attended ' to. if KIWtAAW •<r •r HAVE appointed MR. ROBERT GORDON, ns 1 General Agont of the Godorlch Marble Works for the Gouhtyof Huron. Joseph Vanstone ’ * .. Proprietor Goderich,reh.e, W. CITY PAINT SHOP. COBP & LOGAN. Oecoiws, Sign Writers, Gilders EJTQ., 3HJTO- _ All kinds ot MOUSE, SIGN AND OtlNA* MENTAL PAINTING, Paper Hangingand Deoor- htlngdono in tho Latest style. * . Frescoing, * Kalsomimng, Flags, Banners, Eto., AttlsHcsIly ft01 up. Order# ptffinpllyattjjntled tb, ATion^TCiA An.«T .. OtJ.vTnN' i township of Stephenson, The child " - ren were discovered under a., fallen ree, . u ' ..... -'■■■.'■Tao respectable young men aspir e j AQ -win. the affections of one -of' Toronto’s fair daUghteis*. They d--. cided to fight -the matter out, the winner to be relieved of-tlje rivalry x of the loser. They met. S-cmids and an umpire were chosen. 'Tiie . lovers .put o,u the gloVes aud pum* melled each. cother’ stvagely, , four founds being fought',, they -then mu- V’aljy coticludeil- that, they ^rad enough. The: umpire suggested as neither had the advantage, that they should toss up for the sole right to woo the lair lady, - which' was (lone aild a'l ended happily, ... . Saturday nigiit John Findleyson, II''l’i>^ardgr^t\the Coiumerciol hotel, Brahtford, wTireqMvtirhig about mni night, fell fr'diii the BiTtririloor to tlm, first, floor, libout 30 feet, tlirough a" large opening cut in the floor fo, ventilation and heatnig. He ha<< lust left’a companion’s room,' ami it •is supposed that, the hall* being..<JarK, '.jSecwiiwon the railing before he was 1 avyare of it, and overbaluticed. The companion be had just left, hearing the fall, ran out with tf*ligjit to see what it was, and saw Findlay.son I ing insensible on the ground floor. Medical aid was immediately, pro­ cured, Anil: tliri patioriVTRriOVFd t0” the hospital. It is expected that lie aiill be around again in a few weeks. . On Sattmlriy Kov. Timothy O’ Conimll laid an information before His Honour Judge Elliottj of L-n don, charging HarVey Washington Babcock with having appeared be­ fore Squ i ruNi l^^alnF fa Is^tyTTWOTTli that the complainant had been guilty, of reckless driving across one of the bridgfts over tlm Thambs, and the i eompliiitiaht further .alleges that ' Babcock obtained a sunimons from , Squirt) Nilfts on the above,,informa-‘ tmn, arid did then, for the purpose of shndering and Villifying the rev* 1 t-rend gentlemaiij instead of serving the complaihadt with the ainrimons, exhibit the summons to several parties in the city, slid among others ’ to MbSSTA K Meredith. And Geo. Hiscok, And thAt tlie' defendant j Rtated to these parsons that ho had himself seen the complaiiiAbt on the occasion referred to, and that the ; complainant was then drunk and - had ft couple of women of bad char- ( actor with him, with intent to de* fame the comphiinant ami induce t the public! to believe that tlie rever* I miff veutleman jeas n 'jpaiiions 'in try.iug his skill as a marksman at tho rfflu gallery. While cine of his companions was about t<» shoot he went down to the t irget in company with Mi*. Kennedy to h<*e where the charge hit. As soon as it struck the target it .scattered^, one kpiece lodging in .the pupil of Mr. Paget’s .left eye. On coming to Guelph it was found that nothin,g Could be 'dcme‘ for hi mJ there, .and ■after■spendmg. miserable-night' lie left for Turonto-tb he treated; ‘ The eliances are that he wrll lose the sight of the injured eye.'¥ Win. /Betiuehmnp is, the Ch ef Uounci lor of Duck Biy,; Mnni'oba, B-hfi is. well, known in the North W-est;-- About a 5 ear ago he-iT'caHie infafcunteil with AyoilDg iTrJjan girl, and'two weeks agiu-lie-turnedMi.m wife and children 0UL^)£Ihh.house to Jiiis(ajl,the ltvii.au Jiiaitlen. as bis* ‘mistress. His wife ami her .friends caused the pair a ..good- deal of trouble, and they -, decided to kill Mrs. 'BHaiich-tinp^ut the earliest o.* po.rtun.ity, .Twoor" three davs ago ‘the girl procured a guantity|o|, Indian roots, and extracted thepfw* Jfohi a most deadly poison, Which, with Beauchamp’s assistance, she mixed with bis wife’a food, Th-* woman died five hour’s afterwards. Beauchamp and his mistress were arreHtfi«i,'und *wh i le hi*- denied-—-ther crime the gill .confessed her guilt, but begged that the man she loved be given his freedom,* saying she would willingly die for him. Both are lodged in jail here, anti will be tried for murdar in a few days. Thero are threats of lynching, ami’ tbe-jnil is closely .guarded,. ..— The two girls killed on the rail way bridge n,ear^Ottawa on Saturday, were, named Minnie and Maggie Tobin, and aged 14 and 11 each. The two girls’ in company, with a ‘ younger brother and another little hoy had gone across tl;e river to pick berries and wer6 on their Way home when the accident occurred. Wlieh about half way across the railway bridge a freight train from MontreU came round a curve on the other side of it, Tlfe children at ence started Ato run in ntiler to get off the bridge l^m’0 they were overtaken. Boeing the train was gaining up on them rapidly .And that it would be ifnpos* aible for all four to be saved, the eldest girl, MinnieJ with a sidf''sacri* flfiing heroism seldom seen, seems to > have iletermined to'rescue Imr com* • pAjlimw regardless of her own life. now before the legislature. The bill substantially codifies the liquor |aw of the Rtate, provides for the classification of licenses into beer, ale and spirituous liquor, classes, makes optional on the part of the commission-rs the granting or lee fusal of a license, hut gives the right of appeal to a court of com­ petent jurisdiction in ease of a re fiiHftl to grant a license; amends tlie- civil damage act, prohibits the aide of liquor, etc,, on Sunday, imposes a penalty or corporations organized transportation of freight ami passed gers for employing men of intem­ perate habits, and makes it a mis­ demeanor on the part of any com- „ -m+ftsi+mer—wIio votcH to grant a li^- Etpiliind, Ts SO great tlfat-tlie Town cegse tn viobition of afty oi the pro- - visions of the act. It' is ,declared that the bi ll "does not extend any’ privileges to tlie liquor interest, but offers protection to honest and re-' spec-table dealers. There wasla heavy fall of snow at Harvey’s lake, near Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania, Aug. 26. Mrs. Bridget Farlev,, of West- Strutfor l,‘Gunn., recently celebrat ed her one hundred and fourth birthday. " . A banquet was given at B Ifast Aug. 21, to th** Catholic bishop of Down and Cotinor. The? Joast to the Queen was ignored, the first toast being to.the Pope. Messrs; Gray,- Biggar and other nationalists ’were nresent. The Dakota- papers are telling slories about the size of the hail fttmieB" that fell, during * a “recent storm. One of the stones is Said to have broken off a cow’s horn. An­ other broke through a shingle roof and strtiqk a woman on,the head with such force that she is not ex­ pected to live. ’ Charleston, South Carolina,^ was strqck by a cyclone, and one fourth of the houses of tlie city were un roofed. Parts of the.’spires of. two. churches were * blown down and another spire demolished. " The wharves’and warehouses were badly damaged, four vessels wrecked,' ami telegraph, wires are doWn,- and there' are no cars running. The loss is estimated,at one million .dollars. All eggs received in, the United. thing solemn and dazzling in the thought that we belong to a genera*- don about to witness the finish of a struggle lasting 700 years, oppoffgrt by such tremendous obst'des and odds. (Cheers). Only the Irish can defeat themselves. The Eng-' lisli Parliament cannot defeat us. (Cheers), We have met, and beaten the worst tfrut England can do. ■s Hta^edl>eff^fefedrU^iiky‘-Df--thTi--g4uiat^-aApmop-RbULjjx- est crime tluit’caii b^mnlnitiedU'Tt" has heen proved that a ou let loose the gate of bloodshed. You have brought ruin slid misery to many families. For what yon. have done/ the law requires that you must.an. swer. It is true the jury have asked the Piercy of lier majesty. Vyhile sitting here a notice bus been placed in my hands by your counsel, who will take action in a hjgher court. -'For- ine;~I-bAve only to do iny dutyj I would suggest to you to prepare to mee£your end. My-duty is a pain­ ful one to’me... You will be. taken from here to"the Regina j dl, where vou' will' remain until ' the., 18-th. of September’next/'when you wiiLbe taken out. and hanged by tfie heck Until dead, and may the Lord have mercy on your soul/’. . Private advices lately received stale that the House of 'Conim.ons Department has received from. Hoir. Mr. Mackenzie, M. P., a letter en/ 'closing a cheque for five hqndred ilidlaitS:< extra sesSiomd allowance, “wli i eli1 “ba 11 lieen To r w a rd e< I to liIm?'" ’ The enclosure was accompanied by an intimation that -illness alone ha l prevented0 hi$. returning the money at an earlier date.* This illness, it is; learned from, other source's, is. so serious, tfh-tt few^^o'f his political friends ever expect to see hj.m in Parlianv-nt ■ again. Paralysis i* slowly but surely obtaining the mas tery of one side-of his body, and His f; iends have' watched ‘with alarm for inatiV mouths past tlie outward ifnli* cations of this desPHse,. A score of physicians have all quietly been ask , ed their opinion, and nil pronounced" the verdict given above;; The ex Premier’s attendance during the past session was very uncertain, and .even when 'firesent, in nlany-easvs, he'failed to recognize instantlj’ those Whom he-k'new familiarly in the past. 1;-’^--<A31T)RICan./—•—". ; In Towa where "prohibition is the law the druggists are obliged to make monthly reports of their sales of.liquor. One druggist in Musca,/ tjnexgu'jionts having.,sold as medicine, Wiiiskey, ,19 gallons of gin, 7 gallons- of alcohol ’hnd three of BrSndy. This is .a long way ahead of1* the re­ cord in, Halton. Muscfttirm mtjst be a remarkab y sickly' community. ~ --As^a-faswtrain siopped-at Prti nt of Rocks, the engineer was found Stunned and almost lifeless, suffering apparently from a blow in the head. A dead chicken was found lying in the cab. The only explanation that could be given was that .the chicken attempted to fly across the track .while..the train..was running at .a. high speed and catne in collision with the driver’s bend. The latest news was that the driver had recov­ ered cgpMjmusiiesd, but that, his res covery was by no means assured; Miss Harriett E. .Greenway, of Lawrenceville, Gu., is suffering from one of the strangest delusions ever known, She believes that film is in> the lower regions, and that the sulphuric flames of that dismal abode are continually preying upon her, while the lost of all ages are arrayed before her in all'tlm hideous deformity of Satan himself, This delusion has such a strong hold upon Mis* Greenway that she is perfectly wikj| ami prays and bhisphemsis alternately for her deliverance. She says slm will be pardoned out of the dismal abode after a certain period. ............... States from- foreign ports are k how.n as “pickled” eggs, and are packccT iti ctises of fifty, dozen each. They are treated to some process previous to their shipment by which their appearance off freshness is partially preserved until they are .received and put on the market’ at York. Germany is at present-.tl(p largest shipper jttf eggsLj.OJithis country; arid the German eggs, are *any- •otiier'-’fo.reign eggs roceived.. The D inish eggs, which are received iii less quantities than the Germun, are looked on with very little- favor ^by dealers on account of Kheir small size. . The number of eggs,, foreign-; and domestic, consumed in NPW York*, is about? two millions each day. ~ ' One day-Ho,n. George Rice, late, .speaker qf tlie • house of represent­ atives, now attorney general of Dakota, while visiting the census ■ office, ■ as a mat ter of. cu riositv. gianced at the returns froin Fland team, Moody couiity, his home His eye glanced, at the entry oppos­ ite his owp name,, when he was astonished and outr iged to find the enuTiierafor had’returned him- as a “hastii’rd,” 'TliY enumerator was T. W Pettigrew, brother .of Frank of Sioux Palis, between whom and Mr. Rice there hagg-been. a lift'tW. political feud for ye^rs. Mr. Rice’s iiidignation was unbounded. He immediately wrote VVinsor Al at ShiraXT-Fatls^' retaining them for the prosecution of an action for criminal libel'; -The. federal stature provides a maximum penalty, of $5,000 fine and ' two • year’s imprisonuii nt for aifeiiumer- ator willfully and knowingly make, fictitious returns. The lejtideiic.fi of. Noah L'ockabill, < on a farm near Brovyn’s Valiev, In­ dian, was entered, by trainps o>i ■Sunday niglit. ■ Lock a,bi 11 . was* awakened by-tjie iioisesj^prang frou. his bedroom, and closed7 with one in the room. ■ The huglar was rein, "fqpeed by-two other#, Mr- Locksbill is a powerful uiab,, and fliTng- the Captured burglar against the two others in.sueh/a' manner as to bring the firree ip* ’the, floor. TliPii h went at tjlem- with a club. His wife, brought a .clothes line, and to- gether /tlntv hound^the tramps, sat do w u/fim l‘ 'WSiWltor them UFnFcijYerr When' the trfimps reRained con­ sciousness Mr. Lbgkibilljisked them ^hicli thny- prefer! e<l —to lie taken to Crawfordville and placed in jail, where they*stood a ehafice of sevef- in »the. peuitmitiary, or be mu o‘u£ one At .a time and receive such a whipping as lie would ad­ minister. Tuey chose , the’ latt<T, aild- the farmer took them ou.t sev eraliy, tied them to the gate post, and , administered one hundred I ns Ti es' tor A/liiYge" rawhide-whip. Eicli stroke’ raised a huge welt On the back of the tramp, and when the operation was completed a p'"ol qf bloodcould.be seen .. where they stood. - / Addressing a .public meeting Par-' nell saul that the triumph-bf the. Ir islicause" was aS* U rSd W li P th OF til e Whigs or Tories' won the. election. The Tories would give as good a scheme of self government as the Whigs. “Let Irish farmers,” be ’said “support the league and prove that they will not ellow* the laml* lords to trsniplejuponthem durirtgthe ensuing winter.’-' He was glad to say that that policy had succeededr 'Many evicted families had been re­ stored to their hohlingSj their ar rears cancelleil and a reduction of 15 to 20 per cent, in' rents obtained, The indirect results were even greater. Lamilords f'*nred to evict iinjiistly, and hundreds had thous­ ands of families tlmrehy escaped eviction.*' It was th^ duty of thus ants to subscribe .freely for,the sdp- port of those evicted. “If we use judgement ami moderations” ho rnnt.ii.n.J BRITISH—FOREIGN. It has been found in Spain that people living in the neighborhood, of ■ soup factories are entirely exempt from the cholera. The infant mortality in Exeter, Council lias issued a circular giving mothers minute instructions for rais­ ing their babes from the first day, even to the rinsing of the mouthpiec­ es of bottles. Tne. total of cholera deaths in Spain has been over 70,000. The mortality is now slightly diminish­ ing, but it is spreading badly in the northern provinces. ■ There Jihv f been about, a ihouHand deaths in the' S‘iutb of France thus'fsr. The con­ dition of M-u’seilies .now rivals the worst days of last year. It is re- . ganfed us certain that, the ravages -will (sr fa? greater. -The Globe gives an account of bin agricultural laborer Who, on being ..questioned as. to what lie thought of- Mr. Gladstone;’ asked whether he was the mail who rode..round the circus at the Agricultural Hull. I beard of another agricultural laborer tjo Whom an aspirant lor his~v6tb was pointing out what Mr. Gladstone had done for the country,.and who re­ plied : “I never heard of the gen­ tleman, but be you a friend of a chap culled Collins, who’s going to give 1 three acres of land and free muck 1" . A singular trance occurred at Far* drum, near Aililone. on July 24; A girl, pained Mary Brophy, to all ap­ peal ance died su Idenly, Sergt. Cody, of the' Far<|rum Eolice Station, bad despatched a messenger for-the cor­ oner for the: purpose of having ah inquest. In the meantime a young man, named William Dutton, called, and, for some reason, not believing . ..her to be dead, lie.lifted the body, jn Jiis arins and. shook it violently. After a''very'*^"boR‘“tim<r"'ttie""g^ Contemporary Opinion. BEHR BAD. The Scientific American feels assur­ ed that beer is more dangerous than wbfakeyr^rhe use of beer, the S. A. says, is found t<« produce a species of degeneration of all the organs i pro­ found and decentive fatty deposits, diminished clic ilation, conditions ot congestion ami perversion ol func­ tional activities, IocaI inflammations of both the liver and kidneys, are constantly present. A slight injury, a severe cold, or S shock to the body or mind, will commonly provoke acute disease ending fatally in a beet drinker. Messrs. Goldwin Smith and Moses Oates,"the wine and beer advo cates, will have to drop the awful beer*out of’their temperance pro­ gramme, and preach wine only. But. how long will it be before some scientific, mugwump_will discover that grape juice is the very worst of the lot ? find A WASTE OF SYMPATHY. Buffalo Nows. •The French-Canadians who employment in Massachusetts cannot be possessed of much sense or they would not appeal to the Secretary of State to use his influence in behalf of Riel on the ground that the Jiallbreed is un-American citizen. No sympathy should- be wasted on ’Riel, who has been instrumental in stirring up ip surrections in the Canad an North­ west which have resulted in the death 'of innocent people. If Riel really was an. American citizen he should have kept away trom Canada and not have interested himself in its' affairs. showed signtTof returning animation, and-gradually, though slowly, recov- ei.ed consciousness, abd now looks- none - the. worse after, lifer* several ■ hours’ trance. ■ . In the British House of Commons all the'members keep their hats on, and it is even irregular' to ad,dre.sSJ (he ‘Speaker uncovered. This rule other night night. , Mr.-• Courtney attempteff'to address, the chair on a <point of order.", Ttrdo eo in accord ance with the rules it was necessary that he should speak seated arid cov ^ered, but at the critical moment he was unable to find his hat, and on addressing the"” Speaker uncovered was met with laughter and ■ >oud c-ri's of 'order/ Mr. Courtney then borrowed a hat' from'a member sit-- .ting near,"and stated his point. - ■ . T-neT2tb of August Was the 101st birthday of a centenarian three months older than- Sir Moses Monte fit re. Mrs/- Catharine Voss, nee Warburton, was born in Stafford­ shire ill the year 1784*. She: mar i le l a yeoman’ fariyer jn.porsetshire, and fipfin.t there her whole wedded life of more-than sixty years. She now resides near—London—w-ith one of the’ few-survivors of her many children, in full possession of all her faculties, “using no spectacles—(“I left them off at seventy,” she says) — able to go to church frequently, and social anddome.-tic events. Tlnssum- mer. she travelled to Weymouth—' where about eighty years oefore she had ridden on a pillion to see/KLing -Geofge anil Que-jb Charlotie—aild-. took an excursion in d steam-launch with S0me«of her great nephews and ^nieces. - * • ■ Here' is a cricket story. It is new to me, and [ hope .it will be so to iiiy readers ; The' newly appoint ed parson oi a very hilly Kentislf village, being a cricket enthusiast,-. „was resolved to instil a/love for the ganie into his pitrishionei'S. Tne bn ly-level bit in the parish belonged, to the ’•u.Lcber,- who was A cAiitank- erous, bumptious fellow. He, how- ev;e£, commuted to lend his fii*ld, and, . although, he was known to be no cricketer, he wfts asked to play in _ tcb---lLs_fi cRt—ball- clean bowled hjtti ; hut, instead of Walking away from tlm wicket, lie remained, with ibo‘:fivident' deter initiation of continuing bis‘> innings • •The umpire therefore, walked up,Id' him and said ‘-'-“You’re out',/Mr. Bull,- you’re out.” The butcher turned round and said : ^“Qli, I’m bout, ham I? I’m hout I Well, liout you all go: .frotii my blooming- field• Curious light, has been thrown ri p6n..atuold/Welsh-mttrriage’-custom hy a ciisO* Of*Assa tllt llpOti a bride tllid Bridegroom, brought up-for hearing before the Caerleon magistrates. A newly married pair appeared to give evidence against a number of persons for ‘assault. It appears that after leaving thxe church where the, mar­ riage was' celebrated the young Romfto/aiid his fair bride were be­ sieged by a small knot of people, Uiav-ing ropes iu their hands, who, had gathered together for the'pur- pefih of cA^rying out the old Welsh custom of “chairing.” Tl>« young couple Struggled to get free, but both were ultimately" bound hand and foot, and a somewhAt Serious disturbance took place, It was al­ leged in defence that nothing "nut a little ftin Was intended, The.mAgis trdtes, howeverj imposed a fine of 5s each. A GRIT SHARK JAMS. .Chatham Planet.’ . The Grit preps gn’d politicians- are. playing asbark game. They are tak­ ing advantage of Riel’s trial to tpani* pulate race and . creed animosities, already too pronounced iri Canada.. We have yet to Bee a single honest expression q,f opinion by a Reform paper as to -what should be done with Riel. • Whatever is done .with Jiim the greatest possible use will be made or it, in ‘one”caTe 'wTVhTfift peo- ple of. Lower Canada, and. in the other with the people of Upper Can ada. It is no justification to say that' if the’TorieB were in.their place they- Would do the same, thing. A party whose claims are based simply on Hheir—prbfesied superior morality should' be above - -what is palpable giive-riseTto-an—anKUKU>g-sc(!ne—the--triclveny,—and—Btatft—disiinetly—nowL what in their Cpinien ought to* be the. fate of Riel. ': / Some Plain Talk., (From the Canada Presbyterian, Aug. 12> Not baving the fear cf jLhb Cathd< , lie vote before our eyes we may say that enough has come'to. the-surface jio show that the enquiry into the. m.anag'eiuent .of the" Central. Prison is.simply an assault.by the Catholic* Church, in Toronto, upon the Wars den of that’ institution. If. moie Catholic convicts have grievances it is because there are relatively morp Catholics than Protestants " in the prison. If-more of them received severe punishment it was “because they deserved such punishment. It is not Mr. Massie’s f ittl.t that Catho­ lics are sent to The Central Prison io large numbers, nor his fault-that they behave themselves so badly ~w 11 e i Ud m re— 11- iHhis_bu,shi.ess_LQ..tr.y. to keepjtliem .in-order, and the duty is no easy one. The public await rhe result of this investigation with ir-goatfdeal of interest.’ The Teal, quest ton at issue is—“Shall the local" authorities of The Catholic Church •rule the Central Prison T -If. the answer is “yes/ then we may expect that efforts will soon be made to get /control of the other Ontario institq- .lioiyj.: If we are not. greatly- niis1-' taken e.ff ris :have frequently been’ made to. foice officials and attend- on the management of tl;ese institutions on the ground that- the .applicants were Catholics.. It y? more than time that this busin-ss. had Stopped. . Roman Catholics ..ha.yjp.jip right to demand positions iii; the public .service on account of th- ir religion. Protestants have no .such right, hud why Rhotjld Catho- “liTs^’ 1ia*s TiTiiir thrusts his church connection in the face of the authorities of any institu- non when seektug employment . should be taken as evidence of Ins ‘Unfitness. " The ^Ools fo.r the man that can use them is the proper mot’ to. This principle should apply all .round to Cai hiiTfCs as well as to Pro­ testants. And notwitbstandinu the importance attached to the Catholic vote just now, wb Venture tosay that this rule must be observed in ' 'OhtAfibf--------- - tytlOgtlOll# Illi dtk the most eaiin>nt physicians. Of awy whwl, wbati« tb« bi^t thing 1# tha world for allayiug all f!i-it»iion oi'rh< norv««, »ad curing «ll lornH of ueivotui ooRjplzints, giving tnffiral, abrldlika w* freshing»leep alwaysf Anil they will tell you nnhoeitatiugly “■Some form of Hops I * 1 CHAPTER J, Ask wiy or all ol the most enrtnont pby» ricuimi j * “What is the only r-medy that canl# relied on to cure all uiVasrs of tho kidheyt aiiduifiiury organa; U-’ght’s diaeaae, dia­ betes, retviition, or ivahility to jeteixt urine and ell tii® diseases and aflmmu vceuii^r to women"— . •And they will tell yon explicitly and emphatically ! I /" Ask the same physicians. “What is tlm most reliable and suwwt cure for all liver diteases or dy^p.epja, constipation, indigestion, hifioushi-s , mal* aria, fever, ague, Sec,,0 and they will tell you ' ... t _ Mandrake I or Runddion f I 11 Hence, when, these remedies are eowUla* ed with, others equally valuably And compounded into Hop Bitters, such a wouderl'nl and , mysterious curatiyo power is developed, which is so varied in its operations that no diseaso or ill health can possibly exist or resist iti power, and yet it i3 • „ „ Harmless for "the most frail woman, weakest invalid or smallest child to use CHAPTER 1. “PatL-nts “Almost dead, or nearly dying” For years, and given up by physician?, of Bright’s, and other kidney disea lea. ” liver eomplaiutp aeyere coughs, .called consumption, have been cured From agony of neuralgia ujivousnesi, wakefulueas, and various diseases, peculiar- * to women. n People drawn out of shape from cxcriv ciating pangs of rheuinatinn, inflaiurna-i torvand chronic, orsulfeiiug from serolu* la.” . ' . - Erysipelas. .. '.‘Salt rbgmPrfed polsoningaiyspepsia, indigestion, -.auil-, in fact, almost all dis­ eases frail" , . * Nature is heir to “ f Have been cured hy Hop Bitters, proof of which can be found in every neighbor­ hood iu tlie known \vorld/. ^TNoiie genuine without a bunch of green ilops on the white label. ■ Shim all tlie vile, poisonous stuff with “Hop” or “Hops” in their name'", 354’4t * • ___ ■ .............................— ...i ,. ‘ Castle" Rule in IrelasitL Clifford .Lloyd publishes in Dot Times an elaborate statement < t what,!ia designates “Irehmd’s needs, Among these lie p'aces fi st,; local sAlf government, which h«advocates. He also avers that the establish men 0 , of county elective, boards and ll*D . transfer of power^of Jnitiating i,ms p ovements and fih’anciwl arrange- meats from?government appointees go direct to resilents. of,'the Irish people, whom lie describes as- tlu “recipients of the bemdiis and tin supporters of the burdens of' loeu legislation.” The • abolition of tin whole system of Irish beaureaucrncj .Is strongly communded, and Mr Lloyd thinks that Ireland should Iu •ncwpjoSfiiLMan integral part o the’ United Kingd’SmJ' from wh'.cl the present V-iee-myalty excludes it The control, of the courts.-of justice tjie poliee'alid' Henerfl taxation, Mr Lloyd argiles,'should be lp*pt in' th liniids ;of the' fedeial paiiiaitieu He. condtimns Home Rule in (ii sense demanded by tlie Purn’ellitv slid thinks that its establishment i Ireland would result in civil war b tween Ulster and tlie remainder < -the-cotHrkrj^—Th'e-71Z/r^?r-CL>iu.uLL‘.n i'ng ori-the whole subject,, says th Randolph Chufchilbe ‘new ibgiiii which involves the/ countv "nonr* scheme-advocated . by' Mr.-.LIbj would certainly .bring a'urtuf'ft co Hict between the boards and Diibl Castle government ;in ’the evimt the continuance of the latter. • Tl being the inevitable outcome of i plan, the enemies of Castle gov er will, the Tinies says',-urge rhe .o portirhetiess of sweepritg uwny- t w hole -Du bl in Castle establish mtc the suppo’rie.rs of which must tlu*: Fbre.qnivkly prepare srim>- dnfenre its'existence. Wliat the defence. < consist of the.Tinies <loes not und take -to -auguest, but declares t fhii, friends of Dublin Camle. < hardly defend it from the charge? being. de.spOt.ic. “Besides,” coiitiriH tlie .7'i’mes. “ d r. Ll'pytVs accUsat^B against the castle implies Hint, H despotism is of a kind which, wlM aii.exceptional occasion arises fotM exercise, necessarily proves ittcM able, and this charge of-inctipaO 'ri'ttir'T^wes^sayn'ris'TI ra v cf-V-of- a I I- charges against which the dt'fumH of castle rule in Ireland have toH feiid“tilem" sel yes/’' . * County CniTency and Disti 'Dots. ‘ ; I Mr. Joseph Craig, lorirmrjy I.ifl Revenue Officer at Walkerton,I been promot^l to the charge of al tlllery, tjit- Wnterlbd, at a salmi tom-teen hriXidred doliaTS. M1/.C1I friends will b'e pleased (o lieai'o| prosperity. Grit appointees d<| seem to hire badly under-a Coiisl tiye Gov,erument,' I A fruitful season. The fruitful season of the yel . proliliC’-wit’h*-maiiv^loisr)s/-ol"-B .Cbmpluin tV7 such as Diarrhoea Dl ...try, Colie, Cholera Mortiis;, <Jh] Inlantiiin,' Cc«, a. salegiiiu‘d| positive cure-' Tor ^r^nwti’el and often slid lari ami dangj attacks nothing can sill*.pass tin and’reliable .medicine Di'. F<‘ Extract of Wild Strawberry. id ’oil AR® YOU MADE miserable by In- digestion^ Constipation, Dizz’nesJi, Lo s of Appetite, Yellow Skint Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive oure. Sold by J. IL Combe. 336-1 y.e.o.w I? Yova Obi Indian Tribes. the Indian _■ tribes . in theOf United States five are classed a Pcivjlized,” namely* the Cherokees, Creeks, OhdctaWs, UhickABAwS and Sominoles. 'SeriAtor D.iwest, of Mas­ sachusetts, • speaking of these “nit dons” as they are called, say* that- ‘they have each a judicial system which would compare "most favor* ably 'with 'that of many bf the States,’ ‘They have’, he continues,, ‘printed laws enacted, Hi a legisla- lure of two branches,- gjpeted every twotyears, a Supreme Court,-a Dis trict Court and a County Court, with juries. In those Courts justice is - administered, and offences are punished, with fairness and Scandal than sOrnfttimes attends at* tempts at it in, the States.’ AVe have lessons it would seem,’ Ur learn from our red brethern. It should certainly bring the blush ofshiivim to many a cheek’ to find tlm Indian making an honest effort to turn to Fall Shows ill 1885. Hallett, Clinton,.Sept, 24; 2.?.. Pi-ovinciid, London, Sept. 7 12 South Huron, J^xetuf, Sept, 2R,J Industi-iiil, foronto, Sept. 7—19 North Perth,Stintrorcl, Septc*2jl Central, Guelph, Sept. 28 -31). ■Central, Ilamillon, 21— 25. SoutTiorii, St^““'l’IWtTOS^Sept. 2 Hay. Zurich, Sept. 22', *23/ iMitehuli, Sept. 22, 2.h; Tuckersmith, Seaforth, Oct/1, fl West itui'od, Goderich, Oct. 1,1 M Orris,-BiyAh,* Oct, 13;-14. I Northern, \\w J leer ton.,, Oct. 6, 7.1 •Hillert, Slnffn, Sept. 30. ' I Stanley, Bayfield, Oct.'S, 9. I - ; ,, ..^,..,^,.1';. ir;--I coNswiPTtoai criiS'l Aft old phy .wing had East. India siinplB vege and porinai Bioimldtis, throat an<l itivo and radical and all N tested ns __ ____ ....... thousands of cases, has felt it his make it known to his snlfethg Actuated by this motive and n J relievo human snffiv'iug, I will s of charge, to all who desire it, oine, in Germat), French or EngliJ 1'i.ul directions for preparing an Sent by mail by addressing wjtll naming this paper, W A. Noi Powers £lock, Rochester^ if. Y, 1 dll-lv-l li ysfr.ian, retired from u placed iri his hands mkiionmy the Ibinm itiihk veniedy for the Hunt cure of Consul Catarrh, . Astlnha J Lung Alfrettons, alsol 7.....1 miro for Nervous 1 volts Complaints', aftoil roirdorfiil curative prl FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liv