HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1885-08-26, Page 3Clinton. Wednesday, August 26 n. w Total MANAGER. ~T00 Agents W anted at'onck to r sell Family Bibles, Good pay and steady employment.—Chris. Dick; <g,0N,>r Clinton. 350 JTOTJ'CK.—al! tiirtes we will be glad to receive ib»mt of news front any reliable source, either verbal or written. Reports of 'meetings, «h- fiertatnniente, society and church doings, etc. etc t or another snatten of general interest uill'alwayt'haoe a place in our columns.—Kd Mm P. Cantelqn is prepared to f purchase a large quantity of fail . apples. Wanted.—100 bushels Pears and ‘ Plums. E. Floody, Grocer and Sta­ tioner, Clinton. Cantelon Bros.- are prepared to , pay the highest price for plums and- ■’pearsdaring .the season. 363. Chris. Dickson, Clinton. x. / • The Goderich News —AS»— * Huron. Record, (AifAlQA^ATSD.) LOCAL SOW'S. In and Around the “Hub.” Grind PBQMENAi?E“ Concert.— Doherty. Organ'Go. Band are making arrangements to hold aTro- menade -Concert on a large scale, to lie. held in the Ohrfiiig and Skating. Rink, Sep. 25. Both foreign and . f. local* talent will take part. The ’ . Town Band, have kindly promised their services for the occasion. Torch light procession .before the Concert, Another Big Excursion,—This time over L. H. & B, to Niagara ,. Fu'ls, Buffalo and Grimsby Camp, Friday, Sept. 4lh.' Train leaves Clin- . ton "at 7 a.m.; .tickets only -$1.75, good two days with the privilege of ' staying four days for §1 extra. This , is a rare chance that all should ap- . prgeiate. /Diere is sure to be a great crowd, as this is the annual excur si'on over this branch'. Go by gll means. , 353’ Miss Erma M. Croll is visiting friends al) Goderich. - : Mrs. A. W. Carslake, is visiting friends in the United Stites. Marksman ;Nicholas RobsonJeft ■ on Monday morning, to give the Toronto folk a taste, of what Clinton ... sharpshooters can doi r Mrs'.vI)urst, now of Sebriugville, was visiting Mrs. Paisley and otln r - -friends—in— town— last—week.- T.lie- change of residence and the new social relations assumed by the . lady seem* to agree-with'her., : ' Mu. Abarham Smith and sons and Miss Huldah Sinitji, of Goder­ ich, were in town on Sunday on ac-,; counjt of the funeral of the. deceased Alfred Smith being oil that 'day; Mr. aud Mrs. • Goodyear, of-Wood: stock, were also in town owing to the same cause. . ; Mrs. .Thos. Rance took- steamer /.tliur”tlietn-e to M iuitou,. Mam, for ■ ’ a pleasure trip ami the purpose of seeing lier sou who is living There. Sim bad the company, of Mr.mid Mrs. Jos. Whitehead as far as Win -mpeg and possibly further. Married —Mr. Tims Jackson jr. w.is man led to Miss Jennie Gregg, at the re.-,.id••nee, of the/bride’s, moth­ er, Clinton, on Tuesday Aug. 25l|>.» Tim cerqpioiiv was. performed by the Rev. Mr. -St-ewar-t. The happy reriffToT- JJ>I' lmi t s116Tt 7 ,rafte^^wit-irTlie JwaL-jyixlres-'orUwsts- of friends. Bayfield To The Fore/—Last week Mr. John Dolison, fisherman of Southampton, caught in one haul six trout which aggregated 195 l.bs. , One_pf them, alone turned the seals at* 58 lbs., which is about the second largest fish ever caught in lake fluK on. W,e have only.heard of one be­ ing caught that exceediid that, weight, and it was taken at Bayfield a good -~inany-years‘-agG--and~weig:ITetl^ff2SlTTsr- —Port Elgin Times-. 4. ' Justice—From a—MTcbi^an ,Su- prefmHUourt decision In the case of sharper? who; had ssvindbd a. coun­ tryman by a familiar card trick : — “We do not think, it. profitable to draw over-nice metaphysical distinct- -inns to. save thieves from punish­ ment. If rogues conspire'to get away a man’s money liy such tricks as those which were-played, here, if is iiot <roiu<f cvend (Ha rnlps of law tq. hold that- the • fraud amounts, to stealing.’’ ’ ■ We had the pleasure last weel^of a call from-Air. Harry Ei I her, one of the reeves of Hay. -He is a model, representative, of a model tQwnsbjp, During our few minuTeiTconverse-lie $ook us over to the Faderland and pointed out .tbe existence of social . conditions in Germany, “Britain and France, the study of which 'will en- aide one to-have sb intelligent grasp of abstruse questions now agitating the people of Ontario. ' . Councillor Copp is very greedy of the good things of this world. Sitice he sold his “Royal Reyeuge’^ he has not felt at-eaao^aixdW^fa^ so trie Hmo beeii’ look ing a'rou tid £6 res place tjiat ' beautiful Rteed. The othet • day he consulted a brother horse fancier, T.ipling the blacksmith. Tipling had a 2 year old Tontine colt wiffcli .he bought from Mr. McTag- gart’a short time ago. Copp rather liked the'animal, so did Tipling as Im proved by buying it and paying a very fair price for it. The result of a slior.t conve,r.sat,ion was that zGopp-, became the owner of the MeTaggart Tontine,' and “Tipling had nearly $250/11)01*6 in hiH-.waltef tliah^when Copp first intei vieneqd him. Fire.— East. Wednesday evening4 about ten o’clock the stable ip con­ nection with Mrs. MuEareb’s hotel was discovered’to Ife on fire. By the exertions of tlie fire company and other citizens the steamer was uaedHb such good purpose that the tire did -not extend beyond the stable, which was almost completely destroy­ ed. The night was very calm, else we might now have a different tale' to tell. - Tully five miles from town ft party driving from Goderich saw* the illuminftlion caused by the fire rind even nt that distance gave, the Impression that it^ytfts otmuch grefttor proportions than the reality. It is much to .be regretted that the proprietress had ndjtfsnrance on the property destrpyed, ns to put jt in tho sfttnri condition ns before the fire Harry Oantelon wm in town over Sunday., The Wingliatn and Clinton orick> ot club? will play hero on Thursday. Mb. Harry ulucas, the artist, of Goderlyb, was in town Tuesday, with a staff of hands, en route to Brussels for the purpose of painting the English church there. As Mr. Glucan has not a superior in the Pro­ vince jn high art decoi ation it goes without saying that the Bruaselites will be made happy. We have received the first num­ ber of the Gorrie VideCte, a 24 column journal published in the vil lage of Gertie, by Tbo>*. Nash, It* is partly printed fiom stereotype plates but chiefly from type'setrnp1, in the office. It presents a very creditable appearance, end we hope it will - find a* sphere of usefulness and profit. European—Apples, — The fol­ lowing extract is from a.lengthy cir­ cular we have received :—“The ap­ ple crop of Europe, taking it as a whole, will he in excess of that of last year. The fall shipments of American and Canadian apples to Glasgow and Liverpool should meet with fair demand at values ruled by supply. The shipments to London orwinter fruit will, as in similar seasons, compare favorably in net proceeds with other markets on this side.” ■ Scandalous.—-The Grits'and the fanatics, synonomous terms almost, are finding fault with the Dominion Government “for making concessions' «3 d&tftters and giving them the privilege of disposing of liquors in Scott. Act counties..” Those who tS.lk in this way either dp npt know what they are saying or else are very illogical. Tlie Scott Act permits distillers to sell in Scott Act Couns ties by the barrel; an Order in Coun­ cil allows them to sell in ten gallon i parcels. These moralists approve of the law which allows “distilled .lam-, nation" tp he supplied io forty gal­ lon parcels, but condemns a law . which permits the lesser quantity, ten gallon lots, to be sold in the same WClinton Fall Show.—Attractive colorrd posters are out announcing that the Clinton. Fall. Show, under the auspices of the Hullett Agricul­ tural Society, will be held hereon the 24th and 25th September, ami prize list catalogues will b,e but in a few days. An attractive feature in connection with the Exhibition will' be a Band Tbjiriianient, in which.if* is expected several outside bands will compete; and° that a large out- si le public will he present. Exhibi­ tors would do well under tlie'cireum stances to put .their very -“best foot foremost," as it is-confidently pre­ dicted that'there -will 'be a larger gathering at Cdiiton on the day'of our Exhibition' thanJiaaever attend- ed ail agficultnral show heretofore. in this county. There will also be a grand promenade concert on the. evening of t'he 25th. . . . Hog Raising Profitable —Hog' raising, says the Canadian .Breeder,' is one of the most ready 'means of money making knoxyii to the western farmer.- Even when, the supply■ is' abundant and prices low a margin of ■ profit is ■ fouml in well-kept stock, bitch aniinaL are always, salealile. ‘They are comp'arativelv free from d isi‘ase, ii nil tbsua i jy In-ing q ujck i^i-(, vested/ Moreover, every. proper!v•. 'managed.aiid .well fed bog that leav­ es the farm leaves-it. in al! the better condiiion- fior growing rich pusiures and heavy crops of grain, Gian had lie not been'rean^djHwf fed upon tlie fariu.. Goon, managenii nt. in hoc- ■raising, as in the. • handling of all otlier farm animals, begins willt tlffi ^--elccfion ,of good breeding, st/R-k. A good tliornuglibred'Berkshire- 'ipar will- greatly improve any herd, of .eqn affiinJ^>db.nyLwi<^^ the prnes now, asked; • In,: fact, we “p not see how any farmer Av ho raises hogSscan afford not to. buy. ■ . Obit. — “Pc>or AI f is gone at last/ ' Th is ex.cla mation . lias . reference ’to the death of Alfre i Smith,’ sbn of Mt. ffaines Smith, whipli took* place last Friday morging, at the age of. 21 years. The yotiiig mail liore a tedious sickhesa of about four year’s duration with rema, kable fortitude. - Duri iig-wI l-tint:t-TmyrBveIyclTbngTfiar niedical skill and assiduous nu/sing could, do to adeviate iiis affliction of effect a cure was done. ..Ail was in vain, however. And llionghdiis.par ents hoped on,- imped mver that lie could be cure'tk it .had beeii qy-ite clear for a long time to tfiosd .whose judgment was not biased by .their affection and sympathy's that them was iio cure for “Alf’ this side .the grave.; And he died in.the hope of .blessed resurrection. The funeral ■ tbok place on Sunday, a large num ber of vehicles and, several Imn i'red pedestrians making, up the cortege, Which was headed by about 60 Mel h . odist S. S. teachers and inembers (;L Bible-Class, undefthe direction of fit S. S. Superintendent, Jas. Thomp­ son, Floral offerings, the gifts of Mesdarims Farfan, •' J. Shvppip-d, Whitehead, Wilkie,-Miss Hine, mid Others decked tlie/ctivkec. The Rov. Mr. Sparling read the burial service.. Probably Selfish.—As • will be. noticed the colored posters for tin- Clinton Fall Show were printed at The News Record office'.’ We got /do because we did them a1 air competition debaried us froi n hi i job we do not' squeal, tffi) direetms having only trust funds, contributed by the public, deserve rather credit than censure at our bauds forspend ilig those fuiids to. the best possible ad vantage. And we are just selfish enough to contrast the action of llm committee who had .the expending -of public funds in connection, with the tournament with that of the directors of the Agriculj,ur 11 Society, The’touruameiit qn’iu ting -wa$rgjveir to the other office without our being asked to tender, If the contributors aie Satisfied we are, hut had We'been 'consulted there might have been a sav,ing 'vftht ir funds, Now, wo.wib give a square statement of why w,e did not get a show, Wo were asked to subscrioe to the tournament Imsi ness, a matter of which we knqw nothing, and having already given over five dollars to the Exhibition propel, we concluded We could not afford anything further, ‘ Tim other office gave one dollar to the fourna* meet, and to punish us lor not being equally generous the public must suffer, Boeauso it is qiPto possible we might have offered to do the tournament printing several dollars less than what it is now Being dorm for, and further than that, when we understood ' somothiny rtbont the Miss Shannon, of the City Book Store, is away east for her holidays. \h»8 Buchanan, of Bobortsooia Great Cash Store, left for Toronto oo Friday last to attend the fall millinery openings and. will bring home latest styles in millinery. Huron Keeps Its End Up,—S »ys the Hamilton Spectator“The other Sunday^jHmi. David Mill^ oo cupied the pulpit of the Biptist church at Ridgetoivn. Previous to this event Mr. P. E. W. Moyer,' ed­ itor-in chief of tlie Berlin News, was the only journalist who bad sufficient grace to preach sa,lvgtion t'o liUfeJa low man, and the proud position he occupied was tlie'eovy of the ordin­ ary run of sinners who toil in the press mill.” The Spec, is in error as to the. number of Ontario press sin­ ners who have sufficient grace or cheek to preach salvation from the pulpit. We have at least two ink slmgers in thia county who rival Messrs Moyer and Milla as sky pi­ lots, MEWNINQ THE LEAD The Clinton High School stand­ ing frirst inHthe County." The result of the recent examina- tibiiH for second' and llHrtl clasS Cer’ tificates, was made public on Friday last. As lias been the ease fOFkevi ral years, Clinton High School stands high, leading the County, arid beat-r ing several ’ Collegiate Institutes. The three County schools stands as (follows:— 3rd. Clinton J 8 Goderic.ff IS"'?-1 Seaforth 16 35 In giving the results of the last year’s Work mention should also be made pf the University work wliieh( places Clinton even still further in the lead, the exafninations standing Clinton 6, Goderich 1, Seaforth 0.’ We undeistand iliac tbe real test is th< 2ntls, and Clinton with 11 stands pre-eminen'tly at the lead,. We ‘are glad to learn that the prospects of the coming' term are very good. Th,e names of these who passed are as follows : CLINTON. ' Third Class—A. Conex-,'J, Cornyn, F. IlnrUey, \V. Johns, F. Mathers, A. Steward A. Holmes, M. McEwen; »V. Baker, F. Green, K;-McKenzie, D. McKenzie, W. Pocock, W. Potter, T. Rumball, W. Doig, T. ^Grant, A. Cruickshank. *■■-.' . Second Class—J Cooper, A; ‘j. Croli, B; J Grant,-A*; .J McDonald,-As G< Mil's .rove, B; T-, Shearer, B; ff., Wanless, B: M Lavin, B; A Burchell, A;AV. Griffin, B; L. Diehl, B. . . SEAFORTH Third Class—M. McKenzie, T. Ruitb, J. Erwin, F. Ewing, J.,KilIor- au,- J McFadzean,. A4. Styles, C Srijel- lie,. K. Colder, J. McTavish. S. Latta, J-McLeod; E Smith, W Tough, E.“ Keefe, J Sftewart.. Second ClassiJJDaubsj_ B; G..Me-,. In tosh, A; W Gowanlnck, A; G IT'atn- mell, A; J; Malone, B; D. Deveraux, ,B.-; . ... 2nd A . B 4 7 - 3 29 “24 22. . ' - GODERICH. ■ ■ Third Glass—M Dorland, J Green, J Young,.. M-Cooke, J. Dicksoii, A Graham, ,G Jessup,-A K«mfe, M Mur ray,. A- McLennan, M Radclifl’-, M- Shm-man, F. Williams, M Rutlmi-fo'rd, L McConnell, F Wygle, M Allah, M Robertson. .Second Class—F. Bolt-on, A; T AI Inn, A;. A. .Sharmati, B; A BurriLt,-B;. •WDuniin, B; J Gordon B: '-. ■ Mr. J/ C. Deilor was in town on. Monday'. ■ ■ ' Complete Stock now on hand of the and Public Schoo! Books. Ilev. Canon Hincks, of Galt, who was visiting in town, assisted at the services in St. George’s church last .Sunday. Rev, Owen Jonea left for Ottawa last Saturday. The Rev gentleman was accompanied by bis daughter Ethel. Rev W. Johnston the new asst^. Rector o St George s lias been visit ing members of his congregation the past week. The Misses Ida and Hannah How­ land, -of Detroit, who are spending a few weeks is thejciroular tojyn, are the guests of the Misses Rntson, Our young folks are getting-ready for Bchool opening on Monday. As the rmwly authorized 1st, 2nd and- 3rd books will be the only ones used Jlppadflll-riJ^Vftulli -be well'faf ifie" pupilsjto obtain them before attend­ ing school. Rev, James Pearin, M. A ., who is in town on a visit to his' brother, Mr. ■ W.J. Pearin, preached,- excellent sermons both morning and evening last Sunday in the Norin street Meth­ odist church. A well known Goderichite, now a barrister iti the NortbW'st, in a re . cent letter 'to a gentleman in town, stated that the day previous’ to writ ing he liadJssued one hundred' and twenty five executions. Surely our' townsman has fallen intoajjopdly in- heritanp*. The scholars and teachers of. St. George’s Sunday-school held their' annual picnic at Lighthouse point last Thursday.' . afternoon. There was a large attendance, In addition to an-excellent ten, fruits, caridies etc,, nunierous prizes were awarded lor singing, reciting, running-etc. • Rev. Win? Johnston's serrnon”last Sunday evening was on the lives of. Geir^Grant and Sir’Mdses Montifiore. -The Rev. gentleman introduced the leading characteristics in the fives of .these great men, and during the ser- •mon uttered glowing eulogies on*the ‘ recently deceased General and Phil­ anthropist. * . .. Last Friday evening a novel, bet- was decided in the river in presence of a number of spectators. The bet was 'between Messrs. Grant and. ' A ilkifisbiff the former betting “that after .his boat had been upset, and righted again with the water in it, ‘a person could climb into it over the bow or stern Without entirely sub- merging the end Ly which the boat: -is again occupied.’’ Mess-i’S-„Tie_tty •and WMliams manipulated 'the boaV, did the dumping, righted it,-find got in again in first class style -thus de­ ciding jhe bet iii Mr. Grant’s favor. It may be.mentioned that, the boat has ail* tight -compartments fore and aft, and it was thebwiier's confidence in the air chambers that' made him Ball was effectively rendered, and loudly applauded. '‘Laddie,” a solo, by Mrs- Hicks, of Winnipeg, beauti­ fully rendered, received a hearty and well merited encore, which was re*, plied to with “Tired” also beautifully Bung. Mrs. Hicks has a contralto voice of fair compass, great depth and exquisite sweetness which made Yic. " TTriairaiirresonant with melody on Thursday evening. “The Owl” by Mr. A. B. Henderson kept up this gentleman a high reputation as a bass singer and won a hearty encore. ‘•Who will buy my roses red" a solo by Mrs. Whitehead, of Guelph, was the last piece on the first part ol the programme. This lady has a sweet, rich vo.ee sings with much expres ■ -stop, and as might be expected receiv , j&luffii was-nnswer-' „ecTby “Kiithleeh", Miss Cooke and M. Re Peu<ir>’ introduced the and •part of the programme charmingly with a piano duet, Mr. A. B. Hender son followed with “The Slave Ship," and was succeeded by Mrs. Hicks who sang the “Old old Story" in delight­ ful sty le. .The duet “Where the Gold en lillies cluster," Messrs. Thomas . and Luttrell, enabled these gentle­ men to introduce a march overend and a rather rustic dance so effect- ively as to earn a loud and most ens thusiastic.r.ecail. The solo “Fly forth 0. gentle Dove | ' by Miss Wynn, vvi.s sung so*sweetly and effectively as to. merit an almost unanimous encore, which was answered with “T.he Blue Bells ofiScotliind ’ prettily rendered, When thisTiKly sings songs that are familiar to her listeners she always receives what she certainly merits hearty applause and encores. Sipce' t’he last public appearance of Miss Wynn in this town there is a marked improvement in her rendering of the high notes, Which she now reach­ es easily and vocalizes sweetly and' clearly. The operatic selection'by Mr. Joslyn created considerable mer. iimcrit arid en thujas tic applause, and an unanimous- encore. We do not pretend to describe this gentlemans’ singing or acting, for in, the operatic •song, and the encore song-“Among the Sugar. Canes” lie was simply in­ describable, so great was the mimicry in the one and the pathos in the oth er. Mrs. VVhitehead sang “Che last Rose of S.umraer" beauti I u.llyyand hr answer to a hearty encore “The Maid ol Dundee." was giv'enTchirmlngly. “God ,$ave the Queeiy ■ by the com­ pany closed a charming enterttiin- m'enf;. Miss Cooke accoiripanield Airs.. Il.ieks, Miss Wyuhand Alessrs Joslyn and Henderson., . Miss Clarke accotn paniedjlrs. Whitehead,. and-Prof. de Pe.udry Alessrs. Thomas and Luttrell. WHEN VISITING THE HUB OF HURON OAU. AT JVe keep the Largest and Best Selected, Stock'in the Countyt and carry bn ALL the Branches of the Dry-Goods Trade*, And TAILORING For summer weather we are showing a very full selection of White Lawns, White Pks, White Spot Muslins Colored Muslins, Colored Lawns, Embroideries and Laces.—Lace Parasols/ Silk Parasols ' ' Cotton Parasols and Umbrellas.—Men’s and Boy’s Rubber Coats, Ladies’ Rubber Circulars/ Highest Price for Butter and Eggs. Five per cent, off for Cash. J. CALLANDER, rann J. HODGENS, Although Sugars have advanced l|c per lb\we are still selling '20 lbs. good Sugar for A CAR LOAD of Refined” GugarS-on the way from Refinery, at -Former Prices. -Also a heavy shipment to band of our . * •F tT ii i o. u s' - T 'lC yA. S ■^ Give us a call and be convinced, as .we are bound to selbtU closest prices. .^Samples of our Fardous tTaas sent to any address with pleasured d.J.Tuthill AUBERT STREET: CLINTON. - o 03 z o H Z 03 C3 «= * wu rd™ M. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Mr. and Mrs. Janner were iri town last week. v . ' , The Mitt-ie, of Sarnia, iiglidj was in port on Sunday. ■’ • ' Mrs..Somerville left Tor her lioine, London East, last Safurday. . The briek work on Mr. C..Blakeys new ho.use is completed. . ' after 9 on Sunday e/yenTiig/r .. 'Airs. Christopherson has-been vis Ring her many friends in-Wi tv brill. The Saginaw Vid ley reached her dock earlv, on Monday morning’ Dlr. John McCallum was home on a visit last,Week. ■ ' Miss LizziedLogan is visiting her - brother At Sagfhaw... - ’ • Mr. Tbanry Chieus was visiting East last week-. ■ : ■ • The Steamer Ontario was in harbor several hours last vyedn.gsday... \... Mr, T. McGillicmlffy has returned from his Muskoka visit. - - .....Mr. Jnn-.Robertson, Depu tv -SIier— riff of Winnipeg, is visiting in town. The town band played a choice n’’°- gramme-on the square last Saturday evening. . • ' ‘ A large number of our summer visitors left .for 4hp.ir ’ homes : this- week... . ’ . We bad bicyclists from ‘Seaforth, London and uncle Sam’s Dominion in town last week.-.« .. . * ' , •There^Wfi’s n meeting of the Ladies’ • Aid Society St George’s on Mon­ day evening. ~ ?-■, Master Sliiel, of ^Brussels, who was the guest of Maxtor Fliltoh liolmes -left, forffiome on.Saturday. . Tim “Campers out,”* at Maitland Falls got considerable moisture on Sunday night, and Monday. A lrtrg» attendance at the^Rollpr Skating- Rink Friday- evening, the Clinton Band being the attraction. The-schooner Evening Star with a cargo ofjibops and'staves arrived in ■ port on Sunday morning. Mrs. W.liij-rihead,'of Guelph, while in town was the guest of Mrs.,Ft. Jordon. ■There have been more pic nic. and on(Tng party’s from town this year than? for many yei^s past-.. . ; . A number of our Atrierican visi tors, are negociating for properties lor summer -residences.' « For- list of Goderich Candidates who Obtained 2nd and 3rd class cer­ tificates see another column. ' His Honor Judge Toms left-town o.n Monday morning to holdxDivi-iori. Court at Wingham, ‘ ’ Miss Clark, of' Guelph, has been the guest of M. Hutchison esq. tlie- past f-»w weeks. J“(lg^ Ddyle-arid Itih sister.\liiss. Annie returned from their European tour on Saturday, Ilis Honorseems to have improved by the journey, Rev R. Hicks formerly Asst, HeA- tor of St George’s preached to tlm •Foresters of London and vicinity last Sunday afternoon. -Mrs. Barwise and Miss Minnie Hamilton, of St Pauls, Mln. are on a visit t-0 their-parents, Mr. and Mrs. llugb Hamilton, Weststreet. His Honor Judge Toms has been presiding at the different division courts in the county the past ton days. j t The sleamorf United Empire, was in harbor early qn Saturday morning,' and took on a good number of pas- songers and a large quantity of freight. - Mri. D. Donaldson,* who arrive^ from Port. Anthur Inst week, will en­ joy a few weeks recrofttinn in the old, .. town. Davesoldrmt his beveral editors and acting editors in this neighborhood, judged by their .writing aijcnt the .Scott Act, are. ^either lii'lsiliers ' or cowards. If these writers . know as '.they pretend to do of violations 01 the Act, why not act like honest men anff inform the' In specter. Their failure to do so, 'shews that they are either untruth! ti or cowardly.' It is'possible that there- are violations of. the Act and probable that those who under the Crook's Act were, found, almost nightly after 11; on- Saturday after “T V ’■ WAX ; .........-Y -tide one hundred miles from Goderich kind of! folks \to -find it out, because " bar rootns As pn^t remarkable write--' -not onb hundred miles from Goderich it !may he* truly ’said) ai:p. just the I - - - - - - - — ~ 1 ■. — ~ ■ - . - - ■—- il drinks are-going they can always get there —vide the.Mitchell editor iii recent issue-of Expositor. This class of men, however, should re­ member that while-tlfeir reputations will get ‘ them drink . where*’.drinks are going, there are others whom the ♦alleged sellers* would .rdluse at once, Anch is tlie bubble reputation. We' have jtist drawn the ai tention of -these'-J%lwajbj^aW«-*-tp'“getr''tlTiiTk"" writers” to a ' few facts, and hope for .the future they will act like respect- ---r-.'-r*-— On Thursday as the noon train was about, starting a linan' apparently about'4().-accompanied by a young woman whom, irt'os.t ‘.people would think;was b.is daughter, purchased tickets lor Clinton, and were about to take their seats in theecars when a -womanywhose age we cojuld iiot’guess oh account, of her fierce expression, came up behind Them and, grabbed Thein both arid while'hdmtniafcei'ino a most - excellent tongue thrashing, yanked thbm down town. A large crowd that had collecteil-at the stiiA tion followed theJpeculiar1 trioj and soon learned, from the. elder woman’s harangue the:cause of.the commotion. It appeared that the*gay ftnd lestive Lothario;whom she collared, though' a married man with a family, was running aWay-with her daughter, and the mother learning of the affair had' driven, rapidly, to town where as above stated she had arrived in time to baulk the schemes of the scoundrel. The mother took her daughter home arid wks.followed shortly after by the sickly looking wo.uld be-eloper, whom we have no doubt' was his boots, in anticipation or tfi^Te- ception be would receive at his wife’s bands. If she had-a good horsewlj'p and. used it strikingly we would say more-power to’her elbow. The par ties concerned In this disreputable affair live ,ih the neighborhood of Sheppardton, ' ; A CliaVininir Affair. On Thursday evening the concert for the benefit of the Masonic, local benevolent fund took place in Vic­ toria Hall, A large attendance show­ ed that appeals for benevolent pur* poses will always attract the lavge> hearted of our fair town,_The only occurrence to mar the entertainment was the conduct of a gentleman a non resident; and lady in the centre, ol the parquette who kept up a con* tinual chatter, not even stopping When the lady singers were dwelling on the low notes., (t mattered little to tlio sifigers as the probabilities are that they did not hear the clever con­ versationalists, but to those Who were Unfortunateenough to. sit in the neighborhood of the chatterers it was most unpleasant, It is a crying shame,.that people attending public entertainments should -have their enjoyment destroyed by p'eople who go to such places to show off their good breeding The opening piece on the programme, a piano duet by Misi Cooke and M. de Pettd-ry, bril liuntly played, was follpwotf‘by4*Bid dy McGee” by Mr. T» 13, Joslyn which brought down the house In answer to a loud nnoore the gentleman per­ sonated ft Dodo of the Ninototmth FORFlour, per bbl; t ■ ’ 5 75 ■1 bo 0 00. iiulhvay for Saginaw and intorinediato i. vif-fr the Cleveland Navigation1 Co.’s boats oils, Il.wiwille, Alpena, Rogers Cil.v, to, Chebo.tgan and St. Ignace, and all iporl >r ports. ' ' 0 50 to ■ 0 10 to • 0 10 to' . 10.00 to 5 75 to S 00 co 0 00 to . MA&KIaGES. ■' -. WHITELY—FISH Eft.-On August 1.3th, •at tiiQ-Tcsidoneo of the bride's lather,,by Impounded Cattlb. There lain Pound No. 4. Lot 40, coneossion g,‘ Godorich township, four yearlings—two Steoi-s- and two-Heifers-two red and white, and two nearly all red ' If not claimed and all damages paid by $eptenjdjcr 12tl, thoy will bo sold. dlCO. A. COOPER. Goderich tp., Aug. 21,18S5. 353 3t ' . / . . * - MARKET REPORTS. .(Corrected every Tuesday ulteriioon . . CHINTON. • $4'50 to 4 50 ■DEATHS- ' -CA-NTIM>ON^/Ti i^gjJhEhd^-tcuv) is! i i pr oi i- Suiuiay, August 23n|., Baimuil C'an.u-.loii, aged, as years uiid 5 iiiuiitns, • PO ITS.—1» Clinton,, on Sunday;,-August 2-jrd, the ihlant soil ot Mr. Geo. i’otts.. SMITH.-— In Chilton, on’Friday, August .. 21st , 'Alfred' E., son oi Mr.. J .lines Suiiili,. . aged 21 yCan-,. GRAND PLEASURE* EXCURSIONS — FROM- GODgmOH Every Sunday Evg. at 8 o’clock, On tho Commodious Steamer OCONTO G. W. Met; It K, Master. :b\a.:r.:hl Id Detroit iVnd return, touching elSahil Uoo--b, Tort Hope, Vert Austin,. 'I’aw-m; t’orestvilie, Lexln« ton, Safilliiey end all River-St. Clair ports, for the round trip, Or ONE WEEK on-board. Including me,-ilS end Itortba, coisT3Nriac®ioisi's Mode et Sand I)eac-1> with the Port Huron&-NWIr- yiostorn “ . .. . .. ......... stations, -■AlsfrW for os<»o iheWiMi ................. .. And at botroit wth alt railroads and. Clcwehna ItOM eBrnnenransm: H-4 / J ° C O 5 TO CLEAR SUMMER GOODS. ■ . - o ) . -------------------o-——o---------------- Gall Early and Get Bargains !11 • W'mteiy AL D., -to UriSVilhi, sepond duagiiter'ot' David Fisher.,: all of Goder- ieh. PRJUDF00T— IIODGE.—At' Goderich, August; ‘20ib.-by Rev. Robert Ure, D. ■ 1)., J.oim, youngest soirii'i Robert l/roiul- JooL. iiiureijHiii, io Elizabeth, youngest daughter of D. B. Hodge, touhei ly oi. tno'iiou. E l.'Co's. seiviee; und one ot H. -Al. Justices of tue i'caee, lor the ' town and luahd ol Bombay. -Fiurwirewtr— Spring-^VTieat, Ruloy . Oats, • Apples, (winter) Potatoes, new ' Butter to * Bay, < Pork dorchvbod, ■' . Beef >. .. Wool . - HELLO, BOYS/ . tVliore are you gditig ? Totetar Block Bookstore . —WHERE I CAN“ • BUY MY BOOKS CHEAP; n splendid stock of . IfjGH School Book's^. WM. COOPER^ Cheap Book Store, . *r^’, •BEAVER BLOCK, .CLINTON. V.—— .....................................— ... i nd ho will make, the prices to rchc’t every pocket. See the* NOBBY PANTING?, SPRING OVERCOATINGS and SUITINGS An ALU" WOOL TWEED SUIT FOR $32. Perfect Katisfactioii given. . ■ —o.io. . Tbo Hub Clothing House, CLINTON, ONT .We now offer the-balance of our trimmed aud untrimmed . . . ■ . . v . ■ Hats, Bonnets, Feathers, Flowers, Ornaments,-■Ribbons; ° Lawns,: etc,t at: - TO CLEAR THEM OUT. Open an ■g.ix,S . s ««j -i ' I**’’ ' co 2 C3 .15 M. FISCHER SMITH S BLOCK, - ..CLINTON, ONT, The correct place forporfect fitting garments at closest quotations. ' Fit, Workmanship, Style Assured Tn returning thanks to mv many friends and .patrons .for .past patronage, I lycul^ like to call their special attention to my very.complete stock" of.-. > HARNESS, WHIPS, CURRY- COMBS,- BRUSHES, ETC., Speeial attention is directed to my stock of • :-■SINGLE"HARNESS It will be found very complete, and for durability’and finish cannot be excelled by anyone. As I employ nobebii’ the bes.t wcrkm-'ti, and use tbl* best, material to bd bought in the market, al) Who'may f»vor tne with their patronage.may feel confident . . of getting satisfaction, — ®£^“PRICES away down. _Tniiiks_andWaljses -in -gr.eat- variety- and Prices -Low Just received from Makers. SAVES CARPETS. No Dusting Necessary