The Huron News-Record, 1885-08-19, Page 3!.| 1'- H 1 .■■ n nj.,. |H»P«W .............. ■■■ .6. < ■O rt . : cP*. \ <y The Goderich Hews Huron Record, Clinton. Wednesday^Augusfr lO LOGAL 'SKEWS. In and Around the “Hub.” Stoivii WIL > .NOTICE.—Xf timet we will 5e ptad to receive items of newt from any reliable murce, either verbal or written, Report* of meeting*, en- tertainmentt, vogiety and ohurch delays, etc. etc, or any other mattere of general intermit .will alwayt. have a, place in our column*.—Ud Mr, D, Cantelon is prepared to purchase a large quantity of fall apples. Wanted.—100 bushels Pears and Plums. E. Fioody, Grocer and Sta­ tioner, Clinton. TOOAgentsWantnd atONCKtcr sell Family Bibles. Good pay- and steady employment.—Chris. Dick­ son, Clinton. 350 :t ^A; first Best Judge Toms was in town Monday morniug on iris way to hold court in Exeter. - Hy. Glaziek, brother-in-law of S, J, Andrews, was badly injured in ? the face by a kick from a horse. 2:5.0 •race at {3t. Thomas last week Smith’s Goderich Uhief took money in a purse of $150. time 2:42. • , Eobd Cecil, the noted -Evange­ list who visited Clinton last summer and wfio is at present on a tour of the Province, is a brother of the present Premier of England.’’ Geo. Baxter, working for Mr. Al. Kelly, got jammed between a ware- .Jio.usftlimsk,ft,ndma-Ppst=a^^^^ fully injured about the middle qf the body. He is able to be about.. Funerals.— The. deceased Alex." Taylor, of Clinton, aged 57 years, and the late Mrs. Hy. East, of Hui- • lett, aged 22, were buried in the Clinton cemetery on Sunday last. For the benefit;, of Svott Act partizans,, the.. Curling Brewing Co. lifcve begun the manufacture of a “Bed Ribbon Temperance Beer,” which, they claim, to be non intoxi­ cating. ' ■ . ’ A New Depa,^turb.—Bruce Co. has passed a by-law which provides that the day for nomination of can* dldates for reeves, deputy reeves and councillors in townships shall be. upon the last Monday but one in Base-Ball.—Alonday a base ball match was played between the Smith-Jackson blocks and the Searle- Coats blocks, the last, named win­ ning by 36 . to 23. The east and west side of Albert street will con- tend for the mastery shortly. ‘ That sprightly, well printed paper, the Wingham K/rfeiZg, .lia* been’dis­ continued and the plant will be re' " .indved to Palirierstoii, ’ where the proprietor, Alr. Alitvh.-ll, will , pub-- lish a paper. Although Mr, M.it cliell-claims and seems to have been well patronised, itWas duly a quest'. ion of time how long thfeiF'paperir would—be published in Winghai'n. The withdrawal of the Fldette will leave a contracted enough field for jtothe two remainim. J r< ”M i tch el I that success wl’iicli his vim and ability deserve. The Apple Barrel.—Now that, the season for packihgT™ifr1s“apr proacb’tig, orclTariTiTts fihbul“l Te- meniber the change made, in the Weights anil Measures Act, -last' seasoii aH ' folTbws : ”‘‘AjI . apples packed iti Cinad a—for--swle-by^-th e- barrel shall be packed ill good- and strong barrels of seasoned wood, made as nearly, cylindrical as; may be; the. staves of suelV barrels shall be twenty-seven inches in length from croe. to croe, with heads from sixteen and one-half .to seventeen inches in,diameter; and such barrels shall be sufficiently hooped, with a lining hoop' within the chines, the- whole well secured by nails. . J—„„„ ..TttE-S’iLJL'noMA.A^ cc iDENT^^Thol. inquest into the death of .Mrs.. F. . .her^child .aruLAIi:.. Dempsey, .........who were-killed at-the.railwayicross.-.. ing at St. Thomas on Clinton’s "civic, holiday, rendered u verdict “that the necessary precautionary signals were, ■ nj3t.given on approaching the cross.- ili.g;’that the G. T. R. Company are culpable in not having a sign board at the crossiijg/and that in accord­ ance with-the- foregoing facts and -, from the dangerous situation of said , crossing', the •’victims came tri tlieir death.” The deceased .parties were ’friends of the Messrs. Watts, of this town. The’ surviving relatives in , Hamilton will likely bring suit for damages against the Company, Only 'a 1<umor.—A few weeks ago we pdhijshed a local rumor that ason .of Dr. Worthington, of this “T“ town^Tiow of -Fort“Arth u r .Customsy• - ■- wwid^WplttctrriMTr’ArtiYwtrgngj^the'’ present popular and courteous officer here. . We.also stated that we could not findvJhow the rumor originated, and only gave it for what it was wQ,rth. It seems that some persons ori the train from Toronto knew that,Air. Armstrong was anxious to be removed to. the city, and, having heardof Wortliingtrih, ]r.,o/Olinl07if - recently getting a.billet iri the Cus­ toms, jumped at the conclusion that Mr, Armstrong had had his wish gratified,-and that Worthington, jr., of Clinton, had - been put in his place. , .. A-MAMCiourRBTPORT.—An active citizen whose wife presented him with an heiress last week hod his good nature imposed upon by the attendants reporting .there w.as a , . pair «j£j.heniL„.As^tTje .gentleman. .had been heard to express himself as averse to a family increase unless such addition .were of the male persuasion, hie. chagrin may be bet­ ter imagined than described when • he heard the news : “twi.ns, sir, and as pretty little lassies as “ever fond fathor laid eyes oil.”. To add to'liis vexation his inajo friends met’him at almost every corner and congratus latcd him on the prosperous condN tion of the domestic branch of Ms business. Of%ourse Im bought the cigars for “the boys” every time as the best way to cover liisilisappolnh ment. When ho foand that it re-* qtiired one wore to make tip the twins lib’felt somewhat relieved, . hut rather lost confidence in rumors. Tho wext time “twin girls” are attempted to be thrii's^ upon him lm 'ncs. W g; wish. AIu. Fred. Jackson, pt Ajclaean <fc Co., Toronto, was in town on Monday, “Job” Clark has opened a resx taurant in Hau Its' old stand, Victoria street. Success I Messrs. C. Davis and C. Nairn, of Goderich, paid a moonlight via.it to the “hub” Alonday night. The Commercial Hotel lias a telephone for the use of patrons and guests, No doubt it. will be found quite a convenience, AIr. D. Cantelon shipped the first car load of apples of the season to Afontremor) Saturday. He ships another car load to Winnipeg to day. ■ J. G. Bain, from Woodstock, has opened .a shaving and hair dressing parlor in Cupper's old standj opposite Hodgens dry goods store. Ladies’ hair neatly trimmed, and all work usually done in a first class dressing establishment will promptly attended to. The attempt to reorganize salt association at. the meeting held in Clinton last week did not come to.any thing, as there was not a full representation. Another meeting was called for yesterday, but with what-resultHwedo-iiotknow.-Witb-- out concerted action the salt inters egts. of Huron will Lose theirsavor. Executive Le^iencv.’'--^ Owing, we believe, to the persistent efforts of Afessrs Garrow Proudfoot, Thomas Beamish, who is in prison as being a party to the death of w’m, Alaynes, will be released in about one month. Henry, .whose sentence was 20 years, will, it is thought, get ouTin ’''“about three •years. . • Wind and Rain.—Thursday even­ ing one of the heaviest down pours of rain that ever took place fn 'a given time occurred in. Clinton. It was preceded hy a violent storm which' suddenly started up about 7 p. m, Ttie wind and the rain con*- tinued at intervals during tbe night,’' doing considerable damage in blow*, ing down fences etc. A large soft maple shade tree, about *10 inches yifi-d ia m e torppm=0n tari o -S t., opposi t o the residence of Mr. James Smith, was twisted off about five feet fiom the ground, and large branches of trees on Mr. Farran’s property and elsewhere were torn from the parent stems and cast as orphaned waifs upon the forbidding ground. Teachers.—Air. .A.-H. Plummer, who, prior to putting in last term at the Normal, Toronto, taught at Taylor's 'school^ house, Goderich township, on Alonday commenced his duties near Alarnock, E. Wawa>‘ nosh, to finish the°yearly engagement of Air Galbraith, who will—in turn • put’iira term at tbe Normal School, Toronto.—Mr. . G. Al, Kilty, who, some time figq, taught at Summer- Hill has resumed liis duties at Bel- gentlemen have so’far been very, successful,’“Imt G AfThayingTaken unto himself a wife some time ago' and given an anti-Malthusian pledge to society, we would take him ’to be^ in better form for ’teaching “the young idea how7.to shoot.” • Should the former gentleman be captured • by sotiie fair one of E, Wawanosh, a . . not itnpos-iible’event by. any means, lie would, then have.reached perfect ■ ion.—Mr. Geo. Afusgrove* a gradu'-’ ate of Clinton High School, who taught school -at Gleiiaman, E:. Wa ■ wanbsli, has beers engage'll fbranoth . -er term r1 ‘‘"Th e T'Wi irghwih—Tl^rfygfe1 ■ saVs lie. is “gathering g' lden opin­ ions,”. We liobft lie-will also‘gather a goodly portion of golden coin,— Ben. Stanbury Ims gone to resume . .. A Sad Affair.—The community Of Clinton was much shocked .last JEriday.-morning ,.Lo.. leacii-tliaL—tiie_ . ..d.cad .._bo.d.y_of ...AD.’,—A-lex. .Taylor, _a_ long time resident of .Clinton, •lidd' been found iti Lrwiu’s'pOnd by neigh- Jior^<iJ^haMlres<-inMiid^IrT^rH4assw> Deceased had ,not been-home, close". by,‘“sin’ce the~.'prejJeditrg inorning.- Deceased was .married and leaves a wife and t wo grown daughters. He was in easy financial circumstances, though a ’.few years ago lie was troubled with an. hallucination that lie was likely to come to want, and at . that time attempted’ suicide . by shooting’ himself in the head, the ball, ,ho.wever, glanced without doing him aily serious injury. About two years since lie ma’de a division of ■’property v’itlr his fa-mily^ainHre’ tOfrlf"" up’ his resideticb' in Illinois, with a ri>roth^Fy--w’4*J.>iAlwvn^;)eav.i.ng..jiisfam- riiy- conifortably,..pmvidedTQiL..here., It is billy about t.w.o months since lie returned here and appeared, to lie again contentedly living With his family. 'His'only, annoyance being a buzzing or singing Sensation in his head.;. Last Wednesday, tire, day previous to. ;liis suicide, 'lie;, as was his custom almost daily, had a,chut with his height o.r, Air. Neil Alatthe son, and wanted the' lat ter'gentleman 1 to takes trip to thepld-CoUntry, but, ditl hot appear more than usually depressed. Ou Thursday fnorniiig,; as already stated, he leift the bouse. Not appearing at home during the day inquiries were made at places he was in the hahit of frequenting without eliciting any information, ,^nd‘'yet*noJanxietyjwas‘-felt:7UhtiMhe- ;%f tSHfmHvheTeb^Vi'iiil^'aii’d" .rain strirm raged and .Mr, Alattbeson concluded that if deceased was out in it he-Would stiffer severely. He con­ sequently made more searching in*, vestigation for the missing nna'n up to late in tbe, evening, but without, .any. success. Search .was discontinued owing to th.e storm and darkness. Early Friday morning the search Wps, continued, and about 9 o'clock Ms hat .was found floating* in the race, or flume, wlmne the water is seven, or eight feet deep,-and short ly after the body. When found his 'legs were tied together with a strong handkerchief and a handkerchief was also around one hand, and $both hands were together as though he ■may have attempted to wind, the li&ridkorcMef around them. Tbe right side of his throat or n.eoTc ‘was ‘ also punctured as if with a pocket knife and the blood oozed from the wounds.” Upon talcing the handker­ chief from around Ms hand or wrist .it was found to be somewhat satur­ ated with blood, showing that Im evidently attempted to lyll himself hy cutting'Ms throat first; failing-in that lm resorted to drowning. He bad an ounce bottle of a .weak tines tore of laudanum in Ms pocket, about'two thirds' full,' but 0ycnfr had ho used file missing confents it vims not strong enough to do Mm any harm. All Um circumstances sin*- rounding'tlm case pointed so clearly to deceased having made away with' Mmsolf, •while laboring under tern* porary mental aberration, no Inquest i was hddr His ago was 57 years, i Ho was MgMy esteemed, of undoubt- ... * < -•...** ...- ......v .. s ••>••• hair be the AIr. Geo. McTaggart, after visit­ ing friands at Romelu lac, Wi«y and spending a few days in Chicago, returned home last Friday. Tbe gentleman enjoyed himself very much. A Fisticuff Encounter at Wingham.—Au altercation of a serious character ss reported to have occurred at Wingham on Tuesday between a local merchant by the nuqie of Holmes and a Hamilton , traveller named Alex. Alunro. It appears from what can, be learned of the affair, that Muuro was desirous of disposing of. a bill of goods to Holmes, and. in the course of con* versation the latter enquired when the goods cou’d be shipped. AJunro replied that they could be sent with the utmost"despatch, and it was ar* ranged that Holmes should visit Alunro’s sample rooms to inspect the goods, However, Alunro went to his store several times dming tbe day, but on every occasion Holmes ■ excused himself on the plea of busi­ ness. Finally towards evening Alunro proceeded to the store again, when Holmes remarked that he had changed his mind and would not go over to the room. This incensed Minnro,"wlnj^aIrlrougl rTrTnnMtTrrarrBrunels' aird only recently recovered from an attack of illness, made use of some rather unQQmplimefit&ry remarks to­ wards Holmes, and boasted qf his ability to “lick” that gentlphian if he would come outside. I^blines, it is stated, promptly ,-juktejKed the challenge,’ sprang over/the counter, and accompanied Munro °Dt8i’la, where they engaged in a slugging match'tnat'xesunea disastrously Tor tbe commerciW man, who, it is stated, waS/KnoCked *down, kicked and severely injured about the head, face.andjbody. Holmes was brought hefore/the Mayor at Wingham on Wednesday upon’a charge of assault and battery on Munro, when be was ^Fully committed for trial, 'file as­ sault is alleged to have been a most brutal one, it being stated that Holmes jumped on the commercial maif’s face, and also kicked him ter* Tibly;in the ribs. . ’ ’ « A Pioneer Clintonian Dead; NICHOL.—In Borton, Wednesday, August 12tli, John Nichol, aged 75 years and 6 months. Air.-Nichol will.be .remembered by many of tire older residents in this vicinity. Born at Carlisle, Eng ' land, in 1809 he emigrated to this then wilderness when 21 years of age and two years later settled in Clinton, which, at that-time, consist ed of half a dozen lag houses. His homestead; w^s situated near where the G.. W. II., crosses.the Huron Koad^and adjoining-that of the late John Gibbings. He was called out for active service during the rebel­ lion of .’37, and when peace aguin bicoke township, York. There he -remained for 40 years removing to. .Beeton some seven or eight years agp, and living.a retired life. For the past two years he has been in” very poor health arid death was a happy release. - He cele'b'rafed his golden wedding in March of last year. Air. N-iehol was a splendid' spec!men of the lioble -Briny o£ pio* peers who, with indomitable perse* ve.rance in the face of most dinheart' ening hardships, Irave'converted this fair Dominion of ours from a howU ing wilderness into a ftirrile.couiLtry. Of: such, men it, aiay be truly. said. that. '' . ' ' ’Thej, departing leave heliir.d tbem Koutprints on tlie K«nd^ of fane, A match was played in Clinton on Thursday last between’ Cl niton arid -GodmTXjlrrcluha. Thei^H*triV’’—w,iur -“VT‘crorT0iTs''iTy--2'-runTaird l~wicketrto“ spare. The following is tliejscore ’ GCb’ERlOH—FIRST INNINGS. ■ ' BATSMEN. U«W OUT.1’' .. BOWLER.-. RUNS ,S. Hays...................... J il-.TViilarbowled ........T.__ , T- Armstrong c Stanbury “ H. Alacdermott b . R. Stark c Forrester, ... C. Ross b . W. Proudfoot b . ....... E. Duncan c'AIcGarva, D. Holmes- b Turn bull;.Aj/Empey 1 b w”..*..... ■ FT McPhillips, riot out Byes 3, leg byes’l GREAT DISCOUNT SALE FOE THE NEXT THIBTY DAYS, at DICKSON’S Book Store, OZLaXTSTtrOKT-: On Pocket Books we will givS a discount of 25 per cent—on Jewelrr 25percont—on- Silverware 15 per cent—on Miscellaneous Books 20 per cent—on Bibles, old version, 25 per cent—on Photo Albums 25 per cent-—on Autograph Albums 25' per cent—on Testaments 25 per cent—tfn Spectacles 20 per cent—-on Cups and Saucers 25 per cent— on Pipes 20 per cent—on Vases and China Goods 25 per cent—on Violins And Fixings 25 per cent—on CftncertiuM and, Aceorduons 20 per cent—on Wall Paper 20 per cent-— on Berlin Wools, Fingering Yarn, Ac., 20 per cent—on Day Books, Journals, Ledges, &c ,10 per cent—on Mouth Organs 20 per cent—oh Baby Cairiages 10 per cent—on Ladies’ Hand Satchels'30 per cent—on Combs, Writing Desks and Workhoxes 20 per cent—on Velvet Frames and Dolls 25 percent—on Baskets 10 per cent—nllpther goods at proportionately low prices. Our entire stock, amounting to nearly $15,000, must be reduced to $10,000 within the next 30 days, as we commence Stock-Taking on the 1st August, an<l balance our b Qoks OD the 15th. Chris. Dickson, Clinton. GODERICH. Mr. McPhilllps was in town last week. Airs. Clucas returned from Clinton on Friday. Afrs. Henry Armstrong is visiting Air. Harry Kay is home on a hol> day trip. Mr. Harry McLean visited the old home last week. Alias Tina AfcDougall left on Sup- day for Detroit. -. ' “ Mt; F. F. Lawrence resumed his duties on Saturday. Ilis Honor Judge Toms returned to town on Saturday. AfrT Xndrew^Beck'^as returned ■from his Toronto trip, County cl^rk and treasurer away at the Falls (Niagara) laBtweek. Huron Encampment No. 28 will meet on Friday evening. A1r. Troy W, Savage left for Jits home, Buffalo, last Thursday. AIr.> Richard Vanstone is putting in his holidays at Kincardine. Rev. G. A. Francis preached in Knox Church last Sunday evening. Mr. and Airs. George Stiven and children are visiting in Brussels. Capt. Cox .has ’ hot ilnprdved ' in health since his return from London. Air, F. Jordan left for the North­ west last week on the United -Empire’ ♦The propeller Sovereign called in this harbor on Sunday morning. Air. Albert Smith and wife are the. guests of the gentleman’s sister, Afrs. W. R. Robertson.. ; ’ The schooner Ariel with lumber for Williams and Alurray arrived in port last week, * AIT, E. R. Watson shot a couple of cranes last’ week, one of which he shot last Friday with a rifle. , Air. IL I. Strang, B. A., was in Tor­ onto last week attending the meeting the meeting of Ontario’s teaclieTs. The Ladies’ Aid Society' of St. George’s, church held a meeting on’ Monday. ’ ;*■' .7Mr. G. W. Barry returned home on the Sovereign last, Sunday morn- -ing, - , ------ Sir. F. Kedsley left .per tbe Saginaw Valley on his, return to Clevejand, last Monday.; • Mr. Ilowar-j Qox, of Goderich, was Hie. guest of; 'Mr. Henry ' Guest, of Lower Wingham,; last xveek.-^Pidtflc. Miss Longworth, who is vis’ting the circular town is the guest of Airs, Dr. M'cLeanl-- ' ’ •-.Rev, N. Martin a gentle th an well known in town,’is the.Grand Aias.ter of the l.’O.O.F. ofOntffrio.’ . 7 ’ Ori •Eri<itfy nexV Bt-rntford"s~';f5jrle'*- .donian Society- will.hold their.second -•arrrrmrl-gn-t-lTerTrrgr^-—-— —7; * The schooner Rathbun with lumber- for Secord & ‘Co. reached this port on Sunday inorning . ' The children of-St, George’s Sunday KRl^n. joy-,th.diLiHinuid Apieni c* to-morrow afternoon. A large number of Thursday’s ex cursionists took advantage of the R.R. -CoAU.pan.yls- terms, .and, stay e lLq.v er, at. knowing that they haye helped to lighten a heavy load. Up this way tlm majority of people do not think the editor of the Mit­ chell Recorder either clever or gentle manly, notwithstanding the Seaforth Expositor’s opinion to the contrary. Many think that an office^nderThe Crooks Act wlio wiirvisifan adjoining County and break the law by obtain­ ing liquor in violation of the Canada Temperance Act is neither clever nor gentlemanly. But when such ah one prates openly of having violated the law without entering on,a, prosecution of the guilty parties, we wonder how the Crooks Act is run in Perth under hiB personal supervision. There are people who think the AHtcbell editor is decrying the.Soott Act to cover his conduct in the recent electionrin Perth, he having, after a consistent support of the Act for, years, turhe'd round and opposed it. Was the sud­ den conversion brought about by the fear of losing’.an office; Colborne. We regret to have to announce the death of OUT' old friend Mr, Robert Young, an old pioneer, Which occured at the old homestead, Golborne town ship, after a short illness. Deceased was born at. Maybole, Ayrshire, Scot­ land, in March, 1797, and was con- sequen'tly in liis eighty-ninth year. He left bis native land in 18H5, and came to the maritime prov.nc s, where he travelled for about seven .years, after ’which he returned , to Scotland, where he lived- for'some years. In 1829 he married Agnes Young, of ’Renfrew, and, again em­ igrated to Canada in 1835, settling in the Huron tract. During the period of Rebellion he carried on the business of butcher in Goderich, and was well known to many of ’our -old-time residents. From his fifty-fifth to his sixty-fifth year he wore, spectacles, but one day he lost his “glasses,’’ and was forced to read wtfthbi’t'the.m, and ever after used his naked, eyes for all purposes. Up* to the .tithe of his death he was .a temperate, man but not a teetotaller. His mind was clear, and lie conducted his financial and other businesspel’spnally until about ^a.jmmitrltsAiAfope-bis'deaVh^'-IT'is'-fun"- era! to Cdlborne cemetery was largely attended, His aged partner,, who is two montlis’hisjuni.or^siifyives him,• and he leaves besides a sbn Andrew Young, of Colborne, and two daughb ers—Mm. Kirkpatricii, ofWawanosh,. and Mrs. Mary Old, of Colborne to ’mourn hisToss? ......Turnbull 0 '....Turnburny 5 .Kennedy 5 ..'L'urnbuil .0 .Kennedy Of ..Turnbull 1 . .Kennedy 4 ......... . 0 ..Kennedy 2 .......o ................4. !, .. • - .. ■ 21 F. AlcPhillips O....7?..........l’urnbuil' 2 JIa,ys.c..JAu:j3.bjiU-............J£ennedyi.3 T. Armstrong run out....'..Turnbulll 1 4q.^YifIM-4>r.7.r.-.v".r.“r;;bi.^Tui‘nbiill 0" IL Alacdermott b,,'rurnbull 2 It. Stark C J. .Harland......Kennedy 5 D; Holmes b...................Kennedy 0 C. Iloss b../Kennedy ,0 W. I’roudloqtc Turiibu.il,. Kennedy'-. 7 F. Duncan b. L...........Kennedy 0 ’ A. Empevj not out.1 . . Byes 2r-leg byes' 2.............;.... 4 -.'„ ■ 35 CLINTON—FIRST INNINGS. ' W. Jacksonb... Afacd.er'mbtt 0 H. Stanbury b..< ...Maedermott 1 L. Kennedy c Holmes,, .Armstrong 3 'A.. IL Manning 1 b w.,.. Armstrong 5 J. Lasliam b..........’......Armstrong 2 J. Harland c Rays........ Macdermotti 5- D. A. Forrester .‘Macdermott 0 J Spooner c Macdermot, Armstrong 0 J.Turnbull b..Armstrong 6 - W. Hmrland, rup out... ...........'......vr.~2 ^ArcGarvaY^noFquL/^^tL Byes J, leg byes 2, wides 3. . ’ ...... ■ ” CLINTON—SECOND INNINGS W. ,J afckson. b f. I. .Macd er mot t 0 H. Stanbury. b.................Arlhstrorig 5- L, Kennedy c Holmes...Armstrong ,1 A. H. AlannijigjK........Macdermott 0 J» Lftsbam b............. Armstrong 15 ■J. Harland c Holmes D. A. Forrester, b;... Armstrong J. Spooner b. Armstrong J. Turnbull b.,....Armstrong W.‘Harland, not out.......A.............. A. AIcGarva, hot out.............. . Byes 2, leg byes 1. rcr ,• 6’ 24 ..Armstrong. 6 1 0 0 3 0 3 WHEN VISITING THE HUB OF HURON OALL. AT The Great Dry-Goods Palace. We keep the Largest an<T Best Selected Stock in the County, and carry on ALL the Branches of the Dry-Goods Trade: ■ And TAILORING Eot summer weather we are showing ttwery full selection of White Lawns, White Bks, White Spot Muslins, Colored Muslins, Colored Lawns, Embroideries and Laces.—Lace Parasols, Silk Parasols, Cotton Parasols and Umbrellas,—Men’s and Boy’s Rubber Coats, lMt^c«':itubber Circulars. Highest Price for Butter and Eggs, Five per cent, off for Cash. ESTATE LATE MANAGER. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DFALERS IN Teas, Coffees, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, 3S.TC.v_ 3STC., Although Sugars have advancod IJc per lb„ we are still selling 20 lbs. good TaW Sugar for A CAR LOAD of Refined Sugars on the way from Refinery, at Former ,1*rices. Also a. heavy Shipment to’hand of our a in b u s’ T'CE A_. S ! . ‘ Give us a call-and be’conviqced, ns we are bpund to sell st closest prices. nj’Samples of our Famous Teas sent to an^ address with pleasure. - . O. J. Tuthill & Co., AfBEBXT STREET.-CLINTON. DRY-GOODS PALACE £- CD -iaC Ctl E z o |omM z.TO THE FRONT! PRICES!! I TO CLEAR'SUMMER GOODS. • ( ;• _ — O O- T Call -Early and Get E BEATER?.BLOC‘C TO CLEAR THEM OUT. s In returning thanks to mv many friends atjd patrotis for past patronage, I would - like to call tlieir special attention to rtiy very complete stock of HARNESS, WHIPS, CURRY COMBS, 'BRUSHES, ETC., ETC. . •■■■ . Special attention is -directed to my stock of — :-:SINGLE"HARNESS It will.be found wery complete, nnd for.durabilify rind finish cannot t)6 excelled by any one. As I employ none but the best workmen, and use the best material io ba bought in the market, all whb mfty fii vor me with their patronage may feel confident i-DOWiT. . Offtc.e—Corner of Market Square jinil North Street, Goderich. / • > HORACE HORTON,, . . Manager, Goderich, Aug.'5tlf,’81.’< . 351-3m - RS—FEM A LE-TWO FOR .M^--A«e''ciliiton Model School, for 4th and 6th Divisions. Second-Class Ccr’ttllgfttes. Duties to, commence August 31st. Applications with tosti- .'monlals and s.tating salary, received up till Aug. 15th. JAMES SCOTT, Secy, pro. tern. 360-2t MARKET REPORTS. , (Gorrecteil’oveT.v TnestJay afternoon ■CLINTON. ' ■ . ’ Flour; - ■ • - • . - ' S4 60 to JftiltAVheat, . . .- ’ •0 .80 to Spring Wheat,' - ■ ’. 0 80 to-" ■ „.,.o...r,o.-to—o-oi). ,0 30 to ' e 30 - 0 60 to 0 (I) roc "tb~i~5tr 0 50 to 0 60 - 0 10 to 0 11’ 0 10 to 0 11 ■ 10 00 to 11 00 5 75 to "S 75 3 00 to 4 00 Oats, . Pens, 'Apples, (Winter) pot* bbl, Potatoes, new Butter . • E-r-js; ■■ . • •llav, Pork Cordwood,. • ■ • Beef AVpoi jimi'iwwiwwuwiiwww GREAT CASH' STORE, TJintyou cannot’afford to bny a. - Air. John .Cox, of Chicago, after spending a few day’s, at the parental „ ,4tom Alonday last to visit Iriends. there; _ -^JElm_.ateam e fc-Gconlri-rarri vSd ~be- tween 8 and 9 on .Sunday evening and left about an . hour afterwards. Th,e.0con t6 had a large-passenger list; . The schooner Garibaldi left for-the- the northzon> Wednesday and was in 1 harbor again on Sunday morning with a cargo of lumber for Secord and Co. ' The steamer United Empire was in harbor last Wednesday.- Afterdoad’* ing freight and adding considerably to her passenger list she left for Lake Superior. z • - . .... •hot reach her dock till 8 ajn. Alonday. 'Tile delay was owing to a Blight injury to her wheel caused by striking the -beach- on,the-opposi te -shore... , Rev» Wm. Johnston the new assist­ ant Rector, of St; George’s conducted Loth .services last<8unday.. The Rev. gentleman preached most acceptable sermops both morning and evening. ’ The report, of the Grand Secretary, I.O.0.F., of Ontario, for the~1ialf year ending June 30, shews receipts 'of the Qi’der in the jurisdiction $67,- 054.11 out of which there was an ex­ penditure of $23,545.53 fpr-relieL Mr, John Welsh/. of Stratford, brother of our well knotvn jeweller. Was elected to the chief office in .the Patriarchial branch of the 1. 0. O. E:4 at the recent session of the Grand Encampment at Hamilton, . Air. John Christian, who’ left town for Detroit about 5 years, since, was a rou'ml trip passenger on the Oconto oh ,heilllast.tripAlany of Jobn ’s oId . friends, who were ’ waiting for the boat, gave him a hearty greeting. Alessrs. A. J. Boyd and Ewing Buchan, of the Wanderers, Toronto,' arrived in town- on. Saturday having tnade the journey from-Strr tffifd on bicycles on that day. After having;; seen. the sights, and enjoyed the-’ roads of t.lie wheelsrfian’s. paradise, they left on Monday for Lphdori. Am,ong those from Huron attending the recent session of the Grand Lodge I. O.O.F.,. at Hamilton were F., F. LawrehcefGfahd Sentinel, His Honor Judge Toms and Geo, Stiven, Goder­ ich—-Jno. Cull, JSeaforth—- IT. Sam- brook, Exeter-W. Jernes, Clinton — J. A. Morton, Wibghiim—- Geo. Hay* croft, Brussels—II. Roe, Wroxeter— Robt, Young, Gorrie-Geo. Baird, Brttcefield, and Jas. McDermid, Hen- sali. ' ' Air. Win. AfcLenn wlio reftirned from. Montreal Where he had been shipping cattle for the Glasgow market, reports tho-old...country markets aS vei’y weak, arid tliTnlc’s that on account of having as salesman at that market Air. Jas, McLean ho may comb out nearly even.- We hope Air. McLean may be happily disap­ pointed, and that before he is through with his .season’s shipments the market may take such an upward turn ns to leave him a largo margin of profit. <> At tbo Masohio concert in Victoria. Hall to*morrow’night the singers will bo Miss Wynn, Afj’s. Hicks, of Winni­ peg, Mrs. \Vhilohoad, of Guolph, Mr. Joslin, of .Seaforth, and Mr. A. B. Hondersrin. Such a number of ex­ cellent artists bns not- provlonslv boon befdMA Goderich’ nuflionoo at on© limo^and wo therefore bespeak a large; hltondanoe. Wo may state -fflXCELSIOR SHAVING PARLOR, .... ■ j4NTx:tgaL---—; ' -1. G. BAIN,; PROPRIETOR. Th o public are respectful hr informedthat. the ulip.ve Shaviny Purbr has b'eiin Opened in Thus, Palace.' First-class work is gnarariteeci .to all .patrons. Ladies1.- hair nearly trimmed; Razors ’ set'and honed.1 ~ ......" ■ "■352;—.... • Where are.you. going ? To the Beaver 6 - ‘ '—WHERE9I CAN— BUYMY BOOKS CHEAP." COOPER-keens, a splendid stoV.k of High SciiooL,Books. >? -:- ■ . HURON AND BRUCE’’" A nd he will make tbe prices to reach.Si°- -PANTTK^S’_SPRtNG"OVERCO-A-TJKGS aadJ»UITINQS.r„_. Anj^^|_Jm-JWQOU TWEED SUIT FOR $12. S*er.fe®tSatisfaction given. ; ——c.’o. ' . Tbo Hub Clothing House, CLINTON y ONT This, Compcmy.is Loaning Money on .Farm Security at .Lowest' : Rates ■ of Interest: k. —. • . ’ MORTGAGES PURCHASED,' Savings Biinfc Branch. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent., Interest Allow- cd on .Deposits, according to amount and time' left. ■» . . Z.---. ... FOR We bow offer tfiTBarance of^but-CTiimircd ©ud untritiiTihed----- -- - Hats, Bonnet^rec^rsrflouierg; Ornaments, Ribbons, '■r Law ns; :eto„ -at- FISCHER SMITH’S'BLOCK, «■ ' CLINTON, ONT. .. The correct place forperfcct-fltting garments at closest quotations.1 -- —Fitf Workmanship,- Style Assured YAT. El^-y-w A - -^IdNTEI ST-OOK Oin-- ' aMfhe . "‘o, b».sell porei>m iorn.a,Kic^^, — ■■■ ' \ ‘ 3 KC 34 g' UM o 10* • -CD. S3 3 24.0 18.0 20,2 28.6 27,3 P Lexington, Sanllae, ntirt all Biv~ ......... for the round trip, SEL berths, C O TSTTsfSoi1 TO ISTB HMMa. •Tlist, Toceivcd from Makers. Ontario Crops. Following is tt tabulated spnimary of the Report of the Bureau, of In* dustries on th'o Wheat, Oats and Bar­ ley drops ol Ontario, baser! on returns made by 1(100 corrokpondents on the 5th of tAugust. So far there ^appears to be buDslight difference, in 'the yield this and last^eafa. It should, lmJiyeynr, be borne ib mind that the figures of the yield’of crops for 1884 are the final results, while those for 1886 are estimates based on the pre­ sent promise. The following table gives tlie slat- istics of those crops for the years 1885 and 1884, according to the re­ turns made to the Bureau i " Fall Wheat i-an Wheat,,j 16M spring Wheat-tl8S1 721((i<7> JlMt 698,318 nar,6y.............< 1884 700,472: ......|48861,64js,77» GRANDPLEASURE EXCURSIONS —FROM- Every Sunday Evg. at 8 o’clock, ~~~. on tiio (■oniinoiiiotis Steamer Afire*. Btt. Bu. per acre 20,433,758 20,717,631 14,372,710 14,0,00,661 17,047,630 10,116,041 W' wwm a j G. w. McGBBGOlU Master. - Th Detroit ami return, Mnchfng at Sand fiwv'li, ‘oft Hope, Port Auetlh/ TftWt, Forestville, .oxington, SanllM, and all River St. Clair ports, >r r,ho round trip, $5. o . Or ONE WEEK on board, Including meats and , CL th C o inthmScll1 to istb irado.nt ftwIHoftcli with tbe Port Huron & North rostern Railway lot Saginaw nod intermediate ■stations. Aho with the Cleveland Navigation Oo.’w boats for Osoodn, Ilnri'iaville, Alpena, Rogers City, Maekinao, Cheboytran and St. Ignace, and all Lake Superior ports. • And at Detroit wth al) tailroadsMnd deyelntid (team Navigation Co.’s boats for Clcvclnnd. QC 1 §4 Q g| F w. in' ** DO rl ■45:-co: • C3 kwtyajwl EMit«onKW>enw«t3ran«"*iw«ran