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The Huron News-Record, 1885-08-12, Page 4
. LAWS ’ w nisti iyn»> I 0 Trife ml a :l'.I tlra .qu-wH attention ot Post rs an I Hiib.sefibow th the following •is of tlieil ‘wspiqwr laws A imrnaiter is required to give nr j-bitkr uetui uing & paper dues isws-r tliu lilw; when a sub -ci ibei' del’s >t tak<- ilia pupei nut ol the oilier, arid He the read'll lbr its not being taken. IM ii k' «i y he in list pWy all arrearages, or dier may continue to send it unit is ‘male, and collect the •unt. whether it be taken from n- not. There ean bo no legal aiK-e until the payment is made. sou V w y SI s' ul b p tl I >t 0. it a *3& -..„y r 1 Ii N pi* !«<•< mli mt, ,nh a ci I, hi Th H r i-iili ft. Hi lt sp it m ■lb L’t' 'I' ti .1, c. is !»<*■ id ■ii it ll h-ln mt < ha I Vpj fat pf.iir.lii; tlw pi<*si*l|t proprietor, find po notice to dLseoiitiniiu Slid wmsSpRJtrtty" eoubi coll.ft, although it was not denied Hur-defendant had notified fonuer pro* piii-tdr tn di-montiiuvc. In any event ilel'eii-lnnt whs bound to. pay for the time Ite ha I nwtmt the iftpEI- and until lie had pail all lUT-aus due for subscription. h i to ■lit-eoirinno it. the Juug< that was not a valid defence. MBll II—»r«HI 1 Looking at her husband, whose eyes were r sting on Clare’s lace, Esther f It her heart grow cold. She was too l it j to hear muoh, for the youug laily wan rising as ahe went over. . ‘To-morrow night, slm heard her husband say, ‘at the masquerade ball in Vermont Hall.’ ‘I will her a Swiss dancing girl,’ Miss Monteith sai , ‘rtl.au will you be? . ‘I cannot t 'll y-ft 1 nt I shall know m. Piu a (11 wur In your bYeast.’ •I will wear a l unch of daisies,’she said, M you cannot mistake im Mr, Graham had risen .ty well, and his wife conld sue his face, as lie b nt ovor Ckire Mout.dths hand. ‘I will bo there,’ he said, ‘for my heart longs fur the moment* I know I shall have a right to love you-rr—’ <■ Esther could not hear the romain d -r of the seiHenct, but she heard the answer— ‘It.seetus almost too good to be true, that I shall have some one to-love, With all my fame.I have been alone.' ‘And j’ou will leave the stage ?’ Esther did not hear her- answer, or her question after, but she heard’ her r si no si »i r worn. St. I'.ml b (Jimreh.— Services on Sunday at 11 a m. 7 p. in- Bible Class, Hi a.m. Sunday S •<! >.•!. 2.30 p in Service on Wednesday, & p.m ftKv. William Chaio, B.O., Rector , ii.d f.irv p. in. b'.ibbuth SuhojI at -2.30 p, tn. It Hi J. UliBV.Pantor. Q " C.ui ulx Ci’eAbyUrlan.-= Scrvim ftt. 11 MV. 5 3.) o. n. Sabbath School, 2.30 p.’ in, ’RKV. Atm. Stkwaut, Castor. Bible Christian.—Services at 10.30 a. nt. and 5.30 p, in SAtibath School, 2.30 p.in. Rev. J. Kbskiuc, I'istor. B,ip;i-t illiureli.—Sorvieojilt 6.30 p. m. Sab bath behc;l, 2.30 t>. tn. lluv J. Oiiay. Fustor. Huron Record, iAMALGAMATKn. CiiHti)!]. Vi ediu »<!.•>j, August 12 $UR §TORY-^EADEP.S: BY P. C. B. husband say— " ‘ •'" “•——~ ‘My heart is satisfied. I loved you almost from the moment I saw you. My heart decided at once.' They were moving now, and fearful Jost lie should see her she sank down on a seat near at hand. ‘The masquerade ball I at Vermont Hall!’ she quietly repeated, ‘Heaven pity tue I’ hfmr— He had beep .Tio^hpy’-.wl.lf'n he made ■fier h)8 wife, but .a’ tna-n,"01d-;endiigh-, to know liis , owu heart, Rud she bail given him every thought of hers— given him her pure woman’s lo ve and for this I .A low; shuddering moan left her "lips, ayd then'’she rose to her feet agaiu, - ‘Let ine die I Let -me die f’ she cried, ‘for I cannot live now? Then suddenly her pride came to her aid. She remembered that Miss Jacks m Would be coming back to the seat she had left, sb she valked back and-sat down on it again, as if she had neffer left it, but her face was ashen~pal-3A " A little later Misb Jackson joined lmr, and looking a-t her, gave a little cry^ '■ ■■■ ‘What is the matter, Esther ?' What is jt? Are you ill ?’ •With au effort Mrs. Graham rout'd herself., • ‘Yi’s. A'-sudden faintness came over me.:. I have not l!elyt well- all the niorning?' . , ~"“Iu a few moments, however,.Mrs. Graham recovered at jeasl; her out-’’ It wjs a heautituljy furnished room; (li.Hpl.lying exquisite taste in every, detail. The woman standing looking out at the garden, alb shorn of its bgauty ;)>y^the wintry wind, was exquisite -■"lmrsi'lt, as w. .1 room. . Ido not mean thatJSsther Grahapj was beautiful, in one sense of the. word, but tliri’c was so much of quiet “TtTgnujia in her inffirtu'r, so ’iff.uch graceful dignity in her face—home; thing so pure in the outline of face and form, that the word exquisite despiibed her far- better than the word beautiful. Iler ^ress was of-.cream colored cashmere ami costly Lice encircled th ' n.'ck and full over hands, while a sash of pal-) l ine was tied . loosely round her waist, and she wore a knot of it at her, breast. Any one looking —nay, even more," any one knowing Esther.. Graham, would , have, laughed at the person, who woul 1 have hinted that-this ser ene, prou I wo ii.hi could harbor jeal ousy for a moment.. It seemed a feeling so far. out of ■ place, when spoken of in connection with her ; yut standing there, with yifted lip>, an I calm, proud eyes, Either Graham was alpiost insand with the demon of it. Sim could make no mistake. I; was Irar lnlsTin I bhe had seen ttlaing so oarn istly to—oh Heaven! was hoc goiug ma t ?—to Glare Mon teith, the actress. NLiilur conl l she make a. mistaiw iu th ) woman, for she had not. only sevD her on the stage many times, but off it. . “ ' • ' lb had come nponU'ier so suddenly. J ribo had been to the park with another lady', aud had sat down to rest,, while Miss Jackson loitered about, when a voice she knew so well —the voice,-whon even at the end df five years of married peace, could make her heart throb still, like a girl with her first,**hy love. * H< r husband’s voice !‘« Was sho dreaming ? And who was his companion ? ■ The voices came from behind hffi*, and the speakers were seAtegl iu air artificial arbor, within a few yards of. her-. Without a moment’s thought she . rose iron) her s ial), and went closer to thorn, and standing, leaning Slight ly forward, she ccJtild not only hear < • them, but s ie"them. 7 - V She was too 1 ite to hear much, but this is wh it sh“ ssvv, .» A girl ol p rljaps nineteen—a girl - ol rare beauty. “ Her compl xion was fair enough to go with i.londe or gojdwn hair, but tin ciii.iti’iing.s that curled around it, and fell loosely down her back, Were nut-brown, though her eyes were sky blue. 'A ' Ev<ry feature was' perfeot^the, ■forehead square, the h'ose Grecian, the mouth crimson an ! p ,-rfectly sipped, while her form was- slender, . girlish and graceful* 11m beautiful face was Ono Esther Graham had seen before, but for a moment she could not roeallff* . Then like a flash she rornemlie’rod where she had secy it, and who this Lluo ey-d girl with ’ th 3 nut-browri hair was. She had once gone to the studio of a fatuous painter, and as tffio Went in another huiy came-out, and the beau* ty of the face, as well as HO-netliing familiar eVen theft, lmd struck 11 *r. She pleasantly asked the p.iiutcr who the lady was. lit is a wonde r yon did not recog nize her I j* lmr portraits, though they do not, do her justice. That is Clitrc - actress.’ ' j ward composure, though her face still kept JLts. paleness., / ' And this very evening, that Esther' stood at the window;, was the evening of the masked ball.' Standing there, outwardly so Calm, inwardliXri ^e-.trinflpest tossed, a wild . project fornirid.4tself in her mind. She -would go.- td the masquerade ball, follow the, Swiss danping^girl aud- her companion, and'know the Worst, and .then—ah ! let lier-keep that from her mind, if only for a few hours longer. '/ About an hour later hjt lyusband came in'. Hhjcame "over.and kissed her, and all she could d*o was to bear it'calm.- . ly ; but, she did so, and. lie never dreamed, that ..she. would, have been willing to have fallen dead at bis feet to be able to, raise her eyes to Iris, ■with the faith, anil, trust of- a Week before. fall/ wliile. Esther Graham watched her husband brir very -soul' in ' her eyes, and hkd Iris mind not been pre occupied, lie must have noticed her" . manner,. l;. • ' ,/ ' ■ As. the clock Struck liiue, lie rose. ‘Lam going .out, Esther, and! shall' not be baqkririllate..’.- • She bowed. . .. ' . •*——------ She was unable'to speak. • ‘Htr-feftr-tlie' room; aiiiWfot a fsw minute's she stood looking at him, thi.*n she went up to-her own room. . Without.a moment’s hesitation she '■doinred-a'i I teak of "the kiyi ejf TTceW' t'riFy past,* and with a hat of the same period tied over her face, and a square of nmslin pinned over her breast, no pne would have recognized, her, ev-m if 9I10 had not put "on-tlie mask that lay beside IfOr. ~ ■ Three hours later the ball at Vef‘» lriont ilitli was at its heigliLWhd, just ' then a Swiss girl, with “di, |much of . daisies in her breast, passed, leaning on the arm" of a Greek Corsah*. JJbey turned out of a .main ball- "room into a ^conservatory, and 'the Swiss - girl, leaned against a pillar, where she removed her triask,’ while "tlTO-rffiffiir^bernliiig ovetr her did the, same* ■ . • ““ ‘I hrive them? tho girl said, ‘aud ' to-riiorrb'W"" yriti““"witr’"caU' for' me, Though yoiir heart received me, the Xvor.lil-would not, .but I have all tile proofs? At tins instant a sound lffio a .moan fell ori their ears, and lool^gipffe^b'i^? couip vnioii, tho .0Wsair stiuWTri&Mtk’ standing at a little.distanco-r-a.Wo man with a half mask o^er.hcr ^vce. Esther Graham had only heard a few words of- what Glare Monteith liad said, but they, few its they were, had maddened Irari * . ‘ Without an instant’s hesitation,Tsho, raised onri hand to tho other, and t|i« llext moment something rolled to . James Graham’s feet.. He stooped to pick it up, arid a cry WutYcan^fe^ ‘Oh? Heaven I’ he said-, ‘does she doubt my love * . * ‘What is it T tho Swiss girl asked ‘My. wife's* wedding-ring? he re- . plied.,. White and worn looking, with a fear that iHitite' ‘hhfi^inffiilffjr-JamGff Gm- ham left the ball room. '* He went straight to his home and sought Iris wife’s room, but Esther was gone, and many weary day’s wore passed before he saw her again* When Esther Graham left het Hus band’s house, she intended not only to go to the ball, but never to return to het homo again if she got proof of his fals iness. When she left the balhroom eho • know not, sli geared not, in what di*, j rqction she went. g^Tlie winter wore Away to npriug* b it ©till a Are burned iu oue of the parlors of the home Esther Graham had. left, and before it sat James Gra ham and Clare Montejth. And where was the unhappy wife? Crouching low on the verandah, and looking tn with wide, wild eyes at the scene before her, in her intense nrad anger and jeal ousy. Esther Graham had stolen back to see this, and now that she saw it, she could bear no more. She put her hand out as F to <£pi*n the wintloW, for it opened on the verandah, and as she did so, husband rose, and, as he turned to leave the room, he bent and kissed tne fore- head of the beautiful girl at the fire. This was more than the tortured worn >n could bear. A wild cry rang out from her lips as she tried to push the window back, her strength gave way, and she fell forward dashing the window in, and falling at the feet of her husband and Iris companion, whom tieVcry had brought to the casement. Anri fo.r many dark, long dayB after, Esther Graham lay in a burning fever, and her husband grew wnite and—haggm’ti- waleb'mt; over her, ' though she never knew him, and Clare .Monteith’s lair face grew pale with the fear that Esther would pass to the eternal shore, and kneeling, down,she prayed for the life ol‘which there was so liftle hope. But her prayer was heard, for Esth er came back from the border of the “slradow land”—came back as if d ea t Id “ e t i 11 -held- h er--earn e back .to the memory that brought -such-agony oDpain, - — They told her husband she was con scious again, and that there was hope/ • * ..‘Can l go in??’ he said, fop he had told the physician the whol Jatory, ‘Yes,’ the doctor answered ; ‘she breathes, now, but the reaLtruth will save her life. * ’« j ■ , He went in and knelt beside her couch, but she only turned away, ‘Spare me,’ was all she said. y Oh, my darling I my darling ! What have you believed ?' What have you thought ? Esther, Clare Monteith is - the child of my dead siste-r, Adele. You have, heard the story of her marriage and her desertion, and how she lied from all who know her, be fore her baby was born, and of our fruitless search for her. .‘Clare Monteith’ is her child, and from Die lifouivut 1 saw her, it struck uiq, her singular likeness to; Adele* but 1 waited, she gave me the proofs; •before,I tobUyou, or claimed her be fore the . world, the very nigl^t you would have kfiowu all, yoti fled from your borne’, . / ^Qh, tlie <let>th of joy, of.hope, of peace restored,, that, throbbed in the cry?- . - ., • ‘My husband 1 my husband 1 Gan you forgive me -?' -. .o . And his answer was—?—™ ‘My darling !’ ' „ ' And then she asked for . Clara Mon teith, and her Kqsband went for her, and the. beau til ul'girl came straight to her. ' ■/. —Est-hri-r-piHsed-l i er&el^PaSd-lirild—out- bei arms/xvifh’ words of welcome, ' ‘You will forgive me, too?’ she said, j ‘it was dll my love / and Clare pressed her lips to. the sweet wan face . ".......... ■ ' .’ fl love you? slie said. ' ■ H htt wanted a 'Other drink, but > inuijf refused Im retired without d, and tli»ew hmraelf on tb« bed. Five inmuteK later he left the lime*, Htxj whh not «erh again. From papera and letterk iu. Grey'a poa- ae8>io|i it appears that lie ia a proui* inent temperance lecturer. ...... .a*"’" "■ More Hurtliil tlinu Alcohol. Sir Henry Thompson, one of the foremost British physical adeptndn, remarks in the current Nineteenth “The ‘nrarytjr to indigea don uray perhapa b»' an p iaed ’to Jearn that, nine out of ten peisonH'ao affectedare probably not the subjects of any complaint whatever, and that the etomuch lit any rate is by no means neceasarily faulty in ita action *-iu short, that what is popularly termed ‘indicestion is rarely a dis ea*e in any sense of the a ord, ,tmt merely the natur..l result of error in <iiet. For most men itJs t|ie penal ty of conformity to the eating habits of the majority ; and a want of disl position or of enterprise to undertake a trial of simpler foods than those around them con-ume probably de termines ttie continuance ot their uiiliappy^trcubl.H7-Iliiivof()i-s<)iii** years past, been compelled by facts which are constantly coming before me to accept the ‘conclusion that, more mischief in^tlie form, pf actual disease, of impaired vigour, and of shortened life, accrues to civilized man, no far as I lra.ve observed in our own country and throughout Whh tern and Central Europe, from erro ntious habits in eating than Loin, the Hrauiffiar--^^^ ilritrk,- cOTi dderableas I know, jthe evil of that -to~ber^I"^nriioWuT»*^tIiaLflf st m i lari comparison might not he nmde be tween - the respective influences <‘f those agencies jn regard of moral evil ajso.” . • /SLEEPLESS N GUTS, made miser- able bv that terrible cough, Shiloh’s, Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by J. H. Combe. ■ 235'y , The fences on the farms in t he state of Maine are valued at nearly as' much aq, all the farms and their buildings are worth; more than twice and a half the value of all the live stock, and nearly as much as the erH tire capital of the state invested in manufactures. Low-s Sulthur Soap should be found witfi every toilet, It is cli-ans* ing and healing. — 350 4t ‘ ' The bronze ift’diistry in Japan is’ one of very ancient origin, and one^of' . pyoinin'ent rahk. A huge statue of Buddha,.fifty feel in height, was erect ed in the eighth century, and .since then the coui'se of art h'JSriTeen con- tinuouslv progressive. SIIILOil’s I'DUUlD aml Cnisiimptioi). _/urv ]-' sold by J*H. ('Oiiibe, i 11 n ton, cm a guarantee. ' It. cures toilsuinpHou.7^" ■ ./ 1 /fffo-y ‘‘How jnded/voui* horse.looks, cab rnan I” .remarked an old-.lady farer (‘Is not lira bit tlrieoiirfoftably large for Iris mouth ?” “It Ain’t the big bit in his mouth, munq-iUs she small bit. in bis stomach;” looking at. the tendered shilling -“Vt doesn't.' seem as if it will get much larger.” ■ ■ t ------— . / Always JIequired—n good cathar- tic lueilicine'?' National Pilis will ' pot disappoint.'you, The Shubl^y Umbrella. Strange.how ashamed a mail will he of a shabby umbrella—one oL those elotichy, corpulent .affairs, witfi ; --t-h e-4j,l ea el 1 ed-o.u t^*o wrin grd i voYcect01 from the thiril of the rib/tips, and a shoe string.clasped around its Waist in lieu of the long .vanished elastic. . How lie w>H hide it as. far; as pos* sible under Iris arm, .rim it’up Iris cbut-sleeyo' tuck’-'it away beneath • thti folds of hi.« coat, liedp it between ' himself and the wall,jmd when lie ’■'giHs-iii the car liow" Careful he is.’to dispose of it iq the darkest |>ds'sible' «i * I ao 11 DrtZj^nilseoupon will be received in lieu ot m cents wuh, toward the I price ot either uf above worke, if sent within ten daye from date ot I 25 GEN Io. thia paper (mention name of paper). This offer b to aectu^ yow I PROMPT response and Indicate the paying advertising mediums. g 100-PAGE CATALOG CL Rent free. The best lit erature of the world at the lowest prices ever known. Books seret for EXAMINATION BEFORE PAYMENT on reasonable evidence of good faith. Address JOHN B. AUDEN, Publisher -P.OrBoxl887 A proportion of tna disouoa wklci er e auiiuu smicuug n»ua hum rnrai gq- i A t c i I- , . . . 4<i a u<c vl u.uer ra..mcuts, for all of b 1 o jUi.ui.ui umicuug ru*u.t hum iiuiuM' t u£ tlw wwu’ftcU, lwwvis, aud li.ur .'.j G.wu”.w Tills act cin ctiy ui’cs o orj-is, anil ax® mwclaey dc» until, tc o ilv> d1. ■ :i“bs caused by tialr dfirni ire- .t, i.i .uLi;.u <tynbi.it a*.iuu, n i’.-4 • ■ : l>» I*«» iaehe, -. ~ z. ir; ;X h lb y ara a Wife, sure, promi't-, ai.J „ i,y, U ..e tauiklva wo ut the. fl • uy v j;t idQtdelaiMin, regular | n.u* t-', ,.a in ’ '' ,,;y tUo estimi l’.<*n I:; a tu.y ara I<u4 by die BicUieal piuka- ■’■'l* ”, are c'lJ’.-’-ou!-*kd of ve~ctni ’j j iiti I are cLsmiiu-ly free hum ... pr any pimp.- inj ui'lp w lag* v<J.ic u t. A 8i*r.H'cr from Headache writes; •. i. c‘H Pt) ls are ii .lufitlo to me, nrd 1 v comiiuit comptt... m. " 1 lime bem e suiWrer from Heiidache, and your ■ ijr« too only tl.ii g 1 could Ifmk to ■1. f, um* dose w.ll <|iih*hly move my ■st a.11 free my i.igj.1 t;um pain, 'lbw i.m m ...|. pucmiH* aim tlictiatiH |liyro . >on. rlmiiid. it Is a i «■ sure to mu to i k in Um r pru’se, gml. 1 aliyujs do so ..at pn-.iskm Klims. V.'. L. pam . of W. I.. Page & Fro.” 1" ■■•nilu.ii tit., Kic*m>uud,\ a., Jium 3, Db2, “I b'lvo used Avra’s Puj,s tn number f'-’i inmr.uwa as recommended by you, nm •j m.wl*iimvn them to fail to accomidisl. ■ d.eire I result. V>c c- i.suuily keep ili' i imnd at our home, and prize them as a • Mi-t, siilv, and im.nble family medimue. . B i Sl’BrJjlA they are invnlunlde. ,! J.T.IUyes,” Mexia, Toxas, June 17,1882. T ia H>:v, Pkancis K iranrnwF, writing i .Itlaiitn. Ua., says;, "‘lor some years : 1 have been subject to eon litai.im, ■i which, hi splto of tlie use of ii eui- — ■: ,if ini-i.nitf kinrts, 7 sufl'tted ii eumil. • i vent.'live, until somemouths ago ri inking Ayer's Piuls. They lime i<iy eo rected the costive habit, i.ud ...,o viibtly improved ray general heuUii.’* -Avi:a\j Cathartic Pills correct iriegw iriiivs of the bowels, stimulate tlm aipe- • lO and digestion; and by tlmir proiifpt and “ !•■ ■••igii action giro tone and vigut.tu the i.^rno physical economy, FKI3I-- BED pY !Ur. J. C. Ayer & Co,, Lcwe!!, Mass, Sold by nil Druggists, •"'ll All experfeneo the wonderful • r'm ■ biwrilQial eifeeis of. ...... Aj?er^’Bfiu^ap?HITa7' . - Cliildron with Fore Eyes, Sore ! .irs, or any serufuiuui. or s.vph- it, l.iay bo •uiado iicaltliy uud strong * .yell Druggists; 51, six bottles for *&> CONSUMPTION CURED ’ An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an. East India ■ inis.sioiiai-y the formula of a simple vci'etiible. remedy for the speedy and ■ permanent cure of Cousutn) tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh* Asthma and • all throat and Lung Affection's, also a pos itive and radical cure tor Nervous Debility 'tested its wonderful'curative powers iii thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it, known to liis suffering fellows. Actual ell liy this motivo and a desire to rejievo huuian 8uffe"ing, I will scndj'rce of chiiigi',' to all Who desire it, -this re cipe, in Gorman, French or English, with lull directions, for preparing and using., . Sent by mail liy addressing .with stamp, tiaining this papof, W ,'A: Noves, 149 Powe 's Gloclt- llochesier, N. V f. ' ' ,311-l,v-e.o.w..’ '' Tliev tell, a gOQ'l story of a lawyer of Wooster, ()h:O. A clieii.t charged with stealtrig a G.io^-admitteil his guilt to his counsel ./Wlie latter whs note.d for his honestv in private lite. A"fKfe thinking the tim11.'r over,. he said ‘John, cut tlmTliog"exactly iiF half and bring one half to meit oohii obeyed. The evidence lor the pro . secu,tiqn was weiik, .andwhen: the counsel for the defence arose lie won the ease by saying, to the jiir.y r .‘Gen Heinen, I ca.i hold up iny hand to heaven aud'say that the defendant lias no more of that.hog' than I have.’ a §•&, WONDER-BOOKS in w trifling Bense, but the beet literature of the world presented in excellent and attractive form, at prices so low as to excite universal “wonder.” LIBRARY of STANDARD HISTORY, Containing in one volume, imperial octavo, good type, with numerous flue illustra dons. tho wbfiK risbly fexMO to# clM* oraapM©^ the fallowing oelebrated worlce.unabrldged: ■ • GKEEN’S larger (HISTORY of the KNOYI8H FKOFTK. ClKLYl.K’H HISTORY Qf the FKENCH It EVOLUTION. CREASY'S Fifteen DECISIVE RATTLES of the WOULD, SCR IREK’S HISTORY of the THIRTY YEARS’ WAR. i Harper & Brothers’ lowest price for these four great works la $14.50; my price is $2.S0 f postage 40 cents extra. “A wonder-book in more senses than one. The idea of put ting a work like this at only $2.50 per copy, seems preposter- - ous t and yet there is wisdom in it, for everybody will want it, and it will thus lie the means of advertising and introducing * the numerous other valuable books which the publisher is put ting forward.''—Christian at Work, New York City. “ Jt is truly a marvel of skill and a triumph of modern me chanical art that such a noble volume can be furnished at so small a cost. Whether we admire its large proportions, beau tiful binding, fair page, excellent paper, numerous and strik ing illustrations, numbering nearly 100—all are first-class.”— Christian Cynosure, Chicago. Ill, LIBRAR I’ of STANDARD POETS, Containing in one imperial octavo hauilsumelyTJtfuiid volume, of about 1,100 pages, Bour geois anil Eruvier type, leaded, the following work?, unabridged; Scott’s Complete Poetical-and Dramatic Works, Complete Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Complete Poetical Works of Thomas Moore. Equally good editions ot these are not elsewhere obtain- <bl£rforles8than$L50;mypriee$£.OO;postage31centa. IL LU IT It AT <0’ HltTOWy/ RMtry, Classtou. ZTBjRJl BF of CLASSIC PROSE, In one imperial <x> taro volume ot about SOO pages, haadaojne type, and flat etytk onuuneoM, foMowtog famous ways and work* t Maoawtyy’e Eiwiaye <«» Miltona John Stuart Mill On I4b«rty. F. O. namerton’a The Intellectual Ufc« h Herbert Spencer on Education, ,• Great Thought* from Qreefc Aritkore. Gi^at Thoughts from Jtytln Anthen* Complete. Etsays by Eord Bacon. Complete ’H^ettero o< Junius.,” Irving’s Rip Vari Winkle and Other fketekesu tVashlnxton's Farewell and Other Addresses. Macaulay's EiTo ot Frederick the Great* — < The above cannot be obtained, from any other pubUebbaf house for less than $ 10 j my price is $1,1S; postage 30 penta. “ This is indeed, a wonder-book, in the amount and valuable quality of its contents. The wonder is how- such a book, which is a library in itself, can besOldat such a price?’—AfefA- odist Recorder, Pittsburgh, Pa. “Your ‘Historical Wonder-Book’ IS a wonder—a wonder how an imperial octavo volume of over 1,000 pages, with many illustrations, clear type, fine paper, handsomely bound, con taining four standard historical works of great value, can bo sold for $2,50.”—Benson J. Lossing, LL.D., the Historian. H'ery m s i»< I»il atcii den. You are alloWtd a free trial cf thirty fays of the nse of Dr Dye's Celebrated Vohaic Belt, with Electric Snepensory tiHilinnces for the speedy relief and- "•rt'manent cure of Nervous Debility loss of Vitality and Manhood, an.d all kindred* ^roubles Al-o, f «r nraiiy other diseases. Complete re-’torfttion to health,' vigor und manhood guaranteed. No risk is incurred. Illustrated pamphlet,- with ■fi'll jnfnrniationj, terma,; etcmailed be b addressing Voltaic Belt Co., yarsha1I,'-)Hoii. 318y-<$43 * ,‘My dear,’ remonstrated a wife, peering out from under the bed clothing, ‘I do wish you would use the wort! sheol. It sounds better.’' ‘It ihav sound better at times,’ re plied her husband, who was noisily nursing his heel,/‘but when a man Bteps on a tack he wants the old version. . . ■ •• ’ - - A Sensation, An unparalleled,sensation is being created all over Ontario by the wonderful and uncquallei A BARGAIN ■ —-IN— TE A3k ■' ; " "' "i.............. Xn CENTS en •J\J A POU ND. UM The Best ever.offered inthis vicinity for the money. - • ami nil Nurvous Comnlaints after liavintri!'IH4,-|,”ot in which Neuralgia, Tootbaebe, Hbeiima- amt all iNutious .uoinpid.inrs, attei Having- ft;8nJ Backache. Headache, is removed bvbutoue 350 4t • ; j-r , : rr . -. ' Ayer’s. Sarsaparilla is designed, for those who need a me licine to purify, their blood, * buiki.Them up, increase their appetite, anil rejuvenate their whole system.• .rijo other prep-.ratiorr SO ^'<‘ll.mriAtsJhi8 .warily the exact spot, its record of fort.y years is onerif constant triumph over disease... ; According to the Christian Union a stranger recently enfered one. of ,lbe ■.eliurch s in Indianapolis and was'allowed to stand, awhile in The •'aisler?At;lorffgcti'=lie"was^^^ by one of the brethren, when he ven tured to inquire : ' ‘ What church” is this d' ‘Christ’s Church, sir 1’ ‘Is he in ?’■ . T.ae churAhman took the hint and gave the stranger a seat. The -stranger is supposed * to luive. acquitt ed himself with great credit, but many people ’would, decide that he was simply impertinent and irrevei:- erit-, _ ———1. eorner l zY'nd if“ 'pV'TcIraneey ai)y=v- body spies it -out,- how.quick he is to bead off criticism by explaining that it is tlie one he keeps in the office. "•--^so-co 11 v e t ii * >t j t--to--hra ve ^o ti e-rlrer e^ you know; one that you Iqiow no body will steul-eha I ba 1 Or may- ha he will, go a st p further—the- lying' Fasc il—aiid tsay^fie borrowi »U i1, and if he didn’t return it old Griimsbaw would never forgive him —ha ha! But wjien the clouds flotyrir and the rain drops begi.n. to patter, who so at ease, su envied, so* proud, anil hijippy as tlioanan. with the shabby umberblla, as be,stalks alpiig between rows of unproteceil titei) aud women, with Ids' despised uinbreHa a dripping its liquid harvest indiscriminately on the just and-utijus£? Verily,'there is noth- iirgriri this life wholly sood or wholly , bad.# ; , , ■• ■ ■ Also, ^eneyal GBOCERIE.S, | equally cheap, 4 FLOUR AND- FEED always on hand. . ", 0 TH OS. STANORY, TO MERCHANTS: ,' Howto Sell Goods '—-TALK TO -— ’ o y. « a h h| H <1 A Quadruple Force. c The reason .why disease is so soon expelled from the system by Burdock Iffxidil Bitters is'1 because'-that/ exuoi" lent 1‘einedy acts in-a four fold. iniin- ner—that is.to say. •,Upon the Bowels, the liiver, the Blood and t*ii,e Kidneys. ’Iriving out all-bad liiunor^rfind regu lilting’evei/y organic function. / . -.* . 3.50 2t WILL YoU oC'FE'Eit witn tlyspepsia* and i.iver Coiifpiuint? , Shtloh’s \ ittii -iz.eF-|trigiiu 1'iiiiteeeToriuT^yntir-^Srrl+LlTjF ■ ■J..11. !pmbe* - • 335;y.i-j-w, /•Professor Proctbr says that at least 450,000' tnetriors fall from the heavens and strllcri the eartfi every TTpui'^<lur* ing the year. /And yet when a ma"u goe8lhome wilb a black eye an<i a .'damaged tile, and tells his wife tliatc lie was struck by a meteor, she will not believe him. ■ • ' < —HusT)aflTl™’CtiflkiTig^ thrangli “ tele phone/ Mv wife baa a severe paiir in the .back ol her neck and com plains of a sort ot sourness. in the stomach. ■••* .Physician.—She .has malarial .colic. ; Husband-—What shall 1do for her-?- ' fTlie. girfat tha central switclios c ff to a inacliifiist ta king to a ’saiv.-mill iiinn.y * , * / . ' ■ Machinist to Husband—1 thjnkshe is covered^with scales inside'about an ipch thick. . Let her cool down.dur-.. , ing the night and before she fires up in the morning take a hammer and pound he.r thoroughly all over/ and. then take a hose and hitch it to a (ire plug and "wash her out. • Husband has no tnore-iiee0 of' that ■doctor-.—- ■ ~ . !ronchi.ti,:< inlineiliatrily. rel'eved. by Sill lob's Cure, Sold by J'll. (. d nlle. 335-y A' Methoilist confrirenriie iTi Georgia has torbiddeh-church inrihihers.iii js jurisdiction to attend baseball match es. ■ . ' . bl&Ul, DJU'.hiVvilK, i fo* i vm*-. - -applientien of TTuKri.TgTitnibg. No offensive, disgusting drugs need bo taken for cliys. It is an instant cure. Try a 2uc. hottie from your drng- 35(Mt . X. • - -5* FARMER S I ^Itmplemsnis Just The 8’hiiu..* . "'W7JTCiib j>y,' 1 l'Uggisi, of' N ri whur v■ writes : “Dr* ’ l^>wl-oi s. • ild SiraW- bePr'y is just the thina tor SutiiiUfii- Sickness. Is,old out my stock three’ times last surntnei*. lo're'* was a good demand for it.’ Di*. Eowler’s Extracwif ild Mtrnwbcrry is iu al- -liblp for Dysetsyry, (Jolie, Sick Stoi'n -ach-aii'i-Bowel—Couipluiubi.. -350 2l. • A New York-Monday school teacher told her pupils that when the^ put /their pennies into the cofetinbiition > Lox she wanted each one to remem her a Bible verse suitable -lor /Lite- occasion. The first l>oy dropped his irierit sayi ng i 1 i'iie. Lord ;lov.etlr - a • cheerfulgUei/^^ ped h e penny into'I he'.box, saying : ‘lie that give’.h .th the poor lendeth to the Lord? The th-inl and young est boy dropped his penny, saying: ‘A fool and /his money are soon parted? .— SIIlLOfr-. VlTAUZi'lR is what you need fol* Constipation, l.dss of .Appetite,- Dizziness, and all symptoms‘ol Dyspep sia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle, -old by .J. 11. Coin be.'. 335,-y ■ McCormick self- bin deus, •REAPERS, MOWERS, SEED DRILLS, HOkAE 1UKES. ..—- . 7 ?’ ■ . CUTTING feLKES, ;SI IE LITERS, E l U EIO*. , ’ , And all lmplenients.used on a farm, ttw’Gdbd as" the .Best, and as Chea}) as the Cheapest, at . r- IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS, CLSNIDN. . • GNTARIQ A piece of evidence in a Qiu bec breach of promise case was a cuff' .with an. offer of iritrriago writtenon it, . "’• ' JOIHlSr LESLIE ------MANUFACTURER. OF------ - * CARRIAGES, WAGONS, &C • Gorner of Huron and Orange Streets,.CLINTON.,, • The ’m.pr?.ve5 ri impkin i ggy a specialty In" Durability, Lightness aud Appearance equalled by no other. . All fbe. bites' improved vehicles kept constmtlv on hand. F! RST" CLASS BLACKSMITH in connection. Best material and workmanship in all • brunches. . . • . ..ALL W0..K WARSAHTED. . - - PRICES REASONABLE. .®®*Repairnig and Repainting Promptly Attended‘to. wapaper t WALE PAPER. The time for Hou^e-Oleaning is near. All wanting Hall, Parlor, Dinia -Boom, or Bed- ■ ■' . Boom r ajScrs,._. , ■’■ /I. will find i‘he . _ ..Best,, and Latest Patterns . , The ^lion.” Ansley <jrcy; ' A" Buffalo paper says tirat the “Hon.”" Atisely Grey, the greii/„ Yankee boomer of the Scott Act in jT1'*-” fiensation in 'rruprit 111 Bullalo by IV ilisiri tition of Ills inoney, of which he appeared to pos-esM a fair-ainoiint Near the wicket ofiiee he threw away a $20 bill,-which was picked Up by a genii-man, ^ho thought it had been dropped by mistake,, and returned it Ud him. Ite again threw it down, pulled out a haml.ul pffbills and change and acatteVed it likewise. The crow,d was not,slow it)/*appro* : pfUrtriif- ~wha.r- ho— threw uwy. Ollie r lluglies Hueeeede.il in Ijavmg all the money relurueil to theowner, Tttid then *o(ik‘a wa k with him to tne police station* He. said -liis •nnine wft«'Ahsle.y Grey, and that lie antne from , Fergus," Ont, I’apers' f und in his possession bore out this statement. He acted like -a man who ww just recovering from a-, protracted spree. Mr. Grey state I that he expected to meet his wife ahd sister hi law at the'depot, and jnifi theiii On a trip to Uhitauqua, He could not find them, and wanted to go on alone. As lie c«tild not take care of his money the ofliebrs advised him to. go to an hotel and sleep until mording, when he would be ail right. Apparently lie agreed to this, and left- lits money, which anv uritol to $1,605.90, at Hri.’.b ata iff , Ift nr dollai s w< re returned 1 l^^^^m^^^mHodmigs ami ntiy* | f' But one Opinion prevails through out tho worid, and that is so strongly in favor of, Perry Davis’ Jg£JN Killer ■that no other ai'ticle^ever attained so wide spread popularity. A .little miss of three years, who lives under the shadows of Hope /Church was playing With the nei -u* bor’s children one morning, when the latter were called Hl lor prayers. She accomfftinied them. Reading over, she " waited till^they had all •kneeled} then she assumed .a like position, putting |ier hand to her face ^and, keeping a lookout between- her' fingers all the wfule to observe/wliat was taking, place*.- -AYhen the others rose from their knees she ian over to one ol the little girls, and, calling her* by name, said : “I like,this game first rate, AVnat is the name of it ?” . (TtTARIlH OUltjEl’h heultjiandswee breath -secured, by S ii oh’*. *!arnii'h- Remedy. ’ I’rice 00 een h Niisul £ . jector tree Sold by j, ■ oinbe." ‘ 335 y Dr Low’s Pleasant Worm Syrup is a sale and reliable worm remedy for all worms afflicLing'children or adul e. .- . ■; •' "... • ■. 3"0-2t .../ A Cincinnati girl has invented'a* combinailon bustle and chair* The bustle is constructed like the usual article, to be^ worn under the- dress, but within it* are adjusted "the legs arid seat of a chair, arranged so that when the wearer bends to sit down .they-will automatically drop into .place to support her. Is It Acting Right ? ...If you aro tryubled with -inactive “Li vei\‘y iiuTeVnh plex i'OU'Wi 1 IbOltllW, (re’qiient sick headache; aching .slioulders, dizziness, weariness ir regular bowels, and many other ser ulus complaints. Burdock Blood Bitters regulate the Liver atf fall the secretions to a healthy action, * . • ‘ ’ 350-2t. Known by .'B'ffesc Signs. Dyspepsia mav be known by Heart- burn, Sour Emotions of. food, Wind Relch’ng, Wetgilt -at the Stftmach, Variable appetite, Costjvo Bowels, etc,. Burdock Blood Bitters -will positively cure Dyspepsia, although tn its worst chronic form..’ 350 2 ‘‘Well, ’ said a lawyef as he entered his condemned clieiithf cell, ‘‘good news at last ” - • ;; • _ . i ■. .‘‘A reprieve exchiitned lhe pris oner, eagerly. “ aO, not a reprieve, hut your uncle has died and left you 2,Oi)t), and now you can meet vouj* fate with the satisfying feeling that the - noble efforts ol yourjawyer Jp your behu]f will not go unrewarde.ti. ’ r'TIiA Rev" Saiir jmies dbfym't like ‘but’ Clirisliaiis. Bpdher A. is a mighty gnod man, *«>’ t 4i^, do*mn t eoriie miich to church, Binther B. , is, mightv geuerriiis, blit he 'drinks a Iritlri. Brother C. is a good stewar<l, but they do say lie’ll skit* you in a tr ule. Notice now we use the dis jiinctivF-coiijoncti'in; we fint a man-, and hut him till finally we but him clearoffthe track bl salvitinn. Fkerman’s Wohm Pownmis are safe, sure and speedy to remove worms from children'or adults. 350 4 . McGregor's Speedy Ctire. - It is pd'miaHy admitted evurywhere tbit Ur ffrcabrs speed, Caro is the sifest, must reli ib c Oi l b.> fat tub gntKiposti reined., for Cotistip; tioli, Liver J imp.tint,.induction, imp qo lllyo I,.Loss of Appetite, and ill ' sliiiLnr r nib us, 'it Is n>4 hceexsar.i to take d gro.it quiintitj before any vo* suit Is prxi teed. A .mvdies wid e in»'luec yu.i of its merits Trial bottle given free n.1 the i>rdg store. ' 350-4t Everybody smokes in Holland — that is every male body. One' Could almost* believe that the male balnea were ushered into the world with & cigar in their mouths. It Nev^r Falls. Dr. Fowler’s "Extract of Wild Straw-' berry will never fail yon when taken to cure Dysentery, Colic, Sick Stom ach or any form ol Summer Com* plaint. Relief ds almost instan-■ tnneous; r few doses cure when other remedies fail. 850 2t A man who has kept accountnfthe nuffibor of kisses exchanged with h’s wife since their union consents io its publiimtion ns followst First yesr, 36,500; second year, 16,1)00 third yeiirw 3,650; fourth vour, 120} fifth ytrar, lie then left off Keeping tjhe record. Lillie St, Glair, 41m daughter of a prominent resident-' of Kingston, Ont., three weeks ago eloped 'with a cook jjthAha^aett employed at the. Thons* How to Tkm* GtJNtmsm Fr.ohtnx Watkr.—Th'e true Florida Wafer ah ways comes wiih a little pamphlet wrapped around each bottle, .and in the paper of this pamphlet are the words "Lanman & Kemp, New York,” water marked, or stamped in pale, Iransparent letters* Hold n leaf up to the- light, an«l if genuine, you will see the shove words. Do hot buy if the words are not there, because it is nnt therearnriioie* The watebmark u»-x3fln *« f l ZfS, 9RNE s - ’.-13“ n^Bizaar F-isliiitn Book* for 1883 irvoii) CAI 1 Anti Seville p'ipe'i;S and get a Rftujir 53“ He •’ells Cheaper than any ineon top of l.tie K-irti. contnu-ts ' made • tor THIS Uwi-EIL rt bich is kept on tile <it tliii' niiee- ................ Corniiek Block. Uhicugu ill : - 31,000 FORFEIT ! • . Having tiie.utin-ist cotiii leiice in its superiority over all others, iiiul utter thousands vt test. 6t tne ■most complicated and sulore-t’cases we. eou.il ilnd.-’we leekjiistiiied in offeiingto forfeit one Tliuusand Dollars fur any cast) of Uoiighs, cold.* sore turoat, inil(ie:iza, ^uui-sene*s, bronchitis. CJii- ' sumptym', in its e.u .y . stages, wmupingj cough, 'and lui discise* of t -e throat,ind lungs, except. -Asthma, tor wnieh we only claim rc.iei, that we ’can’* cure.with West’s Cough ^ytuu, when tuk< i> according to directions. Sample Hotties 25 and ..SO..centslarge.buttles one dollar, • Geiiuilie w.r.ip-. pel's only inkblue. ,S0.d b,. till drmrgist.s, or sent by express on.receipt of pyiee. JOHN U. WES I &CO., s >ie priiprletois, St and S3 King street i- ,1’oruuto Ont. J. H. Combe, agmTtT'Uiiuton. " - VlQTO Having puieltiisvii a 1 >g At Greatly Red J nm prepare)! to sell LO WER TH ATTVITN » ’• •’ •* ’■ • , ° Cs fivsss- ■’Si i* IS HA LN •J® •^treatment’ DIAN’S • ■ /.ii powdzhs; . .» uj—___- allot kp. Contain their own Is a n fc, mire, and ^ffcctaol wofjtis in Children or Adult* 5 x w. Uta ta ta C'U^'ES r« I CHOLERA INFANTUM p- ■ DlfiRRHcF#,, - ALLSUMMERCOMPLAINTS c. u Both Light mid Heavy,'Double and Single, at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. 'Trunks &. Valises away down. ' Baby Carriages in great variety.' 5,000 Bueches-Oigh land Pins and Cedar Shingles, .. . VEEY-.CHEAF. ,’- <>onrifs to B *<»t. ver >*li<»p ©500 REWARD! - WE will pay the above rewtiril for aay case of Liver Complaint, Oyapepsia, Sick Headaclii*, Im digestion’, Constipation or.Costiveilcbs svectUinOt "Tnire witli.Wcst'B.Vpgctiiblc Liver I’llla, when the directions'are strictly, complied with: IJliey arc “pnrelj* Vegetiilileriin<Fnevor'fail..to^givo.satisfac*>«f«to. : tion. Sugar Coated. Largaboxes, containing 31 Pills. 25 coats. For salp'bv all Druggists. Be ware of counterfoils and imitations. The gonu- ino manufactured mb- by JO 11 Nil.1, WEST&C'C., “The l’ill MakcrsJ.'.Sl find 83 King-st., E., Torrm- to, Ont.’ Froo trull packages Simt b,\ mail pre paid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp.- .1, II. Conibo, agent.Cli.nton , 314-ly , ‘ . .... I ... • O' .Dr. F. 0, West’s Nerve and ,Brain TiiEAtME T,£guaranteed -pacific fi r Uys-. tei iu, Dizziness, Couvulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Neivqus Prostration .caused by! ,tbe. use.jil‘ alcohol <>r tobacco, Wakefulness, Alehtal Depression, Soften* ing of the Brain rosiiliiiig in insanity and leading to misery, decay and deaili, Pre* tnniure Old Age;.Barrenness, Loss ol'power in aithei-' se«>, Involuntary Losses and Spel-* nmtorrlmftft catised by over-exerfion of.the. brain, selfiftliuse or uver-itnlulgehre. Each box contains one month's treatment. §1.00 a box, or six boxes for §5.00, sent by mail prepni I on receipt cf price, Wc Guarantee Six Boxes ' • To cure any case. With each order ro- eciveibby us for sij? boxes, accompanied with.§5.00, we will semi the purchaser oiir written guarantee to refund the tnomty il the treatment does not .olfe’t a chia Gtiarantecff issued only by John 0, Wkkr & Co., 8.1 and 83 King-st. E., Toronto; Ont.* J IL Combo, Agent, Clinton. 31i-ly West of England, Scotch and Foreign Suitings ■&frouseringsjfngli8h^Freneli:Wjirstedsr- fflIITH, THE CLOTH ER Ooilerieli, litis a spleii'lldly assorted stock, of ntw Spring and Slimmer Goods. Or.dered mid ReiuhMn id Suhs at tile lo.west prices ever h(*urd of—none blit the: first of trimmlnJffiiSrii^:^ A fill' lliie of CENTS’ F'U R NI s HINOPIW^'^ni/NWiVnd see, b wl 11 pity y »u - ARaAHAKI SIHITH. Th Square. GODSBIGH, ONT V T. COOPER & SON, GrZE?,OC/“E“E?.S - ' ’iJ-R* KI lit' Ij.i .-n.M iiiJnnf. cri' New Season’s Teas from 15 to 75c. >er Pound. .. Chase &. Sanborn’s COFFEE a specialty, all grades and Prices.—_— Ohristie, Brown & Co’8 Bisctiits* HAMS, BREAKEAST BACON, ETC. Largs and Cbnnbte Stack of Ohina, Naw Crockery, Glassware, &o. * ir Goods promptly delivered, (hilt pfid. examine our store, which is the - —LARGEST-.AND NEATEST GHOOERY IN TOWN---- T. COOPER & SON. CANTELON BROS., General Grocers and prdduce^Vehlitmts,. ■ RACEY’S OED STAND, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. - Choice, Fresh Family Groceries * CONSTANTIA IN STOCK. T** Ik.A. Farm Produce taken at Highest Price.