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The Huron News-Record, 1885-07-15, Page 1
r •* I ’• 111' ■1" i. ■■■"■BMBgggagBBge SM» gMtM $(#« >»«»»< «rwy ifornng At TrtHWi* O^tOE, 4/6«rf Street, Clinton, Ont »» a4w»»w« t Wtf not »• paid. *V a a I b Tka proprietoraof ThkQodkrioh News, having purchased the business and* plant „of The Huron Record, will in future ngblUh the amalgamated papers iti Clinton, inder the title of ‘‘The Huron Nkvvs- Hecoru," Clinton is the most prosperous town in Postern Ontario, is the seat of considerable miunfaetpring) and th* centre of the finest igricultural section iu Ontario. ■ The combined circulation, of The NEWS JEtE^ORji Exceeds that of any paper pub- ished in the County of Huron. It is, therefore, unsurpassed as Ru advertising iModiuin. Our rates for advertising are: 1 column 1 year. |90 I 1 •* 5 inQ3, 50 1 F « ■r *• I > * £mem 11 M i. *’«S 6»‘ TE3MS; $125 per Annum, iu Advanoe, !> ** ’ 1 *‘|NDEP$ND£NT IN ALL, THINGS, HEUTRAL IN NOTHING.'WBTTFLY tk TODD, Publiahera VOL. VII.—NO. 32. >" CLINTON, HURON COUNTY, ONT., WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1885. . —•—•• *■ ....................... „ ...... .. 4 er. , I. - Ji-r-. -r is-j. ,t >r*.Tti ...» 7.axcjux_- WHOLE NO. 347 MONEY TO LOAN Atlow rates of interest and upon terms to suit borrowers. M INNING <fc SCOTT, Beaver Block, Clinton Clinton, May 17 th., 1882. 20 Tufce AU |w AIL. wT’Wlw all tire Jfiidneys *n 1 Livsr MsticiMt'. —rak« all tliu Jfif-s'rf puritrera —ThIch all tire By»pcp*iu and In llgNB Lion rtP’«i ■ **TiIm all thi 4fW» an'l Wlioin —T*k« «U the. Anris tud t«r<n —Taka all the firsdl health In short,, take all tfalwt tmlffiee qTal tha^xBuths—welL ■~QMaWie» of all tfa fast »»iedW»eefa tha woitl, and you will find that**-*’? —JHtre™ th# fert curative qnv. itiea and power# m att-~-eiaa«inr4tf<<f li in tbeoi, , «• —Aud they will cur* wh#n any or all o these, aiogly or*—« mbintd Fail till —A thorough tifal Wtll give' fauaitlvi proof pf thia. llsrdeued M rAr» Five yeara ago I broke kown wfth kid nay aud liver complaint and rheuiuathm Since the® I hive’betW' unabfa o fa afaut at all. My liver facane hard lifa wood; my liiuba were puffed tip and fillet with, water. All tfaa best physicians agreed that lotir ing could cure me. I resolved to try Ho| Bitters; I kava uyed seven hotties; tin hardness has all gone from my liver, till swelling from ray limba, aud it has wcrkei a ifcbwe ih my case; otherwise I woulr have b-en now in my grave, J. W. Mosey, Buffalo, Oct. 1,1881 Poverty and Suffering. ’•I was drained doWn with debt, poverty an. Forge bi'fistor doctoring. , xs! ■f‘,n'ly HI,: I was coinpl-tely dlscourajad, until onejve* ago,: by the advice of my pmtor, I-cminerwa using Hop Bitters, and. In one mouth we were al well, and none of us have bfeti stcX aday since and I w*nt to say to all poor men, you can keaj your families well a year with Hop Blrters to lees than one doctor’s visit will tost. I know It. ” —A WofcaiKaMaw. tyNone genuine without a bunch c green Hops on the white label; Shun a the vile, poisonous spiff with “Hop” ’•Hops’’ in their name. 347-4t COX & CO;, STOCK BROKERS, TORONTO. MEMBER? 0R0NT0 STOCK EXCHANGE, Have independent direct wire, by which New York continuous Stock quotations are received more rapid ly than by any other source. Buy anil veil on commission, for cash, pr or margin sll securities dealt In on th« Toronto, lloiitreal. and New ’ korjt -tack Ex<’hanges. Also execute order* In Grjiln.and Provisions on the Jhlcugo Bosrd of Trade. __Dtyily cable quotations of Hudson’s Bay and other stocks.. — 26 TOROMra STREET. much 'liHUoiiteinod tljftt t|i« Hu I »m ay company could be put off trndf ihrnire. E.H.ything tlrei could do Hccrctly a>id claudcHtiirely 'Ifey Jul for tire purpose of kfa ping Jtjie gov- vriiUH-ut from Kuttirg po.-mH.*Hi'>ii of tlire country. That ufaiO'iteuf Wi*” Npreid AmongHi’ lire whites and iimongNt the halfbreedH, and perhaps hi Boiiro tiegrrie amoiigHi the Indians Tire disCbiitent conti "ued >ud coil* tinucH stilb The Iialfhreeifa havei in-ver iicr-n natintie I with the trans fee of Uro country of Canada, Tl»-y wtbe willing fp retain their free cotnlition Hiidi-r— lire—HudsonBiy : company, fait they were not sale tied kj conro under the government of the Duminion. Now, sir, it h*s been, alleged that' " tire guvernmviit ueglecie I me claims - of the half breeds. The boiio>able gentleman quoted froui' petitions from the Northwest sent- b ’ore the late governureiit left office, and they saiil ,me’’h>iifbreedf lia*l no claims, [c is said they had no claims at all more. ..than the white settler, but. wlroth’r 'lire honorable -geutlemah' was on that particular tfa) in tire government or not when, the Mac* keiizie admin.njration brought in i's policy in a solemn dfapaich In- (Mr. ■ Blake) has* ha I it in lire hand. , ami lie has lead a portion of it to-night. Jn that dispatch the honorable m in her for Bothwell, who «itH behind hinq deel .res that tl ev have no r-ghts. (Cheers) Mr. >St eftker, I shall read it, , (Rem w*ed clreeCf-) A solemn dispatch, be rn gda'e Fft ■13, 1878, w ritten.' y the the, Lu-ut. Governor,'’ Mr. L'rir*i, mads : —“1 have the honor to transmit to you herewith tile petition of-certain half breeds of St. Latirent relatin'' to Several niitters .dfucl'ing lire inter e.-iis • <>f Uieir 'c uiitry. Their peti ■ion ts ad'lressed to tire Lreuteuan Governor of tire.Northwest ler’ritor res, but a* it refers to uiatlers nn rer tire control of tire Dom tooii parliu- liienl and ^ov^ernmi-nt. I ain i. quo t ^'•l..Aw3or-^AL<L.Llito.W’ ,'JbAjJkn-«J‘«JC- G-'ireral in ' ouiicil. 1 hope you will .■ave tiie gmilluiss ti) lay it oil th'"’ ■»-t■ le aKaiL earlv day. I' appear*' ; to me tlfay Iirao a claim to some : more' speedymeans <if atiquroi ig’b 1 i title for seiM- ment - purpose- tinin 1 Un- hum i*tead.prov isi Its ot tire P'i- nun-ion L-nd act. To prevent di y ptite between neighbor.*,' it is mg.ij< "TrffsTjliible lual tire survey of pf •'*. especialiy along too- princip il urt’ei.s, ■dioi.jd be prosi’cu «*d w'qth ull.. con venient • spuedr;' • Nore/^llre 'wof < si.eeo,/Ml*,. Speaker," Tie n the dl* patch continues • \Viili respect io the-prayf.r tor .assis ance to provut'e. .tteji;fat.impremu ..ro#.etb.,. it i* simifar io- tin I’eqned of lire Blackfej-t treaty and whi I. 1'forward to you and commend >to the f.'vo.ali e coii- If they caru for their inter. stH th v will. thtmiHMlyeH corni furw.ird anil HsiftbliHh them/ ^Miufatrrml cheera ) How then; can h or his fr.wfa now •ircuc as though they belidve.i the HHlfbrmidA hud cIhiuiih f Nut QUH halfbreed liao t*vpr Iroco diHpoNsesse I of his fatid,.. (Oliraw.'), Not onu while settler who wen there at gtiy tim<* betorc wu acquired it lias* ever been dispossessed of hfa land. I NOT ONE ACT OF OPPRESSION lifts been deiioiigced by the honor- ab e geiitle.muu. Not oue man has c»me to him end said he had~lo-»t |ii* house ur land, or that be has in an^ way been disturbed. There fa no pietence that there hgs been any oppression.- or uppucaliou. There r has been u<> pretence. Ciiat there has been the ous ing of any one man, 'woman urchibi in thw Great North west, either iiireeijy-br indirectly by tliy Gov’t.1:, j^Miiiisterial clroe.rsj We only got potiseHsioit iii 1870. We jNevlT’fMiiy able to introduce iti small degrees anything like govern* tuent. - Tiro thing was going along quietly between 187© and 1873, when there devolved the ru.-poiisiud ity of government on tiro hoiiora,'de gentl nrou opp .site from 1873 t'- 1878. ‘ N <t one single step 'was t ken io vindicate ihejdghts of tiie Indians or half breeds or while man IT was a blank leaf in tiro hiafary*of Canada. (Ministerial cheers and opposition li- wls.) What steps did tiie honorable geuilemen opposilr. lake to assist the rights rif the half hr nils or settle the’ quesii >n Of/ b unilari between nnin and man to survey tlroir rignts along/tbe river. Look0 at, that map/ Mr. Speaker, an I it. will show-.w.rfajt ihev dpi ii£_tlios** rive > ears and7then'see what we h».ve done- siyxie We too*’ offi.-e again. ' k no steps whalever to lie siue/that .he poor people lived tlroreynud would lia»e gone on happily • ntiugh ’uiitil *tiTT" moment if it h d not.neen that tiie "G nHerv+ativr^goA'ernineut—casinf i In re and tiie wlnile Grit a in /o.uu> iiiis'beHii/to incite and arou-<* <li’eni ( HearJiear ) During the five year . Mi.Jslpea^er, they were ignorant <> ai.y^wrong <>r that, they were sutler- fag. Tuey lived io tlroir houses *<if /tui’f I»r , wood slid they uid not complain. They did no. know’ (hat they .Were ■ oppressed • nr trodden . down. • • THE GKIT.J TEACH R’EBEI.LIDN, • It.r quired the teachings of the h omrable gent enron opposite an" the-wjiole Radical pr ss to let thi’-ln • know (Ministerial .clii-ers,) to teac: l.heni tnai they were going to -fas’. thet* be sol‘1, uot* mortgaged;, nor taxed before they have passed through the hands of at least the third generation of those who receiv ed or their representatives, because I am strongly inclined to helieve that ”T,”rr nH,,,l,wo''jMMuwcn. .ueb ..nd ,MH be. Now, sir, ever hallbreed in that Paquet, Plumb, Poiri-r, Read. Kobit* * Northwest, if he. has not clioaen to sjlfa, Smith, Northwood, Sutherland, rank as an Indian, can go- and enter for 160 acres qf land, and alter culti vaiing t for three y^ars gets a title to it. Here ia where we are the friend Ot the halfbreed, Archbishop Tache adviBeti lhat no matter if the _ halibreeds should reside on and cul tivute tlreir land they should not e( the ||tfa till the third generation, but we purpose to give1 a title at the end of the third 'year,. (Hear, lrear j When we hft-i that view presented to/ us do vou not think we should pause and consider before we handed <»irer those ipnda which Archbishop Tache knowing having well copiidered the Hubject -thought should not be handed over. The Northwest conn* cil also presented a recommendation which the honorable/gentleman did not read, to the e^ffect that the title should remain 'zWjth the crown lor ten years, Bu/ we have had more confidence Jn the halfbreed than even his own archbishop or council had. Ilear, hear.) We give him the land. ztb occupy and cultivate and livefan, and.at the end of tnree years hfagets his title and becomes an in* -dependent freeholder. This, Mr; Speaker, mav* account and will.to any reasonable man., for what tire honorable gentleman talked of as delay, The halfbreeds were not suf fering, Mr. Speaker, they were living in their owii houses. They were not in want ot daiid, giving them more lund wa9 giving llit-m nothing. A hundred and faxty or two hundred and Torty acres rtriofe woulcfahave been of no immediate use to'the' hallbreed, but it «would have been of a great deftl of use to speculators who were telling him he 'was suffer , ing amf being ruined, And who wanto,, ed him to get ille land in order that they might get the scrip lrom him for a song. No, sir, the Whole thing was a farce. There was no real grievance. Tlrere was nothing worthy of the naine-of grievance in all the govern mentdid. It is rrue ’hat we finally gave tire scrip. Btjt why ? For* the Bake of ’peac's The'-government knew, and I knew that inv honorable friend 8ir David cpherson knew, that we were not acting in tire iilter-, est of the haTfli"r"eeris"’ih'~givrng tfierii scrip.. We.had consulted -exi erts on the question, and they all* without o.ne single 'exception were opposed wto grunting unlimited Bc-rip and an immediate "patent to the half’Ki-eecl. But the honorable- gentleman hats rung the changes, on' Riel being brouglrt“into-ylie//country/*"-'Who- brought him into the country?* Not tire Indian ; not the hallbreed. Half- breeds <iid hot pay the money ; the white speculators in Prince Albert sent the*- .money. '1'liey gave it .to .Le’pipe anil his friends, gnd sent them -down to bring i n Riel, to be the egen fa the tool by^ which they , expected to ohtain. their crib allowance ends. It. is to the'white' men, to men ’of our own race and-lineage, and not to the ' balf.bre.eds, nor yet tO-the Indians that we have to attribute,t.be war, the. .Joss and what:, would have been-the discredit had it,jfait been for the gal lant conduct of.our brave yolunteers. (Ubeers; ) . • Continued on page 2. “ - carried bv 30 to 15, Following fa tire division (far Y «As.—Almon, Baitfargenn, Bolduc fDebouclrervillfa,Sir Aleg Campbell, ar yell, t J mow, Rickey, DeBloii, Dever, Glas’rer, Hamilton, Kaulbach, fB. C./ N^faon, (J’DonohOH, Ogilvie, °------*■ ......u r'- -t 1 give her consent to tire iiurrfage .of her son Williuni t»rta. daughter of a farmer Murod Brown until Mr. Sheehan had reo tyed a marriage portion <»f 4J3QQ The fanner was only williiitf t<t ply 4M7Q. Mrs. She-halt, her daughter, aud her on Thnruns disappeared a few dim af terwardn, and all tTro’F h ’dos were found in a well near Mr*. Slroelro.rs firm in the latter part of August, 1884 tiheehaii wan arr«s«e*i at* Auckland in December, 1884, end on hfa arrival at (Jork iu Mfay, last his brother in.law was also taken in- ; to custody. The evidence against the prisoners Is very fa al JJwTwf so the teiJing of the people. • Thtr-PsIhMall Gazette one after-- , noon devotes five pages of its pageg ' of its space to showing that the trade , in young girls for immoral purposes has increased alarmingly^ of late years. It claims that the growth in this traffic is due to the utter worth lessness of the .law in relation to tiro matter. The names of several '“wealthy men lidding prominent pos itioiis iti' society qro meiicioned in connection with the business. wThe Gazette states that it still has the’ details of a large number of other oases whi ill were omitted, owing co a lack of space, but that, they will be given to tile puWic in the couise of a few days. Rev. Mr- Spurgeqn sent a letter to-the publishers ap proving of tiro journal's expo-ures of secret vices of the arist'icr'ats of Lon don. The letter fa remarkable 111 many respects, and. following are some of its expressions “I. feel bowed tiown’with shame and indig nation, This fa a loathsome busi ness, hut even, sewer^tuust be clean-, sed, I pray that goo I may come from this horrible exposure, Wliicli incidentally must do harm, but whose great drift must restilt in last ing benefit. . I don't- .think ou churches have, faili'd, for they have kept a pur.i remnant alive in the . land.I bidi-ve tnilt mt'iy are . un aware of ythese dunghills reeking under their 'u^s'rifa., I thank all co\ | operators in '\our ' brave ■ warfare. Spare not vHliaiis, even tliougii. iwearipg starKaiid gaiters, We-neeo a Vigil'lice Committee-— a moral police to siippiess this- i.nfaniy,~~"Eef the light in .wichotii skint.~ Th 1 • andean. Nay?,- Chapnis, Ohsfifara, Ferrier, Girard, Hay thorne,Leonard, Mclnnea B. C. , A. McMaster, il|er (Speak er t Power, BcqiL Stevena,. Trudel, V1J.I, Wark. ’ \ If ONEY to lend In large or small eums, on . •Il good mortgagee or pere. i ecurit.v, at the lowest mirreiit rates, H. H Al HuroB-Rt. Clinton r-"” Cl.jrton, Feb. 25. W. 1-lv. T year, 18 ■ - ■, -------■——- - • ------------ —— column 1 year, 930 ** 6 mes, 18 “ 3 mos 12 ----«— I, . , “. , ‘ 6 mfis,' 12' J •« 3 mo», 8 1 “ 3 iuos, 30 I T year, 50 t •* 6 nios, 30I 3 BOH, 18 , — . , Advertisaiuents, withPJlt bistniptions as, ta space and time, will lie left to the judg ment of the cflnroiKitor in the display, in serted, until forbidden, measured by a scale of solid nonpareil (12 lines to the inch), and charged IQ cents a line for first- insertion and 3 cents a line for each sub sequent insertion. Orders to discontinue advertisements must be in writing.. ar Notices set as reading MATTER, (ine&mied by a scale, of solid Nonparicl,12 lines to the inilh) charged at the rate of 10 cents a.line for each insertion. JO3 W'-JR.K. . •We have-one of the best appointed Job .’Offices west of Toronto., Qiu facilities in this dejhi’tinunt enable us to do all kiwis of work—from a calling card toamainmj’ith pojter, in the best styie known to the craft, an I at the lowest possible rates. Ocdivs by mail promptly attended to, Address, ■ Clinton. *l>nt Pwembar,.'882, ' '' ^“wsaayey. ’ST’ ’3 D^/msT, i.*to of Tdi->iito. louor -Iraduate Ro.Oil Colleges. si. tie'n tai-iJin'ljeo'iis,' fa* '■ jjitis Bink, - ulintjn. til .York li'ii’.ei-od- . )!i irges loderate. • vit. .tEEVE.' l.iice—“Palace" Briek • Block; LZ iUttiehbary Street, Ce.ddence ipposite the .' romper.incu .la’ll, Huron ■itreet.' Coroner for the Countv of Maron. O.Dce hours from 8 a.n>. to 6. Clinton, Jail. 14,1881. . 1-y ' MA ININ3 & SOOTt^ Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyaiicerg, Ac Com. tnhUiuncrs for Ontario aud Manitoba.' OificH— Town’ Hall, Clinton. Clinton, May 17th, 1882..20 ^1 EAGER & MORTON, Barristers; A'c., <fe , God- ijjrieli and Wiugham. C.Seager, Jr., Goderich.. J. Al Mort in Wingham. . 1-ly. D AVISON & JO INST6n, Law, L’hahcery.aifa Conveyancing, pifl.ee—West Street, next' dorr to Post Olflce, Goderich, Ont. - 57. it C. HAYS, Sillcitor, X-c. Office, corner of !v Square and Wo.st Street, over Butler’s Book ? Store,'Goderich,Oht. ‘ '• ffl. Money, to lend at lowest rates of interest. BAWL fn.cprporM.ted by Act of Parliament, 1855. CAPITAL, ' - - • $2,000;000 ' REST, t - 9500,000 Head Office. - MONTREAL THOMAS WORKMAN, President. J. U. R. MOLHON, Vice President. F. WOLVERSTAN THQMAS, General Managar. Nodes discountdd. Collections made, P alts issued, Sterling and America^ ex change bought and sold at loW- » est current rates, INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS' . ' ‘ FARMERS. Money advanced to farmers on their own note: with me or in ire endorsers. No mortgage re-, q aired uh security. , H. C. BREWER, Manager, . CmstuN.February, 1884. I Hotel#. OOMM^fllAL HOTEL This Hotel is furnished throughout with groin jure to moot the w.ihts of the travelling pub ic. Commodious sample rooms. 'The best of liquors oid cigars are aiwaVg kep at tho bar. GumJ* cabie. .lest situated otel in-Clinton.—Give (TIT a call. TDEN Ri’IlWESipRB* HELLION. • . The Grits Responsible. ’■ We ciiuuqt fiiel *qmcc for tire whole of Hir Jrihif’a . exluiustive Hpeecli recitiiic liroiorieal fajta,. auil quoting from iffirfal arid oil er. relia- i«le dm tiinei t.* dearly p hying that the Grita in (he tirr-t place by^actB - f. < ini Mim.iin ' afterward by oveH aeta w ere the au'h e a o’ (Ji recent unfar .’itiiiate t-rou'des in th Northwest. But «< give a few extract*-from Sir JAS. MOORE, Proprietor: John'- ape,ch in reply to Mr, BinkreB’ UIli'toUvAW^ l.a-iaighiiieiit',.<>t’theGoVerunreiit - ■ - ”$ onir. ^LINTON Lodge. No. '84, A.--F.’3t*A- M. <7 meets ever.; Friday, on. or after the'nil moon. Visiting brethren cordially invited. | I. YO NG, w. m. . . J, CALLANDER, Sec . Clinton, Jan. 14, 1831. 1- . tonae. >1 A. M. TODD, Secy L. O. L. No. 710. fi - CMNTOiN, li deets sKcoro Monday ' of every nonth.z Hall upstairs, opposite cue Town Hall, ' Visiting brethren pat ways made^elcomo: ~ P.-OANTELON, W. M. •C. TWEEDY. D. JI.. PiDJLIMD WAC30N FOH SALE. JjIIT FOR DRY GOODS OR GROCERY busi- r ncsk. In good. >rdor; only been in usetwo seasons. Apply to R. COATS <b SON. Clinton, March 25th, 1885. • : /. t .331 —r*3“CATIPION—3:rffKtiyr;:A'ttWne.7rSolicitor'Tu2 Ciiancery, Conveyancer,. Ac. Olflce over- J-rdan's Drug Store; the rooms, formerly occu pied by J.udge tioyle. " . ~Of" Uiv i.n'i int of money to loan ai< lowest rates of interest.....‘ 1-ly;,.- FAilWI FORSAL*. .rtlHELailhscrlbCEalfteni for Halejiis farm. being . JL tot 60, .Bayfield concession, Goderich town ’ ;;“7 H. w. baul; • ' ■ 4 OOTIONEEil for Huron County. Sales at- ■ V tended to in .111/ part of tiie County. Ad-, iress orders to. GiiDmiicil P.. O’. _ . V-17. . CJ.ld. TkillLTOX, VUC riONEEll, I*ii<l, li>tin sind i«»auriLriee -nfent. Bl.rtil. .S ilea: attoiided in town a,n<lcountry, >ti re;nou:ible terms. A list of farms and village lots , tor sale, ddliey, to" lyan ,dn real estate, at low rates ot ir serest. Insurance effected On all .111SJ8S of ptojierti. Vot'eS .nuf debts cOHecited. torts appriised, and s >1<l >n commission. . Bank- Blvth. Dee. Id, UNO . . .^eteriuirg. ship, containing .1-19 acres (actually ll.ij, about 10O acres cleared and, free froiii stUnips'.' 'Good farm buildings, three acres of orchard* andjrohd , water. Good clay soil. The farm is one ofTHFUiAt- iii the couiity-of Huron. About five, miles from Ciinton, Half .cash, balance' on ' ea* terms. -Apply* on the premises, or at The News !Iecoki> office,-or address . . . * * JACOB SHEPPARD, 828 3m Clinton P. O.’ H3USSAND LOT-FOR SALE. o. HUE under.-igned offeru for sale his House and | Lot off Q teen street, Clinton. The house is jteJ- e/3Mo:kall,' ■J. yfajr.aa'y. faurgJon. G..vLute of Hie 0 if trio Votortnarv College, To rut), > ivi > * ♦,».) irt in »lice in Clinton, is . Mfiirrtrrttt-zo-n ill due tse.* >t do.uestie ahi nil* ->n Aho in >*t m niern urin- . , ♦ einlo*. ' A’tl ipoi'ivti.ms Cii'ofilil.v pqi’tor noi, vidcdls prompt-.—.|1..„(|Tjr.or----- -— newly built L-Six rooms, three upstairs and three d iwti; hard, and soft wjitcr; go-Ml ceharl Situate in rising and healthy locality. Terms easy. \pply >n the premises >r adui-e>s Clinton P v. ” 327 tf * JOSHUA HAMNER . "' 0 ________ ______’ "- . ' House to. Rent or for Sale. TjWb STORY "BRIUK’lIOUSE oil Victoria St., L occupied tit present by .Mr. Joim Robertson. It consists of 3 x >o<l hvrgu rooms down stairs 'and Refreshment r »om in front, recently used a* a Rcxtiiurant. and 7 good sized rooms up s'Wjrs, siimmer Kitchen,, cellar, stable, hard .iml■ j-Qffc w.itor, ;lnd quarter acre lot, Fqr an\ further partii'iilars, apply, to W, W. FaRRAN or JAS. BIGGINS, the iwn’er. 330 WANTED. f i OOD ‘GENERAL SERVANT "wanted Ap "kJT'ply tn Mita. J, Rbkvk, opp .site Temperance <lqll. . ’ r April 1st, 1885. 7. 833 J _ , ’ .nlglit. Feer m >uera,te , , COOPER, Jr., Manufacturer of and doaler in all kinds of . Marble & Granite for Cemetery Work at flgures that defy competition Abo manufacturer of the Celebrated Artificial Stone ior Building pur- poses and Cemetery Work, which must be seen to be appreciated.—All work warranted to give satisfaction. H4n<i-m*d6 work, sewed and pegged, at {irfce* to suit every pu reo. Th# best wotkj owaat prices, and satisfaction guaranteed. A* I hwve first clans city workmen em ployed. entire eathfeation is a certainty, Give rte * call t-NEahiihib'.*rmui<taitiU*n$MUiiirig l’iiuuL ^gi'r)i“iiili,n>!4id telyi^Gito'il ^wago^vil 1- 1 fid paid. Apply at tbe'Ciitnnh'rcvil Hotel., ’ JAMES MOORE, 3‘27-tf. Proprietor. . T3 TH,■ PJ3LIC. 1HAVE ippAritod IR. ROBERT GORDON, it . Gmmr.il Airotit >'• hlio G xlorich. Mar bio Work; for the County of Huron. ’ JOSEPH VANSTONE Propriety .Goderich, Teb.C, l’«3. CITY PAIHJ SHOP. COPP & LOGAN, Oecaratars. SignWriters. Gilders SDTO-, BTC. All kinds of HOUSE, StGN AND ORNA. MENTAL PAINTING, Paper lUnglngShd Decor ating done In the Latest Stile, Ptasooing, Kalsomining, Flags. Banners, Eto., Artistically got up. Orders promptly attended to. Shop-ISAAC-ST., CLI-.T0N. March 80tli, 1885. 832-St Hon. Mr. Blake continued for some ti-. e critivising the govei n- m ui’s p" icy, and condiided With an men ineut deefa ing that iti th-h nd mu <i-K ration of Noi-thweHt arts its ■ there liall <>ecui r» d gra ' i, ft-jceB I of delay..and m lift : me e < et» •in ' uh | ce and go rn-u "Ut of t he country.. Sii’ Jidi > Mncil'innld, wb • wa-’ ’I uiPy cheered, tiai'l : ^’Mr. Speak er, wlret er ill Iris long nil t elaborate speech i lie honor ble gentleman has . estuhlisbed-ft rigi-ttul censure upon the gOVerunieiit, whether lie has shown Kwe have lroei.i.gu)|ty..Qf(wxaug: Hid ni-duilministi'ation. l leave to tlje judgment of the H’i’umh a d the c'liiriry losijv. But, tirei’e i* one iliiog that I.thfak there cair beaio. ’-owulu-bf on either side of tire i.ibu-e and that is that the'; hounraiil’e gen- m man has’ furnished gratuifou;-ii v a .i>ost aide ’ .brief for the counsel of ; Lnufa Rii’l-^ at~lTfa"triul"Ht-i-R>‘giiin*“ (Hear, hear, from the in ai-te i i benches and shouts of (lisupprovul froin the Opposition.). Th- liono.i* able gent emen oil’. the other s.ide t Sreer, Mfa Speaker, but this II nr-e wi | .find WliHh the t'lal takes place that tire substance, the’ basis, tire apex of the speeclres for fire 7!efericeT will lie.the'speech of tire h"iioralil , geutleiti n. (Hear hear..) F.om the heginn ng of this sessionj from even inoti in he has iiirde, from everypn qtiir Ire Inis made,|'r->ni every return Ire lias askail for, t (re honorable ge< - tleiuan has shown tlhat his object lias been the in leral'le and Wre.tcired do ject of toying to get a.case.against t ire government rather t han justie- ..fdr_Xlre people of fire Nor-bw’e.it (Hear., hear.) More than nil I would ^Mlr_thia JJniiae-if the liQllorable g-n* . tlem-fii’s whole speech h;»s not been a j’lstificati-'ii, ni apology., an excuse for the rising in- the Northwest. ’ Mr Cameron (Huron) -You are tire criminals. • ■ .... ■ -Sir John Macifa.nal i—11, has been if justification, an excuse fprtjre •iiurder offanr people in tire Nortli- <est; it lifts been a jifati.fic.040n, an excuse for to e murdeni hi thatcotin3 try. , (Heal,’Irear.) Mr. Cum'ei’on. (II iron)-—You are the cri niiials there. : ... Kir Job I M .cdoililld—rTlre whole . i.urse of 'I'm i> > resit fan, every e- ii rk in this house has beep ut-tere I. 'Witb lie object -of iiijurifjg tire gbv ’‘’ririTIonf It respect ivpoftlrec'>lis(‘— ' farer* rces.^. VVtnrtr care fa.Ire- Mr. 'SpVftkF^whet'hor ; tire proi*pectfa,oL > Ih* Nori hw est inay I»e. ifaj'iretL _ PROVIDED THEY GET A CRY 1 Tlrey would rather -rule a ruined co.ititry tha'n remain- in uppositioo hi -a prosperous country. Tfa,o w..Uid raliier rulu lleI-L411-n-HHPve-*11- eaven, (AppliiU-e.) Tiie lender of the "opposition lifts emoii* r i Ire na-fbreeds io l e placed on a foufing with tlre haff , if lianiroba We-e jiint iVfa\ didJreMiot do rot t t< government tif which ii ’inher d > ided solemnh ui no «tre claims. Now it I 11 \fiE0. POTTO, House, Sign, \J CARRIAGE 4 GUWE'lAh PA I NT UK. Papnf Haiwin:] and Kaltnmining t^eond ta Hon*. School Blackboard* d tpaialli/. Satin* factlan Guaranteed and price* uith th, tiiiiei. ReeideMC—Maru Strut, ChlNTOE, 934-6ni REMOVED. or ' legal Bochum* he was a th at. th ex tin sue claims, (Hear, heat.) • h> inMiiblr (Siit Minister of the teiior dtirinistering t-lre affairs of tin* Northwest tells of the liaif ■ o*e. ds that they have nogreiter’ claim than th* white settlers at that/ ,i.-ri<id, Ami wliat Were the .claims of the white settlera then? They were simp.v that any matt of Ik yars arid upwards going there or to other proV'tices to settle down g .1 160 teres of land, and if he cuhi* va’ted it for three yeara Ire could obtain 160 acres more and hfa patent The 'Ono able gon'lenian then'de clares that the balfhree.ls have no renter cliitns than those, that the tialforeeds have in some rrspects great adiatiiiagea over the new set* i-rn lininigrattng ii.ro that country T<m truth is that the dissatisfaction which has arisen in the Northwest had oifa r and deeper roots than the mem discontent of,the halfhraeds at not getting their alleged rights. Front ithe very Inception of the sc* niiisitionnfthis country jjjlerfttion of the g vcrntiieii.t,Tiiis Air. Speaker is1 the atrower. of t* e government, a .p rtioirctf whi/If tli/' t.oiioruble geiiflemaTi aiiudi'U- to, but of w|nch lie did not read the whole : “Depart inert,t-ot'the-4 ii-erior,—Mmrch- 18i 1878. .8ir,—I. have ih»-honor 10 .ckiiowTedge file receipt of 'vOnr iiS|>a(cii, Np. 47, of the 13th inst.,' giving- a,-,petition lidiiri-s-udAlp you by certain haifineeds of a portion of St. Laur'ent rel 1 ling to sever 11 iihit, tern atfeciing the .intereKiH “of the ■|iarfT-ret‘7lir47i“rliF“I^pi'thwest.’..YTojT aj e requested to iuroi’m the pet ition ers tliai I vb JI have much pleasure in Rm 1111 ng their pe ition for the e.msideraiion of his exce|(ftticy tiro Chn .-Gei er.d ilr council.’^ ‘The propriely of pas-ing an act for ■some.more speedy mean-s of acquire* tng titles-for., settlement' purposes than under-tne present, provision's of 1 lie Dominion land act. wi.il afao i>e* advocated. Tn regard to the peti 110 . tor an < arty survey, along t'i'e -prrtTvipafariveis—I—aa ii—requested—to- mforui the petitioners that the sur- rvey oi the land has been carried out to some extent’’ Sir John Macdoii- _ald^her»™.laijUa.--iHap~oii~i4reTfab'ie” showing the surveys, done t»y the .Vlackeiizie admiiilstratton and th tse lone since and asked that it be e.x- amiintd. He cAntieue.fX to r.ad: .“A ;d wilt he prosecuted as rapidly . as 1 lie funds at the disposal of the government wlill periili'.* Mr. Speaker, the ubyertinieiii <tiiF tipV apjdy fiii '•fulfils,- and they left if there. The <nswei coiitiinies ; ‘Tu applical-on of the petitioners to be I aid 'd* i>y thP go-’ernmeiit. gra >(ing A-siB alive tq_ pur,base agiicultural implt-meiitH, seeds^ etc., I 111U l Coo fas* I am not disposed <■<> view fav orably, „1 do bbl. see oil w at grou id -iheT>alflii’ehdH‘CWiUvla^nr-to-iiH-'ir>jrti^ “nl'dffterept from white ..ettlers. Tn tiro tef itorie- the half'’.reeds’ who have in some rvsp «’ts hi’ailvaniage over the white, settlors should be lmpr'H.ed with tiro iece sity, of sett- -ing-d<»w-11— ii•—ti xhi I-Tocrn 11 ies -runI~ directing their energies towards pas-. r,or,d >r itgrt uhural piirmifs' in wh ch case land WO Jd Ho doubt In .assigiled to them as to whit* sytth’i'-, •but beyond that the inust iiot look' t< the government fur. any spem.i a-isistanve in tlroir farming ope a tio s. Vour petition ‘rs in suppO' 1 a ^i.hut tiro go iflrnin* nt would' g* svi'da Or 1 <rm impleth U'ts afe mi-’ ■ taken. - Money • has been idvaneed to some settlers On the distim’i understan ing thatjt wou'd be re paid id “tiro, governinent by the parties.tojwiin n it was advanc'd, I jifav add that the tesul of this ex. peHoient was not such .as to euifse 111 • g6»efnnieiit to repeat i.? * . From 1874 rill 1878 notoirosiijgl ■ step was taken by the liouora" en'lenron opposite ' to relieve the disennteht if .it existed. j>r rflnro n the grievances if flroy existed not. Wh'di we took in 1878 , e we found that f|ro gotptmment before tM had taken no steps whatever,thar they hid not listen<*<i to or d.suirosH'l • he grievancH exeept in this d|«pi*>cl| •Tom the hnnorahle ventlepnn in ,;W ieh he dottlwfiA that IbA bsfifbt&idsi be treated ad white# tm'y. Mr. Ry n coiiiniissioner to investi gate ckitiro of h«>fbreed« asked fin extension of time in which to invest je gAfe an<l was refaaed, ^ufoaR a let* T1|E WEEK'S DOINGS. CANADIAN , Mayor Manuing, of Toronto, who tripped and fell over a plank a few days ago, fa now seriously indisposed at the Queen’s Hotel. The doctors will not allow him to leave hfa room,' earing dhngetous results. Ono night last week a Toronto newsboy amused himself by trying - to kick one of hfa tfaoes off. ■■ He succeeded so«well that the shoe went through a $150 pane of plate glass in the confectionery store of J. Cox & Son, No. 83 Yonge street. An old lady 65 years of age was found in her. bed in Montreal one morning in the peaceful and easy attitude of sleep, but dead, her spectacles on and the laufa burning near her. On tiie flour, as if fallen from her hand, Was a, reglious tract, ’The messenger of peace.’ .Doubtle-H she had been reading in bed aud fell , asleep to wake no more. I t was officially atuiounc*’d by the Antwerp Exhibition Commission last week that rhe jury of the inspection of cereals cons dels it is ">OUiid before proceed i g tui’ther to nhlicate that the awayds bear the mo..t coniD'iiii' ntary 'testimony to the beauty arid' lii.ii qu iiiiy of the cereals exhibited by Canada, which .are. undoubtedly •.superior to those shown by any oth r country, Whetutlie 32 Bruce Bat^ vva-s. called G’it *dihe‘ weeks ago, oiro dfaai GarroW', of I?orf Efain, failed to report to. hi-’company. He w;iH;,rH- cenllv summoned before’two Mauia* trains and seiiteiiced to 20 day/ im prfaonm iit in the’ eouil'y jail. .< Tiro' penalty .might have jujen heavier, hiitjJje. Magintratfa made it thus light as it’ was tiro first, ease of the kind in the county. ' On.Satiurday week,"a ten yearohl son-of Janies Dunn, of the 5th coin, West’.Lutlror, while on an eiraiidn noticed a full grown black bear and three yearling cuos plaving on the road opposite Mr. Dunn’s bouse. Tiro little fellow ran hofui* anti called the attention of the family to.wliat lie saw. On (Iro bears’; whereabouts ijeiiig difaoyereil, the oid One scainn-. ered into ari adjacent bush followed by- her cubs. ~ — Date.ct.ivo Jobn_ .Reid- .Erreste I _ Jqb fall .Parr, jiptei keeper at Kincar dine ou a charge of s-n ling threat ening lei ters to Mr. Joseph Barker, Magistrate, in which it was said, '.hat Mr. Barker Would lose his' life’ if lie did not cease io act as a Magis trate on Sc nt A”t l.iquor gasis, and lnscattle“wotrld-liHdesti-oyed.—Pivrr i,s also held • on suspicion... of being implicated, ill the burning .of' Mr. Barker’s stables.'Uil Division Court -office in that town a few .weeks ago. The. preliiniii jry examination'took place., at' Walkerton before Mr. M'acna-uartq^’J," P., with Thomas ■Dixon, Crown Attorney, prosecutin'' when, the charge against .Mr* Parr Whs dismissed. ■ ” On Ft iday evening after retiring tOTTfStT' Mr. R. Cowan, E7~tuther, h eant a terrLble nofaeJjLai l a<Ijacen t field. Realizing that something un usual, was going on, he repaired to tlfa place where tiro noise orTgiTiat'dl and to his sur.pt isediscoMereiLa-lfage-. black bear on .the back of one ofali-fa- coW's, endeavoring to procure a nro.al fiotn her bajck and, shoulders.- Mr. Cowan not "anticipating, a meeting with such a ferocious .opponent,-did not provide hi:ns<*lf with anything tuora..formidable Ibaifa a club, but having no'desire to see Ins bearship tiuisii his mea undisturbed Ire‘made’ for bruin in good shape and in a verty .short space of timeJiad-the pleas ire "of r’dieving the poor cow' from the tortures pf her powerful- ana un* scrupulous rider, . . * Gworge Ha-wke had-iris-.,.mettle; ti ieji in a~'fii»ln. with, a henfaTr fejy daya.ago, inJ,lroTpjj!’iisl)ip of Artem- esia, Grey .CmTR Young Hawke is .looking after’|ns stock,farm a few miles from Priceyirie. He hud de, fayed starting for’nbrne and it Was a I.tr ie a, terfa^rk^wheii lie entered the bush, rile had Iris 1 ifle • along. A •Ai’gft^tn' bear with her tli'ree cubs stood lip before him, Ana before he had time to fire or .retretl, Mr*. Bruin had him in her embrac-1. Finding, that the squirozing was alto gather heyo i I the hug Iris la ly love had given him, when lie took Ins do- DArture from her the eVeuing before in* used hi* bast andeavors to Ir re • liliiseff, v'h’ieh lie did after KHisi far able, difficulty. Seizing hfa. rifle, lie fired tire Contents at tire bear and wounded her, then she And <Wo of her cubs Look to n tree. VVit'lf > second shot he killed oiro of ib'ieuhs He Weir for Assistance, and an Unar ■gentlemaiu and Ire returued,/rulfa A’ ii>aiI, to t lie . see-iH Of. thO.;eoii(11/dfa They fou-'d 'ine of tlia cubs still lie, the tra». Tufa one tlfay sho't, th'1 fall hear and tire other orro having left* Tua two kiHad/w iglred about one hun Ired poufid/ieach.. ’ BR(TtS)/-FOREIGN. The Dubjin Hummer assizes in Ire land Op *phi lust "week with a re in itkafare deefWAHH i n the num her of casasyfo he-triAj The only trial in whidh tiro'loath penalty is like’lv to far re*ted out is dro «aha of Win, meahan aM hi* brother In-law David Bro-vo, which conres up at the Cork A Hi*4* onoTiil v 24rd Tiro 4 may exceed tire rules-of rectii.u-io <• FOR DYSPEPSIA and ! plaint, von have a printed on every bottle bl Shiloh‘s /' tlroir property,’and I • charge-tjii-- di.-tinctly ou the Grit .party,m th’ HojJse luni out, of it, nnt’only ai.1 tiie reliellioii but ftil 7llie conseqne.7' ctis (Cli ers from tire "Mr.-,istei i d istH;'';iinr~bppo-ii7Toh howl- ) Whv^ should the people, fron. 1878 to..1885 be any’ more ui,happy than ti e .people Jlojjj. ,.187.3_ /to. 1’878 1 _..W j..-. there any tlilf -r pee, ill; tli-*ir cir <fjinstancesi Was any ’ attempt made to deprive tlieiu of tlroir Ian - {• No, sir, they s^tond'exactly in Mar :h. 1885, as they die when .the honor hble , geytl.euroir . opposite jesigny > Tilby were happy, peaceful lind cob “t^Ht^T^mtil fohl -by^nrl t Heal—ati— iraio.rs. to lie otherwise for the mo sortli I purpose.*. "Write great gain- of politics parties come and go, •an you see’parties, do that which is w coiisi iefadT.» itiifa the s(*rijt5fr.lHie ,ii. rectituii’-. (OiqjqdUwnJatiglrter). I = Jroar , the fajito^aule mem her. ft >. Bot.li well talk about "rectitude, biii-rfa tliink l-have shown, him- up a lit’ i . , (Hear, Ileal’). T.^’.y that although l.’ may exceed the rules- of rectii.u-ie i the’H in riot that excuse for them Tiie'game is not alone for pblitieai advAiitage, butr“fdr ~the purpose ot enabling land grabbers and spec ulators-to.'have a hold uppijL i?lje.s_v .JiLLLL. people. I believe jtliat ey.e.rt ti i Iaiiii "thev have is now a*mortgage (Hear, hear.) I believe thapiut foi the white m m th re would not lia’^' •np’eti*a fi’ehellioii.. Pf'i'h.Aps the hpfi. ’genthmi in for Huron (Mr. Caiin*’r<>: ) k rows something, ahugt* that: Tills nifty account for the frequ lit inter, .riiplions of' the hotiorabfamember for Huron.* He cbiiipfaiiis of uro delay in faBuingipatentS; and savs. In- jvill make a speech-on the Hubjec.L But ill tiro Office of tfro dep irtmenl o' the interior tlure is a letter from the mentb&P of Huron instiling th* t -'no ‘patent dhaiI tinu^’ to~a-certrtm, rn irr bficauAe he ha I a da'm .again t th.e , settlers for,-^3 fJOOr • (KoO.’ (J<>i.setVati ve “ 11prroiro.s). speciihen of the conduct of the honor orab. e gent eman and men like him I tin to him und men likB’himihut me Owe much of the dtiturbrtnce of t'o afeeted dtiegntent im Ui&Jif. meh who go there to make fortunes not' rapidly perhaps, but by som 'mean# or other to get aho'd on.thf people*, but we have 'awe to protect th 'setter agafnst the speculator,..' Th hniorabe member for. Huron wi • loubt ess vote for an attack on th !ovnrn>'>ent for delay in issuing p it, -Site, But it shoud be rememberel ■that he is the num who says that th p iteid shall not be tisued~uhtildisgete K's pound of. flesh,. (Oh I) T? . nV rnmeht b fare, us had unor»’ the lights of 'the half breeds an 1'iey had refused to Ifryen to t . ir ’S*nre up hi tlroiii from' Xlattlroo Rvau," ill ’ir own ag- lit, . Nobody cait <IoUht thal Archbishop- Tache was recommending what was best for the hHlfnrveda, and did he advocate the granting ot Borip? No, sir; lifa <>pitiion*W;is quite the re • verse. He aayB,! take tho liberty of Opposing the scheme. I estimate the haltTirefai population io the North weat to number 1,2(X) families. Let the govermnent mark twelve reser. ves in the very plAces thAt tiro half hreeds will like to havo tliem; each retroryo Will be lor 100 families At least, and contain Att area of twelve square miles, that ia to Bay, an extent Of tout* townahjpa. All the half* breeds, tnen women and ohildran gain an<i waq rpruspc, AcrosH a ict- • .. . , . 4 . • ,tdr fr in Mh Coli’L h«»hiI dt tiro the Northwest on 'ThAWM ■.. - u..A l L LSX£L-aa« riic Senate Restores.tiie Wine and Beer Glauses. The Senate Imve ‘fiejiiTeH to'ihsfat: upon their ameudipents to til” Bill amending the Scott Act,and the Bill will be sent back to the House of. Commont^ wiil^ the • wine and beer clauses restorv^. Mr. Vidal moved that- the Senate sjiould not Insist up on its ameiidnront striking out the •lauseimposing penaltfasjupon doct ors, magistrates, - an<l.^o' herSr— foi grmitiiig liquor certificatesJuiqarnpnr' ly.! Sir AlexiVHtfa^'dMnpbell advis ed the House to ivLher’ to its coniine of a few' diiyn^a jo.. . The Hou -e ’of- reason for restoring Jts penalty cl tuse as the Act already provided^ ’ f »r the punishment of porous violat- aiing the Act. It would be an opt- “Ta^eToTift e doirt<yrs^n^ dragged summarily before any seat of a justice of tiro peace io answer cuurgtm of gfatiAing certificates . 'or liqtior nnpro^^ mo .ion that ‘the Semite sh iuld insis upon its ativnidinent was car ried oy. 15.to 30Mr, Vilal then mow id that the Senate should, not insist upon iia wine and Leer anrond- men.. S r Alexainfar Oampb II mov ed tnac tliif ftarondiiieht should be iiikiso’don,* th tiro reasons given bv ill* ll nise; of C upuions f<»r rejecting 11 • miiu idnronf '"ere unsound. This P i’ll unent wAs not boo id hV the Act of any preceding Ptrlianrout, and those cities and counties which .ad qited the Scott Act had no right o rosunro that it Would not be re* pealed for three yvii' s, ho that tlrore >va,< no comp ct to be hrokeu. Tins Pari nun mt was free to do as it pleas d in’tiro matter. Tiro H'tine of 0 immona had misrepresented the aw beuause all that was provided was that no e.xe-utivo action should ua taken io repeal the Act in anV articu.ar rtmnty within tloee years. Hu aligned as. s r-ason for insisting oti tiro wine and beef clause tlt^t it was desirable in the true interests if tmnpnrancs. This was ah true as •nythi ig could be, and nnwpver it h«l been passed in comoliAnoe witl the expressed wishes of a large no*'1 * * set tlmr an’ face n»e down that liain't hot I Ye never fie it s-o ho an' ye know it 1 Look at t th‘moin‘ter I Look ar the th‘mom ter, with,flip bail on it betted so y can t bear ver finger bn it, ati’ ti.' say It* hain't hot I You. make t sick major I’ ‘I don’t care for ,no th‘inom,tf*r exclaimed the old settler, ‘D‘ H'po'se Fine goiliter fat a thing li that, ez can't do nothin’ but liai outer ft post, hang out weather ,f me? Wall, b’gosh, r.o 1 Wehai litt’e weather, I guees, ‘fore rlrimbi ters come our, nti we’d hev »n tn ire weather if ev’ry Hire on ’em creation should Lust hii‘ rlre* coni tritfaio more git inade. The . id anyhow, <»* folks b’iievin4 that the . weiuh-r uz comes aloiig has*, pass through them darn things ‘ft we kin Know how hot ir, is I 1 kn wi eu weather’s hot, I think. ’ I a boy, when it was,so hot tlirtt. bad to kf,ep * the., rippiiresl’ kind I* ni > fires agoi ti’ i n "tire lid,use,- all t Hire to cool off the. air. it beiii d rni much hott r*' the ire w Why ‘i was a cointnon thin® t su iiuier fur 'oiks ez was t"ravelin stop at-h nisea ‘lo.-ig tiie rd* fa an, if thev co nd plane’co ne in an*1 !>y the ‘tire* an* get cool It m ' tire couhler'n I act’ly feel' to hi to think o’.snme-o‘ the hot we* I kin ‘member. Br-r r l. Th‘il frost to-nigh fa sartin* an—’ - The county, clerk ent up and w ed inside The boys and the’? trailed after him01 The. «»!«•! m e<lged ni' rub>>ing hfa hands.; E l»<it|y but the old settler order w^th ice. ’He was game,to tire ‘Birteinler,’ said he,J.oi hot Scotch.’- * The TIoit Spell in Pike County. ‘Aha, Ihjvh 1’ said lie, rubbinhfa hands. ‘It’s dik# a. regfaieraiin’ apeerit, iLgoafaJsLfeelnome giiiiwine •ole ortumn weather peeliri’of; itHf*«f fur business.wuiist more, hain't it V Tiie boys knew the old 7 settler. Nd “one spoke a word; No onfa seemed to/hear him. —He looked around.- Evidently no oire intended to dissent from his estimate of tire weather. Tire pleased jex pr Casio u left bis face, He looked thoughtful Suddenly’hfa face brightened again.. He aeenied to catch a Iray. of hope. ‘The .’squire, hain’t. Ken an’ gone a’ready, haw he, -Odys?’ said' li.'*; ‘ ’cftuae* if/^ire. has—no. he haifatfa b’gosh I Here Irefaouies now, lop-, piu/along a nd-p-ayin’-to-hisseif,-1’H . liifaq 'cuuse~fae ternal hut sumui< r eg we’ve had has. got ..up" an scooted.’ ‘Sure euotigh, tiro "squire cam ex q’or-Gleiigarry, in; tire D/miuio bis coat off, Ji is skirt sleeves' rolled ' * *' * " up, his hat iu-on'e-hsirdr=w4iile Ire mopped bin facri with' his bandanna. Tire old settler looked, inoro -than pleased. Tile ’squire wilted . down in a chair like a lettuce leaf under hot vinegar. ' — ‘ W-h e e-w !’ sai-1 lie, .‘ Wal fania- jorj I’ve see b line tdl*abfa weather, tn iriy^iine,/I tiiiil‘lfa takiu.’ it hot*air1' . .coId^ez-it^ruiiN. -from..Jani wary to ‘ —J:uly^»fan’froin July.to Jmiiwary, but if this don’t‘pitimb the bull’s eye a little slicker than apy hot weatljer’ that ever tackled me afore, then.I’m dod-duri-eil. from way back !’" ' ‘Hot-1’ exclaimed Tire ’ old^settfarT and you’d have sworn Ire was really astonisiredr ‘Hot I I hope youjlon’t call this hot- weather,, ’squire I Here’s .mo an’ M’riai kiv.ei in’ up our flower Beds ufarfaiJght to. keep ’ein .ftoui bein' teiclred with frost, an’ irere’.'yy'dtuAJiolleriii’.'bout it’s bein’. ; hot I . ’S juire,-Tiurried- if I dqii'to "think you'm gettifa a ieetl’e cracked.* '^I“l<^“lT1g'b‘iJlr|’^ ..... ry? , ‘I may be gettin’ a faet'le crackfal, major,’ replied tire' 'squire, ‘lUyyou . iiiay-’lie kive-in* up'.yer flower beds fur fear o' frtist, or ye uitiy^Kejyin’, . .{jjLBj.jnt-.yH.please, .wijJiJiiit^Ln ...fayoi*.. o’ the lyin’, but this the^Just hot weather I*, ever sye.fait siimpui.’ iiiiiu’t twisted the eqfauor ’way from (Ju>»y an.l. droppeM' it dbw.tuyntei: Pike county, tin*)/ye kitfabile me * fa 'Squire,’ Hiifai tire old s-tthfa, fe- •moiistrutivehfa ‘what’s the use o’ \ our lieirifaso cousnrued coni racy ? I dbii’t iifaan no 'femro, but, b’giish, »e mnkfayiT'self pooty unis outer dis . agr.et^fa,^ROiiieUiireib->rNi'HVv»if-*-I'd-*H- eomfaan* sot. dowii here ail’ satd it wire ho*, you’d a right up An’ pooh* /poohed, an said sumpin' bout ver havin’had a durn notion o’ puttiir ti yer.rivercoat'fore ve left, hum, an was sorry ye hailfai, or i-omi« itlrer piece 0* li 11 r i'iness;—Ttifttr ye allue xefarii. to wanter to pick a quar'I. Here I.sofa aii’ wft’ir't Hiiyiii-’ a donBarned word -douf tire ‘’weather, til’ you bomioefi un’ begins “at hr ’bout it’s bein’ hot I .Then, B’eause 1 don’t fall in with yet cohfairines*, bet sticks up for it s heli/ bracin' <iir ihHiniw.atiti’ oriutnu weather, which it fa, then ye git mad at? sny I’ni a Ivin*. faVall, I km jist tell ye, ’’gosh, 'squire, that I hani’’t agoin * er nsk oiy flower bed* jist'cmise vou say it’s hot, not by a long shot, I hain’t ah' ye kin like it nr lump it, whichever ye dtim please T ‘Flower heds I’ pxdaitned the ’equire, ‘Who cares tur yer flower Hr. Macmaster, HI. P,« un Highlanders/ . From tho Scottlslj, American Journal, Julv . We obn»*rve that several o Quiadiati corfteniporaries hav cently been .displaying ..their p ity for . the play of “Much AI ibuTNotli i ng. ” “Iirsrspeech, ‘•l.iavs li.’tfr in support of i»r^iit'> frahi'liise 40 certaiii c yiHzed If possessing the incessnry "pr< qiial.'ficat;ioi>,...Mr.“Macma.*itert limiient r feried.to ilro prog civilization of. tlro ^Whiile I race, and in parti-’ular instatic ■wonderful iinprovenroiit wide ing the last one huhdred aiti -years had taken place among h native Highlanders in Seotl Whom lie fa so• justI v prou<I) t.l the abolition of the tribal ■'aiid^other, legal‘ ir(istriuiions -argui'neiil-Waa-thia—botdly^ jifatly, deal similarly witn^h dians anil like effects -will Mr.. Macmuster’s arguments . ing the right of these Indian . franchise,and of the Pomitiio in justice bound to grant i siiriply unonBy/erable. Thfa iticui ■ bppdneutH^ arid their, have tacitly, acknowledged,- stead of attempting to replv tliey’ha've reported to tliri’.vel doijge of diverting uttentiQfi f retyt question at issue, and .^Hiairo tiintt inakiuR-polilical /rob'fof, it by disparaging JV ' umster iirtlifi-ejitiinnt ion ofT ly esteemed constliiieiits.In r.v. Tiroy a lege that-in th ring to th'.* state of the Higi one. liitrnlrwl and fifty y> i»rs . ICLprQl!’. '1 •' MllL boas til ig I y out tiro, ’act tha- tiro Higllli wherever found t.lirougiH world was now in tiro V ztiion, competing for and ff the prizes open for the .culture and mdightenmei for*botli? iiijining this Mi. ter li id S AJideretklifa own and llie ti gh anders uf Tiro ribj art <d these uew-bor . ms .oft lie. Hi g liliii < d er * is, s< ‘that it is almost insnlMiig tl g; tree of tiro High Endors gurry, or else ’-* here, fo | that tiro.zeal displayed in t) in simply by gross mfar< pre to disparage Mr, '’Miicniiro infaifa of lifa coiisi ituen iro*dleHH to say that we /a this m ’an a tempt wilj ut In pointing »utthat in tiro human progress during th Irond ed and fifty years t landers, so far fr mi rt andb lagging belt fad, had not ;*proe, hut hft<l aCtuany.ont < ' all others in tire race. Mr. tair. ho far from Hlandering high"St compl m«mt pissi llighbitiderk of Scotlarvl ■lescendaniB. ..