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The Huron News-Record, 1885-07-08, Page 3
r? MiHh I The Boderieh News ! -—OMS— i Huron Record, I * (IJfALGdMdTJ^.) JpHuton* Wddaeitday* July Sill. . LOCAL j&MW In anil Arourtl tlte .“Hub.” ■ ®auni ftalh. KOT IQ 8.—At all timu w»il( bigtid to native iitmt of rum from any reliable tourit, either Mrtal or written, Reports of meeting*, «*»* Nrtafmnsiits, society and church doing*, etc. etc, or any other matter* of general intere»t will afieay* has* a place in our columni.—Ku (STGeM Jars, .cheaper than the cheapeat, at Flo idV’s. 344 Excursion. —- “&• met»»l*»r /the Masonic excursion frou» Clintoi. to Port S ft»l«y on'tfie’Ttb- of -Angusti See posters.” 345 t-d. 500 Gent’k Hit-ita wanted, -----to Cle m, -ttrpahr & P^Tetts, at A, Wi CARS LAKE’S Talloe Nfi >n, Victoela^^t, Gifteee cleaned un slio^e^t’ notl'-e tiatlefation o.u fr- anteed or no- charge..« 346-4it ‘ 5 .4 ’• , "ip. . Halton Temperance. Alliance.' —At a irieetiug’iyf tfie Halton Tern- ’perance Allian$i last week it whh . deci<led to raise41900-in AHsessinents ■ as necnssarv to enforce -the Scott. Act. Quoth Mrs. Brown tin to her Icld, “The canning season now is here,” Said Brown,-whoVxptftiBe could ill afford. “Is it indeed, sb'-soon, my dear? ■“And how much fruit;4*'liq,then proceeded, “Do you intend to cau this year?”' His wife replied (tUsTrown unheeded), “Why all-1 catf^Of course, my dear.” About Tim.ku’he Retired.—An editor thus announces Ina retire ment:.—The ‘vundersigned re'ires from- the editorial chair with the > complete convictioh'that alMs-van- ity. From thy.Jjour lie started this paper to, the present time'he has * been solicited to.lie upon every given ■' subject, and caii’t remember having’ told a wholesome truth without dis uiinisliing liis subscription, list, or making an enemy. ’ Under theM? circum«ances‘of trial, and having a • thorough coqlWipt for himself, he retires in ort|«£>o re'cruit’his moral■ consytituiioiu Stock Notes.— Council lor Church ill, of Hulleft, Jbolii a fine driving -mare to W. Core—T. Tipling sold a dashing SorreJ Cloud colt to a ___gentleman ii.i. Blytli on July J. — Craig and fit‘am had a fine lotT or cattle ohthe market J uly l<t. for shipment e&st, thirty three of tfiem, were fed by Mr. Jaiues Fair , and ' were as fiiiev, a Tot’ of, beeves as one could wish 't'o see — A bovine nftlie ox species belonging to Hearn and Ctaig turned, the scales at 2300 Ibh. Mr. McTaggart'‘sold a fine lot of . beef cattle to Mr. Stanhury. Effect, and Caus'v —The. Milton: Champion of.last week s?ui| : “We niay Siy for their information, that the list. of'Qoirvictioirs wIihIjlJs being _____published 'this sweek in the columns ■ of our local’ ertutbinpo-ary, shows that during' the past three months, returns hav»- lieeir made by 'he mag istrates of the Uount.y of Halton of twelve convictions,' under the head, “drunk and- disorderly,’” and- the . Clerk of the Peace informs us that ^.this heats 'the record of any qu ’rrti r during tlje past eighteen years.’’ ' Arid the’Scritt A’cl’liiis b7VRTFTTi"frtrce' in H.dtoi: for. the past three years , ; NEWSPAro.RiAL.'— The Acton Free Press has just' completed the lira dtawie of'nxiiitenee,-and the' editor in last is-ue indulged in an all ■around shuke halids. . It is refresh ing t6 run hcross such cheery re marks ij? a " «:ouh'ry journal as we find fn i|ie,J?re.e Press, Tne editor informs, his readers that liis I u-iness has beeii-a su.eeess_. \Ve will say that.,it deserve?; to be. The Free Press is ;.a^marvel of typogaphical rieatne-s arid/ cleariness;~edi.toriaLl.v.; it takes ;a; liigh moral tot,and, and in • I together, a model country paper.. ____So mote.itibe. • - / , p 6 '* • • • . s * School Entertainment. — The Model School entertainment-, Friday, evening, last,, wfts mtielt more largely * attended than rucIi affairH usually ar.e. It passed off .very nicely, the young participants in the. pro grftmnfo acquit'ing themselves k'hk. mirahly., Principal,Lough and Mr. Linklater hein’g the only male teach ers ii'Cthe Model Sdlio.o), the greater portion VoKthe . work in arranging the haltTor^lte’entertainment, de volved upon thihm though thrir efforts weteablv seconded by trustee , Pay,, lyho .also kindly fu• nif-lied the drapeiby,'-carpets, etc.,’ requjrted to carry out the tableaux. ................How the- Day was Spent.—l«t July was, a very quiet day-in Clin private-‘pichics in . tlie suhjirbsj a greatcfnutn* er attended the Ontario St. Methodist S. 'itT. picnic near Stapleton and had a pleasant time. inuclT/euhabbthl by the efforts of the ’ Jtolierty Co.-band_ But tlie.greater • number of’ dur- people wickeih- ly went to hear the music of the Waves hy; rhe sounding sea at Goderich and to, to — see the circus ” and to, to—‘W'eHtle with the tiger and the thinib’le flggejiiTamlother light jfingered gentr.v, and to’analyze ji«e^b^i“ MeF"’Ati<F“t'li^1RtTl I ‘ bluer lacteal fluid, and the mineral watrt' for which the county town is . —.........2.......’ ........... ^Lt'. A BSOLUTEI’.Y NJCCE9Sar y. — And yet if- taken in immoderate quaiitUies it is poisonous. From time immemorial it has been known thqt without salt ni.iii Would muser* pn’lfrflh^eihs. eiitliiiing certain death, th'qV^f*j?!,4i,.,X culprits on saltless foojMfl-saitj to .have nreVailed in bar barotiifeiimes. When Cook ami For- hteHariT”'l »» O bit •'»« they astonisn ' tftft’lid who flaw them eatini powder ivitli every in rscl of <*«'•»■ hra*rs \hn« Friday’s •xprerftite epud iatidn of salt But the savages. wjhn ate no ‘ white ,prf«hier”Hto Hah and cooked their itj th« s«* wa:e- rich >ri salt. In several parts of A ri‘ft nrm are Hold foe hftlt, arid <>h the Gold Unas' ft ifl ihe most precious of all com- fo idlttes. On the eoast pF Sierra I^onpamftn w l' x»li H Msur, his or hid cbi'd for aiilt, hot Inn in Jtiftr.qed. tho a* t ot distilling it. from theae*. Total ftbHtitiemR*-from sa't Meed ifbt. bft'praoti^d in iWscoontrv an Iona as tho works in *0linfoii torn ..V . it -. ----V ...........ftlily perish, atvl among hoiTible A ©RA.NGX Babgb» neatly printed at This News-Record. , L. O. L. No. 710 will meet in their lodge room on Sunday morning n»*Xt, at nine o’clock tdiarp. The Tramp or Six Hundred might have boon heard on the aido- wa>lc on the eaat tii<le of Albert St. Fiiday forenoon rh 600 of the future fathers and matrons of our country tramp, tramp, trapip’d from* the school to tlie town hall where weleut* iuiia were made for the eutercaio- iuent held in the evening. Blue Ribbojt Beer Buhtrd.— The mne of lunpector Ball agaiiibt John McBride, of Go leriun, for s^ll- ing, contrary to law, intoxicating liquor as a beverage, was decided yeritenlav against McBride, and a tjne of $50.00 and Coutu imposed. Notice of appeal was given. The liquor koI<I was Blue Ribbon beer whicli is behi bv the manufacturer/ to he perfectly ili'iocuoUH, and not coming withiri tlie definition of an intoxicating liquor. Bridge Contracts.—Mr. T. J Nagie, of ' Benniiiie1, has been awarded the contract for the nias’oi • < ry of Bull’s bridge at $2 850; the < iron Huperatruclure tor the Maine was awarded to tbe Hamilton JB'idge i Co. at $22.75 per foot. There were three tenders for the iron wuper-- Htructure for theLoiideKhoro’ bridge, i the lowest being Ira J, Fisher & Co., of. Kincardine, at $17 per foot, hut tlie contract will not. be awarded to Hny one until the return of Oom- intsaioper Jas. Hays from the Noitli- west ", Office Business.—There is print* “ing done for the town. It is paid for. out of the general revenues of tlie town. We' do. not get our fair share of that work. , Last year‘the Reeve and Deputy Reeve- said ,we should'in all fairness get half of-it. We did not. This year we get less ' than last. The town Cl.e'k sava- In- 1 controls a portion of it. He is the servant of the Coiiqcil and is hound J to obey that body’s orders We are opposed politically to the majority - of the Council,'.hut we do not ask as i a favor that the town printing be ; equally |divided, includi -g voters’ lists, or ihAt it be given by tender? , • It. is our right to be placed on. an . , equal footing.with others. Though ( justice may not be done us, we shall, always demand it. The un'air . wav of giving out the public printing 1 in Clinton prevails in but few mun- icipalities. Where the Soft Waves are Dashing; —Those of our readers who ' think of taking a../recreation <Jur.mg tlie 'siiTtriiier ^have~their attention- J called fo the advertismerit of the Sreanier ‘Saginaw Valley’ which leaves-Goderich twice a week fo1 Port Hur>>n, Detroit, Cleveland,- St. . Clair riverby day light, and several •other interesting points. The boat is a stauiichone anil specially fitted up for the tom fori of tourists. Ar- raiigeuionts have been made with, ■hackmen .at tlie leading points for lo-w-fares in being driven to the various interesting points in cities and towns called at. An eight day . ’trip including meals and berths costs only $12. O, spirit of the lakes!, liow great thy . devotion, ' • To rock in the. arms of the deep;' •_ And lar down, to slumber, where the green ■ waves encumber . ' The tranqiulity of thy sleep! " ■ i O love! be not frightful-; the scene is de*-- light fill; • ' , '' Music ami beauty'*” ire! ’ . Such wooing and wailing, such laughter ' and railing! Such mingling uf pathos and Tire! 4k .L.l^E\M>gwU,, Goderich. Town Parliament. —Council inm Monday night. Ftnaive commit tee’s report for June was passed---ree-*in---- . mending paVin -nt of usual, salarie-, and $433 32 for wrrk on street- and sidewalks,"Sind $18.0.0 for. work in ceui<?.tery,ete ,total.$580' 12 Receipt- from ncile.s $16 95, jfi ni b ll $22 03 A. H. Manning, Cliairnnin. Tre es ukh ’s report, sljiwrd’r« teipts .fio.m daily, to julv’i-t $5 743.34-. Bal aileron liaml $791 27 ■ N. Rob.-on, Treasurer. Street Commit iev-s • re port expended up-to July 1st $p01. 00, leaving balance to credit <7T com- niitlee $399.00 which is considered ample.-, for wTtrk cpntemplated... iTIms.-Cooperj-Glmirinaii.- -rP-etri-tioii-- of Jas. Fair jr. and others to form a hose reel company whs received and referred to-Firp and Water Com D. Caiitelon' au<f II. W. Cooke.were granted the usual street privi'eges while buildihg'o.i Albert and Prm cess Sts. Mr. Searle personally no titled the Comcii that unless the Council covered . the drain on Prin ces* and Orange Sts. which prevents access to his property he will resort to legdl process to compel said'liody - to keep said highways in proper re pair. H- B-.Proudfoot wur confirm ed as town engineer. Street water ing contractor was f>>und'fault with for not distributing more water. A Life OnTiIe Ocean Wave.—■ Better still is a life on our inland lakes and rivers; And-as will Up’" seen hy advertisment elsewhere tb'e. steamer Oconto wid be a very’ goo'd "ineiliUm'TliTouglPyv^ life. Tllri fare is so-low that to take a trip on her will He about as cheap as staying at home. The Oconto will leave Goderich every Thursday and every Sunday during the season. .j0gpU.GL- W^...McGregor, .commands _ her, than wliom'no more experienced or .Hafe manner sails the- lakes, and sure we ate, from a life long ac qnaintance with l)im no more court eous or accomodating gentleman.' Oti’f to« JlHiiiai) Mr. Gliisgow,"as' we men tinned last year, took a trip with ■ Capt.-M-Gregorramhnpriirliiw rrtwiir reported to ns that it Was just likt being at home so far as regards the comforts of domesticity were con *ci’Hipdv“w4H le-t lie—natmM—rcmihev. ami the pretty, improved towns an<i cities seen, an'd the pufe bracing air enjoyed wan worth ten times the Cost of the trip. This year the fare.- have been considerably lowered. One week;.on hoard- the»Oeonto.in cluding rneulsand berths, costs only $10' Writ** or cfill on the agent. Oapt, T. N. 'Dailcey, Goderich. Trifles.—Rev.' Mr. Rupert the new pastor of Rtittenbury.St. Meth odi*t Church was given a reception st Dr. Williams lapt Thursday even ing—Lawyer Seager was in town last Friday, lie did not look kinder, sorter stipend awry In fact w.e might not be a-tray in saying I ha: he was looking up a stipend strnigh , He would make a good stipendia y ma'istrute if such An unt’alled for "ificiil is lobe thrust upon the ♦co tott—‘Principal Lough 0* the Model Sei00I went Ruston Moh'day to stobd a portion of the holidays— Mr»,T*fo< Rnwler ot Galt was in totvn/'ti J*uly Isl and refl)ainc<rOver Until Tlitirsdav, One of the objects ^1*4$ &•* ar *3*♦ 4 - f.... 1 • - A■I in town, tha fruit tjryfH on wlilvhli hnd "phu informed ware wautooly destroyed— Eggazactly bo Haiti a fri mi as he took the tape line from a sample of hen fruit and then tons inUed, “just eight it.cl.eH hy nix and one bftif iiu'litm”— At Tliomeou’H grocery might hav*, been been ou Friday last a strawberry measuring nine inches in circumference hiiiI weighing two ounces. It wax grown by Mr. Cal hick < f Holmesville.— Capt McGregor was in town ‘billing’ it in the interentH of his steamer ‘Oconto,’ last week, and JR (jump bell wuh doing like good officeH for the ‘Saginaw Valley," for which Mr. W* Lee in the Uoderich agent—A reception to Rev. Mr. Sparing in ItHHenieiit <)f Ontario St. Mcthodint church Tue-duv evening, Mr Stevens preached in the church oil Sunday morning last and Mr. S YateH in the evening—Postponed garden party at the Rectory Tuesda v iiiithl—Rev Mr. Rupert.will occupy Mr. Whitefiead’a building opposite ilie residvine of Mr. Corbett—76 applicants for teacher's certifjvaie write here, tins week and next—Tie drain along Princess St. from c'lheri opposite Fair's mill is quite an im proventent—Mrs Perry has gone on a visit to the maritime provinces— Dr. Ed. Holmes lias returned from the region of lake Nipiasing and wilt ruralize at the old homestead a Holmesville—Mr. Geo'. Leyagoml ha’, leased premises on High S'., ami will remove thither shoitly. A Tree Imbroglio.—The case of the mutilating a tree by an amateur mu tilator°which we casually relerred to last week is assuming an importance which the actual value of the damag es involved would hardly seem to warrant. As the merits of the case are feeing freely discussed about town itrciay be as well that we should place our read »rs in possession of the Facts of the case as succinctly as w.e can, Mr. Titos. Fowler, now of Galt, owns a property on the south side of Rat tenbury St., which is leased‘and oc cupied by Dr. Blackall, our popular “vet.’J On this property there are;a number of Iruit trees of vigorous growth, and generous umbritgeou- ness Of all the trees on the proper ty the one most prized by the owner as well as by the tenant is an apple tree growiug near ’he line fence separating this property from that of Mr. S. Davis adjoining. There is not.hing mean about this apple tree. It might have confined its extending arms to the property on .which it stobd and from which the parent stem has received its nurture ever since the- original prarirefj"M'r.Daahe; mfiny-vears ago, in its weak and pul-' ing infancy, entrusted, its pap seek* ing rootletB to the mellow soil, but if would not deform itself if-even in its attempt to preserve its symmetrical, pjopoitio'ns it should make glad the heart of the owner of the neighboring property. The consequence has been that the tree-flourished and grew in lavor with every iover of the .beliuti ful in leafy nature, and it waxed ex*, ceedingly strong apd,‘became fruitful ami afforded’ a liberal supply ol luscious apples to the owner Of the . property OU which- it stands ' The gracefully extending arms that pro jeetgd over the • adjmning property also made glad the hearts of the oc •copiers thereof. Alas tor the iaiehrl"' apple tree, thy fruit .lii'st-. templed our first parents and so brought sin anil'discord ami envy and^strile and all manner of unchaiitalreness’ ,nto a hitherto pleasant .p;ar>idise../1’hy accursed taint of 'piyciihWug.\eVfl seems by the inflexible law's o. bered ;ity-to have-pas8ed’<lown-the inng line of ages-and been-tri'ansmitted. |bo thy offspi ing ol even ibis day and gener ation. O rosy cheek’d;.apples with , t'ich and vai.ir.coloied coats glistening in the sun; and the memory of thy tart'sweetness still lingering in the p tlate I Wlat mbonligl t mara'uding hast "though been the l'em|. ter to? And as the pa/e surface of Luna has been veiled by passing clouds how many times and in- what numbers have thy victims appropriated thee regardless .ofthe laws of jnium and lullin'! Yes indeed and not content with thy conquests over impression uble youth thou must even at this late (toy-throw—thy-weird spell over those of maturer years. The mystic spell that we now refer to was th.it -which caused gome one to cut off sev eral feet of extending branches of the tree-referred to in the first part ol this o er true tale.. We believe the offence involved in mutilating the -tree would come witliin the provihee of a Stipendiary magistrate to sum mary deal with, this is stated ip pass- ing', as at least one case which might be relerred to in vindication o, the appointment of such ah official. As ■ tlie.-matter now stands it peetns noth ing .short of a series of chancery sui.ts can settle'.the issue involved.- It is held ~T>y some that a good case of; mayhem can be made out against ' tli'FWFtiWtQraw com" sistsfn “the deprivation of- some es, sen tial parts ’. But" the ' question* arises are lhe extremities of 'the branches of a tree essential parts, apd it so, essential parts of what ? Well, conceded that' they' 'are’\essential ' parts of the tree and,that their loss ‘ is an actual damage to the tree, ^.to whom should sUch damage be paid ? ' The owner of the property says he .is the owner Of the tree and that lie is the proper-party , to whom damages ; f<rdje"3hiidr ~TIFe 'teiian I dhjec ts< says he leased the property and ns the usufructuary in law he is the party to whom damages - should be. ■* ‘T)ahlV“ATid“Tiow-i3omes“th ft“pm>er~oF the adjoining properly .who insists that the de’stroyed brancliesot the tree was his by undis'puted and continu ous possession fora period of over . . tmr.yeiiMr.they haYjj)g.QyerL^pped.l_>is property during all that time. The , last named party refers to the follow- trig decision t-— - « > “A- Kentucky hen, while being driven out of a neighboring garden, let tall an egg while she was fliing to the top ol the fence, which the w'o- mnii who drove her out picked up 1 Arid made use of. A s nt being brought'in the low?r court to Recover I > the price of tile egg, it was decided against the.owner of he hen on the ground (hat “the egg 'being lave I on the promises of the defendant, it was her egg ’’ • • ( The plaintiff then took the case tip , to the court of append, .tnd the de* .eision of the lower conn waa prompt ly sod properly con'r ned, on the ground of eq itv, no nnt iae hei g t«k* i en of the technical objection, th t • “the hen did hot lay the egg, but r dropped it.’’ '*€ 4 GREAT DISCOUNT SALE TOB THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS, at DICKSON’S Book Store, oii.xisrr<->ixr.: On Pocket Books we will give a discount of 25 per cent-’-on Jewflry 25 per cent—on Silverware 16 per cent—on Miscellaneous Books 20 per cent—on Bibles, -ohl ryejsioy, 25 per cent—on Photo Albums 25 per eeut—on Autograph Albums 25 per cent—on TwHtaniente 25 per cunt—on Spectacle# 20 percent—ou Cups and Sauct-18 25' fief cent-** on Pipes 20 per cent—pn Vssch ami China Goods 25 per cent—on Violins and 25 per cent- ou Concertinas and Acrordeons 20 per cent—on Wall Papei; 2^ per ceut—• on Berlin Wools, Fingering Yarn, kc., 20 per cent—on D<y Books, JvurnaTfl, t;adgWs, &c, 10 per cent—oil Mouth Orgaus 20 per cent—on Baby Cai tiages 10 per ceur-mm Ladles' Hand Satchels 80 per cent—on Combs, Writing Detke and Workboxes ^20 l>ei cent—on Vilvet Frames aud Dolls 25 per cent—un Baskets IQ per cent—all other goods at proportionately low prices.-----Our entire stock, amounting tonwlv $15,000, must be red neo J t» $10.000 within the next 30 days, as we commence Stock-Taking ou the 1st August, and balance our books ou the 15th. Chris. Dickson, Clinton. J 1 ^ogHaaa(iwWW».-.H. ghafs.- ■ nm r i y.w. rrea**-*^* WHEN VISITING THE HUB OF HURON CALL AT HWjq in favor of his being the party act. ually sustaining the damage. It will beTfeolb’Cted that Btdlutn’s ox ran away and jumped aboard of Bomem'a flat boat moored'at tlie rivtr. The boat, by the sudd n impetus given it by the accession of its four footed passenger, broke loose. Boat and ox were both lost. Boatem claimed damages from BuTlum for the lo^s of bis boat, and Bulfom claimed'dumag. es from Boatem for the loss of his ox. The Supreme Court decided that Boatem was the injured party, as Jiad not Bullum's ox taken unlicensed possession ot his boat she would have remained moor'd, although the wor thy j dge admitted that ifrit had not been that Boatem’s boat was access ible to Bullum’s ox the animal would have taken to the water and would likely have.swam to' the opposite shore instead of sailing down to the .open sea and getting drowned. Now then, says thejpwnerof lhe tree, if the owner of the adjoining property had so fenced&^p / 'is. kigh fence the branches ot this tree could not have extended over his property a id they could not have been cut off f r so overlapping. In fact the owner of lhe tree is understood to have beep advised that if he cannot ‘find the mutilator of his tree that lie will have cause - ot action against-tliet ow ner of the adjoining property on whose premises the damage to .his tree was done. Of c.ourse’the owner of the said adjoining property would ’lfave redress against the mutilator, when found, and compel him to re coup him for any damages he might be mulct’d in hy the proprietor ot the . tree. An effort is being made by the, friends of all partiesa$to have what promises to be an interminable case, . a. very Jam iyce vs Jarndvce, settled without recourse to legal proceedings. As nearly all the parties are neigh bors, it-is to be hoped that:, mutual friends will use their good offices to ward preventing the lawyers from .plucking'them all. GiHlerlch Township. . Methodism, Turn penance and Torv- ism are rampart in Q » town* ship, an I ail three are dmtimt Jf'iHo our goo I Grit frieu<la. “Ilaud yer whisht ” ’ A five year old lad .of Wip. Currie’s of the 7th atraved away from lidlne one day last week. Aker creating commotion among tlie neighbors and anxiety to parents the lad was t'ouud about five miles from his home. GONSIHIPIION CDKLD An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in bis hands by an' East India jrnissionatv the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy am| permanent cure of Consumj iioii, ' Bronchitis, Catarrh, . Asthma and ■ all throat and Lung Affections, also a. pos itive and radical cure-for Nervous Debility and all Nervous-Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative power.? irj 'thbusanils of cases’,’ ha9 felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a tjesire to relieve Human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all “who desire it, this re cipe, iif German, French or English, with lull directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W» A.. Noyes, 149 Power’s Block, Rochester, N. Y. 31 l-lv-.e.o.w. MARKET REPORTS.. (Corrected every Tuosday afternoon CLINTON. • ‘ Flour, • - • Fall Wheat, .Spring Wheat, * • Birloy Oita, " * • ‘ Peas, Apples, (whiter) per bbl. Potatoes,- < Putter liifgs, . • . • ’ Hay, . - • Pork" ' . - Cordwood, Beet . Wool • , • ... to to to to to to to to The Great Dry-Goods Palace. We keep the Largest and Best Selected Stock in the County, and carry on ALL the Branches of the Dry-Goods Tradei , Millinery, Mantle-Making, Dress-Making, And TAILORING. Tor summer weather we are showing a very full selection of White Lawns, White Prs; White Spot Muslins, Colored Muslins, Colored Lawns. Embroideries and^Laces.—Lace Parasols, Silk Parasols, Cotton Parasols and Umbrellas.—Men’s and Boy’s Rubber Coats, Ladies* Rubber Circulars. Highest Pric9 for Butter and Eggs. Fiva per cent, off for Cash. esweTate j HODGENS, w... DRY-GOODS PALACES J. CALLANDER, MANAGER. TO THE FRONT! r I •9 WHOLESALE .AND RETAIL DFALERS IN Teas, Coffees, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, aa’TC./ KTC., just received, a Case of handsome UNDERCLOTHING^ • Richly Trimmed with Torchoij. Laces, ¥23 CHEAP SEE THEM. ' I- -----ALSO .A BIG^BIVE IN— Rubber Circulars. Tremendous V alue, Although Sugars have advanced ljc per lb , we are still Selling 20 ibs. good Raw Sugar for $1 A CAR LOAD of Refl led Sugars on the way fyora Refinery , at Cornier Prices- Also a heavy shipment to hand of our H a m o u s T E A. S ! Give us a call and be convinced, as we are bound to sell at closest prices* KPSamples of our Famous Teas sent to any address with pleasure. S’eavle’s New.Block T m JI O Sign of tho.China. T Cnnnlster, I j J I IlTilTl I I fUj CjDopposite the Market. ' .- V •- U.AAAAA UU XJKJ'j ALBERT STREET, CLINTON, .( GREAT CASH STORE. \ Tlh't vou can- ot afford to buy a- ■"'IVyT'ORTG AGE S A LE.—Under'wwer LYJL of Sale in .Mortgage, made by’. NINON . B 'LGER to the Venders, there will b'e t.ff<trcd. for side b.t Public auction, at the Rattenbury 'Rote’, in the TOWN-"OF—tjIN-i’ttN; on SATURDAY, the 11 tli day of Jiity, 1885, it 12 o’clock, noon, lot nuinoer Five, ■ In the Hagyard Survey of the Vi+higeof-Fionttesboriiiigli, ' in the county of Huron, Immediate possession' win be givon. Terms Cash, Th6 Vendors re serve tlie right of on.e bld.- Further particulars maybe had oh application to DENT HODGE, .' a Vendor’s- Solicitors. Mitchell, June 27th, 1885.' 846 : A French Canadian Minister’s .Views. 'Semf* F e»cb Canadium met recently ’nt Full"River, Miir-SBchmsets, and pass d a seriea.of t’e-obiiions <if sympoliy wii.li Louis- Itiisl ajid the b'ulf-breeds <>f ibe Nori Invest . A "c n'<y t>f rliese was nerit to -die_ILni. Mr.. Chupieati, and-tlmt bon. . g-oitl man replied in the following ij,d- luirab’S letter: “Gtnile..ien,—I have received-by mail- a cop ot resolutions wi ich uppear to ave. been passe.l at. e -im'ietiug <d French Cnnudiuns at F ll River, Mass, m-ld in ijhat city on the 24ib of Max, :• 8*5. . “Your two s’gna'mres. ns president and becrl nn-y of Hie lissern'bi.v, appearing at t he bottom of tlii- document, 1 presnm you have .suit them to me, and' 1 busieii to iiifuriu you — . 1 ‘‘.lst.. That being . a member of the G verrment. <>t Gannda. I cannot accepi these rt-solu'i ms, which are'ati uiju? C'’ n<h-.muaii >u dT the ac'ion ot j.h»- G v eriimeot ■‘2nd That as a ci'izen of Canada i can only condemn at|d;dt‘iionuc«‘ >becoir'- duci of -those who have taken up >nm against us, and -who are responsible t--r the murders and other ci-jmes'whicti have been committed ou Uauadia.ii territory , . “Bid-; That the rdleeations-coiitained in the^resoiutims yon brve-passedr-are’ iD'X-ict, and that you baiitbe n misin fo med on the aubj ct ot these unhappy occurrences; “If the'half-breeds had sertoua griev ances against the Can.idiun Governtxieni the ordinary channel of petition wa« <Hien to them as Oto all free citizens. They did nqt avail themselves ol it. • "If tbeir petitions were mi; l fitetied m by the Government, they had the rigli •a free ci izens, to enter upon a com-, .stitutionai agitation 'arid' ufFiMnce their ■friends in parliament to make known, their grievances, their ‘ abaudo mtm, iheir piotest at ions. They did not do thts. They knew that they bad devo ed friends in the Privv Council, in tlie Uou-e.’in the presA: they did not appear to ’apply to them, nor for. support. In this respect Loui* Riel was name respon- iib e than the o.tiers, b cause, more than uny one else helhad been the object of Un active, sj mpatliy Of oWliicb he"knew weTI lhe value. ' J'Loiiia Riel was the anther of the in- • 8ureeiiuo;Jji,wiis he who wished to satisfy , ...JWax^'LyARi’X. by,, gj yJag „tq,; thjjg rigj ngi * 'an:'bflicIar^Fafacter^—rnmselFWectTng the m' venient.. • •‘it is.not correct that Riel has refused to join wiill the Indians,and that lhe effu sion of blood has thus been prevented On lhe contrary, he succeeded in arous ing the m*st credulous amour the In dians; lie endeavored to caus’e a fevoit among the most:"rjemn'i'e"trll»e8, and even’ tribes subject t‘> Amertcnn control; and if the br.aves of Polindmuker were unable to join the rebels before the engngeirieni nt Biitoche,<it was not on Account of the intervention of IU"I, but rather of the d ige^ce of ihe general commanding our. troops Poithdinfiker and his braves ,. w_ re .to.'; hit vc j JthO-Ji pectaL -jrqnest of lhe latter. .. "Lqu;8 Riei has but. one excuse for the c ime- bfr^wbich he h s heen the cause; 1 is the hbiuta. for Which he suffers- H- is a d i iigei oiis brn/rfc, ptie of tlKKe dis— ».utcteiT eTTis 1 o''w7imn*renglbni' ariiTinw" , are as' nothing when their pride is In. plav. W hat hi* lias d me is ivfon.v wh.ch even pity cannot excuse and whic” the laW shou d vi.-it with the'Satae sev rity as wqnld he visited ‘upon A malicious' ‘Meanwhile he pleased to excuse the fi1’ nknesi of my reply In 1S74 ij fbw to the aid of <he half-breeds wh< n the r cliitfs, Riel, Llpiiie. and others wero iti Ibe hands of the law. I would have been glad again to have b’C<me iheir ndvoca’e, ami to press their claims ‘Do not say th t my dn'y as a minister wis toprote.'t ’hem. N thing was p'es nted t<» the Council ou their par' rt(piling , the special action of their- f’ien s nd I timber Iti-1 or anv of tlie lia.fhieeds j evi" fl ntm» a petition o> even a simple h-'icr asking mu io pioteci and defend them. " I'hat these half- breeds were dec ‘Ivedi that there Are among these brave meh f more Intprudenc. t'a’ of mallee I really be t w, an yntir t ff irts m <y he dl ec'ed in (hie Sen e. As th the leader he deaemfl n<» gymivohy, excent that which at iiiches to 'lie mhery of a man who has committed a great crime Which he tfud Buffer the Just punishment I "Ah.eiit, gentlemen, the etitprABsfon uf .. . . .. .. GRAND PLEASURE EXCURSIONS : ■' ’ : -FROM- GODERICH Evary Sunday Evg. at 8 o’clock, On the Commodious Steamer ’ OCONTO, G: W- iiacGREGtHL Master. To Detrolt and return, to uning at Sand Bea h,' Port Hope, l'..rt Aiiotin, I:hv«h; Fureiivi e,' ex ngton, .S.inil.u:, mid all River St. Clair ports, for the rouiid.trjp. — OrONIi WEEK o.i boai-rl, including meals and tmrtns, '• CO^lSr’^CTIOTST’S’ -• Mide-at-s-uiU Heat-n with the LJurt Hufoii & North we, ein. Kaiiw.iy ful- eaginaw uiid incurinudiate stati iis. . ’ . • Also ivith the Cleveland Nuvi.*-.itiQn Cy.'s bon tv •for O-e da, Hnrii.-vii'.e, Upeiia’,'. Ihigorif City, Mackinac, Chebo.mau ,uid st. lghacu,. and-all La .us..pen r ports. And.at l.’etroit wth all railroads aiid Cfe'ycldnd Ssu.un Navigation Co.'s boats for CltiVemOd. it^Good Dancing Music on Board. - ' T. N. DANP^Y. Agent at Gutjericli. ----- 346 tf ., *.July 2nd, 1885. JAA. FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS SPRING SUIT: -----‘Just call on—— O. C. RANCE, AT THE HOB CLOTHING HOUSE, Jt- . ’ ’ •ind bn will make the nrices t«'» reach every pocket. • See the NOBBY PANTIN :S,SPRING oVEdOn A TINGS ami • UITINGS . .An aLL^WOOL TWEED SUfT FOR $12. Perfect atisfactioii ^iven. G. C. ZR ^TSTCIHL------- Tho.Hub ()1 thing.House, CLINTON, ONT» r I* JES 31JSM 13 l<2Ifc GREAT:-: SALE!FINE TAILORING ! • / Saginaw, ., Bay City^' Gbd'erioh, Detroit ~ and" Oleveland. Season Arrangement ......... The oiegant and commodious eteanjcr-- -....• • SAGINAW .VALLEY WM. ROACH; MASTER, Will run during the season of navigation as. ' follows: LEAVE GODERICH Every THURSDAY at 1 o’clock p. m, .for Bay City and. Saginaw, calling at Sand Beach, Port Hope and Tawas, 'making ’Connections at San'd'Beach with West Shore boats for Rogor City, Shqbo.i gan, Mackinac Island and St. Ignace, • and at Bay City with steamers for Harrisburg.. Oscoda and Alpena, ’ returning to Goderich oh- jhinday. ’’ " .. . j Leave Goderich every Sunday at12 o’clock, noon, for Port Huron, betroit and Cleveland, returning to Goderich oh'Thursday. This route Will bo continued during tho season of navigation, . ■■. - —r.—«,■— occun.iing 8 ilajs, Will bo issued.for in cluding thoals and berths.,, ■ ' . . For rates of freight and passage apply to WM. LEE, . Agent at Goderich. * P. 8.—The "Saginaw Valley” may^hd had for short excursions on the lake any THURSDAY' AFTERNOON by special arrangement. 345 ■' ~Dry-Qoods.S'tdre.'’ -The Cheapest Goods euer offered in the Town of Clinton. . • ( ; Less Than Bankrupt Priees ! I S COME EARLY AND SECURE BARGAINS. i ~ TTr" are "ee*n<? ” 9°b6y La n d examine——— A stock:’ Rutter. Apply lit' ilunie- lon Bros. Gt'j/cery......... z>. c.iyrgr.o^’. SHORTHORN BULL CALVES For sale. First-class Pedigree’, which will bo Sent nn app'ication.—W. J, BIGGINS, Elmhurst “Farinf-C]lntnrFP.O.pOnt;i^7-:--““i--812j«,44’“-^- ‘Ijl.OK.Salo by/hrllng anil. .P.lpnlpg, Clinton. I1 Tad-drudgery of ordinary hand ehorr-h’g avoided by securing one of the CtnirHer'S Friends They aroehoii)anil durable. Seo OAKLING & PINNING 837-tf . Clinton. ’“K.. r -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- FancyGbods —— AND-2—>-'• ' STATIONERY MR. W. COOPER ilMOponcd a store tn tliO above line 1n Weir's ’ late eland HBIVEIt BLOfTL CLljh’OX. New Goods, small profits and qnlek returns. A call respect folly tmhciteil. , tSL The business will be managed by Mfse’ (JoopOT. | \URliAM Bl'Lu Fort y.JftYW<C.-A 1 ILLS ISM FULL OPERATION..J D . .... ---------O---b — o—---------- Manufacturing in -All Branches Attended- to. *r—Have always bh hind n—■» “S..., TWEEDS Flannels, Blankets, Yarns etc., «S~ CHEAP FOP CASH, OH IN EXCHANGE FOR WOOL. E. CORBETT, i Manager 5 Clinton, May lQth, v ’ .- -I — < M. FISCHER, / ■■■ * - smith’s BLOCK, ...•-.. .CLINTON^ ONT, „ The correct place for perfect fitting garments at closest <judtatiop6. ’ ' """ : Fit, Workmanship, Style Assured . I ,z uaJjuaBum i IMPORTANT Asma In^turning tlu-nkg tn my many^fihn<lgYnnd .jjiUrontijfor..rnfit. I .wouh^.- \ TTEc Ib-cair tlieTr ipedarattentiohi to‘"ihy"yeTy-oprn-plste stuck bf ” HARNESS, WHIPS, GURRY COMBS, BRUSHES, ETC., ETC/ ' Speeial attention is differ'ted to my stock of I :-:S.INGLE"HARNESS:-: It will be found very complete, nnd for durability and finish cannot be excelled hv I any one. As 1 employ hone bu the best wr rkmuti,- and use tlie best material io lit) I bought in the market,, ull who hmy f ivnr the with their patronage txm$ feei confident I ■ , of getting SHtiSfuttioh.- . ,- I at^PRICEiS. AWAY DOWN. I Trunks <ind Valises in great variety and Prices Low. GEORGE A -S tf Just received from j.uakcr6» . 3AVSS CABPJJIS. - H» Diutinj Neeessary. JOB PRINTING ■tonritii 11 it i A *