HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-4-23, Page 40,5xettr brorate. SANDERS & SWEET, Props. TIILTRSDA.1 , APR, 28rd, 1891. Communication. DEAR Sup -a -The Bethesda corms - pendent, while very good at pieicieg up news three or fonr weeks old, is also yery good at tuatiing 'upfalse stories which are very eleverly contrived, arid shos% ing. an intellectual genius siu passed by fes ana containing eoine -very bitter sarcasm. One of these ap peered in last week's ADVOCATE, and ;le some emsuspecting people may be led astray, I take this opportunity of torrecting his mistake. The item about a house and is tenant was 1. gross lie, manafactured by the corres- pondent while the letter part of the itetn has been ,seaffed into hie other- wiee silence's- head, and. thinkiog it trutp was sorely grieved at not being - invited as he was on another oveasion ' of the Saint kind which occurred in. the neighborhood. Never mind thia time, your time wid come when they eall in the poor; the weak, the maimed, and the blind, In the Meitatime keep on withyour soap making' business, for a few Weeks at least, until you have a sufficient vanity, then call in a few of your friends who will be only tab glad to help rub off a few of those Targe spots which adorn your charact er. I remain your Sexcwitp FRIEND. MOGillivray °mina Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment in Town Hall, 6th April, 1891. Present W. L. Corbett, Reeve, G. T. Johnson and J. D, Dramenond Deputy Reeves, T.Prest and E. Morgan Coun- cillors. Minutes of last meeting read, approved of etre' signed. J. D. Drummond—T. Pres—That By Law No. 1, of 1891 rearranging the several Polling. Subdivisions of this Township as read. a first and second time be now read a third time and passed:—Carried. T. Prest—E. Morgan—That this Council do lierel3y instrnct the Towm- ship Engineer to meet them at John Reid's ditch on the Sth toncession, to investigate as to his water course grievance on Monday the Sth day of April at one o'clock p. m:—Carried. J.D. Drummond—T. Prost—That G. T. Johnson and the Clerk are hereby coramisSioned to have the Parkhill road for two hundred rods south of Schap' House cut off on sides of road- way and rounded in a proper state for gravel:—Carried. G. T. Johnston—E. Morgan—That on the first Monday ia May in the Town Hall at two o'clock p. m. the contracts for repairing main gravel road be let, to be completed by the first of August, contractors be required to give bonds and security for fulfilment of contract: —Carried. E. Morgan—G. T. Jolmston—That .thefollowing naroed individuals be paid the several amounts as set forth, viz:— J. Darrach, printing account, $10.00; Insuring Town Hall, $6.00; G.Mathers, plank and rep. bridge West Williams, town line, McGillivray portion, $2.05; J. Corbett oyerseeing, gravelling on N. B. in 1890, $5. 50; J. D. Drummond, overseeing' the repairing of blaek bridge, 81700; J. Brown hauling stone and navel for road near Ailsa Craig, $1,00s; G. Brown, tile across road E. Williams town line, paid in full, 70c.; T. A, Baynton, stove wood for Town Hall, 83.00; R. H. Paterson, bent for black bridge, $15.00; W. L. Corbett, attending County Council, cornaiittee rebuilding of bridges, $4.10; R Hardy shovelling snow at Watson's jog main gravel road, 50c:—Carried. G. T. Johnson—E. Morgan --That this Connell adjourn to meet in the Town Hall, the Bret Monday in May, at nine o'clock a, m., when Patlimas. tars witl be appoieteck—Carried Special meeting of the McGillivray Council held on he 8th day of April, 1891, to takeintoconsicleration the wet er course grievance of John Reid. All the members present. G. T. Johnson—J, D. Drummond— 'That the claims for damages made by John Reid against this Corporation for alleged ne.grect to repair ditch accord ing to atvard made by the Township Engineer on behalf of William. Reid and others dated 3.rd November 1838, be not entertained, as this Council with the Township Engineer, having examined said diteh, do not consider the Corporation liable for damages, and in preference to a law suit accept fhe proposal of John Reid's Solicitor to submit the case to arbitration, and the Clerk is hereby instructed to draft a By -Law appointing. Simon McLeod Arbitrator on behalf of this Corporat- Ion, and to notify Mr. AfeTaviela J. Reid's Solicitor, of the action taken:— Carried, Prest—E. Morgan—That By•Law Mo. 2, of 1891, appointing Simon Me- 1.4eod, Arbitrator to act on behalf of this Corporation on the Reid water course dispute, as read a first and see- ona time, be now read a third time and passede—Carried Wm. FRASER., Tp. Clerk. ^ The SprinF Assizes; This court was opened on Monday last week at Goderiela beforeHis Lord- ahip Mr. Justice Falcenbridge, Mr. W. Lount, Q. 0, appearing to eonduct the Crown business. In addressing the Grand Jury His Lordship expressed regret that the crim ealender, while not large contain- ed several w.tses of the highest ma„,eni- tude, inc'udieg a charge of murder, one of rape, forgeryslareeny, nd fsIse pretences, These mimes 'he defined very clearly, and the du ties of the GaanclJttry in eonsidering the chareps which wonld be submitted to them, Their duties would also include an he speetion of any buildings sustaioed ni whole or in part by the public funds THE. CIVIL CALENDAR. consisted 15 cases, five of which were non -jury cases. Hanna vs Atteheson, an action to determine the boundaries of land in MeKillop. Mr. Cameron fur the pllt, asked to postpone the trial on the ground of the absence of a witness in Nebraska, but upon the objection of Mr, Garrow for the defence His Lord- ship decided to disponee with the ,jury and hear the ease himself as far as he could. Bryce vs. Loutit el al. was an action for damage to lands,defts being Tps. of Turnberry aud Culross. By consent of the parties His Lordship referred the questioes herein for enquiry and re- port to Judge Toms, as special referee, Ce'arrow & Proudfoot fur Off, Cameron & Holt and IL P. O'Connor for clefts. Audrews vs. Pugsley, was two act- ions on Promissory notes, and by con sent judgpment was given for plif. for $765 and 8735 respectively, Air. Holt for piff, 11„ C. Hayes for deft. MeKenzie vs, Quitmewas an action to determine the boundaries of land in the Tp. of Ashfield. This ease, which arose out of a dispute as to a line fence last- ed all Tuesday, although the value of the land in dispute was something less than $50. His Lordship reserved judg. ment. Beatty vs. Holmes. An action for li- bel brought against the publisher of the Clinton New Elea for the publicat- ion of a letter purporting to give an account of a trial before Josiah B. Se cord, J. P., at Varna, in October last, in which plff. Beatty was charged with indecent exposure, abuseive language and assult on one Mrs. Lewis Wiegand The evidence "showed that the maebas- trate tried the whole of the charges on one information, and fined Beatty .95 and costs, but the chief question at is- sue now was whether he announced that he imposed the fine for one or all of the alleged offences. His own evi- dence, while not very positive,was that he publicly announced the Bile to be for the charge of assult only, and that he dismissed the other charges,and this was in some measure supported by plff's witnesses; but deft's witnesses agreed throughout that the magistrate said nothing about the charges separately, but OA he "fined Beatty $5 and costs, and that he thought that this would be satisfactory to all parties." Judged by the evidence here the J. P.'s court was a sort of a freeatnebeasy affair, Beatty calling one of the leavers a sap -head without any objection by the couraand the general order of the court being anything but dignified. The letter in the New Era Said Beatty was fined for indecent exposure, and hence the suit for libel. Editor Homes refused to give the name of the correspondent, but al- lowed Beatty, or some one for him, to publish a denial of the report given, but this did not satifsy Beatty, who finally brought this action. The case here lasted all of Wednesday, and the first hour of Thursday ome 20 wit s nesses being examined altogether. The venerable J. P. in his evideuce testified that for a counter charge brought against Wiegand and his wife for abusive language he had decided in his -mini to impose a fine of $10, And was going to commit Wiegand to the county jail for defaulawhen some days after he was told by lawyer Manning of Clinton, that he might get into trou- ble, as the Whole of the in were irregular and in bad form as to the requirements of the law. There- upon he ordered tha release of Wiegand, and paid pack the $5 fine to Beatty, so as to even up all around. Manning, he said, "told me I had better squash it, and I squashed the whole business.' This remark caused general laughter, in which His Lordship and the legal gentlemen all joined most heartily. After en hour's deliberation the jury returned a verdict for $1 damages, and His Lordship directed that judgement be entered for plff. for that sum andfull costs of suit. Lount, Q. 0, and A. H. Ball for pa; Cameron Q. C., and Scott for deft. Jackson vs. Huron and Middlesex Fire Ins. Co. An action On all insur- ance policy. Judgement was entered in terms of consent. Garrow Q. 0, fur plff.; Holt for deft. McLean vs. Vidal ez, al. An action on an agreement and for an account. Referred by consent to the Master in Chancery to report. Holt for plff. On Wednesday all tne prisoners were brought into court. By advice of his councel, Mr. Garrow, the prisoner Rob- inson pleaded. guilt3r, but all the others pleaded not guilty. The trial of Donald AjeKinnon for murder began on Thurday morning and lasted all day. Public interest in this case, was increased by the fact that the prisoner, after hearing that the grand jury had returned a true bill, again attempted suicide by stabince himself with a piece of wire, which he had picked up around the jail, When Jailor Dickson's attention was drawn to him he found that AleKinnon had made three attempts to pierce himself ia the neighborhood of the heart, and the wire was imbedded quite a piece in the third wound, ' Whee the witness for the prosee,ution had been examined. Mr, Garrow, for the defence, object t\ the admission of the anteenortem statement of Airs. Mc- Kinnon and after hearing the argu- ments of conned. His Lordship took the question into consideration and ad- journed the court, nntil 7.80 When the court reassembled His Lordship, addresseng the jury, said the obly evidence on which they could be asked to Convict the prisoner was the dying' declaration of Mrs. McKinnon, Thi8 he had admitted with some doubt, but he now felt that he would not be justified fe asking them to lind a yet- diet of guilty, Even if he allowed the jury to consider this statement it would haye bee» so guarded with reservat- ion as to leaye no room but to find, a verdict of not guilty. He doubted if the deceased. realized her situatioa and what she was saying at the time, and he felt it to be his duty to withdraw the case from the jury,and direct them to return a virdict of not guilty. This was accordingly done. On the charge of attempt at suicide the prisoner pleaded guilty, and His Lordship sentenced him to 4 mos in the common jf.til. In the Queen ve..Hefferman,for escap ing from the custody of a constable the prisoner pleaded guilty. When the charge of. cattle Stealin,g was ca.11ed, Mr. Lount, for the crown, stated that as the chief witness, Jas Reith, who owned the cattle in question,had left the coun- try, he would offer no evidence in the case, and His Lordship directed the jury to return a vervict of not guilty. Heileman was then sentenced, to two weeks in jail for escaping' from the consetble, and the court adjourned ma 111 Friday morning'. The following. is the, GRANR D JURY PRESENTMENT COUNTY 01:' FIURON, 1 The Juror$ for To War, our Lady the Queen beg leave to present that they have examined the jail; and find the folle*ing peisoners: At present Nre hkive Si,V0011 prisoners in jail, thirteeo metes and. three femaless. Of the inaleafour are vagrants, the::youngest is sixty.- tWo and the Oldest is eighty-two years of age; all of -them are totally unfit, to earn a living. They are all ,nnder sentence, Three are insane, and have all heat reported, and are now await- ing retrieval to the asylum. One is charged with murder, ono with toigery one With assult With intent .to rajee,one with larceny—theSe four aee :awaiting trial. The three females irre:.all- coin- mitted as VargantS •ages. "fifty-seyen, seventy-three and eighty.orm. One ;of them, Mary Brady,is weak:minded and totally Unfit to take care of hernia She his no friends as far as we know She is DOW under sentence for. six months, and it makes the nineth tirne that ,She has been .dOminited to jail and this work of redomitting will continue not- Only with her but with several others at nresent in jail until death claims them, at least such IS their prospect at, preseait The other two females. are under sent.: ence. We examined every portion of the jail and found.the same clean aod in good:order. We also examined all the prisoners as to their treatment, by the jailer and:his aesistaiite, and:all were. well satisfied witiatheir treatment 'and food provided:for themn ' We thank the crown .counceli Mr. Lbunt, and Mr. Lewis, the crown attor- ney, for their courteous assistance and advice, : Alleof which is respectfully enbmitted. Jonet GitranN, Foreman, April 16th, 1891. - Betheseda. Bob is proud of his boy. It was with muph regret we heard of the death of Miss Willis, of Dungan- non. Mr. Chas. Ila,rvey has purchased a *ell -bred bull of Mr. Thomas Russell, of the Riverside Farm. One of our young men has left the farm to live in town. Guess his feet were too large to follow the plough, We would like your Bethesda corres- pondent in last week's issue to either prove the statement that a certain tenant had to leave on two days' not- ice or acknowledge in his next com- munication that it is a deliberat false- hood. We did not think he had. any time at his disposal to corresponi, is he has two corners and a farm to man- age. But after all, judging from the size of his head, he ought to be cap able of doing a great deal more than he does. He does not seem to like the idea of the young gentleman paying his attentions to a young lady in Exe- ter. No doubt he would be glad i:o See someone paying attentions to some of the old rintids in his own neighbor. hood. Orediton Spring Show, The Crediton Spring Show was held on Friday; April 17th, The weather was nOt as favorable, as was desired, nevertheless their was a large gather- ing of people and a good show of Hors- es. The following are the prizes as awarded by the Judg,esr AGED CLYDES- DALE Sraaraoer.—"Pride of Glassnick" lst, Owner G. Martin; 2nd, "Clear the Way", owner Chas. Wolf; 3r1, "New Hall", owner George Coward. 3 vomits OLD.—"Bonnie Laddie" lst owner Wesley Snell. ' SurnE.—:"Success" lst Dow and Wil- lis Brothees, - Roansgna.—"Sir Bonner" lst, owner Thos. Bissett; "Highland Messenger" 2nd George Hughes ; "Book Maker" 3rd Armstrong & Tennant. , CARRIAGE.— "General Grant" lst Wilfred. Reyington;"Almont Medician" 2nd, G-eorge Grafton; "Lord Zealand" 8rd, Joseph Pumphrey. Sntoraes.—Beat Clydesdale or Shire Horse was awarded to "Simple JOhney" owned by Patriek Curtain. Best liOad- ster Carriage or Blood Horse was a- warded to "Book Maker" owned , by Armstrong and Tenant. BULLS. Ac,ED Piantreunea—'‘Prince Canadi- an" ,o wn ed Mtn, Morlock 1st, 14 YEARS OLD.—"Prince of Stephen' owned. by Gottleib Aorlock 1St. 10 MoNTIIS ore—"Royal Cressida owned by John Rem.' lst, June/ie.—Simon Campbell, William Bakcr and VVilliane Stevens, Hntrav Enenna, Sceretary, iFor Sale.. eosleetee residence in Exeter Nerth, new frame house, one-liftlis acre Qf land. The house was ereeted in Vida. Good terms to purchaser. Apply at this office. 145-t EXECUTORS' NOTICE. In the matter of the Estate of Thomas Ching,late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Hmon, Yeoman, deeeaSed. Notice is hereby given pursnant to the Re- vised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 110 section 30, that creditors and otherpersons haying any claims or demands against the estate of Thomas Ching, late of the Township of Hay, in tile County of Huron, who died on or a bent the 4t11 day of April, 1$01, are required to sencidik post,prepaiii,or deliver to Samuel Sanders, of the Village of Exeter, one of the Executors of the said Estate on or ----before---- The First Day ofJun.e, 1891, their full names, addresses and descrip- tions and full particulars of their claims duly verti fled, and the nature of the seaurib- les (if any) held by them, And no Mee is far- ther given that atter the saidiastmentio fled date the said a:vomiter will prow/ea .to dis- tribute the assets to the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having rogard. only to the claims of whieh notice shall have been g,iveli as required and the said executors will not be responsible for the assets or any part thereof so distributed, to any person, at whose claim notice shall not cliiiasTicibb.telettioin,e.oeived at the tinie of the said LEWIS IL DIORSON, Solielt or for Dated SA.HDEIIS, ).13, %nx.a.etrie'1,1°IsmtiA, AspPit718G01.,:l R.5 xoeutors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the matter of George A. I-Undruan, of the -Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Grocer, Insol- vent. The above named G-eorge A. Iryndman has made an assignment to me in pursuance of Chapter 124, Revised Statutes of Ontario, of all his Estate and Effects, for the benefit of his creditors. A meeting of the Creditors of the said Gob. A. Hyndincin will be held at the Law Office ofLowis Henry Dickson, Panson's Nook, in —the Village of Exeter, on— Monday, the 27th Instant, At the hour of 2 o'clockin the Afternoon, for the appointment of Inspectors and the giving ofdirections for the disposal of the Estate, Creditors are required to file their elairns against the said estate with me or my Solic- itor, with affidavit attached, also nature and value of security (if any) held on or before The I5th day of lVfay, A. D. 1891, after which clate I will then proceed to dis- tribute the proeeeds of the Esta,te1 having regard for only those claims *whith have been filed Lewis R. Dickson, 3obn Ourrelly, Solicitor /Or Assignee. Assignee. Dated, Exeter April 20t1o, 1801. NOTICE to CREDITORS. In the matter of Lewis Henry Towers, of the Village of Exeter in the County of Huron, Yeoman, Insol- vent. - The above named Lewis Henry Towers has made an -assignment to xne in pursuance of Chapter 124, Revised Statutes of Ontario, of all his Estate and Effects, for the benefit of his Creditors. Ambeting oLthe Creditors of the said Lew- is Henry Towers will be held in my Law Office in the Village of Exeter on TUESDAY, APRIL THE 7th, A. D. 1891, at the hour of TWO O'CLOCK in the after- noon for the appointment of Inspectors ancl the giving of direetions for the disposal of the Estate. Creditors are required to file their claims against the Estate with me with affidavit attached also nature and value of security, if any, held, on or before the 15th Day of APRIL, A. D. 1891. LEWIS H. DICKSON, Dated April 2nc1,1891.. Assignee. LOOK! BEAM TailorSholl The UndersignedNvishes, to infoian the people of Exeter and suiTounclinocountry that he has opened out ArinkianDllor2oll And is prepared to do work in latest style and workmanship. X II 4- II X II .4- II X II x GIVE HIM A CALL. x ÷. II X II II X II Il X OK•MONIED Over F. J. Knight's Grocer Store. BERT KNIGHT. W G Bissett's Livery. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders lefaat Bissett Bros.'Haedware Store, will receive pt9mptl attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL,SOLICITED.- G, BISSETT. THRESHERS, FARMERS, Dont fail to get a supply of the famous 011 I,ARI)INE OIL, Made only by -- McColl Bros. & Co., Toronto. You will find it gives satisfaction, McCOLL'S CYLINDER OIL Should be in every Engine Cylinder Beware of Imitations. Get only Genuine LARDINE. --FOR SALE BY -- B I SETT BR S. Exeter, ntario. tral...1.1111161=11=11221.41TORMIIIM ING M]PAIG FOR THE EARLY SPRING- TRADE WE ARE SHOWING THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF II $H 1!$11.,t0to CAKADIAN TWEED SUITINC[S. J Scotch Tweed 'Suiting's, Fancy Worsted Suitino''n's, Black Worsted Snitings, Fancy Panting, and Spring cL Sum- mer Overcoating that has been shown in EXETER for some time. All madeup in the Latest Style by First Class Hands. And at Prices that will suit Bad Times. 1VE OgRgifITEE ji GOOD FIT OE NO S1111 GIVE ME A CALL. JAMES H. GRIEVE. ISIMESSEMERIMaaMaesemaan Our Spring Stock of Shelf and Heavy Hardware consisting OF Locks, Hinges, One-half car Nails, Window -glass, Putty, Paints and Oils, All kinds of wire, Barb, Buck Thorn., Oiled and A.nueal- ed at lowest cash price. BISSETT ••. ROS. P. S.- Also a first-class stock of tinware to select from. Exeter Roller Mills. MRKET R,E? 0 RTs. WHEAT 1.04 TO 1.05 per bush Our Selling Prices. Flour, strong baker's, $3.00 per 100 " best family, 2.75 " low grade, 2.00 " " Bran, 90 " Middlings, 1.00 " Screenings, 100 " Chop, 1.20 to 1.30 " Chop stone running every day. TERMS CASH. The Exeter Milling Co LC 44 It it CITY HOTEL LONDOST, ONTARIO. 1 per day. J. & J. 111811ARTIN, Proprietors. THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT ...TYPE • ,frOM which this paper, is printed was supplied by the TORONTO Ty MONDRY Dealers in type, :Presses, and Printers' Supplies. J . T. JOHNSTON 80 St 82 Wellington St. west TORONTO, ONT. morn cntioG °Pram 74, to children if gots wish.for their future welfare. 21forses Gly. eorole of Celery Com- pound, Exact formula on every label, is a safe rem- edy for teething infants and nervous adults. En- dorsed by physicians. Send two cent stamp for descriptive circular to Haze» Morse, Buffalo, MI: 5 0 . IgniusitraannitPese tosigmoPcarfaarall ±0 us, and we will send you by express, C.O.D., this elegant wateh Which you can examine, and if you do not find it all andevenmore than we cladm for it DO NOT TAKE IT, but if perfectly sat: isfaetory, pay tho Express Agent OUR SPECIAL CUT PRICE OF $5.35 and tako the watch. Such a chance to secure a reliable tincePleoo at such a ridicu- lously low price is seldom if ever be; fore, offered. This is a genuine coLD • .;t° 40 , 4 11711aEDialeTsCli,insoari: of p of . '1 ?' tegi.nn °Inveetra3?°1111±Phmais" solid bow,cap and t ,‘ • er, Act gee El s:TAlidef mann] t1111:811 ybdimensi • j'arromWf. tillt'lhmernwstoyries, richly Jewel ed, with expansion balance, i' regulated, and we warrant it an acenrate time- keeper. It is suitable fer, either a lady or Igveanttolhe.mAand.droAss gougroan. ture0. wYMlg Twlath Ceoae.h, Watchmakers, Peterborough, Ont. SENO US UGC 21%'.',),,°.11)iagZ11;:g we will ilendeou postpaidEtilpeosReAl elegant SOLED GOLD FILLED RING These rings aro mOW worn by ladies and gentlemen in the best, SOOlOtyi and have the and Satisfaction. ring (Meting 325.011 We sgaunile. aanra topsepseeaa: re :cat sit: Geo. W.Wyatt &, Co, Jewoncrg. Ptiterborotigh, Ont. ci he in di tar als ha} seri froi "Bel Pee w bot rnel Su Gro tivc L stip ,d ne the or 1