HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-4-23, Page 1VOL. IV. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1891. The filiolsons Bank. (Chartered by Par1iament,1863) Paid up Capital. $2,000,000. Rest Fund.... .... 1,000,000, Hottclofaeo Afoutreal. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq. GENERAL MANAGER. Twenty Brancii offiees in the Dominion Agencies DitlieDoininion,U.'S. and Europe Open every lawful day from, 10 ti rn to 3 p, m,, Stn LS' 10 a. in. to 1 p. m si A general bankmas business transacted Four per cen1. per annum allowed for money on Deposit Receipts. N. DYER HURDON Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub Manager. THE irgZEdet gLbiloratel Is published every Thursday Morning, itt the Office, MAIN -STREET, -- EXETER, By tho SANDERSPUBLISHING C MOAN Y. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance, *1.514 if not so paid. .raeaseaatstale-ea• mesaa.e. oe-s No paper discontinued un til all arrearages are paid. Advertisements without specific directions wbe published till forbid and charged. accordingly. Liberal discount made for transcient advertisements inserted for iOn periods. Every description of 3013 PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, oney ord- ers, &c. for advertrsing, subacriptions, etc. to be made payable to Sanders & Sweet PEOTTITETOBE e AR FACTS .L • •ftl. We have, and keep constantly, one of the Cleanest and best assorted stocks of rugs9 Patent Medicines,9 Dyes, Detuffs mbs, Brushes, etc., ni town, which we sell at prices below any. Our stook of drugs is fresh and we sell thern at fair prices as We are not members of any Druggist's Association. We do not use the scheduled price of the Huron & Bruce Druggies Association, and can therefore offer drugs at fair and reason- able Prices. We solicit a call. ' Church Directory. TEIVITT monTAT, ClItIRCII.-Rev, S. F R,obinson, Rector. Sunday Services, 41 a, m and 7 P. m. .Sabbath School, 2,30 p m, isteanonssa Cutramiasames-et , Rev, A. L. Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services,10.30 and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2 p.m. MAIN SritEET--Rev. 3...Wilson, Pastor. Sun day Services, 10.30 a. m. and 630 p.m. Sabbath School 2.30 p,.m. RambilVTERTAX CifurncR.—Rev. W. Martin, Pastor, Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and 6.30 p. in. Sahba6h Sdh 0 01, =E....1, m. Professional Cards. H.EINSMAN,E.E•S, Eauson's )31ock two doors north of Carling Store, is.• .• 141AIN STREE'r, EXETER, extracts' teeth -without pain. Away at Hensall on 1st Friday; Ailsit Craig on 2nd and. 4t1i Tuesday; and Zurich on last Thursday of each month. OINGRAM, DEN 31,s,r, Member Royal' • College Dental Surgeons, successor to, H. L. 13illings. Office over O'Neil'S tank, Exeter! Ont. A safe anaesthetic given for the painless extraction of teeth. Plates se- cured firmly in the mouth by Yemon's pat - ton t Valve Liman every Friday TB 'WHITELY, M. D. C. M., PHYSICIAN . anclSurgeon. Office and residence— Corner 'Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderich, Ontario. I) 3. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE—MAIN ST, Residence—Corner Andrew and. North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. J113, . CROSEERY, Member Royal College f Surgeons, England; Licentiate Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh; Member i College of Physcians and Surgeoas, Ontario, Office, MitehelPs old. stand, Creclithll, On t, W. E. C1CtidUR, ropriet r, Corner Drug Store. SUDDEN CHANGES. .A cold, or exposure, may cause the poisonous acids in the blood to clog its circulation. This is Rheumatism. Clayk's Lightniug Liniment will stop the pain at once. It should be taken both internally and externally if the attack is severe, and it affords instant relief. If the pain appears again, it ehould be met with the same treat ment, until, a cure is affected. This wonderful preparation has worked some remarkable cures among Rims made sufferers. Where once tried, it is always used after. -Sold by all dru,g- gists; price fifty cents.' Clark Chemical Co., Toronto, New York. Illt,L IVIcLELLAN, _EYE & EAR SURGEON. Graduate Now York Eye and, Ear Hospital Eyes tested and, glasses supplied. Office cor. Maple and Talbot streets. LONDON, ONTARIO DR. T. A. A.M.OS, M. D., C. M Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario; licentiate of the Royal Cc/liege- of Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh; licen- tiate of the Faculty of Physicians and Sur- geons, Glasgow; Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, Office—Dr. Cowen's old stand.. 11-1R. DAVID M. ST/E,BLER, (TIJJ NIVERSITY of Toronto') Physieian. Surgeon etc. Having spent the winter of 4880-87 'New York,.and the winter of 1867-'88 in 'Vienna, Austria, OFFICE, — OREDITON, ONT. VP H. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT - 011, Conveyancer, , Notary Public. Office— Over Post, Office Exeter Ontario Money to Loan. 370,000 in gold for a wife. We will give to the first person tel ling us before June lst, 1891. where in the Bible the word "WIFE" is first found, $100.00 in gold. To the next $50.00. To the third, $25.00. To the fourth, nom. To the. fifth, $15,00. To the sixth, $10.00. To the next 25, $5 each. To the next 25, $2 each. To the person sending in the last correct answer, we will give $100 in seold. To the next to the last, $50, and. so on same as from the first. With your answer send 25cts. in silver, well wrap- ped, or Post Office Money Order or Script, for a box of Dr: Cole's Blood and Liver Pills, the best Blood, Liver, and Stomach tills ever made. Sure cure for sick headache. Don't Gripe. REMEMBER the presents are absolutely freh„abeieg.,given away to advertise be.';Ciele's Perfect Pills and. Family Remedies. At the close of the contest the names and addresses' of all the prize winners will apnear in THIS paper. We refer you to the Traders Bank of Orillia. Send at once and be first. Address, Home Specific Co. Orillia, Ont. 13t-194 L. of Supreme Court; Notary Public, Con - H. DICESON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR veyancer, Commissioner. &0. ld,oney to loan Office--Fanson's Block, Exeter. „ Tai nsentnr & ET.,LIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- itors, Conveyancers, &e. Money to loan at 6 per cent, II V. ELLIOT. `3'.'ET.T2IOT TT BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auct- 11 • ioneer for the Counties of 'Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne Sales promptly attended to and. term s reason able,se,les arran.geci at Post office, Winclielsa • A,T, ROLLIN'S, late of Manitoba, Licens- ed Auctioneer, for the counties of Hur- on and Middlesex, Residence: 1 mile south of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other- wise promptly attended to at reasonable prices, WHOLT, IIhiva, Ontario. Licensed title 1- • iormer for the Counties of Middlesex and Lambton and. the town shipa of Stephen and Hay AH'sales promptly attended to, 161 BOSS.ENBERRY,Hensall Ontario.. Lie - .114. enaed Auctioneer fox the Count:vs of Huron anti Perth. Charges moderate and satisfaction:guaranteed. W, EARNOOM13, Provincial Land FSurveyor arid Civil Engineer. Office, Over Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont. LLicensed Anetioneer for the • CoUTity ef Huron. Sales Condueted on reasonable terms. Earm and Farm Stecli• ,is specialty, Enliarrangement's can be made at this office. IVGitoivIVGISTAtlaS. pOsitivettml33 permanent Mire for Irigrteiv- ing Nails: No pain., Sent iost,/,..tia fOr staraps or silver. Addrek•i, 0.1 °Rat TA,.01it. I:ft.:10i Thos. Bissett, Bonner"; 2mliGeorge Tour of Inspection. Our village fathers took their anou. al tour throughout the town on Monday afternoon last, find many necessary re- pairs and many new additions to be made. The following is a list of re- pairs and necessary requirementasto be done during this summer: —Gravel on sidew alk from Parson'sblackemith shop to Fred Collin's residence, Sanders st; box to be put in near old. English chuch and filled level with side -walk, also a new tank on corner; new tank on.South of Presbyterien church; new poetinaster With two beautiful baguets fence to be erected around corner near of wild flowers, the firet of the Mrs. Jane Jane Aitken moved into our vill- age last.Tuesday.—Messrs James Bro- phey, John Maheason and Walter Bloonifield left for -Grand Bend last Thursday Where thhy will engage in fishings—Oat-meal, corn meadow and No, laPOS la at cloee prices for cash at the Boston honse;'also a large assort- ment of dry -goods, groceries &c. on reasonable terms to Cash and prompt paying customers. --Mr. B. Pyle passed through here last Monday taking the Census, • Hughes, 'Ilighlaed,MessengerS 3rd W. B. McLean, 'Hensall Clear Grit'. ROADSTER 3 Yits. entries --.- 1st Reba Barbour, 'Gold. Bird'; S Ho- garth, ' BLOOD STALLI0N,-1 entry ---- lst Tas. Berry. BEST RuAvy HonsE Or ANY AciraiOn. Ceass.-4 entries --1s1 John Willis. Bissa‘ LIGIIT HORSE OP ANY- AGE OR 0LASS.-7 entries lst, Jas Berry. BEST SHIRE HOTISE ON TRE GROUND. - Special prize, by Jas. Achesoe, Silver Cup, lst Dow & Willis Bros, 1.3nST CLYDESDALE tionSE ON THE onouND-Special prize by .Jas. Aeheson, 82 -1st Havitt &IVIcKay. Buaes AGED BULL PEDIGREED -1 entry lst, Glavin Bros. "Clear the way" - Burst, 2 vas OLD -1st, Thos Shapton, "Willow Lane Jack." License Statistics 1 The Provincial Report concerning the working of the License Act has been received, and from it we make a few extracts that rnay be of iuterest. The total number of liCenses in °per ation in the county itt 1890 was—Eas Huron, 26; South, 39; West, 41. In th e South there were 5 shop licenses and in the West 3. The licenses fees were divided as follows: The Province re- ceived from the East; 81300.91; South, $2833.71; West, 83316.03; and the mun- icipalities as follows: ' East Huron.—Grey, $181,90 McKil lop, $71.56; Hullet, East pari, 031,80; Morris, $11.71; Howiekr.$166,98; Turn. berrys ,$23A6; Brussels, $269.34; Wrox- eter, 8127.70—Total, 8921.25. South Iluroi—Exeter, 845872; Sea - forth, $940.18: Goderieh township,,,S, pt, 831.34; Bay$116,79; Stephen,$329- 0a; Ueborne, 812736; Hay, $225.56; 8225.56.—Total, 82484.42. West Huron.—Goderich Town, 8864- 84; 'Wawanosh, East, 831.10; Hullett $64.82; Wawanosh,West, $72.60; Wing- ham'$850.40; Clinton, $S45.78; Ashfield 8165.92: Colburne, $189.28;Blyth, $214- 82. --Total, $8199,56. Greenway.. Mr. A. McIntosh moved'into J. Fos- ter's house on the Boston farm.—Mr Archev Gooding, of Shipkaahas rented Mr. WM. Graham's farm. --Miss Clara and Bertha McPherson, presented our iron bridge leading to mill; road re paired from L. Tower's, Thames Road, to Walper's Hotel; tank near Walpet's Hotel to be repaired; sidewalk on lake road to be gravelledfrom opposite Hoek in's residence to railroad ;a six inch tile drain to be sunk from Rd. Orals resid- ence station st. to Rd. Terry's drain on same street; stone crossing to be placed along in front of market 3 ft. in width, and two or more stnk holes in front of same covered with grates; Gidley st. sidewalk to be gravelled from main st. to Carling sts; Sanders st to be repair ed from main to Carling sts; new tanks in Huron st. tear railroad; ditch to be opemed out OT1 Mill st. and Waterloo sts; new tank to be put down on Simcoe st. near John McGinnis' corner; mils -est to be placed over creek near .soap factory for, passage of new street to be opened A number of other small repairs to numerous. to mention. Spring Slow The Spring Show of the Stephen and Usborne Agricultural Society was held on the Market Square on 'Thursday last. The weather was all that could be. wished fol', the sun shining, out glor- ious in the afternoon and eyerything went well. There was a largenum. ber of spectateit in attendonce, and the show of stock cotild not be stir - passed. ,The following is a list of core- petitots:—. AGED DRAUGHT Saviatiov.--4 Entries ----1st Hewitt & McKay, 'Scottish Hero'; 2ed Gee. Martin, 'Pride of Glasnich'; Ord D, Burns, 'Sir Clifton', Daartiata 3 YEARS Ders.-2 Entries —let Donald Matinee, 'Lord Glad stone'; 2nd Wesley Weigh, 'Beanie Laddie', DRAUGHT 2 Yrakite Or —2 entries —1st Wm. Harris, 'Young Charming Charlie'; 2nd Rich, Delbridase, 'Young Lord Clinton' &Man Aotta-1 entry—let DOW WilIis Bios e 'Success' CARRIAGE 3 YkS. Otaa-e3 enteies- 1st Priae ticl 8001' 'enp nivel) by ag Thee, ritton, j. Bert',, PreeVr Nott"-.; 21id John Hattie, 'T'earnanglit Chief'. lloaneaest Atiszael aftrieS-1St kiibb.ert, Zurich. 'Everyperson interested le the Township of Hay should secure a copy Of the Photographic Map of their, town ship. This map was drafted by Mr. Latta, .ToWnehip Clerk, and photo- graphed.bY Ma Geo. Hess, and is ate excellent piece of work.—Mr. A. A. Roth purpose e remoying to Toronto, wherelie ha obtained a lucrative po- sition as Cutter in a large'Gents furn. ishing aiid tailor shop. Mr. Coleman and Mr. John Spankman, Canada Com- pany men, werain toNVIT 00 Monday' transaetiug busieesewith the Township Clerks—Rev. Theo. Much is visiting friends inthe village.—Geo. Fitzgerald V. Satrensall, pessed through the vil. lege onSunday,—Mr, T. Jarrett is able to attend .to his dutiesas teacher again. Ire has been suffering from an attaeladdeflamation of the lungs. Election Protest. Farmers are busy seeding.— Mr. Malcolm McKellar, of Cromarty, has gone to Mitchell to work in the park factory, belonging to Mr. Whyte -- Mr. H. N. Mitchell, of Logan, was visit- ing friends in the vicinity of Cromarty last week.—Miss Minnia 'MeLare,n spent Sunday visiting friends in Tucker. smith. ---On Friday evening lest Mr. T, A. Hawkins, of Staffe, gave a farewell concert' at Cromarty, previous to leav- ing for his new home in Brussels. He intends carrying on his profession as musicteacher there, as be, has the posit. ion of erganist and choinleader ill the Englieh Cinurch besides a large num- ber of pupilViTe are sorry to lose him as he 'has been in our midst for the last five years, gild always willing th help at any concert, and has also been a great help in prOniotinr, the minds of the young people in the line of music. We believe that all present enjoyed themselves, anti the manner in which Mr...Hawkins conducted the &Aleut waS reMarkftble. The read- ings and eomic Songs were well rend- ered, beeides an essay on nuisic, which was very interesting, Mr. Hawkins was assisted by 'Mr. Cameron, of Ful- lerton, who gave 801110 very choice se- leetions of tntisic oo the violin; also Mr, W, W. Thompsoin of Cromarty, assisted by giving a recitation. The proceeds ambunted to somewhere in the neigh- borhood of SW. Our best wishee are proSperity iti hi PAW hotrte, but our loss is another's gain, The fol'iirwing protests were flied at Osgood Hall, Teronto‘ on April 20th, Each petStiOn carried with it $1,000 in cash, and the officers took in .ahout $20,000 in less than ten minutes — David Henderson, (Con.); George Taye lor, (Con,(; Sir John A. McDonald, (Con); 'Charles Fairbairn, (Con); Jos. Featherstone, • (Con); C. S. Hyman, (Ref), London; Samuel B Burdette, (Ref.); Isidore Proulx, (Ref); William Mitlock,,(Ref): Cross petition against W. W. Pegg, the defeated Couservative candidate Cross petition against W. H. P. Clement, (Reformer); Cress petition against W. AS 11,1cCulla, (Com); John A. Barron, (E. 11. Reformer); James Trow, (Liberal); Perth; J. E. Bowman, (Ref); Resiben Trerax, (Ref.); A. B. Ingram,(Con); Cross petition agaiost John Hetarry Wilson, (Ref.); Archibald Campbell, li.ef); Cross petition against Thomas 'Waters, (Ref). In each 'case all the usiral charges of bribery .and corruption are alleged. Kane Convicted, Belle-y.111e, Ont, April 16.7—James Kane,was today tried for the murder of his wife, Elizabeth, on March 23r4 last 'The cosiple, who were both over 60 years old, had for some time lived unhappqt and after a married .life of six yeareilial easperated about a' week before' theibloody Culiniesatiain of their differenses. On the day in—Witestion Kane ,after inquiring the whereabouts of his wife, went to the house of her son, Alfred Skinner, on Church street, where she was assisting in the removal of his effects, and, entering at the mo- ment when all were absent from the house, he in a few minutes committed the .bloody deed. A large knife was used, the fatal blew being near the heart. The victim was also stabbed upon the left leg'and her right haud was badly cut. She never, so far as is known, uttered a word after receiving the wound. Kane was almost surpris- ed in his bloody work, as his wife's son entered just after its commission, knocked him clown and held him until assistance arrived. After he had done (he deed, Kane appeared to have been satisfied with his fiendish work, as in the presence of two Or three persons he stated .he was proud. of what he had done. For the defence it was uraed that the prisoner's intellect had been unsettled by an injury to his head re- ceived ia a railway accident last ent- omb. Several w.tnesses swore that Kane had changed in his demeanor since that occutreece. The jury after an absence of about an hour, returned a verdict of guilt,, and the prisoner was sentenced to be hanged on the 21st of May. cession. The be have Mir deep- est eympathy. Dashwood. A. large number attended the con- ference in Crediton on Sunday lat.— Mr. Henry Willeet lost a very valu- able colt on. Sunday last. —Several new building's are in the course of erection all of which Will be.quito an addition to our town when complated.—Mr. Hess Reeve of tray, was in town on Sunday last.—We would advise these young men, who congregate Up PUblie places on Sunday evenings, with apparently no other object in view than to insnit ladies as they pass,to act more decorum and slurar a little more manly actione.— Mr. I. Weldio Itas just received direct from New York State a carload of first. clase coal: We understand he has dis- posed of part of it to neig,hboting black smiths; --.-.--Croquet playing eberris to be the order of. the day; or rather the eveting.F.Holtzman,of Ctediton,Was in town on Monday evening.—OBITUARV. It becomes our sad and melancholy duty to ChrOniclo the death of Mit.Ja cob Sehrttedor, Who paesed toilet loft liSme On Friday morning last, at the age of 30 years And 10 months, De- cetieed. had, ,stiffeted very severl'y. foe seine time previous to he death, frOin seatere attack of inflammation till ,it bore her to het hist resting!.plitecr, She wa,s 9. consisteat meniber of the t asth- erten ChULdIt and will be iniseed by that congregation. She Svae.'t daugh. tweed LOWS Kesift and was mita be- loved by all Whom Made her acqtistiet anee, The ft:Metal took pima on 41157 - day and Was largely atteoded by Qrediton, The Division Court was held here on Tuesday, Follis vs Hawker. Action for wages, $22. Judgment for ?UT for $17. R. H Collins for plff; L. H,DjcJr son for deft.--Callfas vs. .Sehraeder.--e Actioe on Promissory note. Judgment for deft. 11. 11. Collins for plff; L. H. Dickson for deft. Mr. Chas Taylor, Elkton_ Mieh, paid his :Parente a short visit lad'week. He reports times as being good over thero. —Large crowds visited this place from Dashwood and Zurich, on Sunday fast, for the purpose of attending tile ser- vices.—Mr, Simon Stahls, Editoiaof the Unionville Echo Mich, spent a few days with friends and telatiaes during this week -a -A meetingwas called on Tuesday evening last for the purpose of discussing the question of a 24t1i of May celebration. A committee was ap- pointed. to canvas the town .and ascer tain by the feeling of the people how snch would take —Tire German. Con- ference which was held in this place last week euded theirasusinees on Sat- urday. Religeoes services were held, in both churches on Sunday. The Rev Umbach filling the pulpit in the (English) Methodist church in the morn kW' and gave a most excellent address arrd. the Revs Mr. Morloc discoursed to a very large and attentive audience, The church was packed on both oc- cassious With both English and Ger man people.. About 40 ministers were present and quite a number 'Of ladies. The large number of visitors were en- te,rtained by the yarious families and friends in this ueighborhood, which gave our unusual quiet town a stirr- ing appearance.—The Rev. Mr. Staeb- ler who has been stationed here for the past three years, leaves to fill the pul pit of one of the largest elnirches in the city of Buffalo N.Y :He carries with him the esteem and beet'wishes of both German and English speaking people, who unanmously join in wishing him success, feeline. that Our loss will be others gain. The Rev. Mr. Braundt will fill tlie vacancy of Mr: Staebler. Ailsa Craig. " Walton's News Buqget2' When you see Tote Parker ask him were he was Sunday eveninge Matt Desvey,of. the St. Merya' afagus paid. Craig a short Visit MondaYiaheae... Mrs. Siskey, of Pt. Huron; is visiting her mother, Mrs. Coulter, at present. Bert Munro of the Central Hotel is, seriously ill with a bad attack of Grip. Messrs' J. H. Bowman, J. Finan and Angus McLean spent Sunday in Port Huron. Our census enumerator, Mr. G. A. Mitchell is busy cross questioning the citizens at present. We hear that one of the girls who at- tended the dance gave her motherquite a foot race on Friday evening. Mr. Walter Scott is going to Sedalia, M.ssouria, about the let May. He in- teds making that state his permanent home in the future. On Wednesday last the engine and one of the cars beloi6nsing to Conductor Frosts train jumped the track at the east switch, but luckily they were re- placed before any great damage was done. ',...•••••••ei••=•••=e•....eroes' Mr. Geo. Shipley, of the Tordnto HOUS(1, has secured anothee milliner in the treason of Mts. Amos to assist MiS3 Minnie Cameron, the manager of WO department, to fill the large supply of orders that are being daily left by the • ladies of Craig 10 that establishment. We might incidently mention by the way that Geurge 1ms the finest dressed windows in town, in fa.ct, it Surpasses any thin°in thrtt line heretofore at pteby ally of ottr merchants in re- cent yeast, on one side he has an ela- borate display of ladies' dress ;goods, hats, etc., arranged. iu saeh a fasinat- ing inil. attractive manner that is im- possible to escape the attention of a passerby. in the other window he has a well tirrangred show of gents furniet- ing goods ariettlared in a highly effecs tive manner. These windows are the centre of attraction,;or the citizens at Presci•itM Our athematicians are at present wrestling; W ith. 9. braill tW 1.t4t01., which, has been suddeely sprung upon them by our noted appleman Jno. Morgan, it IS as the "Missulg Square" puz- zle. If yoa ivish to try it take an ob- long piece of card board 13 inches loeg and 5 wide divide this into 65 squares with a straight edge and lead pencil, now cut your cardboard diagonally , across one way, then bisect the two sec- tions that you will have, now with. the four pieces of card form a square inches each way and you will discover that one square is shy. The puzzle is to discoyer where that odd square has vanished to. Now Bro. Morgan while the boys are trying to, solve, out the ' mysterious disappearance of that square here is a little egg question for you to practice on:—A ?armee ,has 3 boys, to oue he gives' 10 eggs, to an- other 30 eggs' arid to the other 50 eggs. Each is to sellhis eggs at the same price and return she same money. What did they sell the -m for and how much did each receive? We notice by the last issue of the Parkhill Gazette that it has changed., hands once more, having been purchas- ed this time by Mr. White, of Windsor. It will still continue to be it staunch supporter of the Conservative Govern- ment under the careful guidance of its new °Wrier. Well we would advise it to stick to the old party, the old chief, the old flag and the same old resurrect- ed poliey, as long itS tilT0' are "-aa few generous hearted and talented torys left up in Parkhill who are willing te furnish it With a column or two editor. ,ials each week, something similar to the gush we have been receiving, through its columns since the late elee• tion. There was a time when the Ga- zette was a powerful and influential lo- cal paper, but alas, it has sadly degen- erated since those days when Wallace Graham used to hold the editors chair down and dictate what was right to those poor victime who hal an uncon- trollable desire to immolate, themselves upon the alter of their country. Still - there is a chance for it to regain its lost laurels providing the new propriet- or is a pushing energetic man and not afraid of losing a few disgrunted sub- scribers occasionally if he happens to express his opinions contrary to their wishes Thos O'Heron (Joe, Beef) spent Mon. day evening in townentertaining the boys with his Irish songs and humor- ous sayings. Tom lives in Port Huron now where he acts as boss over a gang of Fog ehovellers, On Friday last some great sawing was done in Alex.Frazer's woods On the 7 con., McGillivray. Angue. McLellan and Ben George had. a sawing bee and with four sews there was 40 cords of wood cut in 7 hours, by 8 men, This is remarkably good work considering the time thep were, at it. There was such a demand for the ADVOCATE here last week that your, Correspondent generously placed a copy in the Mechanics' Institute Read- ing`Room for toe benefit of, the mem- bers. About the only thing' -you heard on the Streets Saturday eveoirtg was "Says did you. See this weeks Any°. ea:IT?" On Thursday last our Fire Brigade was called out to extinguish a fire which had started in the residence of Mr. G. Munro, but it was fortunate- ly pet out by- Mr. Jim. Alexander and Mt, AleX.. Andereon before the fire com- pany. had strayed on the keno.. The neXt time a fire oceurrs in town some body ought to notify the chief whete it is; se that the hoge wont be rue out at ,the NV1'04' cornet, otherwise it might result in a terrible -conflagration. 'The boys held another successful dance at the retreat on Frida,y evening last. Mr, A. McKenzie furnished the music and. Mr J. Potter, of Nairn, act.. ed as floor manager to the satisfaction of everbody. A. very pleasant tinse was indulged in by those present in tripping' the light fantastic slain a- bout 4,30 the next morning, When a magnificent lunch was served by the boys aftet whieh everybody &patted Magda pleaSed with the kind receptiOn them& they received at the hands of the 131hoys. tile prb' Over one-iii,trelred vehiclee . LOST OR STOLEN. Lost or stolen. A note drawn in fever of Thomas Pollard tor the, pay- . ment four hundred dollars, (8400.06,) dated December 1888, and bearing the, names of J. W. Hogarth and Septimus Hogarth. All persons are hereby for- bidden to negotiate with said note as it has been cancellea. Mk. Tnomas Pootautp, Dated April 18th, 1891. . THE SPRING' MEDICINE. The popularity which Hood's Sarsta parills, has gained as a spring medi- cine is wonderful. It possesses just those elemeets of health saying, blood - purifying and appetite -restoring which. everybody seems to need at this sea- son. Do not continue in a dull, tired, unsatisfactory condition when you may be so much benefited by Hood's Sarsa- parilla,. It purifies the blood and makes the weak strong. MaDoNatia—In Usborne,. on the 19th inst., the wifo of Mr: Alex, INIcDon- , eld, of a, danghtera Usborne, the 15th, inst., the.wife of Geo. Rook, of tt. claughe ' tera ..or;ATus.. G mot:MIST—In Henson, on the 20th instlin., 3oGilchrist, aged 50 years and 1 month, SORRAEDOR—ID DeS11W00(1 on the 17tia inst , Mrs. Jacob Sehracdor, agect 80 yrs. and 10 Mos. Kmat 1.)xeter, on the 20th inst. David Miller, infant son of Jeri- miah and Margaret Kelland, aged 15 months. PLANNIGAMst—At inp,snalt, on April 19th inst., Elizabeth Flannigan, beloved daughter of Francie and Elizabeth Ptarmigan, aged 6 filen& and acquaintanceS, here Yeare,