HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1891-4-16, Page 3NEW Of THE WEEk. The assessment of Winnipeg for 1891 is V0.000,000 and its popnletion 27,000, The waters of the Seine hive been re. niocked with. 40,000 Oaliforele ohs:woo The Qtieen and Empeeor William will meet et Dermetadt at the end of April. It is Mitten 'mother 0n9 ay spinet the lite of the Cor be just heerediecov. mud. Frot leas caused clemsge to fruit end farm produce in Alabama, Georgia 074d Florida. Emile Zole, the novelist, has been elected President of the French "iiimiete dee Gene elet Lettres." The holth of Prince Albert:et:10am the e Meet eon of the Piece of Waite, ie again •Gaining much anSiety, Mr. Gleidatone etbsolutely denieg ,Mr. Parnell's etatement Mutt he entertained dynamitere ak Hawarden. New York journeyman painters yester. day Mr ack to 04 force the eight.hour dammed and were entirely sumieseful. Edward Bovves fell from it trapeze in the Orilliti High School gymnasium on Setae. day afternoon end lraotured hikull. Mr. Wm. Hill, of the Sendwich Fish Hatchery, yesterday depoeited 1,000,000 whitefish in Lake Erie, et Port Stanley. The Russian Ministry of War leas ordered that the effective strength of the troope in drolitynia be doubled nacre the 1111881M1 ,Eater. The S. Lawmen at Montreal is in a very threatening condition. The oath shore is all tinder water, and 150 houses are demoted. The Cuetoras Department has been notified of the seizure iot jewelry valued at $10,000, at Victoria, 13. 0., for under. valuetion. Deacon D. Buoklin Fitz, an old.time anthslavery agitator and temperanoe re. loner, died at Auburndale, Mos., on SM. nrdey, aged 84. The Ruseian Government will soon issue invitatione to an interstate congress to be held in Moscow in 1893 to consider matters sedating to education: The dam of the North Sea Canal was wierced yesterday be Emperor William, thus making ri water connection between the Baltic and North Seas. Mr. Labour:here's motion int the Imperial •COIX11100110 yesterday to reduce the expendi- ture for the maiutenanoe of Kensington and Rew palaces was defeated by 79 to 51 votee. A sensational rumor was afloat in London last night to the effect that Mr. Parnell has been privately married, and that the lady of his choice le not Dire. O'Shea. The cattle exporters of Montreed were in a despondent frame of mind yesterday when the cable despatchea showed that cattle are selling lower in Giesigow than in Chicago. Twelve hundred brichmakers struck at Trenton, N. J., yeaterdey morning. Lett week the mannfacturere fixed a Settle of prices, which is about 20mr oent. less than they have been paying. Hector McLean, 'farmer, who bad been in Orillia, was walking home on the track. Before reaching lIptergrove he at down on the edge of a °invert, where he was etruok by the steps of a posing train. Death was instantaneoram Gen. Baldiesera testified before the come • mission inquiring into the alleged meanie nation of nativea at Massowah that 212 natives were ,exeouted under the Italian 'Government's instruetione dtiring hie rc. gime in the Massowah colony. Mrs. Vi'm Dulmage, of 1,084 Qneen aitreet east, Toronto, who was kinked by a laoree in her hueband's stable on Sunday, died yesterday after suffering greatly. Her right leg, right arm, end ewo of her ribs were broken, and she wee otherwise eerionely injured. Two.thirria of the town of Gretna, Mise„ Ina been eubmergod by water from the Ames crevasse. A hastily constructed •levee bad been built with the view of pro- tecting the town from overflow, but it mould not stand the preasud re of ie water. aleny people from the overflowed section are moving to New Orleans. John L. Gonsawlis was found deed near WestiLiberty, Pa., yesterday, with a bullet bole through his head and his pockets 'rifled. He was ergaged to be married to Maggie Smith, and spent Sunday evening at her house, leaving shortly before mid - nigh. He heal with hire 41,250, which he WAS to pey to.nay onts borne he wee ptir. Maiming for hie intended bride. There is no Moto the murderers. A little girl, aged 4, die -righter ef Mr. Joiseph Seamy, of Gempbellford, wee drownee yesterday in az ohl uncovered well, in which there were about seven feet of water.- Two children were out playing, and all that is known is Mott the younger child came runnine and told her mother thet the elder one heti fallen into the well. Life was extinct wheel the body Was re. =tiered. ' The police anthornies of Montreal have received word that Charles Considine, ;known as the terror of Grifftntown, was killed at Trenton, New Jersey, bis heed :being out off by a train. It appears that 'ha had oommitted an aseault on a little girl at Railead, and was teeing taken to the penitentisry to serve a folarteeneyear sem. Moe, when he jammed from the train and was run over. He is best remembered in Montreal in connection web the killing of Sub•Conetable Malone, of Yourig street Marion. Warden Bodeen, ot Stoney Mountain Penitentiary, hen been superennuated. 'The financial monblee el:Meting Leghorn at preeent are likely to spread to the rest of Italy. Grippe haa attacked the miners oe Can. Nev,, and many deaths havn taken , plane. During the past week there were 1,100 „deaths In New York against 895 ter the preceding week. La the State of Taviseulipao, Mexico, arought is killing thousands of cattle, an. the crops are a total loss. Joseph Cohen & Co., wholesale olothiers, Kansas City, have aoaigned, with liabilities of 6200,000 and tweets of §250,000. Cardinel Lavigerie's bawl of warrior monks will to.day take vows for a crusade against alevery at Bigkerai, Algeria. The police of Hamburg have astonished the Sr/collate in that city by authorizing eh° proposed Socialiet demonstration on May 3rd. It is reported that the C. P. R. people hadm discovered &favorable route through • British fdoluMbia to the out& of theit pre. sent line. Mr. A. Grebes% of Glenecte, started to ' plough on let April. Wbeet end clover have COMO throtigh the winter in flrot-olase condition in that district. Pelmet Ferdinand of Bidgetria and hie • raother,Princetio Clercenitine, haveteceived lettere threatening them With death 11 they do not, leave the %Mitre. An effteiel °M- ooted with the Rosman Emberely in Boi1e. euepected cit baying written the leteere. Two thousand troope of the Milieu Government were recently defeated by the ineurgente, driven into Bolivia, tend corm Felled tel lay down their arum Eremier Mercier and Treaeurer Shebyn arrived in Brussels on Saturday, and were granted nudienoo with Xing Leopold and the Minister of Foreign Affeire, George Fisher, proprietor of the Station Hotel, 1.10WillaTiVille, fell dead coming down etaire ithont 1 o'olook Sunday morning. Apoplexy supposed to be the cam. It is reported from Rome on competent authority that the renewal of the Dreibund is an acoomplithed fact, but the treaty will not be etablished, Italy desiring secrecy. General Boulanger has taken the palatial residence recently painted by the Auetrian Amber:sailor in the Quartier Leopold, ia Brussels, We appears to be plentifully supplied with money. The chide of the Dreibend will not in unieon with Lord Salisbury in reference to the Buigarien embreglio, their concerted policy coneiating in refusing to interfere or permit interference in the Belkans. Charles F. Pidgeon, el Muerte:dimwits, has been appointed Shitf of the census division al fish and fieheriee at Wanhing. ton, pending investigation of the oharges against Prof. Smiley, former chief. The Immigration Inspector at Newport, Vt., corephone that the present inepeotion does not prevent a large number of undesir- able immigrants arriving in the States through Canada from the countries of Europe. The Government Censor has ordered the linssian press not to refer to the move- ments of the troops who are to take part in the mar mavree on the Polish and German frontier. The manconvres are of unusual magnitude. The young may Peter McMillan, reported to have been killed by falling into the hold of the Islander, between Veueouver and Victoris, is alive, The report wee without foundation, and has much distressed the young man's relatives, who reside in Orangeville. A nuniber of French impitalista have made an offer to the Russian Government to build the Siberian railway from Tehel- cebuisk to Vladivostok, a distance of 7,198 vents, receiving payment wittier in ninety bonds or by a loan of three hun- dred million oxedit roubles. The police authorities of Buono Ayres Mom closed the Selvation Army balk, elleging that the army is not recognizeo by the church The Salvationists have ap. pealed to President Pelligrini, on the ground that the action of the police is in violation of religious liberty. Some natives ot Manipur, who have arrived at Retiree, report that Cbief Com- missioner Jas. W. Quinton, who was taken prisoner at the time of the Manipur mama. ere, was, together with the party ot officers who accompanied him, killed on the firet day of the fighting et Manipur. Dr. Goseet, of Paris, has been experi- menting with Brown•Sequardei elixir. He says : "1 do not cure anything, but I give the sick the means of getting well, beginning with strength, sleep and appe- tite." Dr. Gosset says he has made 6,000 injections. A patient suffering from herein tary tuberculosis, he said, has,been receiv- ing the treatment for six months and has gained 33 pound& Tbe French Govern= nt has decided to allow Prince Louis Bunaperte to visit Paris. The Bonaparte family council at San Remo resulted in Prince Louis retain- ing the property left, by his tether, ex - Empress Eugenie granting Prince Victor a sum sufficient to raise his annual income to $22,500. Ex•Empress Eugenie is still wealthy, though part of ber fortune was involved in the recent troubles of Baring Bari, A syndicate has been formed in London with a capital of £120,000 to develop petro Iona wefts at Manoora, Peru. It is stetted from Ottawa that Sir John Thompson wonted the Manitobe School Aot disallowed, and was overruled. Dozens of cattle, horses end hogs are dying near Britt, Ia., of bydropbobta.A mad dog ran muck in their vicinity eeveral. week a ago. The great Delmar mine in Idaho has been sold to n company of Bimini), capital- ists for 6475,000 cash and 25,000 Metres of stook, valued at $1,130,000. Ex.Representative Lorenz.) Crown, of Nebraska, has been appointed Assistant Scoretary oi the In S. Treesury. It is said to be likely that Seoretery Foster will carry out the regulatione regarding Canadian railways Meted by Secretary Windum shortly bafore his death. The Kingston General Hospital and Orpheree Home have each been left e1,500 by the will of Mr. Campbell, of Storn- , ington. At Lyon Mountain. Clinton county, N. Y., there have been 140 days of sleighing, and it is en good row as it was at any time during the winter. The Newfoundland Government has in- structed its oftleisle to refuse licensee for bait to Canadian ve Mehl end to grant them to Americans free. about a thousand forimigreote, men, yeomen Irina ehildren, mostly English, arrived in Montreal yesterdity for tbe Nortbweet, Britielt Columbia ,itrid the Western Steles Officers ere to be added to all Freneh legaeloris eed embassies, whose epeoial relation it will be to study eacomerce and commercial reietions, with the object of furthering Freed) trade. Senator Geo. Edniuncie, of Vermont, wise bas beer in the leteited Steno Senate Moe April, 1866, and itt nearly if not quite all that tinle bras been one of the Republin cnn leadere, lets resigned, the resignation to take Efrou the first day i of Noy,onber next. EctiOns for the Nova Sadie Legislature were held elieterday in Cape Breton, Antigonisb and Hantscounties, the vacancies being rimmed by Liberal mem- bers resigning to run in the Dominion elections. Tao Liberals carried ell three counties. The Miuister of Juetice has determined to pardon two men now in the Kingston Penitentiary who were convicted of out- raging a woman on the Ottawa rifle rabge genie •years age. Their names are Goodwin and Brook. They were, along with one McCue, sentenced for life for the offence, IlleCue has not been pained. The young men belong to Ottawee There were air- cumatancee in their case which greatly mitigeted the heinonenese of their onme. Myrtle and Lattle Lurary, Platteville, Cab, aged 6 and 4 years respeotively, eterted is fire in tbe llitehee stove lagt evening, ming coal oil, The,cil eeplotied, eettirig fire to both. They Were so badly burned that death resolted. A baby ten months old Wail rebound by Mirth), who [matched it from the iloor while she berselt Was burninn, and pleoed it betweexi a feather bad and a etraw Mob, smothering the flatus and eaving.the infatites life. BD:110ER ANI) BUTOIIERY, The lifaaseore of the Georithan "Dile to the " Plau of Oamptign." Zseitne 4;)f the SitreleOra—Soniething About Mnuipur—BralregY Of the Indian High- landers—Lansdovvine on the Situation. A London cable says:.The Star, refer. ring to the massacre of the Gookha troopa in Mona, Bays the Beitish Conimiesioners have only themselves to blame for this deplorable otaatroplite. They abould not have meddled with the queetion of the deposition of the Rejell of Manipur, whioh was the result of a querrel between Waal obiefe. Lord Lansdowne, Vieeroy of India, has cabled to the Goverment tient the Indian forces are abutdently able to deal with the rebellion at Mardpur without the aid of additional troops. During the ptogrees of the mutiny, despite she utmost (desperation of the fight- ing, busbende invariably aept a loaded pistol in reserve to Save their wives from dishonor at the hand° of their fieudisla as- ettilente. The disaster is recognized by militery authorities here as the molt of a blunder. Two mistakes ot vital consequence clears°. terizecl the expedition. Tbe fact Mint the ammunition ran out later a couple of days' fighting orily shows fleet proper pro- Vieiall had not been made for possible (mi. genoies. The second blunder was the advance of soh a emelt force without support. NOTES AND ODDMENTS. The slaughter of the Chief Commissioner of Amain and the officers and men of his Goorkha eecort in Manipur is almost sem Min to result in s farther addition to the map at British India, bringing the British Empire in Moser cannon with the Chineee frontier. Monipur, although adjacent to Assam, is no part of that province; it is an indepen- dent state, ruled by s Bejaia, who pays no tribute to the Britieh end who exeroises absolute power within his borders, exeept the privilege of reeking war. The Mate is as independent ea the great native kiug- doing of Hyderabad, Goalior and Indore. It is situated in the corner between tee two tea producing districts of Assam and Cohan The greater part is table land— no richer soil in the world, as the tea. planters know well. There is no doubt that this disturbance will give twee Viceroy of India the oppor. tunity to annex Meedpur, repeatieg the proceedings of Lord Dalhouaie in Oade and Lord Dufferin in Berixtabo The tribe who attacked the comtnimion. er's camp were probably Naps, who gave so much trouble on that monger some years ago. It is altogether improbable that the Illanipurie themselves were hostile They live on the plains of the table land, have alwags been friends of the planters, grow their own cotton rind indigo, and breed the fineat ponies in the world. Mole pur is the birthplace of polo, and their players •have always beaten the crack Caloutte, teama whenever they have met. The 470 Goorkbes probably died bard. The Goerkha is the Iilighlitaider of India. His home is in the reonntains of Nepaul, and his trade and only jey are fighting. Years ago the Englith troops had a hard fight with Nepata, and the worth of the foe was recognized, and Goorkha regiments were raised as soon as the provinoe held submitted. At no time has there been any lack of recruits, the men being Duly too glad to enliet ; and quite lately five new regiments were redeem The headquarters of the regiments are at Almorai, Northern Bengal, and not long ago there was a purl - one meeting between the 42nd Highlanders (the Bleck Watcb) and the blacker watch of the Himalayan pasties. No fellows got on better together. The men are short, averaging 5 feet 2 inches, thick eet, of a deep brown complexion, lint with merry faces that, however, ShOW deep determination wheu the matter in ooneid- eration is a light. Their uniform is of blue serge, with red piping for the cost and Moors and a small round cap with a red band and the number of the regiment. They are armed with short rifles and carry the kookerie," a carved sword peculier to the tribe, vihich is always kept as eltarp as a razor, and with which at close quertere they,do terrible work. The Goorketa regi. manta have always done good service. The 2od Regiment, that was with General Sir Frederick Roberta' force that held the Sherpur lines outside Cabul in 1879, saved the day in the principal fight that took place in tee winter months. The white troops were seized with an masccotmtable piano when attempting to drive beak the enemy, which had become more aggressive than was pleasant The Goarkbeis stood firm and (Merged the enemy, checking the advance, and with the aid of the men who had retreated, but advanced again owing to the good (simple of the 2nd Regiment, soon sent Pathan, Gazi and Dervish scuttling smogs the snow-covered plain. The Georldras bad taken no prisoner, but every man's kookerie had received its baptism of blood. No kookerie is thought much of until it has been whetted with the blood of an enemy. Leteraccomats will probably show that the Goorkhas sold their lives desrly. At Manipur they were fighting against the bighlanders of AESSM rind were certainly greatly outnumbered. The Bich Man's Son. The rich man's son inherits lands, And piles of brick and stones and gold, And he Inherits soft white hands, And tender tlesh that fears the cold, Like soft hands, and tender fiesh, many Mosses ere inherited; femme:illy tendencies to Asthma, Consumption Bronchitis, and Stomach and Liver troubles ; but there is a remedy, known as the "Golden Medical Discovery," whichovercomes these dist eases, snd outs off all tendencies towards a fated result. Dr. Pierce, of linftalo, has put this remedy within the reach of ell, so that even the poor as well as the rick can obtaba it. It is worth more to you than "plies of brick and stone and gold." Ask year druggist for it. It's guaranteed to benefit or Ore in every ease, or money paid for it will be refunded. Shocking Inference, Curneo (reading)—A ship whioh recently sailed for Akio had on bosrd seven rnis. sioneries and 5,000 barrels of whiskey. Mrs, Cameo (indignantly)—Well, I do think they had ought; to send missionaries who don't drink.—New York Sun, Ernest Hornung, tho new Australian writer evhoge work is becomingvery popular i in England, is a more boy n years, not yet having reached, the age of 21. He began to write stories in despair of nuking a somas in mercantile lb. At a ball en adoring admirer itpprottehed a young girl who WWI dragged in bleak. "May I ask you, to dance?" he naked. "Yes," she 'replied, 'Mut please &rice very slowly, I am hot yet out tif mourning." preontatioh,tci Wien Victoria onto the pteitentee at least $250, and as much more as he chooses to spend. —Four new typesetting marlines ate now in operation in the Govenintent PAO. bog Bureau at Ottawa. Bitial.AROB'S 111141."URAT. German Citizens Mother to Tender the XX. BOhancellor Vongratulationa• A Berlin obJc say; Prince lisrosrels, who is 70 years old Witty, has been reoeiv. lug deputatione all day with addresses and floret offerings from ale parte of Cierrnemy. Early this morning the Ovalle WAS pounded under the whadow of the Prince's apartments by the Ratzeburg Jeegere, Every train brought large numbers of strangera. Among the visitors were the Duke of goat and other persona of title, devoid Homburg guilds and a number of Munich athlete, Prince, Bismarck retrieved nanny telegrams and gifts from admirers •abroad. Daring the day the Prince appeered in public three times, and on each oacasion 'WU received with fervent cheers and haudehakinge. Tomiglet toroinight prooessiou was held, in which 3,000 persons took part. Prince Bismarck met the torchlight procession nt the castle gate. Herr Woermans, in a epoch, old they had come, not as representatives of a politiol perty, but as citizens, to give the Prince proof of their gratitude for hie ger- Vices to she Fatherland. Prince Namara, who wee deeply moved, mind be felt se if he was receiving a good eohool certifinte, that when he was a Minister be had not alweys received ouch recognition and Mott he would leave the memory of tlie demon- stration to his children es a precioue inheritance. Seven thousend persona toolay rembled through the hosmfroeted Sachsenwald. The Prince received 3,000 congratulatory despatches, includingtelegrams from Emperor William, Prince Henry, Count Von Waldersee and Count Von Moltke. FLOBTING WITE IEBNCLIDS: A Torpedo Boat and Tug Blown to Atoms —P'orts vs. Ships. &San Francisco despatch says: Private advices from Velpetraiso state that tbe ironelaci Blanco, belonging to the insur- gents, recently attempted to Llow up the armed Government mg Florenoe with a fish torpedo. The torpedo missed the tug, but termer a bie floating dry dock in the harbor, blowing it to pieces. The Blanco was thereupon treated to a hot fire of slues and shell from every gun in the forts and eteemed out of the harbor. The same night a torpedo boat and the tug Florence Stole out to attack the Blanco. The inn - Med was in company with the sloop of war 011iggine. Both ships compelled the Government veasele to return to the harbor, and followed in hot pursuit. Aheavy shell from the Blanco struck the Florence, blowing her entirely out of the water, and every one of her crew of seventeen men were either killed or wounded. A broad- side Irene the ('Higgins knocked the tor- pedo boat all to pieces, The two insurgent vessels then turned their attention to the Mete, end a lively battle eneued. A shell from the forte struck the O'Higgins and went Meer through her. Another ehell caused a gun on her quarter-deck to ex- plode. The doh was literally torn cot of elie vesgel, and nine men out of the gun's crew of twelve were blown to moms. The sloop was at once taken out of danger from the guns in the forts. A BAIE-PULLING CONTEST. A Deserted Wife Bas a Fight With Ber • Rival and is Worsted. A Martinsburg, Ind., despatch says: E. Grirale, a weeltity resident of Crothereville, arranged to elope on Monday with Miss EllaBrittou, a pretty school girl who is only ttimeen years old. Mrs. Grimes' ens- pionme were aroused, and she was at the railroad station when Gwirnes arrived with his senieetheirt. Nine Grimes confronted the eloping couple jot as they were about to enter an oungoing train. She seemed more incensed at the young girl than her truant husband. Her wortily assault upon Miss Britton was followed by an exciting fight between *be two women on the railway station platform, and the clothing worn by both was considerably disarranged before they were separated. The fight didn't oure Miss Britton of her infatuation for Grimes, nor swerve him for his determination to elope' with the misguided girl. He hurried her into the train as soon as she bad been releesed from the olutehes of Mr. Grimes, but the deserted wife followed closely behind them. Passengers in the car were treated to an excellent hairmulling contest, between Grimes' wife and her rival, but the deserted woman fleetly left the train and Grimes and the girl proceeded to Louisville. TIDE ASSASSIN'S BULLET. Gen. Boca, Premier of Argentino,Wounded by a Mere Boy. A Buenos Ayres despatch says: The city is greatly excited over an attempt mtedwon Saturdsy afternoon on the life of Gen. Roo, Prime Minieter of the Republic. After a Cabinet meetingrwhich lasted until 5 30 o'clock, Gen. Roos, eariomperiied by a friend, Don. Gregoro Soler, entered his car. Mega and proceeded on his way homeward. As the paned Calle Cangs110 e Shot WOO heard and Gen. Roca at onee stopped tbe marriage and said, "My God, I am wound. ed." A great crowd stirronnded the car- riage and the polios made twenty arrests— among them a boy, from 12 to 14 years of age, who said he was mit of employment, end, being oonvinced that Gen. Roca was the cause of the ruin of the country, he necidert to kill him. The boy seems intel- ligent, but it is believed he was made the tool of some of Gen. Roca's bitter enemies. Three days ago President Pelligrini re - °dyed letters warning him that attempts would be made on the lives of hirtmelf, Gam Roos and Gen. Levalle. Let the World Know You are In It. It seems almost a crime for a mein to "hide his light under a bushel." If he bas aomething new, that willbenefit the human race, he sbould make it imown. Old.fogy physicians tread the beaten path of their grandfathers, denounce advertieed retnediee, and never learn anything new. Mediceiasoiencie knows no parellel to Dr. Pierce'sTevorite Prescription, coilipotincied by a physician of skill end long experience, especially for tbe maladies which afflict women. It effeots a permanent cure of those agonizing disorders whioh attack her frail organism, and iii an anchor of hope alike to denote girls and suffering women ; °anteing no deleterious drugs. A guarantee on the bottlenvrapper, refunding the Mice in case of failure. Of druggists, $1,00. net Chappie (with Chaisnicew spring Erait)— Don't you think this snit—ah—s Swale too light faw—me complexion? Mity (iutting—Yes, but it accords with everything else so perfectly 1 wouldn't mind a little thing like your complexion Sir Edwin Arnold is an abeent. minds Man end is somewhat negligent et tei &hire. He has a mild eye, a °elm fitee and tt gerient air of indifferenee. When A men gets old enough to know himself thoroughly he begins to entertain nynioal opinicme Of the whole human rime. —Indinapodis journal. 'earn...ten . • • ;in:Meese% Menet e ' \ e'iaeltit*entetot• emettionnemeweretewe • \memo • inn imeemontermenteMie, ienneweentettenetemee sthnettenetittenieteet. iMmitarlaissowelladaptedtochildrothat Castaria cures golic, C00441tat4444 knovpa to 11. A. Auca,,, , WOrras, grves Moen and Promom - I tooOmmend it as superior to any prescription Menet Sto• mach, Plainheidn - for infarruS and Childrerli netuln, tees 111 Set. Oxford litei Breohlen, N. T. Without injurious medication. Tam °memo conemer, 77 lelurray Street, 11.A.. ' • ' , IS A Itifil.FE "PROPPIRTY" ? The Lords to Deride -Whether a Husband is Owner of his Wife. A London cable says: A committee is circulating an appeal for foods in order to carry the Clitheroe ease to the House of Lords. The committee's appewl asserts that it is in the interests of religion and morality that this finite appeal should be rode. The Clitheroe case it will be re. membered, consisted in tbe abduotion by her own laueband of a Mrs. Jackson, e wealthy lady whose reletivee had per. minded her not to live with ber husband. The Court of Appel recently decided that the husband could not compel hie wife to live with hide and ordered leer to be al. lowed to °bowie her own residence. The contention of counsel for the huiband was that a busbend was virtually the owner of his wife and thist, therefore, he wsii justi- fied in eltiduoting her and conapelling her to reside with him. The Secret of Bis Wealth. A millionaire said " the secret of my wealth " is in the word S -AVE; and tbe secret of my heelth is in the word 1-.A. GE. By this last he zneent Dr. Sega, whose Catarrh Remedy cured him of tem of tha worst oases of Catarrh, and thereby saved him from much suffering and premature death, enabling him to make hia and enjoy life. The cures tnade, by this mediolise are eimply wonderful. The Itatlor end the Dude. " Once a Goose" writes as follows to the New York Sun: "Four years ago wee ri merchant tailor, owned three houses and a good business. A Mummy Hill dude got in my debt 3260; could not get him to pay me. I edvertised the bill for sale. He then sued me for 610,000 damages. I then put the MU up in my shop with a note oia it—bad debt for sale; he stied me emits for $500. The jadge at court said it wee libel, and an outrageous libel. My lawyer end hie laws er now own two ot the houses ones owned. After I settled the oases I met the dude with a suit of ray clothes on. 1 then licked bim. Sued me for this, and for this I have a rnortgeee on the other bones. The oily thing 1 ever got from this one of the 400 was hie reeiteure. bave it yet. It is not for sale, My experi- ence is this : I would sooner have a bed debt than a good lawyer. I now sell for oath." Please Read Them We respectfully ask your careful attention to this statement, brief but important, and which we will divide into three parts, viz: I, THE SITUATION; 2, THE NECES- SITY ; 3 THE REMEDY. 1st. The Situation Health depends upori,,, the state of the blood. The blood conveys every element which goes to make up all the organs of the body, and it carries away all waste or dissolved and useless material. Every bone, muscle, nerve and tissue lives upon what the blood - feeds to it. Moreover, every beating of the heart, every drawing of the breath, every thought flashing through the brain, needs a supply of pure blood, to be done rightly and well. 2d. The Necessity The human race as a whole is in great need of a good blood purifier. There are about mem disorders incident to the human frame, the lame majority arising from the impure or poisonous condition of the blood. Very few in- dividuals enjoy perfect health, and fewer still have perfectly pure blood. Scrofula, a disease as old as antiquity, has been inherited by generation after generation, and manifests itself today virulent and virtually unchanged from. its ancient forms. If we are so fortu- nate as to eacape hereditary impurities in the blood, we may contract disease from germs in the air we breathe, the food we eat, or the water we drink. 3d. The Remedy In Hood's Sarsaparilla is found the medicine for all blood diseases. Its remarkable cures are its loudest praise. No remedy has ever had so great suc- cess, no medicine was ever accorded so great public patronage. Scrofula in its severest forms has yielded to its potent powers, blood poisoning and salt rheum and many other diseases have been permanently cured by it. If you want statements of cures, Write to us. If you need a good blood purifier, take Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by druggists. 3; six for 35. Prepared only by C. 1. 11000 & CO., loWell, ALM. 1100 Doses One Dollar Sie.k Headache and relieve all the trotddee Ind, dent to a bilious state of the system. sae** Trizninarrs, Nausea. Drowsiness. Matinees net* eating. Pain in the Side, do. Whilo tkelyni remarkable success hes been shown in enriro ICK Ffeadache, yet CARTES'S nrrien Levu Pdpi are equally valuable in Constipation, and preventing this annoying complaint, they also correct all disorders or tbe stimulate the liver and regulate the bow Even if they only cured EAD Ache they would be ahlieSt Priceless to *OM who suffer from this distressing oompUtlS but fortunately their goodness atm not hero, and those who mice try them will these little pills valuable in so many ways they will not be willing to do without Meru. Mit after ail sick head is the bane of so many liVeS tha laere is wile:3s we make our great boast. Orr pills cure it while others do not. Cumin's LarTatt f.,avus Pills are very small. and very easy to take. One or two natal -nuke a dose. They are strictly vexatahle arid do not gripe or purge, but by thaw vntte melee Plum all who use them. In vials at m mute; five for Ed. Sokl everywhere, or sent by ma. CARPET. liteinaninIti, now Yarn Stull Et 1rdLi viN oyl inlorrnstion and ab-, Cc Inv,, slic wing ROW tt.1 11, C it: V eat 5, Trad,/ LatiZZ CO;,:',EIMR, sent fre,./ '0,7rann CO. ,„‘., I kircnett,to.v, ehleeeti 151PitatISONED FOB LOVE'. An Alleged Conspiraey on the Pert of,ti Millionaire to Wreck a Idan's Life. A Chicago despatch says Charges of a highly sensatiomil character are made in a suit for 3100,000 damages begun in the Cironit Conrt this morning. The plaintiff is Eugene Dannivant, formerly a newsboy, who claims that hie life has been wrecked es the rei ult of a omispirecy between Orrin W. Potter, the millionaire President of the Illinois Steel Company, end Tom Fox, James Machina eind Frank ' Allen, who are elm roads defendants, . In his declaration young Dminivant avers that in April, 1885, he was a poor boy 16 years of age, and was then engaged in selling newspapers in the district in which the Potter mansion is situated. While prim suing thief voostion he made the acquaint. pence of Mr. Potter's daughter, a bowlful and accompliebed girl. The acquaintmee between the young people wee denser,. ful to the girl's father, and Dennivent alleges that in November he wae induced to accompany Frank Allen to South Chioago. Allen had a coefederete who was dressed ao as to personate plaintiff. Some clothing was stolen presumably by Allen arid his confederate, and Allen was arrested. : As e part of the 6chemo to rend plaintiff to ' the psnitentiary il is alleged thew Allin ac- cused plaintiff of the theft and mused his ' finest. He and Allan were jointly indicted for burglary. At tee trial in January, 1687, the daugh- ter of Mr. Potter, knowirm ber Iover's inno- cence, is oid to have employed conned to defend him, Donnivent was cenvicted end sentenced to icor yerine impritonment. Duenivant served his terra in the peni- ` tentiary at bard labor, with the result that his health was broken completely, loving him a pbysioal wreck hence this spit. A BLOODY REVOLtri -- Three Bundred People Msssacred in the Comoro Islands. A London amble says : News has come to this city from Zee zrbar ot the outbreak of a revolotion in the Comoro Island, in the Mozambique Channel, about 850 miles northwest of the Madagascar coast. On the Ietend of Anjorian the netivee, after the death of Sultan A.bduliali, supplied themselves with ante and maestri over the country, maesricring 300 people and or- ryiug deaolation Inc and wide. The war vessela of the French waitron, now in the waters of the Indian Oman, have been direoted to proceed to the isiancla arid put down the insurrection, The Comoro Lemons are ttbder French protection, but are nominally ruled by earth primers. The giel who is deserted by ber lover at the altar is more fortenate than the woman who is (looted by her husband after. Bat she domin't know it, untorturtately. aaM0E1 CuMmings, veho for thirty-five years filled the poeition of lightl awe keeper on Pelee Island, it dead. A. French elyndleate bought the Mickey nreen saver mine, in the Garay /COI.) dietrion for $1,300,000, The Cemadien Pacific ailtbOriiitiEl MST They Will ectieely push on the conatteetiot4 of the nouris branch of their rowel *hie Season.